Introducing the next evolution in peacocking headgear:

Where pretty lies perish.
Introducing the next evolution in peacocking headgear:
Dec 20th, 2018 by CH
A man can lust for a slut.
But a man can never truly love a slut.
That pang of disgust will always be there, pulling at the bonds of intimacy, until a split or a quiet loveless resignation resolves the dissonance.
Men are disgusted by sluts on a visceral level when commitment is being considered, because a slut represents a cuckoldry risk to the man who should make the mistake of honoring her with his monogamous sacrifice.
Fatties don’t lust for fatties.
Feminists don’t lust for soyboys.
And now…science SEZ…
Sluts don’t want to be friends with sluts.
College-aged women judge promiscuous female peers — defined by bedding 20 sexual partners by their early 20s — more negatively than more chaste women and view them as unsuitable for friendship, finds a study by Cornell University developmental psychologists.
Notably, participants’ preference for less sexually active women as friends remained even when they personally reported liberal attitudes about casual sex or a high number of lifetime lovers.
From a reader, “study defined promiscuous as 20 partners by early 20s. that’s how far we’ve sunk…”.
Twenty partners over a LIFETIME would have qualified a woman as an unmarriageable slattern not so long ago.
Another reader,
I don’t know if women hate anything as much as they hate competition.
Nothing drives down the price of women lower than other women willing to give it away for free. Even sluts know that it only takes a sluttier woman to start a race to the omega male bottom.
Darth Curmudgeon agrees,
A single slut in a world of virtuous women would be a potent force. A slut in a world of sluts is just, well, a slut.
The frenulum always swings back.
Dec 20th, 2018 by CH
Brazil’s president-elect Jair Bolsonaro says vibrant migrants are making parts of France unlivable. Of course, he is right.
What do Trump, Bolsonaro, Salvini, and Orban have in common?
An excessive fealty to [the special people]? Sure, but a red herring
A taste for beautiful women? 3 out of 4, yes.
A love for nation and its implied racial origins? Yes.
But the trait they share most closely
Dear President Trump,
You were graced with a leonine physiognomy. Your phyzz inspires trust, loyalty, and hope in a time of crisis. And yet you squander the good will your phyzz engenders on backtracks, betrayals, and befuddlement. Your signature issue — the Wall — languishes in the congressional committee where Heritage America goes to die. You denied us our life-giving Wall when you meekly said you’d sign a funding bill that was a shitlib’s dream: No Wall, and More Jamals.
No doubt Jared Kushner is proud of his accomplishment, but we didn’t elect Jared to be president. We elected you. Likewise, we suspect your favored daughter Ivanka whispers sweet shitlibboleths in your ear, and you caved to her worldview, thinking this was the way to win over suburban soccer moms. It won’t, but you knew that already in your gut.
You have spent the last year ignoring your gut to be led astray by the Uniparty and your lovely if lemming-like daughter.
I wrote at the beginning of your presidency that family would be your Achilles’ heel. Daddies can’t resist the manipulative sympathy ploys of weepy daughters, and Ivanka, being by all accounts a standard issue gogrrl cosmopolitan shitlib, would pluck your fiercely loyal heart strings like a virtuoso.
I have been proven right. Read my words as if they were holy writ, for my prescience is unmatched. I am here to help you cement your legacy as a Great Transformational President instead of as a weak, transitional buffoon whose only service to America will have been setting the table for Civil War 2.
Your voters won’t switch teams. But they will sit it out if their number one, two, and three issues are ignored (or worse, made mockery of), which is nearly as bad as switching teams, electorally speaking.
Remember who put you in office:
The Forgotten Americans.
Those who felt like strangers in their own land.
The downtrodden, dispossessed, and displaced.
In other words, no one inside the globohomo urban bubbles voted for you. Keep your eyes on your people. They are out there, yearning for a leader they can admire, respect, and rally behind when besieged by countless enemies within. They won’t allow the enemy media to demoralize them, but they can be demoralized if you abandon them.
Know your friends and allies, so that you can feel ashamed if you let them down.
Brian Kolfage, a Purple Heart war vet who lost three limbs fighting a war YOU once said America had no business fighting, has, last checked, raised 6 million dollars in a GoFundMe campaign to build the Wall.
A man chewed up and spit out by Globohomo is pulling ordinary Americans together to build the nation-preserving Wall that our degenerate, malevolent, corrupt rulers refuse to build. This man who gave more to our country than a thousand Senators will ever give is trying to protect Americans which our overlords have deemed unworthy of protection.
We wanted you to be transformational. None of us had ever seen another candidate take it to the corrupt Uniparty like you did. You were a folk hero come to life. A Mr. Smith if he were also a billionaire playboy. So we invested our loyalty. Now it’s time to repay us, or we won’t fear your transitional status and what comes next. (Carlson/Coulter 2024)
The next time Chuck Schumer sneers at you, or Ivanka pleads for you to be more like her sophisticate urbanite friends, or a hundred globalist establishment wormtongues counsel you against your instincts, remember Brian Kolfage. He is your champion as much as you are his champion.
If a one-limbed triple amputee war vet can’t shame you into keeping your biggest promise, nobody can.
And maybe, thankfully, word from the outposts of freethought is reaching you. Today, you changed course, perhaps after Ann Coulter, America’s best political commentator in a generation, took you to the shed. You unfollowed her in a butthurt but understandable rage, yet her warning must ring in your ears. Now we learn you will veto a bill which contains no funding for the life-giving Wall. We hope you do. Six decades of hot air from our ruling class is enough. Assume your destiny.
We also learn you will promptly pull all of our troops out of Syria (aka shithole #45). This is good. It’s time to end Invade the World, Invite the World. No more pointless wars. Internecine Moslem squabbles aren’t our concern, unless we let millions of them into our homelands. There’s a lesson there.
You should not have to get a dressing-down from the combined forces of Deplorable, Inc to remember your campaign promises and keep them. You should know instinctively by now what needs doing, and do it. If you constantly need slaps upside the head to do the right thing, what were your campaign talking points? Reality show out-takes? Pandering? What a shame if you disappoint the divine providence which gave you to America.
My immediate advice to you follows:
Fire everyone you can. This includes hit man Mueller. Keep Stephen Miller and Sarah Sanders. You know this by the term “drain the swamp”. I’ll leave the fate of Kellyanne to your discretion. Tell her to divorce her fat slob husband.
Stop hiring natural born enemies. Gary Cohn? Rex Tillerson? Wtf were you thinking?
Rehire fresh faces from outside the Acela class. If they are inexperienced, all the better. They will strive to please you and implement MAGA, and won’t have the insider connections to subvert your will. If government grinds to a halt….well, that’s still better than government working to grind America into a third world shithole.
Understand that the entire federal bureaucracy works against you. Whatever MAGA patriots lurk in the cubicle farms of fedgov are greatly outnumbered and intimidated by Deep State operatives. Read James Burnham’s mid-century book about the danger of an ossifying managerialist state. The threat is real. There is no point to “cutting deals” with a den of snakes. Thrash the snakes, then write your legacy with a clean slate.
Remove Javanka from the White House. Make up any excuse you need that preserves family harmony. When Ivanka has your ear, you have your son Barron’s eyes. He is the nationalist future. Ivanka is the globalist past.
All of which is to advise, more succinctly,
live up to your physiognomy.
It heartens your friends and frightens your enemies.
You can only betray us if you first betray yourself.
Stay true, and beauty will follow.
Yours in the fight,
Dec 19th, 2018 by CH
Sometimes love doesn’t deserve to win.
Hate is as natural as love.
Hate in defense of that which you love is no vice.
Indiscriminate love is indistinguishable from psychosis.
“Hate gives structure to our lives…..hate is energy, pure energy, provided by mother nature herself”
the truest expression
Dec 19th, 2018 by CH
A man who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters receives sexy pics and love notes in prison from adoring women.
From a reader,
Whatever that ding is in the brains of women…They rock the cradle and dig the grave of civilization.
Great line. The essence of woman is to create and to destroy. To birth and to bury. To nurture and to neglect.
A smart society thwarts women’s destructive impulse while encouraging their natal instinct.
From another reader,
Was watching a clip from Goodfellas last night… where Ray Liotta beats the snot out of the guy across the street from his girlfriend, and she admits she was turned on by it. And then remembered that Ted Bundy got love letters in the pen.
Chicks dig dominant men.
The dominant man fulfills a woman’s urge to submit.
The sexual polarity is aligned.
The Fuggernaut wept.
One must give credit to the world’s newspaper of record — the Daily Mail — for printing in full so many of those love letters to a killer. They are dark portals into the soul of woman, a glimpse of her demonic id, and a front row seat to her rationalization hamster. You’ve never seen such spinning!
“their saying that your a monster and that your a POS and that your a physopath (lmao yes I know I spelled that wrong) but I’ve been telling them that their wrong and that I do not feel the way they do!!”
Verbatim. Who’s “they” telling her to stay away from a triple murderer? Her mom? Her male friends? Her female friends? Her court-ordered therapist? How many people has she told about her unrequited love affair with a killer of women and little girls?
“[I’m] someone who knows nothing about you therefore will not judge you based on your current situation.”
She’s writing a love letter to a man who’s in jail for murdering his entire family. And very misogynistically murdering them, I might add. She certainly knows that about him. Oh look, a hamster!
Let’s check out Tammy’s phyzz:
Not bad. She’s slender. Which means one bangable broad who isn’t a land whale is off the market for beta males, because her heart belongs to a man who slew an adult woman and two minor girls.
From T. Goodchild,
There are hundreds of thousands of dutiful betas who have never so much as raised their voices to a woman, all sure that if they just work a little harder, save a bit more, buy more expensive gifts . . . they’ll be able to score a girl like Bikini girl from that first photo.
Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
*surreptitiously kicks the poosy pedestal under the bed* “I swear I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t polish a pussy pedestal.”
My point with these posts isn’t to sour men on women, or provoke so much cynicism that good men go their own way, or to suggest that men should never bond with women.
My point in exposing the dankest crannies of the female id is to remind men that the pussy pedestal is a lie, and an obstacle to true and real bonding with women. Face up to women for what they are, not the fantasy you wish them to be, and you won’t be so easily disillusioned when the fantasy inevitably breaks apart or fails to materialize. You will better appreciate women once you know what makes them tick, know their flaws and corrupt desires, and can enjoy them without anxiously dreading a moment they deviate the tiniest bit from a false narrative about their inherent goodness.
Dec 18th, 2018 by CH
If you think women aren’t capable of scamming a system already designed to favor their interests against the interests of men, you haven’t been paying attention.
Nothing quite says “upholding the spirit of child support law” like an evil, diseased cunt sport fucking five different random men in one month and trying to ensnare one of them in eighteen years of indentured financial servitude to the bastard issue of a gotcha pregnancy.
And instead using the child support winnings to buy herself new lingerie to impress the next five lovers while her kid scrapes by on a soda diet paid for with food stamps, and huffs paint behind the Piggly Wiggly before his 14th birthday.
DEUSVULT puts it more succinctly,
Translation: “I’m a whore. Who do I sue?”
There’s a reason why healthy, confident, rising societies keep checks on female sexuality, and why failing societies are marked by female libertinism and indulgence of female whims.
These kinds of women aren’t made; they’re released from guardianship.
You don’t have to “make” girls into materialistic, exploitative, amoral whores. It’s the natural state of femaleness. All you have to do is remove social constraints on female sexuality and let nature take its course.
The child support system was built upon over the decades, starting from a worthy premise — to protect children who are victimized by divorce during a time when most women were SAHMs — and morphing into a man-hating resource extraction racket for despicable whores to have their alpha fux and get beta bux to foot the bill for the exploding single mommery if there’s no alpha around to pay.
What man in his right mind would sign up for that? What man with a shred of dignity would willingly and happily support a rotten system that rewarded and incentivized dysfunctional female behavior while maximally punishing men for the briefest and most trivial of courtship transgressions?
No man would. Only psychological eunuchs cheerlead for such a system. In the end, what men won’t tolerate will fail to survive. The majority of men will not tolerate the status quo, and so one day, soon enough, this gynarcho-tyranny will crumble to dust.
Dec 17th, 2018 by CH
Today’s Game tip comes courtesy of reader SiluetteSign. In my educated opinion, it has potential.
What does a girl’s face look like when she is soaking wet with Gina tingles?
Here is a quick way to find out how.
First try and irritate the girl. Ways of eliciting shit tests have been discussed extensively in the betasphere so I won’t discuss them here. Of course when she is irritated she will hopefully shout at you or raise her tone of voice. At which point in the ultimate state of ZFG zen you look her and calmly assert yourself : “don’t shout at me”. Then you can give her a towel to dry herself.
That’s the face of Gina tingles. She doesn’t even have to shout at you. You can just make her think she did. Use with caution.
Lately, I’ve noticed an increase in girls shit testing men on their appearance. It used to be girls preferred shit tests that targeted an insolent beta male’s social status, his sexual desperation, or the way he carries himself. (For example: “Are you always such a dork?”, “Take a picture, it’ll last longer!”, etc)
But something changed in the ginegeist; now girls are going for the attempted killshot shit test by insulting a man’s appearance or looks. I think this has to do with the masculinization of American women (feminine women abjure crass insults) as well as a general tenor of rancor and bitterness between the sexes that has developed as a by-product of trending anti-socialization.
That is, men and women are spending too much time away from each other with their romance substitutes (porn, vidja, social media, cats, yoga, purple saguaros), and not enough time flirting and understanding what makes each sex tick. PoundMeToo is only exacerbating the division.
This retreat from the flirting field and ignorance of the opposite sex’s specific desires and needs has led to a pandemic of battlecunts psychologically projecting onto men the pain the women would feel from suffering an insult to their looks. Women now believe, mistakenly, that men are as shattered by a slur against their appearance as women would be, so women have adopted the looks-based shit test as their go-to ice breaker-slash-alpha male filter.
It’s not a flattering look on women.
Furthermore, the killshot shit test (or killshit test) is what one would predict to increase in frequency of use among women living in an alpha male dead zone. Where women are surrounded by supplicating soyboys (soyplicants), women are more resentful, and therefore less interested in cultivating the finer courtship tactics of the demure lady.
These women just want to see beta blood flow.
This is why SiluetteSign’s shit test buster has so much potential, especially when used against girls who go straight for the looks insult with the purpose of instantly causing the man to slink away tail between legs or to lash out impotently.
“Don’t shout at me” deftly defuses a killshot shit test. One, it doesn’t bother addressing the substance of the girl’s slanderous attack. It’s as if her insult didn’t register with you, and all you took away from it is that she was screeching like a banshee.
Two, it takes what could be a devastating disqualification and flips the shit, so that she now has to defend herself from a less coarse yet more deeply cutting insult which implies she is unfeminine and low class. You know which kind of women shout a lot? Yeah, your garden variety SWPL chick does not want to be associated with that crowd.
The worst response a man could do would be to defend himself against the insult to his appearance. You will never logically arouse a woman, and that goes double for entreaties which attempt to sell your looks to her.
I’ll tell you a related convo I had recently with a girl:
BATTLECUNT: “That [X] makes you look [bad thing] and [badder thing].”
SLAYER OF BATTLECUNTS: “Oh wow, [bad thing] AND [badder thing]? Flattery will get you everywhere. But next time say it, don’t spray it.”
Own the girl’s insult, turn the tables on the girl, redirect the convo to your liking.
These are the fundamental rules for courtship in 21st Century Post-America.
Dec 17th, 2018 by CH
From Sophia,
this study indicates male children of women who used extra progesterone are significantly higher to be homo or bi-sexual.
Uh oh. Chalk another one up in the “God of Biomechanics will not be denied” column.
Does progesterone influence baby’s later sexuality?
A new study addresses whether supplementing progesterone during pregnancy, a common practice to prevent miscarriage, could influence a baby’s sexual orientation in later life.
Dr. June Reinisch, director emerita of the Kinsey Institute in the U.S., led the study. She found that bisexuality is quite common among men and women whose mothers received additional doses of the sex hormone progesterone while pregnant.
As discussed in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers tracked the sexual development of 34 Danes whose mothers were treated with the hormone to prevent miscarriage.
According to the investigators, progesterone appears to be an underappreciated factor influencing the normal development of variations in human sexuality and psychosexuality.
The 34 participants in the study were drawn from the Copenhagen Perinatal Cohort, which comprises information collected from virtually all children born between 1959 and 1961 at the university hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The 17 men and 17 women were selected because their mothers exclusively received the progesterone lutocyclin to prevent a miscarriage.
These men and women were compared with a carefully selected control group who were not exposed prenatally to lutocyclin or any other hormone medication, but who otherwise matched the study participants based on 14 relevant physical, medical, and socioeconomic factors.
The participants were all in their mid-20s when asked about their sexual orientation, self-identification, attraction to each sex, and sexual history using questionnaires and a structured interview with a psychologist.
It was found that men and women whose mothers were treated with progesterone were significantly less likely to describe themselves as heterosexual. One in every five (20.6 percent) of the progesterone- exposed participants labeled themselves as other than heterosexual.
Compared to the untreated group, the chances were greater that by their mid-20s they had already engaged in some form of same-sex sexual behavior (in up to 24.2 percent of cases), and that they were attracted to the same (29.4 percent) or to both sexes (17.6 percent). Both exposed males and females also had higher scores related to attraction to men.
Granted, this is a small sample size, but its findings are so scandalous as to demand further investigation, because what this portends for modren society is NOT OK. Problematic, even.
Miscarriages are more common as a woman ages, and the miscarriage rate rapidly increases after her mid-30s.
The study of more than 600,000 women in Denmark who had a pregnancy between 1978 and 1992 shows a steady age-related rise in rates of miscarriage — from 9% among women in their early to mid-20s to a whopping 75% among women age 45 and older.
Progesterone supplementation is given to older pregnant women to prevent miscarriage.
Progesterone supplementation is associated with an increase in the possibility of delivering a baby with a sexual identity crisis.
Modren society is oriented around female independence from the natural consequences of female reproduction. More precisely, it is oriented around avoiding early pregnancy, accumulating pointless credentials, riding the cock carousel, and settling down much later in life with a beta male to pop out 1.2 autistic homosexual babies.
American women (stay away from me) are marrying later and having children later in life. And there is no end in sight to this trend, barring an environmental cataclysm. A cleansing fire, if you will.
Our women are
and hormonally-invaded vessels giving birth to a generation of Darwinian dead ends.
We are becoming the race extinction we virtue signal.
We should have hewn to Truth & Beauty, and we could have avoided the unfolding catastrophe.
Truth: Younger women have healthier wombs.
Beauty: Younger women are hotter and birth sturdier babies.
Related: Progesterone treatment in mice affects the testosterone level and sexual behavior of male offspring.
Dec 17th, 2018 by CH
There has been an uptick in zero-commenter-cred passers-by attempting to use this blog’s comment section to smear the names of their perceived enemies by associating them with this blog in some form or another. There’s no good term for this sort of vengeful, guilt by association doxing, so let’s just go with that.
Numerous comments that have included the full names (and sometimes addresses) of random non-public people (putatively ex-lovers or ex-spouses) have been deleted, and unfortunately the moderation has had to stiffen up to prevent repeat offenders from spamming comment threads with the names of people they want associated with a “deplorable” blog.
CH proprietors don’t tolerate actively hostile doxing campaigns, no matter how much the vengeful doxer may think their ex-boyfriend or ex-wife deserves it. If an IP is connected to one of these surreptitious doxing campaigns, it will be banned.
This is our world now. Scummy people have realized the power of the dox and guilt by association with dissident broadsheets, and they are leveraging the stifling thoughtcrime suppression to ruin lives in acts of personal vendetta.
As always, anonymity remains the operative principle of this blog, and readers are not just afforded maximum anonymity here, but are encouraged to use pseudonyms. Anyone who requests a comment deleted for personal reasons will be obliged as quickly as possible.
PS Without revealing too much, it’s gotten so bad lately that guilt-by-association dox victims have emailed desperate requests to remove their names from comments here. Unfortunately, it’s easy to miss a few, but we try to honor every request for privacy.
Freelance Comment Of The Week: The Female Disgust Threshold
Dec 18th, 2018 by CH
A woman asks,
This week’s freelance COTW winner Trevor Goodchild, responds,
100% stone cold truth.
A woman’s prime directive is to secure the blessings of alpha male seed for her womb, and to prevent corruption of her womb with the weak, tepid seed of omega male vegetable lasagnas.
This is why the disgust threshold of women is exquisitely sensitive to the threat of intrusion by dreg seed, and why women cannot summon an ounce of sympathy for the sexual and romantic isolation of low value men.
Under the hindbrain rules established by Darwinian imperatives which guide women’s feelings, incel sexual isolation is a feature, not a bug.
Incel misery is proof that a woman’s womb remains unpolluted.
Posted in Comment Winners, Girls, The Id Monster, Ugly Truths | No Comments »