Feed on

Sid comments:

Here is decent Facebook game:

There was a very attractive girl, a verbatim 9, who had self-shot herself. She was smiling with even white teeth, managing to angle the shot just right so that you could see her sitting with shorts, her legs revealed.

Five people liked it.

White Beta Male with his name written in katakana: Radiant.

Beta Male twice her age: Your always so beautiful!!

Grrlfriend: so pretty~!

Chick with a mirror shot: Man I wanna pierce my nose soooo bad! I like the hoop on you 🙂

AzN Beta: Bang’n

Duckfaced Douchebag: holy sheeet

Me: I like your left eye better.

She immediately responded to me, and to me alone: “Hahaha!”

And this is why Facebook is such a pussy-less wasteland for the typical beta male. Unless you have game — like Sid here — and can set yourself apart from the mediocre masses, you can expect your shit-lapping suckuppery to disappear into a vortex rift of female egotism.

Succeeding with hot women means tearing down their egos a notch or two, not building them up! Recall, the major roadblock to successfully seducing good-looking, emotionally normal chicks in their primes is not their low self-esteem; just the opposite — it’s their HIGH self-esteem. All these toadies tripping over themselves to “like” girls’ Facebook photos and lavish chicks with compliments are living in an alternate universe where doing the opposite of sexy and charismatic blesses them with a harem of young, sexually voracious lovers. Instead, all they are doing is feeding a beast already full from feasting on the flattery of thousands of lickspittles.

I suspect a lot of these pathetic betas just get off on being able to freely toss out an obsequious compliment to a girl on Facebook because in the online world there is no risk that she’ll immediately scrunch up her face with disgust or tell him to “take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Perhaps they get a momentary thrill at play-acting this juvenile and emotionally stunted form of arid, sexless seduction.


My First Experience With Game

I had two first experiences with game. The earlier one was unintentional, the later one was a deliberate execution.

In ninth grade a curly-haired girl had a crush on me. I didn’t know this at the time, mostly because my attention was diverted to my own crush, a brunette with a righteous ass and hair so shiny it looked like it was polished.

Curly-haired girl invited me to a party at her parents’ house. In her basement with about fifteen other classmates, we listened to music (no drinking) and laughed a lot. She giggled around me and was constantly breaking away from the main group to come over and talk to me in private.

In an act of cruelty only a young man oblivious to the repercussions of his actions could achieve, I remember asking her if shiny-haired girl was coming to her party. Assuming I came to her party because I wanted to reciprocate her feelings, she stammered and blushed at this jarring question, before answering no.

“Ok, no big deal,” I replied.

I wasn’t paying much attention to her reaction, but if I had been I’m sure I would have noticed her heart fall to the floor.

The next week, curly-haired girl passed a note to me in the cafeteria. (It went through about three girls’ hands before landing next to my lunch.) It was a stick figure drawing of her face (or maybe it was mine, hard to tell) with a heart over the head. Underneath, she wrote that she liked hanging out with me.

She was a cute girl, but at that age infatuations grip one’s focus to the exclusion of all other girls. I was crushing on shiny-haired girl and no other girl would do, and that’s that. Luckily, I grew out of it by tenth grade. It’s strange, but evolution has designed men to be more pedestalizing when they are young. Some men never grow out of it. This is a gender flaw of malehood, and one that should be rectified by wise fathers. If I had a son in high school, I would tell him to put his crushes in perspective and enjoy the company of the hundreds of equally cute girls who roam his high school halls, lest he risk turning into a sniveling beta once the cold, harsh real world comes calling.

The above was my first foray into aloof, indifferent take-away game, and holy shit did it work. Curly-haired girl nursed a crush on me right through senior year.


My first experience with calculated, conscious game happened at an outdoor cafe. She approached with a mutual group of friends to be introduced to me. She was hot as balls. Slender, tall, chiseled cheekbones like a model, pert tits, and dressed in a very sexy black dress.

I was taken aback. She was a hard 9. Incredibly, she was sweet-natured as well. Very easy to talk to.

Through sheer fortitude, and with some help from being socially proofed, we spent the night together chatting. I was new to the game — the schematic, systematized game, not the organic game that I had been running for years by mimicking naturals and avoiding pitfalls based on personal experience — and when she asked if I would be joining her and her two friends who were planning to split off to go to a different venue, I remembered what I learned and declined the invitation. Following a girl around town like a puppy dog, no matter how well the conversation is going, is a seduction-killer.

My friends gave me a hard time for turning down a night with a bonafide hottie, but I knew better. “Patience,” I told them. “You’ll soon see magic.”

A few days later I called her and arranged a date. Then, a day before the date, I canceled, offering a plausible excuse, though I had no good reason to do so. A week later, I called again to reschedule the date we never had, and she expressed shock that I would call her.

“I thought you weren’t interested. You canceled our date.”

I ignored the stinky bait and set up a meeting at a local pool hall.

I bounced her to three different locations during the date. I knew this was the smart play based on what I had read in the game literature. “Time distortion”, the players called it. Bouncing causes a girl to think she has spent more time with you than she actually has, which in turn makes her more comfortable with you and riper for the sexing.

Later that night, I took her to an outdoor spot to watch the stars twinkle. It was summer, and the warm night air beckoned. As we sat there gazing at the sky, the conversation became deeper, filled with anticipated meaning. During this stage of the seduction, I prepared to execute one psychologically brutal mindfuck in the form of a take-away. I knew I had to do this because such a hot girl was likely a pro at transitioning suitors into the friend zone. I had to disabuse her of any urge she might feel to do that to me.

Somewhere in the midst of our conversation about the value of long term relationships, I asserted, “I’m independent, I value my freedom.” I made sure to say this with retreating body language. I moved my arm off her back and leaned away.

She didn’t respond to that, but seemed chastened a bit.

I dropped her off at her house, where I fingerbanged her in my car. We were together for two years.


Men who learn game experience two revelations. One, they are amazed how well it works once they begin to apply it. Two, they remember all those past moments with girls on whom they had run game unknowingly, and the reason for their successes becomes illuminated as if it were etched on stone tablets and handed down from god.

While I had some rudimentary natural skills with women, once I learned systematized game — the science of seduction — I stepped onto an accelerated track to pleasures I couldn’t believe were available for the taking. There’s been no looking back since.

March 16, 2011 by CH

I had two first experiences with game. The earlier one was unintentional, the later one was a deliberate execution.

In ninth grade a curly-haired girl had a crush on me. I didn’t know this at the time, mostly because my attention was diverted to my own crush, a brunette with a righteous ass and hair so shiny it looked like it was polished.

Curly-haired girl invited me to a party at her parents’ house. In her basement with about fifteen other classmates, we listened to music (no drinking) and laughed a lot. She giggled around me and was constantly breaking away from the main group to come over and talk to me in private.

In an act of cruelty only a young man oblivious to the repercussions of his actions could achieve, I remember asking her if shiny-haired girl was coming to her party. Assuming I came to her party because I wanted to reciprocate her feelings, she stammered and blushed at this jarring question, before answering no.

“Ok, no big deal,” I replied.

I wasn’t paying much attention to her reaction, but if I had been I’m sure I would have noticed her heart fall to the floor.

The next week, curly-haired girl passed a note to me in the cafeteria. (It went through about three girls’ hands before landing next to my lunch.) It was a stick figure drawing of her face (or maybe it was mine, hard to tell) with a heart over the head. Underneath, she wrote that she liked hanging out with me.

She was a cute girl, but at that age infatuations grip one’s focus to the exclusion of all other girls. I was crushing on shiny-haired girl and no other girl would do, and that’s that. Luckily, I grew out of it by tenth grade. It’s strange, but evolution has designed men to be more pedestalizing when they are young. Some men never grow out of it. This is a gender flaw of malehood, and one that should be rectified by wise fathers. If I had a son in high school, I would tell him to put his crushes in perspective and enjoy the company of the hundreds of equally cute girls who roam his high school halls, lest he risk turning into a sniveling beta once the cold, harsh real world comes calling.

The above was my first foray into aloof, indifferent take-away game, and holy shit did it work. Curly-haired girl nursed a crush on me right through senior year.


My first experience with calculated, conscious game happened at an outdoor cafe. She approached with a mutual group of friends to be introduced to me. She was hot as balls. Slender, tall, chiseled cheekbones like a model, pert tits, and dressed in a very sexy black dress.

I was taken aback. She was a hard 9. Incredibly, she was sweet-natured as well. Very easy to talk to.

Through sheer fortitude, and with some help from being socially proofed, we spent the night together chatting. I was new to the game — the schematic, systematized game, not the organic game that I had been running for years by mimicking naturals and avoiding pitfalls based on personal experience — and when she asked if I would be joining her and her two friends who were planning to split off to go to a different venue, I remembered what I learned and declined the invitation. Following a girl around town like a puppy dog, no matter how well the conversation is going, is a seduction-killer.

My friends gave me a hard time for turning down a night with a bonafide hottie, but I knew better. “Patience,” I told them. “You’ll soon see magic.”

A few days later I called her and arranged a date. Then, a day before the date, I canceled, offering a plausible excuse, though I had no good reason to do so. A week later, I called again to reschedule the date we never had, and she expressed shock that I would call her.

“I thought you weren’t interested. You canceled our date.”

I ignored the stinky bait and set up a meeting at a local pool hall.

I bounced her to three different locations during the date. I knew this was the smart play based on what I had read in the game literature. “Time distortion”, the players called it. Bouncing causes a girl to think she has spent more time with you than she actually has, which in turn makes her more comfortable with you and riper for the sexing.

Later that night, I took her to an outdoor spot to watch the stars twinkle. It was summer, and the warm night air beckoned. As we sat there gazing at the sky, the conversation became deeper, filled with anticipated meaning. During this stage of the seduction, I prepared to execute one psychologically brutal mindfuck in the form of a take-away. I knew I had to do this because such a hot girl was likely a pro at transitioning suitors into the friend zone. I had to disabuse her of any urge she might feel to do that to me.

Somewhere in the midst of our conversation about the value of long term relationships, I asserted, “I’m independent, I value my freedom.” I made sure to say this with retreating body language. I moved my arm off her back and leaned away.

She didn’t respond to that, but seemed chastened a bit.

I dropped her off at her house, where I fingerbanged her in my car. We were together for two years.


Men who learn game experience two revelations. One, they are amazed how well it works once they begin to apply it. Two, they remember all those past moments with girls on whom they had run game unknowingly, and the reason for their successes becomes illuminated as if it were etched on stone tablets and handed down from god.

While I had some rudimentary natural skills with women, once I learned systematized game — the science of seduction — I stepped onto an accelerated track to pleasures I couldn’t believe were available for the taking. There’s been no looking back since.


Some shit tests are encountered so often and from so many different women that they deserve their own category. The shit test in the subject heading of this post is one of them.

Imagine you are at a social venue. It is nighttime. You open two girls mingling next to you, making a funny comment about an accessory one of the girls is wearing. She sidles up closer to you and the game is on.

Five minutes into your conversation, after you have delivered a subtle neg about the hokey accent she is trying to conceal, she assumes a feigned look of indignation and huffily says “I can leave if you want”.

You are a pro at this, so you know it is a shit test. No beta you, obsequiously backpedaling is therefore not an option. What do you say?


The above is a real life example of a pickup in action. The “I can leave if you want” shit test has a few permutations. You will likely hear it said the following ways:

“I can go back to my friends if you want.”

“I can leave if that’s what you want.”

“Do you want me to return to my friends?”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“I can see I’m not wanted here.”

You get the picture. What’s amazing about this shit test is its omnipresence. It’s almost as if girls are genetically encoded to spit out lines worded exactly like those above when they want to know whether the man who is speaking with them is an alpha male. Act contrite for pushing her to say that, and you will fail, branded a bleating betaboy by her hindbrain. But act like she’s full of shit, or adorably bratty, and she will swoon with rising desire.

Note: You will rarely hear this line spoken by any girl less than a 7 in looks. This is strictly a hot girl phenomenon. Ugly girls have gotten too little positive feedback from men to successfully indulge their universal female need for shit testing. They have learned through the harsh instantaneous feedback of the sexual market to suppress their worst instincts, in other words.

Good answers to the above scenario would be:

– Nothing. Ignore and plow. This is my go-to reaction for any over-the-top shit test from a woman. The trick to ignoring shit tests is practicing your poker face. You absolutely cannot allow a hint of a weak, ingratiating smile to slip through your stone cold face. Your smile after she unloads a brazen shit test will be interpreted as guilt. You may smirk, but do so with dark clouds in your eyes.

– “You seem to think you know what I want. Are you a mindreader?”

– “Yeah, your friends are probably waiting for you.” This is a massive takeaway/disqualification. If she is interested in you, she will sulk off, only to return five minutes later. Do NOT follow her, or re-approach her. If you drop this DQ, you have to be prepared to call her bluff. If she is VERY interested in you, she won’t go anywhere. She’ll just give you that open-mouthed wide-eyed stare that cats sometimes get when they catch a whiff of catnip. Only use this line if her friends are nearby and you can motion to them.

– “Are you always this dramatic?” I like this one because it is a powerful reframe. Most girls will bite on this, and you can relax as she insists she is not a drama queen.

– “Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be.” Ambiguity is just another tool in the alpha male’s arsenal of seduction. Again, this is the kind of cheeky conversational red meat that girls can’t resist probing for elucidation. And once a girl is probing, she begins to see you as a mate prospect.

– “We’ll see.” Girls love a challenge, especially one that challenges them to impress men.

Any of the above shit test busting replies should be preceded with a borderline uncomfortable moment of silence, so that she has a few seconds to spin up her hamster while she’s figuring out how you’re going to respond.

Maxim #105: Pregnant pauses are the player’s best friend.

What you shouldn’t say in reply:

“Do whatever you want. I don’t care.”

A lot of guys think this pose of indifference sounds alpha, but it sounds like what it is: a pose. You really want to avoid anything that she could interpret as spitefulness or hurt feelings. If you have excellent body language, you can pull this off, but most guys I have seen attempt the forced pose of indifference come off poorly.

“I don’t believe you. You don’t want to leave.”

Any kind of reply that insinuates she is attracted to you will activate her anti-slut defense mechanism. Once a girl has turtled into her reputation-preserving shell, the pickup is nigh over. Plus, this sort of reply sounds kind of cheesy. Sexually-tinted replies are as liable to backfire as they are to work if used during the first few minutes of a pickup.


Know that when a girl says “I can leave if you want” what she’s really saying is “I’m intrigued by you and it’s making me horny, so I need to tell myself that I can walk off without regret, even if it’s not true. I mean, it’s not like I’m a SLUT or anything!”

So much of how women perceive the world and how they interact with men revolves around negotiating with the specter of sluttiness that looms like a double-edged sword over the core of their feminine natures.


Monica “Keeper of the cigars” Lewinsky says she’s still in love with super alpha Bill Clinton:

Bill Clinton’s former intern Monica Lewinsky has not got married or had children because she is reportedly still in love with him and ‘always will be’.

‘Monica still hasn’t got over Bill and would take him back in a second,’ a friend said.

‘She told me: “There will never be another man in my life that could make me as happy as he did”,’ the friend told the National Enquirer magazine.

‘Monica still carries a torch for him. She’s dated some [betas], off and on, since the whole White House mess. But she’s never been able to get Bill out of her heart’.

When a woman has blown the President of the United States — and let’s face it, it doesn’t get much more alpha than President — no other man can compare. And this is true regardless of the looks of the woman. A bloated seacow like Lewinsky should be ecstatic to receive the attention of a middling beta male, but after Bill’s tender ministrations her hamster lurched all the way to hyperdrive and warped into a parallel mentalverse where she thinks dropping on bended knee to service the Cock in Chief a few times is proof he loves her and she has the goods to attract the very highest value men. If this isn’t a classic real-world example of the maxim that women prefer five minutes of alpha to five years of beta, I don’t know what is.

Unfortunately for Monica’s self-regard, she’s still a fat aging shit, so Bill stuffing her mouth full of bubbameat a long time ago didn’t, in actuality, raise her sexual market value at all like it would have done for a male intern who plowed a female head of state. She might think she’s all that and a milkshake, but she’s just another waddling turd like 60% of the American outback. For women, their status equation is simple:

Looks, looks, looks.

So what happens when a horny alpha male with time on his hands and a convenient outlet down the White House hall decides to inflate a chubby chick’s ego by stuffing his cock in her face? Well, you combine his charmingly Ozarkian attentions with a woman’s natural inclination to optimistically reevaluate her sexual worth every time an alpha dumps an empty fuck in her, and, voila!, fifteen years later you get a fatter chick, single and alone.

This is the perfect formula for raising the odds that a random woman will wind up a spinster with a houseful of cats:

Have her get sexually plundered by a super alpha a few times in her prime + throw a good thirty pounds of blubber on her frame = overinflated sense of self and an unyielding refusal to settle that is conveniently aided by her grotesque body which makes her invisible to lesser beta men who might otherwise think about dating her.

When Clinton’s memoir My Life came out in 2004, Miss Lewinsky spoke of her upset at its contents to the Daily Mail, saying rather than being a physical fling, it was a mutual relationship.

‘He could have made it right with the book, but he hasn’t. He is a revisionist of history. He has lied.

‘I really didn’t expect him to go into detail about our relationship’, she added. ‘But if he had and he’d done it honestly, I wouldn’t have minded.’

She believed he made it sound like the dalliance came only at her initiative and was purely physical.

Color me shocked that a spurned woman still in thrall to an alpha male she blew a few times fifteen years ago would misinterpret the “relationship” and project her female need for love and affection onto his motivations. Newsflash, Monica: You were the nearest available hole.

That said, it is possible Bill loved Monica. I mean, the guy was married to hatchet-faced Hillary ferkrissakes. A young, albeit chubby, chick working within his line of sight could very easily inspire a gush of genuine love from a suffering older man long-married to a ballcutting feminist shrike.

‘He talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn’t resist the dessert.’

Darlin’, you ate the buffet:

The lesson here is not whether Bill did or didn’t love Monica. The lesson is that it is bad news for beta males when women get a few months of ego-boosting lovemaking with alpha males. I speak from some experience. Seeing as I have accumulated a fair amount of stalkers over my lifetime, I’m certain there are ex-girlfriends who still to this day cannot get over me, and have bid their time alone rather than settle for second-best.

Women will fondly remember those alpha male intimate moments for years afterwards — in fact, they’ll remember right up until they are reclined on their deathbeds — and their ability to bond with lesser men will be severely compromised. Even when she is a fat fuck who should be thankful for any male attention.


An FDA official has been caught on video in a lie under oath making claims about the research being done by genetic testing companies. The FDA is seeking to institute onerous regulations that would ban you from accessing your OWN genetic information without a doctor’s authorization, based on some flimsy justification that the data constitute a “medical device”. This is, in a word, tyrannical.

Any lover of liberty should be appalled by this move by the FDA. They — and make no mistake, the FDA poobahs are firmly entrenched members of the ruling elite; true Phase III overlords — are trying to restrict your access to your genetic profile. Want to know what your genes say? Too bad, you now need a doctor’s say-so before you can see that information. Want to know if that kid is yours? Not until a doc signs off on the testing, which, unsurprisingly, could take quite a long time after the red tape is disentangled and the lawyers have been paid.

Why is the FDA attempting this run-around basic human liberties? A few explanations jump to mind.

  1. It’s the smell of money. The FDA wants to hold onto its power as reviewer and arbiter of medical information. Cheap and easy genetic testing by startup companies threatens their stranglehold over the industry, and over your right to know your own goddamned genetic profile.
  2. Paternity testing is going to be big business, and the FDA and docs want in on it. As Bill said in a comment over at Steve Sailer’s site, “It’s a backdoor attempt to squeeze more money out of family law/child support issues. If any guy could send in a cheek swab of himself and his putative child to ascertain paternity in an open market, why, that’s hundreds of millions of dollars per year that would otherwise be handled by “qualified medical professional[s]” who would be assured a steady stream of court-ordered tests.”
  3. The feminists are grumbling, and that’s all the excuse the power-hungry FDA needs to restrict access to one’s genetic information. As predicted right here at the Chateau, a feminist utopia is one in which quick and easy paternity testing is banned or made difficult to acquire. It’s happening right before our eyes.
  4. The government (and this includes the FDA) is deathly afraid of what we all might find out by our sequenced genomes. Oh, it’s not the release of any one individual’s genome that bothers them; it’s the… ahem… impolite patterns and interpretations that can be discerned from the open knowledge of millions of sequenced genomes. The implications of this should be obvious to anyone who understands the fear that motivates the deceitful actions of the tabula rasa crowd.

Email this guy Shuren at [email protected], the lead actor behind this push by the FDA to stifle knowledge. Tell him what you think of corrupt, lying bastards who try to suppress truth with the levers of the government.

You know, there was once a time when Americans could, with few exceptions, count on their government and those they elect to work for their interests, and not against them. Those days are long gone.


A reader emails:

I was recently having a conversation with the girl I’m currently dating. She’s the first girl with whom I’ve successfully fully integrated the Dark Arts of Alphadom. We somehow got on the subject of the amount people (males and females alike) demand from their partners, when she said something that took me aback:

“You’re not demanding at all!”

The reason this surprised me is everything in this relationship has been on my terms. I decide when, where and how long we’re going to hang out. I tell her she can’t do things with me and demand that she get me a snack after sex.

Why would her hamster make her say something like that?

P.S. Thanks to your advice, I got her a blowpop that said “You Rock!” for valentines day.

Another reader has seen the hamster behind the curtain, and he is amazed at its contortionist ability. What you have witnessed, good sir, is the halo effect in action. When you are gaming a girl successfully and she perceives your alphaness shining like a supernova, everything you do — even the stinky shits you take — will be imbued with a positive glow by her HIL (Hamster In Love). I have belched in girls’ ears and pressed my ass cheeks against them just in time to rip a vibrato fart and the best they could muster in reply was feigned indignation betrayed by fledgling smiles. In stark contrast, if any old beta farts in a girl’s face he will be chewed out and shown the door, or possibly kneed in the grapes. Similarly, if a beta tries to make demands of his girl, she will explode in self-righteous fury and feminist boilerplate.

But when you are loved for the charismatic alpha male you are, you can do no wrong. The bitter well from which those feminist harangues are drawn and that spill so easily from her lips when she is upbraiding beta males suddenly dries up when she is in the presence of a rare breed of man. It’s no coincidence that women regress to a child-like demeanor when they are with their lovers. The best of childhood is innocence, joy and carefree vivacity. That is what a good man does for a woman who loves him.

A woman who is constitutionally incapable of this girlhood regression is not worth loving.

The halo effect is only a partial explanation. When you are a dominant man leading your woman on the important, and sometimes not-so-important, issues, she will simply be unable to perceive your demands as anything other than sweet relief from the drone of betas buzzing around her every day and everywhere. To her mind, your demands, while objectively presumptive and patronizing, are freedom from her stultifying self-sufficiency, assertiveness and combativeness.

Do you think a normal, young, cute woman wants to be assertive? To take charge? To lead? To make the decisions? Of course not! When she does these things she feels less feminine. But when you make demands of her, she feels more feminine, more like a woman. She feels as if her purpose in life has been rediscovered, and the jagged edges of her daily grind have been smoothed and polished. This is what a woman means when she says “this just feels right for some reason.”

It’s almost Orwellian what happens to a WIL’s mental processes when she is in the company of her lover. Surrender is victory. Slavery is freedom. Submission is power. If you do not understand what I’m talking about (a reaction I expect from the feminist cunts and the inexperienced nancyboys) you will need to read the book upon which the Chateau of this blog gets its inspiration.

Men can’t comprehend why women respond so positively to dominating men. The typical man will bristle and his muscles will tense when another man attempts to assert his dominance over him. The severity of the bristling is in proportion to the closeness of the status differential. (Men tend to ignore or abide dominance assertions by men who are far above them in status, deciding it is best to fight for status rights where there is a chance of winning.)

This incomprehension with the flow of the female mind leads men to project their own sexual attraction mechanisms onto women, emphasizing things like youth and beauty to attract women and de-emphasizing things like dominance and authoritarianism. This is as good an explanaion as any for the mere existence of the mass of bumbling betas. But the men who have had their minds opened to the biomechanical matrix and their hearts opened to the transcendent possibilities for love are the men that women subconsciously prefer to shower with their gratitude — in the best way they know how.


A reader writes:

Along the lines of the scholarship for white men, I was going into a supermarket on Saturday with a 16 YO guy who is the son of a friend. On the way in, he said exactly what I was thinking when we were approached to buy Girl Scout Cookies: “I only support groups for boys.”

His comment warmed my heart. There’s hope for the up-and-coming generation.

Is anyone surprised at this? Spend forty or fifty years rigging the social, legal and cultural apparatus of a nation to favor the advancement of women and to disparage the accomplishments and strengths of men and it’s just natural that bad blood will begin to course throught the veins of the body politic. Spite and self-interest will supersede trust and cooperation. Good job, diversity mongers.

In related news, the latest equalist howler is a Congressional report concluding that the US military is too white and too male at the top. Left off the report were the following study conclusions:

– nursing is too female
– the NBA and NFL are too black
– surrogate motherhood is too female
– sperm donors are too male
– tyrants, despots and dictators are too male
– China is too Chinese
– white men are too white

I don’t think it’s a good thing for a nation’s esprit d’unite if boys decide it is self-abasing to support girls programs, especially ones delivering a product as tasty as Girl Scout cookies. But it is understandable, and totally predictable, when the blank slate leftie loonies have had the run of the place for half a century and have been wildly successful implanting their brain disease into every crevice of polite thought and public policy. At the rate the anti-white male whores are going, we will be at each other’s throats in no time. Perhaps this is what our ruling elites want, for in the chaos they will opportunistically enrich themselves… until the day the ropes are swinging from the lampposts.

I don’t blame the kid in the reader’s anecdote for scoffing at supporting a girls’ program. In this day and age, it’s the manly thing to do.


In Praise Of American Women

American women get a lot of shit, and justifiably so. Compared to the average women from other nations, the average American woman is:

– fat
– entitled
– unfeminine
– sarcastic
– fat
– demanding
– phony
– really effin fat
– misogynistic
– man-hating
– divorce-happy
– career-focused
– goddamn that is one obese land whale
– self-absorbed
– loud and obnoxious
– self-deluded
attention whoring
– sloppy and unkempt
– skreechy, whiny, bitchy
– and, oh yeah, did I mention fat?

But this post is not about what we already know to be true about American women and their wretched character. Instead, this post is a celebration of the positive attribute of American women. And it’s a big one.

Dimitri writes in a comment to this post:

I see not americans women as the problem but these females in general.

I’m from russia and you americans men who think our women better and to make you more happy, this is not true. I think russians women are worse for wanting you for your money and yelling at you if you do not meet her wants for material things. Many russians here have little so these women demand much, maybe because they see what you americans have on tv. I hate russia women and would be glad to have a women like you americans have who do not flirt or offer sex so they can marry my money. Russias women are manipulative i think like any other women. I have seen many women of all different backgrounds who conspire to meet an end.

Even though Dimitri’s English is choppy, I think we all understand what he’s saying. And I agree with him. While my experiences with Russian women have been blessedly free of craven materialistic concerns, I have heard plenty of stories from other men attesting to the coldly calculating mindset that Russian women tend to bring to the dating market. Dimitri is in the thick of it with Russian women, and he is thus able to gain a clearer third party perspective of American women. And to him, an outsider, it looks as if American women are loose sluts who happily give it up on the basis of fleeting emotion instead of crass materialistic reasons. It’s easy to see how foreign men like Dimitri would find that American female attitude a breath of fresh air compared to their devious compatriot women.

American women are indeed more callow when deciding which men to fuck. Money and resources matter, of course, but not until well after she’s already given it up. The American woman has fully imbibed the feminism of her mothers and grandmothers and is happy to slut it up with a roundtable of men who make her emotions tingle with delight by running good game on her. Those American beta males who think they will enjoy a feast of freebie pussy in other countries are in for a rude awakening. You might just find that the easiest women were right in your American backyard.

So this post is a big high five to American women for being self-sufficient enough to overlook crass financial and values compatibility and for being all too willing to give it up just because a guy negged her once or twice and played hard to get.

To American women! Ladies, you go all the way right away, and for that, we salute you! Grab your trophy at the door.


If you want to hit on women through Facebook you’d better bring granite game. Facebook walls boost people’s self-esteems through the roof.

Facebook walls can have a positive influence on the self-esteem of college students, report social media researchers at Cornell.

This is probably because Facebook allows them to put their best face forward, says Jeffrey Hancock, associate professor of communication; users can choose what they reveal about themselves and filter anything that might reflect badly.

Feedback from friends posted publicly on people’s profiles also tend to be overwhelmingly positive, which can further boost self-esteem, said Hancock, who co-authored a paper published Feb. 24 in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.

“Unlike a mirror, which reminds us of who we really are and may have a negative effect on self-esteem if that image does not match with our ideal, Facebook can show a positive version of ourselves,” Hancock said. “We’re not saying that it’s a deceptive version of self, but it’s a positive one.”

It may be one of the reasons why Facebook has 500 million users, who spend more than 700 billion minutes per month communicating with their friends via photos, links and status updates. [ed: you don’t say!] […]

“By providing multiple opportunities for selective self-presentation — through photos, personal details and witty comments — social-networking sites exemplify how modern technology sometimes forces us to reconsider previously understood psychological processes,” she added.

This explains Fat Girl Angle Shot. So you’ve got millions of women posting flattering pics of themselves and personal details that are uniformly positive on their FB walls, and you’ve got a bunch of cloying betas feeding the egos of these women even further with painstakingly crafted supportive comments, and you expect to make any headway with tepid game? That is a bitch shield too strong to breach.

This is one reason, among others, I advise against any sort of online game. The combination of self-selected profiles and nonstop beta adulation will boost a 5’s self-conception to a 7. Since 5s already have a self-conception of 6 thanks to the phenomenon of female upward dating momentum and the alpha cock carousel, you now have a double-strength bitch shield to bust instead of a single strength. Remember, if a 5 believes she’s a 7 (“But I *feel* like a 7!”) she is also going to believe that male 7s are not high enough status for her. Women are not truly happy unless they are dating men 0.5 to 2 sexual market value points higher than themselves. (Any higher and the discrepancy would be too large to sustain a relationship beyond a short fling or one night stand. Some women intuitively grasp this, which is why the scenario of ugly girls preemptively dumping significantly higher status boyfriends is not so rare. They’re sparing their feelings from the pain they know is coming.)

The reality, of course, is that the male 7 is two full points higher than the female 5. But the Facebook wall has meddled with the primal forces of nature. An unbridgeable chasm brought about by the advance of technology has severed the organically emergent hierarchy of the dating market where there is no escape from soul withering judgments made in mere seconds. Result: If you don’t know what you’re doing, or if you prefer the path of least resistance to sex and love, you’d be best off staying away from trying to court girls on Facebook.

There is a caveat for those men who like a challenge. While a girl with an overinflated ego is no picnic to pick up, it is possible to DHV yourself by doing the opposite of the 99% of betas who felch her anus on Facebook every day. A simple neg, edgy but not too insulting, to one of her posted wall photos can be the start of a beeyootiful romance. Perhaps an alpha witty comment such as “Ok, so what’d you do with the ten other pics of yourself that didn’t make the grade?”


When are women most like beta males? When they’re in love.

No, I’m not talking about the “he’s got acceptable college credentials and a good job and car” kind of ledger book love. I’m talking about the “he smells so great and I love the way he buttons his shirt from the bottom up and I can’t wait to jump into his arms at the end of the day” kind of love. The two kinds of love are very different, and often mutually exclusive.

When a woman falls into the second kind of love she begins to behave around her man much like a beta male does around women he is attracted to. The change is such a radical metamorphosis that it leads one to believe that love rewires a woman’s brain in a direction that makes her singularly vulnerable to the vicissitudes of romance. It’s no wonder then that women are very careful about doling out the innermost sanctum of their hearts to just any man. Even sluts, who let it be known aren’t exactly inclined to impart their pussies with much significance, are surprisingly circumspect about how quickly and easily they allow themselves to fall in love.

Here is a partial list of the similarities between the woman in love and the beta male:

Woman In Love (WIL) – goes out of her way to please her lover
Beta Male (BM) – goes out of his way to please his LJBF

WIL – small deviations from the relationship norm send her into a tizzy of self-doubt
BM – every little thing she says sends him into a tizzy of overanalysis

WIL – tears flow effortlessly from the slightest infraction
BM – self-hate flows effortlessly from the slightest infraction

WIL – quick to blame herself for relationship problems
BM – quick to blame women for dating problems

WIL – eager for constant stream of validation from her lover
BM – eager for constant stream of indicators of interest from women

WIL – asks “do you love me as much as I love you?”
BM – asks “do you like me?” (Or behaves in a way that subcommunicates asking this kind of question.)

WIL – pushes for validation by stating “sometimes I feel like you’re not all there with me.”
BM – pushes for validation by asking “are we dating?”

WIL – seeks to calm her self-doubt with continual positive appraisals of the relationship status
BM – seeks to calm his self-doubt with continual positive signs of emotional intimacy

WIL – calls at awkward times because she has sixth sense for when her man might be flirting with another woman
BM – calls at awkward times because he has no sense for when a woman doesn’t like him

WIL – gets really nervous if her lover calls her from a bar
BM – gets really nervous if his object of affection doesn’t return his calls

WIL – “Why is he working late? I’ll call him.”
BM – “Why hasn’t she replied to my text yet? I’ll send another.”

WIL – suffers from oneitis
BM – suffers from oneitis

WIL – quick to ignore her lover’s faults
BM – quick to ignore his date’s faults

WIL – feels like she’s walking on eggshells
BM – ditto

WIL – works harder and harder to please her lover the more the relationship fades
BM – works harder and harder to suck up to a date the more indifference she shows

WIL – will forgive him anything, even, sometimes, cheating
BM – will forgive her anything, even, sometimes, sexless manipulation

WIL – can’t wait to introduce him to everyone she knows
BM – can’t wait to be seen around town with her

WIL – super sensitive to the mildest criticism
BM – doubleplusditto

WIL – fawning
BM – cloying

WIL – sexually submissive
BM – emotionally submissive

WIL – masturbates quite frequently when lover is away
BM – masturbates quite frequently

WIL – needs reassurance that he loves her and will make a future with her
BM – needs reassurance that she sees him “in that way”

WIL – can cuddle for hours with her lover
BM – can cuddle for hours given half the chance

WIL – her lover is a jerk, but she thinks he’s a paragon of masculine virtue
BM – his date is a cocktease, but he thinks she’s a paragon of feminine virtue

WIL – frets over the minutest details of every word he says, every text or voicemail he sends, and every wink he throws
BM – was born fretting

WIL – will ignore or rationalize red flags
BM – will completely miss red flags

WIL – will audibly sigh with pleasure when thinking about her lover
BM – will audibly moan with discomfort when thinking about his performance on the last date

WIL – will cherish every hackneyed romantic word her lover whispers in her ear
BM – will cherish a date-ending peck on the cheek

WIL – will constantly qualify herself to her lover
BM – will constantly qualify himself to his date

WIL – will stop shit testing, or, even better, will begin to shit test *herself*
BM – will fail every shit test

WIL – will worry about every blemish, every single pound of weight gain, and every bad haircut because it might turn off her lover
BM – will worry about every word out of his mouth because it might turn off his date

WIL – will suffer greatly if her lover leaves her
BM – will suffer greatly if his date LJBFs him

What this list juxtaposes is the illuminative comparison between women in love and beta males. It is not a list of beta female traits. That is a different thing entirely. Beta females are defined mostly by their plain looks and their inability to convince high value men to commit to them.

What is interesting here is that the woman in love who behaves like a beta male might still be an alpha female on the dating market. This would be true if, for instance, she was a hot broad. Women who lapse into total servility and betatude with their lovers don’t usually carry that over into their dealings with other men. The woman in love might be a beta to her lover, but she’s still a stone cold bitch to you.

Correction: Women in love tend to be nicer in general to all men, because their need for love has been met. Her prime directive fulfilled, she can now ease up on the bitch shields and shit tests with men she has no intention of dating.

A woman in love, in short, suffers from a form of Stockholm Syndrome. She is held captive by her lover, and wouldn’t have it any other way.


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