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Trump’s Pyrrhic Deal

The beautiful shutdown continues to attrit the managerialist state. I hope it lasts.

Unfortunately, Trump wants to strike a deal (aka make an offer he knows the Dems will refuse) to end the shutdown.

Exactly what I feared a “deal” would entail may transpire: Trump giving Dems wholesale amnesty + “comprehensive immigration reform” for a measly 5bil toward wall construction. Temporary work permits for “dreamers” (aka the sprog of foreign invaders) are on the table, and we all know that means eventual amnesty and citizenship for these freeloaders.

Worse, there’s a report that Jared Kushner and GOPe über-cucks like James Lankford (R-gaypedocuckface) want the “deal” to include green cards for these illegal aliens.


According to a NumbersUSA email I received today, Lindsay Graham is back to his old ways. He met with several other Senate Republicans and Jared Kushner on Wednesday to draw up an Amnesty-for-Wall deal that they will pitch to Senate Democrats today. Also, it says White House officials are telling Graham’s gang that Trump would likely go along with the deal in exchange for border funding.

If you don’t follow NumbersUSA, do so. They have their ears and eyes right there.

Amnesty-for-Wall is a NO GO. We want the whole thing: deportations of illegals, a wall to prevent future mass invasions, and heavy fines and imprisonment of employers caught hiring illegals. Immigration sanity is NON NEGOTIABLE.

I asked the question: Did Trump lose, gain, or tread water with his supporters after his “daca ss numbers-for-wall funding” speech on Saturday?

Reader responses,

He showed magnanimity…. knowing it would be rejected [opponents look churlish] and gave himself time…. so all round win, in my view…


Considering Trump already knew they’d reject the offer, I’d say it doesn’t affect things too much. It was a strategy designed to shame and embarrass Pelosi and crew. Now they’re seen as even more rigid and unreasonable.

But is that strategy working? Pelosi doesn’t seem chastened, and voters still put most of the blame for the shutdown on Trump.

He only lost ground with retards who can’t into politics. Offering a deal you know will never be accepted by your opponent is just a ploy to gain political capital. Slowly but surely he is dragging the Demorats through the mud and painting them into a corner.

This cunt is a genius, the real fun will commence once he gets re-elected and has nothing left to lose.


What he lost was base enthusiasm, which he absolutely needs. How many times do you demoralize your base before they stop caring. And Javanka remains a problem. Trump seems to be under some delusion that once he’s gone all will be forgotten. It won’t with these rabid lefties. They won’t stop until they punish him, and if not him, his family (see the Reese speech/rant scene about the Terminator’s lack of empathy & reason). Baron will bear the brunt of it, and Trump is contributing to that by trying to appear nice & fair with these invaders. Surely Melania knows this? She should make some palace moves to protect her seed. Engineer something that sends Ivanka & Kushner (Honestly , what a f*cking tool) back to NYC. Unfettered by those clowns, and the Goldman Saks contingent, Trump could be the greatest President ever, but for now his chance at that is fading fast. Not black pilling, just the truth.He seems to have lost the energy & zeal, or someone is jerking his chain back after each successful manifestation of his 2016 self. Ex: He does this brilliant FU move to Nancy with the plane thing, his base is jacked, loves it. Then follows that with some Amnesty nonsense that just demoralizes. Same with the stupid & unnecessary comforting of the H1B invaders.


Think tread water for now with a win later. A non-permanent extension would make it a campaign issue for the electorate to decide in 2020. Seemed a reasonably way to offer something without giving away the farm.
If they took it great but now that the Dems refused he’s set up for a big win IF he takes unilateral action on the wall and ramps up deportations. That and getting us out of no win wars in sand-lands should make his reelection much easier (even more so if the rampant voter fraud issue is also dealt with).

First, I did warn, right after Trump’s inauguration, that Javanka would be his thermal exhaust port. It’s rarely a good idea to have family in your inner circle, because the presence of the boss’s family will discourage others from openly criticizing the boss. It’s an especially bad idea when family includes [special person] Jared and cosmopolitan “women leaders of tomorrow” feminist Ivanka.

That Saturday speech had the stink of Javanka all over it.

Second, I have mixed feelings about the CACA-for-Wall deal. Maybe Trump’s a gambler and bet the Dems wouldn’t bite, so he’d come out looking like the reasonable party without giving away the farm on amnesty. (Looks like a good bet). The Dems were not gonna agree to anything short of mass amnesty for a piddly 5 bil. Thecunt2 is too committed to her rabid open borders anti-white base to broach any sort of deal, no matter how favorable to her side, with Trump.

But what if the Dems eventually take the deal? Is it worth it? NOPE. DACA is officially 800,000 ranchero listeners, but the real number is surely triple that, and we’re kidding ourselves if a cave on DACA doesn’t end with a mass amnesty for every last avocado picker. I think Trump should have offered universal medicare in exchange for full wall funding instead; that would’ve been the winning political move for him. He could tie a huge wealth tax on billionaires directly to funding medicare-for-all, and locked in his base while moving a lot of low info independents and death-by-compassion suburban white women into his camp.

So Trump’s deal is a Pyrrhic victory if the Dems take him up on it. He “wins” according to the logic of his deal-making prowess, but America loses to the logic of the endless swarthswarm.

PS A great thread on the mobility of the elite acting as a wedge between them and the non-elite:

Gauland: When elites were stationary in the same territory as their inferiors they had to consider their opinions, even if reluctantly. Now that they are globally mobile and can shift subject populations around they don’t care.

— Christoph Nahr (@ChrisNahr) January 23, 2019


The smirk that drove leftoids into a frothing homicidal mania:

The smirks that filled leftoids with love and admiration:


The difference in smirks:

Top: amused mastery in the face of an ugly provocation from a sainted POC

Bottom: duper’s delight in the commission of great big lies in service to globohomo


Our American Smirklord has a match in Brazil. Remember him?

This Brazilian shitlord was hounded by a horde of hags, and he responded by whipping his dick out and smirking at them. RESPECT. The amused mastery level is off the charts.


We White people are so powerful we can soulkill with a smirk.


Trump is the subtext to the rage you’re seeing…

Normal Americans know that face is Who We Are. The Damaged are Triggered#SmirkRight pic.twitter.com/FapyOvr3ca

— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) January 20, 2019


On the subject of disingenuous leftists, it was funny when shitlibs had to pretend that Warren’s awkward beer guzzle and Hillary’s robotic cadence were the totally normal behaviors of cool people.

(what’s with all these democreep hopefuls trying so hard to seem relatable? is blue city bubble living that toxic to humanness? survey says….)



Something changed today. The left openly called for the assassination of a 16 year old boy because he was equipped with a smile. They want to kill a kid who was approached by an aggressive activist and smiled at him. The zeitgeist just shifted. Do you feel it? Long battle ahead.

— Snake Plissken (@MrWyattEarpLA) January 20, 2019


Smirking has long been a part of the PUA’s toolkit.

From commenter Flubber,

CH Many times you have recommended “Amused Mastery” as the appropriate frame.

Just like this kid.. And boy, see the reaction. The shitlibs completely lose their minds. It’s amazing.

Game is amazing.
Game is life.
Game is victory.


Captain John Charity Spring MA,

We are witnessing Anti-Christ.

I know that sounds crazy but that Sandmann kid was Christlike in his grace. These savages would have told Jesus to wipe the smirk off his face as he was crucified.


Captain Obvious,

“I honestly haven’t stopped thinking about that MAGA kid Bill Kristol all day”

– said no women ever



The icing on top is that this was clearly engineered to take place on the Ramadan of SJW holidays- MLK day- yet it backfired and left a trail of tear$.


Dirtnapninja closes this post out with a stirring encomium to our young Smirklord,

You know why [shitlibs and POC] are so unnerved?

White males are supposed to retreat. They are supposed to apologise. They are not supposed to assert themselves against their intersectional idols. The religion of Dinduism demands that low caste white dalits grovel and obey the high caste coloured brahmins. the entire system depends on white retreat.

But this kid didnt. He didnt retreat. He stared calmly at the drum beating toothless hobo and gave a cocky smirk. That smirk terrifies them, because in it they see a premonition of what is to come. The see a time, a few generations from now when every white man is staring down the qu33rs, cat ladies and [special people] that run things. A time when whitey no longer retreats. A time when the skies are bl@ckened with lawyers and the streets are full of white rage.

In one smirk all their fears, insecurities and fragility is laid bare. So SMIRK ON.


Theodora gets the ball rolling with this compilation of recent notorious hate hoaxes — aka blood libels — concocted by the media with the intention of slandering White people, and in particular, White men.

Is it any single big media story in the last decades supporting the Narrative that wasn’t a shameless hoax? And not only a hoax, but the truth is usually exactly the opposite of what they report?

Duke lacrosse players. Hoax
Saint Trayvon. Hoax
Gentle giant Michael Brown. Hoax
UVA fraternity gang rape. Hoax
Emma Sulkowicz the mattress girl. Hoax
Kavanaugh sexual assault. Lol, lame, pathetic hoax
Roy Moore “sexual misconduct”. Again: lol
Covington Catholic: hoax

The sad thing is that no matter how many times the truth will contradict the Narrative, they will spread another blatant falsehood again.

This post will be turned into a page added to the top of the blog. Readers are encouraged to add to the list with more examples of anti-White hate hoax enemy propaganda masquerading as objective media and pushed by degenerate, lying, scumbag leftoid apparatchiks.

We need a reference list to consult when the Drawing of Names Day arrives.


Study: Trannyism Is Treatable

You’d never guess it by the accelerated efforts of Globohomo to normalize trannyfreakism as if the affliction is and has always been the most natural thing in the world, but there was once a successful pharmaceutical intervention that cured a trannyfreak of his compulsion.

From a 1996 study,

The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide.

The case is reported of a gender dysphoric patient who responded successfully to pharmacotherapy with pimozide.

An adult male patient with a borderline learning disability presented with cross-dressing and a strong wish to undergo a sex change.

Supportive psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with pimozide was tried.

There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then.

Pharmacotherapy with pimozide should be considered in cases of doubtful gender dysphoria.

Science is real, shitlibs!

Pimozide is an antipsychotic normally used to treat Tourette’s Syndrome sufferers and schizophrenics. This is an interesting overlap, because it suggests that whatever brain imbalance or neural connectivity issue causes Tourette’s and schizophrenia is likewise implicated in the urge to dress up in chiffon and demand everyone call you “ma’am”.

But, sometime between that 1996 study and now, Clown World asserted itself and instead of promising medical interventions to cure cross-dressers of their obvious mental illness we have witch hunts to destroy the life of anyone who dares to question the validity of the gender fluidity propaganda.


We have a contender for the crown of Most Alpha Pose.

The current holder of the crown is the contrapposto pose:

This alpha stance is not random. It’s a classical pose called contrapposto that Michelangelo sculpted for his masterpiece David. It suggests a relaxed and vulnerable appearance, exactly the sort of self-possessed mental state an alpha male would convey through his body language. I believe girls are hardwired deep in their electric hams to be sexually drawn to a man standing contrapposto.

Contrapposto looks like this:

Michelangelo’s David stands in the contrapposto. It’s an oddly familiar, mythic pose for a good reason: chicks dig it.

Hold on, an upstart dares to challenge contrapposto for the title. Meet the Holbein Pose.

In 1536, King Henry VIII suffered from a tiltyard wound in his right leg that never healed. Because of the chronic wound, the king grew stout, haunted by the ghost of his previous athleticism. After several wives, he still had not produced an heir. Daily, the king needed to perfume the wound to keep the leg from stinking up his surroundings.

In 1537, German Artist Hans Holbein, produced one of the “best pieces of propaganda ever” painted. It was an illusion to a king that had once been: strong, capable, and virile. Moreover, it was the first portrait of a king in full figure — legs spread , feet apart, a fist on his hip, striking the now famous Holbein Pose.


The legs spread, feet-grounded pose has become a staple of strong and connected masculinity for centuries. In 1950, when RKO produced the television show, Superman, starring George Reeves, the ad executives turned to the Holbein Pose for guidance. The image reverberated so much so that Warner Bros. pulled from the same icon in 1978 when Richard Donner brought the series to the big screen with a movie starring Chris Reeves.


The pose was confident and strong. I adapted it into my own life until it became second nature. I used it in board meetings, staff meetings bars, and family gatherings — any function in which I needed to appear as king.

One thing I did learn through market research is that a man on a horse is a buzz kill. The viewer sees the man on the horse as powerless. The horse has the power. If you are advertising a Western, keep your guy on the ground and spread his legs a tad.

This is why women look sexy on horses (and why (mostly BPD) women like to ride horses): the fulcrum of a woman’s sexuality is her vulnerability. Her powerlessness — which is the opposite of a man’s fulcrum of sexuality.

A powerless woman astride a powerful horse amplifies the woman’s sexuality. A man on a horse, unless it is galloping and he is swinging a broadsword cutting down enemy infantry, is diminished by the greater power of the horse, and therefore his sexuality is also diminished.

Chicks dig powerful, masculine men who can provide protection.
Men dig beautiful, feminine women in need of protection.

As for which pose holds the crown, I’d give the nod still to contrapposto. The Holbein Pose is no doubt kingly, but it’s also a bit over the top, and could seem comical in a modern soy-drenched context. Contrapposto is the more relaxed of the two alpha male poses, and more suited to courtship arenas that flow with alcohol instead of enemy blood.

Holbein is aggressive, contrapposto is ZFG. These poses project two alpha attitudes that occupy complementary spheres of social relevance, but only contrapposto truly captures and leverages the spirit of the 21st century American sexual market.

We need one alpha male pose to rule them all
one pose to find them
One pose to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

PS Straight talk from Gregory Hood: Western Civilization is White Civilization.

It’s not surprising that “Western Civilization” is offensive to those who are offended by “white identity.” Defining Western Civilization into nonexistence or defining it in universal terms amount to the same thing. It robs whites of their past, a prelude to robbing them of their future. The classical world shows whites they have a real, positive identity deeply grounded in history. Whites aren’t just a newly invented “social construct.”

For that reason, if whiteness is to be destroyed, leftists must abolish the idea that whites are the heirs of the classical world. Similarly, just as conservatives won’t admit the link between whites and American identity or whites and American conservatism, so they defend Western Civilization only in terms of its openness to non-whites. Of course, just as America would not exist in any meaningful sense without whites, Western Civilization would not exist without whites.

Western Civilization is white civilization. No one can credibly claim to “defend Western Civilization” without defending the people that created it. “To read about your own culture is a revolutionary act,” said Jonathan Bowden in one of his speeches. In today’s world, there is no greater act of rebellion—for whites—than to defend their own identity. To be a white person is to be heir of a tradition and culture that stretches from the Greco-Roman and Germanic civilizations of the past into the limitless horizons of a potentially glorious future. Yet that future will be ours only if we have the moral courage to defend our right to exist. That battle starts by claiming ownership of our own history.

A-fucking-men. My only added thought is that Hood should begin capitalizing “White”. It bothers the degenerate freak mafia.


Gum And Heart Disease

Anecdotally, I know a man who’s been on a zero-grain lifestyle for ten years. He says he hasn’t had a single cavity in that time, and hardly any plaque build-up. His dentist appointments are five minutes long, ending with the dentist scratching his head in wonderment at the youthful quality of this man’s oral health.

There is a fairly well-established literature showing an association between gum disease and heart disease. The theory is that bacteria enter through compromised gums and get into the cardiovascular system, causing inflammation and damage to arteries.

However, the causality may be upstream of the bacteria hypothesis. It could instead be the grains directly causing heart disease and gum disease independent of each other.

If so, the left wing fad for a meat-free, grain-heavy diet to “save the earth” might wind up making all of us unhealthier, suffering bleeding gums and seizing hearts.


The Anti-White Hate Machine

You’ve heard this story before, many times, over many years. The plot has hardly changed, though the ending this time may be new and unexpected.

A young White man was targeted by people-of-evil wielding the power of the Anti-White Hate Machine to grind him up and cast him from uptight society. This young White man along with his friends and family were threatened with doxxing, harassment, abuse, death wishes, and blacklisting from academia and future employment in a public shaming campaign so intense it would border on cruel and unusual punishment, all for the crime of….

…smirking at a professional political activist American Indian who got in his face and angrily beat a drum.

How dare you, young man, how ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU not bow and scrape before your POC betters! Defiance?! From a…..from a WHITE MAN????!!! BURN HIM!

The blood libel LLCs kicked into high gear to pass off yet another hate hoax as real news: a heavily edited video made the blue tick rounds purporting to show an “entitled”, “privileged” White man gathering a mob of MAGA Whites and surrounding an innocent elderly Indian to keep him from passing through on his way to lay a wreath at the MLK slab of Maoist brutalism, or something like that.

[Special people] triumphantly gloated. Quisling cucks quivered and quavered on cue. Garment rending, virtue sniveling White shitlibs mounted soap boxes like Jeff Bezos’ paramour mounts affletes. Penis-head losers and bitter femcunt crones vowed to psychologically castrate their sons, brothers, fathers for the sin of supporting Trump and for glancing contact with an unapologetically self-aware Whiteness.

My favorite tweet of butthurt was from Jessica Valenti, she-cunt of the feminist fruit salad ideology who is still pissed off about having to settle for a beta bitch tofu lasagna:

I honestly haven’t stopped thinking about that MAGA kid all day – in part because I think so many of us have been on the receiving end of the face he was making: a smug, untouchable, entitled ‘fuck you’.

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) January 19, 2019

That’s Jessica with her hubby, on their wedding day, in a pose that shrieks “I MARRIED A BETA”. Look at her Leaning Out. Look at him leaning in to fill the love void she’s created. He could hardly be more desperate. She could hardly be less enthused. The resentment fuels her hatred of confident White men who smirk their way into good women’s hearts.

PA slips the shiv all the way into Jessica’s flabby hide:

She’s angry because she’ll never have a son like that young man.

The MAGA smirk triggered round the world sent the Fuggernaut into a tailspin of id-bursting rage. It was as if everything they secretly knew to be true — White men are the divine spark in human form, the apex predator when roused to the hunt, the better of me in every way imaginable and the source of my deepest lustful longings and envy — was encapsulated in that Smirklord’s proud defiance.

And after two, three days or years (who can tell anymore?), the bubble of righteous indignation and self-indulgent sanctimony popped with a dolorous and perfunctory pfft.

The truth was not easily suppressed for once. The full video clearly showed a calm, collected, self-confident White man standing his ground as what would later be revealed was a professional Indian activist approached him and began beating a drum inches from the White man’s face in a blatant act of provocation.

Don’t back down, White man.

And now finally —– FINALLY —– White men fight back:

We’re getting new submissions every 30 seconds. Every member of the media who defamed, slandered, and doxxed the #CovingtonBoys on Twitter will be served.

Each and every tweet will be archived and turned over to the students’ legal counsel. pic.twitter.com/nk4DkQ7AmK

— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) January 20, 2019

Sue these motherfuckers to hell and back.

Our numbers are growing, our spirit is awakening.

Dear Covington Catholic students,

I’d like to invite You to the Polish Parliament

After watching this video, I Am now standing up for these wrongfully accused young men and all of You!


You are very welcome to come and speak out what You believe in!

— Dominik Tarczyński (@D_Tarczynski) January 21, 2019

From a reader,

the most honorable ending to this would be Trump inviting the Covington Catholic boys to the White House. Please write posts/get ball rolling on this.

PS From Bronze Age Pervert, a reminder that for those times doubt about Trump haunts you, to keep your perspective:

Trump is hated as the ANTICHRIST by the worst and most loathsome creatures in the world and possibly in history…for that alone he should have your loyalty https://t.co/eT7IsLfi25

— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) January 20, 2019

We’re throwing sand into the gears of the Anti-White Hate Machine. Beautiful white sand.


One million man-hating cunts turned out for the inaugural 2017 putrid pussy march.

Two years later, 10,000 man-hating cunts showed up for the 2019 putrid pussy march this past weekend.

The cunts who went to this much smaller cunt march are the triple distilled, oak barrel aged cunts. That’s level 99 cuntery you’re looking at.


A reader,

Let’s also be real, with no money or media from [special people], we’re looking at numbers not [special peopled] up by free wealth and publicity.

But props to the attempt at having real principles on the part of mystery meat loaf.

Hope you learn principles aren’t needed or wanted in the american left.

Broads are lazy. Live by the feelz, fade away when the feelz crash. If you want to know what an incorrigible cunt sounds like, talk to the one cunt who will show up at next year’s roast beef pussy march. That will be one dedicated cunt!


Only a man with no dignity, no options, and no self-worth.



The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality and behavior and to maximally restrict and punish the exercise of male sexuality and behavior.
— CH definition of feminism

A more generalized way to say the same thing:

The gynarcho-tyranny is a sociopolitical system which strips men of power while giving women limitless, unaccountable power.

Keep this in mind when you read the following:

Bill bans ‘abhorrent’ quizzing of domestic abuse victims in court

Domestic abusers will no longer be able to cross-examine their former partners in family courts under a comprehensive government package of reforms to tackle the issue.

The landmark draft domestic abuse bill, published tomorrow after an 18-month delay, will prevent victims from being subjected to the “abhorrent practice” of being interrogated in court by their abusers, alongside other measures designed to raise awareness, support survivors and tackle perpetrators.

Translation: Britain has passed a bill which creates an incentive for women to make false rape and abuse accusations, given that women will now be permitted to lie freely and egregiously knowing they won’t be pressured under cross-examination which could reveal holes in their stories.

Sarah Green, co-director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, said: “The ambition and determination in the government’s announcement of the new bill is very welcome, given the devastation this abuse causes.

Sarah Green.

“However, if law, policy and spending really are to be radically changed in this area, it is absolutely critical that there is clear recognition that domestic violence very disproportionately affects women. This is not to say that men are not also sometimes victimised, but women’s inequality is part of what drives some men’s sense that they are entitled to bully and control in their relationships.”

This is disingenuous on two counts.

One, women control relationships though emotional manipulation. As the physically weaker sex, women have evolved different styles of attack and abuse to gain the upper hand in relationships. These attacks are less conspicuous than the physical attacks favored by men, so the courts tend to miss them when judging domestic dispute cases.

Two, men have evolved a greater disposition to control the direction of relationships because the threat of female infidelity is much more dangerous to relationship stability than is the threat of male infidelity.

In the age of lies, the Gynarcho-Tyranny thrives. Men will bow deeply to the rule of Globohomo and women will slut around, cuck openly, and slander recklessly under the protection of the feminized State. Truth will die a little more with every man unfairly ground to dust by this terrible evil.


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