My award for Most Disingenuous Shitlib Media Talking Point of the Month goes to NPR, for sneering that “most drugs enter through legal ports of entry”, as if this was a rebuke to Trump’s claim that an unprotected border lets in lots of drugs.
NPR neglects to inform its captivated NPC listeners that of course more drugs will be intercepted at chokepoints swarming with border police, rather than along a thousand miles of relatively unguarded open land.
The shitlib is nothing without his disingenuous rhetoric.
AntiDem quips,
So… what they’re saying is that we shouldn’t let foreigners in through legal ports of entry, either?
Smash Islamophobia joins the media-mocking fun,
Kinda reminiscent of the “There’s no voter fraud — because we don’t look for it, and don’t prosecute it when we accidentally find it” talking point.
AOC is a radical commie leftwinger overseas puerto rican midwit who snipes as much against her own Democrat Party as she does against all that is true and beautiful in the world.
Ilhan Omar is a radical commie leftwinger overseas somali lackwit who barrels through the JQ and forces the media and uniparty to scramble for cover before too many normies are redpilled on the nature of their overlords.
The question is whether the aoc-omar entity destroys the Dems from within before the party can complete its demographic terraforming of America, or if they capitulate and are sufficiently converged to the globohomo borg and recruited as just more sloot soldiers in the war against White America.
tfw you marvel at the whims of a universe which decides an aoc/omar slag team will heighten contradictions in a rapidly degenerating empire and pull it back from the precipice of collapse.
“Behave yourself, guest.”
The new Maul-Right message of love.
Leave it to a based&crescentpilled imam to execute a level 99 Thot Patrol.
Better: “Buh Bye, guest.”
From a groyperfrog:
the brotherfucker names the [special people]
>the Imam patrols the brotherfucker when she gets lippy with the locals’ sheik
The Alt-Right/Islamic alliance will be the most unexpected development of 2019.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your incapable, your needy, And your hostile masses yearning to…
Give me your hustlers, your thieves, And your welfare cheats yearning to…
Give me your charlatans, your grifters, And your scam artists yearning to…
Give me your spies, your cartel warlords, And your lowbrow tastemakers yearning to…
Give me your e coli vectors, your ugly fat women, And your brawndo-chugging submentals yearning to…
*record scratch*
Dad breathes through hospital mask, set against slate gray post-nuclear sky.
“Yes, son?”
“I read this poem called The New Colossus. Was America really like that, back then?”
“Like what?”
“You know, not really a country. With no history. Like a homeless shelter…for the world.”
“A long time ago, before the troubles, America was a country. A real country. But then lots of people read that poem you’re reading — The New Colossus — and believed in it. But it was a lie, and the people were fooled.”
“Was America ever great?”
“Yes, she was. The greatest. For a time.”
“What happened?”
“Pride. Hubris. Americans let it go to their heads. They thought their Constitution was magic paper anyone could read and understand. So they let everyone in, to live under the rules and ways declared in that Constitution. To make a heaven on earth.”
“And the new people ignored it.” Dad looks wistfully at the horizon. “It all ended so fast.”
“The troubles?”
“America. The country of your great-grandparents. The troubles went on for a long time. My parents would tell me the wars weren’t noble. No one fought for America; they fought for turf.”
“The bombs…”
“Yes. Fearsome. Millions died. If all the bombs had been used, we would not be standing here today.”
“Will we make the same mistake in our new country?”
“Only if your history is taken from you.”
The boy is defiant. “I won’t let that happen!”
“Maybe you can rewrite that poem you read, for future generations. But this time, make it truthful.”
…yearning to colonize America, The wretched invaders of primitives born. Send these, the hordes, ungrateful, to me, I give my home to foes from distant shores!”
Caudill adds,
This kind of stuff always reminds me of the villain at the end of a heroic tale trying to convince the hero that he has already lost and should not bother trying to stop his fate. This is right before he lops off the devil’s head with a claymore, shoots him with a laser blaster or fills him full of lead from a giant machine gun.
Eastern Europe will carry the torch of Western Civ/European Christendom after Northwestern Europe surrenders it.
Do we have a based&whitepilled president in Trump?
The central mystery of the Trump Presidency is this: Does Trump understand the National Question, and if so does he agree with its basic premise?
Because if he does, then his actions to date are somewhat baffling.
If he doesn’t on either count, then his actions make some sense if seen as those of a man who truly believes the sole point of the Wall is to keep out drugs.
PS On Ivanka’s hobbyhorse, paid family leave:
Paid family leave likely won’t do what’s implied by it: raise the birthrate of White Americans. It does sound good and it will bolster Trump’s 2020 election chances.
In fact, PFL is more likely to suppress White fertility, by encouraging more women to join the workforce.
The lasting solution is high wage jobs for men that allows women to be SAHMs.
PPS Here are the anti-MAGA provisions in the bill Trump just signed:
1) Less of a wall than even what Democrats already agreed to
2) Liberal local officials have veto power
3) Bill contains a blatant amnesty
4) More funding to manage and induce the invasion rather than to deter
5) Doubling low-skilled workers
Word is that McConnell lied to Trump that there were no “land mines” in the bill. Trump should have insisted on reading the whole damned thing himself, even it it meant weeks before making a decision on it.
Tattoo parlors are experiencing a decline in customers for the first time in years, maybe decades. 70% of laser tattoo removal clients are women.
My hope is that we are entering a new age of revitalized femininity, when (White) women rebel against the tankgrrl ethos that has dominated the American sexual market landscape for the past two generations.
I, for one, am sick and tired, not to mention repulsed, by the butt-kicking superbabes, the gun-toting NRA babes, the careerist shrikes, and the battlecunts storming Cuntgress.
I want feminine women back. Beautiful, soft, vulnerable, charming feminine girls who don’t have a stick up their asses about men.
This is what Chad’s daily life is like
First, those numbers are a little off. In district MN-5 (Minneapolis):
Whites: 65%
Hispanics: 10%
Minor quibble. The bigger flaws are as follows:
How are Somalis classified? If they fall into the MENA category, then MN likely classifies them as White (as ludicrous as that sounds), which would undercount the total black population of MN-5.
WIkiheebia states there are 80,000 Somalis in Minnesota as of 2016. Assume most of them live in Minneapolis. If they were misclassified as MENA White, a corrected classification would boost MN-5’s black population to 28% of the total and reduce the White fraction to 54%.
But we don’t know how they’re classified. (My preferred racial classification method, and the one which most closely hews to the natural world, is to save the “White” designation for native European stock and their diaspora. Hungary — yes. Armenia — no. Russia — pale gray area.)
Not to mention how many illegal Somalis voted and are missed in census counts. I would bet that 65% White number is considerably inflated.
Next, raw district population ratios only fill in part of the picture. We’d need to know the racial breakdown of those who actually went out and voted in Omar’s MN-5 election. If a district is 65% White but only, say, 50% of those Whites voted, and 100% of nonWhites voted, then Omar wouldn’t need a majority of the White vote to win. She could coast on the nonWhite vote.
This is true for any district race. Don’t get fooled by district racial composition. You want the racial composition of those who voted. They probably align percentage-wise, but they may not. Always check.
You can see how a deeper analysis of voting behavior would clarify if MN-5 Whites are unfathomably cucked or just irretrievably cucked.
Anyhow, the point of this exercise isn’t to deny the existence of Scandicucks. It’s well known by anyone with a pulse nowadays that half the White race is cucked and has orgasms voting for nonWhites. The fact that a load of deracinated shitlib Whites in the poorest (or second poorest) district in Minnesota voted along with a load of tribalistic, super-racinated browns and blacks for the black candidate doesn’t disprove the Diversity + Proximity = War equation, nor does it refute the basic premise that nonWhites vote tribally (and cucked Whites join them to signal their lack of tribalism).
Yes, there are a lot of CuckWhites who will immiserate their posterity tomorrow for a good feeling today.
PS Minnesota has a voter ID law called vouching which is ripe for abuse.
(4) having a voter who is registered to vote in the precinct, or an employee employed by and working in a residential facility in the precinct and vouching for a resident in the facility, sign an oath in the presence of the election judge vouching that the voter or employee personally knows that the individual is a resident of the precinct. A voter who has been vouched for on election day may not sign a proof of residence oath vouching for any other individual on that election day. A voter who is registered to vote in the precinct may sign up to eight proof-of-residence oaths on any election day.
Crazy. No doubt, this is why MN has the highest voter turnout in the nation: it’s called voter fraud. One voter could vouch for up to eight people to vote, no SSN required. A valid address is needed, but that can be easily circumvented, and is something MN officials never check.
While psychologists tell us that ages 0-4 are the most important years of human development, we have a dysfunctional childcare system which underpays staff and is too costly for working families. We need universal, publicly funded childcare.
Second City Bureaucrat:
Bernard agrees we need to keep the parents working constantly as wage slaves. We don’t want one of them dedicating their time to childcare and the home. God forbid American families have any independence. How will we control their behavior?
PPS More funny stuff from one of the best Twatter accounts currently allowed to exist by the patel mafia:
Excited for the next chapter in open government where ethnic lobbies meet in private with elected officials to determine which kinds of political speech must be censored.