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Male brains are very much bigger, a colossal 1.4 effect size. 92% of men will be above the mean for women. On average men have 117.8 cm3 more brain than women. All this extra brain must be doing something for men, you might surmise, other than dreaming about sexual intercourse.

— James Thompson (@JamesPsychol) March 5, 2019

So what does it mean? Are 92% of men really smarter than the average woman?


Mr. Thompson explains,

However, cognitive tests show an effect size of only 0.2 in favour of men, just 3 IQ points. In consequence, at IQ 130 70% are men and at IQ 145 80% are men.

It is possible that, in a rush to ensure that men and women’s mental ability scores can be presented as equal, men’s stronger subject areas have been under-sampled. Test producers are under pressure to minimize sexual and racial differences.

In defence of any group who think that their specialist strong points have been ignored, we should set the sampling frame for cognitive tests as wide as possible. There may be a small but real male advantage in intelligence which a broader scope of tests would reveal.

Bigger brains are associated with bigger bodies, but the very large male-female brain size discrepancy suggests something else is going on besides correlated brain-body size dimorphism.

From Thompson’s article on the study over at Unz:

Broadly the same effect of male advantage can be found in all the brain region sub-comparisons. Male brains are both larger, and also vary more in size. Greater male variability seems a fact of nature. If there were a direct relationship between brain size and cognitive ability, there would be many, many more bright men than bright women.

The cognitive test was limited to a 13-item verbal-numerical test to be completed in 2 minutes, which ought to be enough to grade the general population.


The test might be a little crude if the purpose is to detect sex differences across the broad range of different cognitive tasks, and also a bit limited if the volunteers are, as one might expect of this database, somewhat brighter volunteers interested in contributing to science. However, these are minor quibbles. All intellects can be evaluated in 2 minutes.


Sure enough, Table 2 shows that the cognitive tests are only an effect size of about 0.2 in favour of men. Where did all the male brain size advantage go? 0.2 of a standard deviation works out to 3 IQ points. Nothing much, you may say, considering that the test-retest reliability of the Wechsler is 4 IQ points, but if this is a true representation of male-female differences, then we can calculate what it would mean for the male/female balance at the higher levels of ability. As you may have seen in previous posts, if men are really 3 points brighter than women, and women’s standard deviation is narrower than men, say 14 rather than 15 points, then this makes a big difference at the higher reaches of intelligence.

Here are the estimates, if one assumes men have an IQ of 102, (sd 15) and women an IQ of 99, (sd 14).

At IQ 130: 69.8% men
At IQ 145: 80.3% men


This is a very substantial paper. It shows a massive sex difference in brain size of 1.4 d, and when one factors in that brain size relates to intelligence at a correlation of about 0.28, then the predicted intelligence difference will be a large 0.39 d, but the observed difference is only half that. Paradoxical. One implication is that there are sex-linked differences in brain structure and dendritic arborization which overcome pure size differences. If so, how is this balancing act achieved? Why don’t all people have the smaller, more craftily wired version of the human brain, which presumably requires a smaller blood supply. On the other hand, it might be that the cognitive testing has not been wide enough, and has ignored tasks in which males have an advantage. By the way, if one sex has an advantage in one skill, this is not an error of testing, it is a triumph of testing that a real difference has been revealed.

Speculatively, it’s not just cognitive tests that could be ignoring tasks which favor men. Colleges could be selecting students based on criteria that likewise ignore areas in which men have an advantage.

In honor of International Whambamthankyoumaam Day, here is a picture of misogyny:



The 43 Year Foot-Drag

Woman, 72, weds boyfriend, 74, after rejecting his proposals for 43 years

This is the ideal gynarchy. You may not like it, but this is what Peak Thottery looks like.


Globohomo’s Endgame

“We need more workers to grow the economy” is a devil’s bargain if there ever was one.

What’s the end game of Globohomo’s insatiable need for low wage workers and low brow consumers? 1 billion invaders in America? 2 billion? 5 billion? When does the economy stop needing imported workers? And when the economy stops growing, do these billions go back to their homelands?

The logic behind this apocalyptic economics is better understood if you read it as “we need more workers to grow the economy of the top 1%”. Those are the people who can afford to live away and barricade themselves off from the third world dollar-a-day scab laborers they invite into the country on the pretext of “growing the economy”.

It’s “privatize the profits, socialize the costs” on a leviathan scale. It’s the ideology of cancer. Constant growth, at the expense of societal health.

Your fat cat modern day robber barons like betabillionaire Jeff “chasing 50 year old cougar meat” Bezos get insanely rich in this system while regular Heritage Americans spanning the lower, working, and middle classes get saddled with the financial and social costs of evading, avoiding, and stoically enduring the Diversity Drones.

Bezos buys himself a second helipad. Joe from a Tijuanified formerly all-White town has to trudge to the store manager to buy a bottle of cough syrup locked behind bulletproof cases because the vibrant arrivals keep stealing it off the shelves.

Bezos buys a newspaper to turn into his personal propaganda organ which demonizes the one president in recent memory who was elected to look out for the people psychologically and economically displaced by globalist whoremongers like Bezos. Joe gets kicked out of banks and social media accounts for once expressing anger against the third worldization of his hometown.

Bezos smiles like a fox in the henhouse. Joe kills himself in a midst of a deep despair for his future and his children’s future.

A reader adds,

That’s exactly why the alt right needs to become environmentalists! We must stop immigration under the grounds of saving the environment and its limited resources! We are not going to win this battle with race based policies!!!

There are many logical and coherent arguments against mass immigration, including the disharmony caused by racial dissimilarities, but Trump seems determined to focus on just one (crime and drugs coming across the border).

Environmentalism, wage gutting, social disruption, economic externalities, packing the electoral college with imported voters bought on the cheap, straining the welfare state, etc etc. All these arguments against open un-selective borders, and more, are available to Trump, but he bangs one drum and leaves the rest of the kit unplayed.

Economically, too, the best-case growth argument is a chimera. What we have instead from open borders is a “per-capita recession”:

Endless growth is a Ponzi scheme. Instead of growth, we should be thinking in terms of managing a sustainable economy that abides natural fluctuations in the native population.

Does Trump understand this, or is he regressing to the fatuous old Boomercon he is at heart?

WATCH: Trump sells out to the donor class and big business, calls for increasing immigration to replace American workers and depress wages. pic.twitter.com/yPi7W0LwM0

— Will Westcott (@westland_will) March 3, 2019

You tell me.

From my vantage, Trump has begun dancing to Globohomo’s tune.

Trump is prone to hyperbolic gaffes so I figured his SOTU call for more *legal* invaders was a brain fart to be ignored as his behind-the-scenes policies continued reducing legal immigration.

But now he’s repeated the claim, in print, a number of times since. And he has had roundtables with Globohomo’s finest to hammer home his capitulation to the open borders, big business lobby.

Does this guy NOT want to win reelection?

PA writes,

It’s one of two scenarios:

1. Trump will be an American Yeltsin.

2. What we see is the unimportant stuff; Trump is fighting the unseen power center and victory will set everything else right.

I can’t believe Trump would so brazenly betray his campaign promises (implied and stated), so his current actions make no sense unless it’s misdirection (good) or total co-option (bad).

Trump is gearing up to run 2020 on a Koch Bros.-approved anti-socialism, pro-globalism message. This would be a mistake. Anti-socialism won’t be a winning platform for Trump in 2020. He thinks it will because he’s a Boomercon, but the times have changed. He needs to push a socialism-lite for Whites if he wants to retain his hold on the crucial Midwest states.

He’s still sitting at 50% approval (give or take), but if his base gets wind of his plans to increase legal immigration, I wouldn’t be shocked to see his polls drop into the upper 20s.

PS Unparalleled shiv:


[Special role]

Pointing out this one special tribe’s hypocrisy and double standards has become a parlor game. So many examples, and such large contortions!

DEUSVULT spells it out,

[Special people] in America overwhelmingly support population replacement levels of immigration and refugee resettlement.

It makes more sense when viewed as [special people] acting in their own self interest wherever they are.

In israel, they are hyper nationalist. In America, they are pluralist, with the goal of ensuring [special people] are just one of many other minority populations.

Today, the House passed an anti-White, excuse me, anti-hate resolution by something like 400-30. Not kidding. The only group not mentioned in the list of groups that should be protected from “hate” was White Christian men.

And it’s worse than that. The Anti-Whites are attempting to control the future by altering the past. As a Sailer commenter put it,

This is just lying. As a government resolution this will be cited as evidence in the future by the hoax hypers.


“And when the records agree with the falsehoods the Party’s grip on the past will be complete.”

The anti-“hate” resolution just passed in the House was nothing more than an excuse to codify demonization of White Christian men.

It isn’t our country. We know that. The questions remaining are how long has it not been our country, and when will it, if ever, be our country again?

A Muslim attacks Jews, so Congress attacks whites

we’re doomed https://t.co/phyH4d1Jju

— Dogs Don’t Have Thumbs (@MorlockP) March 7, 2019


Alex the Goon optimistically reframes,

400-30??? Last vote was 424-1. Support for White People has increased 3000% in just a few weeks! They should be shitting themselves.


Zoomed-in link.

The next time a leftoid you know brings up “White privilege”, casually inform xir, “that’s just a conspiracy theory”.

Another killer reframe: The Russia Collusion story is a “dual loyalty trope”.

Manafort memes, coming in hot… (h/t The Excruciationator)

PS How about dese fapples? CPAC is literally controlled opposition. Google paid them off to steer the convention away from discussing race, nationalism and populism.


Beta Billy

This was one of the funnier send-ups of soyboy culture I’ve seen. The goofy, lemur-like face of beta billy had me in stitches.

“Tell me what to find beautiful in women. I accept. I’ll take anything.”


Meanwhile, Beta Billy’s women are getting their tubes tied just to prevent thier wombs from being polluted with beta seed.

PS Wildly off-topic: It takes a special kind of stupid to think that just because you and your kind can create a nice neighborhood that means everyone can do the same.


Don’t use sunscreen. It’s really bad for you. So bad, it could justifiably be classed a toxin. The decrease in sunburn risk is outweighed by the big increases in risks of many types of cancer, including melanoma.

• Research has not validated the claim that the sun is not safe because it causes melanoma.

• Sunscreen use actually promotes skin cancers.

• Sunscreen chemicals are toxic to all systems in the body and to all life on the planet.

• Sunscreen chemicals mimicking the shape of our hormones bind to the body’s hormone receptors, disrupting estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and thyroid hormones.

• Sunshine provides many benefits for the whole body.

• Blocking UVB radiation leads to low vitamin D3 levels due to the inability to produce this essential vitamin in the skin, which results in a multitude of health problems.

• Consumers should avoid products that have a SPF rating or foods or clothing that contain titanium dioxide.

• Eating, taking or using antioxidants on the skin are natural, safe ways to protect the skin from solar radiation. Feeding the skin antioxidants provides nature’s best solar radiation protection.


Although UVB rays are what cause the typical sunburn, and blocking UVB does stop the skin from turning red, the sunburn is the body’s warning sign that it is time to get out of the sun because you have run out of your natural protective nutrients that prevent damage from the sun. Blocking the sunburn is just as dangerous as cutting the wire to the red warning light on the dash of your car.


A study with human volunteers who applied BP-3, OMC and 4-MBC for two weeks detected all three sunscreen chemicals in blood and urine, along with alterations in reproductive hormone levels. Observing the amount of these ‘‘estrogenic’’ sunscreen compounds in the blood, the researchers expressed concern for children who have not reached puberty, because they are more sensitive to low levels of reproductive hormones. Young children are also less able to eliminate drugs and have a larger surface area per body weight than adults, which can result in greater absorption and build-up within their bodies. The researchers concluded that sunscreens “might have adverse effects in children.”


This report on HMB also found that the chemical caused reproductive toxicity, with a lengthened menstrual cycle and decreased sperm count.

At least nine studies of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in mice and rats show reproductive harm, including problems that could result in impaired fertility.


Many young people today are stating that they are confused as to their sexual orientation. It is no wonder! The use of estrogenic and anti-testosterone sunscreen chemicals for the last forty years could be one reason that males and females are experiencing gender identity confusion in ever greater numbers. It is known that testosterone secreted by fetal testicles plays a key role in the permanent organization of the developing central nervous system toward masculine patterns. This means that males exposed to these chemicals in utero are subject to disruption of the development of normal masculine character traits.


The alterations to the cerebral cortex suggest that titanium dioxide exposure should be considered as a risk factor for autism, as autistic brains show abnormal cellular arrangements in the cerebral cortex.


Studies also show that titanium dioxide disrupts the body’s ability to perform its continual DNA repair, which is essential to maintain good health. All these alterations of chemicals within the brain cannot help but lead to alterations in behavior.

Is sunscreen the primary environmental insult causing the late-stage degenerate freak parade craziness?!

All the biosocial depravity plaguing the West — weak, gimp sperm…low fertility…tranny lunacy…autistic screeching…GOP cuckery…pussyhat hysteria…mental illness…depression…diabetes — might be the consequence of sunscreen lotion and the associated reduction in naturally-produced vitamin D.

If it is, then going out in the sun “unprotected” will be the next pro-White dog whistle.


Science is a work in progress. These findings may not hold up, or they may. The title of this post was obviously glib, but not untrue. We are discovering more every day that the Big Chem revolution of the 20th Century has had unforeseen consequences, which could be affecting us in small and big ways. It isn’t a reach to speculate based on the new information coming out that industrial modernity has had hugely negative impacts on social organization and could in fact be a main culprit in the depravity and suicidal ideation sweeping the West.

Which is why I, and others like PA, have predicted that the 21st Century will be the story of Westerners (European Whites) repudiating the modernity of the 20th Century. We are going back to our roots, in all senses of the word. Our roots with nature, with family, with kin, with neighbors, with nation.

I’m not saying it will be the equivalent of Ludditism. There will still be amazing discoveries, particularly in biology and genetics, but the way we live will change to be more in tune with our primal rhythms than with the autissimo world foisted on us by Big Tech, Big Usury, Big Chem, and Big State.

Globohomo will be defeated by blood and soil.


Subcellular Shit Tests

Women shit test even when they aren’t thinking about it.

Women’s bodies BLOCK weak sperm by creating a ‘bottleneck’ in the uterus where stronger swimmers force their way through

The female reproductive tract is cleverly shaped to weed out weak sperm.

That’s the claim made by scientists at New York’s Cornell University, who say a series of ‘pinch points’ – such as a narrowing between the uterus and fallopian tubes – is the biological equivalent of an assault course.

As a result, only the strongest sperm cells can push their way through the bottleneck to reach the egg, creating a quality control process for fertilisation.


This adds further weight to the suggestion that the female body undertakes a selection process, rather than conception being random.

A shit test is basically a filter for men with alpha attitudes. Even at the level of the uterine tract, women are filtering the beta sperms from the ZFG sperms.

It would be interesting to know if this sperm selection process applies to extra-pair ejaculate competition as well as to single dose ejaculate.


This is what shitlibs think of themselves when their self-perception algorithm is set to 100% Fantasy Fuel.

Shitlib phenotype reality:

PA comments,

It’s an interesting window into the lib-male’s soul. His antagonists, who represent MAGA men, aren’t evil-looking, scary or ridiculous. They are sad and weak looking.

Yet the lib’s self-image is that of the aggressor, or at least a hard-puncher in that single frame.

Doesn’t feel heroic to me. But the lib is clearly in throes of self-idealizing heroism when he verbally (it’s always about being so smart!) abuses defeated men.

Male shitlibs are like that version of George Costanza in the jerkstore episode. He’s always thinking of comebacks after the moment has passed, but finally has one and it lands with a thud. His self-satisfaction is immediately deflated.

Anyhow, PA has got it right. Shitlibs are into humiliation porn. They have a sadistic urge to cruelly humiliate weaker enemies, while stronger enemies elicit from the shitlib either deranged psychotic breaks or instant submission and pleas for mercy.

Where did this comic come from? Aquinas quips:

A [special person] fappatorium

PS Decent article about “conservative democracy”.


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