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Time for a phyzz check:

Yup, as expected, 100% White shitlord. And he’s right about islam.

Now let’s have a look at the phyzz of the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, a platitude spouting cat lady who had her first and only child at the ripe young age of 37, with her “domestic partner”.

The phyzz never lies.


Robard drives in and drives out with the COTW in hand,

I used to fart a lot until I went paleo. My experience since has been that there is a direct correlation between carb intake and farting; when I consume only meat I don´t fart at all. If this is a general effect it means that reducing meat consumption in favor of a plant based diet may simply end up replacing cow farts with human farts.

We laugh, but maybe there’s something to this?

In the meantime, Beta O’Rourke is a mindless cipher who’s now parroting Alex Occasional-Cockas’s claim that we’re all gonna die in twelve years from global warming, unless we DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW.

That something is, of course, giving these clowns and their patrons more power. How convenient!


The marriage of victim culture with attention whore culture has been a disaster for the western race.

(Z-man: “Much as the deracinated society is great for serial killers, social media is great for attention whores and grifters.”)


Trump hugs the flag because he thinks we live in the America of his youth.
His love for that America is strong.
But America changed more than even Trump knows.
America is beyond his recognition now.
His flag hugs seem now like tragic anachronisms, or wistful role play.
Like a desperate, loveless couple reenacting a passionate first date.
With sad eyes.


If Trump is serious about 2020, he’ll rehire Steve Bannon. Or at least consult him through private channels.

It’s what he should do.

But he won’t.

Z-man writes,

I’ve said for a while that Trump is going to run a “morning in America” re-election campaign. He thinks he is Reagan 2.0. His data guy has him convinced he can gain more votes by striking this happy warrior stance than he will lose by getting soft on immigration.

It’s clear as day Trump is pivoting toward Reagan 2.0. But I have a hard time believing his data guy (Parscale?) is seeing numbers that indicate it’s a winning strategy. My read of the zeitgeist is that Reaganism is DOA as a 2020 campaign strategy. Trump wouldn’t have won on Reaganism in 2016, he won’t win on it in 2020.

Unless I missed it, there hasn’t been a favorability poll of Trump in a while. I’m curious which direction he’s heading now that he’s staked out a position as Reagan 2.0.


I’ve said that if the Dems go full retard and stay there, Trump could squeak by in 2020 on his current record.

On second thought, maybe not. We on the shiv-right have a tendency to get cocky about the supposed inevitability of Dem self-implosion, letting our enemies do our work for us. There’s a good chance now, more than before, that Americans elect a quasi-socialist in 2020 to address an out of control, avaricious and corrupt elite. After all, Trump was once the longest of shots.


What’s the argument against Ann Coulter? I keep hearing she’s just a hysterical broad, and while that may be true I haven’t seen anyone directly refute her when she takes it to Trump.


Whatever transpires in the coming two years, I would never regret my vote for Trump. Like I’ve said, if all he accomplished was winning the election (and skullfucking the cuck paradigm), that’d be enough to immortalize him.

And Trump is still a master rhetorician the GOP hasn’t had since…ever. Today, Trump labels the Dems “border deniers”, which is a great reframe and co-option of classic shitlib rhetoric.


Animal rights is an oxymoron. Implied in rights is the capability to recognize others’ rights.

We take rights away from convicted criminals.

Animals can’t recognize humans’ rights, so animals can’t have rights.

Before you say “what about retarded humans?” we recognize their rights because we know they’re handicapped and therefore deviated from the human norm. We carve out principled exceptions.

I’m all for humane treatment of animals, but that’s a courtesy we extend to animals to address our own emotional needs with, one hopes, the full knowledge that the animals really have no idea why we’re extending them that courtesy, or even that they’re getting a courtesy. This has nothing to do with “rights”, nor should it. If it did, we would have bastardized the concept to uselessness.


The average age of hispanics in the US is something like 9.

Pelosi wants to lower the voting age to 16.



Who’s pulling AOC’s strings? (short answer: a turk, a bindi, and a soyboy)


Reader wow, just wow says,

If you read nothing else today, read this.

We’re living within a horrifying dystopia.

That’s no hyperbole. The following confessionals will both break your heart and fill it with a rage that could fuel a thousand cleansing fires. An excerpt:

In Their Own Words: Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out


My daughter, at age fourteen, spontaneously decided that she is actually a male. After suffering multiple traumatic events in her life and spending a large amount of time on the internet, she announced that she was “trans.” Her personality changed almost overnight, and she went from being a sweet, loving girl to a foul-mouthed, hateful “pansexual male.” At first, I thought she was just going through a phase. But the more I tried to reason with her, the more she dug her heels in. Around this time, she was diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and anxiety. But mental health professionals seemed mainly interested in helping her process her new identity as a male and convincing me to accept the notion that my daughter is actually my son.

At age sixteen, my daughter ran away and reported to the Department of Child Services that she felt unsafe living with me because I refused to refer to her using male pronouns or her chosen male name. Although the Department investigated and found she was well cared for, they forced me to meet with a trans-identified person to “educate” me on these issues. Soon after, without my knowledge, a pediatric endocrinologist taught my daughter—a minor—to inject herself with testosterone. My daughter then ran away to Oregon where state law allowed her—at the age of seventeen, without my knowledge or consent—to change her name and legal gender in court, and to undergo a double mastectomy and a radical hysterectomy.

My once beautiful daughter is now nineteen years old, homeless, bearded, in extreme poverty, sterilized, not receiving mental health services, extremely mentally ill, and planning a radial forearm phalloplasty (a surgical procedure that removes part of her arm to construct a fake penis).

The level of heartbreak and rage I am experiencing, as a mother, is indescribable. Why does Oregon law allow children to make life-altering medical decisions? As a society, we are rightly outraged about “female circumcision.” Why are doctors, who took an oath to first do no harm, allowed to sterilize and surgically mutilate mentally ill, delusional children?

When Lies & Ugliness overthrow Truth & Beauty, there is no limit to the depraved evil that is capable of being unleashed.

Having to watch these adults enable my daughter to do this with no medical science to back it up is a scenario that I never dreamed any parent would have to face, at least not in the United States. But this is our reality now—a reality that the mainstream media won’t touch.

All these trannyfreak cheerleaders and advocates and enablers and witch doctors should be arrested and tried for child endangerment and gross medical malpractice. End of discussion.


From dallasvegas, who walks off with the SOTW award,

The reason Beto is popular with middle aged women, is because he is a guy that looks like someone who will take care of another man’s children

It’s so true! Just look at the guy:


Tucker Carlson For President

Tucker might be the last public figure on the Right with any balls. Read on for proof of testes.

We’re deep in the era of despotic left-wing gotcha whorenalists digging through old radio programming to find quotes that can be used to de-person enemies of Globohomo. Media Matters — currently run by a huge flamer and also currently violating the law by acting as a political consultant for the Dems, which is illegal for 501(c)s to do — tried to shut down Tucker Carlson’s show by reporting on some funny stuff Tucker said during radio call-ins to the Bubba the Love Sponge show.

(It makes sense for guys like Bubba and Howard Stern to hide that material from prying whorenalists. People would stop doing interviews with any of these shock jocks if they thought it would come back to bite them ten years later.)

Some choice excerpts from these unearthed gold-plated Tuckerviews:

But Canada’s a solid place with good-looking women and good fishing. We should invade.


I swear to God, yes I did [have a speaking gig canceled in Canada] because of that. […] Because I called them our retarded cousins.


Everybody knows that Barack Obama would still be in the state Senate in Illinois if he were White. […] Come on, let’s be real here.

100% TRUEFACT. You think that vapid shell entity gaymulatto would have gotten anywhere near the White House as a White man? HA not a chance. But white shitlibs hate hearing this, because it reminds them that they voted for the guy based on his race, because he was their redemptive POC.

BUBBA THE LOVE SPONGE: Tuck, do you like coming on with us? ‘Cuase I like you. I mean, I’m not trying to ph@g out on you or nothing, but I like you. I like you.

CARLSON: Well, I like you too, and I mean that. You always say, “I mean that in a non-ph@g way,” but I actually mean it in a completely ph@ggot way.

Tucker comes across like a normal man with healthy T levels.

So a bunch of pansy leftoids at Media Matters are paying interns to trawl through this stuff to find anything that might make advertisers flee and Tuck apologize.

But you CAN’T CUCK THE TUCK. Our man has refused to apologize and is taking the fight right back to shitlibs.

In his fiery monologue addressing the coordinated hit job, Tucker called Brian “penishead” Stelter of CNN a “house eunuch” and a “Zucker puppet”.

I would vote for this man.

The current hate speech hysteria gripping the left half of the country has nothing to do with the truth. In fact, the truth is a helpful guide post to what the Left considers hateful speech. The more truthful, the more leftoids want to SHUT IT DOWN.

Leftist freaks think Carlson’s bawdy truth bombs will change the country if allowed to continue.

Since when did old-fashioned bro humor change the course of a country?
Oh yeah.
Since the country became full of hysterical cunts.

The lunatic, fear-mongering, spittle-flecked, totalitarian outrage of the Left is all the reason you need to keep pushing their buttons and speaking Truth to Globohomo Power.

PS Here’s Ace of Spades on the attempted silencing of the Tucker.

Whenever there’s a Witch Hunt ginned up on Twitter, started by the left against someone on the right, it will be about five minutes before the most vigorous virtue signalers on the “right” begin boosting the left’s signal and acting as even more zealous enforcers of made-up leftist rules than the left itself is. […]

Tucker says they’re like Trustees in a prison — prisoners themselves, but offered special perks and privileges for watching over their fellow prisoners and reporting back to their wardens.

The Maul-Right will achieve so much with the cucks’ knives out of our backs and the battlefield in clear view.


Another update in the romcom series “Deep State Shinola”:

Obama’s DOJ obstructed justice.

And *yawn* no one is doing a damned thing about it.

Lisa Page: The DOJ Forbade Us From Bringing a Negligent Release of Classified Information Charge Against Hillary Clinton

Lisa Page confirmed to me under oath that the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information. pic.twitter.com/KPQKINBtrB

— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) March 13, 2019


Oh wait, that charge only applies to Trump and anyone in his orbit.

Two tiers of justice.

One for leftoid petty tyrants and Clinton rimjobbers.

Another for the rest of us.

One must never forget how thoroughly the media ignored and suppressed the story of Tony Podesta’s pedophiliac home art collection. #TooRealNews

The Deep State — aka the Administrative State, aka the Managerialist Leviathan, aka the Permanent Bureaucracy, aka #TheResistance, aka #ThePestilence — has to be pulled up by the roots and the earth salted for good measure. There needs to be a mass culling of shitlibs from the government bureaucracy if we are to have any chance of victory in the fight for the soul of America. Otherwise, you get Trump — a man who had big plans but was stymied at every turn and eventually succumbed to the swamp.

PS “Diversity and Inclusion”

PPS Clown World


Globalization means your lower-middle-class kids from suburban Minneapolis get to compete with wealthy scions whose parents spend millions of dollars to help their kids outcompete your kids for scraps from the elite Ivy table. LMAO

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) March 12, 2019

It’s brutal cuz it’s true.

Rich shitlib actresses paid big bucks to get their airhead kids into elite colleges.

“I don’t know how much of school I’m gonna attend but I’m gonna go in and talk to my deans and everyone, and hope that I can try and balance it all,” Jade said in a YouTube video from August of last year. “But I do want the experience of like game days, partying…I don’t really care about school, as you guys all know.”

A smart White boy from Kentucky was denied a slot because this ditz’s mom forked over half a mil in bribery money to buy her daughter an admissions acceptance letter.


Bronze Age Pervert on Woke Environmentalism and its betrayal of its core principles:

Environmentalism COULD be about clean air, clean streets and parks in cities, clean waters, rivers and oceans, unspoiled nature areas…instead it’s about getting you to eat bugs, veganism, carbs and nebulous “climate change” (gibs for bureaucrats, corporations) https://t.co/gYTystzSOC

— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) March 12, 2019

So true. Media shitlibs and their darlings like Alex Ocasio-Quinoa are raging about mandated meat-free and dairy-free diets now because of cow farts, while of course totally ignoring the obvious downsides (stunted growth, soyface, feminization, shitlib politics).


Joe Biden is sounding a lot like the campaign trail version of Trump (pre-cohenvergence).

Trump’s tweeting about Israel while Biden is firing up white, blue collar workers over labor, healthcare, and pension issues.

Trump mistook his victory for a cult of personality triumph. It wasn’t. As strange as it was, he won on the issues. Issues he’s since abandoned. https://t.co/MFv5cezZvK

— Josef Bosch (@heyitsjobos) March 12, 2019

I’d say Trump won on issues AND personality. (Jeb would not have won with Trump’s message, although he would have done better.) But point taken, Trump has strayed far from what brung him to the dance.

Kelly asks the relevant question,

Is Biden is morphing into 2016 version of Trump? Where’s Bannon when Trump needs him?

Trump misses Bannon, and for that we all suffer.

Bannon shot himself in the foot, but his departure was still the worst thing that happened to the Trump WH. Bannon was Trump’s gateway to the White working class — the forgotten Americans — who won him the electoral college and gave America a fighting chance for survival.

Trump has, up till now, largely squandered that support. For the last six months, he has played defense. No big ideas. No more fulfilled campaign promises. No FIGHT. I trace it back to Bannon’s exile. When Bannon left, Trump lost access to the hearts and minds of Heritage America. Javanka filled the void, and it’s been a steady drumbeat of inanities from Trump that include abject betrayals of his base such as declarations that the US needs more legal immigration to fill all the jobs being created.

Things could still turn around for Trump and MAGA, but time is short and the trends are disheartening.

I remember the counter-arguments at the time when Bannon was fired…”bannon has character flaws” “bannon is a sloppy drunk” “bannon betrayed his boss” “bannon was probably a leaker” “bannon is a loose cannon” — which all may be true but still doesn’t refute the central premise that he was a necessary lynchpin in the MAGA agenda. When he left, the javanka entity assumed control.

Now I wonder if it was Trump himself who ordered Bannon’s firing, or if it was someone…near and dear to him who did it.

Anyway, I stand by my prediction that Bernard wins the 2020 general if he gets past the black belt primaries unscathed, and if Trump doesn’t execute a course correction soon. But if Biden continues stumping like he’s being advised by Bannon, we may have a real contender for the throne. And I don’t say this with glee in my heart. Biden is an anti-White scab laborer like the rest, and will do nothing to curb the demographic destruction of America, but he may vault to victory if Rust Belt Whites are still dispirited in two years.


This has been a banner week for feminism, if you like the idea of feminists committing mass hara-kiri. (I do.)

When “Gender Studies” professors and Jezebel shrews are hardest hit, America wins.

Hot off the presses, a new study finds that sex-based brain differences are evident IN UTERO (long before culture or social constructivist poopytalk can plausibly have any influence on the sexes).

Brand new research on sex-related brain differences measured ?? ?????. The last bastion of hope for blank slatism has now evaporated.

“These observations confirm that sexual dimorphism in functional brain systems emerges during human gestation.”https://t.co/5Kvp625qxe

— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) March 11, 2019

Sex-related differences in brain and behavior are apparent across the life course, but the exact set of processes that guide their emergence in utero remains a topic of vigorous scientific inquiry. Here, we evaluate sex and gestational age (GA)-related change in functional connectivity (FC) within and between brain wide networks. Using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging we examined FC in 118 human fetuses between 25.9 and 39.6 weeks GA (70 male; 48 female). Infomap was applied to the functional connectome to identify discrete prenatal brain networks in utero. A consensus procedure produced an optimal model comprised of 16 distinct fetal neural networks distributed throughout the cortex and subcortical regions. We used enrichment analyses to assess network-level clustering of strong FC-GA correlations separately in each sex group, and to identify network pairs exhibiting distinct patterns of GA-related change in FC between males and females. We discovered both within and between network FC-GA associations that varied with sex. Specifically, associations between GA and posterior cingulate-temporal pole and fronto-cerebellar FC were observed in females only, whereas the association between GA and increased intracerebellar FC was stronger in males. These observations confirm that sexual dimorphism in functional brain systems emerges during human gestation.

As the study’s conclusion notes, neonatal sex-based brain differences exert lifelong effects on behavioral sex differences:

The study of brain development in utero is imperative for understanding typical and atypical brain development trajectories and achieving optimal long-term neurobehavioral outcomes. The present study demonstrates for the first time that development of fetal brain FC varies with sex. The differential development of FC over gestation in male and female fetuses likely acts as a precursor to sex-related brain connectivity differences observed across the lifespan. Further, the fetal brain networks observed in the present study likely serve as the building blocks for nascent neonatal, toddler, and adult networks.

Colin Wright points out…

Also keep in mind that this study measured *functional* connectivity, not merely differences in brain anatomy.

Feminists and soyboy enablers are being force fed the truth about male and female differences: “society” has nothing to do with them. The source of sex differences is in the brain and begins in utero.

Biology über alles.

Feminist Indoctrination Kommissars BTFO.


PS Amazog just banned Kevin MacDonald’s seminal book The Culture of Critique.

Amazon has just banned Kevin MacDonald’s book The Culture Of Critique, which discusses how Jews have infiltrated and subverted Western culture. You can read my review here: https://t.co/hq1kmPaDHu pic.twitter.com/2H16ARg46J

— Roosh (@rooshv) March 12, 2019

Luckily, you can still buy the book here…for now.

That famed liberal tolerance is quite a thing to behold, eh?

There should be a Banned Books Reading Club. That would make a great summer reading list.


PPS One of the few memes I laugh at with every return visit:


White knighting in this day and age is about as anachronistic as virgin brides.


The West is losing its collective head. In Spain, a girls’ basketball team was allowed to play in the same league as the boys’ teams. The result was predictable.

J.R. comments,

apparently the girls are quitting cause they lose by an average of 50 points every game and end up bruised and injured cause the boys play too physical

as yeyo says, how did we get here? an uncontacted amazon tribe would know this

we’re going backwards

How did we get here?
We got bored with affluence and prosperity and comfort.
Not to worry, the problem is self-correcting.
We’ll fuck it all up and have to start from scratch.
Make life exciting again!

Mace Dindu adds,

We got here by letting a malicious tribe gain dominance over a form of human connectedness that never previously existed. For all of human history, what one “knew” was a result of what he experienced firsthand, and his dealings with his immediate community. Now, nearly all of what one “knows” is absorbed top-down by those who control the mass media. Including you and me.

Mass media is the enemy of the people.


Pat Buchanan writes on how the media and their Dem party foot soldiers are actively and intentionally dispossessing Middle America.


In one hundred years, in a post-apocalypse post-America, historians of the day will doubt the following cultural signifiers actually happened:

-trannyfreak “rights”

-slut pride marches

-moslem third worlders willingly invited to West Virginia

-an 11-year-old drag queen dancing for adult gay men

-one political party giving illegal aliens the vote

They will disbelieve because in the apocalyptic correction event (ACE) these things will have been crushed to dust.


The $PLC has half a billion in assets. The SPLC is also an anti-White genocide project.

You think I exaggerate.

Here are screen caps which caught a “blackening list” hanging in an SPLC office which appears to represent SPLC executives gleefully counting down the days to a minority White America.

Trump, do something useful this week for your base. Direct your AG to declare the SPLC a hate group which should be monitored nonstop by the FBI.

If you find this hard to do, try spending more time with your sons and less time with your number one daughter.


Good article on the dating market that recapitulates a lot of CH themes.

One objection I have with the general thrust of the article: online dating data analysis of women’s mate preferences can be misleading. In a sterile online environment, women are harshly picky about men’s looks, but in the real, face-to-face world women become more sophisticated evaluators of men and tend to respond eagerly to hsmv traits like charisma and body language which don’t come across as well in dating app profiles.


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