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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

Commenter natphilosopher poses an interesting thought experiment, What I want to know is, what’s the CH translation factor [for female age versus female fatness]? I figure, maybe 2-2.5 pounds/year? A 20 year old who’s 50 pounds overweight against the same woman 20-25 years later, but now she’s lost the extra weight and toned up? No, … Read more

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It may astound some readers, but yer ‘umble instigator has no experience fucking fat chicks, rare one-night hummers from borderline chubsters notwithstanding to the contrary. Of course, no man needs to know what it’s like to fuck a fatty; our vision is keen and our imaginations sufficient to piece together a porky pastiche. However, it … Read more

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Well-meaning tradcons with white knight complexes like Charles Murray and Ross Douthat wonder why more men aren’t MANNING UP and getting married. They say it’s because too many men are jobless. Maybe. But there’s another, less Hivemind-hospitable explanation for the marriage dearth: Too many women are fat. Groom looks like he just found out he’s … Read more

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British women (and American women moreso) really have been getting beefier over the past few generations. [T]he average modern woman would seem like a giant to her great-great-grandmother, because in the past 80 years all measurements of the female body have increased dramatically.Yet it’s nothing to do with genetics – simply a result of the … Read more

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In yesterday’s post, one of the beta male of the month contenders was a guy who had lifted a hideous chubster onto his shoulders (“Do I even lift? Why, yes, I do lift!”) so that she could flash the crowd of gawkers a pair of bee stings that Manboob Emeritus David Fatrelle laughs at. Interestingly, … Read more

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There’s a lot of chatter among the cuntocracy about how men aren’t “manning up” and doing their duty to marry off all the single ladies. But maybe, just maybe, part of the reason for this male abdication of the sacred institution of marriage is the poor quality of the women on offer. Just how bad … Read more

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Their body language is a dead giveaway. She’s leaning into him body and head, he’s leaning away from her. Charitably, he can’t support her weight. Uncharitably, he’s already withdrawing in preparation of the many years he has ahead to come to terms with his defeat. The resolution isn’t strong enough to determine if his eyes … Read more

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Read this OkCupid profile and try to guess the sex of the person who wrote it. Don’t read further until you’ve made your guess. . . . Still guessing? . . . . . . . . . . These are your American women. Delightfully feminine bunch, ain’t they? This profile, minus a few giveaways, … Read more

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Fat apologists: Environmental shocks: Keepin’ it real.

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Facebook Likes are a cancer on society. They glorify feels and enervate reason. They abet lies and exile truth. But they do perform a valuable service for the keen observer of civilizational decay. The FB Like, and what gets Liked most, are revealing glimpses into a nation’s character, and especially the character of its women, … Read more

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