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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

It’s true for most non-r-selected men that female thinness trumps everything else about women’s attractiveness. As a consequence, fat chicks get nosex, nogsex, or dregsex. Them’s the breaks for the bulbous brigade. It’s also more or less true that as a man’s sexual market options, real or perceived, shrink, his standards loosen to accommodate girls … Read more

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File under: Too funny No further shivving, yer honor.

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Women prefer to lay with taller men, generally. There is a visual dominance aspect to this preference that synchronizes with the female craving for men who are socially and psychologically dominating. In short (heh), women like the feeling they get when they literally and figuratively have to look up to men. Less remarked upon is … Read more

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It’s generally a good idea to avoid those with indiscriminate tastes and passions. The wind blows them whither, and the buffet table bloats them thither. AKA NO FAT CHICKS.

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Comment of the Week winner is Pill, with this compare and contrast of sex with a tightbody waifu and sex with a fatbody average american woman. In my limited experience. My first bang was a chubby girl. Great curves, tits, hips. But she just had too much weight. And a belly at times almost looked … Read more

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A thought occurred to me while noticing a boy-hipped, broad-shouldered manjaw crank out a 10-rep set of man-pushups at the gym without breaking a sweat. She wasn’t half-bad in the facial area, and her body, despite its cylindricality, was thin and taut. Her lunge-carved ass broke the straight line of her figure, supplying just enough … Read more

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Did everybody have lunch? Good, because you’re about to have it again! Behold (with a wide-angle lens), a primer on how to have fat sex. You’re about to enter (at orbital velocity) a world of fatties describing their sex lives and the necessary…adjustments….they must make to accommodate their morbid obesity to nature’s most instinctive act. … Read more

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This story comes by way of The Sun, a Brit tabloid, so take it with a flat of salt, but if it’s accurate reporting then the Chateau doesn’t hesitate to claim that you are about to read the tawdry details of a male who can proudly wear the Cuck of the Century crown (a pink … Read more

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The sexual market is the one market to rule them all. That’s a classic Chateau maxim. But reader Daffyduck thinks there may be evidence of a Current Year contradiction of the maxim. My question to the proprietors is this: if the sexual market is the primary market, why do so many women (the vast majority … Read more

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Twitter twats hired Randi Lee Harper as an “Online Abuse Prevention” schoolmarm, and continue to employ her, despite a mass (heh) of gathering evidence that she is fat, drug-addicted, mentally unhinged, and a disingenuous liar. So why is she still working there? Does she have dirt on Twatter executives? Or is the entire Twatter HR … Read more

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