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Classifying Shitholes

In the interest of precision, we need a shithole ranking system. Classification helps us think more clearly on questions such as, “From which shitholes should the US absolutely NEVER take any shitholies?”.

In ascending order of shitholery:

Shitburb – Banlieues of Paris
Shitpit – Detroit
Shithouse – El Salvador
Shithole – Haiti
Shitabyss – Somalia
Illimitable Shitvoid of Desolation – Liberia

Wew after reading that my mind is already wonderfully focused!


Shithole Nationalism

Shithole Nationalism is basically White Nationalism minus the (((emotional))) baggage.

Other forms of implicit White Nationalism include but are not limited to:

  • White flight to the suburbs (getting farther away every year)
  • talking in euphemism about “good schools”
  • White reintroduction to gentrified, formerly nonWhite neighborhoods
  • Whole Foods, craft breweries, opposition to expanded mass transit from the inner city
  • the Founding Fathers and the Preamble to the Constitution

The Chaimstream Media and the gobsmacked shitlib masses it leads by the nose are menstruating over Trump allegedly asking why the US is “taking in immigrants from shitholes like Haiti and Africa instead of from Norway” during a meeting with Congresstraitors.

Everyone of sane mind asks the same question, but of course you’re not allowed to ask that aloud anymore. The worst sin in Clown World is to vocalize a truth (what are you, some ill-bred rube?) instead of suppressing it at great psychic cost and insisting the opposite is true so your soyciety lib friends won’t ostracize you or get you fired. Emperor has no clothes, on a mass scale.

And whom are these sanctimonious liberals fooling, anyway?

From MPC’s status updates:

Pres. Trump used the same word to describe Haiti that liberals use for the entire Midwest.

A reader suggested a Venn diagram to represent the latest self-manufactured shitlib outrage.

There’s a social signaling element to the shitlib reaction to Trump’s plainspeak, but there’s also an aggressiveness that belies an intent to humiliate the enemies of shitlibbery. @pen writes,

Refuting that “Haiti is a shithole” is the ultimate test of the communist apparatus’ power to humiliate.

2 + 2 = 5. (Orwell was a prophet)

Testosterone: “shithole countries”

Estrogen: “if i had a son, he’d look like trayvon”

mendo/eaux writes about how badly the libs have logic-trapped themselves with their insistence on not calling shithole countries shitholes,

…[libs] defending that those countries aren’t shitholes, then the obvious follow up, “then why are those people leaving?” puts them in a quandary.

Friggin’ checkmate!

It’s so unbelievably easy to checkmate shitlibs on the subject of uncontrolled mass third world immigration that it really speaks to the treachery, cowardice, or just plain stupidity of GOP cucks that they couldn’t do it for decades, as they presided over the US sinking into the mud.

“If these shithole countries are so great, why is everyone from there leaving them?”

“If White colonialism/imperialism/racism caused shithole countries to be shitholes, then why do shitholies want to come to White countries?”

“If America is an idea, why can’t we just send a copy of that idea to shithole countries so they can build their own cities on the hill?”

The fact is that shithole people (shitholies, to morally preening lib Whites) make shithole countries. Just as there’s no magic dirt in nice countries which will turn a Somali into a White Vermonter, there’s no magic dirt in shithole countries that turns them into shitholes irrespective of the people living there.

Which means, the more shitholies you bring to America from shithole countries, the more America becomes a shithole. The people, not the paper, make a nation.

Now I hear that Norwegians are twatting about the US being a shithole, in protest of Trump or something. Nobody virtue snivels like a scandicuck. They are world champions at disavowing their whiteness. NorRRREEgian anti-Trump poseurs who say the US is a shithole are thinking of the black ghettos, not the white parts of america. Or they’re outright lying for a pat on their pussies.

Ending on a positive note, Trump has masterfully pinned the Dems (and cucks) into a corner where they either have to deal with him or admit to the American Normie that they think the US should be eternally open to migration from the whole world, for any reason, at any time. A literal shithole depot. It would be tough for Trump not to look good when the dust on this settles. From a CH commenter: “The left will replay that “shithole” comment nonstop in 2020 and accidentally get Trump elected again.”

If, as it appears increasingly likely, Trump pushes the fuggernaut over the edge with a few coarse words and a couple of early morning shittweets, I have to just LOL that America may lurch into Civil War 2 and break up into regional entities because libs wept salty crocodile tears over DACA.


Great comment from a reader on the Left’s meltdown over the national conversation on immigration that Trump has forced:

Immigration is about sharing in the exploitation of the country, not sharing in the building or maintaining it.

To the Left, the US is something that White people found in North America and stole from Native Americans, and now we have to stop hoarding it and give it to the rest of the world.

Simple hooks are all Trump needs to destroy the Deceitful Uniparty and its leftoid lunatic army and win the approval of the majority of Americans. Simple hooks, like


PS The US State Department (no friend of Trump) believes Mexico is a shithole.

PPS Via /pol/ News Network, the US Department of State pays employees extra, up to 35%, to work in shithole countries.



The Nümale Grimace

It goes by other names:

The Male Feminist Rictus
Soylent Grin
The Soyboy Void
The Castrate Gape
Moneyshot Face
The Shartle
The Prog Agog
The Awestruck Chucklefuck
The Human Gloryhole

Apparently, these low T wonderboys are mimicking an emoji. Grown nerds reduced to male bonding across a vast cultural emptiness via an iphag cartoon face, linking up in a shared snark experience so they can forget for a second how much time they spent in lockers. The always invigorating TOG put it best,

Nerds are always mining the internet for quirky frontier jibberish that they can then copy and emulate and pass off as their own to other nerds IRL.  However all the nerds are online in the current year +2 and they’re all seeing the same cultural references at the same time so theres no originality, no character, no uniqueness – just the same quotes from the same latest episode of GoT.  Emulating emojis is just the latest iteration of this trend. Before this it was emulating anime characters and before that it was emulating saturday morning cartoon characters and sci fi characters.  These broken f****ts are brainwashed by jewish media 100%.  They cant wait for the next episode of Rick and Morty to come out so they can memorize it fast as possible to get all the snarky lines and regurgitate them back to their robot nerd friends so they can sound and act like the nerd actors they have been programmed by Hollywood to emulate.  This has been the problem with our culture since jews took it over about 100 years ago.  The jews demoralize the American population to control us; they make us feel weak, ineffective and worthless using tv advertisements to make it seem as if the only option to not be weak is to act like Sloth Rogan, or act like Will Smiff, or act like Ross from Friends.  All the ugly beta nerds are scurrying around trying not to look like ugly beta nerds and the best they can come up with is emulating Hollywood programming and mimicking cartoon facial expressions.  All they have to do is some light aerobic exercise, lift weights and eat right but they refuse.

Personally, I think these nümales are subconsciously assuming a submissive facial expression. The whole world is a silverback ape to them (including the women) and they respond with a gaping piehole showing both rows of teeth to assuage predators that they mean them no disrespect nor designs on their primacy.


The harder a cuck or lib loses their…shit…over the Trump “shithole” story, the likelier it is they have thought to themselves that a shithole country was a shithole. The usual mental libness projection.

Imagine being a lib and having to pretend Haiti isn’t a shithole? All the time? That’s a recipe for mental anguish.

Libshits have to suppress a lot of crimethink to function in their soyciety. COGDIS is more than an annoyance to them, it’s their life partner. So whenever they have an excuse to act phonily indignant about a shitlord’s realtalk, and they have a plausibly deniable moment of freedom to air their deepest darkest suppressed word bubbles, they go bananas repeating the offending term over and over. Like a small child who just learned a certain word is naughty and runs around the house yelling it in every room.

CNN maxipads said the word “shithole” 36 times during one night’s broadcast. That’s what a leftoid does when he’s got cover to relieve the pressure-cooker in his skullcap.


Inflaming Foreplay

Men (and lately women too, thanks to the endless sex denialist propaganda stream) underestimate the vast difference in physical strength between the sexes, and as a consequence also underestimate the psychological impact men’s size and strength has on women’s emotional state when in the company of men. The strongest woman would be no match for the average soyboy, and this fact of life has implications for how women have evolved to behave around men. Specifically, women are evolved to be both aroused and scared of male physical strength, and particularly so when alone with a man and no nearby white knights to aid her in case the man she’s with turns out to be a psychokiller.

Women have evolved this way because a dominant, potentially dangerous man is both a benefit and a risk to her. His benefit is obvious: in a harsh environment filled with predators human and animal, he can protect her. His cost is obvious as well, but maybe less so to the muff-struck girl: a dominant man may turn his ire on her if she crosses him or his entitlement or rage escape his self-control.

Thankfully for you readers, years in the wench trenches and a compilation of personal experience from hundreds if not thousands of aspiring womanizers who told their stories in online forums have revealed some extraordinarily potent pre-bedroom maneuvers to heighten a woman’s sexual arousal and consequently lower her inhibition.

The goal is to walk that fine line between a display of dominance which excites women and a menacing threat which scares women. Foreplay is maximally inflamed with a quick, yet unmistakable, hint of your manly power.

The move is simple. Grab a woman’s wrist HARD in the heat of the moment. Pin it against the wall, or against her shoulder or hip. This motion is AC/DC electricity, and as segue to sex it’s both boner and beaver fuel. You see, your dominance display will not only arouse her, it will arouse yourself seeing her submit so deliriously to your entitled whim and overwhelming physicality. Dominance is the limbic lube that both men and women secretly crave, the former for its powerful alpha penumbra, and the latter for its submission summoning sexiness.


Commenter chris and myself have objected to gay marriage on grounds that heterosexual marriage is essentially an anti-cuckoldry social rule codified into law, and gay marriage undermines that social rule by importing homosexual norms into heterosexual marriage. (This is inevitable if gay marriage is the legal and cultural equal of heterosexual marriage.) The consequence of gay marriage and its attendant norms will be the end of monogamy and the patriarchal nuclear family, which will destroy the most important lynchpin of civilization.

Coming to the same conclusion, but from a different angle, is Quads, who writes succinctly about the ways in which gay marriage upends the traditional order honed by millennia of evolutionary trial and error.

Gays of yesterday used to understand that they were in some way broken. It wasn’t just that they had a sexual dysfunction, but that they were excluded from broader social life. They could never produce a family, they could never be part of the basic unit of society. They knew it and embraced it. This is no longer the case.

Society has changed. Its basic unit is no longer the family, where men and women each play a part, where knowledge is passed from one generation to the next. (That was too bigoted.) Now it’s the individual, a citizen who pays taxes and consumes goods and services, who is society’s basic unit. This is all it means to be normal — this is what the social revolutions of our time asserted. Everyone is identical — men, women, blacks, whites, asians —  and everyone plays the same social role. In this atomized context, where marriage and sex are private behaviors, then gays really are Just Like Us.

Today’s gays see themselves as normal. Any bigotry against them is just arbitrary and irrational, because they can do anything you can do. They work and pay taxes and consume goods, Just Like Us. And to an extent they are normal, they’ve marinated their whole lives in a culture of atomized individuals. Marriage isn’t a ritual, something with social significance, but just an achievement, like buying a car or getting a diploma. So any combination of private reasons — tax benefits or a fantasy of being “married” some day — is justification enough. Gays are Just Like Us, their money is as good as yours. Gays are Just Like Us, and they’ll believe this even as they get fisted by a stranger in the airport bathroom.

Just Like Us is a pithy phrase that encapsulates the conflict Quads mentioned between socially significant ritual and individually rewarding achievement. In a society increasingly breaking down into being defined by its least common constituent parts (ie consumerist cogs), the normalization of and rationalizations for gay marriage will necessarily have a corrosive effect on heterosexual marriage, subverting the social oversight dimension of marriage and substituting it with a shrunken hyper-individualistic quality which reduces marriage to a private consumer purchase with no implication for the wider society.

Gay marriage is an empty sacrament of accumulation — a rite of crassness — without a broader and deeper connection to family or society, past or future, and without the gravity of acting as an occasion and a commitment enforcing a collective rule which exists for the benefit of a larger social purpose than the kitschy gratification of deracinated and atomized consumerist impulse.

Mark my words, we will pay dearly for the folly of passively acceding to the gay marriage fuggernaut.


Our resident yenta and Oprah’s #1 fan, Spiritual But Not Religious Rick the Menstruation Within, stopped by to drop another steaming NeverTrump knish in the comments.

Well troll is one one way to describe Fredo Trump.. As for real estate, anybody can be successful when you dodge your debts via not paying workers and declaring bankruptcy.

Yes, that’s why the world is brimming with formerly bankrupt billionaire playboys. /sarcasm

Strap-on’s tepid shitlib boilerplate got Greg riled up and he replied with the customary atomic wedgie that causes the Aryan Viking Ubermensch’s anus to flutter in anticipation of the stimulation it will receive.

Disingenuous shill, if you knew anything about the construction industry and real estate, you’d know that the bankruptcy laws are used by many successful people because things don’t always go right. But the ENTIRE TRACK RECORD is where the rubber meets the road, and if Trump never paid his workers and always declared bankruptcy, he’d never had gotten past his first building.

The fact that his track record is extremely good, much better than most in those industries, and that he’s provided payment and jobs for tens of thousands of people is the heart of the matter.

But you’re the type of (((clown))) k!ke who would see Christ walking on water and neener-neener Him for not being able to swim.

Rick the Emergency Room Rectal Extraction is typical of his species: his life is a record scratch of shitlibboleths picked up at the Daily Kosher. He’s so stale, he thinks his stuff is fresh.

But his unprincipled snark, gleeful self-contradictions, hypocrisy, and sophistry do illustrate something I’ve thought about modren shitlibs for a while: Trump Derangement Syndrome is sublimated Trump Envy.

It’s so simple to demonstrate how utterly disingenuous are The Talmud Within and her pussyhat ilk. Thought experiment: consider an alternate universe in which thecunt (aka thecunt) was the outsider, charismatic real estate magnate candidate upending the old order and gunning for the corrupt establishment as the heroine of the workingman.

Now imagine in this alternate universe (where strapon within is actually a man) the encomiums to thecunt that shitlibs like rickygirl and their chaimstream media megaphone would be writing….about her incredible business acumen, the rebellion she leads, the coolness of her MAGA branding, the david vs goliath theme of her against-all-odds mission from God to take on the whole entrenched elite and the deep state, her authenticity, her tell-it-like-it-is plainspeak, her pro-America agenda, her fight against fat cats and greedy international corporations, her rousing stump speeches, her quick-thinking when attacked, her rhetorical mastery, her yuge rallies, and her genuine love and sympathy for the downtrodden and forgotten American.

It would be a tongue bath of epic proportions. So, really, the psychological state that drives shitlibs like Clitty Ricky insane with envious rage is that the person they really wanted to throw all their passionate support behind and to lead their side was instead….

leading the other side.

That’s gotta burn.


White Knightism

White Knightism is just as bad as feminism. In fact, they’re air-kissing cousins. The predominant feature of a gynarchy is women taking offense at increasingly trivial perceived slights, while their White Knight coddlers aggressively move to restrict the freedom of people (particularly beta men) who are accused of offending m’ladies. It’s the mad hag-tool bag cycle, and the end game is stillborn romance, a parched dating scene, and suffocating anti-sex social norms and anti-male institutional rules which drive out any remnant of passion remaining between the sexes.


The more multiracial America becomes, the less that “American” resonates as an identity, and the more that race resonates as an identity.

Nation is an extended phenotype of race. (sorry Boomercucks) The people of a racially homogeneous nation can afford the luxury of identifying themselves by patriotic national pride. The people of a multiracially fractured squatters’ zone can’t. They will be forced by tribalistic antagonisms and competing racial interests to identify by more primal signifiers, and those who remain committed to a deracinated higher order national identity will eventually succumb to the undertow of ethnocentric aggrandizement and either sink into a malaise or expend huge mental and emotional energy acting tribally but thinking globally to assuage their cognitive dissonance and unresolved feelings of unease.

Nothing will gel an implicit and explicit White identity faster than multiracial encirclement. If you value the concept of an American Identity and think a White Identity is gauche, then you’ll support staunching the decline of the White population share of America and renewing the White majority so that it sits comfortably and securely at 80% or more of the total American population. You will support closing the borders to perpetual Dirt World colonization and deporting the invaders who have set up shop here at the behest of the Uniparty Globohomoists who live and breathe for cheap votes and cheap labor.

It’s past time we stopped pussyfooting around about this issue. Existential threats to a nation deserve existential truths in defiance.


Credentialism is inherently shallow and effeminate, which is why college is now 60% female and the other 40% are uptalking soyboys who can only approach asian girls after pinky-sipping a flight of craft beers.

Culture messages have a big part in changing public attitudes, which changes social policy. Mocking the credentialist suckup diddle-jerk will help realign public perception toward a healthy skepticism and disdain of left-wing, post-America, anti-White academia, and drain their coffers while preventing fertilely fruiting women from getting pulled into the anti-natal vortex of degree whoring. More crucially, it will spiritually enliven our men who have been propagandized to view any life course not winding through a 4-year (now 6-year) college indoctrination struggle session as failure, and bring a renewed esteem to the technical crafts that are men’s forte.

A Trump trade policy reinvigorating manufacturing in the US will go a long way to diminishing the malevolent power of the leftoid academia menopausal complex.


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