Feed on

da GBFM needs no introduction, but does need a Pulzlolzllolzzlitzer. Reprinted in full:



lzozozlzozo da gbfm quiz:

1. The best way to bernankify a woman is through her:
a) nose hole
b) ear hole
c) mouth hole
d) butthozlzoozlz
e) gina hoelez
f) zlzozozlzolzozozoz

2. Tukker MAx rhryems with
a) Goldman sax
b) ben bernanke
c) sosdoomy
d) feminisst writer
e) sextrrive tapingz of buttehtx

3. The proper spellinzg of butthext is:
a) buttheext
b) butetehtxtxtx
c) butetehxtxtxt
d) buetetxlxoooozozoz
e) butetehrolozozozozozoz

4. The neoeocnths promote butyhe buttehxt so as to
a) desoul your womenz
b) beernakify your owmenz and ruin them as motehrz
c) pwn your owmenz and addict them to buttehxt
d) plant the butthextual longing seed that leads to divorce
e) detsory the fmaily to put your chcildren in beernaneke day care
f) all of da above zlzozooozlzoz

5. The following neoenthcts faought and were injured in the Middle East warz:
a) Jonah Goldbergz
b) BEn BErnnanke
c) Bill Crrystal
d) Jonah Goelebrgz mom lucianne goldbergz
e) bene shapriorz
d) none of teh abaovez lzozozozozoozoz

6. Sigmund Freud stated that the one question that puzzled him most was “What do women want?” The famous polymath poet/psychologist GBFM figured it out circa 2011. According to the great GBFM, women want:
a) beta fucks and alpha buckz
b) beta bucks and betasz fucks
c) alpha fucks and alpha fucks
d) alpha fucks and beta bucks
e) alpha fucks, alpha buckz, beta bucks, an all your moneyz too zlozlzlzozoz

7. The best way to gt a publishing deal with a publishing house run by women, or to be featured in a consertaive magazine article penned by women is to:
a) write exlated rhyming poetry
b) butthext a girl and tape it secrtely without her ocnctnt conthent
c) write a story with plot, values, and honor, like homer’s odyssey
d) write a shakeparean sonnet with imanbic pentaammeneterz and a couplet dat ryems at da end lzozlzlzozozoz

8. The difference between modern ministers and pimps is dat
a) pimps will not charge you for past use of a pussy
b) pimps are not fronting a divorce regime which transferz money from menz to owmenz and the state at gunpoint
c) a pimp cannot garnish your wagesz if yo ho beocme preggeersenenlzlzlzlzo
d) a pimp does not ask for donationz
e) a pimp doesn’t claim he’s doing god’s work by grating you temporal use of a pussy in esxhange for past, present, and future wages
f) all of da aboveez zlozlozlzlzozozoz

10. If a womanz is a 3 and 7 alphas pump and dump her in collegez, she will do the math and conldue she is a
a) 3-7 = -4
b) 7-3 = 4
c) 7+3=10 I AM A TEN ZLZOZOZOZO!!!!!!

a) It gets betas to pay for what alpahs got for free hwen it was younger hotter tighter twnety pounds lighter
b) It guarantees that there will be men with assetetzzz that can be rapaed via dirrvoece
c) granpda said so, “when i was your age son,” i was married and supporting a family. man up and marry da whos!!! lzozloz”

12. The chronalogical chroniloogical chronological economic relationshpipz between ass and assets is:
a) da bankerz get your wife’s ass in college (as thy sefctrievly tape her doeusling in a buttehxtual buttehxting sessisin like tuukker max rheyems woith godlman saxxx) and your assets after divorce
b) your wife givez her azz butthoele away for free in college, and then chagegegrs you moneyz (assetts) just to look at it
c) your wife is butthurt after her ass is plundered in college and den she takes her revenge by plundering your assettsst
d) da bankerz deosul your wife in college by bebenrnakaifying her in her buttholez ass, and den dey program her to transfer your assets to them, fgruataleyfliey transferring your assets out theorugh her bngohole and into their beenrbeeknake bank acocuntz zlzozozozoz
e) all of da above zlozzolzozoz


ESSAY QUESTION: Describe thee relationship between usury and sodomy. Those who cite Milton, Dante, and other historical sources and figures will be given higher scorezz zlzozolzlozlzozlzzozozozozlz

lzozozozolzolz bonus nboenerz wuqestsionz:
#11. I like dating aemrican womenz and western womenz beacues:
a) i like paying for what otherz got for fre when it was younger hotter tghtr twnety poundz lighterz lzozooz
b) i like paying for rental carsz after i return them
c) i like urinalz dat make me pay and make small talk each time i pee
d) i like suiting up in a hazmat suit, self-contained breathing apparatus, snorkel, fins, and thre cans of lysol when i go down on pusysysysys zlzozozlzo
e) i like hearing about how men created all the evil in the world including shoppng malls, cars, ipodz iphonez twitter (clitter/twatter) and even cinabun zlzozozolzozzl


In a sane world, GBFM would be hailed a visionary poet on NPR while Ta Nigisi Coates would be doing dreary slam rap on the gay black bar circuit.


The Visionary

Womanizers never die, they just slay away.

A wise, old player of my former acquaintance — a man whose opinion I would only come to value after he left for adventures beyond and my experiences had endorsed the truth of his words — once told me a story about a quim slayer he had known and from whom he had learned so much about the ways of womanizing. His story was perhaps apocryphal, but the lesson it put forth was true.

He said his friend (we’ll call him The Visionary) suffered from a congenital affliction that was slowly robbing him of his sight. When he had met him, the friend was already on the cusp of declaring himself legally blind. He could still get around without a walking stick, and he could discern individuals and detect enough anatomical difference to know who was a pretty girl and who was the cockblock, but fine facial details were lost to him. He would describe the sensation as a shimmering blurriness, as if a piece of luminescent gauze was draped over the world which he would peer through trying to find peculiarities in each face to help him identify friends from strangers at an indoor distance.

Again, he had no trouble spotting pretty girls. My wise, old player friend confirmed the Visionary’s exquisite taste in women. What was different for him was the one obstacle he didn’t have to overcome which bedeviled fully sighted men: beauty catatonia. Up close, pretty girls didn’t cause him to stumble over his words or to physically stiffen with discomfort brought on by raging horniness. The sharpness of focus that causes an adrenaline rush in men when near a pretty girl was missing in him; he could see “this here is a pretty girl” but past that her features were smoothed out, flattened, blurred, and therefore deprived of the power that renders men tongue-tied and self-conscious.

Into this power vacuum he strode, preternaturally confident for a man with a disability, carrying with him, always, a hamster-nuking inborn disqualification neg to every HB he met: no hottie rattled him, and every hottie wondered why. He never let on he was vision-impaired, or if he did he downplayed its severity. Women could likely figure it out in time, but to their hamsters that didn’t matter.

Smoothasfuck and brimming with a ZFG calm that impresses men and drenches women, The Visionary would cold approach so many hsmv women that there were moments his friend would simply watch, awe-struck, as the crippled master of muff worked his stuff, and digits would exchange faster than the NYSE on the quants’ coke delivery day. Rejection was nothing to him; if he couldn’t feel the sear of their beauty he wouldn’t feel the burn of their loss.

His secret can be yours. Poon Commandment X:

X. Ignore her beauty

The man who trains his mind to subdue the reward centers of his brain when reflecting upon a beautiful female face will magically transform his interactions with women. His apprehension and self-consciousness will melt away, paving the path for more honest and self-possessed interactions with the objects of his desire. This is one reason why the greatest lotharios drown in more love than they can handle — through positive experiences with so many beautiful women they lose their awe of beauty and, in turn, their powerlessness under its spell. It will help you acquire the right frame of mind to stop using the words hot, cute, gorgeous, or beautiful to describe girls who turn you on. Instead, say to yourself “she’s interesting” or “she might be worth getting to know”. Never compliment a girl on her looks, especially not a girl you aren’t fucking. Turn off that part of your brain that wants to put them on pedestals. Further advanced training to reach this state of unawed Zen transcendence is to sleep with many MANY attractive women (try to avoid sleeping with a lot of ugly women if you don’t want to regress). Soon, a Jedi lover you will be.

You don’t have to wear vision-blurring novelty glasses to achieve the state control of the highest smv alpha males, although it might help. Alternately, you can train your mind to demystify women’s beauty by exploiting game principles that deceptively prioritize the display and proof of a woman’s character and personality, thereby deleveraging the capital advantage of her number one asset.

The Visionary played the game as if each pickup was his last, because he would go completely blind in a few short years and the blurred beauty of women would be gone from his world for good.


The Laundry Test

How do I love thee? Let me smell your panties.

A good test to determine if and how much you love your girlfriend is what I call the Laundry Test. If you shack up with a chick, or even if you don’t but you spend a lot of time together at each other’s places, you will eventually do a load of her laundry (one load deserves another HEH). Usually this will happen when she tosses her clothes into your pile, and by then it’s more work to fish her stuff out than it is to do the whole mess at once. After a few times, she’ll just ask if you can wash her clothes when you wash your own clothes. You will consent. Don’t fret it. It’s no demerit against your masculinity score if you don’t maintain 100% PURE PATRIARCHY all the time.

When you drop her unmentionables into the washing machine, do you act as if your hands are tongs for transporting nuclear waste? Does your face scrunch up and do you force your thoughts elsewhere? After you pull her clothes out of the dryer, do you toss them in an undifferentiated heap, annoyed with the chore?

You don’t love her. Not like you used to, at any rate.

Alternately, when handling her soiled snatch hammocks do you sneak in a sniff? Gaze at the centerpiece fabric for a moment, wondering if her tube lube has left a Rorschach test of romance for you to decipher? Rub the fungal foundational between your fingers? When pulling her dainties out of the dryer, do you caress them individually, allowing the warm scented fabric to linger under your nose. Do you perhaps, when even your God isn’t watching, press your lips against her slips and inhale like you’re taking an epic bong rip? Do you longingly admire her cleaned G-strings, and fold them neatly in a pile, enjoying a moment to reflect on the happiness she has brought to your life?

You love her. Like you used to, and as you will until the Wall fights you to wrest your love away.


PBR Streetgang collects this week’s COTW:

Imagine the internet was a real place – it’d be like visiting an enormous public library where everyone was screaming for attention- or jerking off.

I’d drop a mic in PBR’s honor if I had one in my hand. (not a euphemism for anything sordid)


Maul-Right Street Art

I don’t know who or which group was responsible for the above dissident skylarking, but it’s a beautiful thing to behold. If it were a shiv, it would be serrated and dipped in tree pepe poison. We need more of this, and fast. Increase the voltage!

The following is from the incomparable SABO, and is one of his bast street artworks yet:

Shitlibs are put on notice by this heretical street art. In this war, it’s strategically smart to let shitlibs know they don’t own the public square, especially the public squares of the big blue coastal megacities that have become their adopted hive home. We want them in fear every minute of their fappuccinoed soylives that the person standing next to them at the movie theater wine bar or sharing an uber pool ride with them could be an apostate, a VERY BAD FREETHINKER, and why is that person staring at them that way? Is he dreaming of DOTR? Oh god where did I put my inhaler?

PS An American Thermopylae.


The Accidental Jerkboy

A surprising number of beta males will pull cute women totally by accident, usually because they temporarily forgot to filter their thoughts before speaking them aloud, or while in a fog of liquor and xanax they executed Dread Game or Disengaged Asshole Game without realizing they were doing that.

Which goes to prove one of my main contentions that ALPHA is a state of mind more than it is a jut of jawline, and that beta males CAN LEARN to be the more charismatic men that women desire.

It’s just so friggin tragic that these “accidental jerkboys” RARELY take the lesson of their fortuitous faux pas to heart, preferring instead to ignore the HARD EVIDENCE OF A BINDING CONNECTION BETWEEN JERKITUDE AND MUFF MOISTENING in front of their eyes for the comfort of keeping their lips latched to the milk-less teat of the pussy pedestal in their heads.


Welcome to this edition of Reader Mailbag, wherein your gracious Chateau hosts answer your sex and relationship questions in as untimely a manner as possible so that the girl you were chasing is long gone from the picture and the wisdom you imbibe here can be used to torture yourself with “what could have been” mumbling chants. Programming note: Emailer names are never identified in reader mailbag posts, but if for some reason you *want* your name (real or a handle) publicly aired, please explicitly request it in your email. Otherwise, amusing nicknames will be given to emailers.

Email #1: Sadness Market Value wonders about the depths of depravity that some men are willing to plumb.

Which is sadder, a woman getting so shitfaced in public that her husband must drag her home, or the fact that her girth is so immense (far greater than hubby’s) that her soyboy geldling collapses under her heft?

In ascending order of pathetic sadness:

  • hot mistress getting blitzed and effortlessly carried home by cheating hubby
  • hot oneitis getting tanked and carried home in straining noodle arms by her friendzoned beta orbiter
  • fat chick getting sloppy drunk and dragged home by an acquiescing betaboy who is trying to impress her hot friend
  • fat, drunk, and stupid wife crushing her soyhubby under the load of her bulbosity in full view of bar patrons

I hope that clears things up.


Email #2: No Mate Guarding asks if there’s an alpha way to mate guard a flirty girlfriend.

Just been catching up on the blog & reading the posts on BMMG got me wondering about less beta / more alpha ways of mate guarding in public – not everyone’s a Heartiste yet after all.

Even a Heartiste occasionally falls short of Heartistian expectations. Yet I carry on.

Ex: whilst on your way to buy a drink etc, give her a playful smack on her posterior & say something lighthearted along the lines of ‘teasing them again… someone’s going to get such a spanking when we get home’, then carry on to the bar / washroom / whatever.

I’m thinking something like this shows you’re not really that worried about her (not quite ZFG alpha territory, but few fucks given – FFG, if you will), but also assumes the sale etc.

I’d leave out the “someone’s getting a spanking” part; it sounds cheesy in a mate guarding context. A playful ass smack and a light-hearted warning (to both your gf and the other guy) along the lines you suggested — “Watch out for this one, she’s a tease. She’ll break your heart” — is good enough to get your point across. That point being, you still own her, and he’s the sort of beta to get his heart broken a lot. So this accomplishes two goals: it puts her on notice and lowers his SMV.


Email #3: Preen Enabler praises with faint damns.

Just donated.

Since I started practicing techniques I learned on Heartiste, my marriage has improved dramatically. My wife now says “You’re a bad man. You’re a very bad man.” With a gleam in her eye and a moistness in her vaj.

I would have been a failure as a marriage counselor. Saving all those marriages with too much winning advice would mean fewer follow-up sessions. Now you know how the therapist racket works: keep the marks coming in for more temporary hits of feelgood pabulum that does nothing to actually help them become better, happier people.


Email #4: Bumble Rumble is an accelerationist.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

WWYD. I matched with this girl on bumble and we’ve been talking through the day. She plays that dumb 2 truths and a lie game. I try to figure out the answer by plugging in her pics to google reverse image search and I find her instagam. Turns out shes married and has a million posts with her husband and other bullshit posts about how god is good lol. Shes also going under a fake name on bumble. I hint to her that I know her real name and she immediately deletes me from the app. Now, I don’t know these people at all but I really want to tell the guy shes on bumble. Should I blow up her spot?

I make it policy to stay away from married broads, unless the circumstances of a potential hookup are so favorable to me that indulgence is possible without much blowback. In practice, this means I almost never have flings with women I know to be cheating on their husbands. The few married chicks I’ve been with kept that a secret from me until after we were in the Boff Zone, and then I ended it shortly after the revelation.

This chick was using a fake name because she just wanted to get her fuck on and it’s a good one of that I’m sure. If you wanted the same, I don’t know why you’d blow her cover. If you didn’t want sex, but want to save a mortal beta hubby’s soul…DON’T. At least, don’t do it unless you can guarantee your anonymity. No matter how saintly your intentions, getting involved in a domestic dispute never ends well, for any party to the chaos. Most likely scenario: he blames you for casting aspersions on his loyal wife, and now you have two people, ho and hubby, who’d like to fuck your shit up. The cuckold will have to find his way to salvation on his own.


Email #5: Legally Bound Beta’s Lament has a question for the ages.

How do I get my middle aged wife to lose weight?

That was the short version. If you need background, here is some:

Met around age 30 my n was about 9 and hers was 1.

She was about a 6.5 and I was maybe a low 7. She has always been in the passenger seat and I have always had hand in the relationship. Occassional dread game, eyeing other women, comments on looks etc have been deployed. Comments about her weigh, big butt are not even offensive to her because I do it in a playful way. She knows she has to lose weight for herself and to keep my interest. She is about 190 lbs at age 42 and was 140 on our wedding day 11 years ago.

Depreciation is a bitch.

she is 5’7″. She has borne me 4 beautiful white children and I get baby weight happens, but nothing is slowing this down. I will say she always had a little extra ass, but now its getting to be a turn off to see her gut. I have had dream ( last night ) of being in a new relationship with a younger, slimmer, 7 or 8 girl next door. My wife is a great wife and mother. Does all the tradcon wife stuff, in the kitchen and the bed. Not one complaint. She knows she has to lose weight, but can’t seem to commit herself, and has excuses all the time. Donation headed your way for the years of great wisdom emparted if youd help save my marriage by telling me/the CH community how to motivate our goodwife to be less of a fatwife.

Maybe I should have made this a separate post titled “Fatwife To Goodwife: The Reclamation” because the topic is so damned important to so many American men.

Fatwives: If you love your husbands, you’ll lose weight. If you want to be loved by your husbands, you’ll lose weight.

If you refuse to lose weight, the obvious conclusion is that you neither love your husband nor care about receiving his love. So why should he stay with you? Better question: Why should the law demand under penalty of financial ruin that he stay with you?

CH Maxim #120lbs: There’s no such thing as unconditional love.

LBBL, here’s my advice: continue kicking yourself into shape, amp up your dread game, and encourage your wife every time she loses even an ounce of flab. The carrot and the stick, acting together as a force multiplier, will turn your fatwife into a fapwife. When you’re swole and confident, other women will notice, and your wife will notice other women noticing. When you’re pretending to be scandalized by other women flirting with you, your wife will notice. When you step off the scale, tell her “I warmed it up for you” (she’ll get the hint). When you make innocuous asides calculated to unnerve your wife, about the peculiarity of her single female friends with the “amazing” bodies who can’t find a man, she’ll notice.

If, after a six month protocol of this psychological version of chinese water torture, your fatwife is still fat and still your wife, you have permission to lower the boom.


Because you’ve left her already, in your heart, as long as she stays fat, there’s no downside to a hail mary ultimatum to save your marriage: she either complies, or you formalize what you feel about her. Good luck. In this anti-male, gynarcho-tyranny we live in that slanders male virtue and glorifies all female vice, you’ll need it.


Email #6: Disturbed By Cucking writes,

My biggest personal hurdle towards unplugging is as follows. I’m deeply disturbed by the thought that girls which I’m currently dating are sleeping concurrently with other guys.

Rule 1: More girls than most are willing to believe will cock hop while dating non-exclusively.

Rule 2: If you suspect your girl is fucking around, she probably is. Ignore gut instinct at your peril.

The more beautiful the girl, the more these irrational thoughts unsettle me, to the point that I dreamed that one of the girls I’m seeing gave me a video call and she was laying almost naked in bed with another guy, looking sweaty and rosy in the cheeks — as if they had just finished having sex.

Fear and loathing of cuckoldry is normal in men; those feelings protect you from resource exploitation and reproductive annihilation by cheating women. If you are constantly having nightmares about cuckoldry, that could indicate deeper psychological issues stemming either from the pain of victimization by a past infidelity or even from a taboo fantasy.

I should add that this chick is the hottest I was able to pull so far, a HB9, 6y younger than me (I’m 28 btw). Now there are a few red flags about this girl, the latest being that she posed as a nude model in her drawing class. That ruffled me a bit, though I didn’t let it show. Should I just NEXT her?

Damn son, why would you NEXT an art class nude model? That’s not a red flag, that’s a BED FLAG. I bet she’d be a great romp. Set up an easel in your bedroom and tell her you’re gonna draw a picture of her with your dick.

Seriously, though, if you just want to date and get your rocks off, stop worrying about the possibility this chick is engaged in extracliticular activities. Sure, being a nude model is a tell of promiscuity and unfaithfulness, but that should only be a concern if you’re committing to her with the intention of marrying her. In the meantime, exercise your god-given prerogative as a MAN and have your no-strings-attached fun with her.

Back to my self-inspired dread… How do I get past this stupid Beta fears?

Date more the one woman. The calmest you will ever be around women is when women are always around you.

How do I stop caring?

You can’t. You can only pacify it.

Should I even stop caring?

No. Let the caring pass through you.

I understand that these fears are probably rooted in my insecurity, perhaps they even make sense as a protection mechanism of sorts (like mate guarding) against cuckolding. Another issue is that I cannot bring myself to go down on any girl, petrified by the idea of other dicks having been in there, maybe just the night before.

Dirty little secret is that most men don’t like going down on women, because most women aren’t scorching hot babes with perfectly manicured pube thatches and disease-free snatches that smell of lavender. If you find yourself heading south by a hidden force beyond your control, chances are good you’re with a chick who really turns you on.

I don’t know of any friend of mine who has this issue (in fact, a friend told me he’s turned on by the thought of his LTR banging another guy… wtf).

Low T soyboy. Avoid him like the plague, lest his disease rub off on you.

This site changed my life.

It is required.

PS A trick I use to stop thinking the worst thoughts about women is to accept a priori the worst about women, knowing that many women will surprise me and beat my expectations. Then….LOVE. :heart:


Email #7: The Ebony Mole requests the company of yours humbly.

I’m a young black man who is a reactionary and I would love to be friends with you anyway I hope you accept my token of friendship and if you want to call me my phone number is [redacted]

You sound totally legit and trustworthy. Let’s get together and chat over 40s. You can find me at MPC under the handle That One Guy.


Email #8: MAGAdating may have the most current year question of the day.

I’m asking for advice on a Trump shit test/social experiment. I’m going to a speed dating event in a shitlib city and I expect some girls to ask, “Are you a Trump supporter?” (because they do it on Tinder).

I don’t want to cuck. At the same time I don’t want to argue politics or give them the smug satisfaction of dismissing me by saying “Yes.” I want an aloof shitlord response that reframes and keeps them guessing. Or maybe agree and amplify: “How could you tell? Maybe it’s my new cologne called WINNING.”

Any ideas? If you blog on this I’ll try various responses and report back. Maybe even secretly record interactions and post for all to hear.

Thanks. Keep up the good work.

Great question (I’ve had to deal with similar interrogations from women, so my advice on this topic is guaranteed fresh).

No, you don’t want to cuck. Unless you’re a weapons-grade liar who can and will say anything with utmost believability simply to get the bang with a rooted cosmopolitan libsloot, you’ll feel bad about betraying your god emperor thrice before the cock plows.

Your “WINNING” cologne line is pretty good, so you could go with that.

Here are my additional suggestions, to both keep your dignity and to seal the deal with maga zeal:


“Are you a Trump supporter?”

“Worse. I’m an Ivanka supporter.”

Substitute “Hitler Youth”, “Roy Moore”, or “Pinochet” to your personal liking.


“Are you a Trump supporter?”

“Are we really gonna do politics on a speed date? I thought you were better than that.”


You: “Are you a Hillary supporter?”

NEXT as required.

Reductio ad absurdum

“Are you a Trump supporter?”

“As if! I’m a Hillary supporter all the way! A proud male feminist. I have a favorite pussyhat. In fact, I’m menstruating right now.”

Nuclear Disqualification

“Are you a Trump supporter?”

*shaking your head sadly* “Damn. Another one.” *get up and walk away*

Script Flipping

“Are you a Trump supporter?”

“Of course. I’m not gay.”

Assume the Sale

“Are you a Trump supporter?”

“Of course. Isn’t everybody?”

“I’m not!”

“Sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor about that.”

Bane Game

“Are you a Trump supporter?”

“For you.”

Ok, that’s enough for now. MAGAdating, we here at CH would love if you’d field test these and secretly record your interactions. I will definitely dedicate a post to whatever responses you get from these shitlib sheilas.


This is a great comment by emery, who tells about a clinically diagnosed psychopath among his group of friends:


There are a lot of posers in this topic who are commenting about psychopaths without realizing that their opinion of them has been super biased by the media they consume. Like this guy
“A psychopath or sociopath or narc will never fight for his ‘tribe’. There is no tribe for them. There is no social belonging. Its just them and them alone for miles to come in their head. Their evolutionary strategy is simply to fend for themselves using short term measures. They also make incredibly poor soldiers who have trouble sticking to chain of command and instead use the system to gain short term benefits. “
or this guy
“I’m a psychiatrist and the dude seems more likely to be one of those common internet aspie nerds than a psycho. Psychos dont post on the internet. They dont tell others they are psychos. Aspie nerds have low sensitivity to stimuli because of continuos uninterrupted viseogaming and porn surfing”

My closest friend is a psychopath, 6 out of 10 on the scale (around 8 you start to be unable to integrate into society in any meaningful fashion) and boy let me tell you that our host’s assessment of their charismatic powers is dead on. For some reason women of all stripes love him, men want to be his friend and all sorts of opportunities are opened for him with seemingly no effort. He is willing to kill over his friends and is the first guy to kick up a shitstorm when one of us is dissed (when it can be done and we get away with it, he always has a sense of when to fight or walk away too) so their lack-of-tribe isn’t a hard rule. As a soldier they are great; there’s the book “Wisdom of Psychopaths” which interviews some elite british special forces guy and he’s a geniune psychopath. They are unfazed by danger and are willing to do crazy shit; and they follow orders WHEN THEY MAKE SENSE. Otherwise they operate with independence which you want in your most elite forces. You want someone wacked, you send the psychopath.

Anyways I wanted to respond to this comment.
“I’ve heard it said, “a true psychopath would never know he was a psycho.” I don’t buy that. A true psychopath would know exquisitely that he was a psycho…and wouldn’t care. “
I can only speak for my friend but he didn’t know he was a psycho until recently. He just thought other people made dumb choices or had weaker logical centers than him. Turns out he is half right, since the defining thing of psychopathy is that emotions don’t affect their actions. He only found out he was a psycho because he asked me, “Sometimes people just completely misunderstand what I say, Why is that?”. One thing led to another and voila.

As you can tell I’m totally jealous of him. Psychopathy is the tits in our modern society, like running on a clear high while everyone is a panicked mess. It’s like being in the zone in a game you’ve mastered and played for years going up against people who still make newbie mistakes and don’t really understand how to play and are stuck in their head. Only one weakness; There is some truth to all the posters saying they are predators who feast on the tribe. If they are poorly socialized they will roam and prey on people and they absolutely cannot sustain a hierarchy. My friend is loved by everyone and they’ll do what he says when he asks but doesn’t have that tribal-leader quality that keeps group cohesion strong. It’s hard to phrase, but he cannot see and thus cannot add to the ‘social currency’ that really tight groups use to feel bonded to one another.

There IS a place for them though. You want your doctors, soldiers, executioner headsman and your priests to all be psychopaths. The commonality is that they benefit when their personal emotions do not factor into their actions. Btw, I believe this is why they totally slay women (heh). Women manipulate emotions through superior empathy and superior empathy-manipulating-tools (boobs, childlike features, demure purring etc.) and they are completely stripped of those weapons against the psychopath. If she doesn’t have any other mental tools (and modern women are the least socially adept they’ve been in, possibly, all of human history) it’s, again, like a child fighting a master.


One of the greatest pickup artists — womanizers, in the new-old vernacular — I’ve known was on the psycho spectrum, in my estimation based on his personal acquaintance with me. And yes, women were totally out-gunned and ill-equipped to parry his charms. Short term conquests were his specialty; he had a few gfs but his relationships always ended prematurely, and usually with spectacular fireworks. He acquired many obsessive stalkers in this way.

I recall reading somewhere that heart and brain surgeons have the most psychopaths in their ranks of any occupation.

I’ve written about this before, so I’ll reiterate my thoughts here: As we enter the Fourth Turning — the time of Crisis — the sociopaths and their close cousins the psychopaths will be in their element, alternately feasting on America’s decaying husk for personal benefit and disregarding virtue signaling peers to crush the enemies of America. We would be smart to corral the Stone Cold Charisma Corp to our ShivNat cause.


Top: Insol

Bottom two: Incel

All three: Narcisshits groomed on a steady diet of social media Likes.

Explains a lot.

Nasim Aghdam looks like the love child of David Hogg and Eliot Roger. Really wide face indicates psychopathic tendencies. And of course she’s a racial mutt from that part of the world that produces a disproportionate number of the world’s psychos.

Verdict: she, and her family, should never have been let into America. They aren’t like us.


I confess when I heard Oytube got shot up by this unibrow minx, I didn’t shed a tear. Globohomo Valley tech monopolies on the receiving end of their vibrant pets’ rage? Umm, sorry? I forgot to mourn.

If an emboldened horde of steppe-nomad mystery meat vegan psychocunts decides to visit hell on the centers of Leftoid Power, there isn’t a bucket of popcorn big enough to enjoy the fratricidal freakshow.


A reader writes,

The YT killer story has various levels/angles, but I think the most interesting one is the wish for revenge against a company that has taken on the task of arbitrarily censoring the content of videos posted on its system, often undermining people’s businesses in doing so. A proportion harmed by it will follow in this woman’s footsteps.

Reminder that this is the grotesquerie, deformed by inbreeding whose ancestors sacrificed a human visage and relatability for a few shekels of IQ, who controls what you see and hear on her worldwide communications medium:


It’s Revenge of the Nerds, times one million and more repulsive than any Lovecraftian horror. It’s Fuggernaut politics. The degenerate freak mafia only knows how to destroy the true and beautiful so that they no longer feel the sting of their lies and ugliness.

The Fuggernaut doesn’t want us gazing to the heavens; they want us staring at the muck.


My sides! From MPC status updates:

The internet really is an incredible mental illness incubator.

Petition to replace “marry, fuck, kill” with “italian, persian, or jew?”

Chad Bigly:

Me: The perfect Narrative Collapse doesn’t exist.

Nasim Aghdam: Hold my vegan kebab.

LOL. What’s wrong with our angry young women? Has feminist veganism gone too far?

One more flog of the Hogg:

It’s funny cause it’s cruel. (For those who don’t know, Hogg tweeted about his virginity and no-girlfriend lifestyle, confessing that his classmates think he’s weird. Who could’ve guessed that?)


CH has explored the darkest nooks where psychos reveal their seduction secrets. Add one more to the Psychopath Game genre, this time from a reader:

This is an addition to your jerky testimonies. I have at least two of the three dark tetrad traits; psychopathy and machiavellianism.

The thing with psychopathy is that society has so shamed it that even a psychopath has the cognitive dissonance to never admit to themselves that they are a psychopath.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why civilized society would shame psychopaths?

But after a while, enough people tell you that you are a psychopath that you accept it.

I’ve heard it said, “a true psychopath would never know he was a psycho.” I don’t buy that. A true psychopath would know exquisitely that he was a psycho…and wouldn’t care.

My court mandated therapist hasn’t “diagnosed” me with psychopathy but he told me i have an extremely low sensitivity to stimuli. He said I need to have a job or hobby which stimulates me; like a mountain climbing guide or white water rafting instructor. Although, he never came out and said I’m a psychopath.

A lot of human personality traits reside on a spectrum of disposition. There may be a hard and fast line between non-psycho and clinical psycho, but clustering near that line — the marginal cases — people will exhibit some if not all behaviors associated with psychopathy. So the true rate of “psychopathy leaners” could be significantly higher than the 2% of the population identified as clinically psychopathic.

I have multiple friends who are ex military and they tell me I have the 1,000 yard stare. I’ve never been in the military.

I’ve had a couple stints in the clink. No prison time, just a couple days at a time.

I’ve figured out that during peace time societies and governments lock people like me up; during war time they actively seek us. They don’t put up a sign saying “psychopaths wanted” but their recruitment screen for psychopaths.

This is as good a reason as any to explain why psychopaths, if they’re so antagonistic to civil society, still exist in the human gene pool: they’re Darwinian insurance bets against existential crisis, able and willing to do what it takes to protect their tribe. (The other theory I’ve read is that the % of psychos in a population is relatively stable because at low numbers they can successfully exploit the empathically cooperative societies in which they live, but when their numbers get too high they are ruthlessly culled back to a manageable level by a “law and order” reaction to their predations.)

Side note, i’ve also figured out that police officers know exactly how to lie to get a conviction.

Psychos are often extremely canny observers of human nature (the “business card aesthetic”).

Anyway, enough background; here’s some anecdotes.

I’ve dated PhD’s, strippers, wealthy foreigners (non Americans), I’ve had ONS threesomes offered to me. I was meeting a newly single “friend” out for cocktails. I arrived earlier than her and I chatted up another woman. My “friend” showed up; a hb8 amazon; taller than me with huge tits… alpha female. the girl i chatted up earlier came and told me she wanted to have a threesome with me and my amazon “friend”. The amazon asked me what that was about, i told her that girl wants to have a threesome with us. The amazon was pensive for a minute. I wasn’t propositioning her. after a minute she said, “sure” as if it were a proposition. I told her, “let’s just wait a while” but soon both girls were grabbing my dick.

I was at the gym doing legs. I was at a squat rack. There are five other squat racks at my gym. Jacked dudes at every rack; more jacked than me. A yoga chick came up to me and told me she needed someone to teach her how to do squats. I said, “Ya, you need to.” She gave me that bright eyed surprised, “you’re an asshole!” look. then said I was really busy. But she can give me her email and i’ll send her some links. she shook my hand and intro’d herself. then she shit tested me by saying, “wow, that was a really weak hand shake.” I pulled out (heh) one of your lines and said, “I try not to hurt girls, unless it’s the right kind of hurt.”

She displayed faux indignation and gave a wow just wow reaction and chastised me for being lame.

I emailed her a couple days later with some links and told her to give me her number and we can talk about it more in person. we met for coveffee a few days later strategically near my house. we venue changed and we got a drink. you can use this line. I told her we can go to my place but I don’t think we should have sex. She’s like, “what!? why would you think we would have sex!?”

My living room is strategically arranged to be uncomfortable for guests. I have a desk and a chair and that’s about it. so wimmins have to go to my bedroom for movies/netflix. I started rubbing her pussy. She said, “I thought you said we weren’t going to have sex?” I said, “I changed my mind”


don’t use my name

If you noticed Psychopath Game and regular Game are similar in execution, you wouldn’t be far off.

Psychos have so much Outcome Independence, that it can get them in trouble…and in a lot of pussy.


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