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Too much love is servility.

Too much hate is malice.

Too little love is cruelty.

Too little hate is self-destruction.

Hate is as natural as love, and as necessary.


Amy Schumer. Here she is bitching about (or humblebragging about) all of her horrible ex-boyfriends.

I’ll translate her porridge of puling for you:


Keep telling yourself that, Amy, and when you get dumped (yet again) you won’t have to change a thing about yourself. Just keep rolling with your martyrdom complex until the Wailing Wall claims final victory over your delusions.


In related “total lack of self-reflection” news, there was a massive purge of NeverTrumpers from the cuckblog Red State. Trump should win a Nobel in Aesthetics for that.


Lisa Page’s gums (lol) writes,

So she lost her virginity while she was asleep…who was her date -Bill Cosby?
I mean how could she not wake up with a guy trying to move her fupa?

Fat amy schumer is like most fatties. Something’s always getting stuck in their folds so a penis could easily be mistaken for a half-eaten hot dog.


The Judge says giving women all the responsibility for initiating and controlling the pace of sex is the answer to false rape accusations.

Women are just dishonest to the bone, 24/7. You can think everything is cool because the dumb bitch doesn’t say anything, next thing you know, she claims you raped her, or she “felt half-raped”.

In such a climate, Game…CHARISMA…is needed, because the only safe sexual encounter is one initiated and controlled by the dumb bitch.

The Judge is well-meaning but his suggestion will actually make the problem of women blaming men for the regret and emptiness women normally feel after impulsive hookups much worse. Ceding the domain of bedroom escalation to women is no guarantee of a safe sexual encounter. As we all know, a woman will back-rationalize any sexual encounter into a distant facsimile of actual events to support whatever her feelings require in the moment, and that includes sexual interactions she initiated and controlled. Even if you signed a consent form with a lawyer present and tied your hands behind your back so that she would have to undress you and guide your penis into her three holes, if she felt bad about it the next day she’ll concoct a load of self-serving sophistry to excuse her actions and relinquish her accountability, which in practice means IT’S ALWAYS THE BOYIM’S FAULT.

Paradoxically, the closest thing men have to a guarantee against a false regret rape accusation is to DOMINATE and LEAD the girl to a sexual encounter in which she CAN’T CONTROL her erupting arousal and EAGERLY SURRENDERS to the man. (Then make sure you give her a peck on the cheek and tell her something nice before bolting in the morning. Leave em wetter than you found em.)

The problem with the physically and personably unattractive amy schumers of the world is that they are fated to date weak men, soyboys, gloryhole faces, male feminists, john scalzis, and simpering omega nerdos. A woman who initiates and controls the sexual encounter from start to finish with one of those kinds of un-males will FEEL LIKE she was raped afterwards, because her contaminated womb will be crying out for a mercy killing. Naturally, this bad feeling of existential darwinian regret will compel her to deny her role in the consensual sex and to seek absolution by shifting a fake blame onto the unwitting loser male who thought she was enjoying his tepid romantic advances.

A woman sexually in control is a woman emotionally in doubt. Give her control over sexual progression and the only guarantee you’ll get is her post-coital spite and resentment. Few women, deep down, want to lead a man. Most women, deep down, want to follow a man. You, as a man, deny this want of women at your peril.


A jealous girlfriend isn’t necessarily an obstacle to an award-winning relationship. In fact I’d argue that a woman’s jealousy is the solar energy of sustainable romance. When she’s jealous, you’re desired. And when you’re desired, she’s not MIA for twisted bedsheet time.

Ideally, you want to stoke a little jealousy in your woman, sporadically and with varying intensity and duration, so that it’s never predictable and she can dismiss it as another one of your effortgoads to secure her love. Too little jealousy is a recipe for cuntplacency. Too much jealousy risks a relationship blowout. Be baby bear’s porridge.

Inciting bouts of manageable jealousy is the heart of Dread Game. However, there will be times you overstep and drive your girl insane in the femmebrain with self-doubt and fear of loss. When this happens, I have a mitigation plan that won’t let you down. When she melts down accusing you of cheating or some other affront to her faithful womanhood, put on your best amused mastery face and, smiling broadly like a cat who just caught a mouse, reply,

“Wow you are REALLY jealous right now. This is so awesome!”

She’ll check herself before wrecking herself. Expect her to be confused or charmed (in women, these two states are often the same), and watch as the ire and anxiety drain right out of her. She might murmur something like “how is this awesome?” or “oooookaaaay…” which is her way of processing an unexpected information flow. (She was expecting your defensive denials.) You will continue in the same vein,

“You love me so much. It’s sweet.”

Her: blah blah don’t think so blah blah you’re so arrogant blah

“I better watch myself around other women! If I check out a cute girl you might buy me a Corvette.”

At this point, she’s either laughing or fuming, or both. Either reaction is good news. The fear has dissipated; thanks to your ASSUME THE SALE and AGREE & NOTIFY ministrations she’s realized how silly she sounded and is mad at you for making her feel that way. The madness will in short order give way to gladness and then to missionary tradness.

The above can be used by stone bold jerkboys who got caught cheating for real but don’t yet want to give up the dream of building a de facto harem of slightly obsessed loverladies.


gkai tut tuts and finger wags,

Lost the ball here. I far far prefer a chick with abortion history, that one that [won’t] play the surprise pregnancy and chain you for life with child support, just after some recreative sex. The pro-life fundamentalist Christian here was disturbing, while I was a fan before, now it’s becoming unbearable….I guess my CH lurking days are soon aver….

gkai (probably azn) hates White Christians, news at 11. (Why ARE so many damned asians colonizing the West? Their own countries too crowded? NOT OUR PROBLEM)

To his point, the Gotcha Pregnancy looms large as a devastating life-changing menace in the male imagination, but it’s an overblown threat that I have noticed appeals to two kinds of men: lsmv omegas who have little chance of convincing any woman to have sex with them, let alone bear their children, and wealthy hsmv alphas who have real reason to fear a mistress or lover snagging them into a lifetime of indentured servitude.

The latter group of men have to be careful which women they choose for trysts, because the gotcha pregnancy risk isn’t overblown for them. This maybe explains why so many wealthy alphas turn to escort services for fun when they could get the chicks for free at the local bar: the pros are paid up front and have an incentive to keep their bodies in a forever pre-preggers state.

The former group, the omegas, have nothing to fear, but they are egoistically comforted by the idea that they are threatened by sexually rapacious women who want to steal their disfigured seed and their non-existent resources.

In reality, the gotcha pregnancy is a rare event if you are minimally selective in which women you choose to bang and romance. Avoid ghetto mamas, barely legal beaners, mentally unstable coke fiends, trailer trash, and women over the age of 35 laboring under the loud tick tock of their biological clocks, and you are pretty well secured from victimization by a gotcha pregnancy.

If you are a Chateau reader, odds are you have something on the ball and swim in a social circle and cultural milieu filled with sensible women who don’t think gotcha pregnancies are smart, forward-thinking life choices. The fact is that cheap contraceptives (for both men and women) have largely eliminated the Gotcha Pregnancy threat among middle class and higher Whites. If you’re fresh off the boat and only date in the clan, maybe it’s a problem for you, but Western White women have abandoned the Gotcha Pregnancy as a strategy because 1. it interferes with mimosa brunch time and 2. Western White men have abandoned the Shotgun Wedding amelioration plan.

I’m not saying the Gotcha Pregnancy is a myth. I’m saying it’s like HIV…if you’re not a member of one or more specific demographics particularly susceptible to Gotcha Pregnancy infection, you can sleep easy that your womanizing career won’t suddenly end with the rash decision of a high time orientation, impulsive skank scheming for a sugar daddy.

However, should you fall prey to the Gotcha Pregnancy — one of the most malicious evils a woman can deliberately perpetrate on a man — I suggest leaving the country on the red eye, and don’t look back until such time that the USA has instituted rationality and fairness to its sexual regulation laws and added a “Gotcha Child Support” clause to any Gotcha Pregnancy claim that requires the woman making the claim to foot the entirety of the child-raising bill. Reproductive rights shouldn’t be the sole province of women.


williamk adds,

The particular kind of man who tends to get oops’d is a low class situational alpha with steady money, aka guy who has a harem of low SES girls (who are usually kinda gross), and works on a military base or something (not being a hater, its just a heuristic).

the gotcha pregnancy recipe:

guy: some cash + game + low standards + low IQ
girl: skank + low IQ + beneath the margins of do-ability for CH commenters

Another reason (as if it was needed) why refined men of stealth and taste should have and maintain standards in the opposite sex. Less risk of used condom scooping.


For decades (in the pre-Current Year era), blacks have voted lockstep for the Dems. The black vote of either sex rarely dipped below 90% D in any election. That may finally be changing. I predict a coming black sex gap, in which black men will vote less D while black women continue voting D with near-unanimity. The reason?


my MAGA hat is signed ?????????????????????????????? pic.twitter.com/DrDHJybS8V

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018

It won’t take much black realignment to cause an electoral crisis for Democreeps. If Trump can steal 10-15% of the black male vote from Dems, a lot of purple states will flip red. Some blue states would come into play. Kanye West isn’t the cause of this shift, but he is a powerful symptom of it, and his Overton smashing, leftoid COGDISSING tweets may very well end up pushing a nontrivial number of blacks into Trump’s camp in 2020.

Black men secretly love Trump. They respect Trump. Not enough to leave the D reservation (for now), but enough to consider it in the future. Trump’s brash style, his preference for gaudy golden palaces, his “one man taking on The Man” political trajectory, and most relevantly his hilarious TRASH TALK are all traits admired by the black man. That’s Trump’s style — his GAME — winning over blacks. But Trump’s substance shouldn’t be discounted. Black unemployment is at record lows in Trump’s reign; black men are noticing this in their lives, and it’s trickling into the black consciousness (such as it is). Blacks, especially black men, also notice Trump making their lives better by restricting legal and illegal immigration, which depresses the wages of lower skilled labor. The Beaner Wall is Black Magic.

Black women don’t notice it nor will they ever see the Trumpian light because black women are already under the employ of Uncle Gibs. Diversity quotas mean the government has to hire lots of incompetents and dead weight; black women are generally more conscientious and disciplined than are black men, so agencies fill their quotas with black women, hoping to limit the damage that Diversity brings to quality of service and product. Walk into any DMV and the ratio can be as high as ten black women for every one black man. This isn’t an accident; sure part of the skew is because a lot of black man are “out of the workforce flow” so to speak, but mostly it’s because black women are considered less obstreperous employees.

There is also a racial predisposition at work in the potential for diverging political preferences between black men and black women. As a race, blacks are r-selected; they have the behavioral profile of their African ancestors, and in Africa to this day the women toil in the fields while the men drink, gambol, and alternately revere the “Big Man” or try to become him. Africa is a matrifocal social organization, and that carries over into African-American neighborhoods where black women don’t expect black men to have a job and stick around to help raise the kids. Black women are economically self-disciplined in a way black men aren’t, either self-disciplined to earn a living working for the government or to know how to soak the welfare state.

So Trumpism has less to offer black women, who do quite well already under a quasi-socialist Democrat-controlled makework bureaucratic administrative state. Trump’s nationalist-populism agenda means a tighter labor market, especially at the low end, and more manufacturing jobs, which largely accrues to the benefit of black men. But it also means a less powerful central government as hiring agency, as employment opportunity moves away from Panem and toward localities; this would harm the interests of black women who, like women of other races, aren’t much interested in men’s jobs like manufacturing or anything involving physical labor and teamwork.

Which brings me back to Kanye; closeted gay though he may be, he has tapped into a dragon energy pulsing through many black men that will, in time and under the guidance of the Goad Emperor, create a noteworthy sex gap with their black women. But only if Trump reigns; any Republican after Trump not sufficiently Trumpian will lose black men as quickly as Trump gained them.

“JL” is John Legend. Kanye is in green. BTFO linguistic killshot confirmed.

Professional Boob Washer writes,

Kanye going hotep would be earth shaking culturally but the gender split in blacks is overdue seeing how black men are useful to the Left only when dead. Clinton won black women 93-4 and black men 80-13. If Kanye and the Hoteps move the needle at all, it’s over for the Dems due to their need for blacks +90% tallies. If the gender gap were to widen, Trump would be taking 18-20% total and depressing enthusiasm which enables vote stuffing in those 106% turnout districts. This helps secure the swing states he flipped and puts VA back into play. I don’t see black men voting for a black woman and there isn’t a South African style militant available yet nor will be with America’s mix. It’s Caudillo-Big Man politics now and Trump is the playmate fuckin’ Big Man.

When black men hear that Trump hired hookers to piss on the hotel bed Gay Mulatto shared with Reggie Love, they think “TRUMP IS A PIMP DADDY”. And they’d be right. Just yesterday, the Trumps used thecunt’s china collection to deck out their State Dinner with Micron, in what has to be one of the coldest shivs a sitting President has ever delivered to a sociopathic former political opponent. (I loved that news story so much I read it twice for the sheer pleasure of it.)

I don’t think there’s a whole lot of room for black male vote poaching by Trump — they’re a tribal race far outside their natural environment and they will vote anti-White gibs now, gibs tomorrow, gibs forever; the “natural conservative” myth is a cuckservative talking point for a reason — but Trump’s persona and agenda open the possibility of a paradigm-busting movement of 10-20% of black men away from the Dems. This would be good for America and hilarious on many levels, not least would be listening to the lamentations of the ur-cucked NeverTrumpers.

From TOG, one of my favorite reads across all platforms,

[Kanye’s Konversion is] a big deal in that it shows the MK Ultra brainwashing didn’t work 100% on Kanye.  He fought it.  Having a famous black liberal icon show solidarity with a famous black conservative helps the average black man wake up to divide and conquer saul alinsky tactics.  This may matter if it takes votes away from the Dems in midterm elections.  It’s also a big “f**k you” to the jewish media.  Kanye played the game and was used as a tool of jewish media interests for years so they allowed him to be A-List popular.  Now that he is A-List, he is allowing other blacks to not be a democrat.  Woah!  Just the seed being planted that “you dont have to be a democrat” is a good thing.  The democrats only have smoke, mirrors and trickery to keep their followers together.  Once people start looking up the facts the democrats push (i.e. they push the narrative that white cops shooting black men is a problem, & when you look it up you see statistically it is insignificant, and in fact, black crime is the problem) then the democrats cease to exist.  Their entire party relies on the fact that some people don’t look anything up and just get all their news exclusively from international jewish media outlets and NPR.

7 Simple Steps to being a Liberal
Step 1) Listen to national public radio on the train ride to work,

Step 2) Seek confirmation bias from others at work who also listen to jewish media

Step 3) Watch cnn and msnbc when you get home after work.

Step 4) Sneer and snark at anyone who thinks differently than you.

Step 5) Occasionally read a huffpo blog article confirming what the jewish media has told you after you were triggered by a random pepe meme.


Step 7) Pat yourself on the back and call yourself “informed”

Btw, not that I listen all that often, but I haven’t heard any of the lertoid media outlets mention the Kanye story. NPR? NPR? Omitting truths is as bad as committing lies! Journalism 101.


Three gentlemen before their prom night, but only one will close the deal, plus the deals of the other two gentlemen. Body language and facial expression are all we need to know which young man has a thrilling future as a womanizer and which two men will go on to pussy-parched careers in goofy self-clowning and accounting. (h/t Drack)





Still haven’t got it? This next photo should help:

The above should be the front cover of an instructional manual titled “How to pose for photos with your girl and come out looking like the Jerkboy King all women want”. The body language and physiognomy specifics are old hat to regular CH readers, but for the newbs, they are:

  • man facing camera, girl facing man
  • girl administering PDA, men receiving her PDA
  • girl leaning into man, man standing straight or leaning out a little from girl
  • girl’s eyes and/or lips adoringly locked on man, man’s eyes gazing at horizon or camera
  • girl flush with love, man smirking like a Trump scion, one eyebrow cocked for added effect

Scroll through the rest of our stripling alpha’s girl’s Instawhore feed for more proof of her undying love and his unending jerky charms.

#prom #mormonprom #2018 @hk_4_ever #mydaughter #almost18 #gorgeous #arlingtonwa @eli.vick.17 #thesetwo #powercouple #roses #younglove #beautiful #beauty #betsyjohnson #momofgirls #girlmom #proudmom #thankful #quitgrowingup #wheredidthetimego #iloveyoukid #makingmemories #doeshelooklikespiderman

A post shared by Kym (@rdschick2012) on Apr 22, 2018 at 5:26pm PDT

If our alpha promlord isn’t a Chateau VIP already, he will be the morning after.

The Strapon Within, Yours Truly, Captain Obvious.


The Wee Heartiste

From an emailer,

ok. so i’m hanging out with my 4 year old son and my girlfriend – a blonde, 5’9″ smokeshow. my kid’s riding lookout on my shoulders as we make our way through an idle, sun-soaked afternoon. after a natural ebb in the conversation, my woman looks up at my boy and says, “so, if you had to choose between being a fish or a bird for the rest of your life, which would it be?”

silence, for the length of a drawn breath.

then, my son: “i’d like to kiss YOU for the rest of my life.”

i may never stop smiling.

Haha. Non Sequitur Game meets Apocalypse Game. The boy’s technique is a little rough around the edges, but he’s got the right mindset that will guarantee him a bright future in the poon procurement business. He’s only four years old, so there’s plenty of time for honing his seduction skill. To the boy’s credit, the inner alpha attitude is more important to achieve than the Game techniques which advertise it, and the earlier in life it’s achieved, the better for the growing boy’s romantic prospects. It’s usually a tougher path to go from Technique –> Attitude (essentially, fake it till you make it) than it is to go from Attitude –> Technique (mine it then refine it).

Related, I’ve noticed fathers glow with pride when recounting or observing their sons’ romantic exploits. Nothing makes papas proud quite as much as watching their sons charm the ladies. Only a son’s victory in sport or accomplishment in business or academia have a similar ego swelling effect on fathers, and for the same reason: success in those things translates to success in the one thing that matters most in the final analysis — winning the love of hsmv women. Our emailer’s 4-yr-old budding Casanova is revealing, for now unwittingly, the glories of his future reproductive fitness.


Cause And Effect

Cause and Effect: Act like a cloying beta male borefriend, become an ex-cloying beta male borefriend. From everybodylovesscott,

I have a friend where every single picture with his gf hes praising her in the fb caption (I’ve since deleted fb so I don’t see them anymore) with a “My gf is so amazing” or “She’s out of my league” or leaning into her and grinning like an idiot. Recently he complained to me “women are stupid, she takes forever to reply to my messages now” and he told me “yeah, we stopped having sex so often because my penis is too big and she needs recovery time”

When the reframe is way too try-hard.

She’s post 30 so I’m not positive she’s going to rip his heart out before they get married or after she gets her 2 kids and decides she “loves him but isn’t in love with him” but I don’t see the situation ending well. Maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt it.

Ironically, the Wall has saved many beta males from a much-deserved dumping. The anxious woman on Wall approach is the beta male’s best friend. Downside: you get one, maybe two, months, tops, of bangable pussy.

He’s also packed on 40lbs in the last year because “I’m getting laid so I don’t have the motivation to stay fit anymore”

That’s not it. He’s depressed because he senses his aging beauty is already, or is thinking about, cheating on him.

He’s a narcissistic know it all so showing him this website would do nothing except get me a “you don’t know anything” response

Narcissists would make great Game-savvy womanizers, but their very narcissism prevents them from learning a thing or two from their betters.


Another example of Cause and Effect which eludes White shitlib cognition: Bring more third world peasantry to America, make America more like the peasants’ third world homeland they left behind. From Johnny Redux,

So, 150 or so squatamalans arrived at some shithole on the Mexican border called the Hotel de Migrante. The place looks like America — IF we let them keep coming in. One big shithole.

Anyhow, just like the fake “migrant” crisis in Europe, these so-called asylum seekers are bringing their iPhones. Oh, how rough they have it. Seeking more free handouts, medical care, etc. up North. Clearly they have NO right to seek asylum, when they walked right through a safe nation, Mexico, which offered them sanctuary. Nope, not enough free shit in Meh-hee-ko. Need to go farther north, to the land of the liberal gringos!

I’m convinced a lot of the West’s problems, and interrelatedly a lot of the problems bedeviling beta males, could be solved with a proper and complete understanding of cause and effect.

But no one’s much interested in cause and effect anymore (to economists: externalities), because the logic of it is a huge buzzkill to our gadget-enslaved, lifestyle advertising, virtue sniveling ipod people.


The Abortion Test

Here’s a good litmus test to determine if the girl you’re dating (read: boffing) is committed relationship material. I call it the Abortion Test, and as a measure of a woman’s commitment worthiness it’s almost as good as the Cock Count Test.

When you get a chance, pry her about her abortion history. Best Girls will not have had abortions, of course, but the CDC reports that upwards of 1 out of 4 American women have had at least one abortion in their lifetimes. (The White woman ratio is likely lower than that; the abortion industry disproportionately serves women of color.) So as an American man you have to figure there’s a decent chance your princess has had at least one prenatal princeling vacuum pumped.

If she confesses to having had a past abortion, gauge her response as she recollects it for you. Is she full of regret and pain in the retelling? She might pass as LTR material. She made a mistake and knows it; she still has a feminine soul.

Or does she recount it with the dead black eyes of a psychokiller, utterly unmoved by remembrance of the ordeal? Perhaps even dismissing it with a selfish “and THANK GOD I did, because I never would have made it through Lotsa Cockas University with my Slut Studies degree if I had to take care of a kid.” Double bag it and hide the valuables, because you, sir, are getting laid tonight! Just remember to leave before the first morning light and never contact her again.

A reader addressed the topic,

…people gravely underestimate the emotional damage [abortions] do to a woman, it leaves them broken, unable to interact with children in a normal way for the rest of their lives.   Everytime they see a child, think of a child, somewhere deep inside a little voice asks what would the child I murdered look like today what would it be doing.

…and the kind of women who aren’t emotionally affected by their abortions?…..you don’t want to be with those kinds. Those women have lost an essential piece of their womanhood, which they aren’t getting back. Or they never had that piece to begin with. Taking a broken bird like that into your kingdom is taking in half of a woman; and the half that’s missing can never be filled by anything a man could offer.

They are affected, they just won’t admit it, they are the most dangerous, they are emotionally ready to explode at any time.

With sexperience, a man will be able to discern which women are sincere in their insistence of emotional disengagement and which women are faking it to protect their tissue paper thin egos. I’ve met both kinds, and while the latter are more common, the former are downright chilling. An emotionally dead woman is a faint echo of womanhood; her coldness on matters fetal belies a pact made with the devil: the nurturing part of her feminine essence in exchange for a veneer of empowered self-guidance.


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