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Here’s an insightful post from what looks like a Reddit group source. (click on the link for zoomable reading)

Summarizing, women employ a three tiered counterstrategy when they are accused of lying or cheating (or of doing anything a self-respecting man would consider out of bounds).

Stage One: Denial

If a man confronts a woman with her deceit/lies, she will ALWAYS start denying whatever he’s accusing her of. [Beta males] are easily manipulated and they don’t want to believe that their woman would cheat on them/lie to them, so they WANT to believe her lies. Most men never get past this stage of the flowchart.

Stage Two: Playing The Victim

[If the man presses further] she will start crying and blaming the other men/other people. She will start using words like rape, drunk, drugs, roofies, “I was going to pay you back”, “I thought it was our money” etc. They deviously abuse the male protective instinct. […] 99% of men will be fooled by stage 1 or stage 2.

Stage Three: Confrontation

There is a rare side of women that men will only see if they STILL aren’t fooled by stage 2. She will start getting angry at HIM and she will blame HIM for whatever she’s accusing him of. She could have been doing gangbangs and stealing money out of his bank account and she will tell him that he wasn’t home enough and she wasn’t feeling desired. She will start yelling, throwing shit, destroying property and doing lord knows what else. At this stage there are STILL men who will believe her and think they’re somehow responsible for their woman’s behaviour.

This Three Stage description of women’s self-defense strategy is spot on. Denial, victimhood, blame shifting (aka psychological projection). Coincidentally, it’s also the typical self-preservation strategy of narcissistic sociopaths.

Women are narcissistic sociopaths? What kind of sexy jerkboy would draw such a comparison!?

If you are the rare man that is actually able to see through her lies and you break up with her/kick her out/sue her, you will have a new stalker in your life.

Sadly, so true. You want to turn a half-hearted girlfriend into an obsessed lovestruck stalker? Follow these three easy steps:

  1. Be unmoved by her antics
  2. Call her bluff
  3. Show her the door

She’ll be curled up at your door the next day, begging you to take her back [true story].

It’s not even that they actually care about you, it just seems like women are traumatized by the fact that they weren’t able to manipulate a man into believing her.

Understandable reaction. Most men are appeasing credulous betas inexperienced in the wiles of woman, and will fold like a cheap lawn chair under pussy pressure. Give this reality, women are unprepared for the rare alpha male who defies her expectation of a toady.

That shit is the worst feeling for a woman and she will spend a LONG TIME trying to figure out HOW she wasn’t able to fool the man.

In fact, the emotional and mental energy the woman will spend trying to figure out how she wasn’t able to wrap the Chateau acolyte around her finger WILL make her care more about him. The frazzled hamster is a form of devotion, of investment, and women are programmed by the Cosmic Coder to fall deeply in love with men who have wrested this form of emotional commitment from them.

This blog teaches men how to identify these three stages of female smoke and mirrors and to see them for what they are: manipulative tactics to exculpate herself, to hide the contours of her hypergamy, and to place all blame and accountability on the man. Once you can see them coming, you have the tools — Game and jerkboy psy ops — to dismantle them and come out looking like a champ instead of a chump.



From Thhhlate,

Easier With Three

My wife’s girlfriend moved in with us, and balancing work, life, and leisure has never gone better.





More proof that avowed polyamory is a refuge for subhuman dregs so ugly their mommas don’t love them.

Atavator reclines into the bigger picture,

Either of those “women” could be a tranny — no problem.

These cases raise an interesting question: is there, perhaps, a correlation or at least a parallel between polyamory, and what the evolutionary guys call r-selection?

That is, when you get high r-selection, there is care, but it’s generalized and weak, with low particular investment.  Your kid just got mowed over? Oh well, shit happens. (Parenthetically, I’m always horrified by the nonchalance of some of my liberal neighbors regarding not just dirt and squalor, but the fates of people in their own families.)

Is polyamory just one type of r-select behavior? There is the sex urge, but it’s not targeted with any particularity, and hence jealousy cannot exercise as much force.

Though the language was not present for this sort of thing at the time, it is more or less the way the first “sociologists” in the 17th and 18th centuries described the amorous lives of primitives. This was before either “racism” or egalitarianism came into vogue, and I tend to think the early observers got this right.

And you have to figure there is some genetic remnant for these behaviors even among white europeans; it’s just that for a long time civilized mores prevented their expression.

If sexual markets can become disrupted and grossly distorted by degenerating social forces similar to those of Calhoun’s rat experiments, then the evidence you’d look for would be increases in sexual deviancy, loneliness, involuntary celibacy, rancor within and between the sexes, sexual identity problems, STDs, sex panics, ideological hysteria, and miscegenation. You would look as well for decreases in the marriage rate, long-term relationship formation, and fertility.

Well, look around. What do you see?


In related Fuggernaut News, the NeverTrump Uniparty’s pathological open borders xenophilia continues importing thousands of MS-13 gang members who shoot dead completely random innocents and then burn the bodies in their cars. Let’s have a look-see at the chupacabran horrors our virtue signaling single White women are welcoming into your neighborhood:

I’ve lost count of how many treasonous fucks in our ruling class deserve to sway eye-bulgingly in the warm Spring breeze.

Oh, and Fred Reed? Go fuck yourself and the burro you rode out on.

ps tonight let’s all say a prayer for mccain’s tumor.


The first scribed instance of use of the coinage “rationalization hamster” at Le Chateau. A later definition:

The rationalization hamster is a descriptive term for the typical woman’s tendency to rationalize her decisions to fulfill herself sexually such that her personal culpability in making the sex happen is removed or reduced. Since that original definition, the rationalization hamster has come to acquire a broader meaning, encapsulating all the odd little mental tricks that women (and sometimes men) do in service to their glowing self-conceptions.

I bring this up because in my Pullkit I have many lines that excite women’s hamsters, and a spinning hamster is a slicking clamster. (Translating from the wordplay: a woman thinking a lot about the hidden meaning behind a man’s words is emotionally investing in him, which will persuade her to perceive the man as a high value mate prospect.)

Zee personal anecdote:

YER ‘UMBLE BED-RAKER: i like your kicks.


YER ‘UMBLE BED-RAKER: the unisex style is in right now.

THE LADY AND HER HAMSTER: *rictus grin* i’m preeeetty sure these aren’t unisex.

YER ‘UMBLE BED-RAKER: don’t run from it. look at me. *sweeps hands over self* everything i’m wearing is unisex.

THE LADY AND HER HAMSTER: haha, but no these are women’s shoes.

YER ‘UMBLE BED-RAKER: i figured you’d say that.


It’s that last line — “I figured you’d say that” — which has been killer for me on many occasions. It can be deployed in a multitude of milieus and in response to a plethora of parries (notably excepting two: when she calls out your self-disqualification bluff and when she rejects your advance outright), and it works the same ambiguity magic every time, stroking that hamster against the grain so hard it spins itself into a fluffy orgasm.

HER: buy me a drink first.

ME: i figured you’d say that.


HER: are you hitting on me?

ME: i figured you’d say that.


HER: what do you do?

ME: i figured you’d say that.


HER: well i’m a lawyer at ballcutter, llc

ME: i figured you’d say that.


HER: no i don’t have a waterbed.

ME: i figured you’d say that.

The point of the line, if used correctly, is to pave the way for a cold read. It gets the girl wondering, “what did he mean by that? what is it about me that seems predictable to him?”, and then you are off to the races if she so much as haltingly whispers, “how do you figure that?”. Curiosity drills the hamster.


A reflective, honest White lady. Truly a rare find in the wild. (h/t mendo via Daily Stormer)


The Chick Bump

A reader reminded me of a classic female IOI (Indicator of Interest): the Chick Bump. (don’t get excited Captain Obvious, not that kind of bump)

If a girl keeps “accidentally” bumping into you while you walk together, she’s incipiently aroused.

“Accidental” physical contact NEVER happens if the girl isn’t into the man. In fact, girls are hard-wired to go out of their way to avoid even the briefest brushes of physical contact with a beta male. Prime Lubricity girls are very careful to avoid giving lsmv men the wrong idea. Girls would much rather low value men keep their distance than have to fend off their clumsy advances. Accidental elbow touching could excite a blue balled incel to a rash solicitation.

Therefore, if the girl in your company bumps into you more than once, assume she wants your D. Pass Ho, collect 200 tingles. This is the female version of kino escalation, and it means you are cleared for philandering.


What happens when a once-desirable woman hits all three extinction event Walls — the Wasting Wall, The Wailing Wall, and the Wymyn Wall — at once?

She might look like what’s become of Rose McGowan (NSF male libidos):

Jay in DC comments,

[Rose McGowan] is officially “quitting” acting to become an activist. LOLWHAT? You haven’t been relevant or acted since the late 90s. Dafuq outta here…

[McGowan] with her lawyercunts from the firm Ballcutters, LLC.:

Fugg that pic is frightening. It embodies everything wrong with American women: the manjawed stridency, the lawyercuntery, the man-hating, the phony empowerment bravado, the total annihilation of the last remaining traces of femininity…

If the future is that kind of female, then the future after that future will be this kind of man:

The traditional age-appropriate Wall — the Wasting Wall — hits all women, turning Ladyhawks into Viragovultures with merciless efficiency. But when a woman additionally smashes into the Wailing Wall and the Wymyn Wall at the same moment in her life and with the same impact velocity, as Rose McGowan did under the tutelages of Father Time, Weinstein, and Feminism Prime…..

the carnage is awful to behold.

Look away, for there is nothing to see here but the soul ashes of a woman who stared too long into the abyss.

Reminder: This was Rose McGowan before The Three Walls exacted their tribute from her:

so sad.


Chicks dig jerks.

If you want to be the jerk chicks dig, don’t appeal to her forebrain.

Try rubbing her hindbrain.

That means yelling a little and generally behaving like the dominant, self-entitled man truly loved by women who indignantly insist otherwise, instead of like the appeasing yes-beta lackey who gives women everything they claim to want.

After all, you can’t fuck a woman’s frontal cortex. (Fuck with, sure, but that’s filed under Relationship Management Game.)


The American Library Association has been overrun by gloryholing nümales, rug munchers, and pussyhatters. (see slideshow)

ljl at that banal intersectionalist poopytalk at the bottom.

If Ben Franklin could have seen what would become of the American Library institution, he would have stayed in Paris, enjoying ze poolside.

The American Library Association is now staffed and overseen by submissive beta bitchboys, aggrocunt feminists, and ex-DMV employees, all of them intent on achieving final victory over the hated (and self-hated) White Man: corruption of his institutions, erasure of his history, and replacement by his lessers.

When weak men and abrasive women have captured the institutions, decay, desecration, and destruction of those institutions isn’t far behind.

Related: There is evidence (thank you, ¡SCIENCE!) that big goofy smiles — aka gloryhole faces — are associated with lower dominance and lower prestige.

Across four studies, the current paper demonstrates that smiles are associated with lower social status. Moreover, the association between smiles and lower status appears in the psychology of observers and generalizes across two forms of status: prestige and dominance. In the first study, faces of fashion models representing less prestigious apparel brands were found to be more similar to a canonical smile display than the faces of models representing more prestigious apparel brands. In a second study, after being experimentally primed with either high or low prestige fashion narratives, participants in the low prestige condition were more likely to perceive smiles in a series of photographs depicting smiling and non-smiling faces. A third study of football player photographs revealed that the faces of less dominant (smaller) football players were more similar to the canonical smile display than the faces of their physically larger counterparts. Using the same football player photographs, a fourth study found that smiling was a more reliable indicator of perceived status-relevant personality traits than perceptions of the football players’ physical sizes inferred from the photographs.

Another nugget of Chateau wisdom lovingly polished by the labcoats.

  • Betas smile too little and smile too much

Yeah, it seems contradictory, but betas never have a firm grasp on when and how often it’s personally advantageous to smile. They don’t smile when they walk into the bar or before they’ve started talking to a girl, and they smile too much once they are in a conversation with a girl. This behavior reveals their tormented beta soul: They are unhappy to be there until a girl’s presence makes them happy. Would an alpha relinquish his state of mind to another person? Especially a woman? No. His joy is self-generated.

When you go out to FMAC girls, try this face for best results:

In the big picture analysis, the efflorescence of gawping soyboys indicates a bifurcating sexual market featuring the cad haves and the incel have-nots. The open-mouthed betas are advertising their submission to the new paradigm whenever they get the chance, hoping an alpha will toss them one of his sloppy fifths and the manjawed shrikes who work with them won’t accuse them of a #MeToo infraction. This period of Western history, particularly in America, is notable for the appeasing prostration of its mass of beta males. The pendulum will eventually swing back to confident beta males in charge of the culture, and when it does it will swing with a vengeance, because we’ve gone much further down the road of anti-beta male degeneracy.

Also related: Richard Spencer’s Alt-Right website was de-registered by GoDaddy at the request of a butthurt black woman “civil rights” lolyer. Hey, how about that! Diversity isn’t so great for free speech! Corporations that cave like this to shrieking anti-White mobs ought to be de-registered from earth.


37 women before and after their impact with cunt’th wave feminism.

The transformation above ?? is the most heart-wrenching to me. Something snapped in her. You can see the joyous femininity in the first pic replaced in the second pic by a seething bitterness. Alpha widowhood?

Total destruction ??. Could be two different species.

Women, DON’T DO DYKES. And stay away from the buffet.

Lesson: feminism is as destructive of female beauty as is hitting the Wall.

Why would pretty women hideously disfigure themselves? Jack McKrack writes,

women are literally psychologically handicapped. if you were a young hottie, think about what it would take for you to turn your back on a life of privilege – thousands of beta orbiters ready to serve your every beck and call, free drinks, free food, endless favors, etc. – to be a hideous freak who’s despised by all but those in your freak sorority?

i get why fugs go 3rd wave. they’re a laughingstock, or worse – they’re invisible. feminism at least makes them into *something* that has to be acknowledged in a room. but why on earth does a hard 7 with the world as her oyster go 3rd wave?!

It would be as if mark zuckerberg threw away his billions, his houses, his cars, and drove his company into bankruptcy…..

hm wait, it kind of is still like that for him.

Speculating, I offer the following explanations for uglifying behavior that seems to defy the Darwinian Directive.

  • fatherlessness, weak fathers, slutty mothers, and supplicating millennial males.
  • burned by a jerkboy lover, the embrace of ugliness “protects” these girls from getting burned again
  • disgusted by cloying beta males, the ugliness likewise “protects” the girls from “creeps”
  • basic bitch misandry (“i hate men so i will deprive them of their greatest pleasure: pretty girls”)
  • experimental lesbianism that went too far
  • feminist brainwashing by evil professors filling her head with garbage
  • and finally, don’t underestimate the impact that shifting cultural mores can have on individual behavior: the culture inculcates rabid man-hate and toxic grrlpower. it shouldn’t surprise that marginal, weak-willed chicks heed the agitprop and conform to the new norms.
  • you know how some men have a fear of success because success means they have to abandon their excuses and rationalization for inaction? feminism disfigurement could be similar for women: a fear of romantic success because they don’t want to abandon their excuses and rationalizations for failing to secure a man in a committed relationship.

Ironsides looks on the bright side,

They’re revealing their inner selves as a warning for those who observe the world with a trace of sanity.

In doing so, they’re most likely removing themselves from the genetic future of our race.

This is a good thing. More power to them. The monster within has decided to show itself outwardly as well.

We can’t afford to lose very many pretty White girls to the Feminism abattoir. The death of a million fugs is a statistic; the loss of one cute girl to feminism is a tragedy. It’s a goddamned shame to lose any of these girls to their inner demons. Some of those girls were downright hot before the feminism cerberus ate their souls and turned them into unlovable, unfuckable monsters. A shame for them, and a shame for the newly minted incel betas who now have fewer cute girls available to them.

PS Totally related: The JQ: An Empirical Examination.


From commenter Cultural Resilience,

O/T from Managing hysterically Jealous Girl to see if I’m still stuck in mod
I’ve just played this tactic and it worked a fucking treat. I got the sense that the current long term gf has stopped giving of her best. I know that she has checked my phone before so I changed the lock code to one that she would find easy to break. I’ve been having flirty online text exchanges with a foreign girl and started closing my phone of quickly when ever she came near. Sure enough I come home one day and I immediately recognise the atmosphere.

“Something wrong?” “No!” (In that no means yes tone that only a hurting woman can use). “Ok then” I reply, while thinking I bet she doesn’t last five minutes. Sure enough before my post work drink glass frosting has even begun turning to water droplets. “I’ve found those messages on your phone” which, by the way include hot nude pics. “Knew you would” says I. “I feel like its a betrayal” “I knew it would make you feel like that but it didn’t stop me” “Doesn’t is bother your conscience?” “A hard dick doesn’t have a conscience”

A few sulky days laced with occasional comments about wether or not we have a future, tears and of course picture with no sound. (Its cute how they think that a few days free from continual vocalisation of every empty female thought is a punishment.)

Bam! Hot make up sex, and texts confessing undying love and her desire to make everything right with me. This shit just cannot fail. Its a kill or cure strategy, but it is certain to end in cure if properly executed.

Dread Game is like two Quimfinity Gauntlets of Pussy. Two snaps, and all the snapper promptly dissolves into a frantic bawling mess of lovesick conciliation and devotion.

It’s so powerful it has sex-independent properties; it can work on (beta) males as well, although not as powerfully as it works on women and rarely does it work on alpha males with options (it does work particularly well on hot babes with options because they have no defense against it given that they rarely experience it).

The catch is that you need a shiny set of brass ones to pull it off with genuine feeling. You have to be willing to risk total relationship implosion and be ready to walk, no looking back. Many weak-willed betas don’t have the stones for Dread Game, so they get played relentlessly until their half-committed girls tire of their supplications and execute a mercy dumping. (Many girls get so disgusted with the cajoling, cloying behavior of their beta borefriends that they will throw away a reliable source of resources and sounding board feelz just to get away from their betas’ icky kisses and gimp seed.)

If the girl senses you’re bluffing, she’ll double down and turn cold as ice as she calmly explains why “this isn’t working out”. If you’re unprepared for this, you’ll cave like a Florida sinkhole and beg for forgiveness and a second chance. If you were prepared to end it right there and then, you’ll say “Ok” and watch as everything changes between you and her. Where she had been holding all the cards and leveraging her sex and love withdrawal, suddenly you’re sitting in the cadbird seat and she’s hysterically trying to smooth things over so you’ll stay with her.

It’s a brutal psy ops, but no one said the sexual market was a soft pillow landing of genteel trade and barter. The sexes have competing reproductive goals, and though fraternization is the point the battlefield clashes to reach the victor’s tent are winner take all.

It’s not as insurmountable as it sounds if you don’t regularly swing a heavy sack in all your interactions with women. If your girl has “stopped giving of her best”, you have to tell yourself that she’s already one lab flap out the door. She’s gonna leave you in time if you do nothing, so you may as well take a chance on Dread Game. Either she leaves now (rather than in the near future), and you get a few extra months of character building field experience chewing into fresh meat, or she capitulates and returns to giving you her best.

Dread Game is win-win for any man who has the least bit of confidence in his ability to pick up a new chick. But if you’re a quisling beta accustomed to licking the glitter sneakers of your girl hoping your abject uxoriousness will keep her loveless attendance tethered by a frayed string to your life of endless anxiety, then Dread Game is a grenade you’re holding after you’ve thrown the pin into her trench. You won’t be able to handle it hot, she’ll know it, and the damned ploy will blow up in your face because deep down you’re afraid to risk losing her to be alone, sexless and unloved, straitjacketed by your fear of meeting new girls to find a replacement.

I want to add that Dread Game is so powerful it can resuscitate relationships which by cosmic law should die and stay dead. Exploit it wisely. It’s a great relationship management tool for corralling and bringing back under your tonically masculine auspice a wayward girlfriend or permanent girlfriend; but it’s a devil’s bargain if you use it to keep a determined, manipulative whore in line. Accept that if the girl isn’t right for you, Dread Game offers tremendously satisfying short term rewards at the cost of long term frustration and cancerous resentment. If the mutual love is poisoned or missing, you’ll have to administer a constant PIV drip of Dread Game to keep what is essentially a zombie barge afloat. Some men have enough ice in the veins (and fire in the main vein) to happily sign on for such a commitment. But most don’t. Dread Game administration for the duration will eventually heighten the loveless disconnect until it explodes with a fury or deflates to a perfunctory, impassive goodbye long past its due date. And by then you may wonder why you didn’t just cut the cancercunt out sooner so you could spare the time saved for other women who would be a better fit for you.


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