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What’s next, Fat Imperative?

This is always the trajectory of leftoid equalism. It never stops at begrudging tolerance of the ugly, disfigured, and demented. The Fuggernaut uses tolerance as a springboard for more demands which upend the cosmic order. What is tolerated becomes accepted. What is accepted becomes celebrated. What is celebrated becomes intolerance of its opposite. Until, finally, what is intolerance of its opposite — Truth&Beauty — becomes a demand for Lies and Ugliness to be the new standard of normalcy and definition of virtue.

AKA Harrison Bergeron (<– we are here)

The fix for this broken code in human nature is obvious: never allow “tolerance” to gain a foothold.

A healthy, life-sustaining dose of intolerance for grotesqueries is an ounce of prevention that will prevent a pound of Civil War 2 cure.


OT Scintillating CH thought of the day: Shitlibs need to reacquaint themselves with that classic childhood taunt “you smelled it you dealt it”, because every time a shitlib hears a “racist” dog whistle they are unintentionally revealing how often they’ve had those same racist feelings.

In fact, what I’d love to see is the growing and massing shitlord army of Trump acolytes replying “you smelt it you dealt it” whenever a shitlib starts shrieking about le 56% racism.


CH is on record noting the disturbing trend toward physical and behavioral masculinization of American women. Maybe the Pill is the primary culprit? From the BBC (Big Blubbering Cucks):

With an affordable source of progesterone found [Mexican yams], researchers turned to its uses as a contraceptive. The birth control pill hit the market less than a decade later. Marker, on the other hand, mysteriously disappeared from public life and became obsessed with collecting silver.

Maybe he couldn’t handle the knowledge that he had unleashed one of the Six Sirens of the Sexual Apocalypse?

The economic and social side effects of the pill were as profound as they are well-documented. Sex could be enjoyed without fear of pregnancy. Suddenly women could devote their 20s and 30s to furthering their education and careers, rather than housework and nappies.

Shareholders rejoiced.

But right from the beginning, the pill has had a secret.

In recent years, scientists have started to realise that the brains of women on the pill look fundamentally different. Compared to women who aren’t taking hormones, some regions of their brains seem to be more typically ‘male’.

Whoo boy, buckle up, this ride’s gonna unsettle more than a few feminist snowflakes.

There are behavioural changes, too. Women on certain types of pill aren’t as good at coming up with words – something our gender are usually highly skilled at. On the other hand, they’re better at mentally rotating objects, as is often the case in men. […]

Every brand of combined pill on the market contains the same type of synthetic oestrogen, ethinyl estradiol, and one of eight synthetic progesterones, called progestins. Ethinyl estradiol prevents the body from releasing an egg every month, while progestins thicken the mucus at the entrance to the cervix and conspire to make the womb inhospitable. Even if an egg slips out and becomes fertilised, it won’t be able to settle down and start growing.

So far, so good. But though the hormones are effective at preventing pregnancy, they aren’t perfect matches for our natural hormones. The end result is that these synthetic versions also have effects that you would never get from raw progesterone. […]

The women were sweatier, hairier and spottier. Some noticed that their voices had deepened. Nearly one in five baby girlsborn to mothers taking it had masculinised genitals. Some of these unlucky children required surgery.

Is the Pill the genesis of Clown World trannyism?

Generally speaking, the older, cheaper brands of pill tend to contain androgenic hormones, while newer, more expensive ones tend to contain anti-androgens. This may be one reason that just 17% of women on the combined pill in the US take the anti-androgenic versions.

Is there a class distinction developing between feminine and masculine women?

The scans revealed that several brain areas were larger in the women on the pill, compared to those of women who weren’t. These areas just so happened to be larger in men than women, too.

But gender is a social construction blah blah Hi, My Name Is Feminist!

The study involved a relatively small sample and didn’t separate androgenic and anti-androgenic contraception, so Pletzer cautions against reading too much into the results. But other research has hinted that both types of hormones actually may be changing our behaviour.

Modren society is a crash course in how many endocrine disruptors can be squeezed into the environment (and up SJW buttholes).

Other studies have found that women on oral contraception remember emotional stories more like men – recalling the gist more than the details.

Lol “you never listen” (said by soyhubby to manjawwife)

They’re also not as good at recognising emotions in others, such as anger, sadness, or disgust – just like men. It looks suspiciously like certain types of pill are “masculinising” women’s brains.

Perhaps the most striking evidence, however, comes from a paper published in 2015. This time, Pletzer compared the brains of women on the two types of pill with women who were not. Several brain areas were larger in the women whose pills contained the newer, anti-androgenic progestins.

Crucially, these changes seemed to be affecting their behaviour.

Two brain areas were particularly engorged: the fusiform face area, a region about the size of a pea that processes facial information (from photographs of friends to cartoons), and the parahippocampal place area, which important for recognising places (such as cityscapes). These women were also better at recognising faces.

Hey, let’s mess with the primal forces of human reproduction. What could go wrong?

To complicate matters further, all combined pills contain synthetic oestrogen, which is feminising. This means that the same women may be experiencing both ‘feminising’ and ‘masculinising’ effects on their brains at the same time.

jfc worst of both worlds. You get a passive-aggressive battlecunt. “honey, did you remember our second date anniversary? No? GET THE FUCK OUT NOW BEFORE I DROP A #METOO ON YOUR SORRY BETA ASS”

No one could have predicted that an ugly yam would give rise to a feminist revolution.

Mexico hasn’t been sending its best for a long time.

The pill has repeatedly been called the greatest invention of the 20th Century and is said to be responsible for a third of the increase in women’s wages since the 1960s.

Coincidentally, it’s also been responsible for a third of the decrease in women’s lifetime fertility and lovability.

But contraceptive pills may have a darker side. As Pletzer wrote in 2014, when athletes take steroids we call it ‘doping’ – it’s considered abuse and strongly condemned by society. But we’re happy for millions of women to take these hormones every day, sometimes right through from puberty to menopause.

When you fuck with the laws of Nature, don’t be surprised when Nature fucks you back. The God of Biomechanics will not be denied for long.


Physiognomy And Ideology

Shitlib face is real.

Shitlord face is real.

Esssra face is real.

Backpfeifengesicht is real.

PS Subjects could more accurately predict political leaning from “external” face features such as the chin and jawline. Heh. Chinless wonders are rarely MAGA material. But they sure are over-represented among cucks adopting African virtue signaling tokens. (Hi David French!)


The Chaimstream Media’s really transgressive and corrosive effect on the public consciousness is not by how often it lies (often enough) but by how routine it’s become for them to lie through omission. The media can more effectively dupe a populace by refusing to cover important stories, because if they are called out on it they can plausibly deny deliberate attempt to sabotage the information flow. In contrast, if they are caught actively lying they usually suffer at least a glancing blow to their persistently-cratering credibility.

To get Real News filtered through the barrage of Fake News, you have to consult samizdat websites. Sara Carter is one of those sites.

Breaking: Day After Ohr’s Testimony, Congress Seeks to Question His Wife

Numerous congressional sources are telling SaraACarter.com that after Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr’s explosive closed-door testimony on Tuesday, lawmakers are gearing up to call his wife, Nellie Ohr, in for questioning regarding her work with the now-embattled research firm, Fusion GPS. Congress is also seeking access to Bruce Ohr’s text messages and emails with top FBI officials.

Fusion GPS was founded by former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson and hired by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate alleged ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Nellie Ohr, a Russia expert who was hired by Fusion GPS in 2016 to investigate the Trump campaign, received multiple large sum payments from the research firm, according to a U.S. official, with direct knowledge of the payments.

The payments from the DNC and Clinton campaign were made through the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented both clients. The research firm also hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who was friends with the Ohrs and who compiled the now infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. Steele was not only paid by Fusion GPS for his work but according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, he was also being paid by the FBI from Jan. 1. 2016 to Nov. 1, 2016.

The U.S. official did not disclose the amount of money paid to Bruce Ohr’s wife through Simpson’s firm, but said it “was not chump change, that much I can say.”

This is how the media lies by not lying: they coordinate (collude) to investigate and report on a campaign finance non-story about Trump (legally) paying off the silence of a porn whore he boffed ten years ago, instead of exposing a real story about thecunt, through intermediaries, paying handsome sums (deceitfully reported as “legal fees”) to Deep State operatives and foreign agents to gin up false information about an opposition candidate and thus influence an election outcome.

Now I ask you, readers, which strikes you as the bigger scandal? That’s right, the one the media refuses to cover because it incriminates their favored candidate.

And now the media complicity has gone on so long they are part of the scandal; exposing it at this time would also expose their participation in covering it up, so they won’t do a damn thing until it’s too late and every one of those leftoid whorenalist pieces of shit is out of a job or getting slapped with charges of treason.

More news that’s fit to omit:

A Republican congressman touched off a firestorm Tuesday after claiming on Twitter that his office had information suggesting the FBI leaked information to the press and used the resulting articles to help obtain surveillance warrants.

“We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., tweeted overnight. […]

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” Tuesday that they want to declassify documents relating to the case so the American people can judge the FBI and DOJ’s actions themselves. “When they see it they will be appalled what happened with in our FBI and DOJ which should never happen in a constitutional republic,” Meadows said.

The FBI/DOJ are doing the equivalent of self-referential appeal to authority, (what some have cleverly tagged “information laundering”): surreptitiously using their own leaks to justify furthering their investigation. Doesn’t sound up-and-up to me, but at least I know NPR won’t cover it fairly if at all. That’s a reassuring touchstone.

More media dereliction of duty: how is this bombshell revelation not headline news? The Las Vegas shooter’s girlfriend was apparently employed by the FBI:

Feds Scramble after Las Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Lists FBI as Place of Employment on Loan Application; ‘She Might have Been an Asset’

Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock, worked for the FBI, according to credit application data the Australian national reported as part of a loan application.

That’s the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on Paddock’s horde of ammunition packed into unused rifle magazines.

Publicly available intelligence obtained from consumer credit reporting bureaus show Danley claimed the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” as her place of employment.

Interesting revelation.

When contacted Friday, one FBI source said the Bureau “might have made payments to Danley but it is above my level,” the source said referring to access to the FBI’s confidential informant participant and payment records. The source said “bosses are concerned” with the new revelations about Danley’s financial relationship with the FBI.

In FBI speak, Danley could have been a paid asset. And ‘concerned’ means folks are getting ready to cover their own butts if payments were made to Danley either before or after the massacre.

You get the sense that all this sewage is coming to a head: the Deep State is *this close* to a reckoning that involves orange jumpsuits and Trump dismantling and reorganizing the FBI/DOJ to roars of public approval.

More media failure to report on anything worthwhile: Christopher Steele, the foreign agent paid by thecunt’s DNC to concoct a phony dossier that would be used as the pretext to launch an illegal investigation into fake ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, was a contractor for a Russian oligarch.

Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous Trump dossier, worked as a contractor for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and facilitated a meeting between the billionaire and Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr.

Deripaska’s law firm hired Steele’s private intelligence group, Orbis Business Intelligence, in 2012 to conduct research for Deripaska as part of a lawsuit against the billionaire, according to The Hill.

The Russia Hoax Fake News is a case of mass psychological projection by Dem operatives who actually had illicit ties to Russian power brokers.

More omitted news: most of the emails on Wiener’s laptop were never examined by the FBI.

More omitted news: The Chinese, not the Russians, hacked thecunt’s email server. There’s a theory floating around that thecunt let the chicoms have her emails, as part of a payback agreement for all the payola the child slave laborer auctioneers lavished on the Clintons in the early-mid 90s.

Another tactic leftoid journogrifters use to avoid reporting on stories that can’t be reconfigured to make Trump look bad is to autonomically categorize any Narrative-unfriendly story which escapes their confinement chamber as “debunked” without having done a lick of work trying to determine if the story has merit. It’s such a transparent ruse, yet their parched shitlib audience laps it up like dirty stillwater in a desert.

Lie, omit, muddle, and deny: This is the ethical code of the Chaimstream Media, a self-discredited dying institution which has substituted principles with expediencies. Democracy dies in darkness? How about, truth dies in legacy media newsrooms.

All the warnings and insight I and other maul-righters have put up the past couple of years of this Russia Hoax Creep State coup are coming to light now. Regular readers of this blog will not be surprised by the revelations over the next few weeks. All that’s left is for the hammer to drop and to listen to the howls of pain from the delusional Left.


London Falling

Sure, whites are now a minority in London and blacks are practically fornicating in the streets, but at least we defeated the Nazis. pic.twitter.com/i7gQ2OxB8t

— TinkerBelle (@haaaallppp) August 28, 2018

And we have our iGadgets, so kwitchyerbitchin. /neoliberal /libertardian


Reframe Of The Day

Kudos to anonymous for this stellar reframe,

Look at it this way.

Most “men” stay with a woman because they fear losing what they have.

What they should be asking themselves instead is this:

“Why am I willing to lose the potential of all other options in life for this one person?”

If you don’t have a rock solid answer for that, then she’s not worth keeping.

Love is weighing all your competing options, present and future, in the balance and judging them wanting compared to the woman you call yours.

What is not love: gratitude for being rescued by your woman from a life of romantic famine.


The timeless (and timely) CH maxim Diversity + Proximity = War includes the tacit rider that War can mean any sort of confrontation that doesn’t hit the bloodletting threshold. For instance, Diversity under one sociopolitical umbrella will inevitably result in, first, curbs on free speech and, finally, the gutting of 1A because the number and size of warring tribes won’t agree on the contours of a principle laid out, defended, and deeply felt by Anglo-Protestant White men, and the sphere of bannable “offensive” speech will enlarge to accommodate the sensitivities of increasingly antagonistic and thin-skinned groups all jockeying to acquire the power that will allow them to be the arbiters of which speech counts as “opposing viewpoint” and which is “hate”.

Today, nonWhites and leftoid Whites have allied to exercise full spectrum control over speech and to effectively silence any voices to the right of Shree Baboo. They rationalize their speech suppression with a glib retort that is effortlessly dismantled by Brendan O’Neill:

An MPCer adds a coda that is essentially a reiteration of the Diversity + Proximity = War equation,

Good statement from Brendan O’Neill. To expand on his idea a bit, there are linguistic and ethnic limits to the plausibility of free speech. Free speech as a way of life is communal and depends on conventions (many absorbed unconsciously from homogeneous communities) that lack the power to transcend the gulfs of racial and international difference. The only way to satisfy one-worlders and libertarians on the subject of free speech is to limit it in such a way that no individual is ever allowed to say anything with the potential to offend or hurt the feelings of any other individual, anywhere. Which is preposterous.

Free speech is under attack because the critical mass of its enemies is rising, or you could say that the minimum consensus of its champion is shrinking. It can’t survive without a solid majority of people who have in common a galaxy of shared assumptions about society and only differ about some questions around how society ought to operate. As it stands in America today, the plurality of worldviews being aggressively aired makes free speech anathema. The one worldview that would support free speech (basic Christianity) is the one that is of course ruthlessly suppressed.

The trend lines point to the dissolution of the Bill of Rights. America is only an abstract idea if that idea means the whole world gets to squat here and take a giant dump on Anglo-Protestantism and its codified Weltanschauung (the Constitution).

The two main problems facing free speech proponents trying to reconcile their principle with Mass Diversity are that diversity reduces trust even among Whites (and lower trust means greater suspicion of the intent of others’ speech) and different ethnic/racial groups have different notions about the form taken and value derived of allowable speech. These different notions aren’t alterable by the magic of assimilation; the contradictions go the bone, born before bred.

The backwash of all this Diversity (and virtue signaling for Diversity) is threatening to drown the very ideas that “America is an idea” cheerleaders claim to venerate. Our self-contradictory nation is tearing itself apart and the doxings, deplatformings, and demonetizations are the clearest evidence of it.

If American ideals are to survive, America must jettison its most recent and artificial idea that ideals are separable from blood.


It would be funny if the Chaimstream Media weren’t also a dire threat to the spirit of First Amendment protections.

PS Hey Luke Barnes I notice Think Progress is powered by WordPress. You know, that same WordPress which also powers this loving outpost of LoveTalk. I wonder why you didn’t include WordPress in your blacklist of no good, very bad, horrible tech companies helping to keep online thought criminals operating?

PPS Readers have wondered why WordPress hasn’t danced to the Soylicon Valley tune and shuttered Le Chateau along with the rest of the political dissidents who have suffered the virtual guillotine. Alert readers will recall that WordPress doyennes came *this close* to doing just that before the 2016 Election l’Cataclysme (after a crybaby shitlib tattled to management about a DOTR reference). So…who knows? My guess is WordPress, like 99% of tech companies, is run by leftoids, which means that their principled stand as a platform dedicated to supporting free speech isn’t just some empty blather to conveniently ignore when they might be tempted to trump principles with the exercise of raw power. Or maybe the dirty little secret is that WordPress executives are closeted shitlords, and for obvious reasons they don’t want that knowledge escaping into the extended snowflake universe.

PPPS Not that it matters much, but CH does have a habit of backing up the edgier realtalk here with scientific confirmation. And the common sense stuff is delivered, I preen, with a dash of élan, which I figure tickles the pinks of the ladies running interference at WordPress customer complaints. They’ve been Wordblessed.

PMS This is how everyone should handle media requests:


Juan McAmnesty deserves nothing less as an epitaph than President Trump Instagramming a photo of himself in the Oval Office accompanied by formulaic condolences.

For this version of a Happy Dance, Trump earns the Shiv of the Week award. Those poison-tipped shivs that prick the skin ever-so-subtly to deliver an area effect lethal dose to the coalition of phony admirers and globohomo co-conspirators who wagon-circle the deceased warmonger are the shivs most worth savoring.

PS Songbird died on the same day that Ted “I promise this immigration act won’t change the ethnic composition of America” Kennedy died, nine years ago, and from the same cancer. The Lord works in hysterical ways.


From commenter Ralph Stanley,

NPR and social media are gushing over John McCain. Their obvious lack of sincerity is extremely creepy. They always despised him, except to the extent that he and Never-Been-Married-Lindsey Graham could serve as opposing voices to Trump. Now they pretend to honor him? This is the stuff of ghouls.

I mean, I’m supposed to listen to some lisping, limp-wristed up-talker praise McCain’s military service and take him at his word? Much like the cancer that ravaged the senator’s brain, the media is increasingly a tumor metastasizing inside America’s soul.

Honestly, Trump’s response is actually more sincere and respectful — rather than pantomiming affection for a political enemy, he is offering condolences to the family. Anything more than that would have been interpreted as phony, weak, or both.

Good point. The thing that really drives the LeftMedia insane is that Trump is sincere like they have never been in their miserable lives. So when they lash out at Trump’s “lies” what they are really doing is projecting their own lying shitsouls onto Trump and the Sincere Americans who support him. There’s no spiteful envy quite like the envy of a zero integrity lying sack of shit for xir’s laudable betters.

Surname Nationalism


General rule: you should live where people don’t think your name is stupid.

No joke, if this were public policy it would be better than anything the overcredentialed elites have come up with to micro-manage the country straight into the Dirt World abyss.

PS Related, the Trump Administration is blocking the reappointment of one of the WTO’s four judges. That judge’s name is Shree Baboo Chekitan Servansing. That’s right, a clown from Mauritius named Shree Baboo who has zero connection to Heritage America wields influence over US trade policy.

N O T  A N Y M O R E

PS You won’t see this in the “All the news that’s fit to omit” Fake News Media, but right now there are huge protests happening in Germany. A native (read: White) German was stabbed to death by a Syrian and an Iraqi migrant, and the locals have finally had enough of Murderous Merkel’s open borders virtue sadism. Heh:

every now and then the special ed teachers lose control of the big retard, that’s what germany is overdue for


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