Feed on

Lindsey Graham feeling that Trump Magic……and it feels GOOD.

If Lindsey keeps this up, I’ll have to stop cracking gay jokes about him.


dblr619 passed this along in quotes, so I assume the source is from somewhere else, therefore the COTW will be held in absentia by governing authorities until the source is located and can be awarded.

“Men are becoming the women they want and women are becoming the men they need.”

Nothing good will come from this. Fertility drops like a stone when the mating market has inverted. The good news is that it’s self-correcting in the long run. And the correction will be, in a word, magnificent.


There are two COTW runners-up. First, this instant evisceration of femcunt talking points, from orange appled,

Girls in Romania grow up in orphanages under horrific conditions and endure abuse. They come to America and become doctors. An American woman gets groped at a party and it becomes the defining moment of her life.

American women are world class liars. That’s the difference.

Second, this comment from Screwtape, with a stirring reminder that sides in the war are forming now, and you’d best choose wisely,

Yes. There are sides.

This fact is becoming increasingly clear to even the sportsball and cubefarm drafthorse men.

The left’s treatment of the kkkav affair and its disgusting, irrational, and openly hostile antics are curdling the milk.

Even the passive, apolitical goodwhite man is now having trouble taking pulls from the jug.

Meanwhile, the leftists have turned it up to 11. The silver lining is that at that volume even some osterich men are going to hear the message: you are the enemy; we want you enslaved or dead and we don’t really care which.

The average man can tolerate a lot of shit sammies. But when he follows the rules (for white men) 99% of the time and yet can be convicted in the kangaroo court of media and cultmarx overlords for an unfounded accusation, the 1% sword of democales in perpetuity is a non-starter. His life can go to zero at any point. F that.

The thing is: There have always been sides. We will return to the truth of the battle between good and evil: the cult of death vs civilization. Men will be forced to choose.

Indicting all white men is liberating them to take thier stand. Why bother playing nice, cucking along in relative peace (enslavement) when you are the enemy, fodder for thier cause?

We have reached the open hypergamy of politics.

Speaking of which, on a recent biz trip, a newly awakened buddy returns to tell me “Im really starting to love Trump”. Then goes on about how two of his uber drivers were Rational Male readers and the normally passive goodwhite guys in Chicago were all spitting fire over the K trials.

The alpha fux beta bux of sociopolitics is running aground. God willing, this maddness will spawn men with full chests.

We’re no longer slow-boiling the frog. We’re smashing it against the wall. And Pepe has had enough.

2018, and beyond, won’t be the Year of the Woman as the media desperately wishes into existence. It will be the Year of the White Man. And he is ready for the fight.



A fantastic insider’s view of the Poz Industrial Complex formerly known as the public school system, from commenter Mr. Barry Steakfries,

I’m a High School teacher. Went to education school recently to get a teaching cert. The indoctrination was off-the-chain bonkers. They taught the genderbread person thing, then someone realized it was made by a cis white guy (just being gay doesn’t cut it these days). Hilarity ensued. This email was sent by the faculty to the whole cohort. This is a Masters in Teaching program at a flagship state school.


Hi everyone,

Thanks for a thoughtful first gender caucusing session this past Tuesday. It was great to see you all again!

After our session, it was brought to our attention that the Genderbread Person image we shared with you is problematic. We learned that the Genderbread Person image was more or less appropriated by a straight, cis White man from similar images created by members of the transgender community, such as the Gender Unicorn (we looked at this in [***]’s class),

which was created by Trans Student Educational Resources. Also, as we looked closer we saw that, while the Genderbread Person includes two axes each for gender identity, gender expression, sex, sexuality, and so on, and thereby basically reproduces these identities as binaries, the Gender Unicorn includes a third/other category for each.

For these reasons, when we meet for our next caucusing session (this coming Thursday for M****’s section, and next Tuesday for T****’s section), we will be using the Gender Unicorn to guide our discussion, rather than (as planned) the Genderbread Person. You do not need to print a copy of the Gender Unicorn yourself, but do please look carefully at it, and (as originally assigned) think about how you identify along each of the identity axes it includes. We will use these reflections as the basis for our discussions in caucusing.

We apologize for not having investigated more carefully before selecting this image. We made a mistake, and we really regret any harm we might have caused. Our aim now is to model holding ourselves accountable and publicly owning our oversight, as we hope you will do with your students if you ever find yourself in a similar situation!


All the best,
L***** (and the caucusing planning team)


PS got into your blog when I was single like a decade ago for the game tips. Sent me off in a whole other ideological direction; I’m sure I’m not the only one. Thanks for what you do.

PPS Link to the Better, Woker, Gender Unicorn.

Nuke the bluehair catladies, and scatter their ashes to the winds, it’s the only way to be cleansed.

PS LMAO that even the most sniveling shitlib heterosexual White male can’t win Pozemon points with the degenerates he’s eager to suck up to.

PPS Homeschool if you have kids. Total avoidance of the public school system is the only alternative. Reforming it from the inside won’t happen in time to save this generation from malicious inculcation of pozpaganda.


The Prickly Mick

An emailer says the Scorched Earth Party underestimated Kavanaugh’s fightin’ Irish vigor.

The fucktards made a mistake with this guy.

They are too stupid to understand that not all white people are the same.

Kavanaugh is a Mick. We are three-four generations away from fighting on the street corner in slums. The Irish have succeeded in the USA, thanks to being smart and being under the whip hand of priests and nuns who made them work, and clawing their way into the middle class by taking over local government, taxing and intimidating their enemies to ruination, and giving themselves jobs. In the process of rising to the top of the heap, they have adopted a lot of WASPy demeanor, and sometimes out-WASP the WASPs in terms of traditional clothing or other surface features. But they are not North Sea Anglo-Teutons. They were not domesticated by manorialism and centuries of culling by hanging for any antisocial crime. The Irish are outer-Hajnal, like the Slavs on the other side of the Continent. They still have the genetic impetus to violent and antisocial behavior beyond what their palor might suggest to those unfamiliar with them. Fuck with them hard enough, and even the highly civilized ones will throw a punch and they will fight. At a high enough level of provocation, even a capital partner at a law firm, or a physician, or a banker, or even a Federal Judge, who has money and prestige and status and a lot to lose, if he’s Irish, may just come at you with his fists. Offend their pride and you will get to a point where they don’t give a shit anymore. The line is there. Then look out.

Kavanaugh is a fighter. They pushed him to the wall. They degraded him, his career, his achievements, his wife, his children.

They expected him to crumble.

They found his breaking point.

He came back swinging.

Good times.

The Prickly Mick is taking his place as a front line soldier in Trump’s MAGA army. Other White men from different White ethnic backgrounds will follow suit. This fight is only just begun. The Degenerate Freak Mafia ought to be very, very scared. They have grown soft from dealing with a cucked foe who rolled over and showed underbelly at the slightest threat. These leftoids have no idea what is about to righteously rain down on their Anti-White parade.

It won’t be White Nationalism. It will be White Man Nationalism.


Mama ain’t happy.

The quimdoctrination has rapidly intensified of late. What’s next? Freak trannies reading pozzed children’s books to toddlers?

It looks like shitlibs need a lesson in basic human biology:

There are two sexes, male and female.

There is no such thing as “gender”, except as a grammatical term.

There is a male and female brain structure that affects our outlooks and preferences, and is responsible for our sex stereotyped behaviors. Our brains are biological and, along with our bodies, form our self-conception as man or woman. Our heart supplies blood to our brains and bodies; it isn’t the seat of “orientation”.

Trannies are mentally ill lsmv rejects.

A small minority of men are homosexual. A smaller minority of women are obligate lesbians. Likely the source of their miswired direction of desire is biological in nature.

Homosexuality is not the biological, social, nor Darwinian equal of heterosexuality. A simple “equivalency swap” thought experiment shows this: if we were all homosexuals, the human species would go extinct.

There is no such thing as social construction of sex. “Social construction” means we humans assign words to describe aspects of observable reality, so that we can effectively communicate with each other instead of speaking a language of one that no one else understands.

On average, men are masculine and women are feminine. Some men are less masculine; some women are less feminine, but the average sex-based differential remains.

Poopytalk won’t assuage the primal pain of raising a butch daughter or an effete son.

Bestiality is “natural”. So is the rare case of hermaphroditism. That doesn’t mean either should be taught to children as a social norm of equal validity to normal heterosexual mating and biology.

On that note, there really is a valid distinction between normal and abnormal.

Hope This Hurts.


I dunno, readers, how does a parent of sane mind get confronted with this vile freak agitprop and not head down to their kids’ school’s administrative offices and turn the inhabitants into thunderdome chattel?

PS Shekels to bagels, Soros agents have their crabbed fingerprints all over whatever front group is pushing this Satanic trash on American children.

PPS Your daily Hate News meme:


Some commenters said the photo I had linked here wasn’t of CBF, so I deleted it. The points made in this post remain in tact, though, because they are universal and separate from any specific case. I changed the post title to reflect this change as well, that this is a post about sex, lies, and Congressional testimony.

The funniest aspect of this charade is that Brett Kavanaugh isn’t even a Chad. He barely brushes up against Chad-dom. But Ballsy-Fraud was such a forgettable dogface back in her wilted salad years, that a sackless wonder like John Scalzi would have seemed like a catch to her.

I’m not being glib. Sexual assault (and rape) are about sex. Not power. As with everything feminists claim, take the complete opposite as closer to the truth. There is real SCIENCE to back this up, too.

Physical power is only the means lsmv male rapists leverage to achieve their ends: sexual relief. This is relevant to Ballsy-Fraud’s looks; a young man who hung out with the cool dudes in high school wouldn’t look at, let alone date, a homely chick like teenage CBF. Nor would he be the rapist type; those cool dude Chads that rile up feminists are already enjoying enough consensual female company that they don’t need to violently wrest it from women.

This is especially true during the high school and college years when young men cling to the highest standards in women.

In real life, actual sex assaulters and rapists are soy-laced weirdos and losers and creeps and scary-looking uruk-hai who target good-looking young women (especially if, like Weinstein, the assaulter has status and power which is attractive to pretty young women and pulls them into his orbit for more convenient assaulting) or at least target women who would normally be way out of their league in a legitimate courtship scenario. That astronomically disproportionate black-on-White FBI rape statistic? Most of those perps wouldn’t get a first glance from their White woman victims in a non-rapey context.

Sex assaulters (less so, rapists) also will target slutty women — ie women who look easy and would put out quickly. Sometimes, this means the assaulter “slums it” with a less attractive but good-to-go girl. Darwinian trade-offs. Sperm is cheap, and can be spread more widely, with less attention to quality control.

These slutgirls signal, often consciously, their sluttiness through skimpy dress or erotic mannerisms. That doesn’t mean the girls are “asking for it”, but they are certainly asking for lots of aggressive male sexual interest. Sluts often invite the sexual “trauma” they insist they try to avoid, and they know it deep down. It’s how they compete against better-looking girls who can get men without acting slutty.

The slut-assaulter dynamic is different in one crucial aspect from sex assaults involving non-slutty women: usually, the interaction starts consensual, but ends nonconsensual, when either the slut has mid-grope second thoughts or the assaulter gets too ornery because his horny level hit the red zone and he becomes careless about how he progresses toward his coital goal.

Most gropers will pull back when the slut puts out a strong, unmistakable signal to stop. That’s why sexual assault in this scenario rarely escalates to real rape (as opposed to regret rape). But if a few minutes of unwelcome groping happens between hookup and second thought, then the slut will feel “used” when she’s had time afterward to stew in her resentment.

This is what I suspect happened to CBF in high school, who was by contemporaneous accounts quite the cock hunter. She had some distasteful slutgirl experiences back then that she slotted Brett Kavanaugh into when operatives in the Deep State needed her to deep-six a Trump nominee.

None of this is to say her current accusation against Kav isn’t a total fabrication. She made it all up, but the creaky foundation supporting her lies may have been remembrances of awkward hookups with random boys, as a braces-wearing high school teen very insecure about her desirability but saddled with the libido of a masculinized woman. Or, recollections of family abuse. And all of the memories muddied by her heavy drinking (which was apparently rampant at these ’80s era prep schools).


A Gabber [name redacted in the interest of post-America survival] has this to say about what was likely Ballsy-Fraud’s underlying motivation to publicly thrash an innocent man with a false grope accusation.

here’s the truth: most women who go around talking about being a “survivor” of rape are lying

and pretty much every college chick who says she was raped but her rapist is still allowed on campus is a liar

she was never raped
she’s just mentally ill

and she’s blaming her mental illness (which often strikes in college) on some imaginary trauma from a boy she fucked

40% of rape accusations made to the police are fake

and the % of fake accusations is even higher for “rapes” that were never reported

some chick who just abstractly claims she was raped at some vague time in high school or college is most likely lying

she’s either mentally ill or just wants the Victim Points she can get by claiming to be a “survivor”

half these chicks are claiming to be “survivors” of awkward one night stands

it’s really not that big of a deal
you really weren’t that traumatized

you sucked a dick and let some guy you barely know fuck you

and now you feel used and gross
because you were used and you are gross

but it’s really not that big of a deal

just stop being a whore
and you’ll feel a lot better

a big part of this is Mental Illness

severe mental illness often strikes in late teens, early 20s — ie, during College

a lot of these chicks are just, sadly, experiencing the start of what will be a  lifelong crippling mental health problem

it’s very sad, but we can’t let them destroy all of society just cause they got a head full of bad wiring

a big part of the insanity of the Left is the de-stigmatization of Mental Illness

also the Internet just allows a lot more ppl to participate in Society

in the past if you were a nutter, pretty much only your family would have to deal with you

but now the Internet lets you infect the rest of the planet

a normal woman will feel bad about her one night stand but not be emotionally crippled by it for the rest of her life

the Walk of Shame is something a lot of chicks do in college

Feminism says we have to totally re-order Society so no one ever feels that Shame

but most women at some point realize, hey, maybe if i stop acting like a Whore, i’ll feel less Ashamed of myself

modern Rape Hysteria has a lot do with Mental Illness

ppl with serious Mental Illness rarely accept that, hey, they just got some bad luck and some loose wires in their head – they want an explanation, they want to be able to say, aha!, that’s why i’m crazy

so they go looking for Trauma

and Feminism says, ah, it was that awkward one night stand you had freshmen year

so these girls who are starting to lose control of their minds now have a handy excuse – some guy felt up my boob once at a party

the reality is they were probably always gonna go crazy

if anything, what might have set them off was moving away from home and living around a bunch of strangers in a high stress environment

but it probably woulda happened regardless

Bolded parts are the money shots. Miswired slores go looking for trauma to explain their behavior, never able to admit to themselves that they are the cause — that is, that “society” isn’t to blame — of the psychological problems following them through their lives.

Here’s another slut cold ugly truth — women who got their tits drunkenly groped in high school aren’t traumatized by it. Women have an inbred capacity to absorb some clumsily aggressive male gropings without losing their minds. It’s a resilience evolved from wanting to be near assertive alpha males.

So let’s stop infantilizing women and stripping them of any agency or accountability.

Another reader,

Much more likely daddy molested her as a child, her mind suppressed it to keep her sane, some point, she was in a session with a shrink, or while being trained to be one, and false memories of being groped in high school replaced the real memories of daddy, as excuse why she slept with 64+ guys.

That’s a real possibility, and it could explain why Ford’s immediate family has been notably absent and unwilling to corroborate or defend her. (Today, one family member told reporters that Ballsy-Fraud “threw her best friend [Leyland Keyser] under the bus” when she said Keyser had health issues as the reason Keyser wouldn’t vouch for CBF’s lie. So I wasn’t the only person to notice that psychocunt maneuver in CBF’s testimony.

PS If you want to know why CBF thought she could get away with lying under oath in the course of destroying a good man’s reputation on a national stage, this is your answer:

CBF knew she’d be protected from exposure by the Creep State, Chaimstream Media, and Democortez apparatus. And she is still being protected by them, when she should be tried for perjury and sued for slander.

PPS After “Succubus” Feinstein read the latest FBI report essentially exonerating Kavanaugh, she left the room looking like she had seen a ghost (or Jesus). That’s not depression or resignation; that’s fear. I wonder what was in that report?

PPPS A pithy comment from Aaron that provides historical context:

Read Freud’s seduction theory. Every woman brought up memories of sexual abuse during therapy, and Freud had to abandon his theory because it was improbable that all fathers molest their daughters. We’ve known about this type of neurosis for over 100 years, but feminism has taken over psychology so it is politically incorrect to study the dark side of female sexuality (e.g. sexual masochism makes women wet).

This blog is unafraid to discuss the dark side of female sexuality, which may be why feminists and their soy lackeys rarely muster the will to come here and take on my arguments with anything more than vapid ad hominem.


Physiognomy Is Reliable

If I told you this locker stuffer poindexter with the peter pan smirk…

…is a Dem congressional aide who was recently arrested for doxxing Republican senators from a computer in a radical leftist Dem Senator’s office, and threatening a witness that he’d leak the senators’ children’s health information if the witness blabbed to anyone…

you’d not be shocked.

After all, just look at that phyzz. 9 times out of 10, flappy-wristed, pencil-necked dweebs are self-abasing shitlibs.

Sources familiar with the case tell Fox News Cosko was in Sen. Hassan’s office, where he was caught using a login he was not authorized to use. Cosko earlier was let go by Senator Hassan’s office. A spokesman for Hassan says she “strongly denounces the alleged actions.”

According to Bell’s statement, Cosko is alleged to have been confronted by the staffer and then walked out. Hours later the witness received an email from “[email protected]” saying: “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials.”

Such a tough guy, going after kids. What is it with leftoids and their desire to drag children through the mud? Repressed pedophilic feelings?

So how did our Resister hold up at his hearing?

[Jackson] Cosko was dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and tennis shoes and looked uneasy as Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson detailed the seven charges against him, which carry the possibility of more than 20 years in prison.

Pissing his underoos, I’d say.

Normally, I’d wish prison rape on sniveling child-threatening leftoid scum like Cosko, but it looks like he’d enjoy it.

PS On the healthier side of the male ledger, Trump is turning whole squadrons of GOPe cucks into shitlords before our eyes:

PPS Well this is curious. Jackson Cosko’s daddy owns a big construction company in California and has lots of connections to prominent CA pols (h/t Sarah):

Maybe this explains Chianne Chistein’s look of death after reading the FBI report on Kav?



I don’t go down on girls, unless they’re virginal and their poosies smell like a springtime meadow. If I’m with a 21 year old and I have a strong suspicion I am her first or second lover, then yeah, here’s me gorging at the Y:

Most over-25 women aren’t virginal and their poosies aren’t exactly garden fresh. I have no interest in sticking my nose in a sewer and contracting mouth cancer.

But try telling a girl that (ID FATALITY).

And yet, I’ve noticed more girls demanding mouthlove, especially reciprocated mouthlove. Sex often inaugurates with the girl slobbing my knob, but now it’s been transactionalized by anti-romantic battlecunts who have been inculcated by Femcunt Inc to view any unreciprocated action — no matter the context or the mood lighting — as a slight against grrldom by the oppressive white male hateriarchy.

In fact, some of these chicks will push my head downward toward their steampipes as I’m dropping mad kisses on the non-smelly parts of their bodies, and I’ll RESIST, which only makes them push harder on my head. Wouldn’t that qualify as sexual assault under the terms created from thin air by the BELIEVE WAHMEN cuntsortium?

So here’s what you should say if a girl expresses in so many words that she wants you to lick her cancerclit:

MY TONGUE, MY CHOICE: I don’t do that.

GIRL: Why? Are you selfish or something?

MY TONGUE, MY CHOICE: I only offer those services to girls I’ve been dating a long time. It’s very intimate.

GIRL: We’ve been dating a while.

MY TONGUE, MY CHOICE: Not long enough. I’ll let you know when.

I never let her know when, because a girl who’s indignant that her poosy be viewed like a tootsie roll pop (how many licks to get to the G spot?) is a girl who

  1. has been scoured by a squadron of stiff ones and can only get off now with extraordinary efforts on the part of the man and
  2. is a strident bitch who won’t ever show generosity of spirit or snatch without a rider attached to it

Ladies, if you want the licky licky, avoid the sticky pricky. Virgins are ravaged because they haven’t been ravaged. Get the picture?


Female Power Vs Male Power

Women use emotional manipulation to compensate for their physical weakness.

But only physical strength — the power source of men — is regulated and punished by society. Women are left free to exercise their sex-based power. Worse, women are celebrated for being manipulative.

This is a structural flaw in all post-modren societies.

There is overlap of course (some women resort to physical violence and some men are silver-tongued subversives), but on the whole women are more disposed to emotional manipulation as a tactic to get what they want, and they are better at it than are men. (The men who are equally manipulative tend to make excellent cads…every woman is a varying degree of solipsist who falls for a man who mirrors her.)

Hell Is Like Newark appeals to ancient authority,

Such has been the case detailed in Western literature for the 1000+ years. i.e. The Romans would talk about how the women were “the real power behind Rome” via the manipulation of the men (husbands, sons, etc.) in their lives.

Yes. Stereotypes about the sexes (and races) don’t materialize out of thin air. They become shared prejudices based on shared observations over many generations (in the case of the nature of woman, over millennia).

A more precise term for what women excel at and exploit in the quest for power is “manufactured drama”. Men don’t manufacture drama (life is hard enough for men without the added unnecessary strife) and are generally more stoic than women. Fake Drama is woman’s access to power; it’s how she keeps men off-kilter and useful as cat’s-paws against her perceived enemies, and how she dissuades her own man from abandoning her for a trade-up.

Wise societies on the upswing of their civilizational arc understand that both men’s and women’s natural power-grabbing proclivities must be regulated, checked, and sometimes punished if taken to pathological extremes (see: Ballsy-Fraud, Ramirez, Swetnick). A man who resorts too often to violence or physical intimidation is an unstable influence; likewise, a woman who resorts too often to innuendo and fabrication is also an unstable influence on an orderly society.

What has happened in the West, particularly in America — and what happens to most civilizations after they have peaked in patriarchal creativity and moral confidence — is that we have discarded constraints on female will to power while continuing (and arguably strengthening) constraints on male will to power.

PoundMeToo is the pinnacle of this twisted achievement. All women are to be believed, whatever their credibility, psychology, or history, in any allegation, however dubious, they may decide to level against a man. And no man is to be believed, whatever his reputation, sincerity, or accomplishments, in his defense against such wild slander.

Which is why I say go long on sexbots, because American men will soon want nothing to do with American women. (Feminists subconsciously grasp the existential threat of sexbots, hence their urgency to ban sexbot brothels wherever they crop up.)

Men are shamed, women are exalted. (America)

Where women are shamed and men are exalted, you find the arab moslem countries.

What we Westerners need is a return to the wisdom of our ancestors; we need to bring balance back to our nations, and recognize before it’s too late that unrestrained women are as dire a threat to the nation as are unrestrained men. We bring balance back to the sexual force by shaming conniving women and allowing aggressive men some room to steer society.

Fewer false rape accusations, more Beach Week parties with Biff Kavanaughs.

We have the worst possible system in place now: women given free rein to indulge their cruel psychotic whims with the power of the State to shield them from punishment, and (White) men mightily oppressed by every lever of establishment power from baring even an iota of masculine verve.

It’s why I coined this system a “gynarcho-tyranny”.

Only Trump and a few pseudonymous dissidents have broken out of this matronix to deliver the Dude Word to the masses.

With any checks on female depravity removed, we are left at the mercy of, and victim to the spectacle of, crazy catladies, conformist soccermoms, and hysterical slores inviting in enemy hordes and crushing dissent from their own men, destroying their livelihoods and driving an intensifying trend toward social disharmony. This is why we have descended from a Battle Of The Sexes to a Breach Of The Sexes. The rancor is a product of straitjacketed White men losing control of their riotous White women.

We need to rethink our unthinking devotion to the Fundamental Premise. A renewed appreciation of benevolent sexism is part of the solution.

A big obstacle to relocating our lost power-differentiated sexual market balance is the nature of how sex-based power is manifest. Physical violence is palpable, readily perceived. Emotional violence is subtle, amorphous, and plausibly deniable. This distinction is crucial for understanding why modren societies, with their imprinted sensitivity to instant harm (the evil twin of instant gratification), find it difficult to recognize female power when it is being abused. This failure of recognition is ultimately exculpatory of the worst sorts of psychocunts.

It is also indicative of a dumber society (which, naturally, benefits women — for now), because dumber citizens acclimated to clickbait news in which the senses are assaulted by visual stimuli are less able to discern the inconspicuous abuses of soft power that women prefer.

Another reader supplies a coda to this tragic tale of female empowerment coupled with male disempowerment,

Democracy protects the weak by damaging the strong.

And when the weak become the strong?

It gets ugly.

The world knows no cruelty like the cruelty of the snarky, weak and degenerate with the power of retribution.


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