Feed on

Nations are in fact distinct geopolitical systems for privileging races and ethnicities. If the heritage stock of a nation isn’t privileged, then what is the point of the nation? It has failed its fundamental duty.

A nation which privileges all comers, from alien races and cultures, will lose the loyalty of the race of people which established the nation for the benefit of themselves and their posterity. It will become de-nationed, a nation in name only, divorced from the mystic chords which historically composed it.


Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr — both of whom are key deep staters in the coordinated attempted coup of President Trump — just invoked marital privilege in her refusal to testify before congressional committees.

This is why the Creep State likes to keep it in the family. Marital privilege is an escape route if the heat comes around the corner.

I won’t plaster the Ohrs’ mugs here. I don’t want to soil the glory of this Chateau. You can image search yourselves. Let’s just say that it’s great normies are learning just how grotesque their putative “elites” are. The curtain is pulled all the way back and the Lizard of Poz flicks its tongue at you.


More updates:

Congressman Mark Meadows has called for Rod Rosenstein to resign.

Former FBI lawyer James Baker appeared on Capitol Hill earlier Thursday for the second time to testify about Rosenstein’s plan to wear a wire and and the use of FISA warrants to oust President Trump from office. […]

MEADOWS: Based on additional information we’ve learned over the last week, it is clear Rod Rosenstein should resign immediately.

He has not cooperated with Congress, failed to be transparent about his actions, and shown a lack of candor in the way he’s characterized a number of events. […]

James Baker previously told Congressional investigators that Rosenstein’s plot to wear a wire and oust Trump from office was not a joke as the DAG claimed.

The chutzpah! I guess these seditionists think they can get away with their treachery, thanks to a “mainstream” media colluding with ClintonObama Inc.


A federal judge says he was given false statements by State Department rats in an effort to derail the investigation into Clinton’s Benghazi debacle.

In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing “clearly false” affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth also said he was “shocked” and “dumbfounded” when he learned that FBI had granted immunity to former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills during its investigation into the use of Clinton’s server, according to a court transcript of his remarks.

“I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath in a published opinion I had issued in a Judicial Watch case where I found her unworthy of belief, and I was quite shocked to find out she had been given immunity in — by the Justice Department in the Hillary Clinton email case,” Lamberth said during the hearing.

Heeeeellllooooooo? NPR? You reporting on this? *crickets*

A reader quips: “Non Player Radio”.


In a bit of potentially good news, there may be a “red wave” materializing (again) to confound Dems and Dem-friendly pollsters.

Over 12,000 Voters Change Party Affiliation in Wyoming – 90% to Republican

We’ll see soon enough. I’ll stick by my prediction that the House will be a close call and Rs will gain a couple seats in the Senate. Trump will come out of it unscathed, because he’s got that je ne sais quoi.


OT: The spiritual physiognomy of african man. (Deep Slate Update? Dark State Update?)

What kind of civilization could eventually blossom and take root in this spiritual ground, I cannot even begin to imagine. The safest guess would be nothing. It goes without saying that the African soul is wholly incompatible with European law, society, and culture.

Executive summary: The spiritual phyzz of black africans is demonic possession. It’s a good read, check it out.


Shitlib Logic Trap!


Red Tsunami?

I present the following for your spirited debate.

Experienced Father says some voter data metrics suggest a possible “red tsunami” for the midterms in a couple weeks. Read on…


You need to check out the twitter feed of —
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart.

Short form — He is tracking early voting returns in states that report total votes by party affiliation and its looking like Red Tsunami. This was one of his recent threads —

1) Last night I said we have 12 data points (AZ statewide, FL statewide +4 specific counties, IA + 2 counties, OH 2 counties, and NC). Every single one was showing GOP turnout higher than midterm levels of 2014 and all but one (a county) showing turnout above 2016.

2) If I recall all the data correctly, D turnout/performance was below that of 2016 and, in the case of IA, below that of 2014. 3) Now we have two more data points to add: news out of WY that a net of 10k switched from D/other to R in last six months & turnout #s in Knox Co. TN

3) Out of 12 MEASURABLE data points–not polls which are opinions of what people “might” do in the future—every single one is favors the Rs. 4) I’ll admit, I got a tad depressed for a minute yesterday when the latest Siena/NYT polls came out . . . before I was reminded . . .

4) . . they were making 60,000 calls to reach a mere 300 respondents. SIXTY THOUSAND! 5) Who do you think is NOT responding? Conservatives, Republicans, people with families & jobs. 6) That means these NYT polls are utterly worthless with a margin of error of 20% or more

The thing that stood out for me in that passage was it now takes -200- calls to get one ‘valid’ poll result, with a 20% “error bar” because…(my speculation) unscreenable lying to the poll taker.

All media polls are is nothing but propaganda to manipulate voter turn out.

I don’t know if these tantalizing early returns are predictive, but historically midterm elections have rarely gone well for the sitting president’s party. The American people have a subconscious need to “balance” the power bases in Washington.

However, we’re currently in a very ahistorical time. The nation is less White than it’s been since the height of the slave trade (and that was when Whites were cultural hegemons in America), our ruling class hates us, Dems are openly calling for political violence against “deplorables”, partisanship and public rancor are approaching pre-Civil War I levels, and a shadow Deep State administrative government is attempting a silent coup against the President.

Which is to say, we’re living in a Black Swan era. The election of Trump was a black swan. These midterms may be another. Past results aren’t necessarily indicative of future performance.

One other point I’d make: in part owing to the fevered partisanship and cratering trust of American society, it’s likely that social expectation bias is playing a much bigger role in polling results than it has in the past. Americans, especially those on the right, are now a lot more circumspect about revealing their true voting preferences to pollsters (or to anyone for that matter) because they don’t want to deal with the headache of triggering shitlibs to weeping. If conservatives feel less secure publicly airing their beliefs, then they will be less likely to answer pollsters and more likely to lie about how they’ll vote, skewing poll data.

Which would mean another unforeseen silent Trump vote like we had two years ago.


Oy, There It Is

My assumption was proven safe. At least one of the lead authors of that “Debiasing Desire” anti-White research paper is [a special person]. In this case, what looks to be [a special person of scissoring].

“So you’re saying I have a chosen!”

Now I don’t want to say every single time, but it’s every single time.

Commenter Sean Fielding found a paragraph in the paper that gives the Culture of Critique game away:

How about this tidbit buried in the original 18 page report: “While it may strike us as normatively acceptable to encourage intimate platform users to be open to more diverse potential partners, we might find some categories more palatable for such intervention than others. For example, it might seem inappropriate to suggest that a Jewish user seeking other Jewish people “expand her horizons” past those preferences . . .”


Miscegenation for the goyium, purity for the [special people].

They’re openly telegraphing their anti-White Christian malice, through oily grins. Do we need to get hammered over the head with a shofar to see it?


Case closed. Only Whites should be manipulated through dating apps “algorithms” to embrace diversity.

They are not even trying to be a little bit more subtle anymore. They are going right to the jugular: yes, we hate you, we want to see you extinct, any problem with that?

Greg Eliot,

Unless of course (((they))) WANT to defile shicksas, amirite?

That is some 500 degree temperature worthy chutzpah, right there.

(((shakin’ mah kopf)))

It’s so Mortimer-tier arrogant as to be almost amusing. Almost, if it weren’t also deadly in consequence.

I have a theory about this off-the-charts chutzpah. Sure, partly it’s the consequence of a deep-seated malevolence to subvert orderly Gentile societies which can be more easily economically exploited and kept divided as a safeguard against majority will, but another part is simply that they are surrounded by libgoy enablers, who either encourage their anti-Gentilism because of a shared disdain for Western values, or are too cowardly to oppose and shame anti-Gentilism when it rears up.

If you lived in a shitlib insular bubble that shielded you from criticism and flattered your every unctuous piety, you might never learn when your tribal animus isn’t welcome, or how badly it falls on the ears of those who live outside your bubble. So you’d carry on, oblivious to the justified rage you provoke in your enemies. For a smart people, they sure do some stupid shit.


“look at me i am powerful wahman with my fake bushy manbrows”

I figure mentally ill broads like this one paint on these thick fake manbrows to appear more aggrocuntish. You know, “I am woman hear me screech” ego assuaging. But now I wonder if it might be a subconscious expression of latent pathological narcissism.

Narcissists have thicker, denser, more distinct eyebrows, according to a new study

according to a new study, published in the Journal of Personality, you may be able to detect a narcissist by focusing on one particular facial feature — their eyebrows.

Researchers Miranda Giacomin and Nicholas Rule recruited participants to look at the faces of people who were all across the narcissistic spectrum, from a normal level to full blown narcissist — and it turned out they were pretty good at identifying them.

Strangely, when participants were shown pictures of just the eyebrows, they could correctly identify the narcissists too.

They highlighted femininity, grooming, and distinctiveness when they picked out the narcissists, but results showed it was distinctiveness that was key — narcissists tended to have darker, thicker, more distinctive eyebrows.

Eyebrows make our faces more recognisable, and in recent years they have become something of a fashion statement. Narcissists may like to make a statement with their brows so to tantalise potential love interests and make an impression.

As the authors wrote, they might “seek to maintain distinct eyebrows to facilitate others’ ability to notice, recognise, and remember them; thereby increasing their likability and reinforcing their overly positive self-views.”

It could also simply be because eyebrows give away more social messages than we realise. They are important for our facial expressions, but could also reveal subtle, subconscious information too.

I predict what we’ll find out in the coming years as the genetic and biological sciences advance is that physiognomy is real; that there are thousands of these connections between the personality/behavior and the physical appearance which clue us into a person’s character.

The story of the 21st Century will be science vindicating the “discredited” wisdom of the 19th Century.

“The ability to identify dark personality traits at zero-acquaintance provides particular value for avoiding exploitation and manipulation,” the researchers wrote.

Sounds like pattern recognition aka racism & sexism to me. BURN THE HERETIC

ps “at zero-acquaintance” would make a great movie title.

“The increasing incidence of narcissism underscores this value. Fortunately, people can accurately judge others’ narcissism based on how they act, what they say, what they wear, and what their faces look like.”

Sociopathy and narcissism are increasing in America. Our fracturing social contract (thanks, Diversity!) is allowing con men and narcissists to flourish and exploit the growing number of weak links in the system, the declining cooperativeness, and the increasing inanity and infantilism. The War against Noticing is really a War against Not Being Exploited. It’s in the interest of the exploiters to keep the exploited dumb, gullible, and fearful to act in their interest.

Plus, I’m getting tired of women ritualistically uglifying themselves according to the tenets of a vapid man-hating pussyhat ideology.


I seldom use this term, but that video is absolute genius.

The reaction of the Left to the NPC shows that it’s a killshot, which horrifies and outrages them because they know it’s true. They’re like the cockroaches zombified by the (((emerald cockroach wasp))) suddenly being confronted with the stark, brilliant, heartless truth of what’s being done to them. That they’re cooperating willingly with those eating them alive.

On our side, though, they have smashed everything that we value. They’ve degraded our women into the willing whores of vile foreigners and forced us to watch.

They’ve bombarded us with the uttermost degradation humans are capable of until we’re numbed by it.

They’ve defiled every innocence we had, and forced us, violently force-fed us, with their gloating triumphalism over their plan for the destruction of our race, our cultures, our achievements, our languages, our art, our music, our descendants, our memory.

And in so doing, they’ve shaped men on whom none of their barbs can stick. We’ve looked into the grinning face of the darkness they worship, because they’ve compelled us to.

Though I hate to quote the (((movies,))) the Joker’s line sums up what they’ve forged their opponents into:

“You have nothing! Nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.”

We’ve looked into the ultimate abyss — the threatened erasure of our kind, the blank pit of extinction in which there isn’t even a vicarious continued existence for us in descendants or countrymen.

There’s no label they can throw at us that can unman us. There’s no deed of our world-conquering ancestors that will silence us with shame. We meet their loudest blustering with a laugh and utter defiance, because they have attacked our weaknesses so much that they burned them away.

Hoist the banner and brandish your manifest vengeance, because this comment was a call to revolution. The CH COTW award, precious and desired as it is, hardly compensates.



Steve Sailer noted that Trump’s tweets aren’t very clever, but they don’t need to be, and in fact cleverness might obstruct the lethal precision of Trump’s shivs.

My guess is that Trump will never, ever use “Picohontas.” This has a double utility to Trump. By not using it, Trump doesn’t alienate the vast percentage of voters who don’t know that “pico” means “one-trillionth.” (I personally guessed it meant one-billionth, but that of course would be “Gigahontas.”)

But also, because Trump doesn’t use a supremely clever insult he lures in the Establishment Media to insutlt as a low brow and thus keep the controversiy alive on Trump’s terms; that Senator Warren isn very Indian.

gregor provides additional logic for Trump’s aversion to cleverness when he’s trying to go around the Chaimstream Media and report directly to the people through his Twatter account,

Right. Trump has the right instincts on this. For one thing, these clever portmanteaus work a lot better in writing than in speech. To a writer like Steve the more clever term is irresistible. But a TV guy like Trump knows that you want the spoken phrase to hit immediately. You don’t your audience confused even for a second about why you’re mispronouncing Pocahontas.

The other part of it is that Trump isn’t a nerd.

Cleverness comes across better in writing, that’s true. And better in movies, which are scripted and edited to ensure clever lines aren’t lost like they are in the normal raucousness of real life casual conversation, or drowned out by background interruption.

I like cleverness, and I indulge it, but I tend to steer clear of it offline, unless I know my audience will appreciate it. I particularly avoid it when seducing girls, unless the girl is a type I’ve learned from experience will cherish my whimsical quips (artsy, smart, dressed in odd yet feminine clothing (pixie chic)).

I’ve similarly noted that cleverness can be an obstacle to a proper seduction. If you’re too clever, you’re liable to be perceived as too try-hard, which is the kiss of death for a pickup. Plus, you run a high risk of flubbing your delivery, or straining to locate the verbiage, or messing up the timing (because an AMOG rudely interrupted your moment in the sun with a shoulder punch), any of which will repulse the girl because now she thinks you desperately want to make an impression on her (but are failing at it)……which only reinforces the “male chaser-female chasee” script, that you should be flipping if you want to negate the natural advantage girls have in the early stages of courtship.

You don’t need to be witty to have Game:

…if you are all wit and no frame, you are an entertainment monkey who arouses women’s brains but leaves their pussies dry. In contrast, if you are all frame and no wit, you are a sexy beast women can’t help but find alluring, even as they gripe about your curt assholery to their friends.

Now, it should go without saying (though this blog does attract its share of stupids and ego-invested contrarians who need it said over and over) that it’s better to have frame AND wit, rather than frame alone. Hank Moody wit is a killer weapon to have in the field, even more potent than having top 10% looks. But, if you had to choose, frame is the better of the two. So banish from your thoughts doubts that your lack of wit consigns you to involuntary celibacy. I’ve witnessed too many overconfident lunkheads without a clever word to say but teeming with the right attitude effortlessly swoop babes to believe otherwise.

Maxim #55: Less talking is always sexier than more talking. If you struggle to find something witty to say to a girl, stop trying. Flailing for the “right” words is approval-seeking beta behavior that women can sniff from across a room.

Corollary to Maxim #55: A grunt or aloof gesture trumps a try-hard, strained, verbose comeback.

When this subject comes up in real life, I like to tell my guy friends to recall those times they were challenged or annoyed by their sisters or some female friends they didn’t find attractive. I ask them to remember how they felt, how they acted, and what they said. Invariably, they all say they remember being cool as cucumbers, dismissive, and even rude. They were careless with their words and cared even less what their sisters or unattractive female friends thought of them. They remember feeling like one might feel if a mosquito was buzzing around one’s head; they just wanted to shoo it away, or tell it to go find the nearest bug zapper. They certainly did not try to impress them with Shakespearean wit.

“Good,” I say. “Now that’s the way you should act when you talk to ATTRACTIVE girls.”

Frame before wit. Get the basics right first and the mentally scripted fluff will sound more authentic later.

Indirect vs Direct vs Clever Openers:

Eric Barker, the guy who runs that fantastic repository of helpful science, notes that mentally tired people are less receptive to clever pickup lines. If you’re churning through garbage hour and hitting on tired girls, keep it simple. A brief comment about something in your shared environment is all it will take.

So cute (aka douchebag) lines are the worst. No surprise there. Those kinds of lines are spit more for the entertainment of a guy’s buddies watching nearby than they are for the purpose of attracting a girl.

Clever lines you aspiring William F. Buckleys might be tempted to use are wasted on tired girls, and likely on any girl with an IQ under 120, which is most of them.

Direct openers aren’t as bad as cutesy openers, but girls still prefer the indirect strategy from men.

The abiding truth that game practitioners keep coming back to (and that science often confirms) is that girls don’t want the nuts and bolts of their seduction revealed to them; they want men to just *know* what they like and give them the *feelings* of being successfully seduced, and that means men must maintain plausible deniability about their sexual intentions, even if feminists shriek that such a mating strategy amounts to “manipulation”.

Again, cleverness has limited applicability in the realm of pickup. Use it sparingly, and targeted to girls who will admire it.

If you are a clever man, you won’t want to surrender an SMV advantage. Would a tall man willingly give up a foot of height? I understand that men will want to use every tool at their disposal to outcompete other men and fat cockblocks for the poosy prize, but cleverness is a double-edged sword that can swing against you if it’s unsheathed too frequently. The best compromise is to pair your cleverness with aloof body language and attitude, so that you seem less like you’re impressing the girl than you are amusing yourself.

Instead of cleverness, think more in terms of “power words“:

The ideal verbal approach is to coax an accelerated camaraderie with the use of “power words” — which are usually mono- or bisyllabic — that girls promptly jack into via emotional pathways that electrify fastest when lubed by simpler, stronger words than by nuanced Oxfordian words stuffed with exquisite connotations. This will be your conversational base, over which you will furnish the occasional five-dollar words and ambiguous subtext, because no pickup attempt went to the bedroom without first rubbing her rationalization hamster against the grain.

We’ve all known that ladykiller Chad who struts into conversations and drops 10 cent monosyllabic words like nukes, drawing female attention to himself, blowing up male competition, and, like Trump, opening a fruitful path for further flirtation (or media amplification).

Cleverness should be a supplement, not your main lingual course. Picohontas? The mensa crowd claps. Pocohontas? The lady vaj flaps. Find that balance and pickup will become a joy instead of a chore.


You have to see this swedish TV ad to believe it, because the cuckery level is so off the charts it would violate Pornhub’s TOS.


I don’t even know wtf I saw here, but I know it was bad. It looked like an ad for interracial surrogacy. A White woman births a mystery meatball, then a sexually indeterminate black xir trots in for a group hug with a HuWhyte man holding the newborn “swede”. (Sneer quotes are the new triple parentheses.)

cortesar adds,

someone in the comment section says/asks
“I do not even know what is sold”
well my swedish friend I will tell what has been sold
Your history, your grand-grand-grandfather your father your children and their yet to be borne children,
that is what is sold

It’s a fire sale! Commenter Roy agrees,

Fritz. Get the flammenwerfer.

From TheGopnik,

Unholy shit !!! Did Barbara Lerner Spectre direct that one herself ?

It’s morbidly funny that the j__iest nation in the world is also one of the most Gentile nations in the world. J__iness through pozmosis?

The problem with sweden (undeserving of capitalization) is that they inherited the biggest load of cuck alleles, AND the government is run and staffed by catladies. This is a recipe for delirious jim jones cult-style mass suicide.


Daniel indignantly rebuts,

international marketing is true. This was very likely made by a marketing firm owned by a marketing firm located in New York. We’ve seen this on TV a hundred times. There is no evening without episodes of shows with gays and race mixing. It’s really disingenuous to use it against Sweden when it all comes from Hollywood. And I’m not responsible for Hollywood. Just like ordinary people in Sweden aren’t responsible for this commercial. No one chose this, it was foisted on us.

Have people forgotten who own the media? Does that need to be repeated because some people seem to forget it over and over?

Fair point. Isn’t there a governing body in sweden that can prohibit ads like this one from airing on swedeTV? Anyhow, I’m heartened that there are still some Swedes left with fight in them.


The NPC Song: “Feel”

Sung to the tune of AWOLNation’s “Sail”, a brilliant parody of the dogmatic leftoid hivemind (h/t Jay in DC):



BTW the lyrics on that ‘cover’ NPC version of AWOLNation are fucking comedy gold, a sample:

♫♫ FEEL!!
I’ve got no inner monologue
I bow before the Syangogue
Maybe I’m an NPC, baby

This is how the ego dies
I’m taking my SSRIs
Maybe I’m an NPC baby.

Feel! ♫♫

lzolzolzolzolzolzolozlol dude nailed it

Leftoids really don’t think for themselves, so this meme hits them right in the….feels.

Jay adds that this timeline is unbeatable,

does anyone else find it absurd and ironic and somewhat befitting of clown world that Taylor Swift who was meme’d into Third Reich ubermensch status has come out as a virtue signaling shitlib and her nemesis Kanye fucking West! is /ourguy/

That is some bizarro world type shit, innit?

Abandon Boomer tropes, all Ye who enter here.

PS Paul Watson has a good take on the NPC meme phenomenon:

I know PJW catches flak from some quarters of the Maul-Right, but I think his vids are polished explainers about the shitlib insanities of the day that effectively reach a normie audience.

PPS I wonder if MPC will see a bump in traffic from people mistyping searches for “NPC”?

PMS Anglin has a funny take on the NPC shiv. (It’s been promoted from meme to shiv status, based on the anguished wails coming from butthurt leftoids.)

Here’s another great follow-up NPC post by Anglin, riffing on the JYTimes coverage of the meme.

[The NPC meme] speaks to the core nature of this unhinged leftist mob: that they are not real, that their entire lives are faked, that their emotional state is the result of a marketing campaign.

It trivializes all of them in the most brutal conceivable way.

Spot on.


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