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The Talk Down

Remember Derbyshire’s PSA, “The Talk“? Now there’s a complement called “The Talk Down”, courtesy of ¡SCIENCE!: (via Washington Times)

White liberals ‘patronize’ minorities, study finds

Liberals present themselves as warmer, less competent to minority audiences

White liberals present themselves as less competent when addressing minorities, while conservatives use the same vocabulary no matter what the race of their audience, according to a newly released study.

Yale and Princeton researchers found that white Democratic presidential candidates and self-identified liberals played down their competence when speaking to minorities, using fewer words that conveyed accomplishment and more words that expressed warmth.

On the other hand, there were no significant differences in how white conservatives, including Republican presidential candidates, spoke to white versus minority audiences.

This study buttresses my belief that White shitlibs know their equalist antiracism virtue signaling is bullshit, but they just can’t help themselves. Feeling morally superior to “unenlightened” whites is a drug to them. They can’t quit it. Withdrawal would be a bitch.

It also confirms every shitlord’s suspicion that White liberals are condescending pricks who psychologically project their racist feelings onto BadThink Whites who don’t have, or care to have, the tact to talk down to nonWhites.

Conservatives, it turns out, are the Real Egalitarians. Shitlibs just mouth the word while acting in complete discordance with it.

The leftoids doth protest too much. You should automatically assume any White person who goes on and on about White racism and White privilege secretly possesses both, and hides her true feelings from herself through acts of exculpatory negative transference that slander heretic Whites who are too gauche (read: dignified) to “get with the program”.

White shitlibs have a lot of unresolved, conflicted feelings stemming from the enormous gap between their actions and their self-conception, and yapping nonstop about the racism of others that secretly percolates in their own ids is their way of stabilizing the dissonance.


From Kelly,

Somebody on Twatter commented on this issue: “For my own personal safety, I often find myself having to “talk down” to white liberals.” Good one.

I prefer to talk straight and carry a sharp shiv.


irishsavant comments,

Yet gay mulatto is credited with being one of the wittiest Presidents ever

The flip side of White shitlibs’ condescension toward nonWhites is the fraudulent attribution of admirable traits to nonWhites (aka Wakandaism). The shitlib talks down to the black person while artificially boosting the merits of the black person. It’s a one-two punch of smug patronage that reveals the White shitlib’s bloated self-regard; she dumbs herself down to assuage her lessers, and unctuously flatters her lessers to obscure the reason for her condescension.

Also, a lot of White libs really do suffer from Magic N__ro Syndrome, and in their zeal to wish this magical creature into existence they indulge a ferociously cloying n__rolatry, imparting near-divinity to their onyx icons.


Democrats Are The Woman Party

Zach Goldberg is a good source of hatefacts on Twatter, which means that he will soon be spotted by the Eye of Sauros and de-personed by a team of H1Bs at Singsoc headquarters, and will never be able to find gainful employment again. America, Land of the Free, baby!

In his latest series of twats, he discovers that the beating heart of the Democrat Party is located in the vagina:

The percent of Democrats who say it’s the government’s job to ensure equal incomes across all races (i.e. equality of outcome) increased 13 % points between 1995 and 2015–with the largest growth coming from White Democrats (+17 % points) pic.twitter.com/TENWfpbUAF

— Zach Goldberg (@ZachG932) November 27, 2018

That’s bad. Real bad. It shows just how deeply the Leftoid Equalism Big Lie has entrenched itself in the American psyche. White Democrats are becoming more cucked, or more ethnomasochistic, or more in thrall to indulging vapid sanctimony against their unreconstructed racial kin. But wait, White men of either party seem to be largely immune to this Big Lie indoctrination, and White women….well, let the data speak for itself:

On closer examination, it appears that most, if not all, of this growth is driven by female Dems. Among Whites, 45.3% of female Dems gave this response in 1995 as compared to 71.3% in 2015. pic.twitter.com/5vGyWPw4Wq

— Zach Goldberg (@ZachG932) November 27, 2018

White women are the primary force driving the Democrat Party into pathologically universalist, anti-White lunacy.* You know who’s been warning about this for a long time? Yeah, *this guy*.

More precisely, Democrats are the Woman and Sw@rth Party, but sw@rth-americans haven’t changed much over the years. They have been and continue to be gibs-maximizing trashworld commies with a giant chip on their shoulders about Whitey.

What’s changed is that White women have joined them in beating up on White men, the surviving remnant of Heritage America.

Yeah, yeah, married White women aren’t as keen on the whole White Dispossession Snowlocaust. Small comfort, given that married White women are a vanishing breed. Single White women are WHO WE ARE NOW, and it isn’t pretty. At all.

The Democrats have a White Man Problem. They should do something about that.

Democrats: effete, hysterical, womanish, and now auto-genocidal. Great combo!

I dunno, maybe it’s time for White American men to politically divorce their White women, and accept that they will have to be the sole vanguard fighting at the front lines for America’s soul.

White men can ease their consciences about this bitter divorce knowing that, after victory over Globohomo is achieved, White women will come back to them, invigorated with newfound admiration and love for them (and pretending that their whole betrayal thingie never happened).

*Other interesting revelations jump out from that sex/party-ID chart:

  • White females are the group responsible for pushing the Dems to the Lunatic-Left. Negr0latry is their religion, anti-White avowals their genuflection.
  • Even Independent affiliated females have surged in their support for race equalism.
  • Republican women (color coded green for some odd reason) have had a slight decline in support for race equalism/anti-Whiteism. These are probably the married White women, and they are hardening in their loyalty to White men, praise Kek.
  • Democreep males are now less leftist than Democreep females.
  • Republican males are more cucked today than they were in 1995. These are your NeverTrumpers.
  • The most notable change in a positive direction is the substantial decline in support for race equalism from Independent affiliated men. This is where Trump can pick up a lot of voters going into 2020, but he’ll need to put into action the populist policies of his campaign agenda, and give the Koch-owned GOPe the finger.


The Four Viragos

Welcome to Amerikwa pic.twitter.com/XAAfF5LxTh

— Amy (@RightHook99) November 22, 2018


A Test Of Your Game Knowledge

How many Game acronyms can you identify?

Can you describe the concepts behind each stage of the above seduction flowchart?


Bonus: Chateau, Game, and PUA concepts, illustrated (credit to the forgotten reader who sent this in eons ago):


Maybe you think your black pills weren’t filling you with enough despondency. You need a bigger hit; a downer so down you lay flat on the ground as a two dimensional abstraction.

Then get ready to swallow this horse pill so black it has its own event horizon. From Deter Naturalist,

Citing how successful was the Left these last 500 years (in various revolutions) is like citing rising share prices for individual stocks within a larger bull market.


If you can’t get to actual cause, studying effects is navel-gazing.

I’ve been on record for years that the coming trend change will be characterized by an inversion of the rising social trust and Utopianism (better understood as the Gnostic Heresy in both openly religious and occult, putatively secular forms) that defined Leftism writ large. Westerners have been outgrouping for 500 years. I think that trend is past.

What we see everywhere our eyes are allowed to recognize is one institution after another being destroyed from within by the very individuals who depend on it or who own it. Government (and news media, “churches,” medical systems, pretty much everything) becomes ever-less capable.

All these systems now obey the iron laws of monopoly, inevitably closing in on the Black Hole Phenomenon where resources go in and nothing of value subsequently emerges. The nation-state, instituted to bring order and stop internecine warfare, is now the primary source of disorder and inter-group warfare.

For the last 40 years the West’s Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous were placed on each Nation’s National MasterCard, a phenomenon always present during the inevitable run-up to bankruptcy.

It resulted in a misallocation of capital resources on a scale never-before seen. The denouement of this will be a long period of idle capital (while most of it degrades to valuelessness) including the “investment” people made in their “skill sets.” Unemployment on a scale never imagined is certain, as is an endless pathological stream of “top-down fixes” that will make things worse (just as did such efforts in the 1930’s.) Politics will determine haves and have-nots, leading to a downward spiral of collapse and hardship.

It won’t matter, eventually, who controls Congress or the Judiciary. The FedGov will eventually be irrelevant. What is local will rise to exclusive relevance as social trust “distance” shrinks.

Leftism grew to a pathological collective suicide pact. It’s long-past due a reversal.

It’s funny, if you squint, hold the words at a distance, and take measures to counter the side effects, the Blackest Pill sounds like the Whitest Pill. Maybe we have to flirt with civdeath to find the courage to claw back to life.

Personally, I like the idea of a reinvigorated social trust at the local level, as the Leftoid Leviathan recedes to irrelevancy.


Murderess Merkel’s Germany wrapped Diversity barriers in Christmas paper.

#Germany: These are the Christmas gifts from Angela Merkel for the German citizens. The Allahu-Akbar concrete barriers are pretty and chic packed in Christmas paper at the Christmas market. So that no one could even come up with the idea, that there is any danger! pic.twitter.com/qWVbS456Xg

— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) November 26, 2018

Our greatest satirists can’t compete with Current Year reality.

What’s the civilizational stage that follows Absurdity? I’d guess Chaos.


The Shrieking Of The Thots

And you think if you save a ho, you could make them stop, don’t you? You think if a ho loves you, you won’t fap alone in the dark ever again to that awful shrieking of the thots.

An old Swiss woman shows soyboys how to properly patrol the thots.

Reminder that you’re never to old to patrol these thots pic.twitter.com/grjvzI4MMz

— Scooby (@scooobee) November 24, 2018

Nice. I waited for the shrieking of the thots, and was not disappointed.

Many “she knows how to handle a hose” jokes in the comments.

The Swiss are surprisingly based for a Hajnal tri-nation. Don’t rule them out as players in the coming natpop revolutions.

Roosh audits a thot:

lmao. It’s a good thing to soak the thots and make them pine for the days when a dependable beta male provider would give them a life of comfort and ease.

Even the libertardians are beginning to see the light and question whether it’s a good idea to allow the thots to roam free.

There’s an immigration lesson in there.

It’s almost like, oh I dunno, a certain blog was discussing this and related topics LONG BEFORE anyone else.

PS Men generally don’t rebel against abject thottery if there is an element of sexual egalitarianism from societal oversight. In other words, if the majority of men sexually (read: reproductively) benefit from loosened female sexual mores, then men won’t look a gift ho in the mouth. But that’s never what happens; loose women who have sexualized themselves are no more giving up the real goods to the mass of mediocre beta males than are more modest women. Thottery undermines civilization through multiple pathways, and one of those is the in-your-face sexual disenfranchisement of beta males that the camwhore lifestyle brings to the fore. Once the initial wave of beta male thirst has receded, a bone-deep feeling of disgust rises in its wake. It’s the disgust of knowing that sexually unconstrained women egged on by globalist elites are acid to the social fabric, and that these women toy with the desires of men they will never give the time to in real life.

Possibly there is some resentment, too, that hot women can easily rake in six figures doing nothing but exhibiting their half-naked bodies on social media, while men don’t have that option and must instead work a hundred times harder to make a fraction of what slattern thots have been pulling in tax-free. This is a fundamental reality of biological and psychological sex differences; women may enjoy looking at a fit male physique, but they aren’t aroused to fapping themselves sweaty staring at naked men every day. Therefore there isn’t a viable market for the male version of thots. This massive economic, social, and sexual discrepancy illuminated in bright screen light and transmitted to billions across the internet ultimately corrupts relations between the sexes with all the downstream attendant effects of that corruption, including cock carouseling, late age marriage, low fertility, single mommery, male suicide, and cat collecting.

PPS This is happening at our southern border right now. The chaimstream media is refusing to cover it. No surprise there.

The media truly are the enemy of the people, and the ally of the rootless globalists.

PPPS Marriage is dying, loneliness is becoming the norm.

A decline in marriage rates and decrease in sexual activity sounds like big news. It is not, at least to American journalists. But some women have reported it, albeit with a feminist spins. […]

The writers and most of the researchers are women. Men avoid this hot zone, which offers the potential for career death by saying something deemed sexist. The women writers speak of “people” and “teens”, but they quote almost exclusively women – and discuss (with exceptions) only women’s perspectives.

This blinkered viewpoint goes further. The women, of course, don’t consider that these trends might be caused by changes in women’s behavior. For example, the number of close relationships between men and women might have declined due to a combination of obesity, careerism (women out of the dating game), and unleashed hypergamy for the remnant who are in the game (as they seek only the top 10% or 20% of men.

Buried deep in Julian’s article, an admission by women about one reason there are fewer relationships.

“I mentioned to several of the people I interviewed for this piece that I’d met my husband in an elevator, in 2001. …I was fascinated by the extent to which this prompted other women to sigh and say that they’d just love to meet someone that way. And yet quite a few of them suggested that if a random guy started talking to them in an elevator, they would be weirded out. ‘Creeper! Get away from me,’ one woman imagined thinking. ‘Anytime we’re in silence, we look at our phones,” explained her friend, nodding.’” […]

Surveys, such as this by YouGov, show that large numbers of women consider normal introductory behavior to be sexual harassment.

Women’s behaviors — their smartphone addiction, their quickness to demonize normal male desire, and their obesity — are driving men away from them. Men aren’t innocent, of course — it takes two to tango — but right now women are doing the most to empty the dance floor.

I pulled the following quote from that article because it so concisely captures the blind spot pundits have when trying to account for the damage feminism has done to America:

“The sexual revolution, however, wanted men and women to get together bodily, while feminism wanted them to be able easily to get along separately.”
— Allan Bloom in Closing of the American Mind (1987). Feminism won.

The two devolutions — the sexual revolution and feminism — are intimately connected. Removing the traditional courtship hurdles to intimacy and making it easier for men and women to bang necessarily made it harder for them to bond. Stripping sex of its mysticism and reorienting it to something transactional had the effect of hardening (heh) men and alienating women, which ironically created hurdles to fulfilling relationships electrified by sexually appreciative and awe-struck frisson. Ease the meeting of bodies, impede the meeting of hearts. The body and the spirit aren’t separate entities. Everything flows together in a feedback loop of manifest cosmic law.

This is why the sexual revolution would always end in a deranged man-hating nth wave feminism; any ideology that defies the natural order is bound to unleash portals to hell.


A comment from jaquevaghan,

I love how it takes a secular ethnonationalistic cad blogger to spit these truths on human sexual nature.

“secular ethnonationalistic cad blogger” username available.

I’m a Christian who plays church music every Sunday, and I have not heard truths like these from the pulpit of any church I’ve ever attended in years.

That’s because the Christian churches have become gay, cucked, and womanish. Sad!

There is a reason the Christian Bible pushes marriage and proper courtship before sex so hard, and constantly reinforces the concept of gender roles. Because without these restraints on us, we devolve into the chaos you are seeing today.

Sadly, in this day and age, men in general are hogtied and silenced and can only speak out on degeneracy in women and culture from anonymity. Not even the preacher man can call out feminism these days, as his congregation is over 2/3 (7/8 if he’s in a black church) female and would crucify him for speaking harsh truths (i.e. women are supposed to be modestly dressed, or wives are to submit to their husbands, even if they don’t want to). It seems only Muslims can deal properly with their women these days.

Keep on posting. I don’t always like what you write, but you truly are doing the Lord’s work.

I am who shiv.


I liked this comment from Yeager, about how the prophetic movie Idiocracy lines up with the cast of characters from the Trump Realignment Era:

Esteemed lords of the Chateau,

Idiocracy was mentioned here quite a lot lately. So I rewatched 1st time after 10 years in and would like to share my observations given the current state of affairs.

In short, Idiocracy seemed way deeper than I would have thought 10 years ago. After 2016 elections shitlibs generally did refer to Trump as direct reincarnation of a populist low IQ showman-porn superstar President Camacho. However, this time I couldn’t help but notice that Trump is actually way more Not Sure than Camacho.

Not Sure was the average-joe character played by Luke Wilson who time travels to the mystery meat future and discovers he is the only person left with an IQ above room temp.

See for yourself:

Trump is an unexpected blast from the past Heritage America
Trump comes to power after another globalist mainstream mulatto fails to deliver
Trump is breaking all existent conventions of newspeak, which drives future groupthink NPCs mad
Trump is absolutely hated by the mainstream media (‘talks like a fag’ to them due to vastly superior IQ)

But one of the most striking discoveries was the role of Brawndo fertilizer which ruins the crops by poisoning the soil. Not Sure simply tells them to switch to water, because that’s how it was done in the old times. Ring any bells?

Crops = US economy
Soil = way of life, culture, etc
Brawndo = brown globalist 3rd world workforce
Water = good old whites

Future groupthink: why use Brawndo instead of water? Cause it’s got electrolytes (diversity, etc).

Globalist economy (Brawndo) does collapse after switch to water and Not Sure catches some serious flak after that, while population is driven mad by the mainstream media hysteria, and he cheats death only by a very narrow margin. Is that what awaits us in the end?

Movie does end optimistically, country is saved for now, although another story loop is clearly visible: Not Sure marries black ex-whore from the past (IQ<90) and has 3 mulatto kids (clear quality drop), while his imbecile friend (IQ<50) from the future takes several imbecile but pretty wives and has 10+ kids spreading his low IQ on and on again.

Serious question: How can we reverse Idiocracy? I see three routes, ranging from possible to plausible:

  1. A Farewell to Alms. Recreate the environment of pre-industrial age Britain during which the upper classes had more kids than the lower classes, and over-production of upper class elites meant a long-term refreshing of the lower classes with the genes of upper class scions.
  2. Closed borders, mass deportation of illegals and their anchor families, immigration moratorium for at least two generations followed by (if desired) immigration that favors White Europeans.
  3. Economic populism which improves the wage prospects in occupations traditionally favored by men, resulting in the re-institution of the provider beta male as the fulcrum of national greatness.

If Trump is smart, he’ll refocus on fulfilling his campaign pledges during the second half of his first term. In practice, this would mean a deliberate effort to put #2 and #3 into policy. If the shitlib judges get in the way, send in the marshals.


The Fuggernaut Solution

The Post-America Left is an ideology of spiteful destruction and historical, cultural, and demographic replacement.

The Left’s reimagining of Rockwell truly captures the nature of their ideology as one based on resentment and replacement. Everything that defined America is reversed. It’s an ideology of destruction, erasing what existed with its polar opposite.

Islam replaces Christianity. pic.twitter.com/ZGMxEw76QG


— Will Westcott (@westland_will) November 23, 2018

POC replace whites. Women replace men. pic.twitter.com/NreUQrLV7t


— Will Westcott (@westland_will) November 23, 2018

Gay replaces normal. pic.twitter.com/R43OIREJYF


— Will Westcott (@westland_will) November 23, 2018

Will adds,

Neoliberalism is Trotsky’s permanent revolution. Everything that made America beautiful and prosperous is overthrown and made ugly and degraded. A never ending cycle of destruction.

I call it The Fuggernaut Solution, and it is nothing less than the debasement, erasure, and replacement of Truth & Beauty with Lies & Ugliness. It was always destined to end this way, when the degenerate freak mafia is given power over nations.


Related, a mentally ill drag queen (but I repeat myself) admits that his group’s agenda is “grooming of the next generation”:

From the horse’s mouth: drag queen implores library board to allow him and his homosexual friends to read to children because it allows for the “grooming of the next generation”. Source: https://t.co/qBAKTN93Pw pic.twitter.com/SVmXUmTZaI

— Roosh (@rooshv) November 22, 2018

Shitlibs target the weakest members of society — women and children — to spread their spiritual virus. Trannies reading pozpaganda to children is an inevitable progression in the Left’s war against Intuitive Goodness.


More related than you may think: Infamous Trump-hater Bob De Niro was dumped (again) by his big black wife who, unsurprisingly, had been sucking him dry to fund her pet projects. From Theodora,

Another file in the chapter “Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), explained”: the miserable personal/ marital life of Robert De Niro, a man bankrupted by a money-grubbing Black woman with whom he had some autistic kids:


“Sources don’t say why they split again, but I’ll be the shady one to point back to a story from February 2017, in which Robert allegedly got into a fight with Grace at a bar over her coffee company, Grace Hightower & Coffees of Rwanda. Robert hissed that he wouldn’t have to make “shitty movies” if she didn’t blow through all his money.”


It’s a good bet that anyone hysterically anti-Trump has a fucked up personal life.

Is Jack Nicholson the last old school alpha male in Challahwood from De Niro’s era? I haven’t heard a peep from Jack about politics, which is exceedingly rare in this age of celebrities flapping their gums nonstop about ORANGE MAN BAD. I suspect Jack is an uncucked shitlord, like Mel and Vince.


The Populism Revolt Revs Up

Coming not a moment too soon to America, Amazon warehouse workers are set to protest ‘inhuman’ working conditions in planned demonstrations across Europe on Black Friday.

Hundreds of Amazon employees are working with the British trade union GMB and planning to gather outside five of the website’s fulfillment centers on Friday. Meanwhile, in Italy and Spain, a 24-hour strike is planned. […]

GMB spokesman Tim Roache told Business Insider that the workers were not trying to disrupt Black Friday sales, but simply attempting to raise awareness about the “frankly inhuman” working conditions. The goal, he said is to “get Amazon around the table” for workers’ voices to be heard.

People are “breaking bones, being knocked unconscious, and being taken away in ambulances,” he said.

The GMB reported last year that ambulances were called to Amazon warehouses in an incredible 600 times in the last three years for incidents including electric shocks, exhaustion, chest pains, major trauma — and on three occasions even pregnancy-related issues. “At a similar sized supermarket distribution warehouse a few miles away, there were just eight call outs during the same period,” the GMB said at the time.

The GMB gathered disturbing statements from Amazon employees in advance of the protests.

One pregnant woman reported that she is forced to “stand 10 hours without a chair” and told to work hard, despite her superiors knowing she is pregnant. Another described Amazon as “an awful place to work” where people “can’t breath or voice an opinion” and “feel like a trapped animal with lack of support and respect.”

Biggest losers: Kochs, Bezos, Brin, Cuckersperg, Cook
Biggest winners: nationhood, the 99%, mom and pop stores, flyover country
Status TBD: ethnonationalism, Trump

If Trump is smart (anyone noticing the pattern yet?), he’ll get ahead of this populism revolt and lead it, before it gets ahead of him, because the revolution is coming, with or without his leadership.


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