This picture made me laugh:

Well, that’s one way to keep an ascendant China in check — export our fast food culture. It’s irresistibly scrumptious!
Where pretty lies perish.
Mar 25th, 2010 by CH
This picture made me laugh:
Well, that’s one way to keep an ascendant China in check — export our fast food culture. It’s irresistibly scrumptious!
Mar 24th, 2010 by CH
20% of my lays were through social circle entrustments. That is, a significant minority of women I’ve banged were introduced to me, or I to them, through mutual friends, usually at house parties or mixed group gatherings at bars. Social circle game is a powerful force, most in evident during the college years, but always playing a role throughout life. It’s easy to see why this is so. Women’s eggs are a pricey commodity and they aren’t predisposed to hand over those eggs to just any random sperm wandering by. Women need to know the semen vehicle soliciting them is carrying quality seed. Sometimes they acquire the relevant information by talking with and observing the suitor; other times they rely on trusted friends to do their dirty work for them. Any man can get a huge leg up with a woman simply by being positively introduced to her through a friend of her’s, preferably a female friend, though a trusted beta orbiter male friend will also work in his favor.
Men don’t need social circle game to get laid. Our visual scanner is all the proof we need that we want to meet, seduce, and bang a girl. But many men do rely on social circle game because that’s what women emphasize. And men, if nothing else, are all about the path of least resistance to sex. In the final analysis, all men are ultimately playing by women’s rules of attraction. (Similarly, all women are playing by the slimmer volume of men’s rules of attraction. See: Any fat chick or aging single mom who must settle for less than what she could get if she were slender, younger, and childless.)
Recognizing this reality of the mating market, the smart man asks himself how he can capitalize on a woman’s instinct for social circle game without having any actual, you know, corresponding social circle with her. Luckily, there are ways to outmaneuver a woman’s hindbrain with subtle psychological ploys.
What you need: One socially savvy wingman (or, even better, wingwoman). One target. A trickster’s heart.
Stand with your wingman ten paces from your target. Have your wing approach the target alone. Don’t acknowledge your target in any way. Your wingman will have a script ready to recite upon introducing himself to your target.
SUPERFLY WINGMAN: Hey, I remember you. I met you at Bridget’s party a few months back. My girlfriend Ellen was with me. You know her?
ASSTITSFACE: No, I don’t think I was at that party.
SUPERFLY WINGMAN: Well, it was a while ago. No biggie. I think you mentioned you liked surfing, or maybe it was running. Are you a surfer? You kind of look like the California type surfer chick.
ASSTITSFACE: No, I’ve never surfed.
SUPERFLY WINGMAN: [Here he digresses about what she likes to do, and draws out something that she does enjoy, like badminton. The wingman will need a good ten minutes to get a solid conversation rolling] Badminton?! That’s bad ass. Hey, my buddy over there plays badminton with his nephew. I’ll introduce you guys. [Wingman waves you over. You look over, point at yourself questioningly, then join them.]
SUPERFLY WINGMAN: Hey, SUPER ALPHA DUDE, this is ASSTITSFACE. Me and Ellen met her at some party a while ago, and she likes badminton. And I thought you were the only weirdo I knew who played badminton. But don’t worry, she seems pretty cool otherwise.
SUPER ALPHA DUDE (YOU): Hey, ASSTITSFACE, I’m surprised my buddy here knows another badminton lover. [GAME ON]
So what was accomplished here? First, note how your wingman immediately disqualifies himself as a potential suitor when he tells the target he has a girlfriend. This is to ensure that the follow-up “fake social circle” game is not corrupted by her distrust of his intentions.
Second, when she (naturally) objects that she wasn’t at the party, your wing brushes it off, and continues on as if she *was* at the party. Now she’s starting to wonder if maybe she was there, but she sadly doesn’t remember. Your wing then quickly redirects the conversation to a related subject — surfing — one that is presumed was broached initially at the long ago party. He makes this part up, but it doesn’t matter. It’s just a springboard to get her talking about herself so that your wing can find a phony commonality between her and you. Once the commonality has been established, your wing calls you over, acting the whole time as if the target is someone your wing knows from a mutual friend.
Once you’re in, you are no longer any old schmoe she just met. Now you’re the friend of a cool guy who she may or may not have met at a mutual friend’s party. Fake social circle game is subtle in its imprint upon the female psyche, but don’t let its subtlety distract you from its power to ply pussy. Most of the women you will want to bang will not be part of your social circle. Fake social circle game can help bridge that gap.
Mar 23rd, 2010 by CH
A reader emails:
Dear Chateau,
I am a 32 year old quasi-alpha who is looking to make up for lost time. Due to my history and upbringing, I have had few successful relationships with women. I am returning to college to finish my degree. Could you make some suggestions so my time in college is more fruitful this time? Could you recommend some resources to read (besides your blog, which totally rocks btw)? Do you do phone counseling?
I get emails from readers requesting game resources at least once a week. I think I’ve written about resources before, but in case not, here is a reference post that lists what I believe is very good pickup material. The following is what I consider top tier game resources.
Still the bible of pickup. Read this one first because it will introduce you in layman’s terms to the evolutionary wisdom that underlies the seduction of women, and very quickly moves on to real, practical techniques that you can immediately apply in field. Mystery Method isn’t the final word on pickup, and it has some flaws in its focus on opening large groups in nightclubs that might put off more introverted men, but it continues to be one of the best reference manuals out there. There is a new and improved edition that dispenses with some of the off-putting acronyms.
A good game resource should do one thing well — it should give you tools that you can easily envision using in the field and will result in immediate positive feedback from women. Deangelo’s cocky/funny banter does just that. (PS: You can find a lot of this stuff for, ahem, considerably less than retail price.)
Savoy used to be in business with Mystery before he broke out on his own and wrote “Magic Bullets”. (Mystery reformulated his company from “Mystery Method” to “Venusian Arts” because of a legal issue surrounding the breaking up of the original pickup companies.) I’ve only glanced through this book, but from what I saw it looks good. Right on point and fluff-free. Lots of solid routines and ready-to-use examples.
Lance Mason may not be a game innovator like Mystery, but he puts it together in a very polished product. His “Dress to Impress” style guide and his “Physical Confidence” DVDs are also noteworthy.
“Bang” gets a prominent place in this list because, quite frankly, I find myself referencing Roosh’s pickup guide more often than the more expensive selections above. It’s a slim volume that you can turn to in a pinch, like just before heading out for the night. The best thing about “Bang” is its accessibility; there are “cool, down to earth” lines in here that you can actually picture yourself saying, even if you are a shy guy.
This is not so much a reference manual of game tactics as it is a biography of the pickup lifestyle. Important in its own right, but not required reading if all you want are practical tools to begin seducing women. Nevertheless, you should read it if for no other reason than that it brings you into a world of possibility and shows you the lives of a bunch of non-famous dudes successfully bedding hot women using nothing but game technique. Also gives you a glimpse at the unbalanced genius that is Mystery. Inspiring.
The progenitor of Mystery and Style? A landmark lay guide. Read it.
I haven’t read much of Tyler Durden’s stuff (he runs RSD), but I keep hearing from people that his Blueprint series is excellent. So I include it on the top tier list caveat emptor.
My second tier list of game resources:
After reading the above, you may find some value in the following products.
I’m on his mailing list. Sure, he’s a loopy new-ager, but he’s got some valuable things to say about inner game and the nature of women. Don’t let the chakra stuff put you off. Hemon used to have a Squirting Orgasm video guide, but I think he stopped selling it because of the breakup with the girl featured in the video. Learning to give your girl a squirting orgasm is an underappreciated art. Or you can get lucky and bang blogger chicks who squirt naturally.
The internet forums are some of the best places to get the latest in game techniques. I’d participate in these forums if I could remember my damned user ID and passwords.
Probably the closest PUA to a true natural. Guy walks with a limp from a war injury acquired during the Serbian conflict and bangs hot East Euro babes. One of the few pickup dudes I’d actually like to meet in real life.
Smooth operators. The older gentleman’s pickup resource.
What do sales, politics, business, love, and pickup have in common? Everything.
My very first introduction to evolutionary psychology. Eye-opening. Goes to show that a liberal can occasionally put out a worthwhile book.
The red pill.
This isn’t an inclusive list by any means. I tend to weight material that has been out in circulation for a while because, to be honest, I haven’t read much game stuff in the past year. So if anyone has a resource they’d recommend, or a suggestion for material of a recent vintage that might contain improvements on old ways of doing things, feel free to mention it in the comments. We should never stop learning.
Mar 22nd, 2010 by CH
One time, like a stink bomb dropped in the middle of a spring meadow, your girlfriend called you a rude name, and not in jest. The insult itself was nothing that would scandalize polite company. On the scale from “dummy” to “motherfucker” it was closer to the former. It was a rambunctious conversation between just the two of you and the insult popped out of her reflexively. You know she’s a spark plug, so you’re not surprised when she snaps agitatedly on occasion. Usually, though, she directs her insults to invisible third parties. This time, she spit it at you.
As an alpha male, you let it slide. You know that a highly self-possessed man won’t sweat the small stuff. Reacting indignantly to every petty affront is the domain of the less secure greater beta trying to prove the weight of his cohones. You’ve earned enough love cred to give her a pass without risking diminishment of your authority. But, you do take a mental note of her insult.
As you suspected would happen, (and the reason for your prior mental note-taking), a month later she disrespected you again with the same insult. Except this time she did it to you in front of a group of her friends while out at a social venue. The Rubicunt from minor slight to major infraction had been crossed.
It is a truism of the nature of women that once they have tasted even a droplet of beta blood in a prized lover, they thirst for more. In fact, they will not be satisfied until they have either drained all the manhood out of you, or you have figuratively driven a stake through their vampiric soul. Strangely to men who don’t know better, women don’t relish draining a lover’s soul of his manhood. No, they are compelled by ancient feminine forces beyond their influence to do so. Women would much rather you stay their attacks. She yearns for you to put her in her proper submissive place. She will arch her back, rip her bodice, and present her bitch heart for you to pierce. A man who won’t take up the stake and do as she wishes is in for a world of anguish. (It’s easy to picture a betaboy limply dangling the stake in his flaccid arm, wondering what next to do while mewling for his woman to button up her blouse.)
So there you are, in a mixed group of seven or eight people, most of whom are girl friends of your woman, and in the midst of a chaotic conversation she has just called you that naughty word again. You can discern by her yapping mouth and her animated face that she has hardly recognized the extent of her insolence. No matter. You know what has to be done. You retrieve the mental note you made one month ago, turn to face her directly, firmly wrap your hand around her forearm, and with the steely gaze of a lion targeting a distracted gazelle you inform her in no uncertain terms of your displeasure with her behavior.
“Hey! Don’t use that word on me again, do you understand?”
She looks shocked, and squirms a bit in her seat. The conversation among the group sitting at the table lulls. A wind blows from the West. Sensing escalating danger, or perhaps simply confused, she mutters an inaudible, and notably unapologetic, OK and continues yapping to her friends without missing a beat. You squeeze your grip on her forearm tighter and address her louder than before.
“Hey! I said… don’t use that fucking word with me again…… Got it?”
Now the table has fallen silent. A grim specter has alighted upon the land. Your woman, pressed into a corner by your imposing strength of will, finally succumbs and silences herself.
“Ok, sorry, sorry.”
The next twenty minutes, she is withdrawn, her demeanor chastened and her arms modestly crossed in her lap. You swivel to face the group and smile warmly. Instead of forcing the conversation to return to an artificial crescendo, you remain calm and allow the prior energy level to reformulate on its own. Which it does, almost. Eventually, even your girl has managed to reconstitute herself, although you note with great pride the look of hatred her ugly BFF shoots you.
What do you think happened next?
Let us turn to the lyrics of Alter Ego Neil Diamond for our answer.
Turn on your snatch spigot
let it flow wherever you go
let it make a happy hole
for all the world to see
Turn on your snatch spigot
in the middle of a young boy’s dream
don’t wake me up too soon
gonna take a ride across your poon… you and me
Many men are afraid of confronting their girlfriends or wives for perceived insults. They think, not illogically, that standing up to a lover angrily and putting her in her place means she will despise him more, and her pussy will close up shop. They especially believe this will be the case if they confront and humiliate their women in front of her friends. These men, 80% of the American male population by my estimation, think it’s better to go along to get along. But they are thinking like men, and that is why they fail. Think like a woman and you will quickly apprehend that just the opposite is likely to result — she will respect you more, and her temporary, but much-needed, humiliation that burns her face will soon burn a line of lust straight to her furrow.
This story of course impresses upon the reader whether it is worth dating a woman who periodically requires strong disciplinary action to keep her in love. It’s a fair question, which answer will depend on what kind of man you are. If you are the type of man who enjoys administering punishment and thrills at the prospect of psychologically outwitting your lover, then you may find this kind of woman preferable. If you’re a man who wishes only the company of women so sweetly feminine in their enthrallment to you that they would never even consider challenging your dominance, then you should find a different woman to love. In the final analysis, though, the only relevant point is the wetness of her pussy. Is she tingling for you? Carry on, Christian soldier.
Mar 21st, 2010 by CH
As I write the House is on the verge of passing a bill that will socialize 1/5th of the US economy. The red swollen teat engorged with milk, the populace, its current protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, will eventually acclimate to the suckling and prove to be impossible to dislodge in the future. The Democrats know this, which is why they are willing to sacrifice near term power in next November’s midterms for long range power over the functioning of greater and greater swaths of American private enterprise.
Count today as the final nail in the coffin of American exceptionalism.
If an alien race ill-disposed to America were to devise a plan to bring the US to her knees as quickly, efficiently, and bloodlessly as possible (so as not to arouse a mighty backlash of patriotic fervor, i.e. survival instinct) they could do no better than what we have done to ourselves over the past 50 years. A plan to drain the nation’s coffers and psyche — not to mention the good will of her allies — with half-cocked schemes to export democracy to shitholes around the world that are constitutionally incapable or unwilling to embrace democracy, coupled with a zeal for importing vast numbers of ethnically (and genetically) antagonistic and listless peasant stock who will vote 2 to 1, generation after generation regardless of the desperate political pandering to staunch it, for socialist politicians and the concomitant racial grievance spoils machine whose gears never stop thirsting for the slick blood of the hated enemy, would break the back of the nation’s people insidiously, cracking each vertebrae in the middle of the night with hairline fractures designed to avoid sudden jolts of pain. Numb any immunological reaction with the soul poison of feminism, enervating porn pills, mollifying technogadget distractions, and a PC shaming mechanism psyche-out that would make Orwell blush, and you have a perfect recipe for destroying a world-bestriding superpower in less than half a century without firing a single shot.
I don’t believe the Americans In Name Only who bought into this plan are stupid. No. It’s much worse than that. They are venal.
I am wishing for the day to come when the traitors swing from the lamp posts. Swing high sweet Benedicts.
Friedman, liberdroids, NYBTimes, RINOs, SWPLs, and the rest of you goddamned filthy fucks… never forget:
Proximity + diversity = war.
So it is written in the blood of humanity, then, now and forevermore.
Afterthought. Since I’m in a magnanimous mood today, I will impart my tremendous wisdom to those who still harbor dark thoughts of saving their country from the clutches of obsolescence or, worse, civil war II. Here it is:
Take a page from the pickup artist’s manual. Stop playing by the enemy’s rules. Reframe, reframe, reframe.
Examples upon request.
Mar 19th, 2010 by CH
Pretty much what I expected from a guy like Woods. Standard issue porn jive, uncreative squirts of stilted teenboy wordpimping, over the top dominance displays suggesting his swedie wife was a harridan at home, sucking him soulless with the strong arm of the law on her side. Tiger is a good example of how a man distills into an absolute cock-centered essence once he has achieved stratospheric levels of fame and power. A man of such station is free to treat women exactly as most men would treat them given the same endless opportunity — as disembodied holes packaged in fleshwrap to slap, smack, and summon until the desired vigor of tumescence was reached. The only shock allowed here should be how much women love it.
Tiger is a case study of what happens to a myopic, socially undiscerning man who acquires too much alpha too quickly. Soaking in their power, they forget that discretion, and long term planning, are the order of the day. Woods failed the famous person’s Jumbotron test, the harem management test, and, most critically, the marriage test.
Besides the cautionary tale, men can learn a thing or two from Tiger’s texts. One, note that, although lewdly banal, Tiger’s texts do occasionally veer into beta territory. A glimpse here and there of sucking up to his whores’ needs for a sign of long term commitment, and then lashing out wildly when things didn’t go his way or when one of his hos misbehaved, should tell you that Tiger had no idea how to properly control his stable of regulars. He was always perched on the precipice. Perhaps this is why they betrayed him with opportunistic zeal, whereas a guy like George Clooney, who presumably knows more about the nature of women, fucks around with impunity, confident that his women would keep their secret.
Two, men can improve their texting success with women by aping a lot of what Tiger did with his women. It’s easy for TMZ commenters to make fun of Tiger’s crass descriptions of buttsecks and his penchant for playing International Autistic Spy when he leaves detailed rendezvous instructions to his mistresses, but the fact is that sort of blatantly sex-drenched text talk and role playing is exactly what turns women on. You don’t need Woods’ fame or money to take advantage of this attraction trigger in women. Just remember not to break out the dirty talk until after you’ve said hello.
Mar 19th, 2010 by CH
Funny. A commenter included a link to my blog in the first or second comment to this Slate article about omega males, and Slate deleted it.
“In the end, the truth always wins out – one way or the other.”
– Me
Mar 18th, 2010 by CH
If people are going to accuse you of misogyny, may as well enjoy the egotistic benefits of being a truth-telling misogynist.
Men move the discussion forward. Women swap recipes and beauty tips.
Men debate. Women wheedle.
Men confront. Women slander.
Men act. Women plot.
Men invent. Women benefit.
Men are passionate. Women are passion parasites.
Men cheat. Women betray.
Men withdraw. Women shit test.
Men kill. Women play let’s you and him fight.
Men are emotionally distant. Women are emotionally manipulative.
Men’s Achilles’ heel is pride. Women’s Achilles’ heel is vanity.
Men die younger. Women live slower.
Men think loftily. Women think grubbily.
Men are expendable. Women are perishable.
Men humiliate. Women shame.
Men bluster. Women preen.
Men break barriers. Women co-opt broken barriers.
Men design. Women utilize.
Men self-serve. Women self-delude.
Men fuck. Women barter.
Men are funny. Women are melodramatic.
Men look at the sun. Women look in the mirror.
Men sexualize. Women characterize.
Men eat. Women indulge.
Men aspire. Women inspire.
Men love freely. Women love desperately.
This post is bitch bait. It’s been booby-trapped. We’ll see who trips it.
Mar 17th, 2010 by CH
A very effective game technique that works on all kinds of girls, from lawyers to strippers, is the beta switch. This involves pretending to act like a romantic, sappy beta, then when she’s on the verge of confusion, disappointment and disgust, switching quickly back into alpha mode. The beta switch technique is best when used on girls you’ve just started dating, as a means to solidify attraction, but it can also be used as part of relationship game to keep the embers warm.
I’ll give you a couple of examples of beta switch game that I have used successfully on girls. In one, usually on the second date, I pretend I’m about to give a girl a romantic gift of great value.
SINISTER CR: You know, GIRL 155, I’m having an amazing time with you.
GIRL 155: Aw, me too.
SINISTER CR: I’ve been thinking about how great this is, and well, I really feel we are good together.
GIRL 155: Um…
SINISTER CR: And I wanted to show how much you mean to me… [reaching slowly and dramatically into front pocket]… So I got you this. [Pulling hand slowly out of pocket] I hope you like it. It comes from the heart.
GIRL 155: [Beads of sweat now forming on her brow] Um, yeah, you know, that’s really not necessary…
SINISTER CR: [Pulling out a small leaf I broke off from a bush] Here you go. Don’t worry, it isn’t as expensive as it looks. [smirk]
GIRL 155: Oh, WOW, phew! haha, ok, funny. [Kiss kiss kiss penetrate penetrate penetrate]
Here is another example of beta switch game. This one I use just before things start to heat up and deal closing is around the corner.
SEXUAL HEALING CR: [Very serious face] Girl 156…
GIRL 156: Yes?
SEXUAL HEALING CR: [Tenderly taking her hands in mine, looking at her intensely, then glancing down, and looking back up at her] I think about you a lot…
GIRL 156: [Smiling nervously] Uuumm… ok. Don’t think too much! [Nervous laughter]
SEXUAL HEALING CR: …about what you’d be like in bed.
GIRL 156: [Open eyed surprise] Wow, that’s kind of hot.
Beta switch game technique works like clambusters because it arouses so many contradictory emotions in a girl. You are dragging her across an emotional landscape of curiosity, impending doom, relief, and lust. This rapid drama-inducing whirlwind will pry apart the iciest pussies. The secret ingredient to beta switch game is the mix of unspoken disappointment that accompanies her sexual arousal after she discovers your romantic beta ruse was just a goofy ploy. Although girls get turned off by excessive displays of sappy betatude, a part of them relishes the idea of a man falling under their spell and surrendering his composure in a fit of romantic gushing. By stealing that satisfaction from a girl at the last second, you redirect her intensifying feelings back where you want them — to her crotch. Beta switch game also has a long term benefit; in the future, when you do drop a little genuine romance on her, she will appreciate it a lot more. Which brings me to…
CR Maxim #66: Half the battle of game is stripping a woman of her inborn self-entitlement complex.
If any of you watch “The Office”, you’ll know that Jim ran beta switch game on Pam when he pretended to drop to one knee to propose to her, only to tie his shoelace. Beta switch game is an absolute pussy luber.
Mar 16th, 2010 by CH
I recently received an email from an early 20s girl who just moved to a big city and wanted advice on how to avoid becoming a bitter, cock hopping lawyer chick in pursuit of the elusive commitment-oriented alpha boyfriend. Like most women, she is interested in marriage and kids with a man who also tingles her tangle, and has decided that waiting until her 30s after years climbing the corporate and grad school ladder would be a grave mistake. Smart girl. She requested I don’t post the email, so I will only post my reply to her.
I just recently discovered your blog, and while your theory of women is hardly flattering, my own experience has proved it to be 99.9% true. However, after browsing through your archives I found that you occasionally give advice to wayward womanly souls. I understand the mailbag is very full these days, but I hope you’ll take a moment to read this and offer your complete and unvarnished opinion.
“What can I do to make myself a more attractive candidate for a wife?”
My answer:
[Note: The girl attached photos of herself. She’s a 6, maybe 6.5. There is raw material to work with. Since 99% of girl game is looks + youth, the advice you read me giving her here is for that last thin reed of 1% of attractiveness measures that are within a woman’s control to change. An improvement in that 1% won’t allow a woman to move up from a beta to an alpha, but it could mean dating up from a 5.5 to a 5.6, or between getting unceremoniously pumped and dumped and squeezing out four months of relationship bliss. In the zero-sum soul crucible of the sexual market, a tiny upgrade from a 5.5 man to a 5.6 man might mean the difference between divorce and a white picket fence.]
Ok, this is a question that just can’t be answered succinctly in the quippy way I like to answer reader emails. But based on what you wrote in your email I can give you a few pointers.
First, you sound like a pleasant girl, but then most girls who move to the big city start off pleasant only to be ground up by years running the dating circuit. This isn’t the suburbs. A lot of men here will pump and dump you, and from what you told me it sounds like you would be easy prey for pump and dumpers. I’m not going to tell you to suck it up and date men who don’t turn you on. That would be like me telling a man to get past a fat chick’s face and do her in the folds for the good of society. But you do need to have a solid perspective on what you can reasonably snag for the long term. So let’s start with the positives.
Now the negatives.
As for advice, here’s a quickie checklist:
Coy is good, but don’t be a cocktease. A greater beta, (if all things go in your favor, the best I believe you can shoot for), will quickly tire of you if your goodies aren’t parceled out on a fairly brisk timetable. So pace your makeouts. Aim for closing the deal around date #5 or 6. Any earlier than that and your dreamboat may decide you were under his maximum potential since you gave it up without much work on his part. Any later than that and he may decide you are too much work for the deal you are giving him.
Be shy. Men, especially alphas, love shy women. (Betas, because of low self confidence, tend to misinterpret female shyness as disinterest.) There is probably an evolutionary reason for this. Perhaps a shy woman subcommunicates that she will be less likely to cheat in a relationship. Smile and look down at your feet when he approaches you. Learn to blush on demand. Or apply makeup so it always looks like you’re blushing. Since you have very pale skin, this shouldn’t be too hard to do.
Play a little hard to get. Did you eye flirt with him and sweep a lock of hair behind your ear when he entered the office? Good. Now, when he approaches to say hi you smile warmly, issue a couple of pleasantries, and BE THE FIRST to walk away from the conversation, telling him you need to get back to work. You’ve gotta give the man some running room to chase down his prey. It’s in our blood.
Shy != retiring. In your high-powered career field filled with ambitious douchebags greater beta males you are likely to meet men who enjoy a bit of snappy badinage with a smart chick. If you discuss weighty topics, and feel a need to express disagreement, do so in a way that displays your sharpness but also strokes his ego. Always preface your disagreement by saying “I can see your point…”. Let him win 90% of the time, even when you are right. On those disagreements where you allow yourself to win, be sure they are inconsequential points that will not offend his pride of phallus.
DON’T come onto high value men. Yeah, you might get fucked, but you won’t get loved. Notice I said “high value” men. If you are attracted to a lower value man you may find it advantageous to drop a hint or two. Betas have a hard time screwing up the courage to approach a woman giving no signals at all.
DON’T give blowjobs before you have had sex with him. An early, pre-sex blowjob says one thing to a man — slut. And sluts don’t impress men as marriage prospects.
DON’T try to meet men while hanging out with a bachelorette party. Instead, hang your head in shame and tell any man who asks that you were bribed to go along. He will then be curious about you.
DON’T talk about sex, unless you want him to fuck you that night.
DON’T date a man better looking than what you can reasonably expect to get if you want to have any chance of impressing him in bed.
Date older men. Since you are not a heart-bursting hottie (don’t be depressed, most women aren’t), younger men are more likely to use you as a dry spell ender or entertaining diversion instead of a long term girlfriend with wifey potential. Older men are psychologically primed to settle down and commit. This generational male dynamic is especially pronounced in the big city.
Lacy lingerie. Wear it, live it, love it.
And finally, the three most important girl game tips I can give: