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As if the dark worldview illuminated on this blog could not be more validated, here’s an article about rising rates of illegitimacy, spinsterhood, later marriages, and later births (a quadfecta!):

The number of children born outside marriage in the United States has increased dramatically to four out of ten of all births. [editor: america, fuck yeah!]

Figures show that 41 per cent of children born in 2008 did not have married parents – up from 28 per cent in 1990. […]

Having a child out of wedlock does not carry the stigma and shame it once did, they say. [society wept.]

The study also found that in America there is a declining number of teenage mothers and rising numbers of older parents. [this is a good thing if you like raging autism and a TFR below replacement.]

By comparison, Britain has the worst teenage pregnancy rate in Europe with 45 per cent of children born outside of wedlock in 2008. [what, you think mickey d’s would be our only export?]

When Labour came to power in 1997, 36 per cent of children were born outside marriage.

The U.S. research, taken from census reports and health statistics by the Pew Research Centre, also outlines a trend of couples in western societies marrying later in life and delaying parenthood until they can afford it. [or being so poor they don’t care about affording it and having the kids anyway. hooray malthusian-idiocracy-welfare state intersect!]

In 1990 only 9 per cent of births were to women 35 years and older and 13 per cent were to teenagers, but by 2008 10 per cent of births were to teenagers and 14 per cent were to older women. [remember: older mothers = fewer healthy children. so while the birthrate is increasing among older women, that doesn’t mean the total number of children they are having is the same as women who became mothers at a younger age.]

‘The demography of motherhood in the U.S. has shifted strikingly in the past two decades,’ the report said.

The share of births to unmarried mothers had increased most among white and traditionally Catholic Hispanic women. [interestingly, the share of new juvenile detention centers and STD treatment clinics increased the same percentage.]

Mothers are also better educated than they were two decades ago. In 2006 more than half of mothers of newborns had some college education, an increase from 41 per cent in 1990. [maybe the reason we haven’t made contact with advanced alien species is because they opted for the reality-bending virtual pleasuredome iCum existence until the last smart chick standing orgasmed herself to death with the Alphabot 2000 SmoothTalker model 6000, her 0.5 children left to arrange her unattended funeral?]

The percentage was even higher among mothers 35 years and older, with 71 per cent. [it makes a twisted Darwinian sense that the smartest women would fail to adequately reproduce to replacement level, as they are the ones, through their own status- and resource-enhancing actions, cursed with the smallest gene pool of acceptable men to choose from.]

‘The higher share of college-educated mothers stems both from their rising birth rates and from women’s increasing educational attainment,’ the report explained.

Attitudes have also altered in the past 20 years as the stigma of unmarried parenthood has softened and Americans marry later in life. [but she’ll alwaaaays… be an unmarried single mom with bastard spawn… to meeee….]

As one commenter to that article put it:

So women are waiting longer to have fewer kids without dads in an increasing welfare-state world. Anyone see the impending disaster this is fueling?

I do. Which is why I’m sipping a cocktail poolside, unmarried, with my lover beside me. The smart move, if you ask me. You want to put in the hard work turning this ship around, be my guest. The sordid status quo benefits me. It would really cramp my style if the pool of attractive young women suddenly dried up from a rush to the altar and the nursery.

It seems that the steady drumbeat of data continues proving what I wrote about in this post:

The irony is that in the course of dismantling millennia of biologically-grounded cultural tradition and enacting their hypergamous sexual utopia, women have unwittingly made life more difficult for all but the most attractive of them. The result has been more cougars, more sluts, and more demand for DNA paternity testing. To prevent this edifice from crumbling under its own weight entirely, massive redistributive payments from men to women in the form of welfare, alimony, punitive child support (even from men who aren’t the biological fathers!), female- and child-friendly workplaces, legal injustice (women in general do not give a shit about justice), corporate-sponsored daycare, PC extortion, sexual harassment claims, and divorce theft have had to be ruthlessly administered and enforced by the thugs of the rapidly metastasizing elite-created police state. Remove these security and resource transfers and safety nets and you will see the feminist utopia crumble within one generation.

And in this post:

[…] here are the [Four Sirens of the Sexual Apocalypse that explain our cultural lament configuration]:

  1. Effective and widely available contraceptives (the Pill, condom, and the de facto contraceptive abortion).
  2. Easy peasy no-fault divorce.
  3. Women’s economic independence (hurtling towards women’s economic advantage if the college enrollment ratio is any indication).
  4. Rigged feminist-inspired laws that have caused a disincentivizing of marriage for men and an incentivizing of divorce for women.

It’s all been so predictable, yet our Kommisars of Kultural Korrectness couldn’t see what was happening right before their eyes, or they could but didn’t care. The formula is simple:

Divest sex from pregnancy + financially empower women, thus devaluing men’s mate attracting provider ability + incentivize divorce for women + disincentivize marriage for men + remove the slut and single mom social shaming mechanisms + endless dating + fertility treatment + government and corporate welfare =

More single women in their most attractive fertile years available for plundering.
More divorce court ass rapings for men.
More bastard children.
Less marriage.
Later marriage.
Later births.
Fewer lifetime births.
And an alpha cock carousel that spins relentlessly until society crumbles under the weight of declining productive native population, rising orc horde populations, and wildings by all those fatherless bastard boys raised by empowered single moms.

It’s all so clear as day and yet our so-called smarties continue jabbering about comparative advantage, relationship complementarity, and immigration-fueled cheap chalupas.

It’s funny until the pleasurecrats and statusticians have no gated communities left in which to escape.
And then it’s hilarious.

I have a prediction of my own. Either American society implodes, or the coming generations of Millennials and younger utterly turn their back on the values of their parents and grandparents, giving a big one finger salute to the dying Baby Boomers and their progressivist equalism lies and returning the country back to the cultural configuration that once brought it to majestic heights.

But I’m not holding my breath.


As revealed truths protected by the right to free speech, whether in law or in custom, increasingly offend the designated victim groups of a society, there will follow more frequent and vociferous justifications made by those offended and their benefactors for limiting the scope of the First Amendment, or of the equivalent cultural mores. The offense taken is directly proportional to the cultivated sensitivity of the offended group and the perception by that group of the willingness of the offending group to seek appeasement in the surrender of their right to speak freely and openly.

see: Canada (2010).


Contrast Is King

Was sent this photo, with the following message:

“First I saw the two barking rats, then I saw the guy walking them. Talk about an odd pairing! The dude had tattoos on his skull, and looked tough. Not like the herb or homo I thought he would be. And there he is, with two runty toy dogs. One of the dogs walked like it had a cucumber up its ass.”

This is an excellent example of someone defying expectations. Does anyone doubt this dude gets laid like gangbusters? I bet his idea of a brothel is the local dog park. And he pays in cloyingly cute toy poodle dollars.

I’ve written before about how important contrast is to your game. Contrast, like its social dynamics cousins vulnerability game and being unpredictable, is a status signal of alphaness. When women see a man defy convention, or wantonly fuck around with societal expectation, they think “Oh, he must be an alpha, because only an alpha could risk stepping out of line like that.” Or when they hear a man reveal a potentially status damaging vulnerability at odds with his image of strength, they think “He must be really alpha to confess his fear of parrots.”

No, seriously, that’s the way women think. Subconsciously, at least.

Contrast game is also a variety of handicap game, a powerful technique for subcommunicating genetic superiority. Like bright, heavy plumage on a peacock, tattoos signal that a man is so genetically fit (and symmetrical) that he can afford the risk to his health and looks that getting inked with needles will mean for him. Skull tattoo dude in the above photo actually has a double handicap whammy advertising his alpha genetic fitness — he’s enduring both the disfigurement of tattoos *and* the public humiliation of walking two gay ass pooches. (I bet he’s telling the other dude to be careful where he steps.)

How powerful a psychological mindfuck is contrast? Two words:

Susan Boyle.

That ugly broad got on stage and, in the teeth of a hostile, pitying audience, sang the shit out of “I Dreamed A Dream”. Result? Standing ovation, tears flowing like a river, and eight million copies of her debut album sold in the first six weeks. For a more recent example of the contrast phenomenon, check out this video of Janey Cutler, the 80 year old singer who elicits the same reaction from an audience expecting something entirely different.

That, my friends, is the awesome power of contrast. Now imagine what it can do for your notch count.

So, you ask, how do I translate this theme of contrast into practical game advice? I can offer a few suggestions.

  • If you’re meeting a girl for a dinner after work, and you’re in a business suit, take her to your favorite dive bar or hipster joint after the dinner. She’ll be pleasantly surprised that a professional such as yourself feels just at home in a dump as in a fancy restaurant. (Note: You really shouldn’t be taking girls you haven’t fucked to fancy restaurants.)
  • Does she think your political views are antiquated? Good. Now take her out to a progressive-oriented art show filled with pseudointellectual revolutionary crackpots. She’ll start to wonder what else about you she doesn’t know.
  • Speak streetwise, but occasionally drop a big word in your conversation. Intellectual dominance is to smart chicks like physical dominance is to prole chicks.
  • If you’re a very masculine man, peacock with a feminine accessory, like an ornate bracelet or an earring. If you’re naturally foppish, try wearing masculine accessories, like a big honking watch or combat boots.
  • Approach a girl like a typical beta, asking her innocuous questions about how she likes living in the city. Once you have lulled her into an anhedonic stupor, hit her with a neg. Consider her look of surprise a step closer to intimacy.
  • Did you meet a girl online and tell her about your starched shirt job? Then show up to the date wearing something boldly stylish. Her mind will race with thoughts of a secret life you’re hiding from her.
  • Similarly, if you’re a suit-wearing type of guy, a well-placed tattoo on the inner forearm can do wonders to stir excitement. Just manufacture an excuse to roll up your sleeves, and watch her eyes light up.
  • Regale her with adventure stories that are completely at odds with her image of you. For instance, if you’re an accountant, mention the time you spent in the Congo with the little-known aid group Accountants Without Borders, and how you budgeted the goats for the local village.
  • Talk about how you voted for George Bush, then give a buck to a homeless bum you happen to pass by while walking with her. (Alternatively, you could reverse this sequence if you want to crush the girl’s hopes. After sucking up to her no-doubt SWPLian worldview, offhandedly announce after sex how you recently joined the NRA “to get some shootin’ practice for the big game animals you like to hunt”.)

Contrast is the reason why ugly guys can sometimes do better with women than handsome guys. A handsome man is expected to have his act together in all other ways; in comparison, nothing much is expected of ugly men. So an ugly man who spits tight game will pleasantly surprise a woman while a good looking man with game will simply confirm what she already believed to be true. And when it comes to making an impression on women, which man do you think she’ll remember more? That’s right, the man who surprised her out of her lazy thinking.

All humans want to be fascinated. Kurt Cobain had it right — here we are now, entertain us. Men are entertained by tits, ass and face. Women are entertained by male charisma and psychosocial savviness. They want to be kept on their toes, forever wondering what kind of man you are. Defying a woman’s expectations is the equivalent of a big-boobed woman taking off her sweater and shoving her cleavage in a man’s face. Her fond memory of you will linger well into the next day.


MS Paint Windows To The Soul

As a tribute to the regular guests of the Chateau, I’ve honored them with stick figure portraits. Can you match the following MS Paint masterpieces to their eponymous titles in the answer key below?







Answer Key

1. Peter (GNP guy)

2. Single Mom

3. Poetry of Flesh

4. David Alexander

5. Me fleeing from an irate husband

6. Greatbooksformen


And here’s a bonus MS Paint! This time, no answer key. Let’s see if you can figure out the title without help.


There is an easy way to assess the strength of your relationship without ever having to turn to that favorite solution of charlatans couples therapists everywhere. Who needs communication when you can gauge how strongly your partner feels about you by how often she spontaneously touches you?

In the interest of lowering the divorce rate, increasing the love rate, and decreasing the time wasted on a cocktease (or, in the case of you ladies, a ringtease), I’ve devised a simple system for analyzing the depth of your lover’s love for you.

The Spontaneous Touch Initiation Ratio (STIR) rests on a simple premise:

In every healthy, successful relationship, the woman will initiate non-sexual spontaneous touching at least twice as often as the man.

This non-sexual touching can take many forms. For example:

A light graze of fingertips across your back as she walks behind you at a restaurant to take her seat.

A tousle of your hair.

A hand on your thigh at the movies.

Arms wrapped around your neck while you and her are walking down the sidewalk.

Kiss on the cheek for no apparent reason.

A brush of “lint” off your shoulders or hair.

Any unnecessary grooming.

Grabbing your hand first to hold it as you walk.

Hand resting on the small of your back.

As you can see, there are many ways to intimately bond without inserting penis into vagina. Of course, holding hands *while* inserting penis into vagina is best of all, but unfortunately we don’t yet live in a society that tolerates genital couplings in public. Damn kids always spoiling a good time.

Since you want your woman to touch you at least twice as often as you spontaneously touch her, a male-female STIR that is equal to or less than 0.5 should be your goal. Here’s a handy chart that illustrates the different STIR ratios and what they mean for the health of the relationship.

STIR                 Odds She Is Cheating On You     Time Remaining Until Breakup

0.3 – 0.5           10%                                           Four years

0.01 – 0.3         1%                                             The time of your choosing

<0.01     Odds you’re cheating on her: 100%  The time she tolerates your polygyny

0.5 – 1.0          20%                                             Two years

1.0 – 2.0          40%                                             Six months

2.0 – 3.0          60%                                             Three months

3.0 – 10.0        90% (100% she’s thinking about it)   Two weeks

>10.0              100%. With three other dudes.      Didn’t you get the memo?

Why is 0.5 or lower the golden STIR number? Because in my experience, the typical woman in love (or in lust) will spontaneously touch you twice as often as you touch her. Exceptions exist, but they are unimportant in the scheme of things. The lower the ratio, the more she likes you (or the less you like her, same difference). The higher the ratio, the more likely you are impersonating this guy.

Do you really want to be that guy, the peabody puffboy who finds himself triangulated to the wrong end of a cuckolding? I didn’t think so.

Be cognizant of how often you touch your girlfriend or wife, and vice versa. If your STIR starts inching above 0.5, you need to amp up your game to bring it back down to an acceptable level. If your STIR is already above 1.0, you should move your assets overseas if you are married, and if you’re unmarried, you need to mentally prepare for an incoming dumping. There’s no better fun than anticipating a dumping from your girlfriend and turning the tables on her before she has had a chance to achieve cloooosure.


Preschoolers Working It

Want to feel dirty? Watch:

(Hat tip: reader Seth)

These little girls are pretty good dancers. Some of the commenters argue they aren’t doing anything sexual. Looks to me like they are performing the exact same sexy dance moves as grown women with boobs and butt. Drop it, shake it, split it, girly!

I really wonder what goes through the minds of parents who would skank up their five year old daughters. Preparing them for a world of assholes, players and game? That reasoning would at least make some sense. When you are saturated in a femicentric culture that places no obligation on women, removes all slut shaming, and releases them from dependence on men’s resources, then the natural result is a race to the base that exalts women’s good-to-go sexuality far above all other values, as that is the last standing value that has any currency left in a wide open, marriage-averse mating market. And what better way to make sure your little angel knows the right moves to get more attention from the boys than the other whorelets than by decking her out in bra and panties onstage and teaching her the fine art of suctioning her privates to the floor. I bet single moms are more prone to doing this sort of experimentation with their bastard spawn.

“Here, little Jenny, put on this sequined stripper outfit.”

“Here, little Johnny, try your first cigarette. And good job beating up that kid at school! Girls love that in a man.”

People wonder why there are so many douchebags, assholes, and players roaming the high school halls of America. Where have all the good men gone?, cry women.

Ladies, you get the men you deserve.

The time has come to institute a parenting test for all would-be mothers. If you fail the test, you get sterilized, or your child gets sent to an orphanage at birth. At the very least, we should be removing any and all welfare statist safety nets from the bottom of burgeoning wombs. If you can’t raise a kid without state aid or corporate aid (paid maternity leave is a form of consumer-supported welfare that enables single motherhood), then it dies in the street. Viva la abortion!


Neanderthal Game

“Hey, baby, enough chit chat. I’m taking you to the bachelor cave for a shag.”

“You’re such a Neanderthal!”



A while back in the blogosphere there was discussion about the ethics of cloning oneself. I’d imagine raising a clone of yourself would be like Groundhog Day, where you can predict your clone-child’s flaws and tailor a parenting style that would minimize their defects. Let’s say a clone-son would be shy. The father could then set about getting the clone-son accustomed to socially mingling with large groups of people at an early age. Or he could introduce the kid to liquor in grammar school. If you are a woman with a clone-daughter and you know she’s going to take after your big nose, you can start saving up money now for the rhinoplasty she’ll have just before the cruel junior high school years.

Maybe a more intriguing question is what other people we would want cloned. Thought experiment: if you had the power to clone an infinite number of times one person from the following list of people, who would you choose?

  1. Isaac Newton
  2. Gandhi
  3. Muhammad Ali
  4. Genghis Khan
  5. Bach
  6. Michelangelo
  7. Sergey Brin
  8. Kurt Cobain
  9. Margaret Thatcher
  10. Melissa Theuriau

An army of Newtons would probably be best for the world in a materialist sense, but there’s no doubt who I would have cloned into a vast standing army of pleasurebots. Is there a better reflection of our values than who we would choose to clone besides ourselves?


The ‘Chicks Dig Jerks’ series is a running theme here at the Chateau. Let’s face it, the material is practically limitless. Thank you ladies, for continuing to uphold the most virtuous traditions of your open-minded gender.

In our latest go-round, 19 year old model Jourdan Dunn gives birth to a bastard child by a convicted coke dealer:

Jourdan Dunn’s Longtime Boyfriend, Father of Her Son, Arrested for Cocaine Possession — Jourdan Dunn, who gave birth to a son in December, made a return to the catwalk at Aquascutum just five days ago, but news today may affect her schedule for the rest of the season.  Jordan Cummings, 20, the father of her son and her longtime boyfriend (they’ve reportedly been together about five years), was arrested last night and sentenced to 3.5 years jail time for possession of 2 ounces of cocaine with intent to supply. Dunn, who lives with her mom and younger brothers, made no comment, but it’s suspected that Cummings’s long sentence was due to similar previous convictions.

A third-party quote in another article on this story is unintentionally hilarious:

One source said last night: “The police kicked down his front door when they arrested him.

“He’s well-known on the streets as a dealer. He’s been dealing since he was a teenager, and makes about £1,000 a week. He and Jourdan are always out and have been together about five years – though I’ve never heard marriage mentioned.”

Jourdan, who lives with mum Dee and two younger brothers in Greenford, West London, refused to comment. But a pal said: “She is devastated. She is committed to raising her son and focusing on her career.”

“Devastated”. Chick dates dude for five years and is devastated by his arrest? She didn’t know what he did for a living all that time? Yeah, I bet she was devastated. Devastated that he got caught.

Reader N.W. who sent me this article, had this to say:

Jourdan Dunn is a pretty, high-flying Afro-British model and she’s back after maternity leave. I’m of the opinion really good looking black girls are harder to score than really good looking white girls since their beauty is exotic and they are very scarce.

So, enquiring minds want to know the identity of the father, or in other words, who’s game is so tight he can:

1. date a model
2. have sex with a legit top model
3. impregnate a top model
4. have her keep the kid thereby imperiling her looks.

We have the answer!

I don’t know if he is a nice guy or not, but possession with intent to supply places him on the Chris Brown side of the ledger.

Yes, this guy has world beating game. Namely, asshole game. As I’ve written before:

Maxim #71: In their sexual primes women’s attraction for assholes is at its strongest. You can catch a lot of hungry flies with honey, but shit attracts the most well-fed flies.

You don’t need to be an asshole to pick up hot girls, but there’s no denying that asshole game is an extremely potent attractant of the hottest babes (i.e. the ones who matter most). For those of you with zero ethical compunctions, I say raise your asshole flag and let it fly. Marching under its banner will cause your enemies to tremble with desire and surrender themselves willingly, laying down a crimson path of engorged vulvae to herald your arrival.

Asshole game, ironically, might most benefit those men who are farthest from embodying the asshole ideal. If you’re a hopeless case who suffers long dry spells, and who has tried to learn game but can’t seem to make it work no matter what you do, you need to drop a MOAB (Mother Of Asshole Bombs) on your targets. When all else fails, become an Avatar of Assholery. It’s the backup, last ditch option that almost always works.

This post dedicated to Anoukange.


Just How Amoral Are Women?

I was sitting with a girlfriend in a small group of people that included one cute girl who had a history of mild flirting with me that never amounted to anything more. But this night, her flirtations were stronger. Much stronger. Seeing me in the company of another attractive woman revved her engine, as preselection does with any woman. It’s as if a switch turned on powering up a new, hungrier, hornier woman who would stop at nothing to get a bite of the juicy, prized meat just barely out of her reach.

Occasionally, when the gf was in the bathroom or otherwise distracted, we would have moments alone when she spoke freely, consumptively.

“I give GREAT blowjobs.”

“I see.”

“I’m really good at using my tongue.”


*Hungry stare*

“Ok, then.”

Did the fact that I was with female company dissuade her? Ha, it is to laugh! Just the opposite. She threw all moral consideration to the wind and would have followed her feelings straight into Sodom if I had allowed it.


SUCCUBUS: “Promise time.”


“If you’re not married next time we meet, we’re having sex.”


What are the most powerful game techniques? Social proof/preselection has got to be at or near the top.


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