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We here at the Chateau have in the past written that it is just as easy — in fact, may even be easier — to fall in love and begin a healthy long term relationship with a woman after having sex with her on the first date as it is with a woman who has made you wait for weeks or months before having sex.

Well, now science once again hearts Chateau with a new study proving exactly our contention.

Relationships that start with a spark and not much else aren’t necessarily doomed from the get-go, new University of Iowa research suggests.

In an analysis of relationship surveys, UI sociologist Anthony Paik found that average relationship quality was higher for individuals who waited until things were serious to have sex compared to those who became sexually involved in “hookups,” “friends with benefits,” or casual dating relationships.

But having sex early on wasn’t to blame for the disparity. When Paik factored out people who weren’t interested in getting serious, he found no real difference in relationship quality. That is, couples who became sexually involved as friends or acquaintances and were open to a serious relationship ended up just as happy as those who dated and waited.

Abstinence counselors, prudes and Promise Keepers wept.

“We didn’t see much evidence that relationships were lower quality because they started off as hookups,” said Paik, an assistant professor in the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. “The study suggests that rewarding relationships are possible for those who delay sex. But it’s also possible for true love to emerge if things start off with a more ‘Sex and the City’ approach, when people spot each other across the room, become sexually involved and then build a relationship.”

Pure, feral lust is a necessary prerequisite to romantic love. A love not undergirded by animal lust is not a romantic love at all. It is, at best, a companionate love, or an affectionate love, or a phony love that two losers convince themselves to feel when no other options are available. So why delay the inevitable? If you feel hot for each other, go ahead and consummate on the first date! You won’t poison any budding relationship that might follow.

So if not the context of sexual involvement, what is behind the lower quality scores for relationships initiated as hookups? Paik points to selection: Certain people are prone to finding relationships unrewarding, and those individuals are more likely to form hookups.

“The question is whether it’s the type of relationship that causes lower quality or whether it’s the people,” he said. “The finding is that it’s something about the people.”

In other words, genes trump culture. Again. Can a blank slatist read a science article these days without having an ulcer attack?

The study has a few choice things to say about sluts, implying that they make poor wife and girlfriend material:

People with higher numbers of past sexual partners were more likely to form hookups, and to report lower relationship quality. Through the acquisition of partners, Paik said, they begin to favor short-term relationships and find the long-term ones less rewarding.

It’s also likely that people who are predisposed to short-term relationships are screened out of serious ones because they don’t invest the time and energy to develop long-term ties, Paik said.

Why bother investing when the sexual horizon beckons with illimitable choice?

“While hookups or friends with benefits can turn into true love, both parties typically enter the relationship for sex and the expectations are fairly low,” Paik said. “In the casual dating category, some people think they’re headed for a long-term relationship, but there are also people who are only in it for sex. It basically brings ‘players’ and ‘non-players’ together. As a consequence, it raises the question of whether casual dating is a useful institution. This paper would suggest not really, because it doesn’t screen out the non-romantic types.”

Re-read the above paragraph for clarity. That pretty much describes modern dating in a nutsack. Casual dating is dead, replaced by one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of Don Juans; a system of neverending seduction designed to maximize the scramble for mating opportunities, to indulgently reward the winners, and to mercilessly punish the losers. We are living in the Reign of Replicators.

And who do you think comes out on the top and bottom in this system, based on relationship quality?

In conducting the study, Paik controlled for several factors known to influence relationship quality, such as marital status, children and social embeddedness. Consistent with prior research, he found that unmarried couples and those with children had lower relationship quality, but couples with positive ties to each other’s relatives had higher relationship quality.

Losers: Single moms, women in an alpha male’s rotation.
Winners: Couples formed from close-knit (read: non-diverse) communities.

There was one final interesting coda to the study:

In a study of Chicago-area adults published earlier this year, Paik reported that being involved with a friend increased the likelihood of non-monogamy by 44 percent for women and 25 percent for men. Involvement with an acquaintance or stranger increased the odds by 30 percent for women and 43 percent for men.

Note that sex disparity. When a woman eventually spreads her legs for a male friend (read: orbiter) she is more likely than the man to cheat. In contrast, when a man has sex with a mere acquaintance or a stranger he is the one more likely to cheat. This tells us something very revealing about the evolutionarily molded mental processes of men and women. Judged by their relative increased propensity to cheat, women are more prone than men to consider a converted LJBF an unsatisfactory sexual partner. And men are more prone than women to cheat on a lover who was a stranger or loose acquaintance at first meeting.

Lesson: If you want a faithful girl as a lover, you’re better off starting fresh with a new woman than trying to convert a long-time female friend to a lover.

And if you are a woman who wants a faithful man as a lover, you’re better off having a relationship with a man from your family or community circle.

Another way to look at this: Women get stronger tingles for strange and mysterious cock than they do for familiar and friendly cock. And men feel more fidelity to familiar and friendly former LJBFs whom they have finally bedded than they do for random hookups.


Many commenters ran with yesterday’s post about a girl who dumps a beta over Facebook and then reads his pitiful reply to a group of people at a house party who relish the opportunity to cruelly twist the knife. While the post was only meant as a report from the trenches of the modern mating scene, the commenters wisely treated it as if it were a test of their game, trying to figure out how best to answer a hypothetical email from a girl dumping them. I have looked at some of the suggestions and made a decision which are the best replies.

#1: No response. (Credit: Gorbachev)

90% of the time, and in 90% of situations, this will be your best option. Radio silence is a failsafe method for causing reckless hamster spin in a woman’s headspace. You have got to understand a couple of things about women and breaking up.

One, women initiate most breakups. I have read it is on the order of 75-85% of all breakups. Women also initiate 2/3rds to 3/4ths or more of all divorces.

Two, women secretly get a thrill out of the power they wield as society’s de facto hypergamous dumpers. When a woman dumps a man, she wants to know she got to him. Though she will never admit it, the act of gettting to a man is a blissful ego massage for the typical woman. Men are not like this (at least most of them). Talk to any man who has dumped women in the past for shallow reasons and he will tell you it was a distinctly uncomfortable experience, and he would have rather just kept her in his rotation, stringing her along forever instead of cutting the cord.

Knowing these two salient points about women and breaking up, it is in your interest as a man to deny any woman dumping you the satisfaction of your butthurt reaction. Why? Because reaction = beta. The alpha male with options galore doesn’t sweat any one break-up. Since women subconsciously know this about alpha males, they get flustered when their break-up messages to men they deemed beta generate nothing but indifference. They begin to wonder what is up, if perhaps they made a mistake in judgement of the man’s character.

I am now addressing the male readers of this blog who have experience dating three or more women at once. I have done it many times. Look back at those times and recall your reaction when one of the women tried to break up with you over a voicemail message or email. You grabbed your phone to read the heartfelt break-up text or listen to the pained vmail and, if you were like me, you muttered “yeah yeah yeah…” and deleted the message, never bothering to reply. You did this because YOU REALLY DID NOT CARE if one of your ladies fell through the cracks.

To my beta readers: THAT is the attitude you must strive to incorporate into every fiber of your manly essence. You really DO NOT CARE. And what does an utterly indifferent man do when he gets a long-winded overly dramatic break-up text from a chick in his rotation?


#2: “ok” (Credit: itsme)

This is a more proactive way to signal indifference, compared to the no reply option. Note the lack of punctuation. “ok” and no reply will both get under a woman’s skin, the thought of which will put a smile on your face. Send it immediately, so that she does not have reason to think you are trying to out-game her.

#3: “gay” (Credit: el guapo? el chief?)

Indifference expressed through humor can also work, if the context is right. “gay” (again, note lack of punctuation) is a great reply to a girl who has sent a long-winded break-up email filled with phony drama. It’s basically saying “I can’t believe you’re taking this whole thing so seriously”. It’s a subtle way to impugn her presumptive status as the dumper. The cutting “gay” reply insinuates to a girl who is melodramatically dumping you that she secretly thinks about you a lot as judged by the ridiculous amount of effort she put into her break-up email.

#4: “Breakup??? 3 dates. LMAO. drama.”, “drama queen!”, or “Srsly? It was three dates, lol” (credit: Evil Alpha/Ben Runkle)

Similar to the “gay” reply above, an insinuation that she is making a mountain out of a mole hill is a good way to get her ego invested in reclaiming lost battlefield ground. It’s a funny reply, and funny replies can work. But generally, you should follow the informal rule that any replies to a break-up message from a girl never exceed three letters in length.

And don’t expect sarcastic replies to make her come running back to you. This is strictly for the pleasure of inflicting emotional frustration.

#5: “nigga please!” (Credit: Josef Jonze)

Hey, that made me laugh.

#6: “8===D” (Credit: Ben Runkle)

Is there any pistols-at-high-noon dating situation where the ASCII penis won’t work? I’m having a hard time thinking of one.


Addendum: Do NOT send anything that could be construed as bitter, spiteful or the aforementioned butthurt, even if you think you are being sarcastically nonchalant. Her hamster will spin anything REMOTELY resembling bitterness as a victory for her ego. Examples of this school of thought include:

“yeah, know what you mean”


“don’t care”


“thanks. now I can go for a girl I really like.”

“Do I know you?”


The above mistakes illustrate the perils of thinking like a man instead of thinking like a woman. A manly maneuver is like a club wildly swinging in the direction of her head, bound to result in allies rushing to her side. But if you want to eviscerate her with scalpel-like precision, and excise her emotional organs for dissection upon your operating table of sadistic cruelty, then you must put yourself into the mind of a woman. Think like a woman to seduce her, and to vex her. They are two sides of the same coin.

Now some of you may be thinking, what can I do to bring her back into my orbit of indulgence? After all, wasn’t there a post here about winning back one’s ex-girlfriend? None of the excellent replies offered above guarantee she will come back to you. But they are a necessary if not sufficient tactic in any overall strategy to re-attract her. If you want a shot at converting a lost prospect, you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot with a needy beta reply as seen in yesterday’s post. A nontrivial number of women who receive no reply or “gay” to their break-up emails are going to be so flustered and ego-bound to extracting a reaction from you that they will text, email or even call you again a day or two later asking if you got her message.

And once she has done that, she’s buzzed straight into your sticky spider web. Now she, and her invested ego, is yours to entwine. The rules of the game have decidedly shifted in your favor.



Would you men like to know what happens to your texts, IMs, emails and voicemails that you regret having sent to girls you tried but failed to bang? I have a story to tell…

Scene: House party. Ten people sitting languidly in a living room, drinking and socializing. Seven girls, three men, including yours truly. The girls are all in their 20s, in the 6-8.5 looks range. These girls are not sluts or lawyer cunts. They are, by most objective measures, “good girls”; exactly the kind of normal, cute girls men would be happy to have as girlfriends, and to introduce to mom.

One of the girls, the second cutest of the bunch, is showing her phone to her BFF. Another girl asks what she’s doing.

She smiles broadly. “That guy I broke up with last week sent me a Facebook message. It’s SO sad! But kind of sweet, too.”

“Ooh, let’s see!”, the other girls practically squeal in unison.

Her BFF interrupts, “Did he send this after you broke up?”

“Yes! OK, so I broke up with this guy last week over email, because I’m too scared to do it in person.”

The other girls titter knowingly.

She continues, “Lemme read what I wrote to him first, so you get an idea.”

She begins reading from her phone and quoting her break-up email, which, paraphrased, went something like this:

“Hi there, [REDACTED], I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time with you, but I’m in a place in my life right now where I don’t want to get involved. I just got over a bad breakup, and I don’t have the energy to pursue another relationship. I’m going to spend some time alone for a while. Really you’re a great guy. But this isn’t happening for me right now. I’m sorry.”

The girls nod sympathetically. The two men and myself exchange knowing glances. We understand what’s about to come.

Heartbreaker girl taps her phone screen and holds it up for the crowd to see.

“Ok, I’m going to read his reply. He sent this like a day later.”

I interrupt her. “Wait, let me read it. I can pretend to be him.”

She cackles. “Haha! OK, here you go.”

I take the phone. A longish email reply is staring back at me, with a thumbnail of a man’s face appended to it. He’s fairly good-looking, and muscular, judging by his neck and traps.

I begin reading his reply in a trembly voice, imitating as best I can a lovelorn beta. Paraphrased:

“Ok, I’m sorry to hear that. I was hoping we could date a few more times and see where it goes. I think you are really great, and a very special girl, and I felt we had something between us. I definitely felt we bonded on our dates together. Remember that time playing pool? That was pretty funny. But oh well, if you need some time to yourself, I understand. If you ever change your mind, you know where to email me. I’m willing to give it another try if you are. Ciao.”

I finish and melodramatically lay the phone down, heavily sighing. The girls erupt in a gail of laughter and cloying “Awws”. The two men noticeably cringe. One looks displeased that I have joined, shiv in hand dripping the blood of my victim, in the beta hunt.

Oh, what’s that? You expected me to stick up for the downtrodden beta masses? You wanted a hero to show these girls the malevolence of their ways? No, that would not be any fun. I happily participated in the cruel mockery at the expense of this poor niceguy. Laughs were shared and I would do it again. The id monster obeys no ideology.

Heartbreaker girl chimes in. “See, I told you he’s so sweet. I feel bad about this.” She tries hard to contain a chesire cat’s grin from creasing her face, but fails.

I address the group with a feigned seriousness, “Maybe we shouldn’t have done that to the poor guy.”

Heartbreaker girl responds, still smiling, “I know, I feel bad.” The men look uncomfortable, staring at the wall. One guy grips his girlfriend’s thigh tightly. A moment of moral clarity infuses the room, but it doesn’t last.

A girl in the corner pipes up, “But that was really funny! Oh well. It was kinda cute.” Laughter all around.

I continue, “How long were you seeing this guy? He seems smitten.”

Heartbreaker girls says proudly, “We went on three dates.”

I seize an opportunity to subversively impart game wisdom. “You know, my buddies and I have this golden rule we live by. Never send emails to a girl that are longer than the ones she writes to you.” I turn to Heartbreaker girl, “This guy wrote twice as much as you wrote to him.”

A girl practically shrieks, “Oh my god, you’re so right!”

Heartbreaker girl laughs in agreement, “That’s so true.”

There are ways to inculcate women with the truth of game. You just have to frame it as a remedy for a betaboy’s embarrassing failure.

The next time you feel the urge to send a lovingly crafted email or text or IM to a woman who you haven’t yet banged, remember this true story from the vaults of the Chateau. Visualize the hosts reading your email out loud to the guffaws of a roomful of cute girls who soften their laughter with pitying, and faintly contemptuous, hedges about what a “niceguy” and “sweet guy” you are, and…


Stay your hand. Turn off the spigot of beta diarrhea. Calm your fiery but unfocused passion. Shut your mouth. Delete that fucking ode. Because it WILL, one way or another, one day sooner or later, be used against you in a kangaroo court of amoral soul flaying. If you want to win at this game, there is only one road to victory –

penis in vagina.

No amount of painstakingly composed and heartfelt emails, yearning voicemails, or chivalric IMs emanating with the faint whiff of beggary will ever match in manly will to power the physical act of fucking. That is your trump card, and nothing a woman holds can beat it.

The modern woman, and her women-are-blameless spokesfembots, ask “Where are all the good men?”

Ladies, you get the men you deserve.


To Preen, Or Not To Preen…

A consortium of “internet professionals who make their living as online influencers” (great gig if you can get it) has voted Citizen Renegade a partir de Chateau a Top 100 blog of 2010.

This calls for a celebration.



Valentine’s Day Tips

A reader sent in this most excellent compendium of game tips.

1. Ditch the cologne, a tiny bit of ladies’ perfume on the neck is the way to go. (Make sure you hug her close!) You could also put lipstick on your collar, but less is more- it has to be barely perceptible to work.

2. If you’ll be with her in a not-too-noisy venue and it’s late at night (after 11pm or so) have your phone’s alarm feature  set up to ring several times at random. The hamster will wonder who the fuck is trying to get a hold you at this hour. Change the subject when she asks who’s calling.
Extra points for mixing up the ringtones.

(I did this once not expecting to get it in the same night and my phone kept vibrating on the nightstand while she was riding me cowgirl- I swear I could feel her getting wetter and wetter with every “call” that came in.

3. When your body language, eye contact, etc. is solid, you can get away with ANYTHING. I’ve closed a girl having inviting her to a Warcraft LAN party and telling her how hot she’d look in a chainmail bikini. This is contrast game (Omega game?) and only works if she knows you’re joking and everythig else is congruently Alpha. I believe it’s the peacocking principle at work, though I need to experiment with it some more…

4. Remind her how Beta the other guys in the room are. I love telling a girl in a venue how thirsty I am and asking if she’ll fish me a gin and tonic off the two nerds at the end of the bar. There are all sorts of subtle ways to DLV your competition, get creative!

5. Never miss an opportunity to grab her hair and give it a good tug- she’ll let you do it waaay sooner in the interaction than societal norms would suggest, (about 15 seconds in if you’re dirty dancing.)

6. Act aroused by her shit tests. The whole “You’re so hot when you’re being bitchy” mentality makes her resistance self-defeating. Even better if you’re funny about it.

7. When shit-tested via text message, reply with an ascii penis. [Ed: It looks like this: 8==>. Or this, if you’re a host of the Chateau: 8=======================>] Hasn’t failed me yet and its cheaper than sending picture messages of the real thing.

8. Anything that attracts attention to your crotch is a good thing, eye-catching and unusual belt buckles are good. When you catch her glancing down you can remind her that it’s not going to suck itself.

9. And finally – My all time super duper favorite-ist opener in the whoooole wide world:

“Did you just grab my ass?”

And no, she doesn’t have to be standing behind you for it to work, you can walk clear across the room and spit this. (My inspiration for that one came from the club owner in Night at the Roxbury)

Caveat Emptor: these are all situational and can backfire if applied incorrectly. Know your prey and calibrate! #1 and #2 are best reserved for the divas who are on the fence about you

A final thought- once you have a basic competency in game, the only way to keep growing is to start tailoring your style to match your personality and strengths and have fun with it. A cheeky/playful Austin Powers vibe does wonders for me, not exactly your boilerplate stoic Alpha was he?

Feel free to use all or part of this for your blog, as a former pedastalizer myself, I have tremendous empathy for my beta bros sloggin it out in the trenches.

Your truly,


The force is strong in this one. #1 and #7 are especially good.


The Mark Sanchez story is funny from at least one angle — the daughters of single, slutty moms go on to be sluts themselves.

The rich, preppy Connecticut mom of 17-year-old Eliza Kruger — who said she “hooked up” with star Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez after meeting him at a Manhattan nightclub — “likes to party” on occasion with her sexy daughter, sources said yes terday.

“Eliza has been going to clubs since she was 15, sometimes with her mom,” blond Greenwich divorcée Marie McCormick Kruger, a night life source told The Post. […]

Her dad is multimillionaire Greenwich financier Konrad “Chip” Kruger. He and Marie had four kids together, including Eliza, before divorcing in 2006 after years of marital turmoil.

According to their divorce decision, which found neither party at fault, Marie Kruger in the mid-1990s flirted with and “kissed one or two times” a “gentle man” she had met at a local watering hole. In July 2005, the decision said, Chip Kruger “learned that she had slept with her rowing coach” while the Krugers were attempting a reconciliation.

Lesson: Millions of dollars does not necessarily an alpha make. Nor does it prevent your wife from cheating with her rowing coach. And that kid went ha haaw!

You gotta love this aging cougar mom hanging out with her daughter at nightclubs known to be pickup spots for alpha males. Has there been a more obvious case of a sad sack wall victim living vicariously through her hot n sexy spawn?

On a more serious note, the Sanchez case, and others like it, prove that the statutory rape laws in this country are well-nigh fucked beyond any semblance of fairness. It’s time to end strict liability. If a 17 year old has the sense of mind to lie about her age so that she can bang an older athlete, then she can give consent to sex as well. It is not the responsibility of men to do background checks of every young-looking woman they meet. The courts must catch up to the fact that women are hypergamous, and that a result of that hypergamy is a tendency to prefer fucking older, higher status men.


In a complete inversion of conventional wisdom, it’s men who should be playing hard to get if they want to attract the opposite sex.

Women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.

A study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that a woman is more attracted to a man when she is uncertain about how much he likes her.

“Numerous popular books advise people not to display their affections too openly to a potential romantic partner and to instead appear choosy and selective,” the authors write. Women in this study made their decisions based on very little information on the men — but in a situation not unlike meeting someone on aninternet dating site, which is common these days. “When people first meet, it may be that popular dating advice is correct: Keeping people in the dark about how much we like them will increase how much they think about us and will pique their interest.”

The subject matter of this study has been discussed at the Chateau before, in this post. It perfectly validates much of what is written here, particularly the posts dealing with instilling dread in your lover to build a healthy relationship. The fact is that women, much more so than men, get turned on by inscrutable suitors. Women love love love men who keep them guessing. That hamster isn’t gonna spin by itself, you know. Inscrutable men are likely hitting women’s “pre-selection” and “sexy son” limbic buttons.

Suck-up credentialist therapists and marriage counselors hate these kinds of studies (and, by extension, real-world truth tellers such as yer ‘umble narrator) because it puts the lie to everything they know and believe. How would you feel if the meaning of your very existence was revealed for the shabby mountain of platitudinal shit it is?

I suspect some readers get the impression that the science guides my behavior. But that is not the case. I’ve spent my life experiencing women, observing women, learning about women and loving women. That is how I came to understand them. The science merely serves as a confirmation of what I can see with my eyes. But I like to post these studies because I know it gets under the skin of the haters. I can practically see their blood boiling and steam coming out of their ears.

It is an exquisite pleasure to reflect upon your enemies’ torment.


Eliciting Sexual Values

The resident raging SWPL over at OkCupid has a new post up about the best questions to ask on a first date if you want to know something important about your date — that is, something important *to you*, like whether she is the type to bang on the first date. What he and his merry band of politically correct pansies did was correlate viable first date questions — i.e., questions that weren’t too personal, awkward or creepy — with an assortment of variables such as the person’s willingness to go all the way right away and couples’ relationship lengths.

For instance:

Answering “Yes” to the question of “Do you like the taste of beer?” correlates strongly with a willingness to consider sex on the first date. This goes for women as well as men, though seeing as all real men like the taste of beer and the possibility of first date sex, it’s pretty much a question geared toward finding out what depth of sluttiness women are eager to plumb.

If you want to know whether your date has long term potential, you should ask her if she has ever traveled to another country alone. If she has, and you have done as well, then consider it a match made in heaven.

There is a question in that OkCupid post that doesn’t make much sense. If you want to know whether your date shares the same politics as you, you’re supposed to ask her if she prefers simple people or complex people in her life. By 2:1, liberals prefer the latter and conservatives the former. But what does “simple” mean? Simple-minded, or honest? A complex person could just as easily mean a liar or a laconic mystery man. So it may just be that liberal girls prefer unending relationship drama and conservative girls prefer more stable, even-keeled LTRs. Since 90% of hot girls from the age of 15 to 29 are liberal, this means very few bangable women like stable relationships.

In case you haven’t noticed, the topic covered in that OkCupid post is essentially the game concept of eliciting values. A key part of building comfort with a girl you want to bang is getting to know her values and mirroring them, so a deep and profound romantic connection that she thinks is something that “just happened” is actually the result of a calculated effort on your part.

Based on experience, below are some core value eliciting questions that will work on first dates. Remember, a good question must:

a. sound natural or funny,

b. hide its intentions, and

c. trigger a subconscious betrayal of the respondent’s true values.

The value elicitation can be in the form of a routine, or asked as standalone questions. Take care to listen to her answers, because that is going to tell you if she’s up for a same night lay.

“Have you ever chewed gum in church or at a job interview?”

A “yes” means she likes to give blowjobs. Also, if she’s a smoker, she’s a pole smoker.

“Have you ever attended a protest?”

Yes: She’s cheated on exes.

No: Don’t expect first date sex.

“Did you go to the protest to actually protest, or to laugh at the people there?”

Actually protest: she will never cook you a meal and her relationships are paper-thin.

Laugh at the protestors: she falls in love deeply.

“Have you ever worn goofy socks? Like socks with penguins stitched on them?”

Yes: attention whore! Also, likely to play hard-to-get.

“What’s your favorite 4AM food?”

Trick question! If she has had food at 4AM, she is a party slut.

“What’s the one thing you have in common with your parents that you wish you didn’t?”

If she says nothing, she will try to introduce you to her dad within three months of the relationship.

“Is god a he or a she?”

He: She’s telling you want you want to hear. This is good, it shows she likes you.

She: Feminist harpy. Pump and dump.

Neither, there is no god: She’s down for anal.

“Does the thought of breaking into dance in front of a crowd of strangers make you nervous or excited?”

Nervous: She likes to cuddle.

Excited: She’s had sex in a bathroom stall. When she was younger, hotter, tighter. For free.

“When you played hide and seek as a little girl, did you prefer being the hider or the seeker?”

Hider: She likes to be dominated.

Seeker: She likes to poach other girls’ boyfriends.

“What kind of clothing makes you feel the sexiest?”

Cocktail dress: Status whore.

Mini-skirt: Slut.

Ballroom gown: Princess.

Wedding gown: Run.


There are computer programs that will superimpose a bunch of male or female faces to create an average composite of all the faces. Well, someone has done it for the native women of 41 countries from around the world. The image is too large to post here, so follow this link to judge the average national beauty of the women for yourself.

This facial averaging algorithm has been around for a few years now. What jumps out is how attractive the average female face looks. Not smoking hot, but certainly bangable. The average female face falls somewhere around the 7 to 9 range on the United Federation of Planets’ recognized 1 to 10 scale. That’s pretty impressive considering how many obese women and ugly cougars now inhabit the advanced nations. There’s no doubt that to get these results the programmer intentionally left out the grossly fat and the depressingly aged from his (he’s most likely a “he”) formula.

The reason an averaged female face is attractive is because the flaws are filtered out. Asymmetry, jutting chins, big noses, leathery skin and bastard children are weeded out of the averaged face. The final product is a conventionally attractive face that is easy on the eyes, if not quite dazzling. It is pretty well established at this point that beauty is objective, and that beautiful female faces all have the same traits in common — symmetry in the horizontal and vertical, large wide-set eyes, small noses, clear and smooth skin, full lips, dainty chins and jawlines, and a general youthful neoteny where the upper half of the head is disproportionately larger than the lower half.

Examining the results for the women from the 41 countries sampled in the image, some gaspingly impolite observations can be made.

– Adjusted for race, the averaged woman is noticeably light-skinned. Swarthiness is not an attractive trait in women, it would seem.

– The averaged Irish woman is relatively mannish looking with a prominent jaw and chin, and thin lips. This accords with personal observation. Irish girls are feast or famine; they are either breathtakingly beautiful or homely.

– The averaging program is very powerful. We can see this by the good things it does to English girls, the average of whom is pretty darn cute.

– But not that powerful. The program has limitations on the magic it can conjure. Samoa has the ugliest women in the world. Sorry, scowling ladyboys.

– Most slaves brought to America during the trade were from West Africa. It is thus interesting that the averaged African-American woman is so different looking than the averaged West African woman. The West African woman, although darker, is more feminine looking. The African-American woman looks like she could play second string defensive back for the Packers. First string if she’s married to the President of the United States.

– Of the three smart but uncreative Northeast Asian countries, the averaged Korean girl is probably the cutest, but it’s a horse race. Really, all three of the Asian chicks looksame. The Japanese girl is making an anime face.

– However, the Vietnamese girl, although it is not shown, has the best ass of the epicanthically folded races. Love your ass long time!

– The averaged Hungarian girl looks like a vampire. Fitting.

– What would the daughters of a master race of white men-asian women pairings look like? See: Uzbek.

– The composite Irish and Welsh woman is not as attractive as the composite English woman. Infer at your leisure.

– Aside from skin color, West and East Africans look very different.

– There are a lot of broad noses in the world. Like red hair, the noble, aquiline nose is a vanishing trait. Too bad.

– The nations of Europe are not a miasma of undifferentiated whiteness. The averaged women of each European nation have distinctive looks. And most likely distinctive composite personalities, temperaments and future time orientations. Just sayin’.

– The South African woman is kinda hot. And white. Which brings us to…

– Why is America, the most powerful country of the 20th century, missing from this comparison? If the programmer can suss out the white chicks in a country that is majority black, why couldn’t the same be done for the US? Up until 1965, when the soft genocide population replacement program pushed by the gated community elites geared up, America was nearly 90% white. I think that’s grounds for having representation from a composite American white chick. Major oversight. Or are American chicks just TOO DAMN FAT to acquire an N > 1?

– The Latvian girl looks like a throwback from a 1970s porno.

– South Indian girls may be smarter, but North Indian girls are cuter.

– Overall face shape doesn’t seem to be too important to beauty. There are cute representatives from both the long-faced and round-faced groups. See, as a comparison, the Swiss girl and the Iranian girl.

– Remember that scene in the underground city of Zion from the Matrix sequel? The banging drums, primitive dancing, and rainbow of multicult love? That’s the Puerto Rican girl. I wanted the machines to win after that scene.

– Of course, the Polish and Russian girls look the most serious. Of course. Get over yourselves, girls.

– The average Russian girl may as well be a hot tennis star. Or Putin’s mistress.

– Too bad for the Samoan girl that Australian Aboriginal girls were not included.

– The Mongolian girl is hiding a purple saguaro in her purse.

– The Finnish girl looks like she’d fuck the consciousness out of you.

– The composite Spaniard is full of herself. Did a composite tiara come included with that photo?

– Blonde and light brown hair are overrepresented in this graphical chart. Is this a selection effect, or does averaging lighten women’s hair?

– The French composite is the least “average” looking of all the women. She is quite stunning with her bold yet feminine features.

– The Peruvian girl has kind eyes. She’d cook you a meal on your second date.

– Swedish girls are overrated.

– Greek and Italian women could be sisters.


So… which country-AKA-ethnicity has the world’s most beautiful women?

We’ll have to narrow it down first.

The Eight Finalists

Uzbekistan, Italy, France, Finland, Russia, Greece, Spain, Israel

And the country with the world’s most beautiful women is…

drumroll please…


The country that birthed Monica Bellucci is the place you want to live if beauty — and fucking beauty — is your raison d’étre. Even Italy’s feminists are bangable, that’s how hot Italian women are.


Best composite DSLs: Greece.

Best composite smile: India.

Best composite nose: England.

Best composite eyebrows: Vietnam.

Best composite face begging for a jizzbomb: Mongolia. (Just think, you might be jizzing on a descendent of Genghis Khan. Thinking about it, aren’t you? You want to yell KHAAAAAN at the moment of ejaculation, don’t you? Imperialist pig!)

Sultriest composite face: France.

Best composite face you want to gaze at with an uneasy mix of awe, horniness and unsettling confusion: Uzbekistan.

Notch flag you are least likely to get, and don’t mind not getting: Samoa.

Best composite closet slut: Switzerland.

Most compositely likely to come at you with a meat cleaver: Hungary.

Best composite repressed sexuality: Iran.

Best composite jungle fever: Puerto Rico.

Best composite girl-next-door: South Africa AKA Holland.

Best composite public sex aficionado: Ireland.

Best composite underage sex simulator: Burma.

Best composite women to ransack if you are a white guy: Korea.

Best composite fling: Finland.

Best composite girlfriend: Israel.

Best composite wife: *does not compute*

Best composite just-got-fucked look: Tie between Wales and Latvia. You go, girls!

Best composite cock-or-GTFO face: Germany.

Best composite shit test face: Mexico.


Someone get in contact with the IT dude who put this chart together. We need composites from all 192 countries, plus intra-country ethnic minorities like aboriginals, eskimos, gypsies and native americans.


A Generation Hexed chick bemoans the loss of chivalry, and claims modern day chivalry and feminism can coexist:

Living in Manhattan during college and after college would make even the most chivalry-loving women have to get her hands dirty. Unless you’re wealthy and can afford to take cabs everywhere (or do FreshDirect all the time), you carry your groceries home and up your stairs. And you probably live in a sixth-floor walkup! You jump over your own puddles and hail your own cabs. When some weirdo on the subway whips out his penis in front of you, you have to be the one to raise a holy hell. Hulk Hogan is not going to lug your new couch up the stairs, nor is Superman going to show up and defend your honor. Sometimes I would make a joke to my friends that “New York City is where chivalry goes to die.” […]

I cherished the day-to-day feeling that [my boyfriend] cared about me and that he was putting an effort into treating me nicely, beyond just having the basic manners of not chewing with his mouth open or interrupting someone when they were speaking. Just like I have a hard time reconciling my feminist beliefs with my desire to be with a more dominant, alpha male, I also have a hard time reconciling my feminist beliefs with my enjoyment of chivalry. I am now figuring out that the two are not mutually exclusive.

Chivalry and feminism are in fact mutually exclusive. Chivalry involves a tacit quid pro quo; men are chivalrous to women they deem are worthy of the chivalrous sacrifice. Throughout Western history, (Western only, as chivalry was a knighthood concept invented by Europeans during the Middle Ages), men have considered worthy women to be those who are relatively chaste, pure of reputation, monogamously loyal and delicate of manners. Does that describe the typical modern American feminist? Of course not. To ask the question is to laugh at the absurdity of asking it.

When a man holds open a door for a woman, or carries her heavy bags, he is doing so under the guise of an implicit pact between himself and all of womenkind. He assumes her relative weakness, modesty and submissiveness, and she assumes his strength and leadership. There is an unspoken agreement that both sides will hold up their end of the bargain. Implicit, too, in chivalry is a subconscious awareness that women are reproductively more valuable than men. Without a man’s confidence in these assumptions, the rationale for chivalry, and the desire to grant it, dissipate like the memories of so many one night stands.

Feminism is, at its core, an ideology of will to power scaffolded by lies. It has little to do with equality. It’s goal is the power aggrandizement of women at the expense of men (as it has to be since power is zero sum), and by whatever means necessary. That’s it. As long as feminism remains a force in modern society, and sabotages the minds of significant numbers of yummies (Young urban minxes), chivalry is DOA. The two ideologies not only have nothing in common, they are conspicuously antagonistic.

The free flow of information has also helped to kill off chivalry. Thanks to subversive retreats like this blog, women’s true nature is revealed in all its grit and gristle. No man in his right mind would open doors for women he now knows will divorce a beta and strip him of his dignity for a fling with an asshole who gives her Skittles as a birthday gift. Nor would he carry bags for women he now suspects, justifiably, are regular riders of the quasi-anonymous cock carousel. He’ll think twice about holding a cab for a random girl who might be one of those chicks who divulges personal details about her love life on a website called The Frisky. The simple, galling fact that women are sexually enticed by negs is enough to convince normally kind and generous men that pulling out chairs for them is a fool’s errand.

That’s another thing men have learned — when chivalry isn’t buying you a rude lack of acknowledgement from some ravaged city slut, it’s actively making you seem more beta. Men are asking “What’s in it for me?”, and increasingly the answer is “Not much”. And if you think a dearth of chivalrous behavior will open the door for shit-lapping white knighters to swoop chicks like Sir Lancelot, you’ve got the wrong idea. Modern women don’t instinctually reward chivalrous men with their sex, let alone a phony expression of asexual gratitude. The last chivalrous man on earth is still going home alone to pull his pud. But he’ll pull it ever so politely.

Women, if you lament the loss of chivalry, look in the mirror. You have only yourselves to blame.

PS: The fembot of the article linked to above had a suspiciously drama-filled breakup with her supposedly chivalrous boyfriend. Scientists are baffled.


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