Feed on

“White supremacist” is the term shitlibs and cucks use to avoid saying “White stupendousness”.


This thought occurred to me after reading about the Steve King de-personing.

Steve King (based and redpilled – Iowa) is being pushed out of cuck company after the Fake News Enemy Propaganda Media spent the better part of the last two days falsely reporting that King defended “White supremacy”.

From J.R.,

the GOP is stripping Steve King of his committee assignments in reaction to the Left blatantly lying about what he said

Steve King explains it and it’s exactly what i said, he was complaining that Western Civilization was being called White Supremacist – he wasn’t defending White Supremacy

Steve King: The Left calls everything they don’t like Racist, White Nationalist, and White Supremacist. Western Civilization – when did that become offensive?


Steve King: What? No, that’s not what I said.


GOP: OMG! We must ban Steve King immediately!

it’s too bad Ace and ppl like him aren’t defending Steve King

it’s pretty easy to defend King on the White Supremacist charge since it’s a gross distortion of what he said and he’s obviously not a White Supremacist and never has been

the problem, though, is he is actually kinda pro-white – and that’s why even the Edgytarians won’t defend him

the GOP is more upset about Steve King occasionally cryptically hinting at being pro-white — then Louis Farrakhan being proudly, openly, and overtly anti-white and preaching that whites are literally sub-human devils

they’ll only attack Farrakhan for being Mean To The Jews

G.V. explains why GOPe cucks are stripping King of his committee assignments,

They’re just using the lie as an excuse. Taking him off committees makes him a weaker representative and thus a weaker candidate for reelection. If they can’t have an anti-white Republican in that district, they’ll go for an anti-white Democrat.

Note that they could do this sort of thing at any time to any “RINO,” but they choose not to, because the “RINOs” are actually representative of the political and donor class of the party. The majority faction of the GOP is anti-white.

Has the Cuck Contingent learned nothing from the 2016 election and Trump’s UTTER HUMILIATION OF 16 GOPe CUCKSERVATIVE SHELL ENTITIES? It’s as if the last three years never happened in the universe cucks inhabit.

The cuck pile-on of Steve King suggests something more nefarious than mere cowardice or civnat shallowness at play. We must accept the possibility that GOPe cucks are just as anti-White as the Democreeps, and that they act not out of a misguided desire to be loved by the media and by the Left in general, but out of malice toward anyone who even tangentially broaches the subject of White identity.

As such, cucks like Kasich, McCarthy, et al are just as much our enemy as are raving anti-White bigots like Maxine Waters or AOC.

It’s not enough to say GOPe cucks are filled with fear. They are also filled with hate. Hate for FreeWhites.

A great comment from a great dissident blog:

Conservative *****rphilia is far worse than leftist *****rphilia because it is so genuine.

Liberals lie about loving diversity… conservatives line up to slobber the shaft and swallow the sauce.

PS It’s time to put the heat on cucks. From End Cultural Marxism:

Cuckservative, GOP house leader, Kevin McCarthy just removed Steve King from all house committees.

Contact GOP house leader Kevin McCarthy and lay into him.  Tell him you support Steve King 100%. Tell him that King opposes the Third World immigration and refugee invasion and we need more politicians like King.  Tell McCarthy when he criticizes King he sounds like some SJW.

Contact him below via email, phone or twitter.

His email: https://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/contact/email-me

If you need a local zip code to email him, here’s one: 93309

Call him during business hours: 202-225-2915

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GOPLeader/status/1084502775642419201


PPS It’s enraging because it’s true (h/t Ari Shekelstein):

The stupidity of the GOP punishing Steve King for being pro-Western Civ/pro-White is mind-blowing. Can you imagine Kamala Harris announcing an inquest into anti-White behavior? Everyone would say, “Those are your voters you’re going after you dumb cunt.”

Those are your voters you’re going after you dumb GOPe cunts.


Id Droppings

The Supreme Court’s resident witch is about to kick the kiddush cup, so names of replacements are in the news. One of them is Amy Barrett.

I’m not sure which is the bigger deal-killer, Barrett’s krazykunt eyes, or her reckless virtue signaling.

From Heather,

I can finally confirm my suspicions about Barrett’s Catholicism and gloat that I was right. lol

She’s a member of ‘People of Praise’–a Charismatic group. This explains everything, including the Haitian adoptions.

In no way can you trust her to rationally, fairly, and unconditionally apply and interpret civil and natural law for mankind when her relationship with God is irrational, emotivistic, and conditional. She is a lefty on everything but abortion.

Dear God, I hope Trump reads this.


“Courage Goals”

Truly courageous: pulling this stunt in Riyadh. Or Rotherham.


The White bad guy/brown hero trope is pretty much de n!gueur these days.

Add Proctor & Gamble to your list of anti-White companies to boycott. They make a lot of center aisle shit for sale in supermarkets, so avoiding their products will benefit your health. Their recent ad for Gillette razors comes with the byline “shave away your toxic masculinity”. (They should’ve went with “tonic masculinity“.)

Discover the P&G brands for you to boycott:

You’re probably not at all wondering who was behind this anti-White, anti-male Gillette ad….


There has been a blackout of the ongoing Yellow Vest protests in France by our chaimstream media news (not surprising since the protests are anti-globalism and the protestors are White Frenchmen), so you may not know that Maricon has ordered his mercenaries to fire tear gas canisters FROM HELICOPTERS into groups of protestors.

I’ve never seen anything like this before in an EU member state.#Macron is using HELICOPTERS to fire tear gas cannisters against the #GiletsJaunes protesters?

Will the #EuropeanCommission finally protest or are they to busy with trying to put sanctions on #Poland & #Hungary? pic.twitter.com/sXpV2F7YWS

— BasedPoland (@BasedPoland) January 13, 2019

From a reader,

Grenades next, napalm next, cluster bombs next? Whatever it takes. It’s just white people. Imagine world outrage if they were doing this to dark skinned types. Nothing at all about this MSM in US. Prelude to what’s planned for white people in US.

Prelude is exactly right. This is an instruction manual for our Deep State.

As a thought experiment, imagine the fucking HUE AND CRY from the media if Trump ordered tear gas thrown from helicopters at BLM or antifa protestors.


“Hamilton” is the Obama of Broadway musicals: People of Color and Immigrants unite to fight white racism by defending Wall Street.

Democratic Treasury Secretaries like Robert Rubin, Tim Geithner, and Jack Lew LOVE “Hamilton.”https://t.co/4dtWuqpdF3 https://t.co/uFlfuLA4ZT

— Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) January 15, 2019

From a reader,

[Hamilton the POC Play] also gives shame-infested leftists permission to consume history because it absolves the audience of sin by wrapping the story in black skins.

this belief that just by being black someone can absolve you of a kind of sin you have just for not being black is one of the more vicious aspects of…n3gr0latry.

This really nails it. I know some shitlibs who saw Hamilton (when they got tix it was like they had won the lottery), and they couldn’t stop talking about “all the history in the play that you never hear about in schools”.

Wrap it in black,
It’s shitlib crack.


Trump was an experiment in unobstructed democracy. By unobstructed, I mean the media, the Uniparty, the Deep State, academia, entertainment, the MIC, and Big Tech lost just enough power to patrol minds that the people were able to break the stranglehold of “preapproved” candidates and truly elect a rebel from outside the system.

This successful flexing of muscle by the peons was too much for the Perfidious Establishment to bear, and they have since been slow rolling a coup to oust Trump from office, and they may yet succeed at the goal of invalidating the will of the American people. But praise kek, their coup has yet to hit pay dirt, and their subtly-shifting narrative keeps falling apart. If they win, and the Trump Experiment is nullified, we will never have another Trump, not without war. They may still lose if enough patriots embedded in the Deep State Machine summon the courage to expose the seditionists at the top.


Passive-Aggressive War

From Second City Bureaucrat, one of the funniest accounts on Twatter:

We need to put this on the side of our drones so that the most passive-aggressive weapon of war matches the leadership mood of our most passive-aggressive agency. pic.twitter.com/r6QxzdhpW2

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) January 11, 2019

You’re playing with stray dogs in the street when a Predator drone nicknamed “Sweaty” incinerates your family. After several months of being trafficked by criminals, you end up at the U.S. border where a woman with red lip and hoop earrings tells u ur special.

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) January 11, 2019

This is what an aggressive-aggressive war looks like:


Taunt Of The Week

Bonus TOTW:

Haha, best Twatterer ever.

But…..still doesn’t make up for this glibly dumb tweet by our President:

Mass immigration of peasants lowers the wages of working class Americans. Mass immigration of code monkeys lowers the wages of white collar Americans. Both types of immigration ruin the aesthetics of America and fray the social contract.

America has plenty of smart, talented people who can be trained and educated for high skill jobs, AT A DECENT WAGE. But of course the oligarchs would rather import their skilled workers on the cheap from countries that aren’t exactly known for having values and ideals in line with American values and ideals.

If Trump wants to win over some of the Berniebros-slash-AOCsoys saddled with college debt and no high wage prospects, he had better turn hard against H-1Bs. This comment by him is just silly and wrongheaded, not to mention at odds with what he has previously said on the subject:

From a reader,

You have understand Trump’s a boomer. He knows what boomers know. So we have to tell him these things. Give him the truth and he seems to act on it.

Ann Coulter almost single-handedly got Trump to back down from signing the original spending bill that had no funding for the Wall, and it cost her Trump’s following on Twatter. But it worked.


The FBI Is The Secret Police

From J.R.,

the FBI literally, actually, in real life – launched a coup attempt against Trump

so far, it’s been a failed one, but they haven’t given up yet

the FBI is just the Secret Police
and they serve the Ruling Class – the real Ruling Class, not just whoever’s President

to pretend otherwise at this point is just naive

Shitlibs support an unaccountable secret police state, pass it on.


Is The Cuckoldry Rate Rising?

In cuckoldry news, the sales of personal, home-based paternity tests are rising in the UK.

Sales of ‘secret’ paternity tests are surging, according to suppliers of DIY home kits.

The DNA tests, which can be carried out with simple cheek swabs, are leading to growing numbers of men discovering they are not the biological father of children they had been led to believe were theirs.

AlphaBiolabs, the leading British home test supplier, says up to 30,000 paternity tests are being performed in this country every year – and that the figures are rising by ten per cent per year.

‘Of these, around 20 per cent of men will learn they are not the father of the child they are testing,’ says the company’s director, David Thomas. He added that in some regions the figure is higher, including the North East, where it is 30 per cent.

The explosion in demand for the tests has been fuelled by the ease with which definitive DNA paternity results can now be obtained. For about £99, testing kits which promise 100 per cent accurate next-day results can be bought online.

Primal human sexuality and the associated mate acquisition psychologies of the sexes are under novel, extreme pressures from modern technologies — cheap contraception, the Pill, abortion, online hardcore porn, mass produced pulp romance, sexbots, and cheap private paternity tests. These pressures will rock the sexual market like nothing before them in history, save genetic bottlenecks caused by genocides or mass die-offs. Few but bastions like this humble abode are talking about it, and that’s criminally negligent because the current social changes will have effects on human sexuality and the future of nations beyond what our meager powers of speculation can conjure. We are truly entering uncharted territory.

Most of these changes will benefit one or the other sex, with some of those benefits going to a few advantageously positioned members from the sex which bears the costs. Cheap at-home anonymous paternity testing will greatly hinder the ability of women to access their Darwinian prerogative for extra-pair conception (aka alpha fux, beta bux), and thus greatly benefit men. Women, naturally, will never admit they would cuckold a beta husband and fool him into raising the bastard spawn of an alpha lover, but they don’t have to admit it; their subconscious limbic compulsion does all the dirty work for them.

Not all women are cuckold risks, UNDER THE OPERATIVE SOCIAL CONSTRAINTS. There is a plausible theory that women of certain races co-evolved with their men toward a greater monogamous instinct and less cuckoldry. But evolution doesn’t stop. There is no “end of history”. If social pressures change, sexual selection will change as well, and behaviors will adapt to the new reality.

Gene-culture co-evolution. If social constraints, in whatever form (shared values, religious, communal shaming), weaken and fall apart, then even women who have evolved toward favoring monogamous mating will adapt, slowly at first but quickening as the marginal cases become the norm, to the new selection pressures, and cuckoldry could theoretically become more common in those societies.

At the same time social constraints on feral female sexuality are breaking down, cheap private paternity testing is pushing in the opposite direction on Darwinian evolutionary calculations, making it riskier for women to heed an unconscious urge to cuckold their drearily dependable betas. In the state of nature, cuckoldry as a reproduction strategy only pays off if the woman can successfully dupe her resource provider or if the resource provider can be convinced to stay and help raise the bastard “for the good of the child”.

The latter seems to be more common currently, but the former is a dying tactic. Soon, thanks to cheap paternity testing kits, very few men but the dumbest and poorest will be successfully duped into eighteen years of emotional rape and indentured servitude. A wife who cuckolds her husband now runs a real risk that he’ll find out quickly if he’s the biological father, and will know this without intensely manipulative blackmail from the mother to retreat from the discovery process. He could leave her alone with the bastard, and without any community or family support.

You could cut the tension between loosening social mores and tightening technological oversight with a knife. This goes to a dark place. Increasingly liberated and unhappy women lashing out at increasingly distrustful and indifferent men. A skankocracy of sexual predators chafing under the by-laws of a surveillance state technocracy (idealistic beta males hardest hit).

The cuckoldry data from the UK isn’t necessarily evidence of an overall rising cuckoldry rate. There’s a sample bias effect here….suspicious fathers who get paternity testing kits are more likely to have been cuckold victims. But still, that number is disturbingly high, and suggests that a de facto polygynous sex market is emerging in the UK, just as it is all over the West.

So while sales of personal paternity testing kits and a 20% positive hit rate on results aren’t proof of a general rise in the cuckoldry rate, they are leading indicators that something foul is upsetting the normal functioning of the sexual market.

As long as the State continues acting as a substitute husband and father for Western wahmen, lavishing largesse and incentives on women to behave in ways which increase the chance of single mommery, then reliable, cheap, and widely available paternity testing which decreases the number of beta male dupes and quislings will accelerate the trends away from marriage and toward African-style polygyny.

PS Reminder that a 1% cuckoldry rate is more than 30 TIMES the recorded rape rate in the US. A useful comparison the next time some femcunt launches into a diatribe about rape culture and the patriarchy.


The Orgasm Ratio

Possibly inspired by CH posts exploring the connection between jizz payloads and love, reader SRC introduces the concept of the Orgasm Ratio:

One of the most important things when having sects with a girl for the first time is to never be the first to cūm. If she gets off several times before you, especially after more than one encounter, it flips the sexual adequacy frame on its head. Control the orgasm ratio.

As a general principle, I agree with this, but there can be times when the rule doesn’t apply (see below).

The Orgasm Ratio is essentially a hard-to-spoof proxy for the SMV Ratio. If our premise is that men cum harder and quicker with hotter women (tumescently plausible), then a man who cums first is likely with a woman who is his sex-specific SMV equal or better. He can be said to have NO HAND, while she holds all the leverage over which direction the hookup will go.

If a woman senses this SMV disparity in her favor (she will), then over time she’ll resent her man who reminds her by his premature ejaculation that she can do better. This feeling in her — and his recognition of it — will erode the relationship, until rupture.

In love, the time from rapture to rupture can be surprisingly short, and usually catches the man off-guard.

Getting off first tells a girl two things, equally ominous to you as complimentary to her. One, she knows she arouses you. This flatters her. Two, it causes her to wonder if she’s aiming too low. She resents you for this.

The first night together is the most important time to establish an advantageous orgasm ratio. This is when the tone is set that will color the relationship should it develop. You cum first, and she knows she can use her sex to make you dance. Knowledge like this is corrosive to pussy tingles.

But if you can hold off until she cums first, second, and third, well now she’s primed to think of you as a god among betas, a man with whom she can hardly control herself. A properly calibrated orgasm ratio is a major DHV-to-SMV positively reinforcing feedback loop. With each night together that you heroically delay your release, she will cum harder, and faster, as your value explodes to fill every cranny in her brain.

Added to this primal limbic mix is a dread that slowly consumes her; she fears you may not be “all that into her”, otherwise why the seemingly preternatural ability to delay your payload? Now, as SRC wrote, the sexual adequacy script is flipped. All flings begin with the unconscious, biologically driven premise that the woman is “giving” her body to the man, who is “enjoying” it. She is always sexually adequate; he is always proving his sexual adequacy. But the man who communicates his SMV through a leisurely journey to completion, while allowing his woman to orgasm multiple times atop his tutelage, has essentially co-opted her sexual role. He is giving his boner; she is enjoying it.

The benefit of this is obvious. She now is the one trying to prove herself to him, that she can sexually please him, and the downstream effects of her sexual anxiety are innumerable and delightful….home-cooked meals, generosity of body, heart, and even purse, loyalty, faithfulness, unbreakable love, an eager to please disposition, a sudden awakening to the power of MAGA….

When does the orgasm ratio rule not apply? Every so often, as a gift to her, it helps lubricate the relationship and alleviate tension to “lose control” of yourself. A woman likes to know she arouses her man so much that he occasionally goes primal on her, tearing at clothes, ripping at panties, groping at flesh, slamming against walls and mirrors and headboards, and finishing in a violent crescendo of spent lust.

If you do cum first during the first time in bed — and you will if you’re hitting above your league — the momentum can be saved with a short refractory period and a workmanlike second effort.

And if you fail at this, you’ve still won.


What’s the word I’m looking for when an oligarch at the helm of a company which invades the privacy of its customers and pushes for a dystopian regime of 24/7 surveillance of Americans gets his personal life exposed by the very privacy-killing society he eagerly advocates for the peons?

Oh yeah….TRUMPMA.

This is too funny. Text messages between Betazos and his Wall-imminent lover Dirty Slamchez were hacked and released to the public.

(fyi Betazos was sexting Sanchez months before he celebrated his wedding anniversary with his wife. It doesn’t sound like they were separated during his affair, as his publicists claim!)

Some samples of Jeff Bezos’ tender texts:

I love you, alive girl. I will show you with my body, and my lips and my eyes, very soon

“alive girl”

His non-alive women only felt that way in bed.

Does he show his love with his eyes independently, like a chameleon? One eye scans her tits while the other eye takes stealth screenshots of her email and location?

I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you

“I want to deliver myself to your doorstep”

You know what I want? I want to get a little drunk with you tonight. Not falling down. Just a little drunk. I want to talk to you and plan with you. Listen and laugh

The soy is strong in this one.

I basically WANT TO BE WITH YOU!!! Then I want to fall asleep with you and wake up tomorrow and read the paper with you and have coffee with you.

ALL CAPS!!! Betazos is in luurrrv. Aw such a romantic. It’s like he just now discovered how to write 8th grade love notes. This guy should be sexting about jamming his drone into her inbox; instead he’s fantasizing about building a life of domestic tranquility with her. What a goober!

Leave it to a soul-born beta like Bezos to fall in love with a botoxed has-been. How many years and billions had to accumulate before women started reciprocating his ardor and making him feel like a human man?

I love everything about you. I love that your last pic takes me completely out of my head. I am crazy about you. All of you. I need to smell and touch you. I want to hold you. I know you’re right for me. I know we fit.

I like it when you’re strong, and I like it when you’re vulnerable. Everything. The only thing I don’t like is not being with you. All of this is just straight from my heart. I love everything about you.

Bezos is really in love with his wallstress. It’s not the illicit sex that breaks his wife’s heart, it’s his emotional betrayal. Women can handle a cheating husband if it’s purely physical, but they can’t handle the loss of a husband’s love.

Cooing sweet nothings are ok if the man says them, in bed, after he’s fucked the cunt out of his girl. But not in text messages. Bezos failed the Jumbotron Test:

Every text or email or recordable instance of conversation you have with a girl must follow this simple rule:

If it were given a public airing, let’s say on a blog or a sports stadium jumbotron, you should feel comfortable with what you have written for the world to see.  You should not feel an urge to wince, because it will be clear to everyone reading it how alpha you are.  If the thought of someone other than you and your girl reading your permanently archived romantic exchanges makes you cringe with embarrassment, then you are doing something wrong that will eventually lead to your girl dumping you.

Jumbotron FAIL.

After gaymullato’s kiss attempt is denied by the first stringer, check out his awkward finger tapping on her shoulder. I bet those two stopped having sex after the kids were born. The sexlessness causality runs both ways: he’s a closet case, and she’s repulsed by his unmanliness.

Now Betazos can join gaymullato in the Jumbotron FAIL Hall of Shame.

You LOSE, Jeff. No prime for you!

The racy messages — which reportedly included a snapshot of Bezos’ junk

Complete with user reviews.


Reader comments:


Perhaps the attraction came from the excitement of something forbidden, since she was the wife of a friend? Otherwise, I don’t get it.

I wonder how Sanchez’s husband feels about being cucked by the richest nerdlet in the world? Maybe not so bad, since Sanchez is well past the age of spawning any bastards.

Neither Bezos’ wife nor his mistress is worth a free drink, let alone 70 billion. That said, I’d give the nod to the mistress. She’s about a point higher on the 1-10 scale. That’s good enough for Betazos to fall head over heels!

From Paper Shuffler,

Imagine being the wealthiest man in the world and getting romantic feelings for some middle-aged goblina…
BAP was right… the elites really aren’t anything special are they…

Nope, and they HATE HATE HATE that we’re pulling the curtain back on their laughable pretensions.

Mob Barley,

The richest guy in the world
Went for a 49 year old chick

So little competition out there

It’s never been a better time to have freedom, testosterone, and Game.


his friend’s wife. pathetic weasel.

Yep, and P.K. Griswold explains why a weasel like Bezos did what he did:

This is exactly what I’m getting at, bros. Bezos reeks of OPTIONLESS BETA..

This guy’s got more money than god, but when he looks to cash in his newly acquired SMV chips, he buys the first thing that appears—his friend’s wall-impacted, mud blooded, tranny-ringer wife! (With whom they probably have dinner once a month.)

Why? Because she already knows him; he doesn’t have to cold open this brawd.

This is truly pathetic. Bezos may be a successful man, influential, wealthy beyond compare. But when it comes to front-holes, he’s a thoroughly blue pill, pedestal polishing, shaking-in-his-boots beta. Full stop.

Sometimes I wish I was a woman because it’s ten times easier to fleece a thirsty goon’s empire than it is to build your own.

All the money in the world can’t save a game-less, charmless, needy betaboy supplicant from dating “up” to a middle-aged trap show.

Smart women know this, and like PK wrote it’s ten, no ten million, times easier for a woman to fleece a beta billionaire than it is to build her own wealth. The ease of this is precisely why these women fuck and fall in love with much less wealthy but sexyasfuck challenging jerkboys on the side.

From PBR Streetgang,

Paid $69,999,999,980 more than the going rate.

He’ll probably wind up stalking her after she leaves him for a retired football player.

From California Caucasian,

I’ve managed to score more Grade A just owning a house. Filled the kitchen of said house with shiny pots and pans, can make a killer omelette… the ass flows. Being able to nominally cook anything = panty drop…

How can a rich rich oligarch do so poorly? I’m just a poor fuck who won’t buy drinks, but I’ll make you a cocktail at home…

guest replies,

Thank you my boomer.

Broke: Skittles man

Woke: Boomer omelette man

Bespoke: Sending most of the population of California to New Auschwitz

Corinth Arkadin,


I wrote poems to my women:

Roses are Red/Violets are Blue/I Wanna Eff You/Every Which Way/Including The Butt

newlyaloof close this post out,

Amazon meet MAGAzon.

One more shiv…


Thought: maybe Bezos is an open borders globohomo fanatic because he thinks the millions streaming in from south of the border are all Lauren Sanchezes like his loverlady?


Shiv Of The Week

The left would rather parrot church lady rhetoric about taking in refugees than own up to the fact that they colluded in the largest transfer of wealth from working people to capital owners in the nation’s history.

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) January 10, 2019

That one hit the Left ventricle.

When leftoids got power under Globohomo rule they discovered they liked it. When leftoids realized their power could be entrenched by welcoming and abetting the invasion of tens of millions of Dirt Worlders to vote them into office in perpetuity, they liked it so much that they turned their backs on struggling Heritage Americans and focused all their venomous sophistry against them, until the Deplorables fought back and presented the Left with, first, Trump, and next with….

PS Related: The rise of financial blacklisting.

Can you imagine how scary it would be to live in a world where your livelihood depended on having the ‘correct’ politics? It’s the sort of thing you might expect of totalitarian regimes – Baathist Iraq under Saddam Hussain; everywhere that has ever tried communism; increasingly, Xi’s panopticon China – but definitely not of any liberal democracy in the 21st century. […]

If I were impeccably ‘progressive’, this would be a doddle. I could monetize my content through ads on YouTube, I could crowdfund donations through Patreon, I could promote my work with regular appearances on CNN.  But if you’re snarky and irreverent and you won’t play the virtue-signaling game then your options are much more limited. Any deviation from the path of ‘woke’ righteousness – even just a misjudged joke or a remark taken out of context – can get you branded a ‘far right’ extremist and your audience won’t be allowed to pay you even if they want to. […]

The more important question is, though: ‘Who gets to decide what is hate speech?’ From YouTube and Twitter to Facebook and Patreon, Silicon Valley’s answer seems to be: the kind of Social Justice Warriors who think any viewpoint to the right of Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn is literally Hitler. […]

Since when did tech sites acquire the function of moral guardians? And when they do, aren’t they creating an even greater injustice than they are purporting to address? Isn’t this war they are conducting on free speech precisely the kind of oppressive authoritarianism that liberal Silicon Valley types ought to deplore? […]

[T]he rot goes much deeper than Patreon. The real pressure, it seems, comes from the payment providers – Visa, Discover, PayPal, especially Mastercard – which have taken to using financial blacklisting as a way of enforcing progressive ideology. ….. Even liberals are starting to worry. Banks and credit card companies, says the left-leaning Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), have become ‘de facto internet censors.’

Where is the DOJ? In bed with their Big Tech and Wall Street lovers, giving each other reacharounds?


Shiv of the Week runner-up: your President Donald J. Trump.

Dear Diary… https://t.co/NAuMaQW6fl

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2019


Ana Navarro, fat slob POC airhead who is tasked with farting out CNN’s daily anti-White agitprop, was caught on camera disdainfully filing her nails while a guest was talking about illegal alien (aka foreign invader) crime.

Class act. Ana Navarro can go choke on a double-wide burrito. Fucking c**t-faced b**ch.

This is what your replacements think of you and your kind:

Hear that? It sounds like accelerationism. And not the drunk driving dreamer kind.


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