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Amazon Pine

You know what makes my day? When a globohomo capital-stripping small business-destroying scumbag cock-eyed oligarch monopolist open borders billionaire whines about his dick pic being released by America’s foremost legitimate newspaper run by friends of the billionaire’s Prime Enemy, Presidente Trump.

Hey Jeffie, dick pics die in darkness!

Here’s Bezos Boner’s blog poast wherein he publicly weeps about the National Enquirer blackmailing him with threats to publish his dik piks texted to his over-the-hill mudsharking spinstress.

Federal investigators and legitimate media have of course suspected and proved that Mr. Pecker has used the Enquirer and AMI for political reasons. And yet AMI keeps claiming otherwise:

“American Media emphatically rejects any assertion that its reporting was instigated, dictated or influenced in any manner by external forces, political or otherwise.”

Of course, legitimate media have been challenging that assertion for a long time…

“Legitimate media”. This bugman is really butthurt about Trump and half of America calling his bought-and-paid-for rag Fake News.

Here’s a piece of context: My ownership of the Washington Post is a complexifier for me.

“Complexifier” is not a word in English.

It’s unavoidable that certain powerful people who experience Washington Post news coverage will wrongly conclude I am their enemy.

LMAO at this lame CYA. “Experience Washington Post news” sounds like a marketing slogan for a themed sex toy retailer.

President Trump is one of those people, obvious by his many tweets.

Every one of those tweets has gotten under Bezos Boner’s skin.

Also, The Post’s essential and unrelenting coverage of the murder of its columnist Jamal Khashoggi is undoubtedly unpopular in certain circles.

Khashoggi was a Moslem Brotherhood mouthpiece and a PR tool for the Qatari government. He was not a “journalist” by any definition that doesn’t include the word “whore”.

CEO Dik Pic wants us all to think he doesn’t direct or influence the reporting at the Bezos Post-Op, which he owns by the short and curlies. This is a lie. Bezos could fire every shitlib reporter working at the Post and replace them all with right-wing nationalists tomorrow if he wanted, but he doesn’t because under his tutelage he has preferred to turn the Post into a Trump Deranged dishrag publishing nonstop yellow journalism that fluffs the globalist billionaire class while crapping on the middle and working class Americans who voted for Trump to do something about the real threat to democracy posed by deracinated, cheap labor loving oligarchs like Bezos and by a lying, malevolent, agenda-driven Fake News media propaganda juggernaut.

I’m still laughing!

A commenter at Sailer’s scoffs at the accusation made by the Bitch Bezos,

Bezos really needs to lay off the T injections. Not only is he sexting like a teenager when he is the leader of global mercantile empire, but he is completely mishandling this matter with National Enquirer. First of all, Bezos knows shipping books, but I doubt he can manipulate sleaze and backstabbing like National Enquirer and Trump.

Bezos has private investigators going after National Enquirer and he is threatening lawsuits and subpoenas. National Enquirer responds that they have more embarrassing materials that they could publish, but are refraining to do so. National Enquirer is engaging in a settlement negotiation where both parties release their respective claims and National Enquirer would agree to refrain from publishing the incriminating photos. This is hardly a blackmail attempt.

Bezos is embarrassing himself because no one is willing to tell him no and critically, in the age of Trump, Bezos knows that the media will have his back regardless of how foolish he is acting. Much like the Clinton presidential campaign, there is no negative media feedback loop to keep Bezos in check and thus he is getting out over his skis.

Bezos is the kind of guy who would destroy an industry — book store retailers — by exploiting a middleman online niche and exercising monopsonist power over suppliers, then buy back the vacant stores he destroyed and sell books out of them under the brand Amazon Books. Oh wait, he did that!

PS Kamala Harris, Stalinist:



yewotm8 comments,

All the [sex] photos are of him. She didn’t even send any nudes? That’s the most striking beta tell here.


Commenter Curing Yellow Fever inadvertently posed an interesting Game challenge in his anecdote about the Rejected Woman of his life.

When my ex decided to dump me for Mr Sir-Cad-Lifts-Alot, I had a rebound I tried to start with another Filipina chick at the gym, who wasn’t as good looking but had the goods in all the right places.

She was bubbly, full of fun and always wanted to hang out. We were out in the city one night and after leaving the bar (mind you we had been drinking and grinding all up on each other) she pulled a stunt as we passed a group of dudes that I’ll never forget.

“Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”

I heard some snickering from the guys, and realized despite my attempts I was still a hard beta, hurt by a former relationship and struggling to find my way.

I flirted with her a few more weeks, and finally ended up ghosting her after giving it another shot.

Fast forward 3 years later, meeting a huwyhte chick who IMO doesn’t have the fantastic looks of the flip, but she has a rock solid family, great core values, is a hard worker and not only became my wife but gave me a beautiful baby girl.

We bumped into said flip chick at a get together one evening with a bunch of people from the gym, and CH could have not been anymore truer. She saw the two of us, the rock on her finger, everyone congratulating us on the baby, and she immediately began hanging all over her acquaintance (a n3groid no doubt) and showing massive amounts of pda.

Her IG is routinely pics of her going to foreign beaches and hanging with the dark locals. We all know where that leads.

That publicly traumatizing shit test — “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!” — as she and CYF passed by a group of chads, is a special kind of female microcastration I call the Emasculation Test.

She does it because she wants to send two unmistakable messages. The first message, to the chads, is that she is on the market. The second message, to CYF, is don’t get any ideas about us.

It’s humiliating, and that’s the intent. She wants her available sexuality announced in the loudest, unequivocal terms, and if that means crushing the soul and manhood of her beta orbiter in front of a snickering audience of would-be suitors, she’ll do it, because one of her worst fears is to be mistaken for a girl who SETTLED for a beta male.

I don’t want to dump on CYF here, because many men have been in similar situations, and have come out of it, like he did, the better. Few men haven’t had a beta backslide at times. But it would be useful for men to know how to respond to Emasculation Tests, to come out on top in the present rather than at some unforeseen point in the future.

I’m here to help. Preferably, I would, as usual, default to Agree&Amplify.

Girly Minion: “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”

Irresistible You: “You got that right!”

Along this theme:

To the group of dudes, “Don’t listen to her, she’s just a friend of a friend.”

You could break her self-confident state with a crass reply:

Girly Minion: “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”

Irresistible You: “Is that what you’re calling butt sex now?”

There’s Disqualification:

Girly Minion: “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”

Irresistible You: “Whoa, settle down. We’re not there yet.”

And absurdist humor:

Girly Minion: “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”

Irresistible You: “…for me to poop on!”

If you’re comfortable with physicality, you could gently push her toward the dudes and tell them she’s all theirs, because you’re tired of the headache.

Ideally, you don’t want to put yourself in situations where Emasculation Tests are a possibility. That means avoid beta orbiting and always try to close the deal sooner rather than later. You open yourself to withering bitch attacks by strolling around in public for weeks on end with a girl you haven’t yet kissed but desperately want to bang. That’s not swooping a woman off her feet, it’s sniveling at a woman’s feet.


This is a valuable PSA from The Doctor:

I’ll note that having a girl grinding on you is not necessarily the ioi it looks like. Yes there are times when she’s desperate to get your attention because you are soooo zfg (I remember being in a club once watching a hard 8 grinding on a 6’6″ super jock who looked bored beyond belief. She just looked worried.)

But for the most part she’s getting validation and you’re just getting blue balls. So basically she’s using you for her personal power trip. Converting grinding into actual PIV sex is a lot harder than it looks. In a way, it’s a supreme piece if beta bait, cause if you are loooooving it, you come off a bit desperate and she knows she has solid hand.

Best in this case, is anywhere a woman seems to be actively seeking your arousal but is not clearly supplicating, is to push her away. Better to hold out for real sex than give into her control frame where she seems to be leading the sexual escalation. The teaser is in control. The teas-ee is not. With rare exceptions, grinding, especially from sub 7s is ego stroking and nothing more. Ignore her beauty. Ignore her ass in your crotch, and you’ve really got something.

Spot on. Bump n grind is major beta chump bait. You should be pushing the girl off you after a short grind session, or don’t even bother with it at all.

Remember one of the golden rules of Game: Flip the script. Be the chasee, not the chaser.


Commenters offered a gold mine of replies that would nuke a chick’s emasculation test.

Krauser had the nuclear neg which I have also used to great effect. He describes an HB9 he was with who was constantly shite testing him.

To paraphrase, he looks at her and chuckles. She becomes curious and asks what’s on his mind.

“Three things…I like phoqueing you no doubt about that… secondly you do have an interesting personality….” He pauses and her eyes perk up waiting for the third thing.

“It’s just that I don’t know if I really like you as a person.”

Try this sometime. It’s devastating. The girl immediately starts qualifying herself.


H:”Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”
M: “I got plenty of friends already”


“I don’t like you enough to be your friend”

The beauty of that line is how it totally neutralizes a girl’s natural advantage — her sexuality — and forces her to compete for his attention using her personality.

“Do i know you?”


Flip Her Over: “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!”

Cadhole: “Duh! You’re one of the guys, bro. High five!”


Girly Minion: “Hey you’ll always be my best friend!!”

My reply would be : “Oh good, I’m off the hook”.

Great job, denizens.

When a girl tries the friendzone gambit on me, I like to say “you wish” or “since when are we friends? I hardly know you” or “we can’t be friends. you’re a girl”. (FYI I noticed a commenter posted a similar line.)

The theme of all these lines is the same: smashing her frame and replacing it with your own frame. She’s no longer the hot commodity cooly gathering orbiters; she’s the bitchy nobody who hasn’t yet earned your interest.

Poptarts wonders how a man is supposed to have these quippy one liners at the ready all the time.

If you could predict a girl would say that, you could say all those things back to her. No man is expecting a girl to just say that out of nowhere walking by some other dudes. Poor guy was probably in shock. I’m always thinking of great things to say AFTER the fact. I guess when you are hanging with a girl you always have to be prepared for the shit test, diss etc. Damn. That was savage.

Sure, which is why the best way to predict what a girl might say at any given time is to gain a lot of experience with girls. You’ll start to notice patterns in how girls behave, what they say, how they say it, when they say it, and eventually you’ll get the knack for bantering in the style of a zfg jerklord that girls love.

Look, I’ve explained this before but it bears repeating. The take home lesson of posts like this one isn’t the lines you memorize. Those lines are crutches, meant to help get you through common traps that girls set for aspiring alphas, and should be viewed as supplements to your primary objective, which is an improvement in your ATTITUDE. Once you have that outcome independent, care-free asshole attitude on lock, the lines will come naturally, and will be automatically fitted to the context. The experience with women plus the alpha attitude that grows out of that experience minimizes the times you’ll be caught flat-footed or shocked by some girl’s shit test. What will happen instead is that your heart rate will barely budge, your sweat glands will remain dry, your tongue nimble, your blood pressure stable, and your smirk of amused mastery undisturbed as the zfg lines fall from your lips like a sonnet. You won’t have to think about how to reply to a friendzone request. You’ll simply shoot back, “You wish”. Or, if the girl is really cunty, “Who bitch this is?”. And it will feel as natural as taking an erotic dump on a pussyhat slut.


My god how the mighty have fallen.

The U.S. Army hopes this video of rapping soldiers will help recruit gen-Z.

Hopefully gen-Z doesn’t want to die needlessly in ZOG wars. pic.twitter.com/dZtcEbsFCa

— F_________ (@F___________100) February 3, 2019

No further comment is necessary.


The Tampon Mob is coming after men. Kavanaugh was the first fusillade in the war against White men.

When campus activists argue against the Trump administration’s due-process guidelines, they are arguing for the power of campus administrators to punish (mainly) young men for alleged acts on or off campus without cross-examination, without seeing available evidence, without a live hearing, and under definitions of the alleged offenses far broader than those that apply under relevant law.

Some people call this neo-Victorianism. I call it Gynarcho-Tyranny. The difference? Gynarcho-Tyranny absolves women of any accountability while punishing men for invisible infractions that offend the accusatory whims of women.

Victorianism placed a lot of social restrictions on women AND men. Gynarcho-Tyranny places those restrictions on men but allows women the freedom to explore their feral sexuality without shame or censure. This is lop-sided treatment that is bound to further corrode relations between the sexes.

We aren’t revisiting the age of Victorianism; we’re entering a new age of Misandrism. Anyone who denies this is willfully ignorant or malicious.

Women are unhappy, but instead of reflecting on the choices they make in their personal lives and at the voting booth and how those choices have contributed to their unhappiness, they have decided at the behest of their Narrative gatekeepers to direct all their incoherent rage against men, specifically White men.

And it’s showing up in Shrillennials, who are separating by sex into antagonistic camps.

70% of Millennial women voters identify with or lean to the Democratic Party, up from 56% four years ago https://t.co/dBuKkbHXBj pic.twitter.com/15VIh6vDWX

— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) February 3, 2019

This isn’t controlled for race, so one has to assume the browning of America in the past two-three decades accounts for some proportion of the leftward lurch among Shrillennial women.

Nevertheless, the trends are apparent, and disheartening for red pilled White knights. Women in every generation except Silents (the oldest generation) have turned to the Snark Side. Female Millennial bluehairs and brownbears have lurched so far Left they may as well be concubines at pantifa BBC cuck parties.

The oldest women — the Silents — know what has been lost, and what we are rapidly losing, and they have responded by being the only female generation to turn Rightward. This generation is probably also the Whitest.

But we knew all this already.

What we didn’t know, perhaps, is the gumption and fortitude remaining in a contingent of normal-T Millennial men.

Men in general are more Republican — and more right-wing — that are women, but unlike their women the Millennial men have shifted a little bit away from the Left and to the Right. (Boomers and Gen X men have both shifted to the Left. Silent men are as based as you’d expect interpolating from their women.)

Diversity can’t explain this (unless there are more vibrant females than vibrant males in America). The shift is small, but notable, as it comes in the headwinds of their women marching frantically in the opposite direction.

What gives? It’s the Misandry. Millennial men are at the front lines of this Cunt’th Wave Feminist orgy of man-hate, and they recoil in fear and disgust.

It’s the Diversity. White Millennial men are watching their women lay with the Other in historically record numbers. No matter how shitlib the male shitlib, there is still a spark of life in his atrophied soyheart that stirs indignantly when his women are pillaged by invading tribesmen.

And it’s the Sexual Market Restructuring. Millennial men are standing idly by as their beta bux are strip mined by a corrupted social contract, by student loan debt, by a services economy favoring HR gossips, and by mass immigration gutting their wages and pricing them out of the livable housing market to feed a voracious urban shrew maw that sacrifices its prime fertility years and partial birth aborted children to alpha fux and credentialist gluts.

I welcome this Separation, for in it we will find Clarity, and an open view of the Battlefield and of the nature of our Enemy.

If Millennial men — the most pozzed and soyed generation of men in American history — are beginning to wake up, hang on, because that portends a much bigger change over the horizon…


The Rejected Woman

From Jay, a field report demonstrating the power of female preselection.

I once saw a beautiful woman turn from flashing a gorgeous, sexy smile at a friend-zoned guy she knew had been in love with her to falling to pieces, her voice wobbling and the colour draining from her face, when she realised the stunning girl standing behind him was actually his new girlfriend.

I am talking total loss of composure, her frame shattered… she even said – and I quote her verbatim – “my life is up in the air now”.

The guy went on to marry the stunner and the fallen-to-bits girl went on to marry another man, but she happened to be in a supermarket with her new husband when she saw the friendzoned guy and his stunner wife there too. And her reaction? She started to kiss the face off her husband in front of the other couple.

Strange creatures, are women.

This isn’t so strange once you learn what makes women tick.

First, women know the score, their “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” platitudes to the contrary notwithstanding. Women know that their coin of the realm is their youthnbeauty. They know it consciously, they know it instinctually, and they know it soulfully. That’s why they have rationalization hamsters to spin away all that ego-crushing knowing.

So when a cocktease LJBF queen sees her beta orbiter in the arms of a hotter woman, she realizes on a primal level that she has been bested, and that perhaps she fucked up by not upgrading the former beta orbiter to an alpha reentry.

Second, the LJBF queen’s egregious public display of affection for her obviously second-rate husband whom she settled for in a fit of desperation is a common reaction among women when they bump into the lost but not forgotten alpha male of their dreams while out with their beta boy. The stark contrast in her feelings for the two men which is triggered by the impromptu meeting impels the woman to slobber over her beta hubby because, one, it assuages her guilt for desiring another man; two, it advertises (falsely, in the bravado) domestic tranquility and no regrets; three, it attempts to assure the other woman that LJBF girl does not covet her husband (which is a form of female neg); four, it conveys to the alpha male that she is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY with her own man to spare her ego and prevent the alpha from enjoying “hand”; five, it deludes her to imagine she really didn’t lose anything by choosing her current beau over the former beta orbiter-turned-alpha with the hotter wife (“If I’m hungrily kissing him, he must be the best I can get”); and, six, it is a subconscious manifestation of her mate filtering urge to provoke jealousy in a higher value man and give her the external validation she craves that she is still sexy and desired by him.

All of these motivations occur at lightning-speed pace, as her synapses are firing off recklessly trying to make sense of the moment and of her suddenly activated libido. She’s not aware of the hindbrain processes at work in the background, but she doesn’t need to be for that ol’ Darwinian imprint to whirr and buzz to life as it works under the strain of achieving the goal of minimizing the assault on her SMV and maximizing the stroking of her ego.

FYI, this is related to the peculiar phenomenon of pre-finality sex, in which a woman about to dump a man will have bed frame-shattering sex with him the night before she lowers the boom. Enjoying one last bout of familiarity fornication is her way of finding “closure” and moving on without wondering if she made the wrong decision.


The Politics Of The Sneer

The rich use their wealth to build personal walls, so they sneer at those who can not.

The poor and middle class pool their wealth to build national walls, so they get sneered at by those who need not.

— Porter (@porter14159) February 3, 2019


Are men lonelier now than they have been in the past? What is the nature of male loneliness? Does it differ in quality from female loneliness? Is an epidemic of loneliness a harbinger of social collapse? Can loneliness be a force for good?

These are important questions that never get asked in our anti-male climate of hate, except among dissidents for the truth. Zero HP Lovecraft wrote a fantastic Twatter thread on the topic, which I will reprint in full here.

I was reading in an old book yesterday, and the author remarked, only in passing, that young men in particular tend to feel very lonely. It’s striking and shocking that he could say a very obvious thing like this without “evidence”, which is an appeal to authority

If you make a statement about the nature of men or women, there is a kind of luminary who will come out of the woodwork to ask, incredulously, “evidence?!” as if she would read a scientific paper and change her mind, as if social science research were anything but fiat

But back to loneliness, and obviousness. Things that once were obvious are now quite hidden; we have rejected the wisdom of the past in favor of modern ideas. Who could doubt that we, from our vantage point atop a mountain of smart phones, know better than all of our ancestors?

(There is a treasure we can find in modernity, which was denied to people as recently as 2 generations ago; the joy of discovery. All literary works written prior to the 20th c. have been so defamed and hidden that we may discover them anew, as if we were the first to read them)

I was thinking about loneliness, and the loneliness that a young man feels, and I think he feels lonely in three distinct ways.
1. He feels loneliness for a woman.
2. He feels loneliness for a brotherhood.
3. He feels loneliness for a lord, which we may think of as being for god

And these three types of loneliness are not commutative, and the satiation of one will amplify the emptiness from the others.

Fulfillment of one desire has the curious property of reminding a man of other desires still unfulfilled. How often among you, men readers, have you felt the pang of lost male friendship or dispiriting purposelessness right at the moments in life you were most sexually satisfied with a rotating queue of eager beavers?

And in modernity we men have been forced to pretend that these feelings are inconsequential, or wicked, or non-existent, respectively

We have been told that these three forms of loneliness that a man feels are instances of “toxic masculinity,” and the cure for these problems is supposed to be a systematic abandonment of masculine ways of thinking and being

Our loneliness, they say, comes from our alienation from our feelings. Women, who are obviously “in touch” with their feelings, do not have OUR problems, but because we “suppress” our feelings, our suffering traps us, and we even impose it on women!

The component of male lived experience that is wholly unaccessible to women, more than any other, is the colossal and abyssal apathy of the universe towards you. Women cannot relate to this, except perhaps women of exceptional ugliness, childless crones, and FtM transexuals

AKA the Fundamental Premise.

My friends, we lack the language to articulate the magnitude of this monstrous insult, but fortunately I have been blessed by the good lord with the gift of the gab, so let me see if I can elucidate.

Kant taught us that an object is monstrous if by its magnitude, it annihilates the end that its concept constitutes. This means that a thing can become so vast as to become incomprehensible, and then we can no longer discern its telos, its purpose

First, the loneliness that we feel for a woman, we are told, is a case of entitlement, which is an unjust belief that one deserves something. We are not supposed to suppress our pains, we are supposed to “be vulnerable”, but only in ways that women have prescribed

Only an entitled loser who can’t get laid would ever express the pain that he feels from his hardships attracting a woman, of course. So this is not a pain we are allowed to feel, because this pain imposes on women, even if only in general. Only “toxic” males feel this pain

Second, the loneliness that we feel for a brotherhood, we are told, is an engine of oppression and exclusion. When men are allowed to form mens’ organizations, they use them to systematically exclude women from power and influence. Therefore, all male spaces must be denatured

In this program for society, any group of men assembling together for any reason must be seen with suspicion. If men do wish to associate on the basis of shared masculine interests, the only option they have is informal purposeless groups built around an interest in drinking

But men need male friendship, and in particular, they need to be able to struggle together towards mutual goals. No one ever questions that women might have or pursue this need, but if men express a desire for exclusively male spaces, they are defamed as gay or misogynistic

Third, there is the loneliness that we feel for a lord, which is the desire to follow a worthy leader. This is the hardest to understand, especially in America, where we are taught that all leaders are evil, and that the ideal is to be “free,” which means to be leaderless

If there are leaders, we are told, there will be abuses of power, and somehow it would be better that the whole world devolve into a centerless shamble than for even one person ever to abuse their power. And no one even thinks of the abuses we suffer at the hands of the void

In older times, the pain of having no lord was well known, as in the famous Anglo-Saxon elegy “The Wanderer”, a poet laments:

Since long years ago
I hid my lord
in the darkness of the earth,
and I, wretched, from there
travelled most sorrowfully
over the frozen waves

I have shared this fragment of a poem with you because I believe that verse can awaken us to an emotion we had hidden in ourselves, even when we had no awareness or language with which to find it.

Nearly everyone wants to follow a strong and powerful leader, though many are unaware of it. Leading is very hard, and it weighs heavily on the soul. Only a truly callous person could carry the burden of leadership without feeling its weight

To follow a great leader is far more freeing than the filthy rags that leftists have the shamelessness to call “emancipation”. Sartre referred to the awareness that you alone bear responsibility for your actions as nausea.

If a truly great leader appeared, if a man could truly tell us the way to be, if he could preach a gospel of radiant power, most would gladly follow. But we see no leaders like that today. You would gladly be a sheep for the right shepherd, my friends. It would be so liberating

To compensate for our lordlessness, we fall into the worship of celebrities, or CEOs, or politicians, or even twitter gurus, and we build a proxy of the aura of a leader; a little from here, a little from there, never quite filling the gap

We men are guilty of suppressing our emotions! That’s what they say. But is a child guilty of suppressing his incontinence? Is shame not the right reaction when you piss yourself in public? (Oh god, that’s ableist!) If we showed you our true emotions, you would shriek ever louder

Women don’t want to know what men really feel and think. The knowledge would poison their hearts if it didn’t first scare them stiff.

We do not have your PERMISSION to tell you of our loneliness. These emotions do grievous harm to you: the need for a woman, the need for brothers, the need for god. These emotions oppress you, my love, and when I say “my love” I refer to all women everywhere, truly

In the deranged thought of the devil, all differences between men and women are seen as aberrations. Man does not emerge from the womb fully formed; to be worthy, he must be tempered, and the shame he is made to feel for showing weakness is part of the fire that forges him

The proper emotions of man are not the emotions of weakness, which are the emotions of children, and which are suitable for women, because they must raise children and be among children, the better to empathize WITH their children.

And again, man does not emerge from the womb fully formed, which is why he must learn mastery of his emotions just as he must learn mastery of his bladder. Only the most contemptible kind of idiot imagines that induction into manhood could come without pain, or without sacrifices

This is what they want to take from you! Is it pleasant for the block of marble to be struck by the sculptor’s chisel? Do you think order, and prosperity, and security could come without a cost?

In our soft androgynized city lives it can be hard to see the value in masculine strength, which is developed through galvanizing pain. Certainly the only people in our nice safe neighborhoods who live by violence are poor and low status. We must unequivocally renounce them

Feminists call the structure of society the “the big Other” and by this they mean all social orders are antagonistic to them. When a father teaches rules to his child, they call this castration. Could anything be more alien, more alienating, or more opposed to life and humanity?

Every time this topic comes around, I see people asking, “what about toxic femininity?” I’ll solve the puzzle for you. Toxic femininity already has a name in polite society: they call it feminism.

I’d add a fourth kind of male loneliness: the loneliness he feels for the man he has yet to become.

Thwarted passion, a decision to avoid a risky venture, procrastination…these things will deprive a man of the ideal he always strives toward, and in the depths of that deprivation he will feel lonely for the company, and the mentorship, of his idealized self.

Game — learned charisma — will help relieve at least three of the four kinds of male loneliness. A more charismatic man will attract women, will be admired by other men, and will advance towards his idealized self.

Only the loneliness for a lord, or a leader, resists the panacea of Game, because inherent in Game is pride, a necessary salve for a generation of men soaked in the soyjuice of toxic feminism, but nevertheless a salve that contraindicates the humility required to accept a lord in one’s life, and to follow him. However, this natural opposition is superficial and short-lived, because a newfound, deeper pride is summoned when a man has purpose, and a banner under which to fight.


One more thing I’ll add. Men want to be part of something larger. Women don’t have that urge, at least not in the way it’s expressed and felt in men. If men are denied participation in a greater calling, they feel the loneliness for numbers 2, 3, and 4 (brotherhood, lord/leader, idealized self or, as a commenter pessimistically put it, the man he could have been). This is why vapid consumerism and obsession with the gossipy mundane doesn’t fulfill men like it does women. Men are outward-focused; women are inward-focused. Evolution has seen to it that women, as the generators and nurturers of family, direct their attention to close interpersonal relationships and are unmoved by the callings that speak to men.

Sure, you could say the pussyhatters — predominantly comprised of middle-aged catladies and bitter post-wall shrews with a smattering of quasi-female soyboy lackeys — are an example of women being part of something larger than themselves and their tiny fiefdoms, but you’ll notice how quickly the energy of that movement fizzled, and that’s because it wasn’t about working together to achieve a goal or realize a shared vision; it was about venting.

Women are unhappier than they have ever been, but the source of their loneliness is the severing of those family bonds and generational continuities that they are stewards over and which give women meaning in their lives.

I firmly believe that the fight against globohomoism is today’s greater calling that will stir White men to embrace once again the primal virtues which reverberate in men’s souls.


Your Daily Game: Role Play

In this post, I mentioned an effective line I used on a betty:

A chick was giving me a hard time about my motives for talking to her. (Confession: they were impure motives.)

I replied: “Unlike Harvey Weinstein, I won’t offer you a movie role for your company.”

Verdict: an effective flirtation coup de grace.

Thug commented,

Just tell her your a secret agent on a mission and you need her for cover. They know it’s bullshit but it starts the game…

P.s. best not to mention creeps like Weinstein during maneuvers. Negative imagery.

Here I will agree with Thug that it’s generally good policy to avoid negative imagery or negative connotations when hitting on girls. But there are exceptions when the negative can become a positive. One type of girl in particular: the sasspot. (Think AOC or any garden variety bartendress like her). She’s funky, she’s flirty, and she’s caustic. She loves to cut a beta down, and loves it even more if he stays on his feet.

The sasspot feasts on dark energy. That’s why a Harvey Weinstein line can work on her; she gets a thrill up her eggs at any opportunity to express mock offense and draw attention to herself. (A wag at Breitbart called this “victim-hoaxing”. The old-timey term for it is “damsel in distress ruse”.)

I want to focus on the role play suggestion by Thug. It’s good, and role playing is an under-utilized arrow in the womanizer’s quiver.

GIRL: “You just want to get me in bed” or “You’re hitting on me, aren’t you?” (or some variation thereof)

Thug says to pose as a “secret agent on a mission” and tell the girl you need her for cover. That’s bruddy gud.

Similar-themed role plays I have done include:

GIRL: “You’re trying to get in my bantz.”

PHALLUS FROM THE OFFICE: “My ex is here, I need you to act like my date so I can make her jealous. Try not to get handsy, though, it’ll be too obvious.”


“My ex is stalking me and she’s here, I’m gonna need you to run point for me and look like you’d stab a bitch if she gets too close to me.”

Role play for a roll in the hay. Chicks dig creative men who can act whimsical and not give a damn if it risks offending women.


In the past 10 days, a slew of shitlib clickbait outfits had mass firings.

PuffedHo and Yahoo laid off 800.

Feedbuzz laid off 200.

And just today, Vice laid off 250.

tfw can’t decide between a

or a

PPS a send-off lulz:

It’s time we told Literally Hitler NO. You are NOT ending any wars!

— Roccam’s Occam (@RoccamSoccam) January 31, 2019

This senate that can’t repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, or pass a budget. But God help you if you want to bring our boys home. They’ll lock shields and fight like lions for the right to kill your son in Afghanistan.

— Doctor Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) January 31, 2019


Reframe Of The Day



Hatred and fear of European-descended peoples.

Use it liberally.


Purity Vortex


If inventions of the White man didn’t exist, there’s a very high probability that the polar vortex shattering records across the northern states would cull a disproportionate number of the resettled tropic-evolved gifts of love.

The best maul-right argument for addressing and reversing global warming* is that it will create an environment favorable to Whites and hostile to invasive tribes.

J.R. strips away the rhetorical fluff,

Europe and North America were cold and hostile places

we invented central heating, AC, supermarkets, and fast food

so now you can easily make it 70 degrees all the time
and have a constant and steady supply of cheap food
that requires almost no effort or intelligence to acquire

we’ve basically recreated Africa

Which means we’ve recreated a dysgenic breeding environment, which affects Whites as well.


From a reader,

A single winter without modern heating and many northern states would be 99% founding stock again.

A snow-kissed lass.

Seasonal mood music: “Winter Chan“.

PS Twatter has banned users from tweeting “Learn to Code” at fired whorenalists. From Aquinas,

All effective rhetoric will be banned. It is a new axiom. If your online campaign does not end in some kind of banning, then you know it was not effective.

I’m strangely proud that I was among the first wave of Twatter bannings. (And then the second and third waves.)

PPS Since we’re on the subject of snow white purity, if demographic destruction is baked in the cake (see: France, Scandinavia, Anglosphere), then it stands to reason that many if not most of the beleaguered Whites in those rapidly transforming countries would respond by abjectly placating their POC replacements. Once the Fuggernaut becomes unmanageable (IT’S ALIVE) Whites will try to rationalize their dispossession absent the will to fight. “Not to worry, these new vibrant miseries imposed on us by a hostile elite are actually good for us! I’m so happy! Couldn’t be happier!” This is the shitliberalism central tenet. Defying this tenet means you are, in essence, calling out White shitlibs as cowards. That is why they screech in pain.

PPPS My soul is the North.

My heart is the South.

My head is the Midwest.

My erotic anime collection is the West.


*I won’t get into the thickets of anthropogenic global warming theory here, except to say that

a. the earth is likely warming a bit, but not as much as warmists claim.

b. humans are probably responsible for some of that warming, but exogenous sources such as solar cycles are downplayed or ignored by shitlibs.

c. shitlib laysoys and shitlib scientists exaggerate the threat (and goose the data when they think no one will hold them accountable — see: NASA, NOAA).

d. we are entering a solar minimum period which will counteract any global warming effects for the next thirty years or so.

e. detached polar vortices are theoretically explainable by current AGW theory (a smaller high latitude-low latitude gradient in upper air temperatures allows the jet stream to meander more wildly, allowing “pieces” of polar air to plunge southward), but of course shitlibs have poisoned the science by retroactively explaining any climate variation, hot or cold, wet or dry, as evidence of AGW.

f. AGW is the substitute religion for shitlibs, and like all zealots they have embraced the apocalyptic overtones of their religion and can’t tolerate heretics. Their AGW religion is rivaled in intensity of belief only by their race denialism religion.

g. In the meantime, the best solution to AGW is mitigation. That includes nuclear power, sea walls, and northward migration, among a bevy of other rational responses to the threat. It DOES NOT mean killing the modern economy by banning oil or requiring governments to give every person in the world a $7K subsidy to buy an electric car. Solar and wind power can fill energy niches, but can’t scale up without massive state subsidies. Batteries are of limited use and cause their own ecological problems. The only energy source, as of now, that can compete with oil in terms of EIEO, is nuclear. If a shitlib you know is against nuclear energy, then that shitlib is not serious about her global warming hysteria.


I’ll admit I laughed.


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