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Beautiful Truth Of The Day

There is no end to the ways a White society improves by becoming more homogeneous, and conversely there is no end to the ways a White society deteriorates by becoming multiracial.

This obvious truth is often muddied (heh) by nonwhites and [fellow whites] arguing irrelevant strawmen and non sequiturs about the imperfections of White societies. Don’t fall for their flimflam. They don’t have your best interests at heart, to say the least.


Optimist: The Dems will horribly overplay their hand and incite a reaction against them in 2020

Pessimist: Trump will utterly converge with ZOG and the Uniparty.

Olfactorist: Shit’s gonna hit the fan regardless, but at least hillary isn’t president.


Imagine a genetic and cultural selection event which increased the numbers of Whites who are blind to threats and indifferent to or even welcoming of ugliness, hostility, and depravity.

It’s easy to predict the outcome. A country full of such Whites would miss dangers to their way of life until it was too late.

Sounds like America, 2019.


The people behind the National Popular Vote advocacy group are, wait for it…..

very special!



Dead Sea people, I see them.


Via J.R.

Bravo has a show about rich families in Mexico City.

It’s called Mexican Dynasties.

so weird, they don’t look like the guys who hang out at the Home Depot parking lot

First, it’s infuriating how many shivs Trump leaves on the table.

Second….that’s a mighty White cast of Mexicans!

It’s as if nonWhites hate Whites in majority White nations, but minority White elites are beloved in nonWhite nations. Funny how that works out.


Finland tried a UBI experiment in 2016, Two years in, the preliminary results are:

Employment: unchanged
Feelz: improved


UBI doesn’t work in Finland, one of the most homogeneous White nations on earth.

It did improve participants’ feelings, though.

If Finland couldn’t squeeze any tangible benefit from UBI, just imagine how badly it would fail in a toilet-swirling Diversitopia like America.

PS Finnish girls have been pozzed for a long time. More on that in a future post.


NEW: Here’s the internal Insys video to the tune of A$AP Rocky’s “F–kin’ Problems” in which employees dance around former sales VP Alec Burlakoff, who is dressed as a life-size bottle of fentanyl spray. It was shown to a jury in Boston federal court today. pic.twitter.com/0SPIEDRpnX

— Aaron Leibowitz (@aaron_leib) February 13, 2019

Here’s Part 2. They’re singing about “titration,” a reference to the process of doctors increasing the dosage for patients as they build tolerance.

And Part 3, in which Burlakoff is revealed under the costume. He pled guilty to a scheme to bribe doctors to prescribe the spray. CEO Michael Babich, who also pled guilty, was testifying today when the video was shown. Five others, including founder John Kapoor, are on trial.

While you’re here: Insys has reported 925 deaths to the FDA in which Subsys was the main suspected cause since it hit the market in 2012.

One DOTR isn’t gonna be enough.


lol “424-0”

424 ought to be the new meme number.

Who would fight for this country anymore? It’s not ours. it’s theirs.


Shiv Of The Week: Obama Redux

From thefinn,

“If you like your western civilization, you can keep your western civilization”

Trump 2020

A bit unfair to the Greatest President in my lifetime, but not wholly without merit (“I want lots of people to come here legally!”). We’ll see how the next two years go.

Don’t think of this as a black pill. Instead, think of it as a prodding pill, to coax Trump to keep his campaign promises to the forgotten Americans.


Far from being a “medieval” relic (like the wheel, still used to this day) or ineffective, walls are springing up along borders everywhere across Europe and other parts of the world where migrant invaders are a problem. The evidence of their effectiveness is clear: WALLS WORK.

When taken one by one, and examined in detail, the flawed opinions embraced by Pelosi and Schumer that the wall is immoral, obsolete, or a waste of financial resources are shown for what they are — political obstructionism.

Take the left’s view that walls and fences are “medieval” and a thing of the past, and we find, as with many statements made by the left, that the complete opposite is true.

According to a February 2018 American Renaissance article, between 1945 and 1961, over 3.5 million East Germans walked across the unguarded border.  When the wall was built, it cut defections by more than 90 percent.  When Israel in January 2017 completed improvements to the fence on its border with Egypt to keep out terrorists and African immigrants, it cut illegal immigration to zero.  In 2015, The Telegraph reported on the construction of a 600-mile “great wall” border by Saudi Arabia with Iraq to stop Islamic State militants from entering the country.  The wall included five layers of fencing with watchtowers, night-vision cameras, and radar cameras.  Finally, a September 2016 article in the Washington Post reported on the new construction of a mile-long wall at Calais. “[A]ttacks have considerably changed the climate in France,” said Bruno Cautrès, a political analyst at the Center for Political Research at Paris’s Sciences Po.  “The desire for many is to have a president who can bring security back.”  The United States has that kind of president in Trump.

So the current trend among modern nations demanding safer environments for their people is not abandoning walls and fences in place of sophisticated surveillance and detection technology, but quite the opposite.  In a May 2018 USA Today article, border walls since World War II have increased from 7 to 77.  In 2016, the Economist asserted that, as a result of the refugee crisis and the conflict in Ukraine, “Europe will soon have more physical barriers on its national borders than it did during the Cold War.”

Democortezes and GOPe cucks are gaslighting the country into falsely believing that walls are useless and immoral (a contradiction in terms). They are lying through their teeth because they want the bulk of the Third World ushered into America to give Dems cheap votes and permanent political power, or cheap labor and back rubs from the Koch brothers for the GOPe cucks.

It would be treason in any other era but our Clown Era.

Speaking of hypocrite Dems, Beta O’Rourke (D-soyboy) was encircled by high fencing and barricades during his feeble El Paso rally.

fuckin loser.


There is a growing obsession in the statehouses of deep blue (and deeply White) states with the perceived deficiencies of the electoral college. States like Maine want to subsume their electoral votes into the national popular vote, mostly to stick it to FreeWhites.

Bill would give away Maine’s electoral college votes to winner of national popular vote

In an attempt to circumvent the electoral college, a group of liberal lawmakers, led by Rep. Deane Rykerson (D-Kittery), are sponsoring a bill (L.D. 418) that would enter an agreement with other states to give away Maine’s four electoral college votes to the candidate that wins the most votes across the other 49 states, plus Maine.

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, as it is called, has become law in 12 “states” that control a total of 170 electoral college votes so far, according to the website of the group pushing the issue nationally.

The proposal would mathematically reduce the strength of Maine’s vote in the Presidential election by around 20 percent if calculated based upon the 2018 results.

This is a quicker route to displacing the White male vote than importing illegal aliens by the millions into Maine. Now Maine can exploit the swarth vote from afar!

Why spend decades altering the size, shape, color, and texture of your lily White state’s demography to guarantee its electoral haul enriches bluetopia prospects when you can just toss your electoral votes into the popular vote bin which is skewed by the votes of illegals and concentrations of POCs in a few coastal shitlibopolises?

Nothing says “American republicanism” like drowning Maine’s political voice in a tidal wave of Central Americans living 3,000 miles away.

Opponents of the national popular vote effort point out that small states benefit from the electoral college by requiring Presidential candidates to travel across many states, learning about and addressing the concerns of a diverse cross section of Americans.

They say a switch to the national popular vote would encourage Presidential candidates to camp out in the larger states, such as California and New York, which produce tens of millions of votes in a Presidential election, instead of smaller states which might produce only 250,000 to 750,000.

In other words, a Hillary Clinton campaign on steroids.

The proposal that will go before the Maine Legislature is curious in that it sets up a scenario where a candidate could win only a few states, but with large enough margins of victory in the popular vote that they won the national popular vote, thereby forcing a majority of states that voted against that candidate to award them the electoral votes they need to become President.

Imagine California and the Acela Corridor controlling the political destiny of the rest of America. Could there be a more likely prelude to Civil War 2?

Advocates for national popular vote argue that it is a more direct democratic method of electing the President.

Mob rule.

Right now, the twelve “states” that have passed the national popular vote compact, according to the national popular vote website are (Maine Examiner notes Washington D.C. is not a state):

Washington D.C.
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

CA and NY signing onto a deal that would transfer to each the electoral power of ten other states is not surprising.

Chicago wanting to stick it to the rest of Illinois is not surprising, either.

Vermont wanting to virtue signal itself to irrelevance is not surprising.

New New Delhi (NJ) wanting to award the brown horde with more electoral power is not surprising.

It’s Albion’s Cuck-seed all over again.

The national popular vote movement was started by John Koza




Koza’s claim to fame, aside from the national popular vote movement, is being co-inventor of the rub-off instant lottery tickets used in state lotteries around the country.



Tax And Offend

From /pol/ News Network,

The worst thing about taxes isn’t the fact that you lose money, it’s the fact that your money is used to fund a welfare state of people who hate you.

That’s the awareness killshot. Contributing to a collective for the benefit of one’s kin, friends, and neighbors who all think and act similarly and appreciate the society you share is emotionally fulfilling. Contributing to deranged ingrates who laugh at thoughts of your untimely death and gleefully anticipate the political, cultural, and demographic dispossession of your kind is galling.

From a reader,

Which could and has been all be done locally, the fed and state governments doing it is utter theft

Socialism works best in scaled-down, homogeneous populations with high trust and human capital. It fails miserably in massive geopolitical, multiracial entities or in populations with low trust and human capital.

As astute right-wingers have quipped, would small government conservatives rather live in an all-White socialist paradise like Denmark, or in a nonWhite libertarian hellscape like Haiti?

America can survive her currently untenable configuration only by spinning off into decentralized regions and provinces, essentially reinstating de facto segregation into racially and ethnically homogeneous entities that can each to themselves better agree upon tax and spend policies. Collective action is achievable and sustainable when most of the individuals within the collective agree on a basic moral framework and worldview. When they don’t, taxation and socialism amount to punitive redistribution from unfavored groups to favored groups.

PS Nothing’s off-topic in a flowering dystopia: “It Isn’t Your Imagination: Twitter Treats Conservatives More Harshly Than Liberals“.


America should have a #MeToo movement to protect herself from the depredations of Big Tech monopolies like Jeff “Dick Pic” Bezos’ Empire Amazog.

Amazon abuses its near-monopoly to bankrupt its competitors by selling at a loss, threaten brands with counterfeits until they sell on Amazon, and use third-party merchants’ data to undercut them.
All while being subsidized billions by the government…https://t.co/PrCkvGoVoQ

— James Damore (@JamesADamore) February 11, 2019

Remember James Damore? He blew the lid off the Diversity KKKult at Goolag. He’s one of the good men.

From Chad Bigly,

Yah there is a lot of talk about this among Amazon FBA sellers – a great example is their AmazonBasics brand

They just sit back and watch vendors sell white label shit from China and monitor performance, and when they see a winner they just order the same exact product and brand and sell it as their own and just completely crush everyone else

Pretty much every commodity item they sell under their own brand was once a high profit Chinese product someone else was selling successfully

My buddy had a kick-ass yoga mat biz going on Amazon for two years and AmazonBasics saw it and pretty much crushed him


High fat intake: longer life, no greater risk of cardiovascular disease. High carb intake: shorter life, increased risk of cardiovascular disease (N = 135,335) https://t.co/j2kfEHyU7T Comment: https://t.co/rCOHbvJ6SD Criticisms: https://t.co/KJ3ddP7opm pic.twitter.com/8Z2JHpvqD7

— Steve Stewart-Williams (@SteveStuWill) February 11, 2019

Reminder that soylibs want us all to give up meat (to save the planet) and stuff ourselves with refined sugary carbs until premature death from exploding heart.


There has been a news blackout of the raging Yellow Vest protests ongoing and intensifying in Maricon’s France.

Why has the Western media steadfastly refused to cover the story in any detail? Simple: The protestors are working class White Frenchmen pitted against rapacious Globohomo. Media weasels, as bought and paid for lackeys of Globohomo, don’t like that.

Now, if the protestors were POCs storming the streets to protest Trump or immigration restriction or White privilege, the media would have a camera in the face of every protestor.

Related: Andrew&Anglify on the Yellow Vests.


The Fundamental Premise in action:

“Laboratory studies and real-world data demonstrate that verdicts tend to be harsher for male than female defendants.” https://t.co/PMQnKuZTrz pic.twitter.com/XzxNsSEsJK

— Rolf Degen (@DegenRolf) February 11, 2019

Take whatever feminists claim, turn it around 180 degrees to its opposite, and you will have the truth of the world.


If you missed it, Ilhan Omar (D-brotherfucker) made news yesterday when she twatted that AIPAC buys off politicians.

Naturally, AIPACians and their politician whores pointed and sputtered through tears made of blue checkmarks — but it’s kind of tough to get traction with a POC victim olympics untouchable who’s doing for us Maul-Righters what a thousand UTR rallies could not: state the bleeding obvious about the [special people] and their lobbying efforts on behalf of their tribal interests.

As Constantine wrote, “Black, female, muslim. The only way to get higher on the totem is to be transgender as well.”

This is why Omar can state an obvious truth — that tribal lobbyists use their money to influence politicians to vote to their liking — and not, as of yet, get shitcanned from society as would a White man who said the same thing.

this no-filter moh@mmed1ndu is gonna be the right’s best ally.

I haven’t seen a triggering like this since the six day war.

A hearty THANK YOU to the pasty-assed scandicucks in MN who unwittingly elected a firebrand against zog!

Oh, here’s The Chelsea Entity, chiming in:

That’s a lot of empty blather. Chelsea Clinton is a vapid shell entity, just like her mom and her dad, Webb Hubbell.

One gets the sense that the [special people] overshot on their mass migration agenda, and have lost control of their front line POC troops intended to be a force multiplier against the White Gentile majority. It won’t be the Right that breaks the special stranglehold on the narrative; it’ll be rogue vibrants who are either too dumb or too flush with fresh demographic power to be effectively puppeteered.

The greatest irony of our age is that all the hateful, hate-filled, hate-fulfilled goy-right memes which enrage [the special people] may very well prove to be the kinder, gentler alternative which defuses unchecked and bluechecked [special power] in time to prevent a less genteel reaction.

From /pol/ News Network,

Simply pointing out AIPAC’s actual function counts as “anti-Semitism” now.

They think if they keep lowering the bar for what counts as “hate speech” that we’ll all shut up in fear of being called a bigot. What’ll actually happen is that nobody will care anymore, which is exactly what’s starting to happen.

The end game of “hate speech”: Any insufficiently enthusiastic rimjob of vibrants and [specials].

We need to have a national conversation about PACs and political lobbyists. Omar has cracked open Hashimite’s Box, and the lobbyists and their enablers fearfully screech and shriek on cue.

Lobbyist money should never have been granted immunity under free speech considerations. The idea of speech should have stayed where it was meant to stay: on the written and spoken word. But now billionaires and big money cabals can waltz into the Capitol building, via their lobbyist proxies, and bend policy to their whims because somehow it would violate the First Amendment if we didn’t allow the ultra-wealthy to dictate legislation.

Concentration of wealth is more dangerous than absolute wealth.

White Gentiles may have more money as a group, but it only takes absurd riches in the hands of a comparatively few [special people] to corrupt politics.

A small, coordinated cabal of wealthy individuals will bend ears far more effectively than a large, unfocused majority of individuals of modest means.

From Rabbi High Comma,

– The number of multi-millionaires in the US quadrupled from 1983 to 2007
– The median salaried employee had to work 2x as long to pay for the median priced home today vs. 30 years ago.
– The inflation-adjusted wages of working class Americans is lower today than 40 years ago
– Between 1999 and 2015 the US suicide rate increased 24%

The dam will break. The [special people] are working overtime to ensure they survive. May we wake enough of our people to win.

Kelly adds,

“Coordinated” a key term distinguishing this group. But I would add the willingness to coordinate, and undertake the risks of coordinating and cooperation, depend on the constant exercise of deep trust which, in this case, depend on ethnic solidarity. Tribal identity. You get that by merely being born into a given tribe.

Yes, which is why [this one tribe] works tirelessly to prevent that other, bigger tribe from feeling any sort of ethnic solidarity.

Special apologists like to say that bernie madoff proved they aren’t tribal.
It proved the opposite. They are so tribal that they were shocked one of their own would stiff them, despite their famed cynicism for expecting the worst from people.

From Smash Islamophobia,

For most of the 20th century, productivity increased at a fairly steady rate — and real wages tracked that gain on just about exactly the same slope… until the early 70s, when wage gains stopped. Since then, almost all of the benefit from productivity gains has gone to capital — zero to labor. That’s partly a consequence of women entering the workforce, but mostly due to replacement-level immigration. [pic related]

Immigration also drives up the price of housing — but it gives us the difficult-to-quantify benefits of diversity. So there’s that…

“A small, coordinated cabal of wealthy individuals will bend ears far more effectively than a large, unfocused majority of individuals of modest means.”

Especially if you use the mass media and the educational system to keep drumming the “Collectivism — Bad! Atomization — Good!” and ” ‘Racism’ — Bad! Out-group preference — Good!” message into the White goyim.

Diversity is good for the Tribe.

A host society that believes ideology > identity is good for the Tribe — because they act on the opposite principle.


Planned Parenthood makes sex vids for young children.

Tell me again why taxpayers are forced to fund PP just to see their money go straight into donations to the Democreep Party? Because reasons?


Democrats win 90% of districts with larger-than-average foreign born populations.

Democrats are the party of the global citizen.


Hate body odor? You’re more likely to have rightwing views.”

Yet another titillating piece of research which vindicates the theory that libs have high disgust thresholds and cons have low thresholds.


Niles wept.


Chicks dig entitled jerks.


The Crisis Of Male Submission

walawala leaves a bad taste in my mouth with this anecdote,

Was at a party over the weekend which was a send off for a young couple: soyboy and chubby 6 who were leaving the city to get married elsewhere.
Someone asked whether they’d be back. “She’s the boss” soyboy declared proudly grinning like he won the Blue Ribbon for best of breed in some State Fair.
Everyone cheered. I looked away. I think I was of a “different generation” to this group. The chubby bride to be smiled awkwardly. As a side note she had been banging a friend of mine who 1. was married 2. treated her like a sloot and 3. didn’t live in the city so would bang her when he blew threw town on business and couldn’t find a ho.

she’s the boss!

The sexual polarity is inverted. Men submit to women, and women are recruited into dominance against their instincts.

The soyboy kneels at the feet of his woman. He calls her his queen (he is never the king). He defers to her on all decisions. He prostrates himself before her demands. He values her opinions more than his own. He begs for her sexual table scraps and cheerleads her past and present sexual profligacy with better men. He wifes up sluts and single mommies, while lashing himself for the slightest infraction against his woman’s honor. He forgives cheaters, forgets past cock counts, and fellates himself for his enlightened attitude. He wears the pussyhat in the family.

“The chubby bride to be smiled awkwardly.”

Most women DESPISE the beta males who through their weakness foist upon women the unwelcome mantle of dominant partner. Women WANT to submit to a stronger man; they don’t want a weaker man submitting to them. The repulsion women feel for the latter is equivalent to that felt by normal T men for domineering fat shrews.

This perverted sexual market will return to healthy functioning one day, but until then we’ll have to endure a grotesque spectacle of beta male supplication as their gimp memes and cucky genes are slowly, painfully, existentially washed out of the population.


Big Brother, Inc.

ps check out her right tit. is that nip poppin’?


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