The world’s fish-mouthed catladies are in a tizzy about “racial disharmony”. They just want everyone to get along, and if that means criminalizing White men, so be it.
Spot the missing White man.
The title of this post came via a news story from New Zealand, a country run by an angry shrew who is currently locking up White New Zealanders by the truckload for the crime of thinking bad thoughts. A reader summarizes:
In summary: A woman posted something about Muslims on Facebook, in reference to the Christchurch shooting. She deleted the post shortly afterwards, probably after calming down. State police screenshotted her post and have charged her with “inciting racial disharmony” and are refusing to reveal what the woman actually posted.
Bizarre. Police are literally trawling Facebook looking for white people to charge and prosecute for posting improper comments.
The NZ police sergeant is, naturally, a pursed-lipped woman.
Another reader adds,
The inquisition is under way. Government agents are breaking into people’s houses threatening and demanding that they conform to their views.
Welp, this is what happens when you leave women in charge of things. CONFORMISM ÜBER ALLES.
A third reader quips,
Multiculturalism is a such a runaway success that it requires a Big Brother police state to make it work.
From Ari Shekelstein,
in terms of musical harmony, i’d blame your jamming together of every note of every pitch until your society sounds like a sonic youth album, rather than the facebook post complaining about it.
Racial disharmony is the NORM when malicious elites force diversity on their White nations. But maybe that’s the point. Elites WANT the clash of civilizations. If they can’t have war abroad, they’ll have it at home. A reader,
sounds about right-
the leadership has the gambit of bringing in a sub-class to destroy the system-
leaders feed on war- and when they cannot have in international-
intra-national seems to fit them fine-
The best comment comes from Eis Augen,
Doesn’t incite racial disharmony:
1. Importing culturally unsuitable peoples
2. Murder
3. Rape
4. Assault
5. Ignoring crime waves stemming from 1-4
Incites racial disharmony:
1. Noticing
Perfect shiv.
Shitlibs like NZ’s Prime Catlady are world class liars and despots. Racial disharmony doesn’t need to be “incited”; it’s a naturally emergent property of being human. That’s why so much energy and Orwellian doublethink is deployed to tamp down that natural immune response of native Whites to their countries being overrun by foreigners. The Surveillance State wasn’t invented to track moslem radicals after 9/11; it was invented to track YOU, White people, in your own fucking countries!
The funny thing is, Whites as a race (in contrast to most other races) are generally good-natured toward foreigners and hold no hate for them. It’s when all this Forced Diversity is within spitting distance of Whites that it becomes easier to harbor ill will toward them as they set about destroying all that you hold dear, by wont of their natures. Familiarity breeds White identity politics. Our short-sighted and/or malevolent overlords are creating the very problem they claim to want to prevent.
Racial disharmony is the natural state of humans. Racial harmony is the odd, unstable exception. That’s why Whites are spending so much money and spiritual energy trying to tamp down racial disharmony and to force racial harmony into a state of artificial permanence. It is doomed to fail, spectacularly if all the pressure release valves are sealed tight.
Now of course, racial disharmony can be incited — or more precisely, amplified — by bone-headed policies like open borders to the third world. And racial harmony can be coaxed by smart policies that limit the influx of Diversity and allow the majority to nurture a congenial paternalism toward the small minority of aliens. But all we have now is the former, and none of the latter. This is evil, or profoundly stupid. Either way, locking up White thought criminals is certainly fated to make the problem worse.
PS “Christchurch Revisited“.
The replacement is real, but the culprits are not the immigrants. It’s people who organise the replacement, who bomb Muslim lands to create living hell, who bring the refugees to Europe (and its extension in Australia-NZ), who indoctrinate against ‘xenophobia’ instead of denouncing greed.
PPS I have seen the face of evil in this UN Population Division report.
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.
Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
So transparently Globohomo. Our depraved elites want to supplement our aging Western White populations with nonWhite migrants. Check out the annex tables for the details of their plan.
PPPS Christians living in a moslem country are 143 times more likely to be killed by a moslem than moslems living in a Christian country are to be killed by a Christian. Sorry, not sorry, shitlibs, the numbers don’t lie!
PPPPS I support declaring all of the internet a public utility, free from the whims of big tech leftoids to censor whomever they don’t like.
PPPPPS Holy shit, is it happening?!
Mark Meadows: US ambassadors conspired with DOJ to take down Trump
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., hinted Monday the coming release of documents that will “show” U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump.“It’s additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down,” Meadows told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We talk about the ‘Deep State.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”
I pray every day for this happening. I pray for the Trump Rampage.
March 20, 2019 by CH
The world’s fish-mouthed catladies are in a tizzy about “racial disharmony”. They just want everyone to get along, and if that means criminalizing White men, so be it.
Spot the missing White man.
The title of this post came via a news story from New Zealand, a country run by an angry shrew who is currently locking up White New Zealanders by the truckload for the crime of thinking bad thoughts. A reader summarizes:
In summary: A woman posted something about Muslims on Facebook, in reference to the Christchurch shooting. She deleted the post shortly afterwards, probably after calming down. State police screenshotted her post and have charged her with “inciting racial disharmony” and are refusing to reveal what the woman actually posted.
Bizarre. Police are literally trawling Facebook looking for white people to charge and prosecute for posting improper comments.
The NZ police sergeant is, naturally, a pursed-lipped woman.
Another reader adds,
The inquisition is under way. Government agents are breaking into people’s houses threatening and demanding that they conform to their views.
Welp, this is what happens when you leave women in charge of things. CONFORMISM ÜBER ALLES.
A third reader quips,
Multiculturalism is a such a runaway success that it requires a Big Brother police state to make it work.
From Ari Shekelstein,
in terms of musical harmony, i’d blame your jamming together of every note of every pitch until your society sounds like a sonic youth album, rather than the facebook post complaining about it.
Racial disharmony is the NORM when malicious elites force diversity on their White nations. But maybe that’s the point. Elites WANT the clash of civilizations. If they can’t have war abroad, they’ll have it at home. A reader,
sounds about right-
the leadership has the gambit of bringing in a sub-class to destroy the system-
leaders feed on war- and when they cannot have in international-
intra-national seems to fit them fine-
The best comment comes from Eis Augen,
Doesn’t incite racial disharmony:
1. Importing culturally unsuitable peoples
2. Murder
3. Rape
4. Assault
5. Ignoring crime waves stemming from 1-4
Incites racial disharmony:
1. Noticing
Perfect shiv.
Shitlibs like NZ’s Prime Catlady are world class liars and despots. Racial disharmony doesn’t need to be “incited”; it’s a naturally emergent property of being human. That’s why so much energy and Orwellian doublethink is deployed to tamp down that natural immune response of native Whites to their countries being overrun by foreigners. The Surveillance State wasn’t invented to track moslem radicals after 9/11; it was invented to track YOU, White people, in your own fucking countries!
The funny thing is, Whites as a race (in contrast to most other races) are generally good-natured toward foreigners and hold no hate for them. It’s when all this Forced Diversity is within spitting distance of Whites that it becomes easier to harbor ill will toward them as they set about destroying all that you hold dear, by wont of their natures. Familiarity breeds White identity politics. Our short-sighted and/or malevolent overlords are creating the very problem they claim to want to prevent.
Racial disharmony is the natural state of humans. Racial harmony is the odd, unstable exception. That’s why Whites are spending so much money and spiritual energy trying to tamp down racial disharmony and to force racial harmony into a state of artificial permanence. It is doomed to fail, spectacularly if all the pressure release valves are sealed tight.
Now of course, racial disharmony can be incited — or more precisely, amplified — by bone-headed policies like open borders to the third world. And racial harmony can be coaxed by smart policies that limit the influx of Diversity and allow the majority to nurture a congenial paternalism toward the small minority of aliens. But all we have now is the former, and none of the latter. This is evil, or profoundly stupid. Either way, locking up White thought criminals is certainly fated to make the problem worse.
PS “Christchurch Revisited“.
The replacement is real, but the culprits are not the immigrants. It’s people who organise the replacement, who bomb Muslim lands to create living hell, who bring the refugees to Europe (and its extension in Australia-NZ), who indoctrinate against ‘xenophobia’ instead of denouncing greed.
PPS I have seen the face of evil in this UN Population Division report.
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.
Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
So transparently Globohomo. Our depraved elites want to supplement our aging Western White populations with nonWhite migrants. Check out the annex tables for the details of their plan.
PPPS Christians living in a moslem country are 143 times more likely to be killed by a moslem than moslems living in a Christian country are to be killed by a Christian. Sorry, not sorry, shitlibs, the numbers don’t lie!
PPPPS I support declaring all of the internet a public utility, free from the whims of big tech leftoids to censor whomever they don’t like.
PPPPPS Holy shit, is it happening?!
Mark Meadows: US ambassadors conspired with DOJ to take down Trump
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., hinted Monday the coming release of documents that will “show” U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump.“It’s additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down,” Meadows told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We talk about the ‘Deep State.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”
I pray every day for this happening. I pray for the Trump Rampage.
Comment Of The Week: Paradigm Implosion
Mar 17th, 2019 by CH
PA has earned another COTW (he better build a new shelf to hold these).
Responding to this….
…PA adds,
Identity is coming, first culturally, then genetically.
Forced Diversity will push Whites away from universalism; a salient identity will slowly coalesce under pressure from encroaching diversity.
In time, fertility rate differentials between universalist Whites and Identity Whites will assure the dominance of the latter, but by then it’s likely America won’t exist any longer as it’s current incarnation.
May as well give PA the runner-up COTW as well. On the radical notion of making the economy work for the people instead of the other way around,
PA on the YangGang?
The critical point isn’t whether or not a socialist backlash against runaway globalist capitalism is coming (it is), but what kind of socialist backlash we’re getting. Is it the healthy, self-sustaining socialism of Whites looking out for their kind and returning to a type of social organization that suits their temperament and needs? Or will it be Ocasio-Cortez Woke Socialism that takes from middle and working class Whites and gives to nonWhites?
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