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“Racial Disharmony”

The world’s fish-mouthed catladies are in a tizzy about “racial disharmony”. They just want everyone to get along, and if that means criminalizing White men, so be it.

Spot the missing White man.

The title of this post came via a news story from New Zealand, a country run by an angry shrew who is currently locking up White New Zealanders by the truckload for the crime of thinking bad thoughts. A reader summarizes:

In summary: A woman posted something about Muslims on Facebook, in reference to the Christchurch shooting. She deleted the post shortly afterwards, probably after calming down. State police screenshotted her post and have charged her with “inciting racial disharmony” and are refusing to reveal what the woman actually posted.

Bizarre. Police are literally trawling Facebook looking for white people to charge and prosecute for posting improper comments.

The NZ police sergeant is, naturally, a pursed-lipped woman.

Another reader adds,

The inquisition is under way. Government agents are breaking into people’s houses threatening and demanding that they conform to their views.

Welp, this is what happens when you leave women in charge of things. CONFORMISM ÜBER ALLES.

A third reader quips,

Multiculturalism is a such a runaway success that it requires a Big Brother police state to make it work.

From Ari Shekelstein,

in terms of musical harmony, i’d blame your jamming together of every note of every pitch until your society sounds like a sonic youth album, rather than the facebook post complaining about it.

Racial disharmony is the NORM when malicious elites force diversity on their White nations. But maybe that’s the point. Elites WANT the clash of civilizations. If they can’t have war abroad, they’ll have it at home. A reader,

sounds about right-
the leadership has the gambit of bringing in a sub-class to destroy the system-
leaders feed on war- and when they cannot have in international-
intra-national seems to fit them fine-

The best comment comes from Eis Augen,

Doesn’t incite racial disharmony:

1. Importing culturally unsuitable peoples

2. Murder

3. Rape

4. Assault

5. Ignoring crime waves stemming from 1-4

Incites racial disharmony:

1. Noticing

Perfect shiv.

Shitlibs like NZ’s Prime Catlady are world class liars and despots. Racial disharmony doesn’t need to be “incited”; it’s a naturally emergent property of being human. That’s why so much energy and Orwellian doublethink is deployed to tamp down that natural immune response of native Whites to their countries being overrun by foreigners. The Surveillance State wasn’t invented to track moslem radicals after 9/11; it was invented to track YOU, White people, in your own fucking countries!

The funny thing is, Whites as a race (in contrast to most other races) are generally good-natured toward foreigners and hold no hate for them. It’s when all this Forced Diversity is within spitting distance of Whites that it becomes easier to harbor ill will toward them as they set about destroying all that you hold dear, by wont of their natures. Familiarity breeds White identity politics. Our short-sighted and/or malevolent overlords are creating the very problem they claim to want to prevent.

Racial disharmony is the natural state of humans. Racial harmony is the odd, unstable exception. That’s why Whites are spending so much money and spiritual energy trying to tamp down racial disharmony and to force racial harmony into a state of artificial permanence. It is doomed to fail, spectacularly if all the pressure release valves are sealed tight.

Now of course, racial disharmony can be incited — or more precisely, amplified — by bone-headed policies like open borders to the third world. And racial harmony can be coaxed by smart policies that limit the influx of Diversity and allow the majority to nurture a congenial paternalism toward the small minority of aliens. But all we have now is the former, and none of the latter. This is evil, or profoundly stupid. Either way, locking up White thought criminals is certainly fated to make the problem worse.

PS “Christchurch Revisited“.

The replacement is real, but the culprits are not the immigrants. It’s people who organise the replacement, who bomb Muslim lands to create living hell, who bring the refugees to Europe (and its extension in Australia-NZ), who indoctrinate against ‘xenophobia’ instead of denouncing greed.

PPS I have seen the face of evil in this UN Population Division report.

United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.

Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.

So transparently Globohomo. Our depraved elites want to supplement our aging Western White populations with nonWhite migrants. Check out the annex tables for the details of their plan.

PPPS Christians living in a moslem country are 143 times more likely to be killed by a moslem than moslems living in a Christian country are to be killed by a Christian. Sorry, not sorry, shitlibs, the numbers don’t lie!

PPPPS I support declaring all of the internet a public utility, free from the whims of big tech leftoids to censor whomever they don’t like.

PPPPPS Holy shit, is it happening?!

Mark Meadows: US ambassadors conspired with DOJ to take down Trump
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., hinted Monday the coming release of documents that will “show” U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump.

“It’s additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down,” Meadows told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We talk about the ‘Deep State.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”

I pray every day for this happening. I pray for the Trump Rampage.

ial Disharmony”

March 20, 2019 by CH

The world’s fish-mouthed catladies are in a tizzy about “racial disharmony”. They just want everyone to get along, and if that means criminalizing White men, so be it.

Spot the missing White man.

The title of this post came via a news story from New Zealand, a country run by an angry shrew who is currently locking up White New Zealanders by the truckload for the crime of thinking bad thoughts. A reader summarizes:

In summary: A woman posted something about Muslims on Facebook, in reference to the Christchurch shooting. She deleted the post shortly afterwards, probably after calming down. State police screenshotted her post and have charged her with “inciting racial disharmony” and are refusing to reveal what the woman actually posted.

Bizarre. Police are literally trawling Facebook looking for white people to charge and prosecute for posting improper comments.

The NZ police sergeant is, naturally, a pursed-lipped woman.

Another reader adds,

The inquisition is under way. Government agents are breaking into people’s houses threatening and demanding that they conform to their views.

Welp, this is what happens when you leave women in charge of things. CONFORMISM ÜBER ALLES.

A third reader quips,

Multiculturalism is a such a runaway success that it requires a Big Brother police state to make it work.

From Ari Shekelstein,

in terms of musical harmony, i’d blame your jamming together of every note of every pitch until your society sounds like a sonic youth album, rather than the facebook post complaining about it.

Racial disharmony is the NORM when malicious elites force diversity on their White nations. But maybe that’s the point. Elites WANT the clash of civilizations. If they can’t have war abroad, they’ll have it at home. A reader,

sounds about right-
the leadership has the gambit of bringing in a sub-class to destroy the system-
leaders feed on war- and when they cannot have in international-
intra-national seems to fit them fine-

The best comment comes from Eis Augen,

Doesn’t incite racial disharmony:

1. Importing culturally unsuitable peoples

2. Murder

3. Rape

4. Assault

5. Ignoring crime waves stemming from 1-4

Incites racial disharmony:

1. Noticing

Perfect shiv.

Shitlibs like NZ’s Prime Catlady are world class liars and despots. Racial disharmony doesn’t need to be “incited”; it’s a naturally emergent property of being human. That’s why so much energy and Orwellian doublethink is deployed to tamp down that natural immune response of native Whites to their countries being overrun by foreigners. The Surveillance State wasn’t invented to track moslem radicals after 9/11; it was invented to track YOU, White people, in your own fucking countries!

The funny thing is, Whites as a race (in contrast to most other races) are generally good-natured toward foreigners and hold no hate for them. It’s when all this Forced Diversity is within spitting distance of Whites that it becomes easier to harbor ill will toward them as they set about destroying all that you hold dear, by wont of their natures. Familiarity breeds White identity politics. Our short-sighted and/or malevolent overlords are creating the very problem they claim to want to prevent.

Racial disharmony is the natural state of humans. Racial harmony is the odd, unstable exception. That’s why Whites are spending so much money and spiritual energy trying to tamp down racial disharmony and to force racial harmony into a state of artificial permanence. It is doomed to fail, spectacularly if all the pressure release valves are sealed tight.

Now of course, racial disharmony can be incited — or more precisely, amplified — by bone-headed policies like open borders to the third world. And racial harmony can be coaxed by smart policies that limit the influx of Diversity and allow the majority to nurture a congenial paternalism toward the small minority of aliens. But all we have now is the former, and none of the latter. This is evil, or profoundly stupid. Either way, locking up White thought criminals is certainly fated to make the problem worse.

PS “Christchurch Revisited“.

The replacement is real, but the culprits are not the immigrants. It’s people who organise the replacement, who bomb Muslim lands to create living hell, who bring the refugees to Europe (and its extension in Australia-NZ), who indoctrinate against ‘xenophobia’ instead of denouncing greed.

PPS I have seen the face of evil in this UN Population Division report.

United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.

Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.

So transparently Globohomo. Our depraved elites want to supplement our aging Western White populations with nonWhite migrants. Check out the annex tables for the details of their plan.

PPPS Christians living in a moslem country are 143 times more likely to be killed by a moslem than moslems living in a Christian country are to be killed by a Christian. Sorry, not sorry, shitlibs, the numbers don’t lie!

PPPPS I support declaring all of the internet a public utility, free from the whims of big tech leftoids to censor whomever they don’t like.

PPPPPS Holy shit, is it happening?!

Mark Meadows: US ambassadors conspired with DOJ to take down Trump
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., hinted Monday the coming release of documents that will “show” U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump.

“It’s additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down,” Meadows told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We talk about the ‘Deep State.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”

I pray every day for this happening. I pray for the Trump Rampage.


This is a brisk, important read. It uses one example to highlight a major tactic that the media-deep state axis of evil uses to manufacture support for the anti-White agenda. In sum, it’s sneaky lies, manipulative sophistry, and advantageous redactions all the way down.

Via Empa Froga III,

How media and other organizations manufacture support for their causes by creating very specific definitions of words and omitting relevant facts about the statistics they present.

Archive link.

1. In May 2017, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security released a joint intelligence bulletin designed to help law enforcement combat the White Extremist Movement. Let’s look at the implications of this report. pic.twitter.com/KATHyqmVQr

— Curse (@cursedsalad) January 22, 2018

2. The report indicates that between 2000 and 2016, white supremacist extremists (WSE) accounted for the most fatalities of any domestic extremist group with 49. So clearly, WSE groups are the biggest threat to safety of US citizens. pic.twitter.com/0MKeaAOWxD

3. But upon closer inspection, there are some inconsistencies with the report. For instance, the report fails to mention that it includes murders committed by incarcerated whites. However, per capita, incarcerated whites commit less homicides than other ethnoracial groups. pic.twitter.com/Eoql6eBNKm

4. Further, incarcerated white people are actually murdered more than any other incarcerated ethnoracial group per capita. pic.twitter.com/ed4hRcCjfx

5. You’re probably wondering, “the Pulse Nightclub shooter alone killed 49 people in one night, shouldn’t domestic Islamic extremists be ranked the highest for murder?” Well, the FBI has defined “domestic extremists” as those without direction of foreign extremists. Convenient. pic.twitter.com/HtajQNCl2J

6. This definition of “domestic extremist” is different from the statutory definition of “domestic terrorist” in that a domestic terrorist CAN be directed by a foreign terrorist group. Thus, “domestic extremist” was likely a term politically devised to indict right-wingers. pic.twitter.com/oQR8cpBRJF

7. So why does this joint bulletin from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security matter? Well, it’s fodder that the J**ish media uses to manufacture public fear about dissident voices and right-wing ideology. pic.twitter.com/dFzTQgfser

8. It’s also used by US politicians like Chicago Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi who recently introduced a bill to prevent hate crimes and quoted the report. Most “prevention” comes by way of suppressing speech and the exchanging of ideas, if you haven’t noticed. pic.twitter.com/Ag7Rx6tmnv

“Chicago Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi…”
An American in letter, not in spirit.

9. To be fair, the FBI & DHS bulletin is far more benign than the ADL report about white extremism. The ADL’s report not only includes inmates, it also attributes murders to white extremism irrespective of motive; the perpetrator must simply be affiliated with an extremist group. pic.twitter.com/iq9y32tRgf

10. So the ADL attributes many superfluous murders to white extremism in their report. If someone has an image of the German “SS” rune saved on their phone and they commit a murder, the ADL would tally that as a white extremist murder. pic.twitter.com/r3dWmQ3l45

11. And again, just like the FBI & DHS bulletin, the ADL report is used by the J**ish media to indict any right-wingers that promote nationalism. Here is a prominent black news outlet that cites the ADL report (created and owned by a J*w). pic.twitter.com/JwhOiDgDRP

12. So how can we accurately parse the data to truly understand the hate crimes attributed white extremists? We can’t. But as we can see from FBI data, whites under-index for hate crimes per capita (62% of population, 46% of hate crimes). pic.twitter.com/2YRtmP2Ns7

13. But 46% is actually over-indexing for white hate crimes because the FBI counts ethnic Hispanics as white. In reality, it’s closer to 38%. Thus, whites are 62% of the US population and account for approximately 38% of the nation’s hate crimes.


14. Going forward, be cognizant of how organizations manufacture support for their causes by creating very specific definitions of words and omitting relevant facts about the statistics they present. Reject their definitions and know that omission is a liar’s best friend.

As I’ve written, lies of omission are an even more powerful disinformation weapon in the hands of the legacy media than are lies of commission. Omitting truths while camouflaging untruths in dissembling language is the stuff of propaganda blitzes that would make Soviet commissars blush.

Stalinism is alive and it lives on in the US of A.

The Globohomo enemy confronting us is almost incomprehensibly evil, but I toil to enlighten the world of the nature of this enemy, so that we know how to fight it, and how to defeat it.


This guy…

What I stand for:

Ending all third world immigration
Interest free government bank
Absolute freedom of speech
Banning foreign ownership of our land
Firearms for self defence
Traditional family values
Exit the UN and end foreign aid
Dams and infrastructure projects

— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 9, 2019

Fraser Anning is Campaign Trump, except even more based&redpilled. I would suspend the Constitutional ban* on electing foreigners for US President just to give Anning a shot at cleaning up the poz at its source.

We suspended the ban to elect gaymulatto, so we can do it again.


An American reader sent this letter to Fraser Anning:

I wrote a letter to Senator Anning today:

Monday, March 18, 2019
Senator the Hon. F. Anning MP
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Dear Senator Anning

I want to take a moment to thank you for your letter regarding the New Zealand Mosque shooting.

Your letter is truthful and for that reason it will be condemned. I admire your courage in publishing it. A public figure speaking common sense is a rarity.

I think the people responsible for the influx of these immigrants count on citizens being too polite or too intimidated to complain about the demographic shift. We’ve been taught to be welcoming and not create a fuss. Altruism is a European trait that will probably be the death of us

I am an American and I live in the state of Idaho. Idaho is actively being flooded by Muslim refugees. Idaho was over 98% white in 1970. Now, it’s less than 89% white. The refugee community is overrepresented in crimes. These refugees have nothing in common with Idaho’s residents; they do not share our culture, heritage, history, holidays or beliefs. The residents of Idaho didn’t ask for or vote for the importation of these refugees. It was foisted upon us.

We have a colloquial term: bad ass. A general term used to describe behavior that is fearless, authentic, compassionate, and ethical. You sir, are bad ass. I would be honored to be your constituent.

Since the mosque shooting, I saw you get “egged” at a press event. Shame on the kid that egged you and shame on his parents for raising him so poorly. Also, shame on your Premier for investigating the incident. You did nothing wrong.

Thank you for your time. Stay strong and never apologize; you did nothing wrong.


We should all send a letter of support to Anning. The world’s shitlords have to know they aren’t fighting Globohomo alone.


More based&kiwipilled Anning:

Fraser Anning’s Conservative Nationals is the only party that will aim to preserve Australia’s predominantly European ethnic composition.

In 1971 we were 99% European and today we are less than 70%. We must not allow this decline to continue.

— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 8, 2019

The man cuts to the chase. No weasel words, no pussy-footin’ around. A breath of fresh air!


This meme is certified fresh:


Is The West Salvageable?

A pimp mommy spends hours photographing her daughter’s inner labia with strong overtones of incestuous arousal, and Go-Pole dick cams hit the market just in time for the latest middle school sexting scandal.

I’d say the answer to this post’s question is a resounding ‘no’.

It’s gonna have to be segregation, secession, and separation.


Bizarro-World Media

It’s obvious that the media abides an institutional racial double standard in how mass shootings and terrorist acts are reported. This double standard has the appearance of a coordinated operation, but it needn’t be to achieve the same effect. All you’d require is a media vastly overstaffed with shitlibs who think alike.

Over at Sailer’s, Anonymous[396] calls this Bizarro-World media,

Watching the MSM reaction to the Christchurch Massacre is like watching the Bizarro-World reaction to Islamic Massacres.

1) As soon as it happened everyone started calling the perpetrator a terrorist, which was 100% accurate given his elaborate streaming setup. But a Muslim can hack people to death while shouting Allahu Ackbar and we really need to wait until all the facts are in, preferably until people forget about it.

2) Muslim terrorists are lone wolves who have nothing to do with Islam but any time a white(or even partly-white guy) engages in terrorist behaviour, it’s part of a worldwide movement that somehow combines Islamophobes, White Nationalists, incels and 4chan, no matter how tenuous the links are.

In fact, many Islamic terrorists in the west are the exact equivalent of Breivik and apparently this guy-people who got all their ideas from a specific messed-up corner of the internet but never attended a training camp of any kind or are part of a large network of co-conspirators.

3) MSM gatekeepers are doing their best not to give viewers any information that might cast Islam in a negative light. During a Canadian round-table on the CBC, the talking heads pointed out the unmistakable reference to Alexandre Bissionette on the terrorist’s gun case, while leaving viewers to wonder what “For Rotherham” meant.

I find that the reporting on these mass shootings follows a trend.
If shooter was nonwhite, it’s a news blurb then quickly forgotten.
If the shooter was white, it’s a few days of “diversity & inclusion” sanctimony and goodwhite virtue signaling, plus candlelight vigils, but no in-depth, exploratory reporting of motives.
The media isn’t keen for normies to know too much about what motivates White vengeance shooters.

(In the case of the NZ shooter, he was motivated in part to avenge the death of a Swedish girl who was cut in half by a truck driven by a moslem terrorist. Steve Sailer thinks the shooting may have been blowback from the illegal Kosovo War from 20 years ago.)

The media DOES NOT WANT anyone to know that the Whites who died at the hands of moslem terrorists is what motivated the NZ shooter. That muddies the anti-White narrative more than a bit, because it calls attention to a fundamental question: If there wasn’t so much moslem terrorism, there wouldn’t be an occasional White backlash.

Likewise, if there weren’t so much diversity forcibly imposed on Whites in their own nations, there might not be so much intertribal violence.

Normal Whites might begin to reasonably wonder about this whole forced diversity project. Just think how many lives would be saved if White nations were left to be homogeneous.

All of anon’s points are spot on.

  • The media gives the benefit of the doubt to nonwhite perps even after all the facts prove otherwise but is quick to indict White perps even before a single fact is known.
  • The media excuses the nonwhite collective for the violent actions of many nonwhites, but blames the White collective for the violent action of one White person.
  • The media hides evidence that undermines the anti-White narrative, but concocts smears to bolster that narrative.

We dissident renegades know the score; now we just wait for the great bloated mass of inert normies to catch on to what is already very clear to us:

Mass media is the enemy of White people.

Polling over may years clearly shows that a significant minority to an outright majority of moslems all over the world say in surveys that they support the actions of islamic terrorists who target infidels.

In stark contrast, there is barely a tiny fraction of a percent of Whites who support the actions of lone wolf White terrorists.

Islamic terrorism feeds off a vast network of social support and leaders who will excuse their violent foot soldiers. Many islamic terror operations are the result of coordinated operations involving multiple family and clan members and even state level support, occurring within a social context that tolerates violent extremists when not outright arming them up and encouraging them to attack westerners.

White reactionary terrorism enjoys none of that. They are almost entirely lone wolf attacks with no support from kin or clan, and no supportive social structure or tacit state encouragement to energize them.

Therefore, it’s far more accurate and truthful to blame islamic terrorism on the moslem collective than it is to blame White reactionary terrorism on the White collective.

But shitlibs do the opposite, because it’s not about accuracy or truth, it’s about scapegoating Whites for the dysfunction of nonWhites.

J. Ross exposes the dark intentions of bizarro-world media,

They are moving very strongly to censor social media and criminalize speech. BBC Radio in the immediate aftermath talked about the need to monitor thought in almost those words. No one considers that people might be reacting to what they see around them with their own eyes — there is always this faith that folks are captured by some conjuration and mighty magic, in other words, the thoroughly trashed premise of the SPLC and the ADL which led them to attack Gibson’s Passion of the Christ and Bavarian Easter celebrations. The mainstream national and international news already censors crimes against whites, and police agencies across Western Europe spent about half a year pretending that nothing happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne. They must be looking at places like this next.

Left-wing censorship, exemplified by media whorenalists calling for speech restrictions, is another case of psychological projection. Media shitlibs accuse their foes of fooling people with agitprop that media shitlibs themselves engage in to force an unnatural conformism to their anti-White worldview.

The media cries out for censorship of political dissidents because they know the power of propaganda; they’ve been doing it for decades and have largely succeeded, until now, at keeping certain topics of discussion out of mainstream discourse. But the pressure built up way too much; the safety valves are blowing all over the anti-White hate machine.

Media shitlibs know normies are “captured by [the media’s] conjuration and mighty magic”, and they want to keep that power out of the hands of the people and for themselves. Thus, Globohomo’s ramped up calls for tyrannical speech restrictions and Big Brother thoughtcrime censorship.

By the commutative property of psychological projection, when the media says that dissidents must be monitored, what they’re really saying is “the media must be monitored”.


PA has earned another COTW (he better build a new shelf to hold these).

Responding to this….

JUST IN: Christchurch, New Zealand terrorist writes in manifesto that he is not a conservative, that he is not a Christian, and that he identifies as an eco-facist. He also adds that he disagrees with Trump on politics.

— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) March 15, 2019

…PA adds,

Ideology is yesterday

Identity is tomorrow

Identity is coming, first culturally, then genetically.

Forced Diversity will push Whites away from universalism; a salient identity will slowly coalesce under pressure from encroaching diversity.

In time, fertility rate differentials between universalist Whites and Identity Whites will assure the dominance of the latter, but by then it’s likely America won’t exist any longer as it’s current incarnation.

May as well give PA the runner-up COTW as well. On the radical notion of making the economy work for the people instead of the other way around,

“The economy” in a neoliberal world order is, metaphorically, released-energy that’s harvested by billionaires. White nations are the fuel, and it’s running low.

This idolatry of “the economy” began during the 1992 presidential campaign with Carville’s quip.

Yang’s “The economy must serve the people.” — this is subversive of the ruling order. With the quibble being: Who is ‘the people?’ Is it about rejiggering the share of loot between the ruling class and nonwhites, or is it about unshackling Whites from their tax slavery.

PA on the YangGang?

The critical point isn’t whether or not a socialist backlash against runaway globalist capitalism is coming (it is), but what kind of socialist backlash we’re getting. Is it the healthy, self-sustaining socialism of Whites looking out for their kind and returning to a type of social organization that suits their temperament and needs? Or will it be Ocasio-Cortez Woke Socialism that takes from middle and working class Whites and gives to nonWhites?


Left-Wing Conspiracy Theories

A fine observation from J.R.,

the reason the Media wants to ban “Conspiracy Theories” about “False Flags” and “Crisis Actors” is not because they’re not true – but because they’re so effective

when a Shooting occurs they want to immediately jump into why we need to Ban Guns

but if ppl just say, nah, that’s bullshit, it was all fake, probably Crisis Actors – they don’t know what to do

the Media has no problem with Conspiracy Theories that help it advance their Anti-White Totalitarian Agenda

just look at Russian Collusion, White Privilege, Campus Rape Culture, and the Wage Gap

none of these are real, these are all Conspiracy Theories

but they’re Conspiracy Theories that helps the J-Left
so they get repeated, not erased from the Internet

Leftoids love their own conspiracy theories, and they have a lot of them, because there is a lot of reality that the Left has to undermine.

There aren’t equivalent right-wing CTs that are propped up and amplified to “everyone just knows its true” credibility by an accomplice media. That’s why you can’t trust the media when it “debunks” right-wing CTs, because the media don’t occupy an active role as propagandists of right-wing CTs like they do with left-wing CTs. Furthermore, right-wing CTs often contradict left-wing CTs, so the media have an incentive to immediately rule right-wing CTs as “out of bounds” even when their bland lazy assertion is all the proof the media has to rule that way.

Take a look at the Kiwi revenge spree (if you believe the manifesto’s talking points are real and not over-the-top globohomo agitprop). CTs are flying in dissident investigative outfits, based on some very suspicious circumstantial evidence, doubting the official narrative of the killer’s true motives.

So judge it this way. If the shooter WASN’T a WN, that is if he was some false flag operative or assassin for a Salafist sect or a Mossad agent or whatever, would the media tell us this?

Probably not.

So the media is not a good guide on what is or isn’t a CT.

As always, the lesson is: Mass media is the enemy of White people.

PS Related:


Hey, kids


Did you know

That Christchurch has exported more terrorists than it has been victimized by? pic.twitter.com/KnVqgVxNPk

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) March 17, 2019


I love how our shitlord Aussie is so calm after getting egged by a pissant shitlib. He barely flinched, and then stepped gracefully forward to deliver a pretty good punch to the wee phag’s kisser. It’s the opposite physical reaction you’d see from a soyboy who had gotten assaulted.

Queensland, Australia Senator Fraser Anning is a member of the Conservative Nationalist Party.

As Aquinas writes, “The Australian Bolsonaro. Physiognomy congruent with nationalist statements.”

PS Here is a zoomable list of worldwide terrorist attacks for the month of March 2019, to date.

66 Islamic terror attacks

8 Communist terror attacks

1 Right-wing terror attack

Hm. How about that. So surprising, given what the mass media tells us.


Fargo Hypergamy

Merde passed along a funny news blurb about one of the rich Hollywood ladies, Felicity Huffman, charged with bribing her kid into an elite college.

This is interesting.

According to the Today Show, William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman “dated for 15 years before they finally tied the knot in 1997. Sofia was born in 2000, Georgia in 2002.”

Felicity told TribLive that marriage once terrified her. “I was so scared of marriage that I thought I would’ve preferred to step in front of a bus,” she told the newspaper, adding: “Bill Macy asked me to marry him several times over several years. And I was finally smart enough to go: ‘I’m going to marry this guy or really lose him for good.’ And it was after we broke up for four or five years when he asked me again, I knew I couldn’t say no.”

So marriage to William Macy was less appealing to Huffman than being killed by a bus until he won acclaim for Fargo in 1997. Suddenly she couldn’t risk losing him.

Female hypergamy is always sniffing about for alpha maleness, even in the same man. If a man comes into a fortune or experiences a big positive change in his social prestige that raises his SMV, his girlfriend will suddenly stop having “headaches”, start cooking more often, quietly throw away her 2016 pussyhat, let her hair grow out, and stop bragging about her slutty past. That same man she broke up with for five years will, after starring in a blockbuster movie, seem like a real catch.

Naturally, such a man, if he were smart, would toss the foot-dragging bitch and upgrade to a younger, hotter, tighter prospect.

FYI Felicity Huffman has a huge manjaw. Yeech.


“Would you be serious for a moment?”

“Are you like this with everyone?”

“You’re such an asshole!”

“You really think highly of yourself.” (translation: “I really think highly of you”)

“I can never get a straight answer from you.”


“You never tell me what you’re feeling.”

“That’s not gonna work on me.”

“You think you can just waltz in here like nothing’s wrong.”

“Why do you have to make this so difficult?”

“It’s just, I dunno, I need a little something more from you.”

“I know you love me.” (translation: “you know I love you”)


If you hear any of these giddily exasperated complaints from a girl, you’re doing it right.

Just don’t actually address what she’s asking of you, or you’ll kill her love outright. Simply smile, and know that your ship of state is steady and on course to vaginaland.


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