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I recall reading that Shrillennials are the generation least friendly to the First Amendment, coming out in favor of hate speech codes on campus by a wide margin. I also recall reading that after breaking down the survey data by race, White Millennials are very pro-1A. Maybe Audacious E can confirm or refute.

The real book burners are the Ochre Hordes who currently squat at about 37% of the total US population, and quickly growing in number, especially as a percentage of Millennials. These are the future Americans who will use the Constitution as toilet paper. Our vigrants don’t much care for, or about, airy-fairy notions of free speech. That’s a Heritage America thing, and Heritage Americans are so…yesterday.

Here’s a stunner: 71% of Silicon Valley tech workers are foreign-born.

Big Tech leads the charge to censor political dissidents and demonetize insufficiently submissive Whites who exercise their free speech.

Come listen to my story how @Google kicked out conservative publisher, @WestJournalism, from Google News. (A thread.)

— Shaun Hair (@Exec_Edtr_WJ) March 22, 2019

It’s all coming together now. We are beginning to make sense of Clown World.

Free speech, like almost all idealized Western credos, is racial in provenance. Whites are slower to rouse to anger, and generally more tolerant of opposing views. Whites can handle personal insults against either themselves or their kin without resorting to violence in answer.

Free speech is thus best viewed as a natural continuation of a pre-existing White psychological disposition. The Bill of Rights is White temperament codified.

But Paperwork Americans are different, culturally, genetically, psychologically. In most of the world’s people, intolerance is the norm. Impulsive anger is the norm. Contempt for open debate is the norm. Thin skin is the norm. To them, free speech is a casus belli for violent redress. They can see it no other way.

The only way they can live with each other is through a byzantine array of tacit and de jure social taboos governing interpersonal communication. Speech restriction is how they keep a lid on their tempers.

This is why legal enshrinement of abstract principles such as free speech never materialized in the Ochrelands. This is why the Ochre-hai laugh at our quaint ideas of free speech, and why they will tear up, first, the spirit of 1A and, second, the letter of 1A, once they have achieved demographic critical mass.

Which they are already doing. The Ochrefication of America is underway. Our cherished Anglo-Germanic rights won’t survive the onslaught.

You can’t expect alien peoples to honor and respect the same principles that Heritage Americans honor and respect. The principles must be felt in the bones to be obeyed and sustained, and despite universalist agitprop to the contrary, the vast majority of the world feels nothing in their bones for creedal America.

When they rule, the rules will change. You have been warned.



From Talia Lavin:

The truth of the matter is that anyone who willingly declares themselves [sic] a Republican is aligning themselves [sic] with an administration whose official policy is to torment minorities, to empty the public purse both for private gain and for sheer cruel parsimony, to strip away healthcare from the afflicted and to comfort the wealthy.
Anyone who is a current Trumpist might as well be an ICE agent ripping an 18-month-old child from its mother’s arms, or shipping a five-year-old boy to Michigan to dream of his father and weep in a stranger’s house.
One companion to the legion of Trump-voter-as-curious-oddity portraiture is the endless stream of op-eds prevailing upon liberals to be more tolerant. To cease being smug. To simply reach across the aisle, grasp a hand, and speak softly, leaving the big stick at home.

To which I say: tough nuts, sugar. When they go low, stomp them on the head.


From AnotherDad:

I have no problem with this Talia Lavin creature.

We just don’t belong in the same nation. She can live in her ICE-less, borderless, feminist utopia for as long as it lasts and i can live in a normal Western nation–America.

All the world does not have to be sane and beautiful. There should be a place for crazy, slimy ugly creatures as well.


JackD: You (and others) keep saying stuff like this but basically you are espousing a partition and civil war. Did not go that well the last time. Short of partition/expulsion/violence/self-exile, do you have any plan for living peacefully in the same nation as Lavin and her kind (especially if they become the majority)?


Short Answer: You got a better idea?

Longer Answer:

1) The “nation of immigrants��? (immigration forever) or worse “open borders��? program is essentially a death sentence. It means the US ends up getting shittier and shittier until it’s so crowded and mediocre that no one else wants to come … and immigration can finally, blissfully cease. That–immigrationism–*alone* is a bigger fault line than we had in the 1850s when the quarrel over slavery was mostly between at least between related Anglo origin groups, and with high-quality, good-faith leadership (which unfortunately we didn’t have) could have been tractable. And beyond that we have the sheer nuttiness of the left that you see in say the gay-marriage hysteria (round up the Christian cake bakers!) or “transgender��? nonsense.

In sum, the left has an end-to-end “dead man walking��? agenda, which is hostile to men being men, women being women and together having replacement fertility and instead pushes population replacement. Basically it is genocidal towards white Americans.

Given that, if we don’t win, what’s the alternative but to try and leave?

2) As i’ve said many times before, the most important thing about saying “separation��? is its propaganda value.

The plain fact is the Democrats coalition-of-the-fringes is parasitic on the white American nation. Even its most prosperous metros–NY and Washington–are prosperous precisely because they extract through finance and through taxation from a large prosperous white (or formerly white) nation. (Bay Area admittedly a bit different.) It’s precisely the fact that generations of white guys–my ancestors–have built up such a rich prosperous nation, that these parasitic fringes can exist.

(This is, if anything, even more obvious when it comes to immigration. Why are immigrants here? Because white guys built a better nation than their ancestors did back home … and they want a piece of it.)

White people standing up for themselves and saying “Fine, you have your multicultural, open-borders utopia. We’ll pass.��? is useful because it unmasks the actual “Who whom��?. Despite all the whining about oppressive white men, the reality is the reverse. The fringes can’t stand the thought of white people having their own nations, taking care of their own business, working for themselves rather than providing loot. White people are their serfs. Proposing separation unmasks this.


People with different cultures belong in different nations. That’s the gist of it.

America absorbed a lot of people back-in-the-day with the assumption they would–over time–be able to adhere to the Anglo American nation. That’s over–deconstructed.

It’s clear now, we are not people of one nation. We don’t even seem to be people of the same universe! Personally i would even call the mental milieu Talia Lavin operates in a “culture��?. But whatever the hell it is, it isn’t mine and it’s not the fairly sane and reasonable American culture i grew up in. There’s really no point in even pretending to have something called “politics��? between us. We’re not in the same “polis��?.

Majority or minority there are a *lot* of people in America, who still think like me and value being part of the old America that was part of the Western Civ. We have the right to carry on with that. It says so in the Declaration, and i can feel it in my soul.

Beautifully stated. The case is made for peaceful separation. Will we get it? Probably not, but we have the moral high ground to demand it.

Demoralization agents like JackD who sneer “the separation didn’t go so well for your side last time” are arguing from a disingenuous inference that the facts on the ground before Civil War I resemble the facts on the ground now, as Civil War 2 looms. It’s nonsense. CW1 was a regional war, demarcated by clear large-scale territorial holdings, between competing White Anglo-ethnics. America now is a hodge-podge of races, delineated not regionally but along an urban-rural divide. JackD’s “side” in Civil War I is today concentrated in coastal shitlibopolises. The other side is everywhere else.

And guess who has all the guns and the sympathy of the military.

Two weeks of blockades cutting off the water, food, and internet supplies to the big shitlib cities would end Civil War 2 before it got off the ground, and the peaceful separation can commence.


Democortezes and Recucklicans who assert there is no national emergency at the border are lying through their teeth. They are lying to your faces.

The Uniparty is on tilt with utter lying, filthy, scumshits. The hate I have for these traitorous greedy bastards knows no bounds.

I’d say 30-50 million foreign invaders over two decades qualifies as a motherfucking national emergency! Oh no, wait, excuse me, a national emergency is a White man posting a hurtful meme somewhere on the internet, my bad.

President Trump,




are you doing? Sitting on your ass watching Foxman News all day?





Honestly, it’s the only way you’ll win reelection, so what are you waiting for? An invitation? You already got one in November, 2016. Tell your daughter and son-in-law to hit the bricks and prepare to unleash hell on the Deep State, the Corporatocracy, and the Treason Party.


A literal invasion by a foreign power and not only are we treating them with kid gloves, but half of our population is on their side.

What do you do when you’re living in a nation under siege and half of the citizenry is supporting the invaders? What do you do when your fellow citizens are opening the gates, protecting the enemy, and lobbying to make their invasion even easier?

How long can such a nation continue to exist without collapsing in on itself?

We’re at a crossroads. A pivotal point in American history- fuck, not just American history, but world history. As the world’s only superpower, the way we as a nation address this invasion will set the stage in how this madness is either dealt with or accepted across the globe for decades to come.

We need a peaceful separation before we get an un-peaceful separation. Either way, we’re getting a separation.

PS When is a right-wing conspiracy theory reality? When the chaimstream media won’t report on it.

PPS Look at all the money pouring out of America to enrich foreigners:

All that money could have been intercepted by USGOV and redistributed to help opioid addicts in rural White America.
But our overlords hate those declasse whites.
So we get this.
Treason in the morning, treason in the afternoon, treason in the evening. Treason all night long.

DEUSVULT, again,

Illegals in California are moved from Tijuana through the freight trucks across the border and put into storage facilities in a place called Otay Mesa where they are held hostage until someone comes to pay around 1K to get them out or they pay for it themselves. Those who cannot pay are sold to agriculture companies that will ship them out to Central Valley where they work with local gangs to get housing and work the fields until they can buy themselves out.

It’s systematic large scale organized human trafficking. I know over a dozen people that have gone through this personally and it’s 100% real.

Trump needs to hit this angle, hard. He leaves so many guns on the table. But we knew that about him already. We just hope he picks up one or two guns and blows a hole in Globohomo.

(Dear nerdboy FBI and NSA voyeurs: the preceding was a figure of speech. Oh, and fuck you.)

PPPS There is no clear upward trend in far right terrorism in the West in recent years.

Despite the horror of #ChristchurchMosqueAttack there is no clear upward trend in far right terrorism in the West in recent years pic.twitter.com/6XyJChbGx7

— Eric Kaufmann (@epkaufm) March 19, 2019

A reader quips, “sadly”.

PPPPS #JudeoMoslemValues

PPPPPS Will Westcott on Lil’ Benny Shapiro:

Why do people with strong jewish identities like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager want to convince White peoples that Western civilization has nothing to do with White people and that it’s just a creed?

If White people with powerful Media influence were telling jewish people that their culture had nothing to do with jewish people and that Israel was open to everyone, Shapiro would be the first person to start shouting “anti-semitism”.

Where do these [special liars] think that creedal ethos came from? Somalis?

Listen to me, [special spazzes]…

RACE *smack* IS *smack* UPSTREAM *smack* FROM *smack* CREED

PPPPPPS Second City Bureaucrat takes the shiv to that cunty New Zealand Prime Catlady:

My god that might have been the sweetest shiv I’ve seen all year.


Virtue-Sniveling Swedes


This is superb. Loads of virtue-signalling Swedes say they’d take in refugees, then make excuses when the interviewer produces a refugee looking for a house to live in. pic.twitter.com/KI83uutVVd

— �?���?���?���?�� �?���?���?���?���?�?�?���?���?���?���?���?�? (@jackgph1) March 19, 2019

Pathetic swedes. They don’t deserve my capitalization.

swede: ja we love the world’s people! don’t be a racist! bring them all here!

Shivlord: Ok, here’s one refugee who would like a home.

swede: oh my, i have to run, ikea has a sale on cuck corner stools.

Keep virtue-sniveling, swedecunts. We know you’re blowing hot air. As long as the vibrant migrants — vigrants — are in the *other* town, and the girl cut in half isn’t *your* daughter, it’s safe for you to lie about your love of diversity.

Until it isn’t.

PS A reminder that the enemy is inside the gates:


The first thing a woman does when she gets power that goes against the natural order is to turn against the very culture which gave her that power. https://t.co/By0QegoNAp

— Roosh (@rooshv) March 21, 2019

The very act of giving power away is a microsubmission. When men give power to their women, they give a piece of their dominance away. Women then react to this act of generosity aka submission in a very predictably womanish way — they betray their benefactor.

It is in the nature of woman to spite men who show weakness, even when that weakness directly empowers women. This is because women, deep down, don’t really want to be empowered. Empowerment is manly, and women don’t want to be manly, so women resent the men who foist empowerment on them.


Lichthof, on Jacinda Ardern, the Kiwi Prime Catlady,

Reading the NZ prime minister’s bio…all cliche
Socialist, agnostic, gay rights, pro refugee, pro abortion, her cat became a celebrity…had a [single] baby at 38….

Thankfully, given her advanced years, she is unlikely to have another child. The shitlib parents will not replace themselves.


I read an analogy from somewhere I can’t recall, that the Jacinda Ardern cuntopia is the natural consequence of prosperity and easy living. Anglo New Zealanders have had it good for a while, and voting a rabid horse-faced, virtue-sniveling cunt like Ardern into the Prime Catladyship is akin to voting for the dog catcher to be mayor of your town, just because you can and there’s no real responsibility for the mayor anyhow so you don’t have to worry about him fucking up on the job.

But then, when shit hits the fan and you’ve got a dog catcher/catlady in charge, you suddenly realize this joke figurehead is way in over her head and liable to do something stupid like censor the internet, ban books, and ban guns, while wearing a hijab to commiserate with people who hate you and your kind and are always plotting against you.

Currently, that’s what’s happening all over the West. We are ruled by petty tyrant catladies who are out of their leagues and are too fucking stupid or mule-headed to understand they are lighting the fires that will consume their nations in civil wars.


Magical Memes Day

Slate is the juiciest shtetl of all media outlets.

Everyone’s catching onto the rhetorical legerdemain of shitlibs, and it’s driving the libs insane in the membrane.

It seems like with each new mass shooting the official explanation gets less plausible. We still have no motive for the Vegas shooter, according to “authorities”. Yeah, total bullshit. There’s always a motive, even if it’s a garden variety schizophrenic break with reality. The Mandalay Bay hotel was owned by a Saudi with connections to al-qaeda. Shortly after that shooting (worst in US history), a Saudi royal family faction rounded up Saudi royals and ousted them from power. Coincidence? No, not at all.

Funny how before diversity made us stronger there was less crime, better wages, affordable homes, better healthcare, rigorous education, less social angst, no issues of integration, no fixation on “racism,” more national confidence, and grooming just meant personal hygiene.


— Joyce (@JoycesWake) March 14, 2019

What they call White supremacy is really just White dignity. The dignity of a homeland. The dignity of cultural integrity. The dignity of communal pride. When they say they want to smash White supremacy it means they want to destroy your dignity as a people and humiliate you.


— Joyce (@JoycesWake) March 19, 2019

Multiculturalism is such a runaway success that we need constant strategies for race relations, forced employment practices, dozens of linguists at every public institution, millions of new homes, speech laws/prison sentences, and constant reminders that diversity is our strength


— Joyce (@JoycesWake) March 17, 2019

Creep World

Absolutely ridiculous! How many times do you have to feel a kid up to figure out he’s not a threat? This is infuriating and hard to watch. RT @RealJamesWoods: Uh… pic.twitter.com/UK7RNGKU02

— Larry The Cable Guy (@GitRDoneLarry) March 19, 2019

Thank you, Diversity, for all your Blessings and Strengths, including the fact that we Americans now have to put up with full-body gaypedo rub-downs at the airport!


Escoffier writes,

Race is far and away the largest TRUTH of the alt-right to the point where people not Red PIlled on race are damn near useless?  The second is the JQ?  Some argue about the order but I think the majority would agree these are #’s 1 & 2?

The three pillars of modern leftoid equalism:

– the sexes are the same
– the races are the same
– Whites are uniquely evil and privileged

are attacked and undermined by:

– sex realism
– race realism
– JQ

People scoffed when I released the sex realism kraken, but I knew what I was doing.

It wouldn’t be long until the other two krakens joined their brother.

And here they are.


*mixed race couples in bed on tv*

shitlib: “er, i’m sure kids have seen worse”

*gay kisses on tv*

shitlib: “er, i’m sure kids have seen worse”

*giant animated talking penises and vaginas*

shitlib: “er, i’m sure kids have seen worse”

“trannies in short shorts singing songs to schoolchildren*

shitlibs: “er, i’m sure kids have seen worse”

…pretty soon there won’t be anything worse.

IMO what Clown World is teaching us is the value of disgust as a moral referee.

Shitlibs cheering on an 11-year-old trannyboy and grown gay men slipping him dollars is what Zero Disgust Felt looks like.

It’s time to bring back disgust. Make America Disgusted Again. #MADA

What are some ways to reinstitute a finely-honed disgust reflex in Americans?

One way is a disease epidemic. The least disgusted will be culled first. The remaining will be those with low disgust tolerance who quarantined themselves.

A theory I (and others) have is that an accumulating genetic mutational load in a population burdened by dysgenic breeding (aka loosening of social and economic restrictions on reproduction) will in time unleash a hellish torrent of infectious diseases old and new that will, in accordance with Darwinian reality, exploit the weakened host population.

We may be entering the age of superbugs. Survival will depend on staying out of the cities and choosing your friends wisely.


From Alex the Goon,

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