Feed on

Reader OldFart asked me what I thought of this face:

Physiognomy is the word to describe the face as an index of the character and personality. It is the science — yes, the SCIENCE — of inferring personality traits from facial composition.

My thoughts on Des Shoe’s mug and what it reveals of her innermost nature:

  • manjaw
  • unsmiling, sneering duck lips
  • beady, sociopath eyes
  • ample nose
  • bangable in a fuck piston sort of way, not a marriage material way
  • and last but not yeast, she’s got the thousand cock stare

Her hair is a natural color and she isn’t sporting a bull ring, so I figure she’s not yet fully subsumed into the whore borg.

Verdict: unprincipled urban gogrrl careerthot with pretensions of uber-feminist “resistance” to the Trumpening. Speculative, based on the aforementioned physiognomic details: she has a rifled vagina from a full clip of phalluses firing off inside her.

Let’s see if I hit the bulls-eye.

Project Veritas has released a video of the New York Times Homepage Editor Des Shoe, who was caught on hidden-camera admitting that the Times has a liberal bias and attacking President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. This is part three of their American Pravda NYT investigation.

When confronted with the notion that during the election, The Times‘ front page, for which she is responsible, was completely focused around Trump. She tells the undercover journalist that NYT reporters tried to influence the election with their reporting:

“I think one of the things that maybe journalists were thinking about is like…Oh, if we write about him, about how insanely crazy he is and how ludicrous his policies are, then maybe people will read it and be like, oh wow, we shouldn’t vote for him.”

She admits that the New York Times has a clearly defined liberal-leaning bias: “The New York Times is not…I mean, it’s widely understood to be liberal-leaning. But, American newspapers are not supposed to claim a bias, they’re supposed to be objective.”


She also tells the undercover journalist that reporting objectively is simply too difficult for the Times: “Our main stories are supposed to be objective. It’s very difficult in this day and age to do that.”

Shoe blames the business model for the New York Times‘ lack of fact-based reporting:

“This is what I was trying to say is like the last couple years it’s changed for the bad…

“I think the business model itself is just… there’s so much panic about what to do that, you know, what else is a company supposed to do?

“That’s the conundrum…is that a business model, in this time is built on what the readers want.”

The New York Times senior homepage editor goes on to explain the positive effect of Trump’s victory: “Since the election, like you know…Speaking on, you know, for The New York Times, our subscriptions have sky-rocketed since…I mean, they call it the Trump bump.”


Shoe finally goes on to explain her personal biases against President Trump, “I feel like Trump is…is just a…is sort of an idiot in a lot of ways. Just an oblivious idiot.”

She also attacks Vice President Mike Pence, implying that his religious beliefs make him unfit to lead:

“If you impeach him, then Pence becomes President, Mike Pence, who’s f***ing horrible…I think maybe, possibly worse than Trump.

“He’s extremely, extremely religious. He [Pence] at one point backed a bill that hinted at conversion therapy for gay people…Which is like electrocution, stuff like that.”

LOL. When memes become real.

Des Shoe is a Southern transplant (gleaned from her Twatter bio) with what appears to be a high T hormonal profile acquired either prenatally or while immersed in the careercunt subculture. Personal details were hard to come by, so I don’t know if she’s still single and careening to a cat lady retirement or married to a betaphag. Her PR face shot is far prettier than her live action face in Project Veritas’ video, so my guess is that as a mediocre looker she gets pumped and dumped a lot by drunk Manhattan chads having an off night, and spends the aftermath rationalizing her romantic failures as a blow for shrew empowerment. It’s a good bet she has participated in one or more slut walks.

My physiognomy analysis was close to the mark, eh? She’s a cog in the worst shitlib propaganda machine in the world, a Trump hater, a rainbow coalition platitude pusher, and has forsaken a calm family life in her hometown for the gritty clitty bottomless brunch abattoir of shattered peak fertility windows.


It won’t surprise erudite and learned guests of the Chateau that anti-White message makers like the NewYorkChaims have been reduced to running their operations like Feedbuzz clickbait warehouses and therefore totally destroying their reputation as serious journalism, given that ad blockers are killing the online revenue generation model. (You better have an ad blocker installed, asshole, or be ready to turn in your shitlord card.)

What should also be understood is that it takes two to tango. The shitlib gaystream media doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Sure, the craven ideological bias and tribal disposition of the vast majority of journowhores practically assures a left-wing slant to the news, but the utter implosion of journalistic integrity and ethics wouldn’t be as spectacular as it has become without a willing shitlib audience who hungers for the swill that the media are ladling into their rattled cortical cages.

The media can be cleansed of shitlibs to help restore objectivity and sanity to the news, but that won’t solve the demand side of the freakquation: there is a needy and vocal American subpopulation — rootless cosmopolitans and virtue sniveling SWPLs — willing to financially prop up anti-White leftoid equalist bullshit “”””reporting””” for the happy feelz it gives them. As long as those people exist, and they are eager to jettison any expectation of standards from their news sources as long as they are imbibing news that assuages their egos, then there will be media outlets ready to serve them.

The solution is not clear, but it has to include delegitimizing the concept of a “mainstream media”, so that shitlibs can no longer comfort themselves that the news they seek out is anything close to a consensus opinion. The readership of Bezos’ personal blog has to feel that they are trapped in an insular newsiverse that just may not be giving them the whole truth.

Long-term, I think the only lasting solution to a debauched partisan media will be secession, either formally or culturally. Freedom of association and organically emergent segregation are the future of multiracial bus depots like America. We’ll either have separate countries with our separate folk-owned and -run news sources, or we’ll have de facto genocultural nations within the boundary of our American nation that effectively filter news sources to appeal to the like-minded residents living in each largely self-governing canton.


One immense and expanding frontline in the War of Beauty vs Ugliness is the obesity epidemic, which threatens to consume every last american in an orgy of consumption. From the CDC’s latest “Obesity and Overweight Report in the US”, via a Gaystream Media tentacle:

A troubling new report released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that almost 40 percent of American adults and nearly 20 percent of adolescents are obese — the highest rates ever recorded for the U.S.

“It’s difficult to be optimistic at this point,” said Dr. Frank Hu, chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. “The trend of obesity has been steadily increasing in both children and adults despite many public health efforts to improve nutrition and physical activity.” […]

Overall, 70.7 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, meaning that an unhealthy weight has become the norm, with normal weight Americans — a BMI of less than 25 — now in the minority.

The Eloi and the Morlocks. The elves and the orcs. The SWPLs and the rest.

Bad news, readers. Ugliness is winning. Beauty is in retreat.

In the US, squatemalan reconquista drives a lot of the growth in overweight and obese “Americans”, but if you consult the CDC source data you’ll discover that White women and even Waifu-Americans are getting fatter, too. No one race is untouched by the scourge of the calorie splurge.

Government intervention could help turn this around, but that would require rolling back significant sectors of modernity to a quasi-premodern stage. Is the Chamber of Commerce Party ready to accept punishing regulations on the sale of sugar, wheat, and soy, or anti-monopoly actions to rein in Big Agriculture? Is NIH or CDC ready to give full support to inverting the anti-fat, pro-carbface USDA food pyramid to one that is healthier for all Americans? What about the public? Are they ready for societal assaults on open borders to the Girth World and the en masse relocation of prime fertility women from home and hearth to the workforce?

All these trends have contributed to the obesity crisis. But instead we live in Round Clown World where fatties are accepted, normalized, and glorified, and men are shamed for their natural sexual desire to prefer slender babes. Instead of fixing the problem, we have committed ourselves to MAKING THE PROBLEM A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE.

“When in a hole, keep digging until you’ve carved out the beating heart of your nation and sacrificed it to a portly Aztec god”, should be the motto of the Freakqualist Left.


Psychocreep Hillary

Julian Assange notices the same thing about hillary clinton that I’ve noticed for a long time: she’s a psychopathic creep. But the gaystream media has done a great PR job hiding and massaging the demonic nature of thecunt’s personality.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was revealed in the post-Clown World world on the way very soon now, that thecunt really did order the targeted killings of family and political opponents. When thecunt dies, Satan will hire the gaystream media as a spin doctor to stop her from making him look good.

This face, fam…

…is what greets you on a stick at the end of Doom, or in the previously unpublished version of Dante’s Tenth Circle of Hell. (Imagine that feel when you defeat the Prince of Darkness only to be ushered into a deeper supernatural plane of evil to face the Real Antichrist, and she’s wearing a “nasty woman” t-shirt.)

Speaking of Satan (and not unrelated to the HOT topic of this post), meet the latest virtue sniveling shitlib intervention to teach your children well:

From @Aquinas:

This was story time at Long Beach Public Library yesterday. Funded by tax payers, to normalize your children to satanism and sodomy.

Always part of the plan.

I heard a chirpy cunt on one of the shitlib radio news shows earnestly trying to normalize this level of kiddie abuse degeneracy agitprop. “The kids know it’s fun and laugh along with it! how can you deny a child happiness?”

Kids will nervously laugh at a lot of disgusting shit, that doesn’t mean you help them wallow in it you dumb bish. I dunno call me old school, but opening a portal to satanic tranny freaks to read little kids anti-natural order propaganda about two million genders and zero races is the sort of cultural regress that in a saner time would provoke a full body politic immune reaction. For now, everyone throws up their arms and sighs heavily. For now.


Those Who Can See has crafted a tour de force of a post exposing the lie behind the myth that America was founded as a “proposition nation”. The truth is that America was founded for and by Anglo-Saxons, and the propositions were meant for them because our Founders knew that the noble ideas endowing America were of them.

TWCS dismantles the belief that America is a nation born of universalist principles with a reminder that the “proposition nation” idea didn’t appear in the social consciousness until the mid-19th Century, when non-WASP immigration was rising,

The idea that the U.S. was meant to become a League of Nations avant l’heure dates back to the mid 19th century, when America’s first nativist party, the ‘Know-Nothings,’ agitated against Catholic immigrants (both Irish and German). They were  lambasted by people like George Julian, VP candidate:

‘Know Nothingism . . . tramples down the doctrine of human brotherhood. It judges men by the accidents of their condition, instead of striving to find a common lot for all, with a common access to the blessings of life.’ (1)

The proposition nation was an expedient rhetorical gambit for the nation’s 19th Century nascent oligarchs demanding cheap Southern and Eastern European labor.

The seed of race-blind national suicide was planted in America after the mass immigration of the late 19th Century:

By the 1912 presidential election, Woodrow Wilson was currying favor with his new electorate by trumpeting:

‘America has, so to say, opened its doors and extended its welcome to men who were Americans everywhere in the world. She has invited all the free forces of the modern civilized peoples to come to America where men can be free, and where all free forces can unite and forget all their differences of origins.’ […]

But even a ‘proposition nation’ man like Wilson wasn’t a true multiculturalist—he did not extend this welcome to Blacks or Asians:

‘The whole question is one of assimilation of diverse races. We cannot make a homogeneous population out of people who do not blend with the Caucasian race.’

These days, things have gone so far that we’re being told that not letting masses of Mexicans or Africans into our countries is the equivalent of turning away the Jews in 1940, or runaway slaves in 1840.

Skypists claiming that America easily absorbed previous waves of non-Anglo immigrants are full of schmaltz:

Open-borderists argue: ‘In the 19th century we absorbed enormous waves of immigrants with no problem at all. Why would we turn anyone away now?’

‘No problem at all’? Americans who lived through that era would find such a characterization surprising to say the least.

As a matter of fact, then as now, alien groups brought their character and governance styles with them. The result, as we shall see, was far from smooth sailing.

TWCS documents the enormously negative pecuniary and social toll mass Irish and Italian — and now mestizo — immigration levied and still levies on the American republic. To this day, we groan under the legacy of corrupt Irish machine politics and the Southern Italian mafia, though sustained interbreeding with Anglo Whites may have at last pacified the Outer Hajnal ethnic Whites and moved them closer to the Anglo norm for civic behavior and the “temperate love of liberty” that Thomas Jefferson considered essential to republicanism.

Ironically, 2017 America may have crossed a second rubicon in which our salvation will only come from incorporating more Outer Hajnal White blood into the Anglo-SJW swath of White America. We’ve reached a dangerous dissolution point of Extreme Diversity that requires a vaccination shot of Lesser Diversity to save our mortal nation.

The unprecedented waves of South / East European and Irish migration in the late 1800s rattled America deeply. They should have. The country’s founding stock were at that time threatened with eclipse.  Were these people assimilable?

Some say no–that this era marked the beginning of the end of our great Anglo-Protestant republican experiment.

Some say yes--that after turning off the tap in 1924, many of the foreign groups who weren’t already ‘marrying out’ were suddenly forced to do so.  This intermingling between higher- and lower-trust Euro groups led to a ‘leveling’ by which today, globally, American Whites are behaviorally and cognitively similar to modern NW Europeans.  Wiki:

An analysis of Census information and immigration records would suggest that 62% of White Americans today are of British Isles descent, and a total of 86% are of Northwestern European origins. Approximately 14% of U.S. whites are of southern and eastern European ancestry.

Since 1965, of course, our all-European ‘melting pot’ of yore has taken a decidedly different flavor:

The intermingling of ethnic Whites in America into a generic “White American” ethnicity, paradoxically, makes “White Nationalism” more salient here than it would be in European countries manifestly constituted to reflect the unique ethnicities of the people who reside in those nations and call the land their ancestral homes.

Humans are not interchangeable. The accidents of history, of our culture, and yes, even our genes have helped make us who we are and our societies what they are.  If we treasure the liberal democratic systems we’ve inherited, let us have the good common sense to think carefully about just who we allow into that ‘delicate fabric.’

TWCS echoes what I wrote here:

Culture does not spring up out of the ground unseeded, like a summoned monolith. Human genetic disposition seeds the ground and creates culture, unleashing a macro feedback loop where culture and genes interact in perpetuity. Those “cultural judgments” [the leftoids] recoil from are actually subconscious reinforcements of ancient biological truths.

The less Anglo-Saxon America becomes, the less American America becomes, unless you dilute the definition of “American” to encompass any cultural and political expression under the sun. There are certain people who work tirelessly to memory hole America’s founding and replace the vacuum with the rotting fruits of their Freakqualism worldview. We can’t let them do that. They must be stopped.



This video is the most effective bit of pro-White European COPROP I’ve seen to date. You don’t even see the colonizing hordes in the video…you don’t have to, because you know that’s the dark shadow that lurks in the background…and this artistic choice gives the video greater power. The evil is all around us, choking us like dirty air, driving us from our homes.

Unfortunately, I can’t hot link the video to WordPress, because Twatter has likely shadowbanned the account which pinned it. Catch it now before it too, like all the Great and Beautiful Truths, is stamped out by our perfidious overlords.

Here’s a link to the video on PewTube.


Was Stephen Paddock the lone perpetrator of the Mandalay Bay massacre? I don’t know, but the recent spate of missing or deceased eyewitnesses who defied the deep state narrative that Paddock was the only shooter has me questioning everything about the official line on this crime of the century.

Eyewitness A (deceased): Kymberley Suchomel

A woman by the name Kymberley Suchomel, 28, who attended the Oct. 1 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, passed away Monday at her Apple Valley home just days after she had survived the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history unscathed, reports say.

Suchomel, who posted her eyewitness account of the Las Vegas massacre in astonishingly vivid detail to her Facebook page on Oct. 4, subsequently passed away in her home on Oct. 9 from what reports are claiming were ‘natural causes.’

Shockingly just days before her death, Suchomel posted key details about the shooting to Facebook contradicting the official narrative that Stephen Paddock is a lone gunman. […]

Additionally, the eyewitness reported that she was running with her group alongside “Tropicana Avenue”  when a ‘dark-colored SUV’ slowed and a ‘smaller Hispanic woman’ emerged from the window to “taunt” her group.

“[She] leans out the window, and she yells something we couldn’t understand in a clearly taunting manner. It really freaked us out, because again, we didn’t know who we could and could not trust,” the eyewitness explained.

Could this ‘smaller Hispanic woman’ have been the same ‘short Hispanic lady’ reported by another eyewitness to have threatened concertgoers 30-45 minutes before the shooting started? […]

Update: After the time of this article’s publishing Suchomel’s post is “no longer available.”

Eyewitness B (missing, accounts scrubbed): Chad Nishimura

Moanike’ala Nabarro, a reporter for KITV4 and ABC affiliate wrote a story recently that has been wiped from the internet.  The story was regarding the valet worker named Chad Nishimura who parked Paddock’s car and told Nabarro that he chatted with Paddock briefly before parking his vehicle.

Well, that story has been completely scrubbed from the internet.  Even more strange is the fact that social media accounts for Nishimura have been deleted as well.

According to the ABC affiliate’s report, Nishimura told the ABC Affiliate that Paddock “seemed normal”and that he “didn’t have any bags with him upon arrival.” People are tweeting about the deleted story… […]

When we searched to speak with Nishimura, we found that all social media accounts for him have also been deleted from the internet.  Even his Linkedin profile has been deleted.

Eyewitness C (missing): Jesus Campos

The Mandalay Bay security guard who disappeared last week moments before he was scheduled to break his silence in television interviews has not been seen since he went to a walk-in health clinic, his union president said.

David Hickey of the Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) told reporters Friday that he got a text the night before saying Jesus Campos was taken to a UMC Quick Care facility, though he did not specify where or whom the text came from.

A spokesperson at the UMC Quick Care, which has eight locations throughout the Las Vegas area, told Fox News on Monday that they had “heard nothing” about Campos visiting them.

Campos has also claimed there was more than one shooter.

In perhaps related news, it looks like the Globalist Deep State killed the reporter investigating the Panama Papers scandal.

A journalist who led the Panama Papers offshore tax evasion expose was killed today when a bomb blew up her car.

Investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia – dubbed a “one-woman WikiLeaks” – was killed as she was driving near the village of Bidnija in northern Malta.

She had filed a complaint to police a fortnight ago after receiving personal threats to her safety, local media said.

Caruana Galizia ran a hugely popular blog relentlessly highlighting cases of alleged corruption, often involving politicians from the Mediterranean island nation.

In Malta, she had led the coverage of the Panama Papers, a leak of millions of legal documents last year detailing financial details of offshore entities used by the rich and powerful to avoid tax.

The Panama Papers revealed the network of international banks that the globalist elite use to park their money offshore and evade taxes (or launder ill-gotten gains). The Clintons “have multiple connections with people named in the papers“. The Panama Papers also reveal a Clinton connection to the Kremlin and the Russian financial institution Sberbank, via the Podesta Group. Can you say “psychological projection” and “misdirection”?

I, myself, wrote and published this post from an offshore kiosk through multiple proxies and Tor nodes. One can never be too careful when taking on the Democrat-Globohomo-Deep State Collective. Godspeed, President Trump. You are up against malevolent forces that defy credulity.


An eccentric psychosocial study reveals an abiding truth about women and indirectly validates a core Game concept.

Emotional arousal when watching drama increases pain threshold and social bonding

Fiction, whether in the form of storytelling or plays, has a particular attraction for us: we repeatedly return to it and are willing to invest money and time in doing so. Why this is so is an evolutionary enigma that has been surprisingly underexplored. We hypothesize that emotionally arousing drama, in particular, triggers the same neurobiological mechanism (the endorphin system, reflected in increased pain thresholds) that underpins anthropoid primate and human social bonding. We show that, compared to subjects who watch an emotionally neutral film, subjects who watch an emotionally arousing film have increased pain thresholds and an increased sense of group bonding.

Wew cads. Let’s lick our way to the sploogy goodness at the center of this study.

The shared experience of drama increases pain tolerance and bonding among (active or passive) participants.


Drama queens.


Shit tests.

Connecting the dots?

We used an emotionally intense made-for-TV film (Stuart: A Life Backwards; 90 min), based on a real-life personal story [38]. The film portrays the life story of Stuart, a disabled and homeless child abuse survivor, often in harrowing detail, and provides a disturbing insight into how a disabled child could end up being driven to prison, drugs, hopelessness, a life on the streets and eventual suicide. In all, 169 participants (101 females; mean age = 24.8 ± 10.2 years, range 18–72) watched the film in a small theatre environment in groups of varying size (mean 11.3, range 2–49). As a control condition, 68 participants (42 females; mean age = 29.7 ± 12.3 years) watched two documentaries (The Museum of Life, Episode One (BBC, 2010; 60 min) and Landscape Mysteries: In Search of Irish Gold (BBC, 2008; 30 min))

CH and other PUAs have long contended that the female shit test is a form of flirtation that women use to filter out weak defensive men and select for self-confident jerkboys, and as such should be viewed as an opportunity for, rather than an obstacle to, romance.

What this research highlights is the essential need of humans, and particularly of women, for drama as social glue and pain reduction. Women shit test male suitors to CREATE THE DRAMA THEY NEED TO SOCIALLY AND LATER SEXUALLY BOND WITH A MAN, and to reduce the pain of hastily acquiescing their vaginas to a passionate impulse.

The shit test is a dramatic fiction novel written by a woman on-the-fly, to bond her more strongly to you as the mutual seduction plays out to its welcome end. Men who take shit tests personally have a complete misunderstanding of it, thinking it’s a personal attack. When they act butthurt or spiteful in reaction, the bonding spell is broken; the woman has lost her partner in drama. But the man who knows that shit tests are a woman’s invitation to keep telling your story and ramping up her buying temperature with dramatic plot lines, twists, and temporary impasses, is the man who will laugh off her shit tests and amplify them to absurdity. Drama.

Seduction is manipulation, and manipulation is goal-oriented communication. To be complicit in one’s seduction is to know the destination but demand the scenic route. A woman wants the scenic route because that’s where the best stories are made and told.


The original feminist, Mary Wollstonecraft, was very likely a closeted lesbian.

Two friendships shaped Wollstonecraft’s early life. The first was with Jane Arden in Beverley. The two frequently read books together and attended lectures presented by Arden’s father, a self-styled philosopher and scientist. Wollstonecraft revelled in the intellectual atmosphere of the Arden household and valued her friendship with Arden greatly, sometimes to the point of being emotionally possessive. Wollstonecraft wrote to her: “I have formed romantic notions of friendship … I am a little singular in my thoughts of love and friendship; I must have the first place or none.”[5] In some of Wollstonecraft’s letters to Arden, she reveals the volatile and depressive emotions that would haunt her throughout her life.[6]

The second and more important friendship was with Fanny (Frances) Blood, introduced to Wollstonecraft by the Clares, a couple in Hoxton who became parental figures to her; Wollstonecraft credited Blood with opening her mind.[7] Unhappy with her home life, Wollstonecraft struck out on her own in 1778 and accepted a job as a lady’s companion to Sarah Dawson, a widow living in Bath. However, Wollstonecraft had trouble getting along with the irascible woman (an experience she drew on when describing the drawbacks of such a position in Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, 1787). In 1780 she returned home, called back to care for her dying mother.[8] Rather than return to Dawson’s employ after the death of her mother, Wollstonecraft moved in with the Bloods. She realized during the two years she spent with the family that she had idealized Blood, who was more invested in traditional feminine values than was Wollstonecraft. But Wollstonecraft remained dedicated to her and her family throughout her life (she frequently gave pecuniary assistance to Blood’s brother, for example).[9]

Wollstonecraft had envisioned living in a female utopia with Blood; they made plans to rent rooms together and support each other emotionally and financially, but this dream collapsed under economic realities.

The gaydar AI algorithm would peg this face as a rugmuncher mug.

Wollstonecraft married, but in the 18th Century it would have been common for lesbians and gays to marry into heterosexual relationships.

The origin of modern feminism — the particularly nasty and virulent form of feminism that seeks to invert the sexual market to the perceived benefit of ugly women by removing all constraints on female sexuality and stripping moral agency from women, while maximally restricting and pathologizing male sexuality and burdening men with all moral responsibility — was disproportionately a Jewish and ugly woman movement. The book that begat modern feminism was The Feminine Mystique, by Jewish woman Betty Friedan.

What followed in Friedan’s wake was a freak parade of uglier and uglier women fronting the modern feminist agenda, and enacting their warped vision of the sexes into policy (e.g. Title IX).

Steve Sailer argues feminism is a WASP concept, and 20th Century Jewish immigration and dominance in media and Hollywood actually delayed the triumph of feminism (seen in the WASPs passing Female Suffrage and Prohibition), because Jewish men, like all Semitic men, evolved in a patriarchal and ethnocentric culture and didn’t see a need to extend respect to shiksas.

Maybe proto-feminism is WASPy, but that doesn’t explain the Jewishness of modern feminism, unless one considers Jewish feminism an ethnic-scale case of intratribal negative transference. Jewish female feminists were rebelling against their patriarchal religion (and seething with resentment against their Jewish men lusting after pretty Gentile women), but as is the wont of their tribe they organized their resistance around defiance of the Gentile soft-patriarchy culture of comfortably accepted sex roles and sex-based preferences, instead of targeting their attacks against their own Swinesteins. They transferred the cause of their bad feelings onto the contemptible goyium.

Jewish-led feminism was actually a reaction to their own anti-feminist ethnic culture. But since Jewish men, like all men, are more interested than are women in acquiring status and power to exchange for sex, the heights of industries like Hollywood filled with patriarchal Jewish men instead of feminist Jewish women.

That’s not the end of the story. Jewish men eventually caught on that hypocritically espousing the radical feminism of their tribeswomen was a great stick with which to beat goy society and poison relations between Gentile men and their women….and also to fool naive feminists into bed using the “Hugo Schwyzer” male feminist ruse. If you’re a casting couch sleazebag running a de facto brothel for skanky actress wannabes, posturing like a champion of women’s lib is an effective way to keep the heat off you and your whores satisfied with a pittance of hush money and empty promises.

When one sees feminism, and especially modern feminism, through the lens of homosexuality, ugliness, and Jewishness, the tenets and demands of the twisted ideology begin to make sense.

Lesbians resent men. They love feminism because they want to be men in every way that matters, and that means they have a stake in undermining sex-differentiated norms and even sexual dichotomy.

Lesbian Feminism is the agenda of making unfeminine women into second rate men rather than first rate women.

Ugly women resent pretty women. They love feminism because they want to reduce the competitive advantages pretty women enjoy by enforcing equality and uniformity among women. Ugly women also love feminism because they understand on a deep level that they are too ugly to find a provider husband and must pursue careerism to collect the resources themselves.

Ugly Woman Feminism is the agenda of pitting the bottom quarter of women against the top three quarters of women.

Jewish women resent their patriarchal culture and Gentile social norms. They love feminism because it subverts the traditions of their ethnic religion and gives them cover to corrupt the benignly sex-differentiated Christian culture which largely rejects the radical value system of Jewish women.

Jewish Feminism is the agenda of delegitimizing patriarchal Judaism/Semitism and of poisoning the benevolent sexism of Christian Gentile culture.

Put those three origins of modern (and proto-) feminism together — the lesbian, the ugly, and the Jewish — into one monstrous frankenshrew, and you get intersectional insanity like “white male privilege”, the UVA rape hoax scandal, and the constant invocation of the mythological discriminatory “wage gap“. Not to mention the gross anti-male injustice known as the family court industrial complex.

PS Even WASP feminism is tainted in origin. Prohibition was a failure, and Female Suffrage has inarguably shifted America politically leftward and into the waiting petri dish of Poz.


It’s good to be alpha. Women will let you do things to them that would make Harvey Weinstein fertilize the nearest potted plant.

Beta males should watch this video below for real world proof showing how cute, “good” girls honestly and naturally react in the company of an alpha male. What gets lost in the moral panic about famous men groping women is that, like Trump said, the women LET THEM DO IT. Ben Affleck is to women what a random HB10 is to men: a passcode that unlocks the sexes’ most primal desires.

If you walked up to a girl like that as a total stranger and, after introducing yourself, drunkenly grabbed her all over like Affleck is doing here, I think you can guess what would happen to you.

Fame Game and Power Game are unstoppable arousal triggers and disinhibition stimuli of female sexual desire.

Untutored beta males and insol bitterbitches need to see this side of women, because it’s routinely hidden from social consciousness by anti-male propaganda and by women themselves who don’t want their depraved natures exposed to idealistic young betas who may be their provider hubby fall-backs in ten years time after the cock carousel has made them sore. That pussy pedestal requires a lot of good PR to keep its squeaky clean vajeen sheen.

Male power is both intimidating and intoxicating to women, and as I have argued (and others like commenter PA have as well) the rush of women into the workforce has undermined marriage and poisoned relations between women and the mass of betas who don’t glitter with fame and power, by exposing so many women to alpha male bosses.

Keep in mind that in women there is the natural pleasurable impulse to submit to a dominant man…it’s instinctual really… so when you read women who describe such men as “intimidating”, know that the intimidation psychologically strikes women much differently than it strikes men who would be the natural competitors or worker drones of powerful men. When a woman meets an “intimidating” man there is a part of her that is sexually and romantically aroused, and if conditions are right that part will flourish and manifest at the expense of the cautious part of her. When a man meets an intimidating man, he is aroused to fight, fold, or flee, all of these reactions serving in their particular ways to guard his honor, preserve his dignity, and spare his social status. Sometimes even spare his life.


Seduction — a Eurasian male art form that women only weakly impersonate when they want to hasten the enforcement of an already closed deal — is in its essence the flipping of the conventional courtship script to follow a plot line in which the woman chases the man. A Game technique which effectively flips the script is Self-Disqualification (SDQ). I’ll explain by way of example.

(You could also call this George Costanza Game)

SDQ means telling a girl in so many words or actions that you aren’t good for her. The idea is to steal the natural female prerogative to reject suitors by “rejecting yourself” before she’s had a chance to assess your mate value. This is a psychological feint that has the effect of raising your SMV relative to hers because we have a cognitive glitch that biases us to think a person willingly evading and disavowing our social approval is a person with high social status who doesn’t need our validation. Or, worse, whose social and sexual status would FALL with our approval. SDQ, just like DQ (telling a girl she’s not good for you), is a potent activator of female inquisitiveness. And in women, curiosity thrills the snatch.

While it may be amusing to disqualify yourself as an opening gambit — “hi there, i’m not gonna say more because you don’t want to get to know me, it’s problematic…” — and may even work sometimes if the girl is in a flirty mood, I’ve found that SDQs are better administered a little ways into a virgin pickup attempt (visual intended). You open a girl, casually chat a bit, then just at the moment the convo threatens to go comfy cozy for her (and thus drained of its sexual tension), you deliver the SDQ. My favorite SDQ routine is the “Two Strikes Trick”:

“As great as it is to shoot the breeze with you, I’ve gotta cut it off now before you’re entranced. I already got two strikes against me. A third and I’m out.”

If you’re in the bantz zone, feel free to jokingly deprecate the nature of the strikes against you. “Yeah strike one is my riotous BO. Phew! Strike two, I’m always making girls cry…”

You can also explain the two strikes as references to how you flubbed your approach. “Strike one, I used canned material to hit on you. Strike two, I still think it’s gonna work.”

Or you can go over-the-top. “Strike one, I’m on parole. Strike two, I’ll probably break it tonight.”

You get the idea. Almost all girls WILL laugh at this, and it will rejuvenate a flagging flirtatious vibe. Most girls will ask about the strikes, and most will react by saying something like “we’ll see about that” to give them an excuse to continue enjoying their seduction. But be prepared for the sassalasses who will CALL YOUR BLUFF. This is the girl that’ll come at you, through a wickedly wide smile, with “Oh, OK then, I don’t want you to strike out, so see ya!”

The best reply is a simple one.

“Good call.” Say it with an equally disarming smile and a wink, then leave her. You want to convey an impression of total state control, as if this was the response you were expecting from her and are grateful to receive, rather than leave in an acrid mist of bitterness. 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 the sassalass will call out for you to come back. When that happens, you’re in the driver’s seat. Now YOU are being chased and SHE is the chaser. And she and you will feel this change in the complexion of the seduction down to your sinews. Romantic aspirations become must easier and smoother to fulfill when the woman is implicitly soliciting the love of the man, instead of the usual way these things go.


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