Those Who Can See has crafted a tour de force of a post exposing the lie behind the myth that America was founded as a “proposition nation”. The truth is that America was founded for and by Anglo-Saxons, and the propositions were meant for them because our Founders knew that the noble ideas endowing America were of them.
TWCS dismantles the belief that America is a nation born of universalist principles with a reminder that the “proposition nation” idea didn’t appear in the social consciousness until the mid-19th Century, when non-WASP immigration was rising,
The idea that the U.S. was meant to become a League of Nations avant l’heure dates back to the mid 19th century, when America’s first nativist party, the ‘Know-Nothings,’ agitated against Catholic immigrants (both Irish and German). They were lambasted by people like George Julian, VP candidate:
‘Know Nothingism . . . tramples down the doctrine of human brotherhood. It judges men by the accidents of their condition, instead of striving to find a common lot for all, with a common access to the blessings of life.’ (1)
The proposition nation was an expedient rhetorical gambit for the nation’s 19th Century nascent oligarchs demanding cheap Southern and Eastern European labor.
The seed of race-blind national suicide was planted in America after the mass immigration of the late 19th Century:
By the 1912 presidential election, Woodrow Wilson was currying favor with his new electorate by trumpeting:
‘America has, so to say, opened its doors and extended its welcome to men who were Americans everywhere in the world. She has invited all the free forces of the modern civilized peoples to come to America where men can be free, and where all free forces can unite and forget all their differences of origins.’ […]
But even a ‘proposition nation’ man like Wilson wasn’t a true multiculturalist—he did not extend this welcome to Blacks or Asians:
‘The whole question is one of assimilation of diverse races. We cannot make a homogeneous population out of people who do not blend with the Caucasian race.’
These days, things have gone so far that we’re being told that not letting masses of Mexicans or Africans into our countries is the equivalent of turning away the Jews in 1940, or runaway slaves in 1840.
Skypists claiming that America easily absorbed previous waves of non-Anglo immigrants are full of schmaltz:
Open-borderists argue: ‘In the 19th century we absorbed enormous waves of immigrants with no problem at all. Why would we turn anyone away now?’
‘No problem at all’? Americans who lived through that era would find such a characterization surprising to say the least.
As a matter of fact, then as now, alien groups brought their character and governance styles with them. The result, as we shall see, was far from smooth sailing.
TWCS documents the enormously negative pecuniary and social toll mass Irish and Italian — and now mestizo — immigration levied and still levies on the American republic. To this day, we groan under the legacy of corrupt Irish machine politics and the Southern Italian mafia, though sustained interbreeding with Anglo Whites may have at last pacified the Outer Hajnal ethnic Whites and moved them closer to the Anglo norm for civic behavior and the “temperate love of liberty” that Thomas Jefferson considered essential to republicanism.
Ironically, 2017 America may have crossed a second rubicon in which our salvation will only come from incorporating more Outer Hajnal White blood into the Anglo-SJW swath of White America. We’ve reached a dangerous dissolution point of Extreme Diversity that requires a vaccination shot of Lesser Diversity to save our mortal nation.
The unprecedented waves of South / East European and Irish migration in the late 1800s rattled America deeply. They should have. The country’s founding stock were at that time threatened with eclipse. Were these people assimilable?
Some say no–that this era marked the beginning of the end of our great Anglo-Protestant republican experiment.
Some say yes--that after turning off the tap in 1924, many of the foreign groups who weren’t already ‘marrying out’ were suddenly forced to do so. This intermingling between higher- and lower-trust Euro groups led to a ‘leveling’ by which today, globally, American Whites are behaviorally and cognitively similar to modern NW Europeans. Wiki:
An analysis of Census information and immigration records would suggest that 62% of White Americans today are of British Isles descent, and a total of 86% are of Northwestern European origins. Approximately 14% of U.S. whites are of southern and eastern European ancestry.
Since 1965, of course, our all-European ‘melting pot’ of yore has taken a decidedly different flavor:

The intermingling of ethnic Whites in America into a generic “White American” ethnicity, paradoxically, makes “White Nationalism” more salient here than it would be in European countries manifestly constituted to reflect the unique ethnicities of the people who reside in those nations and call the land their ancestral homes.
Humans are not interchangeable. The accidents of history, of our culture, and yes, even our genes have helped make us who we are and our societies what they are. If we treasure the liberal democratic systems we’ve inherited, let us have the good common sense to think carefully about just who we allow into that ‘delicate fabric.’
TWCS echoes what I wrote here:
Culture does not spring up out of the ground unseeded, like a summoned monolith. Human genetic disposition seeds the ground and creates culture, unleashing a macro feedback loop where culture and genes interact in perpetuity. Those “cultural judgments” [the leftoids] recoil from are actually subconscious reinforcements of ancient biological truths.
The less Anglo-Saxon America becomes, the less American America becomes, unless you dilute the definition of “American” to encompass any cultural and political expression under the sun. There are certain people who work tirelessly to memory hole America’s founding and replace the vacuum with the rotting fruits of their Freakqualism worldview. We can’t let them do that. They must be stopped.