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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

The beauties are back strutting their stuff on the slut walk. Yeah, they do their thunderous waddle on the slut walk: I have news for this deluded bog creature. Sexy fattie is an oxymoron (emphasis on both the ox and moron). Interestingly, slutty fattie is not. Don’t bother trying to do pickup at a slut … Read more

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The Village Voice has an article about fatty fuckers. These are the tiny minority of weirdos who like to fuck waddling land whales. Here’s a pic to get you in the right frame of mind: Read the whole article if you want to toss up your lunch. Ex: Entries happily, ravenously, robustly referenced double bellies, … Read more

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Monica “Keeper of the cigars” Lewinsky says she’s still in love with super alpha Bill Clinton: Bill Clinton’s former intern Monica Lewinsky has not got married or had children because she is reportedly still in love with him and ‘always will be’. ‘Monica still hasn’t got over Bill and would take him back in a … Read more

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A reader emails: This is a picture of a girl I dated my last year of college (she was 2 years behind me).  The first pic is her right after we stopped dating, the second pic (purple shirt) is her after a year and a half of marriage… Tragic. It’s scientifically proven that women pack … Read more

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I’m a cautious advocate of the Paleo diet. I’ve been doing it for a year now, and have no complaints. However, many Paleo gurus — as well as opportunistic fat apologists — have taken to claiming that the obesity plague disfiguring America’s women is, if not solely at least partially, the result of a mismanaged … Read more

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Some chick named Maura Kelly who writes for Marie Claire had a truth serum moment and admitted what we all feel — fatties included — when we have to see fat people existing in our field of view. So anyway, yes, I think I’d be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls … Read more

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From drib: How very true and timely in my case. I recently returned from a trip in the North Western States (not the Pacific NW) to see some of our countries natural treasures. Besides seeing tons of fat asses who all seemed to be rocking the Kate Gosselin haircut (No shit, from ages 20-60. Very … Read more

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Just when you thought you’ve seen every possible indicator of American cultural decline, along comes the news that not only are we getting fatter, but, incredulously, many fat asses are A-Ok with it. A recent study purports to show that… A substantial proportion of obese people don’t think they’re too fat, new research shows. Among more … Read more

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I don’t know what’s more omega: getting married to this loudmouthed dirigible, or wanking it alone as a celibate dropout. As long as she doesn’t feel like a “plus size girl”, it’s all good. Poor hamster has to carry such a burden. Look at his wee legs shake.

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Well, no surprise here. Have you seen Brit chicks lately? Fuggin fat, pasty, unfeminine, alcoholic tubs. An empire is no better than the aggregate beauty of its women, and an empire wheezing its last breath is characterised by this: “Oh but she has such a pretty face”… for me to render into soap! It isn’t … Read more

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