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Spot the Tinder Fail:

What’s with all these women who have men hovering near them in their Tinder profiles? Answer: Classic female projection. Women are more attracted to preselected men (i.e., men who have other women interested in them) and assume that men must be the same way and desire women who are surrounded by men. Wrong!

A reader (@jimwva) agrees, noting that psychological projection isn’t a sex-specific cognitive bias,

Many, if not most, young men and women assume that what attracts them is also what the other sex finds attractive. Huge mistake. Many never catch on.

He’s right, men do the same thing (although not as frequently nor earnestly as do women). For example, men project their attraction to female beauty onto women, falsely assuming women wouldn’t willingly fuck rich and powerful men who aren’t handsome.

The same reader adds,

Lower projection frequency among men I would attribute to their own fewer areas of interest in women (1. Beauty 2.Feminine personality 3. Beauty 4. Youth 5. Beauty…∞Beauty). With more areas of attraction to men, women have more to project.

Good point. Also, men are less prone to projection because men have to take the initiative to find love and romance, which means they are handed lessons on the reality of female nature on a regular basis that constitutionally passive women don’t learn about men. A man who ignores sex market reality will go to his grave incel. Women can afford to ignore reality.

More precisely, women can afford to ignore reality while young and pretty and men are eager to appease them and supplicate to them, essentially hiding the seedy underbelly of the sexual market from women. As women age, their reality-avoidance can doom them to childless cat lady status. There’s no blissfully ignoring the approach of the Wall.


Sheer lunacy is single moms scattering droppings of their mystery meatball bastards in their Tinder photos, (some even cajoling men with the “reward” of becoming an “insta-daddy”). Nothing says “firmly grounded in reality” like women who think men want to raise the bastard spawn of other men. Maybe some of these women are super sluts who use their illicit sprog as advertisement of the women’s desire for NSA sex. The single mom figures that no man who takes her up on the tacit offer of no muss no fuss fornication will bother teasing her with the promise of commitment, so she has no worry that he might break her heart.


The Science Of Mean Girls

Another telling indication of the cramped mental universe of white knights and dyke-wave feminists is their studied ignorance of the existence of intrasexual female competition. Women, in their way, can be harsh toward what they perceive to be their sexual market competition. It’s not always female conformism and gogrrl #MeToo mutual ego stroking. We go to SCIENCE on the scene for evidence of lengua a lengua calumny among the fairer sex:

Why fertile women hate a pretty face

Everyone loves a pretty face – except those women who might see it as a threat. With eyes on the competition, women of childbearing age rate other attractive women consistently lower than women who have entered menopause, according to a new study.

“It’s almost as if they’re putting down other attractive women,” says Benedict Jones, a psychologist at Aberdeen University, UK, who led the study of 97 middle-aged women.


No matter their menopausal status, women favoured masculine-looking men. Yet when rating other women, women still able to have children rated feminine faces as slightly less attractive than menopausal women.

Competition between fertile women seems like the best explanation, Jones says. “It’s quite well established that as women go through menopause they shift from a mating-oriented mindset to more family-oriented mindset,” he says.

me-OW! Women don’t fight with fists (unless they’re ghetto queens); they fight with gossip, innuendo, and slander. And they’re very good at it, coming as naturally to them as it does to the soystaff at Vox.com.

The question I ask myself is what evolutionary benefit, exactly, do these catty fertile women receive from under-rating pretty women? It’s not as if a woman’s spitefully harsh rating of her feminine competition will change men’s minds about what they find attractive. Men judge women through their own male eyes, not through other women’s eyes.

My guess is that women undermine pretty women to avoid slipping into a long-term depressive state themselves that will hurt their chances to attract quality men. Looks are 99% of a woman’s skill set, but after controlling for looks men will prefer the company of a happy woman over a despondent woman. Happy women think they HAVE A CHANCE. Sad women don’t bother trying to flirt with men, and so men figure they aren’t interested in being solicited. Maybe these nasty woman games give women just enough of an edge to out-shine other women of similar SMV. (There’s no way in this reality a LSMV woman outshines a HSMV woman. As in any war, the worst fighting is between close cousins.)

Another theory I have is that cattiness demoralizes the female competition if they are informed of the gossip campaign against them. Demoralized women might cede the mating field to other women of equivalent SMV, and men won’t meet women who don’t make themselves available for meeting.


Audacious E had a couple of posts about chicks digging jerks, in which he trawled GSS data to confirm what is bleedingly obvious to anyone who’s lived a day in his life and has seen how differently younger, hotter, tighter women react to assholes and niceguys. The eye twinkle a girl flashes when a jerk teases her is unmistakable, and a stark contrast to the eye dullness she betrays when a niceguy properly courts her.

Some girls, we must admit, twinkle for prison yard shank artists. But most girls just want a man who doesn’t immediately return their phone calls, or who says stuff like “you don’t look fat in that dress…per se“, or who schedules three dates in one night, or who gives his girl a bag of Skittles for her birthday. Whatever the degree of jerkitude, chicks dig it. And it’s not just ghetto mamas going for black thugs. The jerk allure crosses racial lines.

White men who have done jail time report having had more sexual partners.

But maybe you think the jerkboy magic only works on lower class girls….the Jerks and Skanks Find Each Other theory of womanly desire. Not so fast, Tradcon Defender of Distaff Honor. In a follow-up post, AE graphed number of lifetime female sexual partners among men who have and have not spent time in prison, further broken down by social class:

The trend for jerks to have more sex partners than niceguys holds up across all social classes, from lower to upper. This is dynamite stuff….chicks in all social classes dig jerks in their respective class. (We can presume that each class of men draws from a pool of women who are in the same class, or close to it. Upper class jerkboys are likely scoring with middle and upper class cuties. Likewise, lower class jerkboys choose lovers from among lower and working class girls.)

Now, it’s fair to say that ex-cons are more likely to lie about their sex lives than are law abiding niceguys, but given that the disparities in partner count are significant (and exceptionally large among lower class men) it’s likely that these disparities would still exist even if we could control for inflated parter numbers by lying ex-cons. I’d bet, too, that lying about notch counts is more common among lower class thieves than among upper class criminals, which may help to explain the enormous difference in partner number between lawless and lawful lower class men.

An additional possibility — and one which I happen to think is correct — is that the infamous lust chicks have for jerks is attenuated in its intensity as one climbs the social class ladder. That is, all chicks dig jerks, but not all jerks are dug by chicks. For lower class chicks, the desire for jerkboys is more primitive, and only hardcore lawbreakers can satisfy them. As we move up in social class, women swoon for the more refined jerk, perhaps the man who, rather than have a gang sign tattooed on his pec, has an S&M playpen in his basement, or a honed skill for subtly bringing the typical woman’s sky high self-esteem in line with reality, or a flair for teasing that walks up to but doesn’t cross the line of personal insults.

AE adds an important footnote,

Interestingly, the deleterious effects of the sexual revolution may be neutralized by the salubrious effects–at least in this particular context–of modern contraception. While criminals and low-lifes do more fornicating, they do not appear to do more procreating. Among men aged 30 or older, those who have done time average 1.94 children while those who have not average 2.08 children.

The Pill and widespread dissemination (heh) of cheap and effective condoms has severed the link between jerkboy sexual success and jerkboy reproductive success. This is a fascinating development for the reason that it probably hasn’t happened at any time in human evolution before now, at least not on the scale we have experienced in the post-moderin West. The post-industrial sexual market endured a seismic blast to its balancing mechanisms, and no one knows for sure how this will play out, but I will speculate here.

Women and men remain guided by their primitive sexual appetites, inherited over millions of years in a pre-agriculture, Dunbar friendly environment. Women love physically and mentally tough men who act like they could protect them during dangerous times; men love prime nubility women who could violate age of consent laws in some states. Particularly for women, their appetites are mismatched to the current sexscape; jerkboys aren’t the “rational” choice anymore, because we have the State to protect women from predation by competing tribes and rapists.

But women still love the jerks. If there wasn’t a contraceptive revolution sixty years ago, jerkboys would have a disproportionate share of their sprogs seeding the following generations, as it likely has been for most of human history. Contraceptives broke the chain linking jerkboy reproductive success across generations. In the Darwinian calculus, this means fewer jerkboy genes in future generations. It may NOT mean fewer jerkboy-LOVING genes in future generations of Western women, though. Women who love jerkboys are still reproducing (perhaps on par with women who prefer niceguys), so presumably their genes would continue into the next generations of their daughters and grand-daughters…..UNLESS the niceguy betas they have kids with contribute genes to daughters that somehow influence them to prefer niceguys like themselves.

(Keep in mind that this is predicated on the observation that a jerkboy-loving woman, when she eventually settles down with a dupe beta male, suffers a loss of passion and zeal for living that accompanies settling for a dependable but boring partner who is less desirable than the jerks she loved utterly and completely back in her sexy teens and twenties. That is, women who settle for niceguys after a decade or more of jerkboy journeys aren’t very happy about their acquiescence to biological reality and their impending Wall impact, so their jerk-digging genes would sneak into couplings with oblivious beta niceguys.)

Here’s where it gets veeeerrry interesting. What happens when you have the emergence of a sexual market predominated by jerk-adoring chicks and boring beta niceguys, with very few jerks around to satisfy the cravings of the chicks surrounded by betas, because jerk genes have been mostly culled from the population?

What does an alpha cad-craving girl do when all her mate options are super swell beta dad types? She might do this:

The title of this post is a hint at what a contraceptively reconfigured future sexual market might mean for the vanishingly few jerkboys still on the loose in a world filled with niceguys and sexually unfulfilled women: poon paradise. In the land of the neutered soyboy, the ZFG jerkboy with one ball is king.

The Pill is having potentially cataclysmic, humanity-altering impacts that very few are willing to openly discuss or to prognosticate upon. MUH REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM is the unquestioned core tenet of secularism, and yet right under our foamy rhetoric a Darwinian tsunami is about to submerge the West in the effluvia of birth control pills, and the outcome may not be conducive to the sustainability of civilization.

We may lose our own jerk sons to the Pill and the Rubber, but we will have gained in the trade the jerk sons of alien tribes. Or we will over-domesticate ourselves and be sitting ducks for invaders. Or our women, uninspired by the weak niceguys available to them, will continue delaying marriage and childbirth until our people evaporate into anhedonia. Or we will morph into an androgynous consumerist slop that fills boardrooms while emptying bedrooms.

I’ll leave you with this crimson pilled portent: hormonal birth control use is associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide and suicide among women.

Among women who used hormonal contraceptives currently or recently, the risk of attempting suicide was nearly double that of women who had never used contraceptives. The risk was triple for suicide. The patch was linked to the highest risk of suicide attempts, followed by IUD, the vaginal ring and then pills.

There are correlations to disentangle before concluding that hormonal birth control itself causes the increase in rate of suicide and suicide attempts — for instance, women who use birth control may already be more suicidal than non-users, or the cock hopping lifestyle that birth control enables may be the factor contributing to women’s self-loathing — but an earlier study examining the same association found

…an alarming link between hormonal birth control and depression. Published in JAMA Psychiatry, that study found that women who used hormonal birth control had a 40 percent increased risk of depression after six months of use, compared to women who didn’t. Some types of hormonal contraceptives carried an even greater risk, and younger women were at even greater risk when using hormonal contraception.

If women are getting depressed as a side effect of hormonal birth control use, then that may also change women’s attitudes toward men, and what kind of men they want, and what decisions women make for themselves.

Whatever the knock-on effects of accessible and effective birth control on the sexual market, one thing is clear: we are living through a golden age for jerkboys. They are in demand, and they can get the freshest milk without paying for the cow (or the cow’s calfs). I don’t know how long this Jerkboy Paradise will last, or if it’s only a blip in the general trend toward an Androgynarchy and a dispiriting reduction in the sexual polarity. (#MeToo is a flare shot warning of a coming Androgynarchy in which men are psychologically castrated and women are encouraged to forsake their femininity.)

What I do know is that people who expected nothing substantial to change between the sexes or in society when we directly interfered with the helical Prime Directive are fools.


The Dweeb State

One of the lead investigators for both the credible Hillary Clinton email scandal and the manufactured Russia-Trump collusion Fake Story, Peter Strzok, is a 13 year old girl, judging by his texts with his mistress, Lisa Page.

Strzok – Omg. You listening to npr? Apparently Melania’s speech had passages lifted from Michelle Obama’s…Unbelievable

Page – NO WAY!

Page – God, it’s just a two-bit organization. I do so hope his disorganization comes to bite him hard in November.

Strzok – It HAS to, right? Right?!? Panicked

Strzok is a grown man speaking like an SJW Millennial with a Tumblr account. Dwell on that for a minute. The point man in not one, but TWO major investigations in America in the past two years is a LOW T, ZERO MASCULINITY, UPTALKING PHAGSPEAK WANNABE MILLENNIAL SOYBOY. These are our G men, ladies and gentlemen. Pathetic!

There is no Deep State. There’s a Dweeb State.

Everywhere you choose to look, you find evidence of a great nation swirling the drain. America is about to hit the Civ Wall at speed, and only Trumpism can prevent the impact. We need to roll back the toxic feminization of US politics with a healthy swig of tonic masculinity.

Strzok, btw, was also the main mangina conducting the Michael Flynn interview with the sole purpose of catching Flynn out on a lame process crime. And, as if this will surprise anyone now that we know where his loyalties lie, Strzok was responsible for changing the wording in Comey’s dismissal letter for thecunt from a charge of “gross negligence” to the non-crime of “extreme carelessness”, thus sparing thecunt the prison time she richly deserved.

On and on it goes like this. The DOJ and FBI are stacked to the rafters at the highest levels with vaginamen Hillary lackeys and NeverTrump cat lady co-conspirators. Some are aware of this subversion of justice. Southern Shitlord Trey Gowdy hammers (((Rod Rosenstein))) on the entrenched anti-Trump bias that exists at the Federal Bureau of Exonerating Hillary Clinton.

From a Yidtube commenter:

Rosenstein’s response to Gowdy was nothing short of execrable. In effect, he was saying, “Never-mind an inherent bias in the information gatherers [the process], I (and Mueller and Wray) will ensure fair results.” It is impossible to ensure fairness if the process is corrupted. Rosenstein knows this to be true and thus his response was disingenuous and revealed his true character, a dissembling one, despite the heady praise that has erstwhile been heaped on him, gratuitously it seems. Furthermore and regarding Mueller, are we expected to believe that he appointed people to, or carried people over into key investigative positions without fully– and fastidiously knowing their backgrounds and everything about them? Wasn’t he an FBI Director where absolute transparency is required for all hires including field agents with everything being known to the Bureau about them including how quickly their cuticles grow? Yet he missed the political inclinations, contributions, communications of his team members until, it seems, he read about in the papers? Not believable. I am not a Republican and have no brief to argue for that party– nor for Mr. Trump. I wonder, however, if people realize that our country is meandering perilously close to the edge of a sinkhole and at its bottom is the status of a failed state. I have never worried so much about my country as I do today and I am not optimistic about where things are going.

I warned my readers well ahead of time about the Globohomo prejudice at the FBI. I knew Comey was a pro-cunt dirtbag from day 1, and now the latest revelations vindicate my prescience.

Let’s have a look-see at the physiognomy of disgraced butler for thecunt, Peter Strzok:

100% bugman. Classic male shitlib. Watery Bambi eyes, pencil neck, fivehead, perpetual smugface. In Trumperica, I want to see physiognomy elevated to a legitimate employment criterion. It would solve a lot of the country’s problems.

At least Strzok has a vestigial chin. I can just imagine the inner monologues of FBI human resources when they were interviewing Strzok for the job:

“He has a chin AND he’s With Her? We’ve hit the jackpot! So dreamy!”

“He sent me a text with OMG in it.”

“Hire him!”

While we’re on the subject of the face as palimpsest to the soul, here is a photo of Strzok’s mistress, Page:

Those mandibles. Those teeth. Neeigh! Her chin spoons his chin. Makes perfect sense that a low T girlyman would have an affair with a high T horseface, and that they’d both bond over their mutual love for the nation’s preeminent psychocunt. What happened to standards at the FBI? Did they menstruate all over them?

In a sane world, all these FBI and DOJ conspirators to subvert the will of the American people and remove their chosen leader from office would be in jail on charges of treason. But we don’t live in Sane World. We live in Downs World, run by androgynous retards with unusual strength given to them by a corrupt banana republic State, and so we have to suffer daily reports from the propaganda arm of Downs World about Trump’s perfidy while the real filth is handed the reins of justice to drive the country into the cesspit.

OMG panicked!


FYI, our very own Rick/The Strap-on Within is none other than Peter Strzok!


Guess The Sex


Sweet Sixteen

Taylor Swift, Lady and the Trump aryan ür-goddess and connoisseur of bad boys, at sixteen:

As reader chris wrote, Prime Marriage Material.

As Nature intended.


Fake Rape

41% of rape accusations are fake, according to a study that examined rape cases over a nine year period in a small metropolis.

With the cooperation of the police agency of a small metropolitan community, 45 consecutive, disposed, false rape allegations covering a 9 year period were studied. These false rape allegations constitute 41% the total forcible rape cases (n = 109) reported during this period. These false allegations appear to serve three major functions for the complainants: providing an alibi, seeking revenge, and obtaining sympathy and attention. False rape allegations are not the consequence of a gender-linked aberration, as frequently claimed, but reflect impulsive and desperate efforts to cope with personal and social stress situations.

So women lie about being raped for revenge against an insufficiently alpha man, to cover their asses when their boyfriend or husband catches them cheating, and to ATTENTION WHORE FOR THE FEELS.

It would be funny if it weren’t a malicious slander against men that can and often does cost them their livelihoods and freedom.

Solution: Twice the prison time for fake rape accusers what would be sentenced to actual rapists. That’ll nip it in the bud.

It’s comical that there are still watery-eyed platoons of internet white knights out there who don’t believe women lie, and routinely at that, about allegations as serious as rape. These Wank Crü WK buffoons are ostriches with their heads in the sand, stubborn polishers of the pussy pedestal, probably incapable of grappling with the reality of female sexual nature because they have one female relative who married a dick and that clouds their thinking on the matter.

WKs have always been enablers of the worst sort of man-hating, skank-glorifying feminism. I bet that most WKs have little experience with women beyond one or two lifetime girlfriends who bitched to them about past lovers, and they think their hard work locking down that HB6 in an LTR or marriage grants them deep insight to women.


meistergedanken comments,

Back in 2013 I did some digging on this. And I remember that study you cite: Eugene Kanin at Purdue conducted a study that showed, according to police reports from one city, that 41% of rape claims were untrue, and a full 50% of claims at two universities were untrue. Other researchers have come up with similar numbers for false rape accusations: Gregory and Lees, 1996: 45%. Jordan, 2004: 41%. Chambers and Millar, 1983: 22.4%, Grace et al., 1992: 24%. McDowell and Hibler, 1985: 27%. Buckley, 1992: 25%. Washington Post, Virginia and Maryland, 1991: 25%. Even the lowest number is TEN TIMES the number of false rape allegations that feminists will admit to.

This is a good time to remind the studio audience that the cuckoldry rate is 30 TIMES the actual rape rate. So women are 30 times more likely to deceive men of their paternity than men are to deprive women of their reproductive prerogative.

This is also a good time to remind everyone that in surveys of sexual behavior, women are more likely to lie than are men, AND when women lie they lie BIGGER. The ego boost that men get from padding their notch count is smaller than the ego boost that women get deducting from their cock count. Or, men are less ashamed of their sexual inexperience than women are of their sexual experience. The sexual market is illuminated by the pretty lies the sexes tell about themselves, and women fear the slut label (for good reason) more than men fear the incel label.

Thought experiment: Try to imagine what the public and institutional reaction would be if 41% of criminal charges against blacks were based on false allegations, if 41% of police rationales for shooting perps were false, if 41% of terror attacks were falsely attributed to muslims…..

…it’d be a lot more vociferous and indignant than the non-reaction accompanying the hatefact that 41% of rape accusations by women against men are fake af.


Freelance Comment of the Week winner is Gabber @antidem,

When I was a kid, we worried that we’d destroy our civilization in nuclear fire. Instead, we destroyed it by trying to play Captain Save-a-hoe to the whole world’s supply of drunks, sluts, layabouts, petty criminals, and low-IQ Third World proles. I’m not convinced this is really better.

Death by nuclear fire at least leaves the soul intact.


Twatter link. JClod throws around a lot of pedophile insults. Skypological projection? (yes)

More predictable lack of self-awareness from our chosen caricature:

Do bottleneck tribalists have no mirrors in their homes?

Save these confessionals of distilled anti-White Christian hate from the likes of JClod, because when #110 arrives no one will be able to feign ignorance about why it happened.


Fake News

A couple of Fake News updates for you today, (because somebody has to record this perfidy for the benefit of future historians digging through the tomes of Western Civ for the source of its ruination).

First, the primary Roy Moore accuser has confessed she forged his writing on her high school yearbook. You’d think that would be enough to blow her credibility out of the water, but no, ABC News jumped in to provide cover for her.

In a shameful and coached interview with ABC News reporter Tom Llamas, Ms. Nelson was allowed to explain away the forgery as “notes” added by her to a legitimate signature.

As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported, the inscription was clearly written in two different inks and appeared to be two different sets of handwriting. However, no expert would go on the record without physically analyzing the yearbook, which the Moore campaign called on Allred to agree to do.

She repeatedly refused. And now we know why.

“Nelson admits she did make notes to the inscription,” ABC News’ Llamas says in his narration. “But the message was all Roy Moore.”

“Beverly, he signed your yearbook,” he asked Nelson.

“He did sign it,” she responds.

“And you made some notes underneath,” he coaches in a follow-up.

“Yes,” Nelson replies.

The inscription in the yearbook reads “Roy Moore D.A,” which was purported to stand for “District Attorney.” Aside from the fact that Judge Moore was a D.D.A., not a DA, the “D.A.” matches initials on court records for “Delbra Adams,” who was Judge Moore’s assistant at the time.

In 1999, Ms. Nelson filed for a divorce against her husband and, as it turns out, the case ended up in Judge Moore’s court. That’s another detail that stood in contrast to her story, which claimed she did not have any contact with Judge Moore after the alleged assault attempt. The ruling made by Judge Moore against Nelson is motive, one that Big Media either failed to uncover or omitted.

The media lie by omission more than they lie by commission, which affords them plausible deniability if their truth-tampering is exposed. But omission lies are in critical ways worse than commission lies, because a BIG FAT LYING NARRATIVE can be sustained much longer with the former.

This old bitter crank Beverly Nelson is clearly making shit up to deep six Moore’s election chances. Forging his name (badly) and liner notes reveals a person of bad character. She’s mad af still to this day that Moore didn’t marry her, and now she’s gonna play a game of “gotcha!” by conspiring with a willing accomplice — the Jewish Interest Media — to take him down.

It’s more important than before that Roy Moore win his election, because it would be a killer rebuke to the Globohomo Uniparty.


Item #2: CNN misreported (i.e., lied about) a news story concerning Don Trump Jr receiving an email with Wikileaks information. They framed the story as if DTJ got advance knowledge of a Wikileaks dump of Clinton emails when in fact they botched the date and DTJ actually received the email the day after the Wiki dump was made public, turning CNN’s BREAKING NEWS into a broken work of shitlib fanfiction.

So CNN misreported the date of the Wikileaks email that @DonaldJTrumpJr received, meaning that the entire point of the story —
that the campaign might have gotten advance warning of the leaks — is wrong. Wow. https://t.co/oiXngwHZAq

— Sarah Westwood (@sarahcwestwood) December 8, 2017

Like I’ve been saying, the only solution to Fake News is a mass culling of shitlib emotional and mental runts from their position of predominance in big media. Oh, and Trump has the green light to fire Mueller now, and end the witch hunt against him by Mueller’s squadron of hillary lackeys. Or are the MAGAmen just gonna sit idly by as thecunt and her surrogates methodically execute a coup against a fairly elected President and the American citizens who support him?


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