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The Beta Sidle

I’ve come down hard on beta male forms of mate guarding behavior as counter-productive to creating healthy, loving relationships with women punctuated with wall-rattling sex. Beta male mate guarding is “benefit provisioning” — distinct from alpha male mate guarding which is “cost-inflictive”.

Alpha male mate guarding emphasizes intrasexual threats (“keep your hands to yourself”) and intersexual psy ops (disqualifying, teasing, negging, assuming the sale, etc), while beta male mate guarding (BMMG) emphasizes resource provision, emotional support, vows of fealty, and cloying displays of PDA.

On that last example of BMMG, CA Expat writes,

I’m definitely not perfect but I always felt that boyfriends that come up to you when you’re talking to their gf and hold her, kiss her etc, were faggy so I never did that shit. I always felt like I was the 10 and she was the 7 and infidelity was unlikely. I was also young/fit. Looking back I turned into a bit of a chump on the 3 real dimes I had. Those lasted <1 year. ?

What CA Expat describes in all its awful repugnance is the Beta Sidle. The possessive “sidle” is the kind of mate guarding behavior that insecure beta males do. It’s a passive form of benefit provisioning doubling as a warning to interlopers, but it reeks of lsmv desperation. Alpha males (or higher T men) who must lay claim to a woman in public prefer the more direct confrontation (against either the man or the woman).

The Beta Sidler…you know the type. He’s the guy who will, at the most awkwardly inopportune times, sidle up to his girl and lay gentle romantic pats on her like a puppy pawing at its owner for food. Maybe he’ll wrap his arm around her while she’s talking to you, and nuzzle her neck. The worst of the sidlers will try to reach for her hand and hold it, intertwining fingers and imploring her to “come over” and join him as soon as she’s ready. He’s doing all this in the time frame it took you to say hi to her and to ask how she’s doing.

Unsurprisingly, BMMG behavior this uxorious is rarely a turn-on for the girl at the receiving end of it, and for the third party man it’s enough to laugh out loud and make fun of the dude to the girl’s face when he’s out of earshot. I’ve mocked these goobers, usually saying something like “wow, your guy really likes you. I don’t think you’ll have trouble keeping him for yourself.”

A girl of course doesn’t like hearing that her man is a slave to her pussy who would die an incel if she ever left him, so this leetle poke and prod of her hamster that I do will ripen her to consider the very infidelity her betaboy tries so hard to thwart.


It’s CACA and the Nightmares, everyone! They’ll be in all zee veek. Check that, all zee VEEKS. Plural, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, for eternity, an illimitable void of endless aztecalypse.

Hilariously, via Buzz Mohawk.

PS Fred Reed seems to think America is being overrun with Penelope Cruz’s. Eh, not quite, Fred. Not even close.


The monstrous clown world creation seethes at the sight of the soy-free, sexually dimorphic, JQ-pilled goy enjoying the rewards of obeying the natural order of the cosmos.

PS more real-lulz:


Terms Of Impalement

It’s time to re-introduce classic terms of disparagement that have fallen out of favor with the snarkerati. I’m thinking words like “traitor”, “coward”, “f@ggot”, “skank”, and “whore”.

We really need these powerful, masculine words now more than ever as our nation increasingly is held hostage by traitors, cowards, f@ggots, skanks, and whores.


Random Cat Game

Birthday Cat Game is a tried and true flirt-over-text technique. But generic Cat Game is an all-purpose, any-time, any-place pickup ploy. Your Cat doesn’t have to be diving into a birthday cake to make an impression on a girl.

A reader gives an example of Random Cat Game,

I met a Korean smokeshow the other day at the mall, instant boner but I knew that there would be an element of flakiness over the phone.

She dodged an attempt at date setup, so I deployed a non sequitur as per CH teachings, worked a charm.. and this one is combined with a cutie pie element and some qualification.

I’m trying to balance out game with this kind of thing, since many women are intimidated by me in person (scar on my forehead).

The exchange:

This was a stalled out text convo (note the time stamps between the cat text and the previous text), which was rescued by the cat in the bread pic. The follow-up Game was tight, too, disqualifying the girl by asking her if she could best a cat in the cuteness and fun departments.

This isn’t Jerkboy Game, unless you want to call it the mildest form of jerkiness. It’s really just a  form of teasing and light-hearted self-amusement that tragically escapes most beta males when they’re interacting with women, who take them far too seriously. Levity isn’t in the beta male’s playbook, which is unfortunate because levity is a social cue of a man’s sexual abundance. A well-fed man is attractive to women because he is a proven commodity; no need to wonder if he’s a beta under the hood.


PS I agree with some commenters that this guy’s text game, other than the cat pic, is pretty bad. But the power of the non sequitur is evident in its ability to distract a “smokeshow” from otherwise bad text game.

PPS You don’t need much jerkboy game to flirt with waifu material. Asian chicks tingle at a different frequency than White girls; asians generally prefer, or at least better tolerate, niceguy beta courting, and can be intimitaded by the type of jerkboyishness that White girls love.

PPPS If you’re wondering why I’ve focused on Cat Game so much, it’s because 1. it works and 2. it adopts the primary symbol of spinsterhood — the cat — and turns it against the bitter cat ladies who despise men aiming to date and fuck a higher class of women. Cat Game is about #LoveWins and #LonelySpinstersLose.


Trump’s substance — the wall, deportations, immigration moratorium, better trade deals, tariffs, noninterventionism — is what ultimately won over Heritage America. But Trump’s style — his Game — is what is destroying his enemies in and out of the media and keeping the morale of his supporters sky high.

Dawg writes,

It’s basic for Trump he has game and can handle women meaning our feminized elite and their followers.  Our betacons are stuck in the Ol’ Papa Conservative shtick and are utterly useless, Gen Z will pillow the fuck out of them, soon I hope.

Naturally, if Trump doesn’t follow through on his substantive promises, the bloom will eventually wear off his stylistic rose. And, inversely, if Trump had no Game, it’s not a sure bet he’d have been elected, or if he was if he could have manhandled the media and his enemies in the Deep State the way he has so far.

Dawg has hit the clit on the hood. The media/academia/globohomo bureaucracy are full-tilt feminized institutions staffed and womaned by feminized men, indeterminate androgynes, and masculinized manjaws pushing poz and shitliberalism by the metric ton. They are all, in effect, bitter cat ladies and BPD headcases with womanly sensibilities.

And this is why Trump owns them. He has Game. He has a history of seducing and screwing parades of beautiful women and, usually, leaving them better than he found them. Likewise with the female media, he screws them so good that they can’t stand afterwards, and act discombobulated for months on end.

The same Game that seduces the girl in the bar is the Game that seduces the feminized media to commit a series of self-discrediting own goals until they are begging to be loved again. (Which won’t happen, because they’re the equivalent of fat chicks. Hard pass.)


This is a provocative post from a retired school administrator who asks some really disturbing questions about the official narrative of the Parkland HS de Jesus Cruz shooting. I reprint the whole thing here because it’s that important.

My name is John Bouchell and I am not a bot. I was in school administration after spending a stint in the military. Let me explain: As usual, I was a teacher, a coach and later became an administrator. I worked at all three levels of public school in administration.

Like most athletic males I was assigned as a part of a school security team- at all three levels. Eventually, I was trained by the Department of Homeland Security, Several sheriff’s departments, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, GBI. Prior, I was trained the military.

I was a Combat Crew member and a certified marksman with both rifles and pistols (M-16, and .40 Cal Colt) with an Oak Leaf Cluster (Multiple awards). I was a likely person to help with school security and had an extensive background in technology and video surveillance as well.

I held an SCI security clearance which is the very highest we have in America. I say these things to help you to understand my background to weigh my opinion as to the events in Parkview Florida, (30 minutes from my home where I live, now retired from School administration).

As an administrator in charge of a large High School of 1,800 students and 140 employees, I held tabletop exercises and wrote publications & power points presentation, & helped with both multiple school & mult-jurisdiction school systems training as developer and presenter.

Never did I hear from, receive information from, or was contacted by, read any publications, or gathered statistics from the United States Secret Service. Not once- EVER. Yet, 3 weeks prior to the shooting in Florida, the USSS was not only at the school, they held training.

I have also, despite actually thwarting a school shooting by an armed predator at my school, causing both Code Red, total lockdown, 911calls and arrests and conviction of the potential shooter, saw, spoke with, or was interviewed or contacted by the FBI, or the USSS.

Its worthy to note the 911 response time was in excess of 20 minutes. In fact, I was only contacted by a few reporters. The incident was basically ignored and squashed in fear of damaging the political establishment, school board, school superintendent, et.al.

NO REPORTERS EVER CONTACTED MY STUDENTS for interviews or opinions. I never spoke to a national law enforcement agent much less the USSS. So, to hear the FBI were the first responders only beating CNN by minutes in a wealthy Florida area saturated with Law Enforcement shocked me.

Seeing the amazing amount of CNN coverage so well organized and all espousing one message and only one message is equally troubling. Seeing a student saying she actually walked with the shooter while evacuating and HEARD shots shocked me.

Seeing video of a student telling us she was told they would have a drill that day with actors deeply troubles me. Seeing the same young man over and over who visited CNN that day and whose father is an FBI agent troubles me.

Seeing and hearing the same narratives over and over that conflict with every aspect of training and experience I have is extremely unsettling. I saw video interviews of students claiming multiple shooters. This is troubling as well.

I realize that the shooter apparently pulled the fire alarm to create chaos and provide a richer target environment (that alarm would have sent a signal to its precise time and location by the way) and tossing smoke bombs in a stairwell to drive the victims to the shooter’s local

BUT: At least one interview I watched was a student saying her doorknob was rattled and she heard a voice say “Go try another door”. This needs exploration. I can sit here and tell you who I think failed miserably but it is fruitless. I’ll save that opinion for future reference.

In my utterly qualified, expert opinion, there are several troubling “Facts” being dispensed that I refuse to accept prima facia. Some of them are: Why was the shooter visited 39 times by local LE but never placed on a watch list and their right to a firearm flagged and denied.

Why was his extensive school discipline not compiled and presented to the school board for total expulsion from the schools? What was the FBI the first response when the school is so close to the PD and an officer with a radio was supposedly on campus?

How did CNN have so many “Kids” in place to echo their exact verbiage and focus on the actual weapon and not the shooter? Why isn’t the alleged USSS involvement in a public school being examined? Who is this reoccurring “Student” that has family in the FBI?

Why are the interviews that do NOT agree with the one shooter or the narrative that CNN is pushing being heard? Why aren’t the multiple videos available (With the floor plan I have seen I would have had approx 22 cameras in that building and had over 140 in my school) being seen?

I realize that some of the videos will be used for the trail of the shooter; however, it is in the interest of the public to see some of the unused footage that is available. Why was the USSS at a this school providing training 3 weeks prior?

And how was the weakest, sloppiest, and most often NOT on REAL location news company all over this son of the FBI agent with an amazing and uncanny ability to find a news camera in multiple sates in the last six months?

Did this infamous teenager actually graduate already? Has the USSS ever been to any other schools to supervise and provide training for an active shooter situation? How could the USSS possibly visit all 22,000 High Schools in the US? And how would they be chosen?

Who identified this shooter and how did L.E. track him to the retail store he was arrested at? Why has the entire CNN narrative to attack the second amendment when at least THREE government institutions (possibly FIVE if you count DFACS) failed miserably to help the mentally ill

Why has the school district decided to demolish this building (like they did Sandy Hook) if their narrative is true and correct? Why not allow the forensics to be published and explored completely? Make it the offices of school safety as a monument even- But I digress.

All in all my PROFESSIONAL opinion is this stinks to high heavens. Either we are surrounded by the most incompetent news people in the world, who don’t ask questions or give a damn about these murders, or they have NO concept of why this happened will happen again soon.

I for one am SICK TO DEATH of fake news outlets pretending this is about a rifle- its not. Its about a mentally ill person, totally abandoned and discarded and politically expediently ignored, by multiple agencies allowed to commit inhumane acts of terror due to incompetence. END


Your move, Deep State.

PS From MPC Status Updates:

TOG is the answer to HOGG


PPS What’s the latest on Seth Rich? The Las Vegas shooting? The Wasserman-Schultz laptop mystery? Huma’s laptop emails? Anyone listening? Mueller? Mueller?


There are two very good articles about our changing cultural conditions which are helping to breed mentally deranged school shooting mass murderers like de Jesus Cruz. Both come at the problem from different angles, but provide equally compelling explanations in my view, so I’ve included each in this post.

The first is a Quora post by Jon Davis, a Marine Corps weapons instructor. His basic thesis is that school shooters are the inevitable detritus of a “victimhood culture”.

People hate generalizations, but here you have a fairly undeniable one. School shootings regularly are perpetrated by almost exclusively males, either boys or young men, who have had severe socialization problems. I’m not even aware of a single female shooter in the lot. Following Columbine, schools began implementing “anti-bullying” campaigns, attempting to target everyday violence and general mean behavior among kids. Did that solve anything? Anything at all?


The problem with being at the bottom is that there are many barriers to prevent you from exiting it, but few to climb back up. There simply aren’t many ways to overcome your oppressors. Fighting my bully was how I did it. This was how I was able to right my situation.

Does it sound extreme? Well, not so much if you were born before the 1980’s. And if you were born after, it probably sounds barbaric. After three years as a teacher, I saw a culture that acts very foreign from my own. Almost no one gets into fights. At first, I thought this was a good thing, but then I started seeing what was missing. The boys are almost completely incapable of competing academically besides the very few with parents who are very motivated, mostly teachers themselves. They lack motivation and a sense of purpose or meaning. Obviously there is more going on then a lack of the schoolyard tumble, but that seemed to be part of it. I found that many longed for the presence of an authoritative male figure. With two Iraq deployments under my belt, I fit the mold. I was surprised the authoritarian routine worked. Everyone said it wouldn’t, but it was all I knew, and it was like they craved it. But the darker thing I noticed was that it seemed very hard for my personal success story to work today. Those who started off losers stayed losers, forever. There was no climbing the hierarchy as I had. As I said before, it is not good to be at the bottom, especially for long.

I pieced together that this had a great deal to do with the anti-bullying policies put in place since I graduated. Again, I thought it was fine to avoid problems and keep the peace so that students could learn. But they weren’t learning. At best, it felt like they were being herded. What’s worse, “bullying”, at least the far more pervasive and much more common forms of bullying I experienced, the non-violent kind was just as present. Ironically, bullies now used the system to bully others.


According to a 2015 study Microaggression and Moral Cultures, this is textbook victimhood culture. Victimhood culture is when a culture evolves to handle slights against them through responding to each of them, not directly, but leverage third party intervention. These third parties could be parents, school authority, police, voters, or political donors. What makes victimhood cultures dangerous was that it incentivized “victims” to catalog and broadcast every conceivable slight against them, no matter how trivial or unintentional the insult. They need to build cases and this encouraged to exaggerating or falsify harm they received to create a case against the accused satisfactory enough to warrant some desired or demanded action. That said, I sympathize with schools. To stand up to a mob and say, “You don’t have all the facts,” is hard. So I understand why schools gravitated in this direction.

But victimhood culture does something else to the character of its members. It causes them to value victimhood as a form of virtue itself. That means that those within such cultures seek to gain the short term benefits of being perceived as a victim, such as pity or advocacy, but at the cost of long term appreciation from the culture, as classic (and more healthy) character traits, such as self-reliance and self-respect are ignored and allowed to atrophy.

This matters to those concerned about the development of boys. The reason that victimhood culture is dangerous is because it short-circuits natural boyhood development by specifically contradicting with the nature of boys. Boys align themselves in the same way as anyone else, through dominance hierarchies. The adolescent male dominance hierarchy is one which is attempting to collectively define what being a man should look like, and it socializes its members to this archetypal masculinity identity.

Bolded emphasis mine. Male dominance is the yang to female submissiveness. And male dominance hierarchies are a natural and healthy self-organizing behavior among young and old men. Hierarchies keep the peace and enable male cooperation for the greater good. Women and male shitlibs of womanly disposition don’t understand this inherent property of manhood because the former don’t compete to establish useful hierarchies and the latter are always on the bottom of male hierarchies and so seek to destroy them and the need for them.

A part of this is that schoolyard fights are common, even normal form of social interaction for boys. In many ways, they are necessary to create an ordered hierarchy, establish norms, set ideals, and importantly, provide a vehicle for boys to climb the hierarchy. So that I am not taken out of context, schoolyard fighting is in no way the same as the violence that is the subject of this question. They are categorically different. The fighting among boys was not intended to cause permanent physical injury or death. It is a simple non-lethal duel by two unarmed combatants until one of them gives up. The fighting provided a means for all boys to attain respect across the local microculture, even those at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy, so long as they proved to the collective that they were willing to take their lumps.

Victimhood culture disrupts this process and is contrary to honor cultures. Both are reactionary when slighted, but honor cultures seek to handle matters personally without intervention of third-party authority. With victimhood culture, third-party intervention is the goal. In this way, one playing by the rules of a victimhood culture can undermine the entire adolescent male dominance hierarchy, disrupting its ability to socialize males, preventing the establishment of positive male ideals, and removing a means for the boys at the bottom to rise to a healthy middle.

Victimhood culture is the outgrowth of a feminizing (and feministing) nation. As our institutions have caved to the deluge of the Great Menstruation, boys have been severed from their innate biological predispositions, with no outlet of expressing their inborn male-ness. The result has been a massive retreat of boys from school and of men from public life, and a terrible overrun of our institutions by women, particularly women who harbor deep wells of spiteful man-hatred.

The last element is important for the subject of school shooters. Without the normal processes of restitution, such as fighting, boys at the bottom of the school’s dominance hierarchy may have no means to gain respect in their local community, relegating them to the bottom of a very brutal hierarchy for a very long time during many of their formative years. In this way, the banned behavior of schoolyard “violence” may actually be what immunizes boys from murderousness later in life.


I’d argue that system of discipline we have in place short-circuits this all important process of childhood adolescent development. To prevent “bullying” we have prevented this necessary outlet for boyhood socialization and replaced it with one where real bullying, the manipulation of those in power or who know how to game the system, continues to take place.

aka credentialism and status striving suckuppery.

Without the outlet, the means to settle the score, the tyrants have no means of being humbled, as the only power they respect is prevented from reaching them. By that, I mean a truly self-righteous boy. But worse, those who are their victims have literally no means of recourse… unless of course they want to tattle and increase their suffering tenfold in the days to come.

Great insight. The protection of the feminized State protects the tyrants from their deserved humblings at the hands of boys who are proud to be boys and not some twisted tranny genderfluid simulacrum of a male-thing. We’ve created a real monster in our zeal to defeat an imaginary monster.

I say this is worse because we believe we have protected the boy who is being bullied by preventing only one form of conflict – physical violence. Because we have conflated a schoolyard tussle with a school shooting, we’ve made all forms of violence evil. I’ll say this to make it clear, there is a need for the Marines to kill people. There is a need for the justice system to sometimes take a life in defense of others. Sometimes, violence is necessary, but in making the idea of violence taboo — “there’s never a reason for violence” — we’ve short-circuited that all important understanding of the world where we teach kids what kinds of violence are acceptable, what kind is not, and what kind is necessary.

This aligns with Jon Haidt’s moral foundations research which uncovered that liberals stress fairness and harm in their moral calculations, while conservatives place equal emphasis on all six moral dimensions (fairness, harm, liberty, authority, purity, and loyalty). What this means is that shitlibs are constricted in their world views, seeing all violence as against their notions of harm-based morality, instead of having the more nuanced moral view of conservatives who better understand that some violence is necessary to preserve societal health.

By removing the most observable conflict method, we removed from him the ability to rectify his own situation through that ancient of means, and I’ll add, the means most common and most widely respected among boys. At the same time, we interfered in socialization through friends and peers, a form of solidifying social norms which the data is clear on, is far more powerful than teachers and schools. And worst of all, we never taught him about violence, so he’s teaching himself.

Now, look at many of the cases of school shooters. I see disturbing similarities to my own story. What was different, was that I figured out how to move up a few notches, so that no matter how bad it got, I was never the guy on the bottom. It needs to be understood that the difference between the least popular kid and the next to least popular is enormous. For mathematicians (many of whom probably understand this personally) the pattern follows somewhat of a pareto distribution. The kid at the bottom doesn’t just have it worse than the kids above him in the dominance hierarchies, he has it exponentially worse. They start off on the wrong foot, then stress causes them to make mistakes which causes them to fall further. Continued stress causes their grades to slip, which causes problems with parents and future outlook. Stress amplifies. Eventually emotional regulation becomes a problem and eventually, even their immune system is weakened. Logically, these children are more likely to need medication to cope or adapt normally to the world, either in the form of antidepressants or through self-aid, in the form of illegal drug use. The former may help or it may only exacerbate their problems, while the latter will surely only provide short term relief at the expense of long term suffering. Maybe other things are factors. Perhaps divorce of the parents, or someone with cancer, or a recent death is part of the story. All of these make it harder and as unfair as that may be, make it easier to fall down the dominance hierarchy. Maybe they seek help by playing up their victimhood status for a while, and maybe it will help for the short term. Pity can feel very good for a little while. However, if they do it wrong, they risk revulsion because neediness is repulsive. There is a point where you can become so bad off, that even asking for help makes others resent you more. These people are in complete collapse.

Neediness is repulsive to women too. So the young boy who fails to learn this lesson on the playground will grow up and fail the same lesson in the dating market. He will be rejected by women later in life as assuredly as he was rejected by male peers early in his life

Put all this together, and I think we have a much better understanding of what makes a school shooter. They aren’t just bullied kids. Everyone faces some degree of meanness from time time, but they are kids who absolutely cannot escape the bottom rungs of the adolescent social structure. Over a period of years they absorb abuse by other kids using them to climb their own dominance structures. They never develop strategies to deal with this, but instead, attempt and fail at other strategies which exacerbate their position, such as retreating into isolation or seeking to accentuate their own victimhood to the revulsion of everyone else around them, even adults.


Then the final evolution is to embrace that hatred for the world, hatred for themselves, and sense of meaninglessness to the point of suicide. Many simply stop at that tragedy, but some take it even further, wanting to take as much with them before they go. Maybe they’ll use a gun, maybe arson, maybe a bomb, but those few will stop at nothing to express their resentment of Creation.


And as much as schools are trying to resist this message, it’s becoming clearer with every instance of young men and boys massacring their peers, that all the ad-hoc programs cooked up by our “Anti-Bullying Committees” aren’t helping. At best, they are patronizing programs intended to communicate a child’s uniqueness and individual value, diluted by the fact it is exactly like the message given to all the other kids. Like the message of the Syndrome in the Incredibles, “When everyone’s special… no one will be.” At the same time, these programs seem to do little more than categorize many of the behaviors necessary to escape the bottom of the social hierarchy are the same as the violence it evolved to replace. Throwing these behaviors out has left a hole in how we socialize boys, not just in preventing them from committing massacres, but in how we they define their own identities and how they become healthy men in society.

Flattening male hierarchy creates psychologically flattened men untethered from society.

One more thing I’d add: Cruz was an omega male with girl problems.

Cruz had been suspended from the school from fighting his ex girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was depressed and having girl problems at the time of the shooting.

Victimhood culture also prevents young men from learning how better to appeal to women and to understand what makes women tick, and the result is that a single rejection can send an omega or beta over the edge.

Btw, I think social media and the instant access to one’s loserdom provided by internet search engines only magnifies the social isolation felt by the bottom-rung young men in society. Before the Eye in the Skynet and Faceborg broadcast everyone’s social standing across the globe it was likely easier for losers to manage the burden of their low social status. Now, everyone sees it, all day every day, and this must contribute to feelings of hopelessness and rage in outcasts like Cruz.

One more thing: we should be looking out for Crooked Face people like Cruz because these are the sorts of LSMV omega males who have likely inherited a heavy genetic mutational load that predisposes them to low self-control and psychopathy.


The second post is by Agnostic, whose thesis is that rootlessness — characterized by geographic regions that are full of recent transplants — is a major factor in the creation of mass shooters.

A striking fact about the deadliest mass shootings is their geographic distribution, lying mostly in areas that are heavily colonized by transplants, rather than in places with deep historical roots and communities.

This tends to be a fractal phenomenon — at the regional level, they’re most likely in the Sun Belt, but even within such states, they’re from newly founded suburban enclaves (ironically intended to be “safe” unlike the dangerous old towns and cities nearby), and often the killer’s family and perhaps the killer himself are transplants (including immigrants or sons of immigrants).

Ann Coulter recently made this point: a lot of our relatively recent mass shooters have been the poison fruit of our open borders policy.

Rootless places attract people guided by a laissez-faire approach to behavior, who don’t mind throwing away the constraints of living in a place where traditions are strong, family ties are extensive, and even strangers know each other. Perhaps that’s the exact reason they’re fleeing a rooted place — so they can just live their own lives without being bound to others.

As a place comes to be colonized more and more by such people, normlessness becomes the norm. Do whatever, say whatever, think whatever. Fuck the haters. If it feels good, do it. If you got it, flaunt it.

Shitlibs think the above describes a utopia, but it has a dark side.

The residents may think this low-lying level of anti-sociality is no big deal. They’re being true to their individual selves, and at worst it produces bratty and entitled children. Nothing devastating, certainly not worth going back to the rooted environment with all of its constraints on individual behavior.

But it’s precisely this code of “do whatever” that allows the small handful of truly warped individuals to carry out their warped fantasies. Typically these are revenge fantasies (rape or murder), as the social reject killer has no other ties to sustain him, and seeks to lash out at those who have rejected him. He has no extended family, no neighbors, no other communal links that would keep him calmed down despite being a loner at school.

Once he stews in those revenge fantasies long enough, what constraints are there to hold him back from carrying them out? He lives in a world of his own, with no palpable policing presence.

Social norms exist for a reason, even if liberaltardians don’t have the mental capacity to see those reasons beyond “Ugh, stop harshing my buttplug mellow, man!”. As we add more Diversity, we add more competing norms, and we take away more of the national cohesion that makes America a real country and not a bus depot for international frugalists and their buffer zone third world pets.

Although such cases may be rare, their impact is catastrophic when they do hit — there could be dozens of innocent people brutally murdered for no reason in a public spectacle. In addition to the immediate loss of life, there’s the permanent scar left on the area. It is exactly these rare-yet-catastrophic cases that social norms are supposed to protect against. They may feel annoying sometimes when you want to do your own thing, but they’re there for the greater good of preserving the community, like a form of insurance.

Liberals may be slightly better than conservatives on tests of abstraction, but I’ve normally found that conservatives are much better “big picture” thinkers than are liberals who are hidebound by their pinched individualistic morality to focus exclusively on short-term affronts to their lifestyles.

These kinds of spree murders have become more common as more people have dislocated themselves and their families in pursuit of higher career prospects. It’s generally not dirt-poor people reluctantly moving to the nearest city after the good jobs vanished in rural areas. It’s middle class people moving from Nowheresville to an up-and-coming “it” place. This is what makes the shootings so counter-intuitive to most observers — they happen in middle-class enclaves with good schools and promising children.


Only when we reverse this trend by staying put where our roots are, and accepting the duties and constraints that this places on our behavior, will these kinds of warped revenge fantasies no longer be thought of, let alone acted upon. The moral code will change from “do whatever” to “rein it in for the greater good”.

That will mean denying yourself the attempt to climb the status ladder by moving around all over the place — but by now that’s mostly a fool’s game anyway, all of the good spots having been taken and held onto for awhile. If a handful of people do this, it may not wreck society, but if enough people uproot themselves, then the entire society gets destabilized — behaviorally and morally.

Parents who put their kids through wrenching geographic dislocations to pursue their own status goals are committing a form of child abuse.

To put it bluntly, we do not have the right to “do whatever” as long as it doesn’t immediately harm others. Acting as though we did have that right leads to patterns of behavior that, after a sufficient percolating delay, cause far more destruction to ourselves and others than we imagined was possible.

Conservatives rely more on their gut instinct, which is why they tend to lose media-framed sophistic shitlib “debates”, but also why they are smarter about foreseeing the downstream effects of social policies favored by liberals.

But you can’t push for tough regulations on other people’s behavior without accepting more regulations on your own personal behavior. Pointing to potential “harm” done by the other person is no good, since your own laissez-faire behavior is corroding and destroying others, just not in as concentrated of a way. It’s long-term and diffuse, but no less offensive to social norms.

Narcissists are more likely to be represented among rootless transplants, (“why should I let anyone hold me back? I do it my way!”), so it’s not surprising that they have more of the attitude that their actions do no harm, it’s all the other guy’s fault.

And of course the ultimate form of regulation comes from feeling social pressure, whether from extended family, neighbors, peers you’ve known your whole lives, and so on.

A rootless nation substitutes one form of social pressure — family and neighbors — with another form that accommodates the atomized existence — pressure from fake news media, entertainment, social media, and BIGCORP. It’s a malignant trade-off in the long run.

Diversity™ of course exacerbates rootlessness and the problems that come from population churn. White people constantly fleeing encroaching Diversity can turn an entire nation into a rootless mob of psychologically frayed zombies doped up on SSRIs and opioids.

It’s not a shock to learn that almost all the school shooters were taking anti-anxiety drugs. Cause and effect are hard to disentangle — it probably goes both ways in a vicious feedback loop of degenerating evil: rootlessness brings on the anxiety which is prescribed BIGPHARMA drugs which with chronic use mentally destabilizes the user and makes him more susceptible to the problems arising from rootlessness and social isolation.

We’ve got a long way to go to make America great again. Trump was only the opening salvo.


Narcissist Nation

Via TheExcrutiationator, a great comment by Matt in VA regrettably hitched to a Rod Dreher post, making the point that we live in a nation increasingly populated by sociopathic narcissists who aren’t all that different than the murderous school shooters they exploit as a springboard to the start of their left-wing political activism careers with CNN.

I am surprised that you don’t draw out the parallel between school shootings and another common theme on this blog — early-onset transgenderism.

Both are to some degree social contagions and media/extremely-online-culture phenomena.

The most recent school shooting in Florida is depressing but the school shooting itself is not the only thing that is revealing. What is most interesting from a cultural-criticism standpoint is the way the shooting generated a simultaneous parallel media spectacle in the form of the survivors who were already making videos for Youtube while bullets were being fired and who had media handlers and hashtags ready to go before the bodies had a chance to get cold.

I have seen the faces of the *gun control NOW* kids about 1,000 times since the shooting happened less than a week ago. I don’t think I’ve seen any photos of the kids who got murdered at all.

Generation Z will have two big cohorts:

alienated dysfunctional (to a greater or lesser degree) kids who engage in activities ranging from incredibly dedicated online trolling to can’t-get-a-girlfriend PUA forum posting to going crazy and school shooter speedrunning like it’s a videogame


smarmy cold-blooded strivers born on third base whose reaction to traumatic and horrifying experiences is to seek–instantaneously, instinctively, even while bodies are hitting the floor around them– to convert them to clicks, engagement, and fodder to pad college resumes with killer ways to sell themselves as passionate self-starters and change agents, hugely effective at doing exactly what Silicon Valley wants most — generating likes, comments, and shares.

100 years ago, many young people (not too much older than these high school kids) responded to the carnage they witnessed and experienced on the Western Front — how? By carrying around a well-worn volume of Housman and writing poetry (*the* characteristic response of that particular generation to the war.)

Now, kids’ primary response to something like this is to trample over the freshly fallen bodies of their classmates in order to throw themselves in front of as many TV and smartphone cameras as possible. The narcissistic sociopathy (cloaked of course, in repeated hysterical assertions of moral self-righteousness based not on acts but on political positions) is related, in a way, to the murderous nihilism of the school shooters themselves. This is how the winners and the losers of today’s society conduct themselves.

The question left to be asked is, WHY is there runaway narcissism in America?

Why do we have a generation of bratlings bouncing like hypertards from one hashtag to the next for a quick fix of social media applause? Why are there limelight hogs like David Hogg who will effortlessly segue from a traumatic school shooting to reciting focus-group tested shitlib lines in front of CNN cameras? Is no one else utterly repulsed by the sight of attention whores slipping in their dying classmates’ blood to grab headlines and harangue Congressmen with political talking points put together by craven chaimstream media propagandists?

Is this cultural trend not SICK AS FUCK to anyone with a scintilla of common decency left in him?

My answer to the narcissism question: it’s the feminization, stupid. Narcissism is an inherently female trait (and homosexual male trait). Both sexes have their narcissists, but the condition is more prevalent and manifests more acutely in women, who are natural attention whores constitutionally aware that their bodies and faces are their primary means of capturing male interest. Furthermore, in a sexual market becoming more r-selected (cads over dads), narcissistic men have a leg up on the male competition.

As our culture and institutions feminize, and media agitprop pathologizes normal healthy masculinity, we get more womanly narcissists. YouGoGrrlism and gay poz are yielding a bounty of narcissists for whom other people are either obstacles or accomplices to the public recognition of their glowing self-conception.

The explosion of Americans with the Dark Triad suite of personality traits means more psycho narcissists mugging for cameras and wearing pussyhats as substitutes for good character. Narcissism is being genetically or socially selected for via open borders mass immigration, sexual choice, cultural propaganda, and social atomization. The latter condition is particularly fertile ground for narcissists to flower, because a complete lack of social controls that otherwise small communities bring to bear on individuals means there is a lot of upside to using narcissistic exploitation to get similar social benefits from strangers that one would normally get in a rooted community from family and neighbors. And given that rootless itinerants are less likely to stick around for long after their sociopathic, narcissistic exploitation has shattered the lives around them, there is less possibility for corrective punishment like social shaming to curb the narcissist’s excesses.

The David Hoggs of the world aren’t far removed from the de Jesus Cruzes of the world. That’s something which should worry us all, because narcissism has a bad habit of burning itself out in a pyre of self-centered immolation that scorches everything in its radius of contact.


What Is Allure?

A woman blushing.

A blushing red tide slowly cresting over a White woman’s porcelain-skinned face as she takes in the power of your presence is a sight unequalled in the human kingdom for its primal allure. Only unfolding labia perform similar magic on a man’s swelling pride.

The full body blush is more intoxicating still. Watch as the crimson hue spreads over her chest, her breasts, up her neck, to her cheeks and her ears. Blushing is the body’s betrayal of the heart’s infatuation.

This is another one of those divine traits that White women have as a blessing of their lineage and which is the envy of the world’s nonWhite women. A few lightly toasted women can visibly blush, but you have to look closely, under good light, as the red struggles to emerge from the brown.

The palest White women, like the Irish, blush so hard that it hinders their ability to play coy for men because their true feelings are constantly revealed by the rush of lust to their faces.

When a girl blushes, a man falls in love again.


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