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Finger Guns Game

I had just left the outdoor bar where I was daydrinking with friends. The early evening sun was glowing and there was a pep in my step. I wasn’t drunk, but I had happyhead. It’s that space between sober and drunk, where I still had my wits but I was feeling more upbeat and garrulous than usual.

On my walk home, I finger gunned every cute girl I passed. Theatrically, with an audible tchh and a wink. There were a lot of cute girls walking about, so my finger guns were chewing through rounds. As best I can recall through my happy fog, every girl smiled, and a few commented sassily. One girl, a petite fatale heading in the direction of the barrel of my finger gun, grinned and sassed, “Do I look like target practice to you?”

I waited until we had merged into a delirious close quarters friction on the sidewalk, before back-sassing, “Do you want to be?” while blowing out the smoke curling from the ends of my finger guns and holstering them with Old West pizzazz.

She laughed and said she would but she’s a “taken cowgirl”, and we parted for our respective sunsets. No worries, my happyhead was still airborne. A girl’s “rejection” is much easier to absorb when she delivers it with a warm smile and sparkle eyes, letting you know with her expressionist regret that under a separate timeline the odds would have been ever in your favor.

Recollecting that day, and the innumerable sex positive reactions I received from girls at the business end of my finger guns, I wondered why I didn’t unholster those bad boys more often. It clearly worked to put the ladies in an approachable mood. And I’ve done it once or twice, unthinkingly, while on walks of triumph. Finger Guns Game has enormous potential as an opener gambit.

Maybe I’ve avoided it because it’s silly. It feels silly. It looks silly. But, chicks dig the silly. The man of stoic resolve who can indulge silliness demonstrates that he isn’t harmed by the indulgence. He has stoic resolution to spare, and that’s what chicks subconsciously notice, to their everlasting tingles.

Unaltered photos. lostcausemonaut quips,

tfw girth and rigidity

Grandma got something on her mind! First pic…a gentle fingertip caress of the frenulum. Second pic…the grip of uncompromising resolve, ushering la petite mort.



A word about White shitlib virtue signaling.

You won’t rationally convince the White shitlib to abandon it. As williamk deftly noted, shitlibs live and die by their status; to surrender their anti-racism (really, anti-Whiteism) is tantamount to a billionaire surrendering all his money plus his company. It’s just not done without coercion.

The White shitlib is a member in disfigured standing of The Fuggernaut. Most White shitlibs are, if male, androgynous soyslops or, if female, manjawed skanks. They will rarely win hierarchical contests of physicality, health, attractiveness, robustness, sexual dimorphism, or general aesthetic goodness. Where they excel is in the domains of credentialism and sanctimony, two endeavors they take up with a determined gusto that would be the envy of any captain of industry.

And so it is that the accessible strategic ploy to defeat White shitlibs is through a shiv straight to their black, envious, insecure hearts: mockery. Unremitting, gleeful mockery that reveals their virtue sniveling for what it is: fake phony fraudulent posturing for pussyhat points among fellow degenerates.

To wit: Rent-A-Minority. This is imo the greatest troll site ever created.

Diversity On-Demand

Rent-A-Minority is a revolutionary new service designed for those oh-shit moments where you’ve realized your award show, corporate brochure, conference panel is entirely composed of white men. For, like, the fifth year in a row. Suddenly you’re being called out on Twitter and you need to look not-racist and not-misogynist fast. Actually doing something meaningful to disrupt institutional inequality would be way too much work; so why not just Rent-A-Minority instead?

We have a minority for every occasion. Whether it’s a tech conference panel, an awards show, an advert, or a business meeting, we will collaborate to find the right minority for you. All of our minorities have been vetted to ensure they are not “too black��? or “too Muslim��? or “too much of a Feminist.��? We know how awkward that can be. Each minority comes with bespoke pricing based on a proprietary algorithm that analyzes current states of supply/demand and the Degree of Diversity (TM) intrinsic to the potential hire.

I’m pissing myself here! The website continues with a list of “Featured Minorities” that includes “Smiling Muslim Woman” and “Intellectual Black Guy”.

The genius of this troll is that it places White shitlib anti-racism phoniness FRONT AND CENTER in their own heads and in the public eye. It completes two objectives: it puts pressure on White shitlibs to deny the Rent-A-Minority message (“you won’t use their service? what, do you hate minority representation”) and it exposes the real reason for their virtue signaling: to look respectable to other White shitlibs.

PS There is a remote chance, given that we have descended into the rectum of Clown World, that this website is sincerely offering its services to benighted White men.


Dick Jones comments,

Exactly – this is not a shiv against libs, or a troll site, as CH originally wrote.

The author – Arwa Mahdawi – is a stereotypical lib, and a proponent of “true woke diversity.”

On her FAQ page, she asks, with a straight face, “SO HOW DO WE ACTUALLY CHANGE INSTITUTIONAL INEQUALITY?”

Her proposed solutions are textbook examples of LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISEASE.


So we’ve reached the point of social degeneration where shitlib earnestness is indistinguishable from mockery and trolling by their enemies on the right. Sounds about right. The modren shitlib, swarth or unhued, is a walking self-own.


What Makes A MAGA Man?

Are you a MAGA Man? An emailer who goes by the nom de plume “A MAGA Man” passed along a story from his life. Reprinted in full and worth reading in full.


My site is sucks but it’s the least I could do to prove the legitimacy of the below.

Inspired by the writings here at the last bastion, as well as LIFE ITSELF and MUH DICK…I’ve done some shit. Some good, some bad, some epic, but that’s for another time.

Point is, the MAGA challenge inspired me to write in the following anecdote. I’m a dude that pissed the urban shithole behind, as a next level step towards the ever-deepening and symbolic, as well as actual, unplugging:

Ten years ago, my father got sick. Major heart issue (he is not fat by any standard) that took all his life to manifest. When that happened, I forgot game. It was three intense months and he’s still with us. Thank the lord and bless all you with love that have lost their fathers.

But it was close. And it hurt. We cherish that pain and life every day, and text and talk often, and all is well. And I transformed afterwards (hi2u ex gf that I said ‘you aren’t being helpful’ after her tantrum and hung up during the whole ordeal).

This story isn’t even about him.

It’s about the homeless guy that I saw when I went back to the city a month ago.

Amidst an affluent, coastal town. Outside and In&Out, actually. Suburbanites everywhere.

There was one homeless. Looked coked out. He left quickly.

Another man came by. He had a sign. Heart problems, please help, lost job, anything helps.

Went over, and asked him name. We started talking and he had the exact same issue as my father. I gave him all the money I had on me, and we talked for a good twenty minutes.

Everyone at the Shit&Out (god bless them though) was looking, in awe/wonder/jealous/tingles/whatevers.

“WHAT WOULD THE HEARTISTE DO,” I asked myself just now as I write this. I didn’t even think when I did. I just went over to the patio of the fast food and looked every single one of those normie fucking faggotBitchSluts in the eye and commanded an excuse me.

Maybe 30 people on the patio? Doesn’t matter, everyone was looking. I introduced Dave (from a distance) and told his story.
I told them I know each and every one of them is affluent, and driving nice cars, and I saw them driving them. And that it doesn’t matter what you think, or whatever, that you need to support your fellow countryman.

I said we don’t need more people, we need to take care of each other. That man is Dave and he had the same heart issue as my father but fortunately my father worked hard and planned and was able to help himself.

Help him out, he’s a good man, thank you for your time. Stood for a moment and a few MAGA dudes (I think) clapped me out.

The women/moms were tingling just cause big young guy coming up.
The younger tweens were in typical man-founded give me D look.
The maga dudes were just leaning back respectfully (as clap showed later)
The young boys were in awe.

Best part….

The manlet husb-ginas had a grimace of pain and a similar look at the teens, with a mirror of contrast reflecting what they will never do.

MAGA my brother. Had to channel my tears but when men contain and channel those emotional uprising into BEAUTY and GOODNESS, then, as you said, the world can change.

Thank you dear leader for your WORDS, and ACCEPTANCE into this community.

I am putting forth efforts to help the movement, online, but moreso in person. Always MAGA, always do what’s RIGHT, and always stand up for beauty and truth.


CH here. The MAGA Man. He’s in you.

Maybe the above anecdote is shitthatdidnthappen.txt, maybe not. The moral lesson is real enough, though, so I dedicated a post to it.

Embrace your Inner MAGAman, and for one moment in your life defy the comforts and inertia of materialist late stage capitalism and perform a miracle rebelling against the globohomo hellscape swarming around you.

A MAGA Man is:

  • tired of the complacency
  • suffers no fools
  • recoils from polite newspeak
  • delivers harsh truths
  • never apologizes for his manhood
  • never excuses women their vices and bad choices
  • is merciful to honorable foes
  • is merciless to backstabbing cucks
  • understands that fellow-feeling begins at home, not halfway across the world



Memetic Perfection


From PBR Streetgang,

Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out – has become
Tune Out, Turn Off, Work Out … Suppose every generation has its slogans, how you say – memes … It feels good to stick it to the man.


From commenter war-damned,

the seven beta sins:

greed: anti-family careerism
wrath: school shooting
lust: dumpster-diving
sloth: low-T
pride: virtue signalling
gluttony: carbs
envy: PUA hate

This “seven deadly [X] sins” meme has legs, I can tell.


Generation Anhedonia

Menaquinone4, a funny and talented shiv wielder booted off Twatter to join the rest of us deplorable hate-istes, had a thread musing about the Anhedonia Strain that seems to have swept like a virus through his generation. (Note: this post was dredged from the recesses of the draft folder, so you’ll excuse its dated source.)


That’s a great point about the deception of intensifying sexual ostentation (in both the mate signaling and inner-directed psychological senses) paradoxically indicating a flagging libido. When libidos are high (at least in the Eurasian races of Man), it takes but an uncovered calf to get the pump primed. The twerking and posturing and yoga pants and stripperwear of da club girl is needed to cut through the r-selected meat market noise and possibly through the fog of diminished libidos.

More germanely, a puzzling aspect of the post-America, gynarcho-tyrannical sexual market is the superficially contradicting trend of higher partner counts (increased cock carousel ridership) coupled with lower sex frequency. What gives? Four factors immediately come to mind which may account for this strange cuntfluence: one, higher partner counts could reflect lower desire for longer term relationships, or less ability to keep an LTR, and sex is generally more frequent within relationships than without (there is for most people a lot of incel downtime between lovers, unless you are a master class skirt chaser).

Two, higher partner counts could be a consequence of unrestrained female hypergamy, in which economically self-sufficient careerist shrikes bounce from partner to partner seeking the next alpha male thrill and beta males bounce from partner to partner out of necessity because women are delaying relationship and family formation. (Alpha male cads will also partner bounce, but for a different reason: variety is the spice of life.) Again, a lot of cock or cooch hopping can decrease sexual frequency if there is significant downtime between fuck buddy acquisitions.

Three, biomechanical and sociocultural influences like Big Pharma, Big Soy, Big Obesity, Big Vidja, Big Porn, Big Diversity, Big Wage Stagnation, Big Feminism, and Big Poz can contribute to physiologically lowered libidos as well as to a psychologically stunted desire to build a romantic relationship with the opposite sex. Years and years of frivolous, short term “hooking up” intermingled with lengthy bouts of social isolation can run up partner count without padding intercourse frequency.

Four, Americans (and Westerners generally) are becoming pathologically narcissistic. The blame for this can be apportioned to multiple causes (social media, digital cameras, online anonymity, thirsty beta males, lifestyle instead of wealth-based SWPL status striving etc), but the end result is men and women with extremely fragile egos refusing to accept the possibility of romantic rejection and therefore shying from taking a risk in the mate market, preferring the zero-investment option of occasional and nebulous hook ups that avoid risky declarations of love (or even ONS interest) in favor of noncommittal “hanging out” in which soypenis somehow, through gay alchemical magic, slips into piercedvagina. And from this consortium of mate market confusion, Regret Rape, #MeToo, Xanax, and mixed signals accelerate the retreat from LTRs and marriage. This toxic androgyny can have another effect: it kills sexual desire and neuters hook ups until those precious moments are reduced to fingers jammed into dry vaginas and lockjaw blowjobs delivered with the perfunctory rush of someone eager to get home in time for the latest streaming effluvium on Pussyhat TV.

The solution is patriarchy, because only under patriarchy are women’s beauty and femininity, and men’s strength and masculinity, fully appreciated.

Sexy men and women create sensual times.
Sensual times create soy males and manjawed bitterbitches.
Soy males and manjawed bitterbitches create anhedonic times.
Anhedonic times create sexy men and women.


Audacious E put together a graph of political donations during the 2016 election season and uncovered an astounding left-wing bias at Facecock:

…crooked Hillary received more than 85% of all campaign contributions made by Facebook employees during the course of the 2016 presidential campaign. Democrats took 93.1% of the total; Republicans 5.8%, and third-party candidates 1.1%.

Hillicon Valley is more lopsidedly leftoid than the Chaimstream Media. Incredible.

America’s arguably two most powerful institutions — tech and media — are anti-White left wing to the hilt. Floor to rafters staffed by leftists, run by leftists, and owned by leftists. This is very bad for democracy. No way can we sustain the fiction of a working republic with an IngSoc thumb firmly on the scale of fairness, free speech, and objectivity.

As I’ve been saying for a while, the only guaranteed solution to this problem of leftoid control of the command centers of America is a mass culling of them from the ranks of the media and, we may as well add, from Shillicon Valley technopolies. There really is no other solution. We won’t change their minds; we won’t convince them of mercy toward the dissident voices they censor and silence. We can only defeat them, totally, utterly, mercilessly, and run them out of power on a rail(car). It’s the only way to be sure.

Here’s to hoping, once again, that Trump or his surrogates read this blog and slip in the word “cull” in one of his morning tweetshivs to subtly acknowledge the influence this blog has on their thinking, and to signal their commitment to the necessary culling, by whatever means.





Adorable American Beauty

Adorable American Beauty is the sister series to Exquisite European Beauty, and the purpose is the same: to celebrate and consequently encourage White women to embrace their White-bred femininity and to push away from the table (and away from beauty-destroying open borders third world invasion cheerleading).

The emailer who submitted Zooey for consideration in the Hall of Dame writes,


Glad at least one actress is just unapologetically, devastatingly feminine.

FYI pic is from Season 2 of New Girl, and before she birthed a White champion, i.e., her nubile prime. Sweet and quirky…squirky.


At first glance, this photo is the iconic Goodbye America still shot. The soyfaced White punching bag just standing there, inert and full of self-hatred, taking the n1gra’s bullhorn to his frappuccinoed face while mystery meat onlookers, their psychotically masochistic white enablers, and a (((puppeteer))) cheer on the n1gra’s ‘shines. Sick!

But look closely at Whitecuck’s eyes. What’s going through his head? “I am suitably chastened and prepared to make amends to my black betters.” “I am scared.” “I am not getting paid enough for this.” “I hate myself.” “Please make it stop.”

Hm, I dunno. I think I see something else: the look of stoic resolve just before the battle charge. Redemption.

And is that soyfat or muscle beneath his apron of oppression?

If America has a future, our beset White man is thinking, “fuck this n0gnoize, where’s the road war sign up sheet?”

Auschwitz Pool Lifeguard writes,

Imagine actually taking this abuse for a minimum wage job at a company that forces you to undergo constant humiliation from the point of training onwards for being a white male.

I personally can’t imagine it, but a lot of White males can, and decide to live it out in reality. Those of sane mind and descended testicles can only hope that these self-castrating White males one day, not far off, tire of the prostration parade they must march in every day, and on that day become White Men.

From MPC Status Updates,

Ancient men called general strikes, manned barricades, put bourgeoisie to the sword…you go to “coffee chain” for “grande latte” and enjoy “diversity training”…YOU ARE GAY!

lol. We may have hit Peak Paleface Prostration with this Starcucks nonsense. Safe White Spaces (all implicit today) like Starcucks are the newest frontier in enlightened leftoid activism. Anything or any place that can be remotely associated with Whiteness or pinned as an organically emergent White community will be under fire from here on out to disavow its Whiteness and make room for disruptive elements.

Leftoids really want a world in which there’s no place left for Whites to run from Diversity™. Leftism is a White death cult.

tin man wonders what our White hero-to-be could do under the circumstances,

The fuck is he supposed to do, fistfight someone for Starbucks Corporation? This is the first time I’ve ever thought it would be cool to work there, this would be fun

He could laugh in the face of his inquisitors. He could throw down the garb of his anti-White SJW corporate master and storm out, cleaving the freak crowd in two and leaving them screeching at his receding figure. But that’s the crux of the issue. It’s not so much what he isn’t doing, it’s that he’s embedded in a malevolent system which hates him and his kind, and which prohibits him from doing anything. The whole point of these mau mau charades is humiliation porn, to strip White men of their dignity.

That channer prank using a fake free coffee coupon redeemable only by those of african american descent has the potential to bring Starcucks to its knees if it goes viral. No brotha is gonna question the authenticity of a gibs ticket, so what’s Starcucks gonna do? Tell the proud black body sorry, no freebie for you?

PS I find it hilarious that everyone in this photo is wearing problem glasses.


Shudderthought Of The Day

What if Big Pharma has created this androgyne self-annihilating estrogenically virtue shrieking society we currently inhabit because the Pill causes women to prefer limp beta males and ibuprofen feminizes men to prefer manjaws, so that the two find each other compatible and work together to bring the End of the West?

From David Duke Nukem,

When you combine this with the fact that birth control stays in the water tables, the plastics, Monsanto “food”, opiate epidemics, the entertainment industry promoting dindus, and more… It’s even worse. It’s such a perfect storm to destroy the White race that it couldn’t be a conspiracy. It’s so perfect that it has to be a biological consensus. Sleep well

The biggest red pill will be when Americans are woke to the chemical warfare waged against them for at least two generations. That is, if by then they’re still capable of wokeness.


williamk could win a Comment of the Month with this gem,

Leftism is a solitary female way to think. The physically weak must rely on deception and manipulation. This necessarily includes self-deception where necessary to ease cognitive dissonance.

Leftism appeals to soyboys and solitary females. Strong men rely on natural laws to attain power, well-adjusted women rely on the strong men and those same natural laws.

Females who are alone, or who can only attain a soyboy, will necessarily turn to leftism to navigate the world.

Very useful rules of thumb:

Weakness => Leftism
Strength => Commonsenseism

Ugliness => Leftism
Beauty => Commonsenseism

LSMV men and women => Leftism
HSMV men and women => Commonsenseism

Effeminate men and masculine women => Leftism
Masculine men and feminine women => Commonsenseism

Loveless losers => Leftism
Beloved winners => Commonsenseism

Bitter sluts and cat ladies => Leftism
Loving wives and honored mothers => Commonsenseism

Weak soyboys and the feminists who resent their company => Leftism
Strong men and the women who love them for their strength => Commonsenseism

The socially atomized => Leftism
The socially embedded => Commonsenseism

Conclusion: As a society becomes more female in nature, it becomes more leftist. A feedback loop develops so that increasing leftism pushes society further away from the life-saving masculinity it needs to correct its degenerate distaff course.

williamk, Henry Mueller, PA, among others, produce some of the finest commenting I’ve read on any blog, let alone this one blessed to have so many MAGAminds gathered at one place. I understand this outpost of Love takes some heat for having a mainly hands-off philosophy toward commenter quality control (it is a blog after all, not a forum), but if you have the patience to sift through the food fight debris you can find quite a few diamonds.

PS something I’ve noticed in my travels is that in locales where White leftoid cogdis is highest, anti-Trump fever is hottest. But where White leftoids live basically free of the need to ease any cognitive dissonance, their anti-Trump furor is muted and they tend to cleave to traditional leftist gripes with a focus on class and capitalist predation. I think this has to do with Trump being the Great Clarifier; his raw candor and no-bullshit freewheeling style exposing the lies of our currently ruling orthodoxy act as a pain amplification chamber for leftoids heavily burdened by the task of accommodating their equalist religion to the reality encroaching in every direction on them which belies their religious beliefs.


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