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President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea

— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) January 28, 2017

The Diaspora Mafia BTFO.

PS Dispel your doubts, Trump gets it:

Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2018

In the past week, Trump has taken the gloves off. His Twatter payloads now read like standard issue Maul-Right talking points. Maybe he was biding his time for the Deep State field to clear before he made his big offensive push. Maybe he had Ann Coulter over for dinner and they both read posts from this blog. If so, grab a kleenex shitlibs, because there’s no Goddess Hillary and your idiotic infantile ideals are laughable! The Trumpen is released, and the neoliberal globohomo system is about to be righteously rekt.


Manly boldness triggers girly arousal (preferably in women, but you might want to watch your bold self around “tender brained” soyboys. Have a fainting couch at the ready. They’ve been known to swoon at the slightest provocation).

As I wrote, a bold unwavering approach triggers a tingle cascade in girls. They can’t help their autonomic responses; the sight of a man confidently striding toward her for the romantic solicitation may not produce love and marriage but it will produce a submissive arching of her back, widened eyes, parted lips, and a delightful shiver in her cock quiver.

The reason for this reaction is found in the fear-arousal axis in women’s limbic picnic basket. The unnerving truth (to those with fragile constitutions) is that fear is tightly wound with arousal in women; it’s why women have rape fantasies and why the dankest of studies have shown a nontrivial percentage of rape victims orgasm during the act (I’m not making this up).

The love of fear as foreplay is likewise why prime lubricity women flock to horror movies, and why they line up to propose marriage to death row inmates.

When a man can incite fear, he has demonstrated dominance cred, which is the male version of T&A to women.

This highlights yet another innate differences between the sexes; fear and arousal aren’t connected in men. When men are afraid, their boners go into hiding; the survival instinct takes over because men don’t have the option of converting themselves into fungible wombs for invading tribes. The only options men have are to avoid the thing producing the fear or to fight it and defeat it. Women can, and often do, spread their legs for the Fear to save their hides.

Now, consciously, women don’t want to be afraid (or to be raped) — unless the urge is so powerful that it escapes her hindbrain holding pen — but subconsciously, where all the Darwinian action takes place, fear and desire commingle in a toxically feminine stew. It’s why the jerkboy is so alluring to girls; his unpredictability, his defiance of polite norms, and his implied threats of easy abandonment, among other traits of the outcome independent man, stoke a nascent and vaginally compelling fear in the fairer sex, a fear which releases a pulse of horniness to her nethers. It’s why even playacting as a jerkboy can quickly invigorate a flagging relationship.

The triggering is the thing that matters, because once triggered a woman becomes much more pliable to further meaty entreaties. When you boldly go where few betas have gone before — right up into her grill for the meet and greet — she is at once overcome with a ripple of desire and a little afraid of what this big strapping man has in store for her. The seemingly contradicting emotions swirl together to excite her innermost submissiveness and feelings of feminine vulnerability, the psychic ingredients which electrify her womanly lust. The bold approach is then an instrument of female catatonia induction, permitting the man a smoother penetrating path to the girl’s neural womb, which is the prerequisite to lowering the defenses on her actual womb.

FYI the bold approach does NOT necessarily mean the direct solicitation. It can as easily mean moving in purposefully on your target…and then negging her or ignoring her to pretend to get yourself a drink to be followed up by some anodyne comment about the crowd. The point is that by your actions — no extended eyeplay or tentative milling about her perimeter waiting for that “perfect” approach invitation before moving in — you create a feeling of being “frozen in place” in the girl, a delightful feeling that presages an unfreezing of her furrow.


The Noticing

Rand Paul: People crossing the desert with kids is ‘essentially child abuse‘.

Telemundo staged a fake caged kids scene:

The Wall is kind to no one but it saves its most destructive impacts for women. Clearly, The Wall needs to be sued for sex-based discrimination.

What’s on TV is a political tactic but something else terrifying is going on. Formerly responsible ppl suddenly sound like extremists. Left’s no longer working to convince those who disagree. They’re trying to destroy those in the way. It’s not a pose. They’re sincere. It’s war.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 20, 2018

That’s why they’re always lecturing you about the patriarchy and the evil of the nuclear family. Millions and millions of American kids are growing up with one parent at home thanks to their policies. That’s fine with them.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 19, 2018

It’s safe to say Tucker Carlson is fully enlightened. /ourguy/ with an audience of millions. I wonder how much longer Lox News will tolerate his Gentile realtalk?

Regarding Tucker’s Noticing, the goal of the Globohomoists was always to destroy the nuclear family. They knew all along that the origin source of the resistance to their depredations was the nuclear family, so they set about to dissolve its bonds. Hence, perverse financial incentives for single mommery, miscegenation agitprop, open borders, the divorce industrial complex, gay marriage, trannyism, sexbots (cumming soon), glorification of careerism for women and denigration of the masculine virtues, normalization of polyamory and (soon) bestiality and pedophilia.

Once you’ve seen their evil agenda, you can’t un-see it.

The trajectory to Civil War 2 goes like this:

The Noticing
The Angering
The Dividing (*we are here*)
The Reckoning


Our Comeytose caption contest winner is HL,

Admiring his fellow plants.


Peak Thirst

Thirst is defined as the unrequited ardor of hard-up beta males lavishing girls online with flattery and desperate sexual solicitations. Sometimes thirst comes with a price tag. Case in point, this example of intercontinental thirst:

A Gabber quips,

The neckbeard will masturbate to the ticket receipt for the next few years.

Patronizing a real prostitute would be more dignified for this soyblob, because at least the whore would follow through on her end of the deal.

So now that you’re familiarized with thirst and understand that thirst generally accompanies feminizing or androgenizing societies full to the brim with demoralized men and juttingly manjawed careerist lawyercunts, as well as widespread obesity reducing the number of romantically acceptable female partners for all the partner-seeking men, it’s time to ask if we’ve hit Peak Thirst, and if we have what would it look like?

One tell-tale shift in the social dynamic that indicates a revolt against thirst is any noticeable decrease in its online frequency, coupled with an increase in men expressing the opposite of beta thirst: shaming sluts for trying to collect Thirst Tokens redeemable in monetized views.

And while I can’t be everywhere all the time, I do credit myself for having a keen sense of which way the cultural wind is blowing. If you follow attention whore media you’ll notice that more men are calling out women who post half-naked selfies. The thirst is still there, but now it’s sharing ASCII space with masculine satiation. Many more men are now ridiculing thots, demanding thots go away, mocking Instawhore skanks as headcases craving an absent father’s love, and accusing these modren day pin-ups for being willing to do anything for the likes.

Culturally, this is a good sign. The Shaming Of The Thots is a necessary step toward civilizational renewal. De-thotification will bring sexual market balance back to a society that has been veering dangerously close to an extremist gynarcho-tyranny. When women’s overblown egos are deflated, civilization is reinstated.

The, ahem, monkey wrench that could thwart the needed rebalancing is…open borders, and in the next post I will explain why open borders will ruin relations between the sexes and why women are in love with the idea of a borderless America.


Commenter Popcorn Out supplies a potent coda to this post:

Getting all those compliments on a public medium for all to see is the female equivalent of a guy being able to click his mouse and have a steady stream of girls come in to fuck him.

Women crave attention and validation like men crave sex.

Recall an ancient CH maxim: Men desire. Women desire to be desired.


It’s no mystery who among Whites supports open borders and the consequent swamping of America with Swarth World spindrift: Single White Women.

As I teased in the previous post, here I’ll explain why Single White Women (SWWs) are in love with the idea of a borderless America that is overrun with Dirt World detritus. I call it the Shiny Object Theory of the SWW Open Borders Welcoming Committee.

My reasoning is simple: sexual selection electrifies all human interaction, and women have evolved to display themselves to catch the attention of high value men.

The fewer high value men there are, and/or the more attractive women there are, the more frequent and intense the sexual display of women. Supply and demand. So, for instance, when men are in short supply, as has been hypothesized was the situation for prehistorical European hunter-gatherers with high male attrition rates from hunting megafauna, the few surviving men are able to afford to be choosy, and they choose only the most beautiful of women from their tribes.

It’s speculated that this is how blonde and red hair, and blue and green eyes, evolved in European White women…a long time ago those choosy men had to be enticed with the biological equivalent of shiny baubles, so women evolved bright, eye-catching accoutrements like blonde hair, blue eyes, big titties, swayback, and exquisite White woman facial beauty.

White male choosiness gave the world White female beauty. God may have made man in His image, but White man made White woman in his vision.

Getting back to the subject of this post, if we start with the premise that the number of high value White Men has decreased relative to the number of Single White Women who want them — a premise which has sound footing, given the surge of economically self-sufficient White women and the retreat of White men from positions of power, influence, and cultural supremacy to languish in faptivity — then there would consequently develop an increase in sexual display by White women to more effectively bait HSMV White men into relationships (or at least into pump and dumps).

Subcultures would spring from this sexual market shift in female strategy, such as Slut Pride, Deep Thots, multicolored hair, skintight yoga pants showing camel toe, wine mommery, and the omnipresent social media attention whore.

One other negative externality would be apparent: SWWs agitating for more Twerk World trash, because nothing sparkles quite as brightly as a diamond in the dirt.

Sweden is overflowing with pretty blondes, so any one blonde doesn’t stand out much (which is probably why the brunette hair color was evolutionarily retained in European White women). Similarly, America was once 90% White (a mere fifty years ago), but its homogeneity and pride of heritage also meant there were a lot of relatively hsmv White men to go around. Back then, SWWs didn’t have to viciously compete for a shrinking pool of hsmv White men.

Today, they do, and these SWWs competing for fewer hsmv White men see open borders as a short cut to standing out in a rapidly muddying crowd. That mousy, stringy-haired sandy blonde plain jane with the muffin top might not be a catch in 90% White America, but she’s a fucking princess bathed in ethereal light in 40% Earth Tone America.

The contrast of hordes of (to White men not named ¡Jeb!) sexually invisible squatamalans relieves the pressure on Mediocre Mauves to signal their sexual readiness or to compete in a losing battle with naturally prettier girls. Thanks to the magic of polychromatic patriotism, the middle of the belle curve SWWs can reap the reward of more hsmv White man attention without incurring any of the responsibility to look and act more pleasingly feminine.

Of course, as I’ve argued, female beauty is objective, universally agreed upon, and biometrically standardized. A millimeter here, a millimeter there, according to God of Biomechanics spec, can mean the difference between involuntary solitude and catching the eye of President Trump. So White men aren’t going to start believing HB5s are HB9s. But that doesn’t matter; what matters is perception. And if even hsmv White men perceive their menu of minxes disappearing under a gloomy tide of boner-killing brown, they might start to consider the romantic appeal of the White HB5s.

These White men won’t be happy, but if the perceived alternative is a tubular desert trekker then they’ll settle for the White HB5 and make a go of it. And comparative beauty isn’t Fake News; we’ve all noticed that a blah girl will look more bangable when she’s standing next to a fug. It’s a trick of the male brain that ensures the human species doesn’t stop in its tracks when the supply of beauties dips below the threshold at which the majority of men feel they have a chance.

Paradoxically, the American obesity epidemic that has gone worldwide in the past two decades may be partly fueling SWW clit boners for rapefugees, by providing fat White women an even less desirable horde of females against which to compare favorably, because the Third World peasantry invading America is increasingly Girth World peasantry.

There really is no end to the ways in which closed border homogeneous White nations are more romantically appealing than open border diversitopias, so make it your life’s work to shame any SWW who shrieks with vitriolic virtue about the blessings of Diversity™. She is literally advocating for the death of your dating life.


The Days Before

What they took from us, or what we foolishly surrendered? The answer is both.

The question now is, can we get it back? The hour is late and our enemies are full of hate. But so are we. And that will make all the difference.


Don’t worry, the Republicans, and your President, will fix it! pic.twitter.com/xsbuPzXbHj

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 20, 2018

I love this man. He has shown Heritage America how to fight, and more importantly how to welcome the fight. Unlike tomato can GOPe cucks who pretended to fight and then fell to the mat after getting a chin hair grazed by a weak jab, Trump fights for real. For keeps. And he keeps coming back to dish out more punishment to shitlibs. Result: shitlibs have lost their collective minds.

I still marvel that for this irreligious agnostic Trump more than anyone has me questioning my faith in the impossibility of divine intervention.

PS Trump has done the unimaginable. He dethroned Skittles Man. Say hello to President Starburst!

President Donald Trump reportedly threw Starburst candies onto a table at the G7 summit for German chancellor Angela Merkel, saying “Here, Angela. Don’t say I never give you anything.”

Who but Trump could be more alpha than Skittles Man? I would fight for this man to the ends of the earth.


Cock And Awe

Recall a time when you noticed something you needed from across a room, and then, focused on the object or person, you beelined with urgent purpose toward your target when, upon approach, you also noticed that an attractive woman happened to be situated near the thing you were walking quickly toward, and that her face lit up and her eyes widened into a sudden spasm of delight, arousal, and a little fear as you neared her and you realized she probably thought you were moving in her direction to hit on her (you weren’t, but she didn’t know that…all she had to go on was your purposeful stride to where she was sitting/standing).

Unless you have never left your vidjafapatorium, you will have seen something like this in your life. Take the lesson to heart. Chicks dig the bold approach, no matter the discrepancy between her SMV and your SMV. The positive, tingle-betraying reaction of women to a man’s unintentional bold approach is proof that an intentional bold approach — see your mark, move in on your mark, do not deviate from your mission — will have the same effect. Call it Cock and Awe; home in like a pleat-seeking missile and drive through crowds, splitting them like an icebreaker, and drop your ordnance right between her fore- and hindbrains.

Girls love powerful men, and very few actions in this world communicate raw masculine power quite as unmistakably as giving less than zero fucks and blasting through the fog of humdrum daily life to impose yourself on a girl and make her feel like a vulnerable, sexy minx again.

FYI, the above scenario reveals one way to get over approach anxiety. Instead of approaching girls, tell yourself instead you’re approaching someone or something next to the girl to chat up that other person/check out that intriguing thing. Then, when you’re right next to the girl, you suddenly “notice” her and “decide” to talk to her because she looked like she needed the company.


Ban Jack Dorsey

Twatter CEO Jack Dorsey. Physiognomy is squeal. (were you expecting anything different?)

*giggle* *squeal*…i have your alt-right account info and i’m about to get you fired from life…*gigglesqueal*

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey shared at least 17 tweets from a Russian troll between late 2016 and mid 2017

Ban Jack Dorsey. He has colluded with Russia to undermine our democratic process.

PS Petitioning readers to scrape together a Deep State Reckoning Countdown Clock meme. The hour is nigh, and Phony Comey is all outta arrogant smug sighs.


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