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Schrödinger’s Catlady

A Georgetown University professor (first red flag), (((Christine Fair))) (second red flag — you could set your watch to this), who is as far as a quick duckduckgo search could reveal both unmarried and childless (third and fourth red flags — but thank Yahweh for small favors) has stated she wants to see White Republican men castrated and their corpses fed to swine.

A professor at Georgetown University known for making incendiary comments against supporters of President Donald Trump said white men deserve “miserable deaths” for supporting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Georgetown University, naturally, is standing by their Death Wish Dame, because Georgetown, like almost every American institution of higher un-learning, is filled floor to rafters with despicable anti-White, anti-male, and anti-Christian bolsheviks running the place into the ground.

Fair (what a Waugh-ian name) believes “entitled White men…deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.” And — this should surprise no one — she’s a pitmommy who runs a blog called “Shit Men Say”.

Fair’s Twitter page has a banner that reads, “DON’T GRAB MY PUSSY.” She bills herself in her Twitter bio as a “Scholar of South Asian pol-mil affairs, inter-sectional feminist, pitbull apostle, scotch devotee, nontheist, resister.”

She also runs a blog called ShitMenSay where she doxxes people. It’s about ‘accountability’, she claims. It is a hateful blog.

On that blog, she basically used the space to dox anyone who disagreed with her online.

C. Christine Fair, a Provost’s Distinguished associate professor of security studies at Georgetown’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, started the blog “Shit Men Say” in January 2017. According to the description of the blog, Fair shares “snarcastic missives based upon the shit men (and sometimes  women ) say to me via email, voicemail and comments ‘deposited’ on my various social media” on her page.

In Fair’s posts, she reveals messages she received online along with the personal information pertaining to the people who sent her the messages. She posts her victims’ social media URLs, photos (including family photos), full names, locations, addresses, work information, phone numbers, and email addresses. […]

MRCTV counted approximately 80 posts on Fair’s blog in which she disclosed the personal information of people who sent her messages.

In addition to simply posting personal information, Fair repeatedly shares her victims’ personal information by reblogging the posts so they will result in higher Google search results.

Fair’s Tumblr blog is connected to her Twitter account, which means when she posts someone’s personal information on Tumblr, it is also shared on Twitter.

I bet you’re wondering if her phyzz matches the picture of her you have in your mind:

P R I O R S    V A L I D A T E D

Physiognomy is rael.

Look upon her crazy catlady face, and chortle. Miss Briss is hopped up on a cocktail of SSRIs, toxoplasma gondii, and box wine.

And a (formerly) prestigious university hired her and keeps her on.

There are two big stories here: the catlady apocalypse, and the total convergence of academia to the anti-White male orthodoxy. Both are smoldering ruins who have hit the Wailing Wall.

Christine Fair is Schrödinger’s Catlady, an indefinite paradox of quimtum mechanics that, once she interacts with, or is observed by, the outside world, collapses into a definable state of screeching lunacy. Schrödinger’s Catlady, like the cat, is both dead inside and alive until she is observed, at which point she becomes a cartoonish abstraction to ridicule.

This is the price society pays when pussy goes dry and un-rogered for decades on end, ignored by the Sexy White Boyium the arid pussy’s carrying vessel wishes were dead and fed to swine.

PS Yeaster Egg: this is the same heebsterical broad who confronted Richard Spencer while he was working out and got him kicked out of the gym.

PPS Related: How to spot the various flavors of sociopath.

PMS Also related: “Modify the standards of the in-group“. A reader summarizes:

Superb, detailed article proves role of [the special people] in molding / manipulating public opinion to favor [the special people]. Method: actively reshape in-group standards & reform peer group pressures to become antagonistic to in-group ethnocentrism. Goal: PC white culture that *policed itself* to be more user-friendly to [the special people].

Thanks to the tireless efforts of [the special people], America has become an open air, mass scale psy ops. Orwell would weep if he wasn’t flabbergasted into stunned silence.

A Gabber who will go unnamed (but who is quasi-famous in old time Maul-Right blogger circles), had this to say about the corruption of academia:

Well-meaning sheeple have no idea how loony and hostile the people at our colleges, govt, foundations and media outlets now are. They were always arrogant, of course, but current feminism and SJWism have kicked the insanity level up a *lot* of notches.

We’re at the “tearing the legs off the frogs” stage.

Extricating ourselves from this massive psy ops won’t be easy, but it can be done. Rage won’t work against [the special people]. They feast on our rage knowing, at least for now, it’s largely impotent, and all our rage accomplishes is justifying their increasingly barbed taunts.

But mockery has worked, and does work. Mockery has a salutary effect on the interfaith dialogue, provoking [the special people] to implode and sputter with the same incoherent rage they inspire in the targets of their venom.

For this reason, i’m a big advocate of mockery, which has the power to settle our ancient score in a bloodless manner.

I’m a mocker not a fighter. This is my preferred outcome.

[The special people] can’t handle being mocked by anyone but their own. It’s like telling a nerd he’s not that smart. It hits the ego and the id square on, for if the nerd isn’t smart, what does he have going for himself? Likewise, if [the special person] isn’t fearsome, he becomes that dweeby outsider getting stuffed in lockers by Bretts and laughed at by Ashleys.

A reader astutely notes they can’t handle being mocked…or named.

One of the most effective immunotherapy programs Heritage Americans can undertake to save their nation at this late hour is to highlight, in every medium which is still open to free speech, the stark cultural, biological, psychological, economic, and ideological differences between [the special people] and [the targets of their hate]. Clarity brings the battlefield to view.

And is there a more bittersweet joy in this world than that of the blind man who can suddenly see?


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Christine Ballsy-Fraud is a sociopath who maybe, just maybe, will pay a price for her brazen attempt to bring down a good man.

Gateway Pundit and the crack sleuths at /pol/ are both reporting on something veeery interesting about Christine Ballsy-Fraud: that second door on her home she claimed was the trigger for her remembering sexual abuse by Kavanaugh?…it’s likely all made up and the truth is that she was trying to hide her illegal landlord activity from authorities.

Here’s an accomplished woman, Margot Cleveland, who has thoroughly analyzed Ballsy-Fraud’s testimony and come to the conclusion that her constant story changes to stay one step ahead of any defense against her accusations that would attempt to falsify her recollections is the best evidence that Ballsy-Fraud was LYING UNDER OATH:

THREAD: For those thinking Mitchell wasn’t strong enough on Ford, you’re wrong. Her gentle demeanor & allowing Ford to talk revealed A LOT-and it especially highlighted what FORD wanted us to NOTICE. Yesterday, I explained that her rehearsal & 5 mentions of Safeway was a tell. 1/

— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) September 30, 2018

There are sociopaths among us. Most people don’t know when they’ve met one. The sociopath is adept at concealing herself through mimicry of normal people. So when a sociopath like CBF sheds crocodile tears in front of Congress, normies think she’s credible. They can’t fathom anyone who would blatantly lie about a good man and destroy him before an audience of millions.

But these soul-killers exist, and normies had better wake up real quick to the fact that their inability to fathom anyone so radically and malevolently unlike themselves doesn’t mean sociopaths don’t swim among them, preying on their gullibility and integrity.
They do.
And they have like-minded kin in Congress who will cover for them.

I will be vindicated in my very early assessment of Ballsy-Ford as a psychopathic liar who made up her accusation out of thin air.
And I will be vindicated in my very early assessment that it was wrong of the GOP and assorted pants-wetters and pedestal polishers on the Right to sacrifice Roy Moore to the jackals and embolden the Leftoid Fuggernaut to even greater slanders against innocent men.


As America becomes a swarthier serfdom, she becomes stupider.

And stupider people are easier to manipulate by corrupt people.

So expect more cory bookers and kamala harrises retailing the corruption of their masters to an increasingly credulous public audience.

While you, a part of the dwindling bastion of keen-eyed and clear-headed White men holding onto the principles bequeathed by a thousand generations of ancestors and which nourish your soul, must imbibe this grotesque spectacle and rage against it as everything you love and cherish is made fodder for alien ingrates to mock and twist into hellish, inverted abominations.


Chad Vs Catlady

Stirring photo. The heart soars. Of course, the screeching blob on the right no doubt imagines herself a heroine; instead, she just looks like a disgusting fat-mouthed indeterminate ethnicity levantine-haired loser who smells like cat turd.

(From a Gabber: “10 years of rape fantasy? Covered.” LOL)

America is rapidly forming front lines in the existential battle between White Chads and Mystery Meat Catladies. This is our present and our future, until Final Resolution. I guarantee the Catlady Coalition has no chance of victory.

More of this, please, and faster:


WHITE Hot Rage

It’s building…

(even un-mccained Lindsey Graham became a little bit straight yesterday)



The Demostasi’s goal was to tar Kavanaugh with the “woman problem” brush like they did with Clarence Thomas, at best nuking his nom but realistically intimidating him to vote like a cuck on Poz Wing issues that would come before the Court.

The Satanic Party has likely miscalculated. Judging by Kav’s performance — his righteous anger and the steely shitlord face that seemed to materialize before our eyes and subsume his niceguy cuckface — I believe he would adjudicate like a Chadlord. He didn’t have cuckface when younger, so maybe a vestigial shitlord phyzz still guides his actions, and after that show trial yesterday I bet the shitlord phyzz assumes durable prominence.

If he’s confirmed, he’ll move the Court to the Far Genghis. Sweet sweet vengeance justice is coming. Like Clarence Thomas, no man can go through that hellfire of demonic slander and not come out unchanged. Kavanaugh may have been a niceguy his whole life, but today he wakes up a warrior.

PS As of this posting, Jeff Flake (R-Coward) is calling for an “FBI investigation”, which is the same thing as voting “no” but with plausible deniability, because he is a sackless cuck.

Flake is trash. He hates Trump, who is the alpha chad he could never be, and this is his petty vindictive payback. Kavanaugh is just collateral damage.

Flake shames his sons. Worse, he betrays them.


An excellent body language analysis of Ballsy-Ford can be viewed here (naturally, constitutionally foreign controllers of the information gateways are censoring this video from multiple platforms — but hey, the free market! /sarcasm).

Take home points:

  • her rigid body posture contradicts facial tics that reveal nervousness, strongly suggesting she’s putting on an act
  • constant opening and closing of mouth indicates neurological problems
  • she used “pretty pose” to make herself seem more vulnerable and feminine (again, an act)
  • she glances at committee members (feinstein crew) for guidance on certain questions, as if they pre-fed her specific answers to questions they told her were coming
  • she looked defiant and stressed when the three contradicting witness testimonies were read (“these are my enemies who could expose my lying”)
  • she’s “using emotion to manipulate her testimony”, altering her voice to affect victimhood
  • “this looks like a professor got together with her liberal friends to take down Kavanaugh”

I’m gonna give my verdict right here: Blasey-Ford is a sociopath. She’s lying. Nothing criminal happened to her. And she knows she won’t get called out on her lies, because the Dems, media, BELIEVE WOMEN INC, and cucks will cover for her. She literally has everything to gain — taking a scalp for The Resistance, making a pot load of money through shady GoFundMes and the inevitable book deal — and nothing to lose (unfalsifiable claims are awfully convenient props useful to the garden variety sociopath).

So all that remains is to figure out her motivation(s) for lying under oath. She obviously figures the very low risk of lying is worth the very high reward of attention, cashmoney, and adulation. My hypotheses of her motivations rest on two premises: the disposition of women to fall for shams like Recovered Memory therapy, and the anti-White man hysteria engendered in catladies by the equally psychotic media.

Hypothesis One: She had drunken makeouts with a bunch of boys in high school (likely none of whom were Brett Kavanaugh) and like many emotionally high strung, BPD shitlib women, she nursed a lifelong grudge against the lovers in her past who didn’t give her the fairy tale ending this pathological narcissist thought she deserved. This falls under the rubric of “regret rape”, a term I coined to describe the false accusations made by women who have morning after regrets and will assuage their egos by retconning their sluttiness as victimization.

A female reader reminds that “revenge rape” is also a thing:

Don’t forget “Revenge Rape” for when he doesn’t call or text afterward.

I am acquainted with a few women who meet these criteria. One even got a guy kicked out of college.They hate me because I don’t enable their delusions like their go-girl chorus.

Hypothesis Two: Nothing happened to her in high school. She had a bland dating career, which is the usual fate for plain janes. Instead, she concocted her “sexual assault” story out of whole cloth, a complete fabrication from A to unremembered Z, for the most craven and malicious of reasons: to destroy a man she virulently hated for his politics. Bonus rewards if the destruction of this man protected her connection to an indirect abortion profiteer.

After sullying myself trawling through this sordid spectacle, I have the following thoughts:

I want to see Dems destroyed from this character assassination circus they created.

I want to see Kavanaugh confirmed.

I want to see extremely elderly Ginsburg kick the bucket.

I want to see Trump nominate another BASED WHITE MAN.

I want to see shitlibs try this again.

And then I want to see them fail again and shame themselves in the public eye for generations.

PS Heh. Via Alex,

“The woman who is not pursued sets up the doctrine that pursuit is offensive to her sex, and wants to make it a felony.” – H.L. Mencken

If no woman is pursued, then the lsmv fugs don’t have to feel like romantic losers.


Arch Of Baal

This is weird. A replica of the “Arch of Baal” was erected in DC one day before Kavanaugh’s show trial.

The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is literally hanging in the balance, and many believe that it is quite odd that this ancient pagan symbol has been put up at this precise moment in time.  According to the official website of the Institute for Digital Archaeology, the Arch of Palmyra was unveiled on the National Mall on September 26th, and it will remain there until September 29th.  You can view a photograph of the arch standing directly in front of the U.S. Capitol building right here.  Just one day after this arch was put up, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress.  Perhaps this is all just a “giant coincidence”, but things of this importance usually don’t happen by accident.

The elite deeply understand that symbols have power, and the fact that the Arch of Baal has been placed directly across from the U.S. Capitol is highly significant.

Jonathan Cahn, the author of The Paradigm, has pointed out that Baal was a god of power, fertility and child sacrifice.  In this video, he makes a very strong connection between what was going on during the era of Baal worship and what is taking place in America right now.

The Arch of Baal (née the Arch of Palmyra) was originally built and located in Syria, and destroyed by ISIS in 2015. Maybe it’s not so odd that the group responsible for this replica world tour have planted it in DC at this moment in time, given its connection to the current unpleasantness in Syria, but it does make one wonder…after the last few years, I’m more inclined to believe our globohomo elites really are satanic.


The Satanic Smirk

Once you know what to look for, that Satanic leftoid phyzz accosts you every day you check in with the media.

From a few Gabbers,

they both have 1 thing in common, besides being scum bag liars, they are both paid off via crowd funding bullshit. if anyone uses the argument ‘what could CBF possibly get out of this?’ you tell them, how about a million dollars that morons, and most likely democrats, again morons, have put in her go fund me. this is a scam and a farce.


This cannot be stated strongly enough. These crowdfunding sites are open bribe/money laundering institutions for leftists.


Crowdfunding, a secular second collection.

Why do psychotic leftoids smirk so much? (And in particular, why do their smirks looks so fucking deranged?)

I have a theory that it’s a combination of a number of traits that are manifest to pathological extremes in leftoids: Infantilism/arrested adolescence/neoteny/narcissism.

Also, the smirk is a very homophiliac expression which acts like a buffer between the surface emotion and the real authentic psychology underneath. I think these psychos smirk like that because it helps them conceal not only from others, but from themselves, the coal black darkness of their hearts and the malevolence of their motivations. They are lying, to you and to themselves (because the best liars first convince themselves of their honesty), and this creates a painful cognitive dissonance which the smirk helps alleviate by directing all the inner turmoil outward, against their perceived enemies.


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