Feed on

Other realtalkers are picking up themes first discussed in the hallowed halls of this blog.

The fact is, white women are a big part of left-wing activism. The original Women’s March, held the day after Trump’s inauguration in 2017, was mostly white women. The aggressive protests against Kavanaugh’s confirmation were driven by white women. On Tuesday, white women were instrumental in giving Democrats control of the House, and an astounding 47 percent of them voted for Andrew Gillum–a black man–in the Florida gubernatorial race.

This is not enough for leftists. Until a large majority of white women vote for progressive, non-white candidates, it will be proof they are racist and need re-education. […]

White women are probably scapegoat-du-jour because leftists believe they can be pressured and intimidated. White men are too much the enemy to be reasoned with. White guilt is a powerful weapon and leftists hope to bully white women into servility.

Unfortunately, the Creepy Left’s plan is working. Women really are more gullible than men, and they fall harder for the disingenuously weepy-alternating-with-angry pleas of The Fuggernaut to help them remake America in the image of a thousand dreary, violent, corrupt nonWhite shitholes. You can see the results of their plan here. The trend is bad: 43% of White women voted for Dem House candidates in 2016. 49% of White women voted for Dem House candidates in 2018.

White women have been abandoning their White men for a while, but it really picked up pace with Trump’s election. Their abandonment is reflected in every facet of our degrading culture: from increases in mixed-race dating, to miscegenation, to voting, to pussyhat mass hysteria, to PoundMeToo, to anti-White protesting.

But The White Woman Wedge isn’t yet big enough to assure the Left electoral dominance for generations and beyond. The Left is nothing if not impatient, so they’re hastening the arrival of Post-America by browning the country as fast as they’re brainwashing White women.

Which tactic will win permanent rule for the Leftoid Equalism Fuggernaut? Browning, or Brainwashing?

Traitorous Anti-White shitlib judges are doing their job to support the Browning. Divorce, childlessness, the cock carousel, later age of first marriage, and declines in the marriage rate are accelerating the results of the Brainwashing.

It will be both tactics that “win” it for the Left, and maybe that’s a blessing in disguise. The transformation to Post-America will happen so fast and unequivocally that currently slumbering and cucked Whites will be shocked into a Real Resistance that washes all the scum off the streets.

If you were wondering where all the Left’s hate for masculine White men was coming from, this post explains it.


Facecock is all-in on the Brainwashing part of the Left’s plan to terrorform America:

FACEBOOK DELIVERS FOR DEMOCRATS: Erased 2 Billion GOP Page Views in Purge, Eliminated Conservative Content to Suburban Females

“What big tech has done to conservative and other undesirable publishers is nothing short of a digital Kristallnacht.”
— Andrew Marchs, filmmaker

The Left actively targets the weakest links in their natural enemies, and right now that means suburban White women. Faceborg does its part for the Party by censoring dissident political opinions that could influence White women to vote against Democreeps.

If it means dropping a giant deuce on the 1st Amendment, then FaceZOG will do that, safe in the knowledge that their Democortez clients will protect them from civil rights lawsuits.

“Build your own internet backbone and social media company” is sounding more like a rationalization of banana republicanism instead of a libertardian snark about first principles.

All right, then, shitlibs. Kill 1A, and then 2A. And then rule over the wasteland you’ve birthed in your short-sighted idiocy.


From Sean Davis,

Prior to Tuesday’s election, Ds held 55 of the richest 100 US House districts (median household income, 2017) and Rs held 45. After the election, Ds will hold 73 and Rs will hold 20, with 7 seats yet to be decided.

The richest House districts (median household income, 2017) in *10* states flipped from R to D this election: CO-6; GA-6; IL-6; IA-3; KS-3; MI-11; MN-3; NJ-7; PA-7; SC-1. UT-4 is likely to join, making 11. The rich turn ever more to the Democrats.

Who are “the rich”?

White “new economy” liberals
Suburban soccer moms

Wealth has moved from manufacturing to finance, tech, media, and entertainment. Wealth has therefore moved from White Christian men to White HR catladies and nonWhites.

The Dems are becoming the party of the rich because the rich are becoming the demography of the market dominant minority and virtue signaling White women who live in gated communities far away from Diversity™.

America is bifurcating along multiple axes:

Whites from nonWhites.
Rich from middle and working classes.
Rural from urban.
White women from White men.

The splits are accelerating, worsening, deepening.

This isn’t going to end well.

Diversity + Proximity = War.

You only had to listen to me.


Matthew Yglesias, Psychopath

“Siri, show me a sociopath.” pic.twitter.com/haQscpIs7k

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 8, 2018

Psychopaths like Yglesias can’t empathize with people. Worse, clannish psychopaths leverage their lack of empathy for outgroups to benefit their ingroup.

From a Twatter commenter,

I am in no way saying anyone should “protest” at Matty’s house by trying to break down his door but if it happened, maybe he would be able to empathize. It’s almost if he is asking it happen to him.

The problem is that Tucker Carlson lives in a Shitlib Zone (DC suburbs). He is a walking target, with few local allies who would rally to his side to take on the enemy. Fatty Matty is in his element. The Shitlib Zone protects him, nourishes him, coddles him, and excuses his psychopathy. MAGAlords would have to come from far away to demonstrate to Matty what it feels like to be on the business end of the lack of empathy he has for others. And they would be swarmed once inside the Shitlib Zone perimeter.

I’ll repeat myself: what you’re seeing are the first volleys of Civil War 2. I wish I was kidding.

Kelly adds,

But even for a public shitlord like Tucker Carlson, it may not be a good idea to live in a Shitlibopolus like DC., since he has kids. He is smack dab in middle of Enemy Territory. Shit lords need to be secret guerilla operators or group themselves outside of enemy lines and play their role from safer distances.

Good advice, but know what you are saying is akin to accommodationist precursors to civil war. When Americans on one side are forced to accommodate the terroristic intimidations of the other side, then the last societal threads that bind us are severed. Faith in law and order is lost. One side comes to see the other side as able to act with impunity by the imprimatur of a negligent or, worse, abetting ruling class which harbors their street terrorists. We are living under occupation, speaking freely only through underground channels and keeping our heads low in public to avoid a leftoid swarm.

From J.R.,

O’Reilly talked about this with Hannity recently, saying that one thing ppl don’t realize is how much everybody prominent on the Right has to spend on security now cause Antifa is constantly showing up at their houses and threatening them

this is clearly a strategy by the Left to intimidate their enemies

God willing this all changes fast now that Bane is our Acting Attorney General. Jim Accost-her is certainly not planning to report on pantifa threats! (And that’s because CNN’s Fake News problem starts at the top: JEFF ZUCKER.)

Anti-White [special sociopath] Yglesias thinks Tucker’s wife deserved to be terrorized in her home for the political opinions of her husband – he just thinks it’s tactically unsound because Tucker is famous enough that ppl will rally to his side

he feels no human emotion or sympathy for her

he’s a Bolshevik
he doesn’t think there’s anything morally wrong w/ political terrorism

“The death of one Gentile is a tragedy, the death of millions of Gentiles is a statistic.”

From The Zman,

This is why the Right always loses. The Left would respond to this with litigation. They would go into Federal court and demand Twitter dox the accounts promoting this. They would sue the protesters in order to get depositions, forcing them to name their backers. It would be an endless legal assault.

Tucker will go on his show and plead for civility.

Zman is right, and this is the perennial problem that dogs nascent nonviolent right-wing movements. THE RIGHT IS SIMPLY TOO NICE. The Left plays for keeps. The Right plays by rules that were devised to hobble them before the game even begins. The Left makes up the rules as they go along, to advance their immediate goals.

We have to find a way to cut through this Gordian knot, otherwise this will all end the way it has so many times in the past: hellfire. No one wants that when it’s actually happening. Before it happens? Eh, it’s like a video game, fun to imagine all the vengeance you’ll dole out while you enjoy limitless respawns. J.R.,

yglesias forever dreams of inspiring others to commit the political violence that he is too soft and weak-willed to commit himself

he wants a violent revolution that kills millions
he just doesn’t want to have to do it personally

he wants to be the intellectual writer guy who inspires others to do all the dirty work – and then later they can throw him a parade or something

The Gordian knot of a media-academia-bureacracy-entertainment axis of collusion against Heritage America can be cut, but it will require a paradigm shift in Rightist thinking. The Right can’t make the Left live up to its own book of rules, because the Left doesn’t have a rulebook (other than Alinsky’s book of rulebreaking). And the Right can’t bank on an accomplice media to cover for its excesses and make martyrs of them in defeat, as the Left enjoys. But what the Right can do is adopt the Left’s rule-breaking, assume the Left’s shape and form, and (sometimes literally) drive the Left insane with rhetorical limberness that can evade media sentinels and amplify the already-present emotional fragility of leftoids to system critical fluctuations in negative energy.

J.R. again,

that twitter account is still up, btw
they doxed Tucker’s brother

they committed violence against Tucker’s home, they terrorized his wife, and they clearly want Tucker’s family to pressure him to tone it down out of fear

this is political terrorism

and Twitter supports it

The Chaimstream Media’s silence on left-wing terrorism is deafening.

PS Scientific research has discovered that [the special people] as a group have inherited a disposition to neurotic psychopathy.

PPS Reminder that Fatty Matty advanced to the Chateau Heartiste 2015 Punchable Shitlib Face Tournament Semifinals, where he was beaten by his Voxlet colleague Dylan Matthews. (The Vox office must be the place where vagina tingles go to die.)

Yglesias is a gargoyle. A grotesquerie.

How a man looks is a leading indicator of how he thinks. Physiognomy Is Rael.


The Jerkboy Allure Anthem

All women love a challenging man. From a commenter,

I think you’ll love these lyrics from Kesha’s song “Stephen”:

[Verse 2]
I’ve got guys waiting in a line
For me to play my evil girly games with all their minds
Just watch me, I’ve got it down to a simple art
Just bat my eyes like this, and there’s a broken heart
But somehow, you turned the tables, what the hell?
I can charm the pants of anyone else but you

Stephen, why won’t you call me?
I’m sitting here waiting
Why won’t you call me?
Stephen, I’m feeling pathetic
I can’t take rejection
Why won’t you call me?

Female hypergamy is fed by male neediness. It is starved by male aloofness. And when a woman is heart-hungry for a man, she’ll go to great lengths — and great widths — to prove she is worth his attention.

Jerkboys are alluring to women because they don’t feed women’s allure. Beta bux “waiting in a line” to fluff her ego can only follow the script she gives them, but Sir Stephen* flips the script — “you turned the tables” — and resists her charms, or at least acts like he resists.

A man not falling to his knees to polish her pussy pedestal? Outrageous! (and oddly arousing) The jerkboy doesn’t wait in lines; he makes girls wait in a line for the pleasure of his pumpery.

CH Maxim #1: Love to a girl is when she feels a man could reject her any moment. Then her heart opens to the romantic possibilities.

horrible song.

*catch that literary ref


Why are reporters and whorenalists so hate-filled towards President Trump and his supporters? Roy leaves a clue:

The hostility of those reporters [at the Trump press conference] has to be seen to be believed. Acosta’s antics are worth the price of admission.

Then note how the most outwardly hostile are all non-whites. The foreign reporters were more respectful that most of the so-called Americans who were not Heritage Americans but rather mudmericans.

One sh3b00n keeps interrupting and Trump tells her to basically sit down and shut up.

The neck waving head wobbling ‘oh no you di’nt’ was on full display.

It was a thing of beauty.

Some of this irrational hate is driven by feelings of loss over the end of gaymulatto’s inane reign. These Mystery ‘Mericans can feel it deep beneath their adipose that gaymulatto may have been a one-off and we’re going back to good old-fashioned competent Heritage Governance. This is why they are screeching now for open borders; if they don’t elect a new people soon then White America may regain their hold on the nation of their ancestors and shut out the anti-White bigots from power.

The hate is bubbling up from a reservoir of spite formed when they had to give up power for even a moment. And there’s no power quite like the king’s power. These mixed nuts really thought that once they got power, it would be theirs forever. The Left still hasn’t gotten over what they perceive as a rejection of their Onyx Icon, and they fear that the clock might turn back on their globalist anti-White agenda. That secret fear — and an embarrassing envy of their betters — is connected to their wild-eyed hate. It always hurts more to lose the brass ring than to have never attempted to grab it. Loss of status stings more than status never gained.

And Leftoid America has lost a lot of social status, even if within their hothouse culture bubbles they think themselves still relevant and cool.

This is why foreign reporters are perplexed by the hate tantrums of American media. To them, the intensity of it is senseless because they don’t have the emotional attachment to a brownified Post-America that was cruelly ridiculed by the election of Trump.

More insidiously, many nominally White leftoid reporters who have to work side by side with the howling mobs in their midst see in Trump and the resurrection of Heritage America a threat to the paper-thin comity they have had to work hard to nurse to life in their Diverse workplaces. They fear, perhaps rightfully, that a deluge of Realtalk unleashed by White shitlords in positions of power would cause them trouble with their dumbass head-wobblin’ co-workers. Theirs is less a fear of status loss than a fear of threats to their livelihood and peace of mind. This is causing them to suck the knob of Diversity™ harder and longer than they ever have, and that’s gotta feel debasing on some level.

As I’ve written many times, the only solution is a mass culling — a mass firing — of shitlibs from all the major media conglomerates, at every level of operation, CEO to beat reporter. There’s no one on the inside with an opposing view to check the Fake News shitlib media’s worst impulses; instead, everyone cheers each other on to see who can “get” Trump in the most humiliating manner possible (and by extension, “get” White Americans who supported Trump). And this unchecked cheerleading has resulted in the media utterly discrediting itself through the abandonment of journalistic ethics and the happy embrace of lies, memory holing, and dissimulation.


Bucky has a Game-related question based on a very common scenario often encountered in the field: the jerk ex-boyfriend non sequitur.

Game Time:


Elongated “so”s are prohibited at the Chateau.

Im sitting here enjoying a neat bourbon at a local joint and this guy to my left is trying to game this woman. Looks like an after work scenario. So he at least pulled that part off. They clearly know one another based on body language and conversation topics. Him, mid to late 40s, her late 30s to early 40s. He is fully opened to her, she is partially opened to him. He’s 90 degrees to the bar and she is about 45 degrees to the bar if that makes sense.

They are talking about something mundane (I cannot hear every word) and she interjects “I once dated a guy from Montreal and he blah blah blah”, he takes it and says “that guy is such an asshole”

Old Bucky would have taken the slap in the face too and agreed to gain her approval.

What would you do?

Avoid the stinky beta bait. That’s all this is. Beta bait is essentially an alpha male filtering algorithm that women execute when they are curious about a man but need to know if he’s a beta male in casanova’s clothing. Women want to be sure the man they might sleep with isn’t a clingy, supplicating weirdo who polishes pussy pedestals with his post-jizz tears.

Another way to look at this: women engage in “crisis and observation” gambits (aka long-form shit tests) to determine if a man has grace under pressure. To the female rationalization hamster, “grace” translates as “unflustered”, or “indifferent to female manufactured drama”.

“I once dated a guy from [X]…” is a cue that you are about to play the part of a lab rat in a girl’s Darwinian experiment. The crumb of smelly cheese is sitting there, behind a pane of glass; will you frantically press the lever to get at it? Or will you pull a beef jerky out of your mouse pocket and chew on it contentedly? Maybe you’ll break the glass with a roundhouse kick, or flirt with another mouse.

The point is that as soon as you reach for that lever, you have lost the girl. You jumped through her hoop, asexualizing yourself.

The man you overheard had played that all wrong. He done fucked up. The bitch set him up! He chomped on that beta bait until his gums bled. The absolute worst response to a girl bringing up her asshole ex-lover is to waltz right into her damsel-in-distress frame to commiserate with her about said asshole.

First, women get distressed all the time, and mostly for ridiculous reasons. It’s very rare that a hottie will be depressed for legitimate reasons; more likely is that she is just venting a toxic build-up of emotions that have accumulated from her roller coaster relationship with a jerkboy, and the act of venting and brooding is itself very pleasurable for her. So pretty girls won’t truly welcome sympathy from men except as a springboard for the girls to play up the damsel in distress angle to extract bennies from betas.

Second, women are sexually put off by men who come on strong with the Sympathy Game, reasoning (rightly) that these men are chicken shits who are trying to weasel their way into women’s panties by role-playing as asexual therapists.

If you see a pretty girl who looks depressed to you, #resist the urge to comfort her. Instead, be the jerk chicks dig and tell her crying’s not allowed unless her dog or her mother died. Then offer her a hanky embroidered with a photo of your smirking face.

Chicks dig jerks. When you agree with a girl that her ex was a jerk, guess what? You have raised the ex’s status above yours. Now you’re sitting there like a schmuck, tooling yourself. Congrats, why not go ahead and complete the pathetic picture by buying her a few rounds of drinks and watching her leave the bar with a bouncer.

Here’s an example of a much more effective response:

COUGAR: “I once dated a guy from Montreal and he blah blah blah”

ACTING ATTORNEY GENERAL LEE: “Montreal? You dated a gay man?”

You could also go the reverse psychology route.

ACTING ATTORNEY GENERAL LEE: “He sounds like a kind-hearted soul. I bet he cries every night remembering you. You cold-hearted bitch.”

Or just change the subject:

COUGAR: “So this guy I used to date…”

ACTING ATTORNEY GENERAL LEE: “you have some dirt on your nose….riiiiight there”

And then there’s always this Chateau classic:

ACTING YADA YADA: “If you want a therapist, I charge $200 an hour. 15% off if I fall asleep during your session.”


From Ralph Stanley,

Hey Ariana, I re-wrote the lyrics for you!

One taught me herpes
And one taught me pain
Now, whenever I pee

I’ve loved and I’ve lost
More than a hymen
It hurts when I pee
So, look what I’ve caught

Look what you taught me
Crabs, gonorrhea
Syphilis too
Chlamydia gave me
A thick yellow goo
And for that, I say
Thank you, next

Forget a baby
HIV maybe
A daddy complex
Thank you, next







One of the many character traits I love about Trump is his preternatural ability to steal headlines from under his enemies’ concorde-tipped noses.

It could have been wall to wall BLUE RIPPLE gloating today from the media, but now instead they have to dilute their bullshit with news about Sessions resigning.

From Z-Man,

Given the timing, I would assume this has been the works for a while. Whether Sessions knew or not is hard to know, but Trump has certainly been plotting this for a while. Presumably, the move is to have the new AG take over the Mueller problem from Rosenstein. That solves one problem.

The larger problem is how to go about investigating the corruption in the FBI once the loons take over the House. That may be part of the plan here too. A new AG who does not have to recuse himself can also run a second special prosecutor charged with handling the sedition case.

It is a shame that it has come to this. Sessions is a patriot, but he allowed the perfidious Rosenstein to maneuver him into a corner, from which he could not escape. The next guy needs to fumigate the offices to rid the place of guys like Rosenstein.

I personally like Sessions — he has done a lot to loosen the grip of Globohomo on America’s immigration policies — but he made a critical error when he recused himself from the Russia Hoax rolling coup. Sessions forgot that America stopped rewarding principled patriots a while ago; it’s destroy or be destroyed now. When fighting for one’s life, principles are a handicap. But you can die knowing that a tiny coterie of historically erased allies-in-defeat remember your Inherent Goodness and celebrate it from their own forgotten resting places.

The important point mentioned by Z-Man is that a new AG in the thick of the fight can continue investigating and exposing the DOJ/FBI/DNC/OBAMACLINTON attempted coup against an opposition party candidate for president. That’s not nothing. In fact, next to building the Wall and kicking out the illegals, it’s everything. WE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND PUT THESE DEEP STATE TRAITORS BEFORE TRIBUNALS.

This is what “principled conservatism” gets you in a roil of demographic violence and ruling class malice:

54% isn’t gonna cut it anymore. The Trump Party needs to get that White number up above 60% to have a chance at saving America from the darkness of Mordor.

Good men like Sessions don’t have the stones for the fight. The bloodletting arena has changed, leaving behind niceguys like him. The time of Hard Men has returned.

This is the fighter we need now:

If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!

From J.R.,

it’s gonna be a super stressful two years
it’s gonna be Investigation after Investigation

Democrats will be looking for a knockout blow, Trump is gonna bait them into over-extending themselves like the GOP did to Clinton

Democrats aren’t gonna want to impeach Trump, but their base is gonna demand it

that will be a good wedge to play

as long as the House Dems don’t find a real smoking gun that is so obviously illegal that Trump is forced to step down, this will only benefit Trump

he now has an excuse for why there will be no wall in 2020 when he runs for re-election – and he will be able to accurately portray the Dems as simply a crazed mob trying to destroy him

As of now, this is looking like a replay of the second half of Bill Clinton’s second term. Clinton was impeached in ’98 by a Republican House and then went on to retire with the highest end-of-term approval ratings of any President since WW2. Good omen for Trump’s 2020 bid.

I consider the next two years to be a moment of clarification for Heritage America. They gave one last shot to the Dems, now they will see what a bunch of useless anti-White pricks they all are.

There are so many big issues confronting us, but two of the biggest are demographic displacement and deep state perfidy. I don’t see either problem getting sufficiently addressed now that the Lunatic Party owns the House, but with Sessions out there is at least the possibility of a stone cold killer as AG who won’t give up rooting out the rats in the FBI, DOJ, and elsewhere that gaymullato/clinton lackeys lurk.


From williamk,

You’re not a wartime consligiere, Jeff. Things may get rough with the move we’re trying.


After you take your guess, you can find the answer here.

No peeking ahead.

Moral of the photos: The Lord of Phyzz will not be denied.


From Dave,

Right face: A Republican watching ph_ggots make out in public.
Left face: A Democrat watching ph_ggots make out in public.

LMAO perfect.


The new Acting Atty General.
As depicted on his home page.
Honest to God. pic.twitter.com/KxkKmEAEtN— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 7, 2018

From a commenter,

Good God, Trump has unleashed Bane.

Trump is like a sexual dimorphism tsunami. He passes through, and leaves a cleansed world of glowing, feminine women and testosterone-boosted men in his wake.

Pantifa maxipads have no chance against this rising army of phyzzlords.

PS It’s Bronze Age Pervert’s world, we’re just living in it.


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