Feed on

Progressivism is anything but. “Joyce” (Twatter handle) writes that a better term for the ideology is Regressivism.

It doesn’t take much observation to reach the conclusion that Progressives are in fact Regressives. In all political affairs they regress to the sexual, to the emotional, to the petulant, to the jealous instincts that dominate their remarkably narrow personalities.

— Joyce (@TOOAJoyce) November 14, 2018

Regressivism is weaponized infantilism. It’s like giving a tantrum-throwing toddler access to the levers of social and political power. Nothing but lunacy and sadism will follow.

More from Joyce:

Amazing it’s escaped the attention of most Whites, but any reasonably intelligent observer should see that multiculturalism is all about making White people give up their countries, then their stuff, and finally their lives. We aren’t “multicultural enough” until we’re all dead.

— Joyce (@TOOAJoyce) November 14, 2018

Virtue perishing.

Another Reframe, on women and the Pill:

Imagine placing your entire sense of human agency on a pill. How terrified of responsibility are postmodern women? https://t.co/0DW25SLQVn

— Joyce (@TOOAJoyce) November 13, 2018

Contra the ACLU, the Pill did none of those things. What it DID do was enable women to fuck around indiscriminately while pursuing a useless paper pushing career and putting off marriage and childbirth until it was too late and then bitching and moaning about “the patriarchy” in online femcunt ghettoes.

The Pill was really nothing more than a means for women to ignore beta males during their prime vagina years, which meant it was nothing less than a cataclysmic rupture of the sexual market with evolutionary consequences we are only just beginning to understand.

ps a history of the Alt-Right.


The Chateau predicted this.

Conclusion – [The advent of the sexbot revolution will mean] the entire market structure of dating will shift seismically in the direction of men becoming choosier and less willing to please and women becoming looser and more willing to please.

The basic premise I have outlined above rests on a simple observation — the more physically satisfying choices men have to sate their lust, the less needy they will be with women.  And non-neediness translates into a slight downgrade in the asking price of single women.  Because women are more loathe to settle than men, there will be a rush to the top as the dwindling number of acceptable male prospects commands the attentions of an ever-growing pool of women.  Polygamy will rush in to fill the need.

Sexbots present a clear and present danger to women’s sexual market value and their ability to leverage their fattening bodies to acquire a lifelong mate. Men are visually aroused, and on a subconscious level women understand this, which is why maximally visually stimulating sexbots strike fear into the hearts of middling and low smv women who are paying attention.

And right on cue…..it’s ¡SCIENCE! to cradle my balls and smile lovingly up at me from chafed knees.

Via Rolf Degen, again. (The man is a conduit to wrecking ball research that crushes the Equalism Narrative)

The idea of their partner making love to a sex robot evoked some serious jealousy in women, especially if an emotional attachment could develop. https://t.co/mJVfa9vEyX pic.twitter.com/PEP2ePukXw

— Rolf Degen (@DegenRolf) November 13, 2018

Jealousy 4.0? An empirical study on jealousy-related discomfort of women evoked by other women and gynoid robots

Best Of research paper title contender.

The present study investigated whether women react with the same level of jealousy towards the idea of their partner having sexual interactions with a (human-like or machine-like) gynoid robot as they would when imagining their partner having sexual interactions with another woman. We assumed that, due to the higher comparability and the greater likelihood of past experiences of other women as sexual competitors, women would feel more discomfort and jealousy in response to another woman. However, it seems not sufficient to state that women in general evoke stronger jealousy-related discomfort than robots. On the contrary, it depends on the subdimension of jealousy. The jealousy-related discomfort was higher for female competitors compared to the robotic ones, for instance regarding the discomfort caused by the idea of sexual intercourse, whereas in other dimensions the robots evoked the same or higher levels of jealousy-related discomfort, such as the discomfort caused by negative self-evaluations in comparison to the competitor or discomfort caused by shared emotional and time resources. Contrary to our expectation, the factors of similarity and comparability did not lead to differences between human-like and machinelike gynoid robots in terms of the different subdimensions of jealousy-related discomfort. It is possible that basic social cues are sufficient to trigger social scripts known from humans-human interactions, which, in turn, result in social comparison and jealousy-related discomfort. Greater knowledge about the underlying processes of machines could help women to better evaluate the abilities of robots. Moreover, an enhanced willingness to create and shape sexualized technologies of the near future could positively affect females’ self-confidence, as such inventions could more strongly respect and represent their needs in terms of both sexuality and societal standing. Most importantly, our findings should spark further discussion on ethical aspects of human-robot interaction and hopefully result in social and sexual norms to guide responsible robotics developments which will not negatively impact long-term relationships and women’s self-evaluation.

Human women are insanely jealous of robot women. Instinctively, women know that a height-weight proportionate, nubile, centerfold replicating gynoid who can be programmed to derisively mock pussyhatters is real competition, because women also know instinctively that men are primarily aroused by gazing at a woman’s beauty and bangable body. No amount of feminist wishful thinking to the cuntrary can erase this reality of women’s intuitive hindbrains. If the typical crass Amerifat woman sees a hot little minxbot, she won’t be able to #resist comparing herself to the hotbot. The sexual market dynamic would be the same as if the sexbot were a human hottie flouncing into the club to outshine the herd of cows.

Further, women can feel a threat to their interests from a man falling in love with a beautiful bangable sexbot, because men first lust before they love. This is why human female participants in this research expressed jealous discomfort at the thought that their men might get emotionally attached to their HB100 sexbots.

As I’ve been saying, once sexbots cross the uncanny valley and acquire fine motor skills (of the mouth and vagina), it’s game over for the known sexual market which has guided human evolution since the dawn of time. I have predicted a likely outcome of the reoriented sexual market in the wake of the sexbot revolution — rampant polygamy followed by rapid social collapse — that can be avoided if human women make themselves as appealing as the coming sexbots. Which means,

push away from the table
stop voting for degenerate nation wrecking freaks
don’t ride the cock carousel
learn to cook
learn to give good head
adore your man

Is that too much to ask?


Criminalizing Pranksters

This to me looks like boys having fun pranking their uptight stuffy elders:

I spot a couple of asian supremacists in there.

Pranksterism is a lost art that’s regaining a toehold in Post-America with the maturation of Generation Zyklon. It’s a beautiful thing to take in, like a breath of fresh country air.

Naturally, the [special people], Fuggernaut mob, SJW rejects, Twatter blueticks, social media schoolmarms, and catlady hall monitors who constitute the leftoid equalism hivemind want to destroy these boys’ lives forever, by criminalizing their prank and branding them with a Scarlet N, so that they will be blacklisted at every college* and potential employer, where kkkommissars have instant online access to everything anyone’s ever said or done going back to infancy.

Ingsoc will NOT be mocked.

I can’t think of a surer way to birth an army of vengeful adult shitlords than to crush the hopes and dreams of every fledgling young shitlord for the mortal sin of partaking in a funny prank, so keep at it [special people]. The hate, on both sides, will soon grow beyond your ability to control.

PS The guy in the back row, right, is

a. giving the white power ok sign out of sight

b. smugly gay

c. shitting his nerdo pants

d. angling for media fame and a guest column with either Huffington Post or National Review.





welp, we have our answer:

“these classmates have bullied me since entering middle school…”

looks like (b) and (d). a smugly gay “resister” angling for a Puffed Ho column.

You know what that posed class photo looks like to me?

Welcome Back, Cheeky America!


From Cornelius Rye,

Now watch as a seemingly-unconnected group of plucky and courageous underdog journalists dedicate the next 6 months of their lives to doxing and destroying each and every one of these boys. So brave!

Stop it, my righteous hate can only take so much engorgement.

*Aaaaaaand, right on cue these young men are being embargoed from colleges.


It’s one of the precious blessings of living in a freeman’s nation that no group is protected from mockery. And the most mockable group is the one that thinks itself untouchable.



A few hours ago BitChute received a notice that our PayPal account has been permanently limited, with immediate effect, and that we will no longer be able to accept or send payments.

Up until today PayPal had been our main source of revenue.

From commenters,

We need to seriously do something about this. PayPal stops payment and seeks to censor anyone that’s a threat to the establishment. Bitchute threatens YouTube, stop payment. Gab threatens Twitter, stop payment. Free speech threatens globalism, stop payment.


We are being shoved out of the market. There will be no other options to partake within the market. We have to create our own, there is no other way… other than them repenting. [fat chance] I am wholly dependent on paypal to pay my stock deliverers for repairs.. other options immediately drive the prices up 8 fold.


Lots of alternative payment processors.
But the underlying problem is that if alternative payment processors allow payments to dissident sites that are on the list, then MasterCard/ Visa will threaten to cut them off/ shut them down.


When is someone with Center to Right convictions going to open a Bank, Credit card, or online payment process, they would capture 50% of the market in one week!

Paging Palmer Luckey

Paypal’s CEO Dan Schulman – fan of the LGBT movement – one of the Silicon Valley heavy players – he’s right in the wank circle. I’m getting fed up with watching this, when will POTUS step in and disband big-tech?


(((red diaper baby)))

Schulman once told The NYT, “I was born with social activism in my DNA. My grandfather was a union organizer in the garment district in New York City. My mother took me to a civil rights demonstration in Washington in my stroller.”


Liberals don’t need to be elected to office 2 put the squeeze on us, they get thier monopolies to censor us, time to switch services to an up-and-comer


Politics is downstream from culture. The reason politicians get away with so much crap is because we don’t have a cultural consensus that this crap is wrong.

BINGO. Diversity + Proximity = Nonconsensual Culture

Sue Paypal for harm to your business, a tort.

Conservatives had better get acquainted with retaliatory lawfare, because leftoids have been battering them with it for decades.

They can’t beat the competition so they’re doing everything to shut them down (same as Gab). They know they can’t debate the ideas (and win)…so they need to shut everyone down.
You can bet that social media platforms will be regulated soon enough.


Shouldn’t PayPal be under banking rules? They do nearly everything a bank does. You can save money there, withdraw money, deposit money, transfer money, they even issue credit cards. Sounds like a bank to me and it sounds like a bank denying service based on a client’s political views.


But PayPal still processes payments for the domestic terrorism organization known as Antifa…

Oh and ISIS too…


Money in, money out should be anonymous to paypal. Why they would treat a particular vendor different from any other is insane. Its an exchange service built to process dollars not political ideology. What kind of business works against their own model? This really should have serious legal and Federal law investigations against paypal. Something is wrong here.

What kind of business works against their own model? The kind of (((business))) that prefers mind control over profit.

PayPal are scumbags.

All that needs to be said.

“Stop Payment” is the gun that leftoids shoot before they reach for real guns.

Reminder: This is a shitlib gun:

PS Here is a list of money transfer service alternatives to GayPal.


This is a useful enemies’ list to keep at the ready, to remind you of the nature, identities, and scope of Globohomo.

NeverTrump’s Billionaire Leftist Benefactors

Just hours after Jeff Sessions resigned as attorney general last Wednesday at the president’s behest, #TheResistance found its newest target for destruction: Sessions’ interim replacement, Matthew Whitaker.

[The special people] HATE HATE HATE Whitaker’s Aryan phyzz.

NeverTrump “conservatives” are aiding Schiff and the media in their campaign to paralyze if not remove Whitaker. Commercials attacking the acting attorney general were aired on several Sunday morning political shows. The ads were sponsored by “Republicans for the Rule of Law,” a group founded earlier this year by Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard. The group’s primary role so far appears to be pimping for the Mueller probe, a political witch-hunt that Kristol and his fellow NeverTrumpers pray will lead to the impeachment and removal of the president. The Left and their NeverTrump footsoldiers fear Whitaker will thwart the special counsel’s investigation instead of rubber stamping Mueller’s ever-expanding investigation as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has done over the past 18 months.

Buying primo air time on network television doesn’t come cheap. So who is funding “Republicans for the Rule of Law” and their attacks on the Republican president and his acting attorney general? Is it big Republican donors?

We haven’t found any, but we have learned learned that one of Kristol’s benefactors is progressive billionaire Pierre Omidyar, the co-founder of eBay.

Omidyar -> not a Heritage American.

The Omidyars have also been among the most prolific supporters of  left-wing causes for years. According to a 2014 report by the Media Research Center, “Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Pierre Omidyar, Tom Steyer and George Soros’s son, Jonathan are major funders of the left.

Fuck, there’s another Soros sprog. What do all these fine, upstanding, salt of the earth “Americans” have in common? They are united by their desire for

cheap labor
wealth concentration
weakening of the White Gentile majority

And lately, Omidyar seems to have become a big fan of Kristol’s, probably because of their mutual hatred of Donald Trump. Digging a little deeper it looks like they may have more in common since Kristol has recently found his “inner socialist” and he now opposes Republican candidates.

LMAO Kristol didn’t “find” his inner socialist, he just stopped concealing his “inner tribalist”. Immigration restriction advocacy has that effect on the [special people].

One of Omidyar’s nonprofits is the Democracy Fund. In 2015, the Democracy Fund awarded nearly $9 million in grants, “many of which went to left-wing organizations.” One Democracy Fund recipient is currently in court fighting the results of the Georgia gubernatorial race, which was won by Republican Brian Kemp.

Left-wing billionaire money corrupts democracy.

An affiliate of that fund disclosed on its website that it has given as least $600,000 to Kristol’s umbrella group, Defending Democracy Together, since May. (Other NeverTrumpers involved in the group are author Mona Charen, strategist Linda Chavez, and former governor Christine Todd Whitman.) Republicans for the Rule of Law operates under the purview of Defending Democracy Together.

“Rule of Law”. Pure _ewspeak. You can throw Kellyanne Conway’s disgusting, fat husband in that mix of Globohomo seditionists.

So why is a group of so-called principled “conservatives” accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from a leftist billionaire who has shown zero dedication to conservative causes, an activist who finances interests that are inimical to conservative values and policies, and who bankrolls Democratic candidates hostile to mainstream conservatives?

Because the same phonies who claims to be all about principles and integrity are now the folks willing to do almost anything to take down Trump. (Remember that the next time they lecture pro-Trump Republicans about being a cult.)

Well of course. They even have the symbols. The pussyhat is the Stahlhelm of this cult.

Omidyar is a virulent Trump foe; he donated $250,000 to the NeverTrump PAC in 2016. Calling Trump a “dangerous authoritarian demagogue” during the presidential primaries, the Iranian-born

Why is he in America? I don’t remember getting a say in this turd’s application for invasion.

Omidyar also is tied to another billionaire archenemy of the president: George Soros.


Omidyar has donated millions to Soros’s pet projects, including the Open Society Foundations, a main funder of Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Center for American Progress.

Meanwhile, rich conservatives are funding Friday night football programs.

Among the goals of the Open Society Foundations are “creating a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, cutting the number of prison inmates by 50%, enacting comprehensive immigration reform, increasing welfare handouts, and raising taxes to redistribute wealth.”

Sounds like a Dr Evil plan to me. How does this Globohomo agenda significantly differ in its practical effects from actual genocide of White America?

(The Standard has other ties to Soros-linked projects and seems to be running a lot of cover for the global financier of late. More on that in an upcoming piece.)

The Weekly Standard is run by Bill Kristol, a very special person, who has turned his rag into a PR machine for international financiers.

Now look, I’m not gonna say stereotypes R real, but yeah stereotypes R real.

It’s one thing for a political pundit like Kristol to brand himself as a Trump-hating “conservative” to earn hits on cable news shows and get fawning coverage in elite media publications.

Shitlib media outlets like Non-Player Radio routinely introduce Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg as “conservatives”. This is classic “make words mean something entirely different than what they actually mean” psy ops.

It’s quite another to partner up with the sworn enemies of the very principles one has claimed not only to champion, but of which he has insisted he is the last, best defender.

It makes sense if you keep in mind that kristolniks are sworn to nothing but what is good for kristolniks, and immigration restriction is like a crucifix and garlic to them. THEIR WHOLE LONG-TERM PROJECT IS TO END THE CONCEPT OF WHITE CHRISTIAN MAJORITY NATIONS.

His new friend is a foe of these causes and has been for decades, which makes it appear as though Kristol is ready to sell out to any deep pocket just to damage the president while hiding the fact that his crusade is financed, at least in part, by a major anti-Trump, anti-conservative left-wing billionaire. (There is no information posted on Republicans for the Rule of Law’s website, or Kristol’s umbrella group, that discloses their funding sources.)

Vampires hate Sunshine laws.

The irony is rich indeed that “Republicans for the Rule of Law” is financed by a Democrat.

Expose the funding streams, and you are halfway to a Mass Woke Event.

So here are the billionaire soy’s club names you need to know:

Any and all members of the Soros clan
Pierre Omidyar
Michael Bloomberg
Warren Buffett (fucking quisling)
Tom Steyer
Jeff Bezos (he funds the Left through his agitprop blog, The Washington Post)
Carlos Slim (same as Bezos, except his plaything is the NYTimes)
Sergey Brin
Mark Zuckerberg
Jack Dorsey
The Koch-suckers (h/t mendo)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it hits all the big traitors.

PS Ace of Spades covers the story.

PPS J.R. expertly summarizes the sordid globohomo network of billionaire nation wreckers,

so, here’s what’s going on:

Pierre Omidyar, the Left-Wing Billionaire, runs the Democracy Fund which gives cash to left-wing groups to advance anti-white causes

Democracy Fund gives $600k to Bill Kristol’s Defending Democracy Together Fund which then creates the Republicans for the Rule of Law group which then buys ad time on FoxNews to bash Trump

I’ve coined a term for this:

Anti-White agitprop laundering.

PPPS “Defending Democracy Together Fund”…so Orwellian.

PPPPS From Smash Islamophobia:

Black pill:
There are no conservative megadonors.
Vulture fund billionaire vulture fund billionaire (((Paul Singer))) is a top Republican donor.
His #1 cause?
Homosexual “marriage” & other issues related to promoting homosexuality. He also funded the Pissgate “dossier,” of course.

MAGAmen, I’m afraid we’ll have to save America with nothing but the steel in our spines and the righteous fury in our hearts.


Your Daily Arrow Of Causation

Ann Coulter:

Selfie saves a man from 99 years in prison.

Also, another woman who lied about a man attacking her. Because apparently people don’t think this happens.



she claimed her old high school boyfriend – who she hadn’t seen in years – broke into her residence and carved an ‘X’ into her chest

luckily for him he took a selfie 65 miles away with his mom
cops still raided him w/o warning and put him in jail
cause Berieve Awl Wahmen and whatnot
he had to post $150k bail

notice you can tell it’s self-inflicted by how neat it is


ps obvious cutter is obvious. aren’t there any police who know how to identify a headcase cutter? or are we just gonna lock up every White man at birth and spare the expense of due process?


I asked how shitlib webzines and shitlib nonprofits stay solvent, and more perplexingly, manage to swim in an ocean of funny money. Commenter and epicurean trav777 answers,

CH- I can answer your question.

I have lived here for a while and I was fucking a chick who worked at exactly one of these ubiquitous nonprofits, and have done research into them.

They’re [special people] money laundering scams. Period.

One guy, I think ZH did an expose on him, had something like 6 or 8 shell companies colocated at the same address. They do the same shit with PACs as with nonprofits. People make deductible donations and the money gets routed around from corporation to corporation as “costs, fees, expenses,” whatever, and it ends up largely back in the pockets of the donors.

These billionaires didn’t get there by giving their money away, they got there by understanding how to KEEP the money they were making by any means necessary.

So the aforementioned nonprofit…some kind of africa bullshit. I told her, not asked her, “everyone there is a [special person].” She was like how the fuck do you know this? The [special people] that fund it are on the take from it, hiding ways to pay themselves and others massive sums to avoid taxes.

So think of this- every single expense of their life is expensed out to the nonprofit or PAC. Trips, travel, food, clothing, you name it. Deducted. The donors have their own shells to do the same sort of shit in a lazy susan. As long as the IRS gets some dough here and there, they really never fuck with corporations. And this is massive business with massive political cover.

These [special people] never went to africa, like nobody did, there were no perceptible projects she could discern and she was constantly confused about what tf this nonprofit actually *did*. I told her, they launder money. That is the business. The white chicks who worked there surely thought they were doing good but all they are is a sunk cost necessary to launder massive sums of money. Foundations are the same. Ways to perpetuate dynastic wealth.

Like I wrote, an entrepreneurial True News journalist who wasn’t afraid to lose it all to a vengeful Globohomo would really make a name for himself exposing the money laundering scam at the heart of the conglomerated shitlib media universe.

Fortunately, there is a samizdat dissident underground media willing to do the work that the Chaimstream Media won’t do.

From emailer “Matt”, an analysis of media dissembling (aka Fake News) that is related to the topic of this post.

Thought you’d find this relevant given your recent post discussing VOX. Below is a data driven analysis of 20 large news outlets. Given the lack of pointed initiative, I think the results are more cudgel than shiv.


The Fiat News Index […]

Fiat news is about the press telling you how to think about issues. Fiat news is about the presentation of opinions as facts, regardless of whether they consistently favor one group or another. If you want a bit more of a primer, including why we call this fiat news, the original piece Ben wrote in 2017 is located here.

We think there are some ways to measure this, so we’re going to try. And we’re going to do it in the open. Let me introduce you to the Fiat News Index.

I’ve selected 20 of the largest and most prominent US-based news and commentary organizations. Using the tools and database from our friends at Quid, the Index measures the proportion of articles from a media outlet which use one of a range of words or expressions I selected. These words and expressions fall roughly into three categories: words that convey a causal link between two statements (Causal Expressions), words that seek to communicate the Common Knowledge element of a narrative (Common Knowledge Expressions), and words that communicate explicit value judgements (Value Expressions). These concepts will be familiar to readers of the recent In Brief, The Tells of Fiat News. […]

The basic idea behind this framework is that writers, when using Causal Expressions, are communicating how you should perceive the relationships between facts and other facts, or between facts and certain conclusions and analysis. This conflation is a common way to present a judgment or opinion as objective fact. It is a writer coaching you on the logical path they wish you to follow. Sometimes that is innocuous, because sometimes the relationship between two ideas, two facts or two statements really is incontrovertible. Often it is not. When using Common Knowledge Expressions, the writer is encouraging you to think less critically about an assertion or argument. It is, after all, obvious to everyone else. Value Expressions are more straightforward and easily understood. They also look a bit more like an analysis of bias, although these words may just as easily be used to tell you how to think about what is good and what is bad without any element of structural favoring of one point of view. […]

For this reason, the absolute levels [of media dissembling expressions] are much less instructive than the relative levels. For me, I understand this index to mean, “If I open the pages of this publication, how much more likely is it than in another publication that I will read a story that is telling me how to think?”

Here is the Fiat News Index for the last 12 months ended November 10:

A few words. First, the Index includes four media companies that are not news outlets. This is by design. The unit of the Fiat News Index is the Vox, not because there’s necessarily anything bad or dishonest about what Vox does, but because Vox’s stated mission is to explain the news. Approximately 91% of its articles in the last year included one of these explainer words. Nothing necessarily wrong with that in a commentary or analysis publication (like Vox, The Atlantic, National Review or The New Yorker), but potentially a matter of concern when it takes place in a news outlet. Each other source is scaled to express how many Voxes of explaining their articles have engaged in over the last year.

The poles are instructive. On the one hand, we have Vox, and on the other, Reuters. In between, there is a meaningful range. While I don’t have the data to give Reuters a completely clean bill of health, for our purposes I think it is useful to think of their level as a baseline of the innocuous usage of these terms. From there, Voxes will rise with the (1) use of these terms to explain topics in news articles and (2) the relative proportion of opinion and commentary to pure news coverage. The first is our primary focus, but the second isn’t irrelevant, and we don’t consider it a false positive. You should read this as an attempt to proxy the following question: “If I open this publication, how likely is it that I will be told how to think about world events instead of being given simple information about world events?


Go there and read the article. The thing that jumps out at you is that leftist media outlets are more likely to “tell you how to think about world events” — i.e., to present opinions as news — than are right-leaning outlets.

This is the natural and expected consequence of leftoids being more ideologically conformist than conservatives, and why I have said the only fix is to cull at least half the shitlibs from their media perches and replace them with un-cucked, un-zogged patriots.


PA earns another COTW with a Theory of Eurasian Oneitis,

Oneitis is a symptom of frustrated pair bonding instincts in the higher humans, who are wired to marry their first girl at 14 – 17 and bond for life.

Game is a way for men to get over oneitis, but at a cost of a piece of their romantic souls. Once you lose your oneitis, you have lost a dizzyingly euphoric innocence that you’ll never regain. But most men are willing to sacrifice that for an end to their involuntary celibacy.

Alternately, young men could avoid oneitis by, as PA said, locking down their first true love. (Alternately, these alternatives only exist in an alternate universe that isn’t lashed by intergalactic clouds of poz matter.)

Interestingly, another commenter noted that women respond to their thwarted pair bonding instinct by becoming LESS able to bond, (beta men go the opposite direction and become supplicating and desperate for an authentic monogamous bond).

The thwarted pair bond coarsens both sexes. In men who overcome oneitis, a clear mind and heart exposes them to the interchangeability of women and erodes their protector and provider instinct, coaxing them to repudiate their natural male role as a “bridge over troubled water”. These men accumulate a lot of notches, and may even fall in love with a few of them, but they will rarely if ever be captivated by their own yearnings. Their passions are compartmentalized and controllable and thus, earthly.

In men who are overcome by oneitis, their scrote-shaped anima is venesected and their urge to stand firm in the face of female drama is weakened. They are worse off than men who have defeated oneitis, because the former have no command of their love lives. They are buffeted by female whims, and this creates a negative inward spiral of anhedonic navel-gazing betatude. They only experience one-way love, and that’s akin to being tortured by one’s desire.

There is no such thing as a woman overcome by oneitis. We call a woman like that, a “woman in love“. Men will treasure her.

The woman who has overcome her oneitis is a force of darkness. She spreads filth, disease, malice, dysfunction, hysteria, and vice wherever her pain finds a victim to possess. The woman who is denied her deepest desire for a lovestruck pair bond is a future catlady, pussyhatter, careerist shrike, feticidaire, STD factory, recyclable mistress, and barren womb. She is She-vaj, Destroyer of Nations.

Why do women and men diverge in how they respond to thwarted pair bonding? Part of the reason is simple biomechanics. Women can more easily access empty sex to distract from their distress, to give their egos a shallow and fleeting boost, and so that’s what they do. And women who fuck around a lot are ruined for love.

Men don’t have that avenue of easy sexual access, so their denied pair bonding urge manifests as cloying neediness (picture a drug addict seated and strapped in, just out of reach of a gram of happiness). These men aren’t ruined for love if they can’t get any love to ruin. If these men could get a woman, they would bond instantly, strongly. Too strongly. Hold on tightly, until she lets you go.

Another reason is the inherently deeper well of romanticism that both blesses and curses men. When a man’s romantic yearning is continually denied, he either gives in to cynical solitude or recommits himself to his frisson quest, in which his frantic paddling for the slore pushes him farther out to sea.

Oppositely, when a man who has overcome his blue-balling oneitis is dispirited by flings with broken unloveable women, he gives in to ennui and inconsideration. These men haven’t lost the ability to pair bond so much as they can’t find a reason to do so. Their romanticism is only partly fulfilled by sex and the aping of frenetic love with chronically un-bonded women. The magic is gone; every sleight of hand and hidden trap door is beheld by increasingly jaded eyes. He goes to the show to amuse himself, but the wonder is left behind to stalk his dreamy nostalgia. Still, if a rare woman were to present herself, he would remember that old feeling, and it would come storming back.

Women have a stunted version of male romanticism. As the more practical sex (see: women spreading their legs for invaders to save their hides and genetic legacy), women whose pair bond window has closed or shattered don’t react as do men stricken by oneitis; the romantically underdeveloped woman is an all-business bitch-in-waiting. When her brief moment of romantic abandon is denied (her teenage to early 20s years), she will swap her bonding instinct for a predatory sexuality and rationalized self-centeredness. When the Wall hits, there will be no safe passage to the other side for her.

Finally, women react to a deprived pair bond the same way they react to any desire of theirs that is deprived: Sour Grapes. They spite that which they cannot immediately possess, consume, and control. Their spite provokes self-defeating behavior, for example pushing away good men, staying with bad men, and denigrating the True and Beautiful for the solipsistic gruel of gogrrlism. It’s the “if I can’t have it, I’ll curse it” egoistic howl.

This is why women denied an early-in-life pair bond are, unlike men, less able to bond later in life: what is cynicism in men is destructiveness in women. The cynic can be uplifted; the vandal only restrained.

Multiple flings genuinely reward men with higher self-esteem despite germinating cynicism. In contrast, multiple cockas scar female self-esteem, and the longer the cocka line, the lower her self-esteem — which is attuned to different rewards that include love and commitment and family — until her self-hate is propelled outwards at men and society. This is why the woman denied a pair bond is driven to remake society in her misery, and why it is in the interest of a nation to prevent the growth of a large, enfranchised group of bitter single childless women.


COTW runner-up is R.G. Camara, with his HAGiography of Jessica Valenti,

One favorite story about Valenti, when she wrote her “autobiography”, she revealed she was a massive, drug-addicted slut back in her NYC high school. At one point, she got sick of the skinny-armed NYC guys and hooked up with a bodybuilder whose body she loved to get banged by because his body “felt like a real man should”—who was apparently in his mid-20s while she was in high school. Then he dumped her.

Then she partied her way out of college, and only got her groove back when she became a professional man-hater.

Why human failures like this are listened to and given a platform is a combination of human stupidity and deliberate propaganda by those in power.

Again, fuck this gay world.

Women denied their fleeting moment of youthful pair bonding with an alpha male become forces of feminist destruction for the rest of their lives. Beta hubbies hardest hit.


Generation Zyklon

Students react as Nazi salutes in Baraboo High School prom photo spark outrage online https://t.co/7okx2HBQLT pic.twitter.com/zLCKTbRc86

— PortageDailyRegister (@PDRnews) November 13, 2018


This from Baraboo High School in Wisconsin. The male class of 2018 is throwing up a Sig Heil during their prom photos. You can also make out a few “white power” signs as well.

Future Stephen Millers of the world. pic.twitter.com/ABwLaL3ZlF


— Impeach Trump (@dumptrump33) November 12, 2018

Hope lives in what follows the worst generation in American history (the Shrillennials).


The Great Cull

“This has got to be one of the most powerful photographs I have ever seen. Above is a battalion of the Cameron Highlanders in 1914, prior to being despatched to the front line; below is the same battalion upon their return in 1918 after the armistice. “
Gerry Burns fb page. pic.twitter.com/1aL6ZdD4ug

— DDS. (@hampson_d) November 11, 2018

I buy the theory that European Christendom’s best men were culled by the two great White Wars, and we were bequeathed soyboys and bugmen as punishment.

Exhibit A:


From Captain Obvious,

Griswold & Roe did precisely the same thing to Insula-dominant Whites as WWI & WWII did to Amygdala-dominant Whites.


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