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Unholy Abominations

Regrettably, I’ve seen way too many trannyfreak pics in the past year, thanks to the zeitgeist. One can’t avoid the ocular AIDS.

But this photo…this one in particular…jarred me from my cynic’s slumber. I had to do a double-take as I couldn’t discern if the characters were human or mannequin, and I wondered just WTF was going on with psychotranny’s world-eating mouth and gamma ray-emitting sanpaku eyes.

And the boy child…it wasn’t that long ago this scene would alert child protective services.

Now our culture celebrates child abuse and sexualization. Coincidentally, our culture is steered by these sorts of people:

Does the “I” stand for Insane? It should.


Leave California, White people, and don’t look back.

Secession/separation is the answer when ousting depraved rulers through the political process becomes impossible (we’re almost there).

A reader objects,

No – stand and fight! There is no where left to runaway to anymore. The Sodomites will follow you to TX! Draw the line somewhere.

Define “stand and fight”. Politically, sane Whites are utterly disenfranchised in CA. So how do they fight?

One way to fight would be subversion. SaneWhites could claim to be moslems and say LGBTQ violates the koran, then charge the state of California with Islamophobia.


Google made a custom logo for a transsexual sodomite activist, but not one for Jesus on his day of resurrection. https://t.co/QOD2yCiZAD pic.twitter.com/991rk9NASm

— Roosh (@rooshv) April 21, 2019

Does anyone still use Goolag products? If you do, ask yourself why you financially support a foreign element in America that actively slanders everything you hold dear?


Judeo-Christian, my ass.


From /pol/ News Network,

>don’t want to work longer hours

>don’t want to work harder jobs

>don’t want to put their career first

>acting shocked when they get paid a tiny bit less despite producing far less

A reader asks,

Why are women competing with men for pay in the first place?

This is the crux of the Fake Pay Gap mythology. Why are we so concerned women get paid as much as men? When we pay women the equivalent of men, those men become less desirable in the eyes of women, resulting in lower marriage rates and higher divorce rates. Hypergamy doesn’t care about your shitlib cause du jour.


Honk, honk, Clown World makes its debut among the normies.


Macron says Notre Dame should be rebuilt consistent with the modern, diverse France – and architects suggest a glass roof, steel spire and minaret

tfw absurdist alt-right joke memes become reality.


PA On Environmentalism

Environmentalism is complicated. As left wing vanguard politics, it’s the devil wearing a human skinsuit. But in listening to our healthy European voice deep inside, we recoil at the destruction of forests. The European soul loves the forest. Poor is the White man who knows not the joy of time alone deep among trees, the moss, the lawless cries of birds. The European subraces have their own customs with regards to the forest. Teutons, Celts, Slavs… we northeastern Slavs (I’m not that familiar our Balkan brothers, whose spiritual landscape is rocks and mountains, unlike our vast snowy plains) we forage for mushrooms. Every child is an expert on the prize-find vs something that can kill you.

Special People are desert people, khazar nomads. They hate the forest. They love money and especially monetizing (liquidating) the forests, parceling them off, clear cutting the wood, selling and settling them with alien biped economic units that they bring in to keep the economic churn at high percolation until it all withers like a dead branch and then they move on. The land developer is a particularly loathsome insect. Even if he’s of our ancestry, his soul is twisted in the image of the Special.

I have to slip PA another COTW. So much for diversity & inclusion, but excellence in commenting must be recognized.

This blog’s comment board is feast or famine. One week can be an unreadable mess of petty bickering and spergy debate points defended with humorless stubbornness. The next week can be filled with gems of insight bordering on poetry.

Which makes it like Current Year America: a deluge of unrelenting dreck that comes close, but never succeeds, to suffocating the air time of a small but engaging contingent of scribes and seers.

I suppose this is human nature, and in particular White nature, to do constant battle with the Good so that the Good is always appreciated when it is evident.

Regarding PA’s comment, I think we all have our personal mystic connections to particular environments — natural and cultural — which reverberate in our souls and likely derive from ancestral memories encoded in our DNA.

The Special loves the dry, hot, cacophonous market bazaar.

The NW European loves the forests and verdant meadows.

The Med Euro loves the rocky shorelines and rolling hills of the interior.

Highlanders are at home in mountainous terrain.

We can break down these preferences even further, along ethnic lines.

This is why, I believe, in a future disaggregated America, the ethnies and races will organically find their way to the regional State which suits their environment template for contented living. I wonder most about White Southerners, if they stay where they are or migrate to a climate and ecology more in tune with their ancestral heritage.

On environmentalism, yes it’s a shame that it’s been co-opted by lunatic leftoids when the natural home of nature preservers is on the right (and never more so than today, as leftoidism becomes increasingly the ideological accoutrement of deracinated and denatured urban rat racers). “Climate change” is the way in which the modren shitlib White, who has lost his connection to nature, accesses a path to an ancient racial longing that embarrasses him when spoken of or thought about in reflective moments.

In the end, the environments beloved by Whites will be ruined by open borders, so all this climate change sanctimony will come to naught. The result of virtue signaling is always a boosted signal at the expense of the virtue.


Happy Earth Day


From what I’ve noticed, [S] appears to feast on [G]’s rage against him. He knows [G]’s rage is, for now, largely impotent, and it compels [S] to ever greater excesses of ostentatious anti-[G]ism. [G]’s rage justifies [S]’s taunts, in [S]’s mind.

But mockery has a different effect, pushing [S] to implode and sputter with incoherent rage.

This is why mockery is now targeted by Big Tribal for censorship and expulsion. It’s a winning tactic for [G]’s side in this protracted war, and [S]’s only response to it is heavy-handed suppression.

The suppression is what will advance the propaganda war to its open battlefield, where clarity will bring objectives into focus.

For this reason, i’m a big advocate of mockery, which has the power to settle our ancient score in the medium which our enemy has hubristically called his own.

As a reader writes,

When Saul Alinsky’s very own tactics are turned against them, they’re not quite sure what to do.


Steal the enemy’s best tactics and meld them with our best tactics for a winning long-term strategy.

Smash Islamophobia adds,

Yes. Never get angry, never show “hate” — always mock and condescend.
The [S] NEEDS stereotypical “anti-[S]ism” to feed his paranoia and to drive his tr1be’s ethnic cohesion.
Don’t give it to him.

True…for now. But there is a time and context to show hate, to let the enemy — as well as our allies! — know, when it’s maximally advantageous, that it isn’t all fun and games, and the righteous fury is in us, emboldening and steeling our hearts.

A mockery which rests on a foundation of moral certitude is nearly unanswerable.


He Is Risen


Via BigGoblinSlayingK0ranBurning Steve.

Trump mistakenly tweets millions dead in Sri Lanka explosions on Easter Sunday


TRUMP trolls H0l0cost, says millions killed in CHURCH explosions on Easter Sunday  “attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more”

Shitlib media wouldn’t have reported attacks on churches if he didn’t make a mistake in tweet.

Good point. In fact, moslem suicide bombers did blow up a number of Sri Lanka Churches and the death toll is currently over 200. Western media so far appears unwilling to cover the story with the same eagerness and thoroughness it covered the Dylann Roof church shooting. Imagine that!

Did Trump make a typo? I think it’s a good chance Trump knew what he was doing when he added “million” to his tweet. He knew US media would pounce to “correct the record” which would force them to cover the story they have studiously avoided covering in much detail.

Reade S.K.,

It is exceedingly rare for Trump to make an actual mistake in his communications. I read that he dictates them, including punctuation, to be posted verbatim.

If that “typo” was intentional, it was a brilliant piece of rhetorical ju jitsu.

PS The best account on Twatter (version 5.0):


The Chick Herd Is Agitated

Riffing on the news story about Ivanka Trump going to Africa to dance with the natives like a virtue supplicating idiot, Dawg wrote,

Sorry dudes I gotta blame us, you see the chick herd is in an unsettled state and when the heifers and cows are unsettled shit gets real, real stupid, real quick. They want a herd bull to settle em.

No joke, as an over-arching theory explaining the insanity currently roiling the shattered minds of xenophilic Western White wahmen, this one by Dawg is better than most I’ve read.

The heifers and cows are in a tizzy because their world is falling apart around them, their men are retreating into porn and effeminacy, their nation is taking on the quality of a random equatorial shithole, and they are being asked to wear the pants in this extended family we call America.

We’re gonna need a bigger bull.


The neocon, neolib, and boomercuck have teamed up to bring us the first feeler campaign advertisement for Ivanka Javanka 2020:

Pass me the barf bag. And while you’re at it, bring me the flammenwerfer.

PS Did you know Ivanka single-handedly passed the tax cut bill? An amazing wahman!

Here is Ivanka on her trip to the Dark Continent:

She positively glows with White Woman’s Burden!

Predictably, rootless shabbos goy Ivanka is doing the eatprayvirtuesignal dance with the native Africans, just like any Democrat cat lady would do.

It’s undignified, but that’s what we should expect from the modren white wahman.


The Gray Pill

Ralph Stanley, on Trump, Trump lovers, and Trump haters.

I appreciate redarmyvodka’s comment. Ultimately, Spencer et al’s endless negativity is a serious liability to all of us.

Trump has been excellent on judges. Had 2016 gone to Hillary, the Supreme Court would look now like a conference of women’s college basketball coaches (angry, motivated dyk3s).

I disagree, however, that Trump has made the presidency appear strong. If anything, we see the weakness in this office now: your underlings ignore your orders, disobey them, or leak dirt on you to a hostile press. One Circuit Court can block your momentum at any given moment. A vast Deep State comprised of traitorous, bureaucratic lifers is literally plotting your demise. Your own party stabs you in the back. The list of obstacles goes on.

It’s critical for us to criticize Trump for wavering on MAGA — redarmyvodka fails to address the H1B visa betrayal — but he is the best weapon we have right now. Better to keep the pressure on him than to complain impotently on blogs and podcasts about how MAGA is done.

Ralph’s take on Trump is closest to mine. I’m taking the Gray Pill, neither ungratefully pessimistic nor deludedly optimistic. Trump was our best choice, and that choice has shown its limitations.

For the reason Ralph gave, I find it hard to lay much blame for the MAGA stall-out (and in parts, reversal) at Trump’s feet. Trump has proved the Presidency is only as strong as the bureaucracy behind it. The bureaucracy is left-wing to the max, and has been for decades. If you’re wondering why Trump is stymied but establishment stooges like W and anti-White communists like gaymulatto can get things done (and worse, sic arms of the Deep State on American citizens, as obama did when he ordered IRS attack dogs to target Tea Party members), it’s because the State apparatus (the Swamp) is full of leftoids who are sympatico with some or all of those presidents’ agendas.

Trump came into office promising a wrecking ball to the Swamp; he — or at least his agenda — is antagonistic to the Swamp’s worldview, and so he has been thwarted every step of the way. There’s nothing the Administrative State and Trump can find commonality on, so the past two years have been marked by Trump proposing something “radical”, and the Swamp burying his proposal in the muck.

Trump himself deserves criticism, if only to remind him what he ran on, because it has become obvious that without that criticism he is liable to drift off into lame-o Jeb Bush-style boomercuckery. Maybe it’s a “blink three times rapidly, if you’re under duress” MIGA situation, or maybe it’s falling T levels, or maybe it’s Trump simply reverting to what he’s always been — a Reaganite — and falling in love with the cucky idea that he can win praise for saying shit like “I want more LEGAL immigrants to grow the economy!”. We don’t have enough info to say for sure, but whichever the explanation, the outcome is indisputable: No Wall, No Deportations, No Immigration Restriction Reform, and oh yeah what happened to that infrastructure bill?


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