January 10, 2019 by CH

Hey, Jeff, you little pissant wall-eyed value-eating slave labor-loving wage-gutting nation-wrecking globohomo nerdo, was the tranny blowjob worth it? Asking for a friend named Donald Trump.
Some thoughts on the Bezos Bimbo.
News is out (thanks to Trump’s friends at the National Enquirer) that Bezos cheated on his wife of two decades and had an affair with a 49-year-old woman sporting staypuft lip injections. That’s her above, Lauren “dirty” Sanchez. She is the wife of a friend of the Bezos’. The timeline is murky, but the latest reporting suggests Bezos was slamming Slamchez while both were still married, but you know how these satanic cult elite marriages are arranged to allow for “managed indiscretions”.
There were questions if the Bezos marriage blew up because Jeffy or his wife stepped out, but now we know — the rich husband cashed in his inflating SMV. The cosmic order remains in balance, and we may enjoy the spectacle of TDS sufferer Bezos getting his name dragged through the mud.
Bezos has been looking jacked since Trump became President. It’s known that lifting will raise testosterone levels, and higher T will increase the risk of infidelity (jacked up muscles => jacked up libido). I wouldn’t be surprised if Bezos has more than one mistress in his closet that he acquired after he started throwing the iron.
The Trump Curse is real. Bezos is a notorious Trump-hater who bought the Washington Post-Op with the sole intention of turning it into an unreadable anti-Trump rag, which he did, quite successfully.
Maybe Jeff Bezos hates Trump because Trump’s wives were and still are much hotter than the plain jane Bezos managed to land with his money?
Could be!
That’s another aspect of Trump I respect. He had the power and he USED IT to grab only the sexiest pussy. While Bezos flirted with a middle aged desperate housewife, Trump was romping with porn whores, playboy models, fashion models, and who knows how many garden variety hotties off the streets of NY.
A billionaire would really have to be a pathetic beta boob to fail at attracting a hottie. And that was Betazos. A beta soul cannot be cured by 140 billion dollars. It’s not that unusual to see very rich men acting like total noobs with women. If you’ve spent all your time making money and none of it learning how to banter with women, and lean on your money to do all the courtship and seduction work, then women will fall for your money instead of you.
Sanchez might be a golddigger. Golddiggers target already rich men. Smart women target pre-rich men who seem like they have the potential to become rich. How do women become filthy rich? By divorcing a filthy rich man.
Normally, I feel some sympathy for men who get taken to the cleaners by rapacious whores leveraging a corrupt divorce-rape system that enables their thievery, but in this case I will enjoy every minute of this spectacle and every last dollar squeezed out of robber baron Bezos’ Amazog Prime wallet. It couldn’t happen to a nicer globalist.