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The 70 Billion Dollar Blowjob

January 10, 2019 by CH

Hey, Jeff, you little pissant wall-eyed value-eating slave labor-loving wage-gutting nation-wrecking globohomo nerdo, was the tranny blowjob worth it? Asking for a friend named Donald Trump.



Some thoughts on the Bezos Bimbo.

News is out (thanks to Trump’s friends at the National Enquirer) that Bezos cheated on his wife of two decades and had an affair with a 49-year-old woman sporting staypuft lip injections. That’s her above, Lauren “dirty” Sanchez. She is the wife of a friend of the Bezos’. The timeline is murky, but the latest reporting suggests Bezos was slamming Slamchez while both were still married, but you know how these satanic cult elite marriages are arranged to allow for “managed indiscretions”.

There were questions if the Bezos marriage blew up because Jeffy or his wife stepped out, but now we know — the rich husband cashed in his inflating SMV. The cosmic order remains in balance, and we may enjoy the spectacle of TDS sufferer Bezos getting his name dragged through the mud.

Bezos has been looking jacked since Trump became President. It’s known that lifting will raise testosterone levels, and higher T will increase the risk of infidelity (jacked up muscles => jacked up libido). I wouldn’t be surprised if Bezos has more than one mistress in his closet that he acquired after he started throwing the iron.

The Trump Curse is real. Bezos is a notorious Trump-hater who bought the Washington Post-Op with the sole intention of turning it into an unreadable anti-Trump rag, which he did, quite successfully.

Maybe Jeff Bezos hates Trump because Trump’s wives were and still are much hotter than the plain jane Bezos managed to land with his money?

Could be!

That’s another aspect of Trump I respect. He had the power and he USED IT to grab only the sexiest pussy. While Bezos flirted with a middle aged desperate housewife, Trump was romping with porn whores, playboy models, fashion models, and who knows how many garden variety hotties off the streets of NY.

A billionaire would really have to be a pathetic beta boob to fail at attracting a hottie. And that was Betazos. A beta soul cannot be cured by 140 billion dollars. It’s not that unusual to see very rich men acting like total noobs with women. If you’ve spent all your time making money and none of it learning how to banter with women, and lean on your money to do all the courtship and seduction work, then women will fall for your money instead of you.

Sanchez might be a golddigger. Golddiggers target already rich men. Smart women target pre-rich men who seem like they have the potential to become rich. How do women become filthy rich? By divorcing a filthy rich man.

Normally, I feel some sympathy for men who get taken to the cleaners by rapacious whores leveraging a corrupt divorce-rape system that enables their thievery, but in this case I will enjoy every minute of this spectacle and every last dollar squeezed out of robber baron Bezos’ Amazog Prime wallet. It couldn’t happen to a nicer globalist.


Aging, retired porn whore Jenna Jameson did not like Yann Moix pointing out that 50-year-old women are unloveable. She bitched back at him on Twatter. You’ve gotta read the responses in that thread to appreciate just how brutally this walking diseased orifice who opened herself to thousands of cocks to make a living was owned by a crew of shitlords with no patience for fluffing another slore for the skankocracy.

Hey #YannMoix this is 45. Am I still loveable, you crummy little troll? #packyourpens #yourecancelled pic.twitter.com/hSnFnd7rMP

— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 8, 2019

She unleashed a beast…

You weren’t lovable once Tito was able to fit his cracked skull into your anus. so like since you were at like 33?

— Legalize Ranch 2019 (@LegalizeRanch19) January 9, 2019

My friends liked it, and you responded. Don’t you have some pills to take so you can live with yourself for another night of work on cam for a dwindling audience? You used to give great interviews to Stern, slurring your speech and falling asleep at 9:30 in the morning.

— Legalize Ranch 2019 (@LegalizeRanch19) January 9, 2019


— Chad Clemons (@ChadClemons4) January 9, 2019

There’s no safe space for glorified hookers anymore. The id monster roams freely.

PS Jameson sobered up, got married, and had a daughter (who is a good bet to grow up to be a high-def receptacle like her mom). I suppose that’s a lifestyle improvement, but you really have to wonder about the man* who would wife up a Wall-imminent ex-porn actress with a back entrance video catalog of all the men she fucked before him. Talk about sloppy thousandths. It’s one thing to make an honest woman of a fresh-muffed college girl with a few regrets in her short life; it’s quite another to rescue a has-been slam pig from the brink of spinsterhood and lay with her aglow in delusional self-satisfaction as if your pink legume has a chance of applying any friction to a vagina warped beyond recognition by the jackhammering of a caravan of migrant cocks.

PPS I have to laugh at Jameson for becoming indignant at slurs against her age, but indifferent toward and even proud of insults directed at her career of spreading her legs on camera for random pile driving. This goes to show just how badly the Wall shiv pierces female vitals; women know at the deepest hindbrain level that their window of sexual allure is only open for a brief spell, and shuts with an authoritative thud. Zero-point-sero SMV is the threat that women fear most.

*Wonder no more. Here is a pic and relevant bio of Jameson’s hubby (he’s an Israeli criminal….the phyzz is hilariously on-point):

My speculation on the nature of Jameson’s marriage was correct. She converted to judaism as part of an implicit deal with her shyster israeli husband: “I’ll be all the [special person] you want if you rescue me from suicidal post-porn depression”.

A lifetime of shameful whoring and the approach of the Wall wonderfully focuses a ho’s mind on the value of becoming very pliable to the demands of men.


This story, if the chaimstream media blockade against reporting it is broken, has the potential to take down quite a few big name Democreeps.

Second black man found dead at home of Ed Buck, Democrat donor

A black man was reportedly found dead Monday morning at the Los Angeles residence of Democrat donor Ed Buck — the second such mysterious death at his home in the past few years.

Wehoville reportslaw enforcement has yet to release the identity of the deceased male who died in Buck’s West Hollywood apartment. Buck was investigated — and later cleared — following the death of Gemmel Moore, a young man who died of a drug overdose at the 65-year-old’s home in July 2017. Following Moore’s death, Buck has been accused of having a “fetish” for inserting drugs into black men he meets through dating websites. Before his death, Moore wrote of Buck injecting him with drugs during their encounters.

Local activists have said the Los Angeles Police Department declined to press charges against Buck due to his sizeable financial contributions to then-California Gov. Jerry Brown and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The rich and powerful have a knack for getting away with murder. Did thecunt personally intervene on her rich friend’s behalf?

Shockingly, Ed Buck, besides being a homosexual paraphiliac drug pusher, may also be [a special person], though evidence for that is circumstantial.


The Fundamental Premise (introduced to a curious world on this blog) states that the biological reality of women’s higher reproductive value relative to men’s results in an inborn psychological bias in both sexes that manifests in favoritism toward women and indifference toward the plight of men, at the individual and societal levels.

Institutions will, over time, take on the complexion of this innate bias favoring women, and the smallest inconveniences women suffer are blown up into national emergencies while grave insults that are suffered predominately by men are minimized in their significance, ignored, or cruelly inverted to lay blame for that suffering on men and to make restitution demands for women who are the “real victims”.

Now the World’s Foremost Newspaper of Record has broken ranks and defied the cuntventional wisdom to report on a global study showing that men are the real victims of sex-based discrimination.

Men are disadvantaged in 91 countries compared to 43 nations for women

The UK, the US and Australia all discriminate against men more, a study claims

Italy, Israel and China are harder environments for women, researchers say

Scientists created the Basic Index of Gender Inequality to assess inequality

Closer the BIGI score is to zero the greater the level of equality is in the country


The UK, the US and Australia all discriminate against men more whereas Italy, Israel and China are harder environments for women, according to the study.

Researchers say this is due to men receiving harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more occupational deaths than women.

Those are coarse metrics, but the Fundamental Premise acts on innumerable, less conspicuous social dynamics shaping the life outcomes and well-being of men and women.

The study was carried out by the University of Essex and the University of Missouri-Columbia and published in the journal Plos One.

Scientists created a database which deciphers a nation’s discrimination called the Basic Index of Gender Inequality (BIGI).

The closer the BIGI score is to zero the greater the level of equality is in the country.

Zero is a perfect score, indicating absolute parity between the genders – and Italy came the closest with a score of 0.00021. Slightly favouring males.

The top ranked nation to favour women over men is claimed to be Saudi Arabia, with a score of -0.001554.

If it is a negative number it indicates females are better off and if the BIGI score is positive it shows males are less discriminated against.

I doubt any regular readers of the Chateau are surprised by this study’s findings that the Anglocuck nations (where post-sanity feminism and the divorce industrial complex were invented) are the most discriminatory against men and their interests.

Professor Stoet also believes the complexity of the Global Gender Gap Index makes  it difficult to distinguish whether gender differences are the result of social inequalities or personal preference.

The simpler BIGI method, he says, is a much sounder alternative.

He said: ‘No existing measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men in many countries and so they do not fully capture the extent to which any specific country is promoting the wellbeing of all its citizens.

Hillary Clinton would call Professor Stoet a misogynist while cavalierly dismissing the premature deaths of millions of opioid-addicted deplorable men in the heartland.

PS The Sex Pay Gap is a lie. I’ll keep saying it until the media stops credulously reporting on it as if it hadn’t already been debunked a thousand times.


Peak Shriek

A 50-year-old French author named Yann Moix plainly and truthfully stated that most women are sexually and romantically worthless by age 50, and that he, like most men, prefers the “extraordinary bodies” of much younger women.

A 50-year-old French author has sparked outrage by claiming women over 50 are ‘invisible’ to him.

Yann Moix, a TV presenter and prize-winning writer, said it is ‘not possible’ to love a woman his own age and that he prefers ‘younger women’s bodies’.

‘Come on now, let’s not exaggerate. That’s [over 50] is not possible … too, too old,’ he said in an interview with the French edition of Marie Claire.

For a man to love, he first must lust. Old broads don’t inspire lust, so they don’t inspire love, unless they have been married to the same man for a long time and have built up a protective buffer of his affection.

‘The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary,’ he added. ‘The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all.’

He added that he preferred to date Asian women, particularly ‘Koreans, Chinese and Japanese’.

Naturally, his tsar bomba of realtalk triggered a cacophony of cantankerous catlady caterwauling. Peak Shriek, I call it. This was the best part of the Moix Outrage; the impotent screeching and wailing provoked by what amounts to very banal observations of the human condition. Nothing puts a smile on my face like a wrinkled old pussyhatter blowing a forehead vein.

Get a load of these id droppings from the butt-chafed shrews:

The sexist comments have drawn widespread criticism on social media.

One posted: ‘Yann Moix is 50 and I bet he’s single and no one wants him. Women over any age are beautiful and age shaming is pathetic like he is.’

The Cryfecta:

  1. sour grapes
  2. self-deluding platitude
  3. hilarious same-sentence self-contradiction



By outing himself as a tacky old stereotype, Yann Moix has rendered his entire body of work invisible so I’m cool with his uninspired opinions

“old stereotype” I thought age was just a number? Like most chicks, she judges a man’s accomplishments by his devotion to sucking up to the whorethodoxy. She’s cool with that *ADDS OBVIOUSLY TRY-HARD SMILEY TO PROJECT INDIFFERENCE*.

Women over 50 don’t want to read or buy your books either.

I’m sure his heart will go on.

Phew! Women like me are breathing a sigh of relief that in another year and too we will be ‘too old’ for bad rubbish like Yann Moix. At last we can breathe in peace. Thank you universe — Deepali Nandwani

The lady doth breathe relievedly too much.

‘People in glass houses!…..have you looked in the mirror?….you don’t look a day over 65.’

Refuting ageism with…ageism.

Twitter users also shared photographs of women over 50, including Halle Berry, 52, Sandra Bullock, 54, and Cindy Crawford, 52.

HAHA oh my sides. How fuckin predictable. Deny biological reality by….posting pics of extreme exceptions to the rule. Exceptions who, btw, were still much hotter when younger than they are in their 50s.

Responding to the outrage, he told RTL radio, he was not ‘responsible’ for his taste in women.

This is the shiv that cuts deepest. Women want SO BADLY to believe that men can change the shape of their desire to find uglier, fatter, older women more attractive, but here comes a very bad man to remind them that men’s arousal is an unconscious, evolved compulsion resistant to social engineering, which just happens to point HARD in the same direction across all cultures and times: toward alluring young beauties.

The comments to this article in the World’s Foremost Newspaper of Record are full of spitting mad catladies who can barely contain their existential pain in between snarls of snark, but refreshingly the comments generally support Moix. For example, check out the ratio of likes and dislikes between the best-rated and worst-rated comments.

Best-rated (from a woman):

A lot if men think like that. He has just vocalised it. Speaking as a 53 year old woman, he is right in most cases. My body is not the same as it was in my twenties, it has more lumps and gravity takes it toil despite my healthy lifestyle, so of course a twenty something woman will seem more desirable. The same is true of men though. My OH goes to the gym and takes care of himself but his body is different to his 20 something self. However, we are not just our bodies. Attraction takes place due to a myriad of reasons, personality, wit, intelligence. I would not want to see this French guy’s naked body either, but might want to take a look at his son’s! There will be 20 something women reading this and distancing themselves from this, thinking that ageing will never happen to them, but it will. My advice to them, never find validation in another person’s gaze. You are more than your looks.

–2216 upvotes, 53 downvotes

Worst-rated (from a man):

He is absolutely right. There is nothing like the feel of young skin and flesh. Who wants an old broiler when there are so many young chicks out there. Well done for saying it, Sir.

–168 upvotes, 281 downvotes

The best-rated comment essentially recapitulated Moix’s point and earned a 42:1 like-to-dislike ratio, while the worst-rated comment did the same with fewer and funnier words and earned a 1.7:1 dislike-to-like ratio.

In short, the indignant deluded are greatly outnumbered by the cheerfully awakened.


Propaganda Works*

A representative from Campus Reform went around asking dummies (aka college students) their opinions of quotes about immigration restriction attributed to President Trump but actually said by prominent Dems like crocodiletears, gaymulatto, and thecunt.

After the conformist suck-ups were told the quotes were actually made by their Dem icons, they laughed that sort of laugh you hear when an amygdala is hijacked by a pulse of cogdis.

From one of the Y1dtube commenters,

America is going this century. Millennials are a disaster.

Where is the lie?

Propaganda works. A generation of pliable NPCs have been brainwashed by nonstop chaimstream media anti-White and anti-Trump propaganda to deny the existence of the sun if Trump says the sun is real. People really can be whipped into a hysterical frenzy of thoughtless mimicry by a hate machine dedicated to dispensing an agenda-driven narrative.

*BUT…propaganda isn’t all-powerful. A people has to have a leak in their code which can be exploited by the propagandists. In the case of browns and blacks, that code vulnerability is their raw tribalism. In the case of shitlib Whites, it’s their pathological need to virtue signal sympathy for nonWhites and to sanctimoniously chide insufficiently prostrate FreeWhites. Whites who are resistant to virtue sniveling are likewise resistant to anti-White agitprop. Hence, Trump’s incredibly stable favorable/unfavorable poll ratings since he glided down that golden escalator.

PS Speaking of relentless propaganda, OF COURSE that clinton lackey, snake in the grass Mueller leaked a manafort-russia hoax tidbit hours before Trump’s big address to the nation.

Fuck these Creep State vermin to hell.


The Cure For Silly Romantics

A caustically hilarious comment from Doktor Jeep,

Age comes no matter what you do.
It’s what you don’t do that hurts you later.
BTW I have dated women my age, and yeah, that’s the menopausal years. A warning to you young bucks who “don’t care about money”: The worst part about getting older is getting to fuck older women. Unless you have money.
Let me tell you something, when a woman hits menopause, she’s basically a man with girl parts, but SHE WILL STILL SHIT TEST YOU AND BE A DRAMA MONGER JUST OUT OF HABIT.
And that once or twice a month you get laid you’d think someone left a hunk of cheddar under the bed.
Mark my words.

In ranked order of active measures distinguished gentlemen should take to avoid sex with menopausal women:

  • Game (charm can keep men interesting to unwilted roses for a long time)
  • Low carb, lifting, intermittent fasting
  • A blood boy (or occasional bloodletting to reduce iron stores)
  • deliberate efforts to retain a youthful passion for life
  • liquor and prostitutes
  • raiding high Gini coefficient countries for their prime fertility women
  • money

You’ll notice money is last on this list. There’s a good reason. The amount of money (and therefore the years of investment) required to buy the loins and love of a young babe is beyond what most men can realistically achieve. It’s a better ROI to focus on your health, attitude, and access to high end escorts.


Related, advice from Johnny Redux,

And the silly, age-old (lol) question that older women always ask me: “How can you be interested in young(er) women? What do you have in common?” I have to imagine that they are not totally clueless that men want younger women for their better/fresher looks, tighter skin/firmer bodies, more energy, generally better personalities, and (most important) their fertility.

As I have said here a few times, men should not, if possible, marry women their own age. That is what supports the boner-medicine industry. Most men can get erections, it is just that they cannot get them for their old wives or gfs, but aren’t black pilled enough (or feel to guilty) to recognize/acknowledge that truth. Older women simply have very little, to no, sexual capital. It has all been spent (in many cases, wasted away). Give these older men a younger woman and….BOINNNNNNG! Feminist society and the pharmaceutical industry instead want to blame the man for his failure to get/maintain an erection, instead of focusing on the object of his attempts. It’s bullshit. Men in their 20’s and thirties should date women 5-10 years younger than them. Men in their 40’s and above should date women at least 10 years younger than them. If marriage is in the forecast, the age difference should be 10 years. You’ll thank me for this advice, if you take it, when you are 40+, when your younger wife still gets you hard.

Finally, I have seen many older women who are beautiful, in their own way, when they have class and a sense of noble pride, but that should not be confused with sexual attraction to them.

Marc has had the scales fall from his eyes,

I been tryin to holt on to the last bit of silly romantic in me, the part that still responds to Pound’s “When the nightingale to his mate/Sings day-long and night-late” and a thousand years of western Alba poetry but years of this site has cured me of most of it and the fact that a cute 6 at best would wear a “nice guys can’t fuck” t shirt in PUBLIC has raped the last bit of that out of me.
No way out but through.

You’re welcome.


The Abridged Family


How much blame for the low fertility of developed nations can be placed on the disappearance of the geographically convenient extended family? In all the debates about below-replacement TFR I’ve read, this angle is criminally under-explored.

Maybe it’s not just high housing costs (read: high diversity costs) that are the culprit of low TFR; maybe a primary driver of reduced family size and childlessness is the expense of out-sourcing extended family care to unrelated third parties (corporations, daycare, nannies, etc).

If grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins significantly contribute to easing the financial and emotional costs of having children, then their geographic dispersal and separation from any family connections would have a big impact on the willingness of young couples to take on child-rearing.

Globalism and its consequences (free movement of labor, job insecurity, fleeing from diversity) provides incentives to spread out geographically and away from the family “home base”. A low TFR decreases the number of extended family members with each generation, until even extended families that remain local don’t have enough members to assist young parents with the quasi-communal child-rearing.

A vicious negative reinforcement feedback loop sets up, until TFR crashes and outposts of high TFR White subgroups like the Amish inherit the future.

The virus in the code of Western society is the abridged family, and as usual the vectors of this virus are mass immigration, forced multiracialism, and rapacious wage-cutting oligarchism.

PS A reader insightfully theorized that the introduction of child car seat laws had a depressive effect on fertility, because car seats take up a lot of room, and middle class couples who want more children are forced to decide between buying a bigger, more expensive car, or not having that third kid.


Shooting Snapper In A Barrel

An emailer supplies this hideous emblem of Western estrogenesis,

I’ve never personally seen anything more beta and revolting than this, so I thought I will submit this to your blog.

This poster was for a party at a student dorm in Germany.

Is that Esssra Klein in the middle?

The right side reads, “party without the patriarchy! last party of the year!”

What we have here is a snarling battlecunt going to a party to get fall-down drunk, fuck the bouncer, and soak timid, demoralized betas for free booze while keeping a finger resting on her “MeToo hotline” number should one of the betas insolently open his mouth to say hi, in no particular order.

No doubt there are thirsty soyboys lining up for the privilege.

Funny thing is, these parties don’t have to be billed as such for this dynamic to happen naturally anywhere the gynarcho-tyranny is the de facto governing social system. Advertising and marketing are just now catching up to a reality that has been brewing for a long time: all female whims catered, all female vice excused, and the mediocre masses of vegetable lasagnas get blamed for the ruin left in the wake of our liberated wahmen.

Even funnier, the poster is an invitation to assholes, who are the closest approximation to oppressive patriarchs in the modern West, to raid the dorm party and easily slip into the role of the rebellious badboy to give these cunts the battlefield defeat they so desperately desire. It’s like shooting snapper in a barrel.

She’ll be at this party:


Walls Around Hypocrites

The GayMulatto Wall is especially hypocritical because that smug nullity is protected by multiple walls, fences, a guard tower, and even road barricades.

Reminder that geographical distance and attentive police are also “walls” in the sense that both help keep the riff raff away from the properties of sanctimonious urban shitlibs. Hence why fat crap Matty Yglesias says he lives in a “diverse” city and has no problem with it, while neglecting to mention his million dollar condo is actually in one of the whitest neighborhoods in DC, and just far enough away from the criminal horde and public transit to inconvenience would-be predators.


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