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A Tale Of Two Pussy Marches

Repulsive prematurely aging hags vs fresh-faced girls next door.

The choice could hardly be clearer.

From Chad Bigly,

>be this chick’s dad

>work ur ass off to raise her the best u can

>remortgage yr house 3 times to send her to college

>open the newspaper Sunday morning and see this

big clit energy

Kind of a self-own there. Ugly chicks with high T usually grow penis-sized clits.


Swedes are the used tampon of the West:


Stone cold memes:

#10YearChallenge pic.twitter.com/TxOaWqp7SW

— BerwickBear™ (@TheBerwickBear) January 16, 2019


Allied media:

Nat. Enquirer takes down another? pic.twitter.com/sbIvqnBB2g

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) January 20, 2019


Shocking revelations from a high-ranking FBI official, which (naturally) were ignored by the chaimstream media:

FBI Official: FBI agents threatened physical harm to President Trump in missing FBI texts, and other “frightening” communications

A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages — as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump.

The FBI official urged the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — which oversees the U.S. Secret Service  — to launch an investigation of the Justice Department, the FBI and all text messages missing and otherwise that threatened the President.

“This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”


“(Director) Wray wants a lid on this,” the FBI official said. “Many know there was talk of harming Trump politically but there is a group here (in D.C. HQ) that understands it goes deeper. We need a special counsel or Homeland Security. Somebody has to clean this up outside of DOJ. It is unacceptable.

“This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”

The FBI official called on President Trump to do what is necessary to weed out corruption in the FBI.

“Text messages just don’t disappear,” the FBI official said. “Not here. Someone outside DOJ has to look at all emails and texts. These (FBI bosses) are bad people. You’ve only scratched the surface.”

The high-ranking FBI official called on lawmakers and the Inspector General to focus on the text and email messages of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The official referred to McCabe’s official and personal correspondences “an anti-Trump treasure trove.”

As reported in March 2017 by True Pundit, McCabe openly threatened President Trump and then-National Security Adviser Gen. Mike Flynn, saying first we “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump” to several high-ranking FBI bosses who cheered his comment.

This report is one year old. Has anything further been uncovered since then? Where ARE those missing texts? They weren’t “accidentally deleted”. That’s bullshit. Someone has them, and knows what they contain.

From J.D.,

As I noted at the time, “insurance policy” has a specific meaning with these types of folks, and it’s not an investigation. They were planning an assassination.


Via Mencius Moldbugman, a Twatter thread on a story you won’t hear on NPR any time soon.


Strap yourself in for a long one. I’m about to share the sordid and twisted tale of Simon Mol: the African human rights and anti-racist who literally – LITERALLY – pozzed Poland’s leftists. pic.twitter.com/7nWBwZiciR

— Mencius Moldbugman (@moldbugman) January 16, 2019

Go to the thread and read the whole thing. The degenerate poz has been stewing for a long time, and now it’s exploding like a gas-filled corpse.

Commenter Stoly provides the executioner’s summary,

It is the Poz and POC and diveritopia and negr0latry all in one. it is the illiad, the great gatsby of weimerica.

summary : black refugee has hiv given refugee status, becomes polish leftist, makes living accusing his new country of racism, shames women who want to use condoms of being racist, sleeps with 300 women gives at least 40 hiv, , establishment covers for him wont reveal his status, supporters accuses detractors of racism, mother blames white man for his death….

Simon’s Mollies: Simon Mol with his Polish harem:

Simon picked up many of his women from the “Warsaw Salon” – an artistic, liberal circle. In his writing Simon described these girls as ‘white mice’ – “sensitive, and adoring women who believed they were doing their duty towards political correctness by helping the poor refugee.”

One girl infected by Simon explained later: “I was fascinated by human rights activist fighting with racial stereotypes. Soon we started to meet, went to bed. I didn’t suspect that he could infect me with HIV virus and even less, hide from me that he is infected…”

“…I also thought that suspecting him of being infected would equal giving way to stereotypes. Thus we made love unprotected.”

A poem Simon Mol once wrote, titled “Polish Goddess”:

Then – as the Moon lit the path
of the beautiful Goddess
illuminating the darkness of the night
two tears ran down her left eye
ending their journey
burying all the nightmares
healing wounds foisted upon me
and upon my Brothers
by those like her.

Simon Mol fucked over 300 leftist Polish women with the intention of infecting them with the AIDS virus. He succeeded infecting 40 of them. His lofty goal was murder of the White race through its women.

Simon Mol is dead now. His victims are wastrels dependent on expensive drug cocktails to stay alive. They are ruined for native Polish men. How many of Mol’s later conquests knew about his history with leftist women or about his disease, and fucked him anyway?

Black AIDS fux, White beta bux.

Simon Mol was a vector of death.
Simon Mol’s sponsors are enemies of European Christendom and the White race.
Simon Mol’s mudsharks are unsupervised children and traitorous cunts.

Truth hurts.

But not as much as wh*t’s c*ming n*xt.


Simon Mol is a case study in the seductive power of Game when it is coupled with an easily exploitable status signaling of the targets. Mol created an identity and then sold that identity to gullible women using his charm, confidence in his ruse, and an unshakeable frame.

Game can wreck civilization. But Game can also save civilization, if White men would wake up and accept the Rude Word into their lives.


Ugly Truth Of The Day

Men are becoming the submissive women they want, and women are becoming the aggressive men they need.

Provenance unknown. Perhaps from me? All those pearls of wisdom lost…like jizz in dames.


Off-topic, but not really.

it’s like the zerg creep from starcraft only it’s made out of dead vegetation, used diapers, and beer bottles

–MPC Status Updates on how M3xicans mark territory

Ron Unz chafed.


Trump’s Last Deal

A higher, retributive tax on the wealthy has broad support among the American public. Even Republican voters are barely against it. Alexandria Of-Color is a blithering idiot but she’s onto something with her 70% tax proposal on the wealthy (though in her mind, it’s a tax on White men). If you know about Turchin cycles, you’ll know that we’re heading back into a “punish the elite” phase, so if Trump wants a second term he would be wise to consider the idea.

The trend line is clear….Reaganism is in retreat, we’re going back to a more egalitarian era, with the good and bad that portends. (In our more diverse Weimerica, there will be more Bad than Good from a revitalized egalitarianism.)

This could be Trump’s Last Deal, the deal that secures him a 2020 victory.

I’m no socialist. The economic arguments against socialism are about as solid as you’ll find in the field. But I’ll gladly trade universal healthcare, 70% wealth tax, heavier regulation of corporate america, and more government spending on boondoggles for a closed border, deportations, and the revival of a super-majority White America.

It’s more than a fair trade. It’s wise. Socialist policies can be revisited and reversed at a later date. Demographic displacement is forever.


From a reader,

I saw in the [higher taxes on the rich] poll, they did not specify at what income level that you get taxed at 70%. Most people when asked that think they are talking about billionaires and multi multi billionaires

No doubt, but you have to look at how Americans are responding to this question over time. There is a generational shift happening toward favoring higher taxes on those “billionaires”, even if the question as posed is misleading people to imagine fat cats getting theirs, and not their UMC parents or low six-figures small business owners.


OT: One more stray thought on Jeff Bezos and his skankstress. It was reported she has a mixed breed sproglet with a vibrant ex, and that she whores around for fun and profit.

Dirty Sanchez is all the proof anyone should need that just because a man can accumulate 140 billions dollars doesn’t mean he stops being a beta in his wee nerdo heart.



A victim of the $PLC is putting up a fight:

Today, we announced that we’re suing the president of the SPLC.

“The Center for Immigration Studies is fighting back against the SPLC smear campaign and its attempt to stifle debate through intimidation and name-calling” –@MarkSKrikorian https://t.co/qqQwhzChVE

— Center for Immigration Studies (@CIS_org) January 16, 2019

I would like to see the trifecta of anti-White hate groups dismantled — the SPLC, the ADL, and the ACLU.


Is it really happening?

Judge orders Susan Rice, other Obama officials to answer questions in Clinton email case

A federal judge has breathed new life into questions surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and the 2012 attack that killed U.S. officials in Benghazi, Libya.

Judge Royce Lamberth ruled Tuesday that Obama administration officials, including national security adviser Susan Rice and deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes, must answer written questions as part of a conservative judicial advocacy group’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department over Clinton’s emails. […]

Lamberth’s order follows his ruling last month that approved Judicial Watch’s desire to dig deeper into Clinton’s use of a private server. In that ruling, he said the case involved “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency” and that he had doubts the State Department was acting in “good faith” to grant Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

Although Clinton’s use of a private server did not become public until six months after the FOIA request was filed, Lamberth said State Department “officials already knew Clinton’s emails were missing from its records.”

“State played this card close to its chest,” he wrote. “At best, State’s attempt to pass-off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence. At worst career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this Court.”

He said the Justice Department under the Trump administration “made things worse.” He said Justice Department lawyers’ claims that the officials who first responded to the FOIA request didn’t know the emails were missing “strain credulity.”

Trump should have done what Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro did right after he was elected Overlord Supremo: CLEAN HOUSE. Fire all the shitlibs at every level of government. No one would miss them.


The very special Sackler family develops and markets dangerously addictive painkillers like OxyContin which have been responsible for tens of thousands of deaths among lower and working class Whites — the White Death.

The good news is that people are finally starting to notice just how fucking evil is the Sackler clan. The State of Massachusetts is currently pursuing legal action against the family.

Members of the Sackler family, which owns the company that makes OxyContin, directed years of efforts to mislead doctors and patients about the dangers of the powerful opioid painkiller, a court filing citing previously undisclosed documents contends.

When evidence of growing abuse of the drug became clear in the early 2000s, one of them, Richard Sackler, advised pushing blame onto people who had become addicted.

“We have to hammer on abusers in every way possible,” Mr. Sackler wrote in an email in 2001, when he was president of the company, Purdue Pharma. “They are the culprits and the problem. They are reckless criminals.”

That email and other internal Purdue communications are cited by the attorney general of Massachusetts in a new court filing against the company, released on Tuesday. They represent the first evidence that appears to tie the Sacklers to specific decisions made by the company about the marketing of OxyContin. The aggressive promotion of the drug helped ignite the opioid epidemic.

The filing contends that Mr. Sackler, a son of a Purdue Pharma founder, urged that sales representatives advise doctors to prescribe the highest dosage of the powerful opioid painkiller because it was the most profitable.

Since OxyContin came on the market in 1996, more than 200,000 people have died in the United States from overdoses involving prescription opioids, and Purdue Pharma has been the target of numerous lawsuits.


At a gathering shortly afterward to celebrate the drug’s launch, Mr. Sackler boasted that “the launch of OxyContin tablets will be followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition. The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white,” according to a document cited in the legal complaint.

Company sales representatives told doctors that OxyContin couldn’t be abused and were trained to say that the drug had an addiction risk for patients of “less than one percent,” a claim that had no scientific backing. Within a few years, Purdue Pharma was selling more than $1 billion worth of OxyContin annually.


The court filing depicts Richard Sackler both as a principal force behind OxyContin’s promotion and the company’s efforts to dismiss growing reports about the drug’s abuse in the early 2000s.

For instance, when a federal prosecutor reported in 2001 that there had been 59 overdose deaths involving OxyContin in his state alone, Mr. Sackler appeared to make light of the problem, a document cited in the court filing suggests.

“This is not too bad,” he wrote to the company officials. “It could have been far worse.”

Make no mistake, the Sacklers, like many of their ilk, don’t give a damn about the fate of the goyium as long as they can turn a buck on the misfortunes of the un-chosen.

The Sacklers should be in jail.
At minimum.
I’d prefer a worse punishment, but that’s just my outmoded European-descended sense of justice talking.


John Solomon delivers another Pulitzer-worthy exposé of the Deep State’s treasonous coup against President Trump.

FISA shocker: DOJ official warned Steele dossier was connected to Clinton, might be biased

When the annals of mistakes and abuses in the FBI’s Russia investigation are finally written, Bruce Ohr almost certainly will be the No. 1 witness, according to my sources.

The then-No. 4 Department of Justice (DOJ) official briefed both senior FBI and DOJ officials in summer 2016 about Christopher Steele’s Russia dossier, explicitly cautioning that the British intelligence operative’s work was opposition research connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and might be biased.

Ohr’s briefings, in July and August 2016, included the deputy director of the FBI, a top lawyer for then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and a Justice official who later would become the top deputy to special counsel Robert Mueller.

How convenient.

At the time, Ohr was the associate attorney general. Yet his warnings about political bias were pointedly omitted weeks later from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant that the FBI obtained from a federal court, granting it permission to spy on whether the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia to hijack the 2016 presidential election.

Ohr’s activities, chronicled in handwritten notes and congressional testimony I gleaned from sources, provide the most damning evidence to date that FBI and DOJ officials may have misled federal judges in October 2016 in their zeal to obtain the warrant targeting Trump adviser Carter Page just weeks before Election Day.


The Trump Shutdown Trap (it’s heartwarming).

Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy?  In only five more days of the already “longest government shutdown in history” (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don’t believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off?  Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections.  But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job.


This seems to be what was referenced in this remarkable essay written by an “unidentified senior Trump official” published in the Daily Caller, which vouches for the authenticity of the author and explains that it is protecting him from adverse career consequences should the name become known. I strongly recommend reading the whole thing.

The purported senior official makes the case that devotion to “process” eats up most of the time of federal bureaucrats and is also used by enemies of President Trump’s initiatives to stymie the legitimate orders issued by his senior officials:

Most of my career colleagues actively work against the president’s agenda.  This means I typically spend about 15 percent of my time on the president’s agenda and 85 percent of my time trying to stop sabotage, and we have no power to get rid of them.  Until the shutdown.

Due to the lack of funding, many federal agencies are now operating more effectively from the top down on a fraction of their workforce, with only select essential personnel serving national security tasks. …

President Trump can end this abuse.  Senior officials can reprioritize during an extended shutdown, focus on valuable results and weed out the saboteurs.  We do not want most employees to return, because we are working better without them.


Keep in mind that saboteurs cannot be individually identified and RIFed, but they can be included in the layoffs if they meet the criteria above in terms of seniority and service, and they must be given 60 days’ notice.  But once they are gone, they are no longer free to obstruct using the “process” as their friend, because they are gone.

You can expect lawsuits on every conceivable point, and I suspect that the definition of “furlough” will be one matter of dispute.

If this was the plan all along, it would explain why President Trump goaded Chuck and Nancy in his televised meeting with them last year, boasting that he would claim credit for the shutdown.  How could they resist a prolonged shutdown when he made it so easy to blame him?

I hope this is true. It could be Trump’s most important lasting legacy, if Wall construction is stymied by Uniparty scum.


This White Pill from Audacious Epigone is a delayed-release capsule.

Galileo was persecuted in his day, too. Science will give James Watson the last laugh. His persecutors will be laughingstocks, the butt of jokes people in the future will compare the most superstitious, ignorant comments to.

Watson’s defiance shames his tormentors. He will be recognized for the hero he is someday soon, and clown world will disappear as if it was nothing but a strange hallucination.


Mercury Face

Mercury poisoning makes birds act homosexual

Male birds that eat mercury-contaminated food show “surprising” homosexual behavior, scientists have found.

In a recent experiment in captive white ibises, many of the males exposed to the metal chose other males as mates.

These “male-male pairs did everything that a heterosexual pair would do,” said study leader Peter Frederick, a wildlife ecologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville.


Recent pollution-control measures have “grossly reduced” [mercury] contamination, Frederick said. Even so, the new study shows that ibises experience “fairly major reproductive problems at pretty low levels of [mercury].”


The metal also impacted heterosexual couples. Overall, female birds exposed to mercury yielded 35 percent fewer babies than the control group.

The biological mechanism for how the metal causes homosexual actions is not totally understood, Frederick added.

Mercury is a known endocrine disruptor—a substance that mimics or blocks the production of natural estrogen. In this case, exposed male birds’ bodies produced more estrogen than testosterone as compared with control birds.

As I and others like PA have said, the 21st Century will be marked by the renunciation of 20th Century modernity.

We either turn our backs on the Poz and all its works, or we die off as a race and a heritage.


Related, Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his own kids. REVEALED PREFERENCE. What does Bill Gates know and when did he know it?


Who Bitch Dis Is? TRUMP’S

This isn’t a shiv, it’s a scythe.

Scythe of the Week award goes to Trump, for cutting that batty old witch Pelosi in two:

Trump strikes back at Pelosi after a day of silence

The president abruptly yanks Pelosi’s international trip after she pulled a power play by postponing his SOTU address.

JUST IN: President Trump sends letter to Speaker Pelosi concerning her upcoming travel: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan has been postponed.” pic.twitter.com/UKoQMvdZsQ

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 17, 2019


Some days, Trump’s tweets and WWE governance are enough for me.

PS James Woods on the Demcreeps’ treasonous plan:

PPS You need this: A Donald Trump ring, from Skull Jewelry. Peacocking: Trump Edition. SABO quips,


PPPS The Master Troll had Pelosi’s luggage returned to her on a cart.


A righteous rebuttal from Jack Archer, correcting the historical record as it pertains to the story of Galileo’s persecution for crimethink.

For fuck’s sake, can we please drop the Galileo was “persecuted in his day” crap? When are supposedly red-pilled people going to realize how far back the destruction of Western Civilization began? It’s taken centuries of brainwashing lies to erode the thousand-year reign of the civilization Christendom built; the story of a backward, Medieval Church trying to hide scientific truth from people is one of a myriad of J_w lies that has hammered us relentlessly, and we need to start uprooting them whenever and wherever we come across them.

Contrary to the J_w-inspired popular myth, medieval and ancient people did not think the world was flat. Our ancestors were not superstitious twits who simply believed old wives tales contrary to common sense; most of what they believed was based on solid observation with the tools they had at their disposal. They drew conclusions based on those observations and did posterity a service in laying the groundwork for further study. J_ws were nowhere near the foundation of science. It was the Church that was a supporter and an aid in this process. Nearly all of the early scientists of the middle ages were Catholic priests or monks. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of churchmen and laymen who advanced scientific understanding, the (((mythmakers))) always and only point to one instance where there was a clash: the case of Galileo.

First, Galileo was funded by Cardinal Barberini for 23 years, underwriting the best work the scientist did. Cardinal Barberini ascended the papal throne as Urban VIII, and it was in this capacity that he gave Galileo permission to write about the Copernican Theory. Galileo repaid his friend and patron by dabbling in theology and calling into question the omnipotence of God in his Copernican tract, “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World” (1632). This all took place during the Protestant revolt when [false] accusations that the Catholic Church did not adhere to the Bible abounded, especially in England. All of the hub-bub about Galileo is based on the rock-star scientists’ overstepping of his competence to present in his scientific work a theological opinion that put the Pope and the Church in a very awkward position, and the (((opinion makers))) of the day (and, it seems, of all the days since) have made hay with it.

What most people don’t know is that an overwhelming number of scientists of the time did not support Galileo’s scientific theory. Not because of religious reasons but for a sound scientific one: if the earth revolved around the sun, scientists since ancient times correctly stated that we on earth would see a parallax in the heavens. Similar to putting your hand in front of your nose and looking at a distant object with one eye closed, and then switching eyes, you see the object appear to “shift”; if the earth is going around the sun, we on earth should see a shift of the stars at different seasons (when the earth is on one side of the sun, vs. the opposite side.) Since this parallax was never observed, the science did not support Galileo.

Those scientists were right. What they didn’t know was that because of the immense distance involved, seeing the parallax was not possible at the time with the equipment they had. Do you know when we finally had instruments able to see this parallax? 1838, over 200 years later. Search scientus org Copernicus-Stellar-Parallax.

Never let it be said this blog is a place to prop up pretty lies.


Colostomy Girls

In a tragic case illustrating the sinister effects of online porn, a 16-year-old girl’s bowel was so badly injured during group anal sex that she needs to use a colostomy bag for the rest of her life.

The teen reportedly suffered the life-changing injury while copying scenes seen in violent porn, according to an Australian Broadcasting Company News investigation.

But, sadly, Australia’s national broadcaster was told that the girl’s horrific experience was just one in a string of serious injuries to result from porn-addicted Australians trying to imitate aggressive sex they’ve watched online.


Porn is the symptom, slutty ho-bags are the disease.

Our women are now so thoroughly corrupted of mind, heart, vagina, and soul that they are eagerly launching themselves into group anal sex (with no doubt a few vibrants in the mix) and destroying their rectums, necessitating the use of colostomy bags.

In a few generations we’ve gone from happy homemakers to colostomy girls.

The cleansing fire has its work cut out for it.


KingofQueans gives a shout-out to Colostomy Girls.

Its well known that the majority of married women are easy to pull and put on your plate roster.  She has the ultimate security of provisioning of her sexual strategy satisfied and insured, so her AF urge is in full swing.

I’m not going to delve to deep into AF/BB and pulling married women, I am here to tell you why whenever you hookup with a married woman you must ALWAYS fuck her in the ass.

The primary reason a married woman is fucking you on the side NSA is because you are attractive and she wants your sperm so she can have hot Alpha babies that BB will pay for.   The primary reason you are fucking a married woman is because you are a sexual beast who doesn’t give a fuck and wants to own her as your sexual slave, knowing full well that her hubby can never have such a privilege because he gets all the other ‘sides’ of her that you don’t want nor have to deal with.

With the above stated, you cannot give that married woman the satisfaction of feeling you in her pussy.  You must fuck her in the ass because it is the worst possible tease in the world for her.  She feels your dominant cock pounding her and pumping her anus full of hot cum, but she doesn’t achieve her grand objective of getting your babies.  She will become the most submissive, dirty super-slore for you if you carrot-dangle penetrative sex with her.  Add her to your rotation for anal and blowjobs, but never the PIV.   This also gives her the ultimate plausible deniability if ever questioned or confronted.  ‘We never had sex!’ Or to herself ‘well that was anal so it didn’t count as cheating.’

The only time it is appropriate to do PIV is after she has begged, session after session, to feel you inside her, that you bust a massive load in her and create a cuckspawn.  She will have become so sexually degraded by you at this point that even if her current BetaBux leaves her, she won’t come to you for support. She will find a new Betabux.  The risk here is yours to take.

Why bother if you aren’t fucking her pussy you ask?   Well the answer is easy.  You have other girls for that, and you just don’t give a fuck because you are the shit.

Fuck Franzen, the best literature is right here at this blog.


From Doktor Jeep,

I have a friend who has a colostomy bag. Though his reason is not so degenerate. Basically a fellow standing next to him got blown up by an RPG and the parts of that fellow tore through him and wrecked his bowels.
Anyway, it’s not a good trip having to wear a bag of shit for the rest of your life. My friend has no butthole either. He can’t fart. I tell him I’d kill myself if I could not fart any more. Nothing like giving an irritating woman a “Dutch Oven” to inspire her to call a cab.
Certainly a shit bag on the hip is going to lower a woman’s SMV a bit.

Holy colostomy, the comments lately have been off the chain!


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