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Diversity™ heaps limitless miseries upon the host nation. You don’t need social science studies to tell you that, (you can just go to a diverse part of town and experience the joylessness, tension, annoyances, stress, and general aesthetic dreariness for yourself), but when the ¡SCIENCE! is available it sure is fun to rub it in libfruit faces.

Happiness in modern society: Why intelligence and ethnic composition matter


Recent developments in evolutionary psychology suggest that living among others of the same ethnicity might make individuals happier and further that such an effect of the ethnic composition on life satisfaction may be stronger among less intelligent individuals. Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health showed that White Americans had significantly greater life satisfaction than all other ethnic groups in the US and this was largely due to the fact that they were the majority ethnic group; minority Americans who lived in counties where they were the numerical majority had just as much life satisfaction as White Americans did. Further, the association between ethnic composition and life satisfaction was significantly stronger among less intelligent individuals. The results suggest two important factors underlying life satisfaction and highlight the utility of integrating happiness research and evolutionary psychology.

LIE: Diversity™ is our strength.
TRUTH: Diversity™ is our sadness.

Happiness (for White people) is a paler shade of settlement.

Multiethnic societies make everyone unhappier, but the clash of tribes hits the downscale hardest, who lack the excess cognitive chops to rationalize their unhappiness as the sweet price to pay for moral posturing and crappy ethnic food that gives you the shits for weeks.

Modern multitribalism may not pose the same threat to the survival and reproduction of individuals as it would have in the ancestral environment when encirclement by another tribe usually meant you were about to be killed or raped, but that doesn’t mean modern multiracial stews like the US don’t threaten the Darwinian fitness of individuals dealing with the consequences of the diversity. Bloody tribal warfare and pillaging still exist, but in a domesticated form; instinctive tribal nepotism, out-group aggression, and low trust are proxies for open war, and these interactional conditions pose incremental risks to the social and economic statuses, as well as the psychological health, of members within the multitribal society. One example would be, for instance, the nepotistic domination of the Ivies by one tribe and its affirmative actioned pawns which has pushed out the historical representation of the heritage tribe.

Or, Diversity + Proximity = War (by any means).


In related ¡SCIENCE! news, shitlibs are just as prone to science denialism as are cuckservatives.

Liberals and Conservatives Are Similarly Motivated to Deny Attitude-Inconsistent Science

We tested whether conservatives and liberals are similarly or differentially likely to deny scientific claims that conflict with their preferred conclusions. Participants were randomly assigned to read about a study with correct results that were either consistent or inconsistent with their attitude about one of several issues (e.g., carbon emissions). Participants were asked to interpret numerical results and decide what the study concluded. After being informed of the correct interpretation, participants rated how much they agreed with, found knowledgeable, and trusted the researchers’ correct interpretation. Both liberals and conservatives engaged in motivated interpretation of study results and denied the correct interpretation of those results when that interpretation conflicted with their attitudes. Our study suggests that the same motivational processes underlie differences in the political priorities of those on the left and the right.

I would love to know which test studies the researchers used to determine how much libs and cons engaged in motivated interpretation, besides the one mentioned in the abstract (“carbon emissions”). I’d bet that libs more intensely deny or spin the science of race and sex differences than cons deny the science of global warming. My observation is that cons aren’t as egotistically and emotionally invested in denying global warming as libs are in denying innate sex-based psychological differences and racial disparities in average IQ.


A commenter reminded me of a relevant 2014 CH post about a study of spiders and diversity, which found that tribal homogeneity, contra conventional shitlib wisdom, increases individual diversity.

Summarizing, a lack of inter-group diversity…actually increases individual diversity, through the mechanism of amplifying preexisting personality differences among same-group members. In contrast, a lot of inter-group diversity (say, moving to a SWPL hipster enclave in a minority white city soaked in vibrancy that makes daily living an adventure in survival) produces a uniformity of thought and, CH will note, uniformity of aesthetic within groups, which is why we see SWPL hoods in nearly every major American city converging on the same farm-to-table Obama-loving liberal hypocrite norm.

Paradoxically, group cohesiveness creates more individual diversity, while inter-group diversity creates more intra-group uniformity. Diversity + proximity = conformity.

In other words, the diversity that really matters — diversity of thought and personality — flourishes in less racially diverse environs.

Diversity is our within-group sameness.


PS I’ve added the study findings discussed in this post to the Diversity + Proximity = War reference list at the top of the front page of this blog.


We give white knights a well-deserved shellacking here at the Chateau for general inanity and counter-productive goofballery, but meeting one in real life is more a blessing than a curse. You just have to know how to leverage them for fun and profit.

For reasons I won’t get into in this post, white knight numbers seem to be on the rise, mostly online but occasionally offline. Confronting one in the wild provides the maester seducer a wonderful expedient to aid him in getting the bang with the very girl whose honor the white knight rushes to defend.

I love crossing paths with white knights because they’re the hanging curveball of cockblocks. It’s a pleasure to tool them in front of their girls whose vaginas they will never see.

White knights play the really long game, hoping the girl will one day wake up and appreciate their efforts on her behalf. Sometimes it happens, but by then the girl is a little rougher for wear and has been through a few cockas. It’s a piss poor strategy in an open unregulated sexual market, though, because the implicit rules favor those men skilled in maximizing short term gains. White knights are no match for jerkboys in an atomized and quasi-anonymized hookup market; their brand of chivalry works better under highly regulated courtship conditions in which fathers have as much input as daughters and the pill isn’t dispensed like candy.

Now that you know you’ll almost always have the upper hand against white knights, it helps to know the best strategy for neutering neutralizing them and turning them into an advertisement for your sexytime fitness. The best method that I’ve found is the ol’ standby Agree&Amplify. Assume the white knight’s good intentions, and praise him effusively. By doing this, you are

  1. tooling him as the hard-up lickspittle he is
  2. delivering a proxy neg/disqualification to the girl which will cause her to distance herself from the white knight

When a white knight comes in all m’lady-like, I tell them, “It’s good you’re looking out for this girl. Does she have a curfew? I wouldn’t trust her alone either. Lotta bad guys out there.”

This banter achieves multiple objectives. One, it demonstrates your high value. Now you’re the insinuated bad boy with whom she might get into trouble. Few girls can resist that delicious thought. Two, it embarrasses the white knight. He’ll get defensive and swear he’s not chaperoning her, he’s just being a friend yada yada, which now plants the perception in the girl that he’s not actually her protector he’s just a dud who likes asexually hanging around her.

Three, and most importantly, it will provoke an opposite reaction in the girl. She’ll laugh or act indignant (either one is a positive reaction for you), insisting she’s doesn’t need a babysitter, she can handle herself, and the white knight is cool with that (he won’t be).

At that point, it’s time to run the table. “I dunno are you sure you’re ready for this…being on your own and all? It’s a scary world. If you can’t handle it, I’ll check in with your buddy (always use the word buddy to describe a girl’s male orbiters) over there (point at white knight across the room) and he can safely take you to your parents’ place.”

Now you’ve set up the challenge — is she a strong independent woman or is she a nervous little girl? — and if you’ve learned anything here it’s that girls love challenging men with standards. It’s the flip-the-courtship-script ruse and it works because women have no defense against their own weapons.

If, on the off chance, you are confronted by a physically bigger white knight — rarely, a bouncer will white knight just to start fights — the better course of action is to keep it short and plausibly complimentary. Don’t directly engage the white knight, that’ll only wind him up. “Looks like you’ve got a bodyguard already. Lucky girl.” Leave her be after saying that, and there’s a good shot she’ll find her way back to you later in the night once Derp Lancelot is distracted and moves on.


The Ground Floor Girl

Besides the sagging tits and wrinkling skin, there’s a good reason men of taste and sophistication who are looking to settle down spurn older women for the pleasure of younger women. DoBA writes,

In short, if you’re thinking about getting married, really think about what you’re doing. As someone who is divorced, I would say that you have to get in on the GROUND LEVEL with women. Once they’re about 33-34, you don’t know where the hell they’ve been and their anger toward men or neurosis about them will likely be taken out on YOU. From what I see, the best marriages are when the couples meet in high school or college.

That last paragraph is gold plated good advice. Single women get bitter and spiteful with age in a way that men don’t, because every added cock scours a woman’s soul while every added pussy gilds a man’s soul. Bad relationship experiences accumulating over the years can potentially embitter both men and women, but men in my observation, when they bounce back, are more seamlessly able to reconstitute a loving relationship with a new woman minus the emotional baggage of past women who left them with foul memories. In contrast, women who have run through failed relationships tend to dump increasingly heavy loads of baggage on their new men.

The Ground Floor Girl is another term for the “marriage material girl”, or the “wife and mother of my future children girl”. (In the meme scene, she is called the tradwife.) She is many different women, but the defining characteristic all GFGs share is youth and romantic innocence. You can get lucky meeting an older woman who has managed to retain her whimsy and untainted love of men, but that’s not the way to bet.

tl;dr: younger women >>> older women.


If you need the recap, the present configuration of the Western sexual market is despoiling and shrinking the pool of available Ground Floor Girls. Marriage rate is down, age of first marriage is up, and though I couldn’t find the data I’d be surprised if marriage counseling hours and clients as a share of total marriages isn’t up as well.


Commenter Ralph Stanley ventures into the bowels of the poz factory known as TV and returns with tales of horror to make any White man’s blood curdle.

I was watching the Comedy Central show, “Broad City”, with my wife last night and we got into a huge fight about it (we don’t agree on politics). The whole show is basically two Jewish girls having: (i) gay sex; (ii) interracial sex; (iii) doing lots of drugs and basically trash talking white guys. They even had a scene with an elderly white lady in a sex shop buying a massive black dildo. Previous seasons weren’t nearly as obnoxious. It’s horrible to think this is the shit women are watching. To my knowledge she is also watching a Netflix show about trannies. And don’t get me started on “Master of None”, which is another white guy bashing “comedy” with plenty sassy gay friends.

The commercials offered no relief: a show about tennis player Bill Jean King, some anti-white comedians, a “comedy” show about “the resistance” against Trump, and a preview of a weird fantasy movie with lesbian overtones. It was fucking relentless. I’m no prude but enough is enough. In fairness, we don’t watch Narcos or Westworld together.

Making matters worse, she flipped to Youtube afterwards and saw I had been watching a documentary on a Belgian Nazi sympathizer. What can I say? After being exposed to modern tv your brain needs a dose of Fash to right itself.

Shit tests abound and you don’t always pass them.

“she flipped to Youtube afterwards and saw I had been watching a documentary on a Belgian Nazi sympathizer” — this line is instantly iconic. I laughed audibly. It reads like it could be the epitaph on modern American marriage.

One benefit of the abject pozification of TV is that I watch a lot less of it, mostly out of a sense of preserving my dignity. What kind of man enjoys getting pissed in the face over and over by degenerate mutants who hate him and his kind? I’m no masochist.

They hate us White men. What’s clearer is that their hate is an echo of their envy and thwarted desire. It’s 100% shitlib psychological projection and sour grapes.

You can take away one uplifting message from their venomous effluvia: the louder these cunts shriek about the bad White man, the more intensely they desire the White man’s approval. Some even want the White man’s dick. But they will never have it, because they’re ugly, inside and out. The White man’s standards and general excellence are what drive them to the plush comfort of babbling insanity.


Somalia Or Sweden?


A new book aimed at children in Sweden is entitled Grandpa Has Four Wives in another example of how Sharia law is being normalized as the country takes in thousands of Muslim migrants.

The book, named Farfar har fyra fruar in Swedish, has been published in both Swedish and Somali and is aimed at 3-6 year olds.

“Asli has never been to Somalia, but now she finally gets to go there with her dad, to meet grandfather and all her grandmothers,” states the blurb for the book, which is written by Oscar Trimbel and published by Adlibris. […]

Another book by the same author entitled Mormor är inget spöke (Grandma is no ghost) serves to normalize the burka.

“Omar greets his grandmother who comes from Somalia. When it’s Halloween, Omar wants to dress up like a ghost like any other child. He wants his grandmother to come along because it can be scary,” states the blurb for the book.

Despite many countries in Europe handing out fines and prison sentences for polygamy, Sweden recognizes polygamous marriages performed abroad and allows up to four wives to be registered as spouses.

Lemme see if I have the math right.

One Sweden + one Somalia = White supremacy
Zero Swedens + two Somalias = Diversity

I must have missed the international council that convened to declare words no longer have meaning.

Ya know, a while ago I predicted that legalized polygamy was coming to the White West. I wrote that the logical trajectory of anti-White shitliberalism would lead sans opposition to the normalization of every degeneracy and regressive human behavior antagonistic to the genetic, cultural, and historical habits and traditions of Western societies.

Sweden recognizes polygamous marriages performed abroad and allows up to four wives to be registered as spouses.

Too depressing to muster a preen.


Sweden is what happens when a whole nation decides to test the real world applicability of Equalism. The result isn’t pretty.

It’s a tremendous irony that the institutionalization of feminism creates the very rape culture that feminists falsely accuse white patriarchal society of creating.

A reader passes along a relevant quote,

Related, from Caldwell’s review of Zemmour’s *French Suicide*: “Zemmour notes that the ruthless Don Juans of the old macho sexual order had feared two things above all: pregnancy and marriage. “The paradox of feminism,” he writes, “was that it fulfilled the dreams of generations of male predators.”

Women’s lib has been a boon for the native cads, and now also apparently for the invited migrant hordes. But, it hasn’t been very good for women themselves.


wtf I love Finn chicks now, they can use their psionic powers to transatlantically stroke me off.


This is the funniest video I’ve seen in years, although it is meant seriously. All women have to do to keep from being raped is turn around, hold out their hand in a “halt” gesture and say “Stop!” That’s it! The Muslim migrant problem is solved!

Apparently, Finland has joined the growing list of White nations allowing itself to be overrun by ruddy rapefugees. And this is their response.

White people have lost their marbles. Try to come up with a better explanation.

I wonder if this is what it’s like for faithful adherents when their religion is under attack from an increasingly emboldened chorus of heretics? The religion — in this case Leftoid Equalism — must buckle as the onslaught of realtalk hits from every direction, prompting a wagon-circling reaction among loyal followers that eventually descends into farce, as they grasp for the lifeline of incrementally lunatic rationalizations and defensive postures to protect the investment their egos have made in their wacky beliefs.

If I’m right, then the lid is about to blow on this insanity soon, because when cultists realize they’ve been played for fools all along they either suicide or lash out with a fury. One day, Finns and all the rest of the CuckWhites will have no choice but to make their peace with the reality that the races are constitutionally different and no amount of love or social policy will change that fact. They will make their peace either in rest or in revolt. Pray for the latter.


The Fleece Marriage

Reports coming in from the field suggest a new form of marriage is appearing on the scene that capitalizes on late stage societal sanction of divorce theft. From Days of Broken Arrows,

I’m starting to notice a trend of older thirtysomething women marrying older guys, having a kid, and then almost immediately divorcing the guy. These aren’t rich guys, either, but average men who get nailed with child support.

This just happened to a guy I know and I don’t know how he’s going to deal with the financial fallout.

What these women are doing has to be some sort of racket. It’s one thing when couples meet and marry young, have a few kids and then split when the kids are teens because they grew apart. That I get.

But from what I’m seeing, these thirtysomething women (all pushing forty) are in and out of these men’s lives by the time the kids are 3. I’m posting it here because I think it plays into the main topic. Once they get past a certain age, these women don’t bond.

I did an online court records search and this is what my formerly happy-go-lucky friend is now facing:

Issue: FEES

The sexual market in the US is warped beyond salvageability if shit like this is happening. So much wrong, where to begin?

DoBA is right that after a certain age women don’t emotionally bond with men like they could when younger. As the pool of eggs dries up, the reservoir of passion salts over. Men, too, lose some of this bonding ability with age but the difference there is that men can instantly regain the feeling of a strong bond if they date and marry considerably younger women. The bonding agent is called YHT — younger, hotter, tighter. You down with YoHoTi?

Misandry, not misogyny, is the law of the land. Literally. Look at that legal imprimatur for divorce theft. There’s even a line item for FEES, always a convenient catch basin to levy nebulous punitive damages against the poor schmuck who thought he was marrying forever.

The mate landscape is now so bad for American beta males that they’re wifing up late 30s Wall victims and aged feminist careercunts for one or two, max, years of tolerable sexual relief with a rapidly depreciating ASSet who will get her one kid with him after wasting her prime bangability on the cad carousel quaffing birth control pills like vitamins, and who will unceremoniously divorce rape him after the beta dupe has pitched in to help raise the little snotbag during the most inglorious, dull, and thankless years of its life between birth and toddlerhood.

No joys of fatherhood for you!

Only everlasting financial servitude and psychological destruction.

A sex market that rewards this sort of dynamic is irretrievably broken. We are spitting in the face of millennia of sex polarity, denying the God of Biomechanics his tribute. Instead of passionate love marriages with young women notarized by multiple children, we have socially expedient striver marriages in which haggard careerist shrews on perpetual headache mode diddle the bean to Fifty Shades of Gay and suck dry the resources and emotional commitment of beat-up fap-weary sex-starved limp beta noodleboys before chucking them to win cashmoneyshekels right at the moment fatherhood presumably gets interesting for the damned fools.

Gentlemen, beware the Fleece Marriage! (brought to you by an antagonistic state sponsored divorce theft apparatus and women responding to dystopian incentives).

I really wasn’t kidding when I said Game can save the West.


How many times have I written that stereotypes don’t materialize out of thin air and that generalizations are useful for navigating the obstacles and uncertainties of life?

In a new book by Lee Jussim, a century’s worth of social psychological research was reviewed and the conclusion reached that stereotypes are robust and accurate. Furthermore, human bias and self-fulfilling prophecy generally exert weak or no effects on the accuracy of stereotypes.

The stereotypes we hold about the sexes are accurate.
The stereotypes we hold about the races are accurate.
The stereotypes we hold about our fellow-white-people are accurate.

@Atavator adds,

That’s beautiful. Oh, The Irony. So more or less, what we see is social scientists, because of political ideology, enacting the very bias they’ve been telling us for 100 years that regular people are guilty of.

Has there ever been a grander act of projection?

If psychological projection is the default cognitive and rhetorical template of shitlibs, then their loudest shrieks will reveal their rawest exposed nerves. Find those nerves, and press hard.

The yeasty feminized and rabbinical ideology of Equalism is built on a foundation of lies, and it won’t be long now before it crumbles to dust.

I’ll save you all the gauche preen that I so richly deserve to enjoy at this moment…

not gonna do it…

nope, i have way more respect for my readership than that….

ah fuck it


Crossing The Hajnal Border

East (and South) of the Hajnal line is the helical elixir that will save the White West.

When can targeted miscegenation do good? @Aquinas prompts this question with the following comment,

The admixture of a little Southern European basedness and tribalism is what will save domesticated nordics. They are over evolved toward pathological altruism. This is why so many alt right people are catholic.

A touch of Outer Hajnal White blood, ironically, will save Inner Hajnal Whites from their self-destructive excesses.

For those new to Hajnalianism, an explanation: The Hajnal Line is a geosociological concept. It’s a line that separates (more or less) NW Europe from Southern and Eastern Europe. Inside the line, White Euros (such as Germans and Englishmen) evolved extreme out-group altruism from selective pressures imposed by the manorial system and the Church’s ban on cousin marriage (out to the sixth cousin, I believe). Furthermore, inside the Hajnal Line there was a period of European history when the death penalty for violent and not-so-violent criminals was administered frequently and remorselessly, which had the effect of culling the impulsive predators from the NW European White genetic stock.

Unfortunately, we have a dire need for the services of those predators today.

If Inner Hajnal Whites are to survive, they may need the blood of Outer Hajnal Whites coursing through their veins. If you consider this ethnic cleansing or the counsel of an ethnicity traitor, be assuaged that a little interethnic White mixing goes a long way. The Cuckosphere wouldn’t need much. Think of it more as a vaccine. We’d be introducing a small dose of foreign agent to save the whole body.

Iambic Summary:


?‼️?? #Germany: Usual Migrant block a car! What he does not know, no Germans in the car! Eastern Europeans, probably Russians. Instant KO! pic.twitter.com/xvm4kL3V1j

— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) September 25, 2017


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