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Monthly Archive for May, 2011

The Village Voice has an article about fatty fuckers. These are the tiny minority of weirdos who like to fuck waddling land whales. Here’s a pic to get you in the right frame of mind: Read the whole article if you want to toss up your lunch. Ex: Entries happily, ravenously, robustly referenced double bellies, … Read more

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Cheap Chalupas On Loser Men

The ol’ Open-borders-for-thee-but-gated-academia-for-me blogger-cum-economist has taken a stab at trying to explain why one-fifth of all prime working age men are unemployed. Other than the obvious market factors (helllooooo cheap, displacing, low human capital labor and negative externalities!), I’ve already outlined in this post why this recession is structurally different than past recessions, and the … Read more

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The gay men and fat ugly goths sluts are out in force and want the safe, cocooned and civilized world to know that they should bear no responsibility for their own well-being at all. An international series of protests known as SlutWalks, sparked by a Toronto police officer’s flippant comment that women should avoid dressing like … Read more

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We already know, thanks to the spiritually enriching wisdom of this blog, that a man should never say ‘I love you’ before his girlfriend has said it. But there’s more. Reader Shark writes: Other things to never say first: “I miss you” “Let’s be exclusive” “I want to have children” These are all right on … Read more

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Science Validates Another Game Concept

A study says that men and women say ‘I love you’ for different reasons. Women, being from Venus, have a reputation for being the first to spring “I love you” in romantic relationships. But men actually are more likely to utter those three loaded little words first, and men admit thinking about confessing love six … Read more

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The point of yesterday’s post wasn’t to argue whether muscles help with picking up girls (they do, but not as much as most guys think), but to remind everyone that testosterone directly affects how motivated you feel to approach girls. Low T = low motivation to meet women, and thus fewer opportunities for sex with … Read more

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*Update below* I couldn’t help overhearing every snippet of their conversation as the night wore on. Him: I’m gonna have a glass of wine. Her: No, you aren’t. You’ve had enough. Him: *heavy sigh* *chin into chest* *** Him: Can you look up the weather for tomorrow? Her: No, I’m doing something right now, can’t … Read more

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Testosterone is the life blood of game. If you have low testosterone, your game will wither like parched fescue under a blazing August sun. High testosterone, and your game shines like a supernova. The formula is simple: More testosterone = more approaches. And more approaches means improved game and sex with more desirable women. Your … Read more

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A Nation Of Einsteins

A libertarian open-borders economist asserts: Smart people may excel in all activities, but as the law of comparative advantage reveals (see here and here) everyone’s better off if people with high IQs outsource their less challenging tasks to others.  In a society of Einsteins, Einsteins take out the garbage, scrub floors, and wash dishes. A … Read more

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Why was Osama Bin Laden’s body buried at sea before third parties could confirm its authenticity through DNA tests? Based on the experience of the last ten twenty thirty years, do you autonomically believe anything the government tells you these days? It would have been a simple matter to hold onto the body for the … Read more

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