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Monthly Archive for May, 2011

A lot of older men in the comments of this blog complain that they find the frivolity, shit testing and emotional demands of younger women too frustrating to tolerate, so they nix entire groups of women from their target designation list. As one who has dated plenty of crazy whimsical women and enjoyed their company, … Read more

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Dating Preferences Vs Options

Is assortative mating simply a function of convenience, i.e. mate proximity? There’s a lot of chatter on the blogs about how the college-educated are marrying others in their same educational and class bracket, and that this proves that men and women are selecting partners based on criteria such as intelligence and socioeconomic status. In other … Read more

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It’s an open secret that Arnold used steroids throughout his bodybuilding career, and probably uses them today (either as part of an anti-aging program, or to buff up for a film, like he did for T3.) If he was on a cycle when he banged that ugly housemaid of his, that would explain a lot. … Read more

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It was a banner week for alpha males. The Terminator blasted inside a housemaid and had a kid named John Connor with her ten years ago, who will grow up to defeat the evil cyborg governators under whose watch debt and native displacement exploded. The head of the IMF — some feminism-embracing leftie anti-American transnationalist … Read more

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The Fine Art Of Teasing

An important facet of game — whether for relationships, flings or pickups — is fluency with the art of teasing. Teasing is such a turn-on for women it’s a wonder it isn’t taught by marriage counselors. (Actually, it’s not a wonder. As the divorce statistics show us, marriage counselors have no fucking clue what works.) … Read more

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Alpha Eye Contact

Pimps keep strong eye contact with their hos, but you’ll notice that’s only when the pimps are talking to them. When the hos reply, the pimps will glance around distractedly. A previous Chateau post advised that you should look around the room a bit when a girl is talking to you, because acting distracted is … Read more

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Coffeehouse Logistics

I’ve found that the best logistics for a coffeehouse pickup are seated in a chair at a right angle to a couch. If your local SWPL coffeehouse is like most, it has a main seating area filled with cushy chairs, musty couches and coffee tables. Whether you see a girl already sitting who you want … Read more

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Exposure to high prenatal testosterone levels may contribute to genius. Savant-style genius may be affected by the amount of testosterone you receive in the womb, according to a new University of Alberta study. The roots of extraordinary genius have long been the subject of a nature versus nurture debate, but educational psychology professor Martin Mrazik … Read more

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What Betas Can Learn From Pimps

In the documentary ‘Pimps Up, Ho’s Down‘, there is a great scene where one of the pimps is describing in lush detail a happy scenario to a smoking hot ho on the brink of, presumably, committing to his harem. Keep on believin’ in me, baby, just like when I met you in the juke joint, and I … Read more

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I mean, the evidence is staring them right in the face. And yet, not a peep from them. How utterly surprising. ps 50 million mexicans will do the same. heh heh.

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