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Stranger Flings

We’re in the age of stranger love. Not real love, but signaled love. Love that is expressed but not felt, for the same purpose: to keep the peace and to feel something, anything that distracts from a boring dreary life.

Hackett to Bits includes a great Godfather quote in an equally great comment,

The Godfather novel is a Red Pill must-read.

“…Don Corleone had no desire, no intention, of letting his youngest son be killed in the service of a power foreign to himself. Doctors had been bribed, secret arrangements had been made. A great deal of money had been spent to take the proper precautions.

“But Michael was twenty-one years of age and nothing could be done against his own willfulness. He enlisted and fought over the Pacific Ocean. He became a Captain and won medals. In 1944 his picture was printed in Life magazine with a photo layout of his deeds. A friend had shown Don Corleone the magazine (his family did not dare), and the Don had grunted disdainfully and said, “He performs those miracles for strangers.” ”

And that was for 90% White America.

Here we are, in the 17th year of sending our alphas off to foreign lands to risk their lives, only to protect the ‘rights’ of invaders to claim the use of our lands and send billions in cash to their home countries, to protect the ‘rights’ of the mentally ill to claim that their biology can be ignored and their ‘rights’ to not be offended by those of us who object, to protect the ‘rights’ of two finocchios to get ‘married’ and thus render marriage meaningless, and all the other crimes against the people and against nature, whitewashed as ‘enlightened attitudes’, that we daily comment on here.

No more performing miracles for strangers…

The Don was speaking as a man from Outer Hajnalia: the clannish Sicilian blood made him question the value of shedding it for anyone outside the family.

Clannishenss prevents the wider social trust needed to advance to the heights of civilizational greatness, but it’s also a prophylactic against the high trust Inner Hajnalian compulsion to xenophilia — stranger flings.

The time has come to accept the Don’s wisdom and stop performing miracles for strangers while we ignore and slander our close kin and leave them to suffer under the miseries of the strangers’ ways.

Love that forever goes unrequited is no love at all; it’s obsession. And our virtue shrieking SWPL White shitlibs are in the grips of a severe obsession that may very well mean the death of the one thing which is truly capable of loving them back: their blood, their soil, their nation.



Like the “It’s Ok to be White” posters cropping up all over college campuses, you know a maul-right meme is spicy when it provokes lib snowflakes to an impotent rage that they can only relieve by tearing the offending signs down. And this one — My Borders My Choice — is extra spicy hot because it borrows the daffy feminist rhetoric of shitlibs, forcing our phony xenophilic single White women into grand mal cogdis seizures.

When these dumb broads are really kind of upset, America wins. Here’s another meme that gets under the thin skins of the right kinds of fishmouths: #OpenBordersForHotties.


Baron Ungern-Zimmerman (TM) draws the Shiv of the Week by drawing an excellent analogy between Western women and that Twilight Zone episode featuring the evil, all-powerful child.

[The swarthy rapefugee] hit the right baboon buttons on the back of her brain. The strongest, smartest, handsomest, best color-coordinated, well paid, conscientious, most well spokended, fat penisted, masters of ceremonies, best tile laying, or most talented at playing the kazoo do not survive. Only the fittest for the conditions which they face.

Unfortunately, the current conditions are similar to that Twilight Zone episode, “It’s A Good Life,” where an omnipotent child holds everyone hostage according to his whim. That child is the unleashed vicissitudes of the female hindbrain.

This is what happens when you give too much social and political power to women: they act out, refuse all personal responsibility or accountability for any of their actions, and demand immediate satisfaction of any whim which happens to cross their minds.

In other words, it’s like giving power to a child. Don’t expect good things to come from that. Do expect caprice, cruelty, and short-sighted stupidity.


Our Wayward Wenches

There’s a Swedish Faceborg advocacy group called #WeCantTakeIt — meaning the middle-aged women participating in the group can’t take their rapefugee loverboys being sent back to their shitholes. They lobby the Swedish government and (unsurprisingly) the women-heavy feminist government gives in to their demands, ruining Sweden in the process. Here’s a photo montage from the group:

On a hopeful note, some Swedish men (they still exist) mocked the group by creating one called #WeCanTakeIt which featured old, fat balding men and their imported Thai girl lovers.

Naturally, the offended Swedish scoldocracy deleted their sarcastic faceborgle group post-haste. The oldbroad-rapefugee matchmaker group still exists.

We’ve run out of time to beat around the bush (heh) any longer. Our virtue shrieking single White women and desperately lonely middle aged White broads are the PRIME VECTORS of misery, rape, death, indigence, crime, ugliness, and terrorism into the West.

At the least, these wayward wenches ought to be mocked so hard they self-deliver. And for real, not that fake phony attention whoring attempted suicide crap that women are wont to do for FB Likes.

Exhibit A: Our wayward wench of the day, @missmayn

H/t @JackMcKrack,

she stepped outside to cry – and take a selfie.

Pathological attention whoring. She should’ve gone outside and thrown herself in traffic to ease the pain of Trump. That way we’d know she was sincere.

I’m convinced now that most online pathological attention whores are hitched to soyboys IRL and are using the internet to advertise themselves to usurper alpha males.

For Miss Mayn, that usurper could be any man who doesn’t take pictures with his mouth gaping like an expectant gloryhole. For our Swedish spinsters above, that usurper is the vast barbarian horde.

I’ve said it before, and it deserves repeating: we men of the West bring our women to heel, or our women will have the West kneeling to the Shadow Swarm.


The successful pair-bond is the successful polarity-bond. Ever try to squeeze two magnets of the same pole together, as feminists and manginas insist we all do? REPULSION!

The dominant man<–>submissive woman is the strongest magnet in the known universe. The submissive man<–>submissive woman or the dominant man<–>dominant woman are the weakest bonds. In warped sexual markets, the submissive man<–>dominant woman couple can work — for a while — but it’s a coupling of egoistic convenience rather than one of passion. Its bond is reliable enough for tax purposes but also weak, and marked by frequent resentments that can provoke unfaithfulness.

The current Western sexual market is riven with submissive man<–>dominant woman couples, which doesn’t bode well. It’s why assortative mating along arid criteria like credentials and political ideology are the norm now instead of the exception, and why mating along hot wet passionate criteria like masculine-feminine frisson and provider-nurturer sex-based roles is becoming less the norm and more the exceptional act of rebellion.

Hard times will bring back the ideal Darwinian bond of strong men coupling with submissive women.


1950s Patriarchy Game

This kind of whimsical role playing is tingle dynamite! From marc,

I took my girl (23 year difference) to a nice but casual Italian restaurant in the heart of left-wing university town. I told her we were in the 1950’s and she was not allowed to talk to the waiter. I would order for her and answer any questions put to her. We had a blast! Waiter had no idea what to do with us.

A soyboy would never do this because a soyboy is cowardly. And that is why a soyboy fails.


If you want a vision of the post-West wasteland, imagine a middle-aged white single mom with impeccable feminist beliefs shielding her brown rapefugee lover from the charge of raping her preteen white daughter, forever…..or until the last White is breathing.

A #Metoo feminist and a mother allegedly engaged in a relationship with an Afghan refugee has refused to report his sexual assault on her preteen daughter on the grounds that it would lead to his expulsion from Sweden.

I’m a cynical man concerning the primal nature of female sexuality, but even my wokeness on the Woman Question is strained to the breaking point by this story. To understand why, read on….

The middle-aged woman, who works at a migrant home, reportedly started a relationship with one of the “refugee children” and allowed him to move into her place. The cohabitation ended with her fosterling sexually attacking her 12-year-old daughter. However, the woman refused to report the assault and allowed the culprit to stay, the news outlet Fria Tider reported.

When Scandicucks suicide. The “my wife’s son” meme has a female version now: “my daughter’s rapist”.

During the trial, the girl said that her 45-year-old mother had worked at a home for “unaccompanied minors” in Sölvesborg, Blekinge County. When one of the refugees officially came of age and could no longer take advantage of the accommodation center, the mother started a relationship with him and let him move into her home.

Pathological altruism, or pathological tingle-storm?

Soon, the Afghan began to stalk the woman’s 12-year-old daughter, trying to kiss and hug her.

Hoellebecq on one of his most fevered satirical jaunts could not imagine a xenophilic Swedish cougar character for his novels if they didn’t already exist.

One Saturday night in late September 2017, the Afghan reportedly pushed his fingers into the girl’s underwear, while allegedly under the influence of alcohol. The girl responded by pulling away and running into her bedroom. Later, she told her mom about the incident. However, the woman let her Afghan boyfriend stay despite his dangerous ways.

tbh surprised the 12yo daughter hasn’t yet been arrested by swedish authorities for hate speech and intent to commit cultural privilege.

“He stayed with us, and it felt outlandish to me,” the girl said during the trial,

When children have more sense and wisdom than adults, you know a society is close to collapse. This story is the stuff that will weaponize Generation Zyklon.

There arises a hero who rescues the girl from this swarthy rapefugee migrant horror show….

The next day, the 12-year-old refused to go home from school to her mother without contacting her estranged father, who upon hearing the story, reported the incident to the police.

…the estranged beta White father. You know, the hero who for decades has been taking the brunt of slander and defamation from every establishment media outlet, elite institution, feminist cunt man-hater, and virtue signaling SJW. That hero.

According to the girl’s older sister’s testimony, the mother had told her to keep quiet about what had happened.

This is female sexuality unleashed. THIS…is what it looks like unshackled from male oversight and cultural regulation: a desperately lonely, post-Wall bitch queen single mom divorceé throwing her own daughter under the rapist bus so that she could keep getting pounded out by a dirty migrant who secretly loathes her and everything she represents as he grunts his way through her disgusting flab while dreaming of sticking it to her preteen daughter to help him get through the act of love with her old mom. A love which doesn’t exist except in the mom’s head.

After a while, however, the Afghan chose to leave anyway.

And another EatPrayRape romance comes to a totally predictable end.

Despite being sentenced for sexual abuse, he is allowed to stay in Sweden, as the prosecution did not demand expulsion. Instead, he was slapped with 100 hours of community service, as he claimed to have been 18 at the time of the crime.

Is Sweden just a giant corner stool?

The mother, who is said to be an active member of the #Metoo movement against sexual harassment, continued her involvement in her Afghan boyfriend’s destiny.

[the mom] wrote in a Facebook group against the deportation of Afghans, and that she had a “wonderful kid” who no longer had a permanent residence, asking if fellow feminists would want to take him in.

Afghan fux, beta bux.

The daughter was victimized three times: first, by her mother and/or the Swedecuck State taking her away from her loving, responsible father. Second, by her mother’s rapefugee pretend lover. Third, by her mother protecting her daughter’s rapist from prosecution.

Mamma mia
Sweden’s going fast
my my, how can she survive this?
Mamma mia
Stockholm’s turned to trash
my my, rape gangs stalk our sisters





Alpha Male Body Language

There’s a lot going on here that adds up to a snapshot of pure alphatude in full display. The easy stride, the ownership arm draped loosely but heavily over her shoulders —

Just hold on loosely
But don’t let go
If you cling too tightly
You’re gonna lose control

— the deliberate avoidance of nuzzling or any soy-laced PDA, the contrapposto pose in motion (check the angle of his right foot), and the “I’m surveying my kingdom” wandering gaze.

Even if you’re an ugly man, you can project an aura of alphaness, and therefore look more attractive to women, if you walk with the insouciant confidence of this fellow here. Every little improvement helps.


There used to be a “sex positive” feminist who would comment here and offer up such breathtakingly backward Feminist Cunt Wave boilerplate on men and women that I started to appreciate her cuntributions for their usefulness as reminders of the self-medicating delusions that modren society inculcates in the sexual market losers of our age. Whatever she wrote, I would tell readers, take the opposite to be the truth.

She never posted a pic of herself from what I recall, but her comments were written in the unmistakable “aging, fading slut” style, filled with the caustic, slut pride snark which our current crop of pussyhatters think is funny, that belied a life nursing spiteful man-hate. Imagine a Nordic feminist-Jewish feminist recombination, with a touch of commercialist Anglo feminist, seasoned to a sarcastic spiciness by the rapid approach of the Wall, and twisted into a false braggadocio of her receding sexual ensnareline and her ability to manipulate men to do her bidding, and you have a good idea of this woman’s character. I could practically see her stringy blond hair with streaks of gray, and her manjaw strengthened from years of cock gobbling and chewing out pretty subordinates.

In sum, she was a “Swipe Left Broad”, from both sides of the swiping ledger. If Tinder was around then, (not sure if it was), she’d’ve bragged about swiping left on tons of thirsty guys while she herself was the recipient of numerous left swipes.

AnyHO, one time the topic was broached about what to say to a date (or potential mate) inquiring about your sexual history. I had written that men shouldn’t run away from a storied sexual past, because girls are attracted to men who are successful with girls (preselection is a powerful predictive evopsych theory). I also wrote that men should avoid openly bragging about their notches — it would strike any normal girl as try-hard desperation — but instead to couch their personal history of successful womanizing in ambiguous or teasing language. For example,

GIRL: You seem like a player. How many women have you been with?


After my advice, embroiled as it was in a deep understanding and easy acceptance of innate male-female psychosexual differences, landed in the combox, Swipe Left Broad chimed in, acrid spittle nearly flying off the screen, to inform the assembled that her go-to line when a man inquires about her sexual history was:

“I lost count.”

Of course, I was compelled to spear her with the Shiv of Sexual Realism for her steaming feminist dropping, lest innocent girlies ambling into the free fire zone think her hag-words would be helpful to them. Swipe Left Broad didn’t take kindly to my informing her that a skeleton key which opens a lot of locks is more valuable than a slutty lock that can be opened by many rusty keys. ARGLE BARGLE, she replied, paraphrasing. Collecting herself, “Men love an experienced woman!”

No, men don’t “love” an experienced woman. Men may want to fuck an experienced woman, figuring (rightly) that she’d be an easy lay who will put out with a quickness, but men don’t cherish sluts like they do chaste girls with eyes and gines for their cocks only.

The thought occurred to me in the recounting of this tête-á-termagant that the three words “I lost count” crystallize with pithy efficiency the essential, core difference between the sexes. What works spectacularly to increase a man’s perceived SMV — a smirky allusion to his sexual experience — works equally spectacularly to decrease a woman’s perceived SMV. And in the crucible of this rhetorical clarification we see the power of the female ego when confronted with undeniable sexual market truths about her romantic worth to feed at the trough of self-delusion. Giant, gulping swallows of delusion. Deep-throated delusions. Every delusional drop swallowed, and a pearl of delusion whisked from her chin as an apéritif.

The crucial detail — the one that often trips up those accustomed to years of quaffing ego-assuaging platitudes — is the one embodied in the deepest, truest desires of men and women. These desires aren’t the same, and at the critical mate assessment junctures can be said to be contradictory and competing:

Men desire sex, women desire commitment.

Commitment is a euphemism for resources and protection, and love is the feeling women lean on as assurance they have secured a man’s commitment.

Women desire sex and men desire commitment, too, but these are secondary to the primary impulses which guide each sex, and guide them at especially important times, when life-changing choices are carefully deliberated or acted upon impulsively.

Women want an experienced man, and they project this want of theirs onto men who, for their part, want women willing to go all the way right away regardless of experience or, if the woman under carnal consideration is of exceptional beauty and modesty, want her to have a relatively unsullied sexual history and to at least have the sense to avoid bragging about the numbers of past lovers to whom she lays claim. To a man, a woman’s discretion is the better part of her allure.

It’s a self-defeating assumption women make, which they find out the morning after as their latest “conquest” is scurrying out the door, never to call them again.

This is why a slut bragging about her cock count is repulsive to any man with options, and why a pussyhound alluding to his gash and churn past is intriguing to any woman with a working tingle spigot.


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