If you want a vision of the post-West wasteland, imagine a middle-aged white single mom with impeccable feminist beliefs shielding her brown rapefugee lover from the charge of raping her preteen white daughter, forever…..or until the last White is breathing.
A #Metoo feminist and a mother allegedly engaged in a relationship with an Afghan refugee has refused to report his sexual assault on her preteen daughter on the grounds that it would lead to his expulsion from Sweden.
I’m a cynical man concerning the primal nature of female sexuality, but even my wokeness on the Woman Question is strained to the breaking point by this story. To understand why, read on….
The middle-aged woman, who works at a migrant home, reportedly started a relationship with one of the “refugee children” and allowed him to move into her place. The cohabitation ended with her fosterling sexually attacking her 12-year-old daughter. However, the woman refused to report the assault and allowed the culprit to stay, the news outlet Fria Tider reported.
When Scandicucks suicide. The “my wife’s son” meme has a female version now: “my daughter’s rapist”.
During the trial, the girl said that her 45-year-old mother had worked at a home for “unaccompanied minors” in Sölvesborg, Blekinge County. When one of the refugees officially came of age and could no longer take advantage of the accommodation center, the mother started a relationship with him and let him move into her home.
Pathological altruism, or pathological tingle-storm?
Soon, the Afghan began to stalk the woman’s 12-year-old daughter, trying to kiss and hug her.
Hoellebecq on one of his most fevered satirical jaunts could not imagine a xenophilic Swedish cougar character for his novels if they didn’t already exist.
One Saturday night in late September 2017, the Afghan reportedly pushed his fingers into the girl’s underwear, while allegedly under the influence of alcohol. The girl responded by pulling away and running into her bedroom. Later, she told her mom about the incident. However, the woman let her Afghan boyfriend stay despite his dangerous ways.
tbh surprised the 12yo daughter hasn’t yet been arrested by swedish authorities for hate speech and intent to commit cultural privilege.
“He stayed with us, and it felt outlandish to me,” the girl said during the trial,
When children have more sense and wisdom than adults, you know a society is close to collapse. This story is the stuff that will weaponize Generation Zyklon.
There arises a hero who rescues the girl from this swarthy rapefugee migrant horror show….
The next day, the 12-year-old refused to go home from school to her mother without contacting her estranged father, who upon hearing the story, reported the incident to the police.
…the estranged beta White father. You know, the hero who for decades has been taking the brunt of slander and defamation from every establishment media outlet, elite institution, feminist cunt man-hater, and virtue signaling SJW. That hero.
According to the girl’s older sister’s testimony, the mother had told her to keep quiet about what had happened.

This is female sexuality unleashed. THIS…is what it looks like unshackled from male oversight and cultural regulation: a desperately lonely, post-Wall bitch queen single mom divorceé throwing her own daughter under the rapist bus so that she could keep getting pounded out by a dirty migrant who secretly loathes her and everything she represents as he grunts his way through her disgusting flab while dreaming of sticking it to her preteen daughter to help him get through the act of love with her old mom. A love which doesn’t exist except in the mom’s head.
After a while, however, the Afghan chose to leave anyway.
And another EatPrayRape romance comes to a totally predictable end.
Despite being sentenced for sexual abuse, he is allowed to stay in Sweden, as the prosecution did not demand expulsion. Instead, he was slapped with 100 hours of community service, as he claimed to have been 18 at the time of the crime.
Is Sweden just a giant corner stool?
The mother, who is said to be an active member of the #Metoo movement against sexual harassment, continued her involvement in her Afghan boyfriend’s destiny.

[the mom] wrote in a Facebook group against the deportation of Afghans, and that she had a “wonderful kid” who no longer had a permanent residence, asking if fellow feminists would want to take him in.
Afghan fux, beta bux.
The daughter was victimized three times: first, by her mother and/or the Swedecuck State taking her away from her loving, responsible father. Second, by her mother’s rapefugee pretend lover. Third, by her mother protecting her daughter’s rapist from prosecution.
Mamma mia
Sweden’s going fast
my my, how can she survive this?
Mamma mia
Stockholm’s turned to trash
my my, rape gangs stalk our sisters