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Gaming The Exhibitionist

Almost all pre-Wall women who haven’t surrendered to The Fattening are natural exhibitionists, to a lesser or greater degree of commitment and intensity. It’s in their meat robot wiring, because women have to exhibit themselves to capture men’s attention. They certainly won’t attract male attention with their math skills or stand-up routines.

HB exhibitionism is therefore a rhythm of female life that is best tolerated, or even eagerly welcomed as part of the richness of passionate seduction. However, a man will, in the course of a full dating life, occasionally tangle with a pathological exhibitionist. You know the type: standard BPD operating system, crazy eyes from either too little or too much alpha cock, a whimsical GUI that hides a devious sociopathic core processor, and most notably a propensity for shoving her blatant sexuality in a man’s face and then accusing him (in so many words) of objectifying her. Paging PoundMeToo…

On the topic of gaming exhibitionists (who will Game the Gamer?), Turd Ferguson asks,

What’s the best way to game the Exhibitionist?

Story: Last night at the gym, strong HB8.5 wearing spandex shorts & sports bra. Must have really been worried about her upper back bc she did only bent-rows for 30 minutes. [ed: she was presenting] I approached, she seemed enjoy my teasing & smiled a lot, but rejected the # close. What do?

The strategy is a simple one. Exhibitionists expect male slobbering. Defy that expectation. Don’t be a StepinFelchIt. Exhibitionists are gamed by deflating their expectation of thirsty betas noticing them. Very subtle negs insinuating that you know what they’re up to are usually gold. For example, in Turd’s scenario above: “Are two mirrors enough for you? Minimum, three, to get your form right.”

What the implementation of the counter-exhibitionist strategy entails is a. acting like you don’t notice her flagrant displays of attention or b. noticing her display, but only to make fun of her for it. A really good tactic I’ve found is to call the exhibitionist an amateur, along the lines of “flaunting your cleavage is so derivative”*.

*please do not use the word derivative. i used it here for humorous effect. off this blog, use a normiejerk line such as, “does that cleavage act work for you?”.

There are other tacts. You could accuse the exhibitionist of not living up to your standards for clear and evident displays of female sexual interest. Or you could completely flip the script and chide her for being a prude in dress or behavior. This really mindfucks the psychobitionists, especially if she’s hiking her skirt up and you tell her she should try showing more leg if she wants a man to notice her.


If I haven’t already, this 1996 study deserves to be added to the Diversity + Proximity = War reference list at the top of this blog’s home page. Executive summary: Demographically (i.e., racially and ethnically) diverse workplaces have lower cohesion, lower satisfaction, and higher turnover.

…high diversity prevents social integration and cohesion from forming on the team. In their absence, team members are unable to effectively process information…

…Group cohesiveness is positively related to performance. Three meta-analyses and several empirical studies found a slight to moderate positive relationship between cohesiveness and performance. This is a robust finding in an area that has long been studied…

…separated conflict into two types: relationship conflict (interpersonal incompatibilities, tension, animosity, and annoyance) and task conflict (disagreement among group members about task content)…Relationship conflict was detrimental to satisfaction and to members’ intent to remain in the group regardless of the type of task…

…The most consistent findings occurred when tenure predicted strategic persistence and change, and when demographic heterogeneity predicted turnover….there’s a direct relationship between diversity and turnover, in that similarities attract and those dissimilar may be 40 pressured to leave the team…

Diversity is not our organizational strength. At best, diversity is our neutral organizational variable; at worst, diversity is our disorder.

So why do our overlords foist it on us?

Because our cooperative homogeneity is our strength…and their vulnerability.


Commenter westray exposes the fundamental contradiction at the heart of modren anti-White leftism:

“Diversity Is Our Strength” right next to “All Races Are Equal” placards at any given lefty rally. And no lefty can see the self-cancellation. You could walk a 3 year old boy through that and he’d have a more clear understanding.

“These people are different, right?”


“So are they the same if they are different?”


“If they are different will they do things the same way?”


“If they are different will they do things differently?”


“If people do things differently will there be different results?”



If Orwell were alive today, would he have spent the last years of his life saying “I told you so” over and over to whomever was listening?


This photo captures the modren post-America sexual market better than any other I’ve seen of the genre. You’ve got two men (at least one presenting symptoms of early onset soyboyism) sharing sangrias over candlelight at a hipster bar with one fat chick who may as well be running a bizarro world reverse harem.

And then there’s that chalkboard sign behind them which, although the message is meant well, misses the mark by a country mile. It should read, “If your date doesn’t kiss you by the end of the first date, she’s here for the free [beer].”

Not “they’re here”…”she’s here”. Men don’t go on dates for free beer. Men go on dates for free sex. Only women pull the “free resources for promises of sex later” stunt. Of course, the sign writers are probably nerds or bluehairs who’ve spent their formative years immersed in gender fluidity nonsense and have lost touch with how men and women behave in reality.

Even more truthfully, the sign should read, “If your date doesn’t put out by the third date, she’s thinking about fucking some other guy (or already is).”


Two males

fighting over one land whale

drinking sugar and hops bombs

by the light of a barroom’s candles.

May the odds be never in your favor.


COTW winner is williamk, adding this insight to a discussion about the ideological proclivities of anonymous realtalk forums like 4chan,

Any anonymous board is by its very nature Right Wing and pro-White. The chans are /ourguys/, they just have lots of energy and no clear, explicit goals, which leads to lots of entropy.

“You don’t have to believe in chaos. It’s self-evident.”

Anything anonymous inevitably turns Right Wing, because the only point of being Left Wing is for status, and you can’t win status anonymously, so left wing talking points quickly dissipate, there is no incentive to repeat the pretty lies of the left.

The less anonymous the forum, the less about truth and more about status-signalling the political discussion becomes. It’s why Left Wingers create and congregate in the most deanonymous discussion places, they quickly abandon anonymous places. They can’t hang with unvarnished discussion, and have no status to gain there, so they leave.

The /chan autists are /ourguys/. They just have too much disordered energy and don’t always operate with perfect long term strategy.

The (((drive))) to de-anonymize the web (via policy and threats of doxxing) is motivated entirely by the Left’s fear of maul-right realtalk and the mockery it makes of leftist virtue signaling. Anonymity is the Left’s thermal exhaust port, because anonymity provides a means of expressing truths free from witch hunts. Anonymity exposes the impotence of the leftoid mob.

Humiliating impotence is something the Left can’t tolerate without cracking up in a brain blast of cogdis.

For the record, I don’t think the chans are apolitical agents of chaos. They’re anti-Left agents of chaos. That’s what makes them truly dangerous to the corrupt existing order; disaffected, angry young White men can change the world like no other force on earth.


Russian Trolls Indicted

The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax story had its ignominious coda today when Clintonista special counsel Robert Mueller released his indictments of thirteen Russian nationals on counts of conspiracy to shitpost on Twatter and organize pro-Trump, pro-Bernie, and pro-Jill Stein rallies of about eight people.

What a fucking joke and waste of taxpayer money.

This is a CYA face-saving move by Mueller to protect the FBI, DOJ, Clinton cabal, and Gay Mulatto minstrel show from the real story, which is collusion between all those ideologically aligned groups against Trump and the Americans who voted him into office. ffs there’s more evidence (Uranium One for starters) of thecunt colluding with Russians than there ever was of Trump drawing up campaign battle plans in Putin’s study.

So Mueller quietly ends this witch hunt in a way that gives just enough of a patina of legitimacy to this farce while protecting the FBI and DOJ from a counter-investigation into their roles in the biggest scandal in American history pushing this hoax to illegally spy on a political opponent and subvert democracy.

The timing of Mueller’s announcement is curious too, considering that it arrived on the same day the FBI had to confess that it dropped the ball on the Nikolas de Jesus Cruz threat, failing to investigate 39 LEADS which if followed-up on would have thwarted that nutter’s murderous rampage a month later.

The FBI has the blood of those 17 Parkland High students on its hands.

This is not hyperbole.

So let’s talk about thirteen Russian content farmers instead who probably moved the needle on a combined ZERO votes in the 2016 election.

If you want someone to shoot women holding babies, you call the FBI. If you want to stop a terrorist attack or school shooting, well you’re shit out of luck. — MPC Status Updates

Related: An American Pietà.

Tangentially related, on the topic of the Cruz school shooting and womanly shitlib virtue sniveling:

Shitlib Fantasy: “Congress is bought and paid for by the NRA!! REEEE”

Reality: The NRA is not among the list of the top 20 lobbyists in 2017.

The NRA is one of the few truly grassroots, unsemiticized lobbying groups on Capitol Hill. And this is why they are hated by the Left.


Schuls Within Schools

If true, this insider account by commenter trocjoh who was a student at Parkland HS — the school which was targeted by mass murderer Nikolas de Jesus Cruz a couple days ago — is extraordinary for the glimpse it offers into our shtetl-izing and diversifying anti-nation.

This shooting in Florida has been interesting to watch, as I have a bit more insight into the culture and circumstances surrounding the school in question. I transferred to that school at the start of my Junior year of highschool in the early 2000s. Hailing from a White cuckservative stronghold in the Midwest, it was a culture shock, as I was now surrounded by Jewish kids (Parkland FL, is a Jewish enclave) and brown minorities, both of whom I had never had much contact with. The following two years were probably the worst of my life.

Because I wasn’t an idiot, I placed into all Advanced Placement and Honor classes, and these were filled to the brim with Jewish Kids. I had never been exposed to such degeneracy in my life: cheating on tests, drug use, hedonism, homosexuality, backstabbing and cruelty were the norm of these wealthy spoiled Jews. It was an affront to my wholesome, Protestant background. On the other hand, the mostly Latino population (plus a few blacks) on campus seemed to inhabit a world separate from the one in which I lived. Yes I saw them in the central square or in the halls as I walked around campus, and occasionally would hear the jungle screeching when a fight broke out, but I had literally no interaction with them in the classroom, as the Jews were seemingly protected from such creatures. Indeed, it was almost as if there was a separate small academy for Jews within a larger school of several thousand. This lead to some strange dynamics to say the least. It was clear that there was a resentment towards the Jews by the minorities, as I recall on a couple occasions having change thrown at me. “Here Jew! Take it!” (They assumed I too was Jewish, even though I have blonde hair and blue eyes). I never felt physically threatened however, as I think the minorities knew to never touch the Jewish kids, as there would be Hell to pay.

There was a pall of darkness surrounding that school that is hard to describe, except to say that I was not at all surprised to see that violence has now visited its tainted halls. I am also concerned about what the repercussions will be for this shooting, as the Jews in that community are indeed very wealthy and powerful and are sure to seek revenge on White America, whom I’m sure they perceive as being responsible for the violence.

The only positive I can take from my experience at the school is that my eyes were opened to the world as it really is. If I had not spent time in such hellish circumstances, I know I would be a cuckservative to this day, appalled by Trump, “antisemitism”, “racism”, etc. Thank God for that.

No group practices the Diversity they preach, except perhaps a vanishing caste of true believer SWPL urban libshit Whites, and even they run to the hills when the Diversity hits a tipping point of 30% or higher.

Schuls within schools is a real phenomenon; it exists in counties and townships wherever there’s been rapid gentrification and a wily exploitation by the newcomers of diverse schools that receive boatloads of government grants for dem Title I programs.

As these things usually play out, the Diversity Schools segregate along racial lines; the blacks sticking with the blacks, the asians with the asians, the latinos with the latinos, the indians with the indians, and the jews with the jews (and deracinated Whites). But from a distance, these schools look like exemplars of the races commingling in peaceful harmony and accelerated creativity, the raw demographic ratios of the students within their prison walls somehow proving the “diversity is our strength” nostrum.

Only the Inner Hajnal Gentile Whites attempt to foray into Diversityland and reach out to the Other. Or to welcome Diversityland into their nations. No other group is suicidally empathobesic like Inner Hajnal Whites.

PS When the dust settles and the kippahs have floated back onto their owners’ heads, I predict it will come out that the Cruz shooting was a case of mentally ill omega male rage instigated by a girl’s rejection. Hey now, what’s this?

Cruz had been suspended from the school from fighting his ex girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was depressed and having girl problems at the time of the shooting.

Game can save lives.

*Yes I know the correct plural form is schuln, but it didn’t flow as smoothly in this post title.


A reader comments,

That’s Faith Goldy on the left, an increasingly based Canadian girl, who was kicked off (((Ezra Levant’s))) failing alt lite site “the rebel” for straying into JQ territory. I’m not sure if that’s alt lite cam girl Lauren Southron, but if it is, then, with the conquest of Brittany Petmyboner, it would appear that’s he’s in the process slaying the top tier of the right wing camgirl cadre.

It’s interesting to see how the outlaw bad boy lifestyle, and the accrued benefits, play out in real life. Based stick man (bsm) has been charged and probably has a record. He too to the streets and gained notoriety for engaging in political violence. Those two factors, the publick outing and the brush with the criminal law system, would ruin most of us. It would spell poverty.

Yet he manages to ride it out; parlaying his fame into a bit of shekels and smashing seriously good pussy along the way. But most of us can’t do that. If we went out and started crushing antifa/BLM goons at protests, we’d be charged, many of us would lose our jobs, and no one would care about our crowdfunding pages.

Lesson #1: Be an outlaw

Lesson #2: Don’t apologize for being an outlaw

Lesson #3: Act like you’ve been an outlaw before

Lesson #4: Don’t have a soyboy body

Lesson #5: Be preselected by women (or stay-at-home waifus)

Lesson #6: Whatever happens, your toes are still tappin’

Chicks dig jerkboys. You, too, can be the jerkboy chicks dig.

(Tradthots not exempt from the rules issued by the god of biomechanics)


The “White supremacist terrorism” Charlottesville Narrative is slowly being unraveled by dissident investigators. The latest turn is the uncovering of evidence that Dwayne Dixon, a professor of anthropology (self-discrediting) and antifa leader proudly admitted on the socials that he, while armed with a rifle, chased down James Fields, the Dodge Challenger driver who accelerated into a crowd which resulted in Heather Heyer dying of a heart attack.

Dixon was confronted on camera about his actions chasing down James Fields’ car while brandishing a rifle, causing Fields to panic and accelerate his car into a crowd. Dixon’s reaction was…telling.

That sound and fury you see in the video are the soy drippings of a fruitcup who knows he’s done fucked up and hurt The Anti-White Cause.

The you-know-whos are gonna lose their weinsteinian grip on their carefully constructed C’ville Narrative, and they are shrieking like never before in pain and anguish that they have failed to bottle up the truth and silence the truth-seekers.

It’s past time for Trump or Sessions to classify pantifa as a domestic terrorist organization.


From commenter zek,

Prof: Fuck the police!
Interviewer: Did you kill Heather Heyer?
Prof: Police!!



High Wage Truth Of The Day

Cheap labor is neither.

1. The imported peasant world labor is less productive than the native White labor.

2. The initial cost savings to BIGCORP are lost to negative social externalities.

Monopolize the profits, socialize the costs.

Cracker Jack writes,

It wasn’t long ago that liberal Democrats/media made the case that “cheap foreign labor” wasn’t cheap – it was an example of big corporations  profiting while society pays the cost.  Then big corporations/Big Judaism convinced the Democrats to abandon workers because those foreign laborers and their anchor babies vote Democrat 8 times each.

The forces of Globohomo Inc will and are pulling out all the stops to thwart the nascent rise of a White-aware political and social movement in America.

They have everything to lose if they fail to contain nationalist populism. They know this, which is why they’re resorting to lies and frame jobs and censorship and full throttle 24/7 Narrative agitprop. The media-democreep-oligarch partnership in crime will assure America’s decline into banana republicanism if their agenda isn’t exposed and stopped in its tracks.

Which means we Americans have to ask ourselves…do we want self-rule, or rule by BIGCORP overlords?

PS The armchair historian in me recalls that the demand for cheap labor and the sexual and political liberation of women were defining features of nearly every major civilizational collapse. If there was a notable exception to this rule, I invite the commenters to discuss it with the civil flair that is customary for Chateau comment threads.

PPS From an MPC Status Update (strapon will be triggered to a pungent menstruation):

‘The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) counted over 100 people killed or injured by alleged perpetrators influenced by the so-called “altright”-a movement that continues to access the mainstream and reach young recruits.’

“100 genuine deaths or injuries from the altright per year would make them about 14% as dangerous as toasters”

Ban toasters! Heh.


4Chan pranksters, or a le 56%er subsidiary of 4Chan, trolled the Chaimstream Media bigly today, which wasn’t hard to do because the media is desperately eager to add more grist to its anti-White Narrative mill. The troll involved “confirming” for the ADL and ABCNews that the Florida shooter, Nikolas de Jesus Cruz, was a member of a local White Nationalist group.

(((Media mavens))) including ostensibly conservative outlets like Drudge were all-too-gleeful to slap “FL SHOOTER IS A WHITE SOOOOPREEEMACISS” ledes on their webhovels based on the flimsiest uncorroborated claims. Nothing excites the media pharisee more than WN culpability, which is normally why it’s so easy to troll them with Fake Stories about WN “terrorism”. When even a tepid White self-awareness threatens to crash the curated national discourse, media tribal affinity quickly overrides any intratribal ideological differences. Drudge is not exempt from this schul rule.

Too bad for the information gatekeepers the story of Cruz’s connection to a WN militia group turned out to be a lie cooked up by some mischievous larkweb goons. Andrew Anglin sums up the timeline,

Summary is that someone wrote on 4chan that Cruz was a member of the group then the ADL called the group and they said he was.

For teh lulz.

Then the ADL ordered the media to report it as fact. And they did, because the media always does whatever the ADL tells them to do without asking any questions.

It really makes the media and the ADL look both ridiculous and bloodthirsty.

It was well played.

Troll, set, match. And police confirm the hoax: “there are no known ties between Cruz and a White Nationalist group”. ADL/Soros/GaystreamMedia BTFO…again. OY VEY will the media ever learn? (Answer: not until they’re culled of their excess leftoids.)

As much as I relish the opportunity to watch how hysterical fancyboy Drudge walks back from this troll job* (does his crack team of sleuths have a reverse red alarm?), I don’t think the upside of the troll outweighs the downside.

(*The latest is that Drudge removed the white supremacist lede entirely. No retraction, just a quiet redaction. Darn. I was hoping for a more hysterical backpedal.)

Anglin thinks this is a win for the White Side of the Force. I’m not sure anymore that these trolling antics work as intended (i.e., rapidly and unmistakably discrediting the media in the eyes of normies). And I’m not the only one sympathetic to the goals of subversive autistes who is beginning to doubt the effectiveness of rapid response chan-right trolling.

Trolling the media only works if there’s a good chance of coercing the media into humiliating retractions. But we’re deep into Clown World, where the media prints lies and avoids truths and refuses responsibility for either. It’s the old “a lie makes it around the world before the truth gets its boots on” aphorism, except there’s no longer any bother with putting on the boots.

Proving my skepticism on cue, my shitlib friends are crowing (yes, crowing) about the “news” that Cruz was a “White Supremacist”. The revelation that it was a con job by a limelight hound in FL hasn’t yet, nor will it ever, penetrate shitlib blocklike skulls.

It doesn’t matter if you successfully trolled the media into an embarrassing position of running with Fake News if the media is big enough and powerful enough to suppress or ignore the consequences of their gullibility. It’s about winning and power and crushing enemies, and if the media and its shakedown surrogates like the ADL can run with a fake troll story to hurt their enemy — White Gentile men — without feeling any pressure to retract the story (or to retract it weeks later in tiny fine print that normies will never read), then they’ll do it.


btw, after the shooting I predicted this about the killer’s motives,

When the dust settles and the kippahs have floated back onto their owners’ heads, i predict it will come out that the Cruz shooting was mentally ill omega male rage over a girl who rejected him.

Looks like I was close to the mark. Via:

Cruz had been suspended from the school from fighting his ex girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was depressed and having girl problems at the time of the shooting.

Underneath every male teenager mass shooter raised by a single mom is the broken heart of an omega male incel with a crooked face betraying a high mutational load inheritance. AKA a le 56%er.


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