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A reader needs Game advice (for a friend, natch):

So you meet this girl. Very pretty & seems to be going well so far – albeit short time. Then she sends you this photo of her new manicure. Thoughts? Pull eject lever? Asking for a friend.

The photo was sent unsolicited, so he could see her new nails. It’s her left hand; her thumb is on the right.

I’ve decided to turn this reader’s quandary into a Test of Your Game post. Put yourself in his position. Pretty girl just sent you the pic above. You got her digits.

What do you do?

Clue: roses are red, violets are blue, palimpsests are nice, but anthroposcopy rules.

I’ll post below the best answers from commenters. Stay sharp!

PS If you can gauge a woman’s character, you can Game her with customized material. Solve the clue, and you’ll have more insight into her needs, wants, and desires than a man should be legally allowed to have.


Riffing on this long-form neg, (is it working, Bri? DM me!), some bantz regarding Brittany Pettibone’s purpose and pleasure ensued between readers and yours cruelly. As a stand-in for the constellation of PIVnat alt-right thotties, Brit does nicely. NAMinxALT, yes, yes, but let’s face it, these camera-ready nonconformist coquettes must share similar characteristics (and characters).

If they’re categorizable as femmes fatales, which archetype would best fit them?

The Golddigger?

The Waif/Neurotic?

The Eternal Ingenue?

The Amazonian Alpha?

I’d need more time studying her…personality, but from what little I know and have seen of B. Pettibone, she’s a cross between the Golddigger and Neurotic femme fatale archetypes.

Jack McKrack writes,

I doubt she’s a Golddigger – she’s attractive enough 2 have hooked a wealthy man by now if money was what she desired. maybe…Famedigger is more accurate? or maybe she’s playing a long game of seeking fame that turns into more wealth than could be had by a more direct approach (marrying a dude who’s rich already but with a comparatively low wealth ceiling)?

Yes, she’d more precisely be a Famedigger, a subcategory of Golddigger. (Less flattering terms are fame whore, starfucker, groupie, renown hound, rep chaser, klieg queen, YidTube sensation, blue tick snip dick (for the males).) These kinds of women don’t necessarily marry or fuck for money, but they are characterized by a ruthless pursuit of their goals, and a fulfillment of their desires, which can be unremunerated social status rather than wealth. This type doesn’t fall in love very easily, because love tends to interfere with the aggrandizement directive. And many of the men they latch onto are treated as stepping stones to further their public exposure, which also works against love finding any purchase.

FYI the modren sexual market with its economic and cultural incentives to ride the carousel into the Wall somewhat selects against attractive women hooking wealthy men for a lifetime of comfort and security. That option is always in the back of the thot’s head, but more than ever before she is unmoved to urgency by its siren call. This will likely change when penury and menace sweeps Western nations once again.


i’m real torn on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Maul Right. their T & A gets eyeballs where there normally would be none, but the Maul Right is rife with betas and white knights that are easily weakened and coaxed off message by Brit’s pouty lips or Lauren’s cosplay selfies. i disagree with Roosh on a lot but i agree with him on the imminent dangers here.

Taken in isolation, I don’t have a problem with cuties jamming the airwaves with their girlythoughts. In the aggregate, though, I agree that paradigmatic shifts in thinking and revolutionary movements are best led by men, of men, and for men, because men make the sacrifices in dire times. The women will, and should in a healthy sociosexual system, follow.

As for beta male thirst, yes it’s been discussed ad nauseam here and elsewhere that social media amplifies the thirst to pathological affliction, and likewise blows up the egos of oftentimes marginal SMV women who ultimately pay the price for their short-term ego boost by refusing to settle down until the settlin’ down’s out of reach for them.

Every girl has a bit of Famedigger in her. Not every girl can act on the impulse. Those that can, often do.

Famedigger and Woman are practically synonymous for the very simple explanation that women are ATTRACTED TO, AROUSED BY, AND LUBE UP TORRENTIALLY FOR famous men. That these women, when in the company of famous men, get to experience a little of that fame for themselves is icing on the handsome rake.

So most Famediggers swarm the spotlight because that’s where the famous alpha men are. Others, perhaps including our intrepid thots, seek fame for its own sake, and use famous men — specifically, beta famous men who aren’t at ease with their newfound HSMV and don’t know how to exploit it — to vault themselves into the public consciousness, where they can display their….minds….to a much larger audience of men. It’s every woman’s most cherished fantasy to be the object of desire of many (alpha) men, their coy protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.



The tech company is in the news because its celebrated female CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, was just charged with committing “massive fraud” by the SEC for misleading investors with false claims about her company’s tech.

And that little shitlord boy went HA HAAWW!

Watch this video of Holmes speaking in the patois of a souldead corporate diversiwhore automaton.

Wew. The Strange.

Under the skin of every female CEO you’ll find high T, manjawdibles, phallic clits, an excitable infidelity-cuckoldry neural feedback loop, a deep ocean vocal register, and quite often a leftover kippah from her bitch mitzvah.

In other words, a man. Parenthetically speaking.

PS Gaze into the technicolor funhouse abyss of her eyes. Crazy is as crazy glares. We live in the era of autistic psychocunts. #LOSING


Hot off the presses, a criminally patriarchal research paper has concluded that men with higher income and status have more reproductive success than women with high income and status have in industrialized nations. First, to set the table, an excerpt from the abstract:

It is concluded that an evolutionary perspective helps explain reproductive patterns in modern humans and may thus make a valuable contribution in the assessment of urgent contemporary problems.

The sexual market is the one market to rule them all, across space and time.
– Le 156% Heartiste

Female hypergamy, female education, female economic self-sufficiency, low female fertility…choose any four.

In terms of social and economic status, men date across and down, women date across and up. Industrialized societies filled with overeducated careerist shrikes make it more difficult for both men and women to find long-term reproductive partners. What the West has done is weaponize female hypergamy, so that the only winner in this zero sum mating game are the HSMV alpha males who can serially date and marry increasingly younger women.

In the modren West, overeducated, careerist women are DARWINIAN LOSERS. They now join the lonesome ranks of fat women, ugly women, and old spinsters. Lean in? Try barren quim.

Low status beta and omega males are bigger losers in this new world order than they were before under the rock solid pre-femcunt patriarchal system, because the women who would be theirs under the old rules have decided to skip past them for a shot at 1. the high status alpha or 2. a tub of ben and jerrys.

The biggest DARWINIAN WINNERS are the charming jerkboy cads and the sociopath hedge funders.

Post-America alpha males enjoy not only reproductive success (in an environment in which widespread use of contraceptives thwarts the ability to convert bangs into bangbinos), but sexual success:

Potential fertility — that’s a nerdy way to say “sexiness”. Men with high social and economic status in industrialized and primitive nations alike — HSMV alphas — monopolize the hottest babes, and probably more than their fair share of the plain janes too. The Pill and condom don’t thwart the sex act; those things just thwart the consequence of the sex act, and incentivize women to liberate their sexuality (which in practice means liberating themselves from beta males). Imagine how many little snot-nosed Heartistes (heartots?) would be running around creating kindergarten mayhem if the Industrial Contraception Complex didn’t exist.

How unequally is sex distributed in industrialized jizztopias? Very:

There are interesting eugenic/dysgenic possibilities to ponder from this knowledge. There is dysgenic selection pressure on high status women — at least as measured by income, social status, and their proxy, IQ — but eugenic selection pressure on their male counterparts, the HSMV alphas who are having more kids.

This isn’t a complete picture, though, because female mate worth is so much more tied into their physical beauty. Those HSMV alpha males are choosing less educated, less wealthy, lower SES “status” women who are younger, hotter, tighter, so by Darwinian calculation the end result is very eugenic: capable sons and pretty daughters. This is evidence that the West is beginning to pursue the patented CH BOSSS strategy of sexual market health and societal reinvigoration.

I’ve been warning about this stuff for a while, and I’m glad to see ¡SCIENCE! finally catching up with Heartistian observations. There was only ever going to be one effective response by men to the emergence of weaponized female hypergamy (and it wasn’t cuddly beta supplication).

Game will save the West….in one respect, by heightening its late stage contradictions and encouraging a change in course.


On the silliness of the “wage gap”:

…and the silliness of the feminist narrative about the “patriarchy”:


Some juicy excerpts from the paper linked in this post:

religiously homogamous couples have a significantly lower chance of remaining childless but a higher average number of children, even controlling for religious intensity…


In addition to the fact that close inbreeding carries genetic risks (discussed previously), this may also be the case (p. 485) for distant outbreeding, although the effects of outbreeding are far less clear…


…homogamy along certain characteristics has consequences as well. Particularly educational homogamy may be an undervalued risk factor, resulting in less permeability of social stratification and hence a stronger segregation of the social strata. This has negative consequences for “social cohesion,” increasing the tensions within a society.


In times of global mass migrations, the high prevalence of religious homogamy, together with its reproductive effects, may also have far-reaching implications because it may lead to the breakup of societies into “parallel societies,”

Word of the day: Homogamy.

It is the secret Truth that shivs miscegenation propagandists dead.

…empirical evidence for a fitness advantage over generations by reducing the number of children and investing more in fewer children is minimal or absent. Evidence suggests that on the one hand, low fertility increases the progenies’ socioeconomic position, but on the other hand, it reduces long-term fitness.


In addition, different strategies of maximizing versus optimizing fertility may lead to a conflict between the sexes.

Aka the modren sexual market. The battle of the sexes has never been more pitched than it is now.


Tragic Truth Of The Day

I added this earlier to a recently published post, but I figured it deserved its own headlining.


A big reason why we have an epidemic of overeducated women tragically delaying marriage and childbirth until it’s too late is because of the reality of female hypergamy. When women gain economic, occupational and social status, their mate criteria rise commensurate to the rise in their self-perceived (or more precisely, their self-wished) SMV. The tragedy is that their high SMV left them in their youth.

Female hypergamy, economic empowerment, credentialism, and psychological projection are a toxic anti-natal stew.


The Black Adoption Experience

Anonymous unloads a MOAB of Truespeak about the reality of Whites adopting NAM (non-asian minority) babbies.

A decade ago I dated a Peak RBF career gal who, unable to have her own kids had adopted a mystery meat child out of desperation during the last few years of her failing marriage.

The kid, born to a drug-addict mother who basically sold him in a private adoption was picked up at birth and ensconced in the upscale family home in a predominately white community.

When I began dating her, said kid was 7. He had never met his mother but that didn’t stop the birth mom from getting in touch with the adoptive parents, claiming to need more money, which they often provided. Anyway, to get to the point.

This kid had never met his mother, no one knew who his father was, and he’d never been exposed to anything but western-European culture and values.

When I met the kid, my first observation was that he lacked any empathy whatsoever. He dominated his adoptive mother, even at 7, and out of guilt she acquiesced to his every demand. His world-view appeared to be one of “other people are there for my convenience and god help you if you don’t comply.”

Back then, I mistakenly assumed that a little tough love could help the child turn into a respectable young man. I would soon discover that I was mistaken.

I dated mom for a year and our time together was invariably spent dealing with the fallout from her kid’s behavior. His tantrums turned into rages which eventually turned into violence when he didn’t get what he wanted, when he wanted it and how. To wit, the kid exploited his mother’s empathy at his ‘being brown-skinned’ to his advantage over and over and over. When he discovered that his manipulations failed to work on me, I became the enemy.

What I came to realize is that here was a perfect example of nature vs nurture. Here was a child who had spent zero time in his native ‘habitat’ and still came to develop the nature that his genetic coding specified.

I ended that relationship when I saw that the kid was going to be a liability.

The worst part of this knowledge is that it is so utterly dangerous. We all know the truth but to speak this aloud often results in a mock social media trial and speedy immolation.

David French wept.

Some White shitlibs are truly naive. They put their virtue signaling to practice. And they pay the price.

Most White shitlibs secretly know the score. But they virtue signal — aka LIE — anyhow, because 1. they’re afraid to lose their social status and 2. their egos are fragile.

Because the White shitlib ego is almost wholly tied up with the White shitlib’s ideological commitment, very few shitlibs will renounce their ideology even in the face of overwhelming evidence that undermines it. But the smart ones know enough to mouth the freakqualism platitudes that stroke their egos while avoiding the practices that turn their platitudes into real life misery.

The dumber ones….they take their pain with them to the grave, a lifelong journey of self-delusion muttered through gritted teeth and betrayed by soul-killed eyes, consoling themselves at every step that at least they weren’t a Deplorable. Sad!


The Ass-Pass Equation

CH Maxim #34-24-36: The quality of a broad’s ass is directly proportional to the time it takes to realize her ass isn’t worth keeping.


Body Language Analysis

*cracks knuckles*

Leaning in, kung fu grip of +100 mate guarding, forehead cuddling PDA.

Verdict: beta body language

Assessment: trouble brewing

This power couple is Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone, renowned figures in the It’s Self-Evidently Awesome to be White revolution. Sellner fronts a European “Identitaire” group, but don’t hold me to that. I don’t follow these things closely.

Does their pose remind you of anyone?

I know there’s a post in the CH archives about cheekpecker guy above, but I can’t be bothered to search for it. Anyhow, I remember the romance did not end well for him (nor did it start well for him).

The lean-in with goopy canoodling is the international symbol of anxious betatude. All men should strive to avoid it, especially when cameras are pointed at them.

A few readers have objected to Sellner’s skinny fit purple pants, green sneakers, and man purse (excuse me, European handbag). That’s not much of a hit against him, tbh. It’s classic peacocking, and it works if paired with a confident jerkboy attitude. His bigger problem is that his body language betrays an Inner Niceguy. If Brittany’s ardor wanes, it won’t be because of his floodwater purple jeans.

To his credit, Sellner does strike a legit contrapposto pose, the ideal Davidian stance that girls love across time and space.

Why do I tease Brittany? Because she’s totes adorb, and it’s what I do with adorable girls. I can’t help it, it’s in my mischievous DNA. (Sellner may be adorable, but I wouldn’t know. All men are ugly to me.) I mean no disrespek to the Movement Minxes. I wish these two the best, but Manpurse is gonna have to step up his body language game if he wants to heave Brittany the bone. Call it tough love.

Martin, less of what you’re doing in that snap above, and more of this:

You’ll thank me later.


Grab a kleenex feminists, because there are only two sexes and your idiotic deconstructivist ideals are laughable!

A machine learning algorithm was able to correctly predict with 80% accuracy the sex of study subjects from brain images. Highlights:

  • Neuroanatomical sex differences in youth is modeled using a statistical learning approach.
  • Results indicate the advantageous of multivariate analysis over univariate analysis.
  • Cortical thickness and mean curvature measures revealed sex differences that were unrelated to brain size.
  • Most discriminative brain areas were angular and occipital gyri and paracentral lobule.
  • The source code for the analysis performed in this study has been made available.

The algorithm was not able to distinguish more than two sexes, male and female. Sorry, freaks, you don’t have a poo poo platter of genders to choose from. You’re either man, woman, or mentally ill.

Sex differences are literally brain-deep and therefore invalidate feminist theory that the sexes are born the same but diverge in ability and preference due to “social conditioning”. Men and women have different brain architectures, notable in specific regions of the brain, and these differences are independent of brain size.

Interestingly, male and female brains show the most pronounced difference in the occipital lobes and the angular gyri. The occipital lobes process visual information (holistically appealing jerkboy vs visually stimulating HB). The angular gyri are involved in calculation (math) and in mental representation of spatial information (engineering).

Mm mm mmm mm mm. ¡SCIENCE! won’t take my salty balls out of its mouth.

PS If this machine learning research were directed to predict the race of subjects from their brain images, I suspect the results would be….AWFULLY revealing.

PPS Right on cue, scientists have discovered that DNA tests can predict a person’s IQ. Uh oh! Narrative collapse incoming!


Ugly Truth Of The Day

There are none more bitter than the smart, accomplished woman with the quick tongue who aggressively holds court with the men, smugly glowing in her belief that she’s winning them over, only to retire the night watching those same men gravitate into the company of less intellectually aggressive, prettier girls.


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