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Male preselection, aka the observable reality that the desirability of men to women increases when men are desired by women, gets a boost from ¡SCIENCE!:

Men are more attractive when desired by other women, study finds

Published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers from the Universities of St Andrews, Durham and Exeter believe that a man is given an “attractiveness boost” when he is desired by other women.

This is because he is perceived to be more kind, faithful and a better father.

Right observation, wrong interpretation. These cues may play a role in the additional desirability of preselected men, but they aren’t the primary reason for women’s arousal in the company of men who are surrounded by adoring women. The more honest explanation for the “mate copying effect” in women is that preselected men are proven HSMV commodities — the love of other women validates the preselected man’s sexual worth. Women need this validation because it’s a shortcut to determining if a man would be a quality mate. Why do women, but not men, exploit third party opinion to gauge a potential lover’s worth? Because women are HOLISTIC mate value assessors; women judge a lot more about a man than just his looks. Men predominately rely on their eyeballs to tell them which women are worth pursuing and courting.

The women were asked to rate how attractive they found each image before being shown the average rating given by the rest of the group.

Interestingly, when the women were asked to re-rate each image shortly after, their answer changed in favour of the social information.

On average, a participant changed their initial rating by around 13 per cent when rating the attractiveness of men’s faces depending on what other women had said.

In the zero sum sexual market, even a 1% edge can mean the difference between incel and normielove.

“Women appear to copy the mate preferences of other women but this might simply be because humans have a general tendency to be influenced by the opinions of others,” said research leader Dr Kate Cross.

A strong sex difference operates here. Women tend to be more influenced by group opinion.

A trait which is often seen in female birds and fish, the idea behind mate copying or The Wedding Ring Effect, is that by already being in a relationship or desired by other women, a man has already proven that they have some desirable characteristics.

When a woman sees an ugly man with attractive women, she thinks, “what does he have going on? I must find out.”

When a man sees an ugly woman with attractive men, he thinks, “she’s ugly, they’re gay.”

The findings are also supported by an earlier study from Oklahoma State University which found that 90 per cent of single women were interested in a man they believed was taken, while a mere 59 per cent wanted him when told he was single.

The “wedding ring effect” can be spoofed by single men in two ways: wear a wedding ring, or surround himself with female friends who will act as his wingmen completely unawares of their purpose to him if he chooses exploitation over honesty.

If you decide on the female friend strategy to boost your preselection score, don’t ruin the effect by acting like a gay-ass beta orbiter. You aren’t supposed to give women the impression that you’re a gay bestie helping your girls hook up with chads. You’re supposed to be *that guy* who’s socializing with women whom he may or may not be banging, while still keeping an eye out for fresh meat. And when the girl you’ve got your eye on asks about the nature of your relationships with your female company? “Oh them? They’re my caravan of migrants, always following me around.”


The Jumbotron Test is essentially a visualization of Poon Commandments V and VI.

Jumbotron Test:

Every text or email or recordable instance of conversation you have with a girl must follow this simple rule:

If it were given a public airing, let’s say on a blog or a sports stadium jumbotron, you should feel comfortable with what you have written for the world to see. You should not feel an urge to wince, because it will be clear to everyone reading it how alpha you are. If the thought of someone other than you and your girl reading your permanently archived romantic exchanges makes you cringe with embarrassment, then you are doing something wrong that will eventually lead to your girl dumping you.

Poon Commandment V:

V. Adhere to the golden ratio

Give your woman 2/3 of everything she gives you. For every three calls or texts, give her two back. Three declarations of love earn two in return. Three gifts; two nights out. Give her two displays of affection and stop until she has answered with three more. When she speaks, you reply with fewer words. When she emotes, you emote less. The idea behind the golden ratio is twofold — it establishes your greater value by making her chase you, and it demonstrates that you have the self-restraint to avoid getting swept up in her personal dramas. Refraining from reciprocating everything she does for you in equal measure instills in her the proper attitude of belief in your higher status. In her deepest loins it is what she truly wants.

Poon Commandment VI:

VI. Keep her guessing

True to their inscrutable natures, women ask questions they don’t really want direct answers to. Woe be the man who plays it straight — his fate is the suffering of the beta. Evade, tease, obfuscate. She thrives when she has to imagine what you’re thinking about her, and withers when she knows exactly how you feel. A woman may want financial and family security, but she does not want passion security. In the same manner, when she has displeased you, punish swiftly, but when she has done you right, reward slowly. Reward her good behavior intermittently and unpredictably and she will never tire of working hard to please you.

I’ve seen, heard of, and executed some impressive text game that could publicly air to accolades from discerning viewers, but I’ve rarely seen the Jumbotron Test (or should I call it, the Jumbrotron Test) crushed so thoroughly as it was in this exchange:

Skittles Man has met his match: 2$ Big Towels Bro.

Ok ok I know what you’re all thinking…”Look at the chick, CH. It’s easy to give zero fucks when the fuck is a zero.”

No argument there. State control doesn’t operate in a vacuum; the amplitude of the disturbance matters. Still, many omegas and betas fail the Jumbotron Test under extremely favorable conditions. So give this bro some love, he spun that broad’s hamster wheel into orbit and gave the public a good laugh.


God Emperor Game

This is a technique for seducing women EASILY and INSTANTLY into bed. You tell the chick she has to sign an NDA (non disclosure agreement) if she’s gonna spend any time with you. Whatever happens has to stay hush hush. Insinuate that if you and her hit it off, you may have to lawyer up. If she breaches the terms of contract for a “shot at reflected fame” (say exactly that) she can expect to hear from your legal team. After a condomless night together, hire one of your plates to follow her to her car and menacingly warn her against “falling in love” with you.


PS Years later, save America from eternal damnation.


Happy Easter


Henry Mueller (this guy again!) has a great anecdote that involves himself, an SJW chick, and a brief but sufficient flash of brass balls.

No matter how often it happens, I’m still surprised sometimes by how well “You’re wrong” game works.

Just for kicks, I tried this approach with a girl standing in line for food recently. Turns out she was a carpet muncher. A 4 or 5 at best. But she started loudly talking shit about “pussy power feminism” and all that, in line.

Finally I couldn’t stand it any more and just started playfully contradicting everything she said. I called hardcore activists losers with no lives, and to my great surprise she said “Well..I don’t actually go out protesting and all that, my girlfriend is more into that…”

Point is, during a five minute interaction I actually had her by the end leaning against me while asking my help looking up a book I had recommended. We could call this the “I hope you’re not like those other girls” frame, and it’s another old school tactic that still works like a charm.

“You’re too pretty for the pussy hat march” might be the ideal game for these types. Most of them are in it for the virtue signalling as mentioned. And all women want to be perceived as special, especially at the expense of other women. Even if that woman is her girlfriend.

Convince her that this SJW nonsense is for losers, and then it’s a win-win either way. Either she sees the light and comes to the right side. Or she just pretends to in order to submit to you.

Isn’t it great when you can get a pussyhatter SWPL chick qualifying herself to you?

Every girl desires a dominant man. Every girls secretly desires to submit to a dominant man. Every girl will test men for their dominance. Every girl BEGS for a man to PUSH BACK against her insolence and entitlement.

Girls are BEGGING to be DEFIED.

Keep close CH’s three rules of manhood:

YOU make the demands.

SHE is judged worthy or wanting.

Always be prepared to WALK AWAY from the deal.


Your Daily Purity

Choose wisely.

The consequences are permanent.



From FoxNews:

Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail, donations: report

Lovestruck groupies from around the country are showering the Parkland, Fla., gunman Nikolas Cruz with fan mail, including sexually provocative photos and donations, according to a Wednesday report.

One 18-year-old from Texas purportedly professed her love to Cruz in a March 15 letter adorned with smiley faces and hand-drawn hearts, South Florida’s Sun-Sentinel reported.

“When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you,” the letter said. “Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome.”

The missive flatly concludes: “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.”

She knows the way to a man’s heart. Ever notice how quick girls are to validate their sexual and romantic worth to stone cold killers, while they give doting beta buxmales the endless runaround?

There’s a lesson there. (Fame + Killer Cred = Moist Pussies)

Another Texas woman reportedly sent a bizzare handwritten love note less than a week after Cruz gunned down 17 people Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

“I reserve the right to care about you, Nikolas!” read the unsolicited declaration.

Her love for deJesus Cruz is so strong she challenges social expectation and defies opprobrium. “I reserve the right!”, she yells indignantly as she shakes her fist at a world that cannot understand the humanity in Cruz’s soul which only she can see.

A Chicago woman reportedly sent Cruz numerous suggestive photos, including one in which she slurps a Popsicle while wearing a bikini, and another in which she shows off her backside for the camera.

Gainfully employed and law-abiding beta males are never sent unsolicited naked pics. They are sent divorce court lawyer bills.

Cruz, who jail officials say has received nearly $800 in donations to his prison commissary account since the shooting, has also caught the eye of some members of his own sex.

First, that’s more money than most feminist bloggers make. Second, did you know that a disproportionate number of serial killers are homosexuals? It’s true.

A New Yorker with a bushy moustache sent Cruz a card featuring a cat and a photo of himself sitting in a white 1992 Nissan convertible, according to the Sun-Sentinel.

Anthony Weiner has gone native.

At least for now, though, the mass murderer’s suitors are pining at the wind. Jail officials, who screen all letters to inmates, said Cruz has not seen the letters, and remains on suicide watch.

#ReleaseTheMemos! All those girls making themselves sexually available to him should perk his… spirits right up.

Nikolas and Zachary Cruz reportedly discussed their newfound popularity in a jail visit.

Someone mentioned that innocence has been lost when, in the past, men would seek fame because they wanted to achieve something great that moved a lot of people and getting women was a secondary reward to that but, today, men seek fame explicitly to haul in pussy. We know too much now. And maybe there’s no going back from that (absent worldwide conflagration).

“We read a few religious ones to him that extended wishes for his soul and to come to God,” Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told the Sun-Sentinel, “but we have not and will not read him the fan letters or share the photos of scantily-clad teenage girls.”

LOL. Finkelstein will take good care of those photos.

Finkelstein added that he’s “never seen this many letters to a defendant” in his 40 years as a public defender.

The unseemly interest in Cruz may stem from women with poor parental relationships, or a strong desire to save an apparently lonely and vulnerable figure, mental health experts told the paper.

As usual, “mental health experts” miss the forest for the trees. Those observations are often associated with hybristophilia — the academic term for “chicks dig jerks” — but doesn’t get at the root of why women swoon for le 56% killers. The answer you’ll find here at CH: women love killers because those men have demonstrated their dominance over others and their environment. They are proven commodities who have shown, by proxy, they will commit atrocious violence against enemies and interlopers and secure a woman’s place in her tribe.

From the Sun Sentinel, reporting on the same story,

The South Florida Sun Sentinel obtained copies of some of the letters showing that Cruz, who had few friends in the outside world, is now being showered with attention.

Social Circle Game recognized.

The reverent note takes up all available space on the front and back of a kiddie-like greeting card showing a furry bunny holding binoculars looking out at the ocean. The inside of the card says, “Out of sight, but never out of mind.”

Women should not be allowed to vote.

A teenager wrote on March 15: “I’m 18-years-old. I’m a senior in high school. When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you.”

That something is your Gine Directive — to secure the blessings of a stone cold killer’s seed — honed to exquisite precision over millions of years of evolution (and perhaps….perhaps…out of place in a modren post-industrial society…but the jury’s out on that).

An 18-year-old from New York wrote: “No one else is dealing w/your demons, meaning maybe defeating them could be the beginning of your meaning, friend. I know you could use a good friend right now. Hang in there and keep your head up.” The letter closes with hearts colored in pink ink.

You will never see a woman so recklessly offer her emotional and sexual support to a straight-n-narrow beta male like you will see her do for a mass shooter.

“The letters shake me up because they are written by regular, everyday teenage girls from across the nation,” he said. “That scares me. It’s perverted.”

It’s the God of Biomechanics.

On the “Nikolas Cruz – the First Victim,” a now-secret group that until recently had 300 members, one young woman solicited photos for a collage to send to the killer. “I want him to see how many people love and care for him and all the beautiful faces,” she posted.

If only fat wives would put in this much effort to please their beta hubbies.

“I want you all to know that Nikolas knows about us and he had the biggest smile on his face when he was told that we all support him,” a female commenter wrote on March 16. “Keep the letters coming because he can’t wait to finally get them.” She wrote that “hate mail is filtered out so no one can upset our boy!!! Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.”

It’s unclear how Cruz would be aware of the group, but when Zachary Cruz visited his older brother in jail, he was overheard telling the killer that he’s now very popular with the ladies.

“[Zachary] has been heard and observed discussing how popular his brother is now. That his face is everywhere and his name is national,”

Congratulations, ladies, for increasing the likelihood of another mass shooting.

“There is discussion of starting some sort of pen pal or fan club and how many girls he’s capable of attracting — referring to his brother, Nikolas,” Murphy said.

When life gives you lemons, make a harem.

Lieberman has analyzed Cruz and wrote a book about groupies of incarcerated killers, “Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them.”

Why We Love Them: because they’re bad.
How to Live with Them: in deep, exhilarating love.
When to Leave Them: under duress.

He’s referred to in some posts as “our Nikolas” and described as “cute.”

Post-tingle rationalization.

Gentlemen, see women for they are. You will become handsomer in her eyes if you are more attractive in your attitude.

One supporter who uses the hashtag #NikFam is selling $2 purple bracelets on eBay.com, declaring “Justice for Nik.” The seller lists a litany of reasons for supporting the confessed mass killer, including that “we believe EVERYONE is worthy of love.”


On the website PrisonTalk.com, would-be Cruz pen pals are inquiring about writing to him.

“I feel bad for him and after reading about him I want to get to know him so he’s not as lonely,” one person wrote. “[I don’t know] why I feel like this because he committed an awful crime I can’t help it but I want to talk to him.”

There are a lot of lonely nonviolent niceguys, but for some strange reason women aren’t as compelled to ease their loneliness. It’s enough to make a hamster…

A.A. channels his inner Chateaulord to vivisect this story with his own special panache,

One thing that beta male white knight faggots don’t want to hear about is the obsession that bitches have with wanting to fuck mass murderers. […]

If you want to live in some fantasy dreamworld where “they’re not all like that” then go ahead, but if you don’t accept the truth you’re just going to go through your entire life getting fucked over by these skanks.

Conversely, if you look at them as what they are – stupid, wild animals – they you might have a chance to make a relationship with one work. Just always remember that as a boyfriend/husband you are basically a zookeeper, trying to keep control over a twisted amoral beast.


[Cruz] is obviously not handsome.

He’s a complete twerp.

But her brain is telling her he’s handsome because her biology is driven towards giving birth to psychopathic murderers.

It’s a reproductive fitness maximizing strategy that only stopped working recently….if that.

You don’t need to go MGTOW and swear off women just because you realize how disgusting they truly are. On the contrary. Once you grasp the levels of depravity you are dealing with, you enter a state where you can tame these creatures.

The taming of the sloot.

The first thing is to never treat them as though they have value. Always understand that it is her that owes you something, not the other way around. There is no romance. You can use romance on her, but don’t believe any of it. Don’t EVER let yourself feel like you need that skank.

Outcome independence.

No matter how good she looks, I can promise you: she is absolute trash.

Flip the courtship script. She has to qualify herself to you, rather than the usual way these things go.

What you always have to be able to do is walk away – remember that if nothing else. You always have to never need a bitch.

“Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.”

Firstly, don’t get legally married. Secondly, don’t let her have the self-esteem to believe she can exist without you.

A.A. is angling to be the successor host of Le Chateau. If I had to pass the tumescent baton, I can’t think of someone more worthy. Maybe GBFM.

They are driven solely by animalistic pussy-drives, in particular the drive to fill their pussies with the seed of the most extreme psychopathic murderers alive.

i fucked my american cunt
i loved my english romance


fire and ice
you come on like a flame
and you turn a cold shoulder
fire and ice
i wanna give you my love
but you just take a little piece of my heart


Hogg Hitler!

This parody of the mini-tyrant David Hogg is friggin hilarious, and very well done. Of course, (((Susan Woczicki’s))) Yidtube is frantically trying to quash it, because it hits leftoid nerve. Can’t be havin’ none of those dissident crimethinkers telling profound truths through their unauthorized art!

Bonus: Shitlibs logic-trapped!


Scanman running away with this post’s COTW:

Can you imagine the shame that kid’s father must feel?

Oh wait… his father is a deep state leftist traitor.

Never mind.


A reader emails with a Game-related question,

This is between me and a girl who had been uploading videos from one of the gun-grabbing marches. Which route should we go here, the “natural hypocrites (women) have no business voting” route, or the “Low T shitlib men have no clue how ravenously their women desire MAGAmen” route?

This is tight Jerkboy Game right here. The joke about seeing this pussyhatter at the gun range gave me a genuine laugh.

The first line, btw, is a classic neg. “Do you go to this dumb shit because you love being the only pretty girl there?” It’s a type of push-pull rhetorical question: she’s getting the compliment about her looks couched in an insult about her politics and the kind of losers with whom she associates (which itself is couched in a taunt about her attention whoring and need to have her ego stroked).

Anyhow, to the reader’s question: should he segue to “women are natural hypocrites” or “you already want me but your soyboy orbiters don’t know it yet”?

I think he’s demonstrated enough titillating jerkboy attitude to consider moving on from it to less antagonistic banter. She’s already attracted — no girl would ask three times if you’re free tonight if she wasn’t already envisioning sex — so now it’s time to dig for a deeper rapport, in person.

What are your thoughts, readers?


Le 56% Four are lionized here.



? ? ?

The real face of the Repeal The 2nd Amendment March is a Democrat Baby Boomer wearing a pussyhat to feel young and hip again. It looks like this:

Still laughing. Gun grabbers aren’t the future; they’re the musty old cat lady boomers of the past.

Watergate Ghost quips,

Who here is shocked that the Democrat propaganda march was filled with the same boots that fill out every other Democrat propaganda march?

These flabby pussyhatter cat lady cows with one foot in the coffin don’t have much of a romantic life, so they have to fill their free time with something other than suicidal thoughts. BOOM ON.


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