Feed on

Major1 wins COTW for clearly stating in colorful dialogue the unbending reality of leftoid psychological projection,

This entire post [leftoid envy post] can be condensed into a single, eternal truism.

Whatever a liberal/progressive says, they mean the opposite. Period.

There are only fifty-eight bazillion examples.

“Trump colluded with Russians”
Translation: “Hilary colluded with Russians”.

“The alt-right are fascists”.
Translation: “We are fascists”.

“Trump isn’t mentally healthy enough to be President”.
Translation: “Hilary’s seizure disorder, Parkinson’s disease, alcoholism, and inability to competently handle classified material makes her unfit for the Presidency”.

“Trump is a vulgar pussy-grabber”.
Translation: ” Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein,and Bill Clinton are vulgar pussy grabbers”.

And….ad infinitum.

We can pity our liberal friends, neighbors, and co-workers. That level of prevarication and cognitive dissonance must take a terrible psychological toll.

But just because we pity them doesn’t mean we can’t crush them, mercilessly, under our boots.

Freud really nailed it when he identified “psychological projection” as a real cognitive bias. (He wasn’t right about much else.) The affliction bedevils leftoids far more frequenlty and with greater intensity than it does conservatives. Why? Theory: leftoid will to power is based on phony moralizing, so they need a devious rhetorical trick to convince themselves and their enemies that they act with virtuous intentions. Believing one’s lies helps with that.


Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn for men who refuse the mantle of male dominance.

children –> woman –> man –> God. It’s the natural order for a reason.

Feel free to substitute Purpose for God if you’re the earthly-bound type.


America, Then And Now



It’s the White Side of History vs the Blight Side of History.

Our globohomo cosmopolitans are titillated by the thought of the White race becoming a vintage relic.

Our job is to stop them from realizing their dream.



Ted Cruz grilled Mark “no spark of life in the eyes” Cuckersperg about his company’s censorship of conservative viewpoints.

Accusing Facebook of giving “conflicting answers” on whether they are a neutral public forum, Cruz went on to outline voters’ concerns about political censorship.

“There are a great many Americans who I think are deeply concerned that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship.”

Cruz went on to cite the trending news scandal of 2016, in which it was reported that Facebook “routinely suppressed” conservative stories from its Trending News feature.

“In addition to that, Facebook has initially shut down the ‘Chick-fil-A appreciation day page,’ has blocked the post of a Fox News reporter, has blocked over two dozen Catholic pages, and most recently has blocked the Trump supporters Diamond & Silk’s page – with 1.2 million Facebook followers – after determining that their content and brand were ‘unsafe for the community’.”

In response, Zuckerberg said concerns over political bias were “fair,” and conceded that Silicon Valley is an “extremely left-leaning place.”

You don’t say! I’d go so far as to call it an “extremely un-American place”.

Pressed by Cruz, Zuckerberg also conceded that he did not know the political orientation of the “15-20,000 people” who work on content review at Facebook.

He doesn’t have to know. He has set up an institutional framework which ensures the predominance of Facecock employees are anti-White leftoid freaks.

Cruz also raised the issue of the firing Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus VR which was later bought by Facebook. Luckey was fired following a media witch-hunt, after he was revealed to be one of Silicon Valley’s few Trump supporters in 2016. Zuckerberg told Cruz that his firing was “not because of a political view” and that the company does not make firing decisions based on what candidates employees supported.

Lyin’ Zuck. Does he really expect people to believe his BS?

What was interesting is that NO OTHER SENATOR followed up on Cruz’s justified and pointed criticism of Cuckersperg. Were they afraid to pursue the truth? Were they paid off to suppress the truth (that leftoid technopolies like Facecock routinely and as a matter of institutional policy censor and de-platform ideological opponents)? Inquiring minds already know!

In total, we found 45 [senior] employees who had previously worked or volunteered with the Hilary campaigns, the Obama campaigns, or the Obama White House and are now employed by Facebook, Facebook-owned companies, or the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative.

The government of our corrupt elites is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Shillicon Valley.

Facebook employees donated big bucks to Congress members.

A reader adds,

Most of [the Senators] like what he’s doing, using technology he, hpc, and cia worked together to create to track our every movement.

Orwell welp’ed.

Atavator gets to the diseased heart of the matter:

Fakebook is as fake as the losers who spend their lives telling us all about the Grande Lattes they guzzled after shopping for useless disposable consumer goods all day.  Take back your life and #DeleteFacebook

Lol. I live in a 96% white, very “well-adjusted” upper middle class white community. Normie central.

Just judging by other women my wife knows, nearly every facebook presentation of a female is at least 15-20 years off her present age, and who knows how many pounds fewer. Much space dedicated to very public and indecent exclamations of matrimonial love, humble brags about kids, and of course, virtue signaling about whatever news item NPR or CNN has mentioned that day.

In my view, facebook is one of THE contributors to the trashing and uglification of America by way of the female id. Any respectable kulturkampf will need a way to raze it.

Yup. Facecock is porn for women, with the same dopamine receptor frying effects on them that hardcore online porn has on men. And yet men are shamed for their fap habits while women are lauded for theirs. Wassupwitdat? (The Fundamental Premise, that’s what’s up.)

The Fuckerborg hearings are a joke, not only for what it reveals about Suckerdork (a lying psychopath) but what it says about our fully converged media and government (lying psychopaths in bed with a lying psychopath). All the psychos are stroking each other off to a psychotic jizz blast, and Heritage America is taking the diseased load to its bound and gagged face.

ZUCK: “If we have a fault, it’s that Facecock is too idealistic. We were naive, and for that I’m sorry.”

This LIE from the man whose company’s mission has been FROM DAY ONE to snoop on, gather, and sell user data to the highest bidder. WHO THE ZUCK DOES HE THINK HE’S FOOLING (besides NPR libs)?

A truly privacy-protecting Facecock would be a pay service, which means its account base of 2 billion would conceivably be whittled down to twenty million, depriving Zuck of his many billions and thwarting his plan to establish a real world IngSoc. And the poor people who had to sacrifice their privacy to use Facecock wouldn’t be advertiser targets anyway, so Zuck would be taking a huge cost-overhead bath by allowing a no-fee option.

Zuck wept. Or he would if he was a mammal.

Our Lilliputian Overlords:


A boy had come of age. His father, sensing the boy’s agitation, sat down with him and told him a parable of the pearl diver and the thresher.

“Son — ”

said the father,

“there were two young men ready to enter manhood, their lives before them. They were full of passion and idealism, eager for adventure, and yearned for love like they would never yearn again.

The first young man, about your age, was a pearl diver. He would dive deep into the sea, knife clenched between his teeth, holding his breath, until he reached bottom where he pried open oysters for pearls. Many of the pearls were small, or misshapen, lacking luster. Others were uniform and round, suitable as jewelry, but short of the exquisite perfection he demanded. He ignored those for something truly prized. He would have to dive many times and deeper each time to open more oysters, until he found that perfect, precious pearl he wanted.

Each dive, deeper and longer underwater, was risky for the pearl diver. He could tire and drown, or get the bends while ascending from a great depth. He could cut himself with his knife and attract sharks. This was a risk he was willing to take, to put his life on the line for that one pearl like no other.

Which he did. Many years he dove, hunting for his special pearl while what he considered lesser pearls sat on the ocean floor, unable to catch his eye. He grew weary of his toil, and resentful that the pearl of his dreams hadn’t yet presented itself to him. Time ran away from him, until one day, diving deeper than he had dove before, he spotted the finest oyster he had ever seen, and began prying it open. It was tough, refusing to yield its treasure, and he began to look upward to the shimmery sea surface wondering how much longer he could stay down there. Eventually, with tremendous effort, he pried it partly open and glimpsed the beauty within. His eyes widened, his heart pounded. My pearl! he thought.

He frantically wrenched the knife into the flesh of the oyster, forgetting his poise and the skill he needed for a proper extraction, and out popped the pearl, to be suddenly carried away by an ocean current! He swam after it, his chest throbbing in pain, his muscles aching, dizzy from breathless exertion and fear. Come to me!, he seemed to cry to the escaping pearl. Finally, his hand wrapped around the gem, and he started his ascent to air…but he was a long way off and before he made it halfway he drowned. In his death throe, his hand loosened and the pearl and his knife floated to the silty bottom, to lay within sight of each other for eternity.”

“The second young man…”

continued his father,

“also your age, maybe a little older, was a thresher. He worked on a farm and threshed wheat to separate out the grains. He pounded and flailed wheat every day, to collect huge basketfuls of grain. He cared not so much for the quality of individual grains, for he was paid by weight. He would throw out moldy grain or diseased grain, or pest-eaten grain, but beyond that his interest was simply to collect as much edible grain as he could.

And so he threshed wildly and tirelessly, his brow glistening with sweat, singing a tune to himself all the while. Grains tumbled into his waiting baskets, and he marveled at the product of his efforts. Every basket was a feather in his cap. The grains ground up and baked would provide food for himself for a long time. No meal would be a king’s feast, but he would never go to bed hungry. He would thresh, eat, and rise to thresh again. There needn’t be more to life, he thought, as long as I can satisfy myself.

The thresher spent many years threshing wheat for grain, and many years eating that grain, sometimes marveling at its nourishing consistency, but with increasing frequency as time passed wondering if the development of his palate was stunted. He had fine-tuned his day to day life to ensure he would never go hungry, and he mostly enjoyed his work, even if it lacked a higher purpose. As long as the grains tumbled, he was happy. Perhaps there was little passion in his pursuit, but there was comfort and satisfaction and well-being.

Years turned into more years, and the thresher wearied of his routine. I’m fed, he thought, and each bread I make from the grain is a little different from the last, but my heart never soars even as my belly is sated. I live a good life and never want for food, but something is missing. I have secured myself a reprieve from hunger, but in doing so have made myself hungrier than I could ever imagine.

The thresher laid down his flail, prepared to set out and seek meaning, but too much time had passed. His joints and muscles ached with overuse, his back stooped from gazing earthward instead of heavenward, his heart lacked the vigor he would need to start anew. Memories blurred into an indistinct stew, leaving him nothing within to sustain an odyssey, and the transcendent feeling he wanted was long lost to him.”

The father sighed, and sat back in his chair.

“Son, you can be the pearl diver or the thresher. How you choose will affect you for the rest of your life. Or you can take to heart the wisdom I’m about to give you:

There is a time for threshing and a time for pearl diving, and you would do well to know the virtue in both.”


Your Daily Shivs

Via: “Brother of [Nikolas de Jesus] Cruz victim brutally twatterslays FBI over Trump raid.”

I like the cut of this man’s shiv. Straight to the beating heart of the Creep State! Mueller isn’t even pretending to be hunting for Russia collusion anymore, is he? (That’s because Clinton-Britain Collusion is the real collusion, and Clinton lackey snake in the grass Mueller knows it, so he’s been making himself busy finding *anything* on Trump — including perfectly legal hush payments to past porn star lovers — to cover his own ass for his failure to evidentially support the fantasies of hysterical shitlibs.)


Tucker Carlson joins Ann Coulter as the most redpilled media personalities still permitted a platform by IngSoc to speak uncomfortable truths openly and freely. But for how much longer?

Die for Trump first, die for Tucker second.
-MPC Status Updates


The original post is here. VertigoPolitix must be an admirer of Le Chateau. He does an admirable job putting my words to speech.



This is NOT a parody comic strip lampooning SWPL shitlib sensibilities and their lifestyle pretensions.

“The Future is Female”. From the old oven, indeed. Heh.

It gets worse. The heroine is a fat, tatted, mudsharking cow.

My sides! So we’ve got two mystery meatballs playing in the grass, a dyke in a vest jacket, and a slovenly fat white woman with her black boyfriend who, btw, is wearing a Local Food t-shirt. There isn’t a single dindu in the world who gives a flying fuck about eating locally.

LOL Schlomobomb.

Again, not a parody. Astounding. One has to wonder about the physiognomy of the cartoonist — Marc Alan Fishman — who drew this multikult jizzart with sincere intentions.

The work is the product of an ad campaign by the town council of Homewood, IL, a suburb of 20,000 outside of Chicago. The goal is to pull effete Shrillennials away from Chicago by presenting their town as an affordable, less hectic “urban lite” enclave with its delightfully comforting trappings familiar to rootless cosmopolitan White liberals: the mixed race couples, the feminist posturing, the edgedork t-shirt slogans, the avocados, and of course the low T White soyboys prostrating themselves to their Masters of Diversity.

But the whole thing comes off less like a promo for an idyllic suburb with a decent walkability score than like a creepy caricature of shitlibville at the highest estrogen setting. I want to wash the menstrual blood off my eyeballs after reading this “comic”.

In one strip, a Homewood mom with a purple streak in her hair and a tattoo praises the school system. “Zen gets to be with the same kids all the way through high school,” she says.

Many urban hive bugmen and bugwomen feel an ancient stirring for less social atomization and more connectedness in line with how we humans evolved for most of our history, but the feeling is horribly atrophied in them, so they have to grapple with it through an infantilizing lens of abject POZ, because they frighten easily by the thought of a de facto patriarchal normietown where everybody knows your shame. Compromising solution: POZburbia for the burned out city creature.

The ads, which will run through the end of May, were the idea of Mary Jane Maharry [ed: echo alert], a public relations consultant to the town. Maharry enlisted Fishman, the local artist, and presented the concept to the village board, whose members embraced it, according to Homewood Mayor Richard Hofeld.

Try to picture the roomful of pasty herbs and jaw-jutting femcunts who signed off on this concept. Yeech.

Hofeld said the town wants more young families to move there, and as urban Millennials start to think about homeownership and child-rearing, it’s the right time to recruit them. “We found the Millennials [in Chicago] are prone to looking to the north suburbs and the west suburbs, and rarely look to the south,” Hofeld said.

Forget it, Zen. It’s N*****town.

Who’s the sucker for moving to the suburbs now, eh?, the ads seem to ask. But the characters are more or less interchangeable; the implication is that if they move to Homewood, those tightly wound Chicagoans will chill out and name their kids “Zen,” too.

While they might seem suspiciously like they were generated by an algorithm fed with marketing data and New York Times trend pieces,

And run through a soy compiler.

the comic-strip Homewood denizens are based on real residents and real events, according to Maharry (who lives in Homewood herself).

Maybe this is why Homewood needs a public relations consultant. (so very organic)

In fact, “Think Homewood” reveals just how much the old dichotomy of city vs. suburb is blurring.

It’s blurring because the cities are becoming Whiter (and thus more desirable) while the suburbs are becoming browner (and thus less desirable to high income Whites). There are huge tracts of suburbia throughout regions of the USA where the schools look like Little Mexico. Plus, blacks are being economically forced out of the cities they once held as a super majority, and flooding into the surrounding exurbs (with all the blackness that defines ghetto life transported in toto to the burbs).

It proves a fact that would have been unthinkable 20 or 30 years ago: Suburbs now have to work to attract the cohort they were built for.

Right, suburbs ringing the big shitlibopolises are rapidly embrowning, so they aren’t as attractive to Whites living in cities that are more pleasant places to live now than they used to be before their Paris-ification. This is why diverse suburbs like Homewood have to hire PR firms to sell their towns to Whites who have grown tired of talking to the cat.

As certain cities become more sought-after and lively, suburbs can no longer just sit back and wait for the inevitable stampede of first-time homebuyers and new parents. They have to convince skeptical young folk of their essential urbanity first.

To a juvenile mind, “essential urbanity” means a pussyhat and feigning adoration of mixed meatballs.

They also have to offer a competitive advantage vis-a-vis the city. In Homewood, that advantage is affordable real estate and good public schools. The median home value in Homewood is a reasonable $149,800, according to Zillow. The area high school, Homewood-Flossmoor, is well regarded.

“Well regarded” is real estate-speak for “no metal detectors in the separated White part of the school“.

In the view of sociologist John Joe Schlichtman, Homewood is basically promising gentrification without the guilt.

This is exactly it. The suburbs of these big cities are trying to replicate the cities’ success at convincing Whites to return en masse.

The multiracial cast of these ads is not a sleight of hand. Homewood is legitimately diverse: 53 percent white, 37 percent black, 2 percent Asian, and 8 percent Hispanic. Its schools are majority nonwhite. These figures reflect larger demographic shifts as people of color move out (or are pushed out) of expensive cities, and as immigrants bypass central cities and head straight to the ’burbs.

Open borders mass third world immigrations has been a disaster for suburbia. The landscape is now dotted with tiny ramshackle homes housing three generations of aztec peasantry.

But Homewood-Flossmoor also has a history of proactive integration efforts: The South Suburban Housing Center, a regional fair-housing organization, was founded in Homewood in 1975.

A history that will never end. Hint: the best kind of integration is the integration that doesn’t require proactive efforts to summon forth. It happens naturally, because the people are racially, temperamentally, behaviorally, and culturally similar.

[Mayor Hofeld] hopes people who are interested in the town will attend one. Millennials, he said, “have enjoyed living in the city, and the features the city might afford. But they’re getting a little bit older, thinking of raising families, and looking around for a stable community that has a lot of amenities. And that’s what we are.”

If the schools are good (White) and the residents genuinely feel an affinity for each other, then the amenities will organically follow. But amenities are a symptom, not a cause, of a strong social community. All the amenities in the world won’t turn southside Chicago into a Pleasantville.

I can laugh at the effort while appreciating the intention. De-urbanization (aka de-scaling) is generally a good thing, so in principle I support any efforts to get White libs to disperse for the countryside so that their liberalism is muted by a closer connection to the land, to kids, and to normal Americans. But some efforts are more retarded than others, and this one is super retarded. Not many Whites of the replacement fertility level persuasion want to live in a town that feels it necessary to have a PR flack and thinks purple-haired fat coalburning goonettes are a selling point. And they won’t live in a town without some serious compensation if the schools are *wink wink* “well regarded”.


EU Head Juncker Slams Poland for Taking in Ukrainian Migrants But Not Muslims

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Poland should not choose which refugees to admit and should accept Muslims and other groups.

President Juncker said that Poland did not show the proper ‘solidarity’ with the rest of the political bloc because it has only allowed in large numbers of Ukrainian migrants and not Muslims, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

During a meeting with new Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Juncker praised the country for allowing in many Ukrainians displaced by the country’s internal conflict; however, he later said: “We are in talks with Hungary and Poland. I do not accept them saying, ‘we do not accept coloured people, Muslims, or homosexuals in our territory’. It is a major violation of European fundamental values.”

Jakub Dudziak, an official in Poland’s migration department, said: “In the streets, you can not tell if people are Poles or Ukrainians, we’re very much alike. It may be that the Poles are afraid of people coming from other parts of the world.”

Poles understand that race matters. Ukrainian migrants (likely from West Ukraine) are far closer genetically and culturally to Poles, and would therefore assimilate easily and abide Polish social norms and values. As the Polish official noted, Poles and Ukrainians are hard to tell apart. People who are physically similar are usually — due to the transitive property governing the relationships between phenotype, genotype, and personality — psychologically and behaviorally similar. Within this sphere of similarity, social connections are built on a foundation of shared values, personal affinities, and trust.

The effete traitor Juncker also understands race matters, which is why he wants swarths to overrun the last bastions of explicit Whiteness in Europe and destroy those precious and fragile social bonds, forged over millennia, forever. He is an enemy of the European peoples and in a de-clowned West would be treated as such.

The United States of America must impose a lengthy immigration moratorium and if or when the time comes to re-allow immigration, return to the immigration policy of the 1924 Immigration and Naturalization Act if this country wants to remain united.


The Depp Progression

Via Waffles, “As Johnny Depp got older / more successful, his GF’s got younger.”

As Johnny Depp’s fame (and age) increased, the relative age of his lovers decreased. An exponential relationship! (The minor trend-outlier, Paradis, must have had a paradise pussy. i will dine on pubic dew, and lap the lube of pussy pried…)

This isn’t a one way sexual market phenomenon. As intensely as men are attracted to young, beautiful women, women are intensely attracted to rich, famous (and often older) men. Depp doesn’t have to chain these barely legal minxes to the radiator; they come to him willingly and eagerly.

As did many of those post-Wall PoundMeToo women now claiming in the dimming of their sexual allure to have been victims of the very men they trampled the competition to be near when those women were in their primes. See through this sexual panic, the Chateau does.


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