Ted Cruz grilled Mark “no spark of life in the eyes” Cuckersperg about his company’s censorship of conservative viewpoints.
Accusing Facebook of giving “conflicting answers” on whether they are a neutral public forum, Cruz went on to outline voters’ concerns about political censorship.
“There are a great many Americans who I think are deeply concerned that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship.”
Cruz went on to cite the trending news scandal of 2016, in which it was reported that Facebook “routinely suppressed” conservative stories from its Trending News feature.
“In addition to that, Facebook has initially shut down the ‘Chick-fil-A appreciation day page,’ has blocked the post of a Fox News reporter, has blocked over two dozen Catholic pages, and most recently has blocked the Trump supporters Diamond & Silk’s page – with 1.2 million Facebook followers – after determining that their content and brand were ‘unsafe for the community’.”
In response, Zuckerberg said concerns over political bias were “fair,” and conceded that Silicon Valley is an “extremely left-leaning place.”
You don’t say! I’d go so far as to call it an “extremely un-American place”.
Pressed by Cruz, Zuckerberg also conceded that he did not know the political orientation of the “15-20,000 people” who work on content review at Facebook.
He doesn’t have to know. He has set up an institutional framework which ensures the predominance of Facecock employees are anti-White leftoid freaks.
Cruz also raised the issue of the firing Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus VR which was later bought by Facebook. Luckey was fired following a media witch-hunt, after he was revealed to be one of Silicon Valley’s few Trump supporters in 2016. Zuckerberg told Cruz that his firing was “not because of a political view” and that the company does not make firing decisions based on what candidates employees supported.
Lyin’ Zuck. Does he really expect people to believe his BS?
What was interesting is that NO OTHER SENATOR followed up on Cruz’s justified and pointed criticism of Cuckersperg. Were they afraid to pursue the truth? Were they paid off to suppress the truth (that leftoid technopolies like Facecock routinely and as a matter of institutional policy censor and de-platform ideological opponents)? Inquiring minds already know!
In total, we found 45 [senior] employees who had previously worked or volunteered with the Hilary campaigns, the Obama campaigns, or the Obama White House and are now employed by Facebook, Facebook-owned companies, or the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative.
The government of our corrupt elites is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Shillicon Valley.
Facebook employees donated big bucks to Congress members.
A reader adds,
Most of [the Senators] like what he’s doing, using technology he, hpc, and cia worked together to create to track our every movement.
Orwell welp’ed.
Atavator gets to the diseased heart of the matter:
Fakebook is as fake as the losers who spend their lives telling us all about the Grande Lattes they guzzled after shopping for useless disposable consumer goods all day. Take back your life and #DeleteFacebook
Lol. I live in a 96% white, very “well-adjusted” upper middle class white community. Normie central.
Just judging by other women my wife knows, nearly every facebook presentation of a female is at least 15-20 years off her present age, and who knows how many pounds fewer. Much space dedicated to very public and indecent exclamations of matrimonial love, humble brags about kids, and of course, virtue signaling about whatever news item NPR or CNN has mentioned that day.
In my view, facebook is one of THE contributors to the trashing and uglification of America by way of the female id. Any respectable kulturkampf will need a way to raze it.
Yup. Facecock is porn for women, with the same dopamine receptor frying effects on them that hardcore online porn has on men. And yet men are shamed for their fap habits while women are lauded for theirs. Wassupwitdat? (The Fundamental Premise, that’s what’s up.)
The Fuckerborg hearings are a joke, not only for what it reveals about Suckerdork (a lying psychopath) but what it says about our fully converged media and government (lying psychopaths in bed with a lying psychopath). All the psychos are stroking each other off to a psychotic jizz blast, and Heritage America is taking the diseased load to its bound and gagged face.
ZUCK: “If we have a fault, it’s that Facecock is too idealistic. We were naive, and for that I’m sorry.”
This LIE from the man whose company’s mission has been FROM DAY ONE to snoop on, gather, and sell user data to the highest bidder. WHO THE ZUCK DOES HE THINK HE’S FOOLING (besides NPR libs)?
A truly privacy-protecting Facecock would be a pay service, which means its account base of 2 billion would conceivably be whittled down to twenty million, depriving Zuck of his many billions and thwarting his plan to establish a real world IngSoc. And the poor people who had to sacrifice their privacy to use Facecock wouldn’t be advertiser targets anyway, so Zuck would be taking a huge cost-overhead bath by allowing a no-fee option.
Zuck wept. Or he would if he was a mammal.
Our Lilliputian Overlords:
