Feed on

Dread Game is the CH term for mindfucking girls into loving you deeper, harder, longer. In so many words. The concept is simple: when a girl thinks you, as a man, have romantic options, and you are able to indirectly (sometimes directly) communicate your high SMV and attendant options to her, she’ll work harder to keep you pleased.

In short, women value men who are valued.

(In tautologies, there are great truths. Women appraise the mate value of a man in large part by proxy; that is, how attractive he is to other women, particularly to other attractive women.)

Over the years, SCIENCE has galloped side by side with Game, confirming over and over and over again the field observations of Game-wielding men.

Add another lovestudy to the mix of scientific evidence giving weight to Game principles: Insecure people tend to behave more morally. (scroll down to #9 in the list)

Insecurity is generally thought of as a drawback, but it is not entirely bad. People who feel insecure about whether they have some positive trait tend to try to prove that they do have it.

Hamster strife, happy wife.

Those who are unsure of their generosity, for example, are more likely to donate money to a good cause.

“Women who are unsure of their attractiveness or lovability, for example, are more likely to donate morning blowjobs to a manipulative jerkboy.”

This behavior can be elicited experimentally by giving subjects negative feedback—for instance, “According to our tests, you are less helpful and cooperative than average.” People dislike hearing such judgments and end up feeding the donation box.

Dread for life, happy wife.

(if you haven’t noticed, I love messing around with that pussy pedestal aphorism “happy wife, happy life”.)

Drazen Prelec, a psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, explains such findings with his theory of self-signaling: what a particular action says about me is often more important than the action’s actual objective. More than a few people have stuck with a diet because they did not want to appear weak-willed. Conversely, it has been empirically established that those who are sure that they are generous, intelligent or sociable make less effort to prove it. Too much self-assurance makes people complacent and increases the chasm between the self that they imagine and the self that is real. Therefore, those who think they know themselves well are particularly apt to know themselves less well than they think.

Read: Too much betaboy appeasement and supplication and approval seeking makes a woman complacently self-assured and increases the chasm between her vagina and his penis.

As a reader wrote, “put her in the defensive crouch and she’ll be a better partner to you.” That’s Dread Game, now autistically validated by the labcoats. If your girl thinks that by your uxorious behavior she owns you, heart and soul, she’ll put in less effort to prove she’s worth your love. And by “less effort”, I mean less sex, in fewer positions, for shorter durations, accompanied by fake moans and missing pussy squirts.

So if you want a happy, loving relationship with a sexy babe, make her insecure about something that matters to her. Hit her with a neg or two like a daily multivitamin, and watch in wonder as she works hard to prove she can not only excite your love, but keep it too.


#1 in that link’s list of ten psychological biases neatly explains the leftoid mentality.

1. Your perspective on yourself is distorted.

Your “self” lies before you like an open book. Just peer inside and read: who you are, your likes and dislikes, your hopes and fears; they are all there, ready to be understood. This notion is popular but is probably completely false! Psychological research shows that we do not have privileged access to who we are. When we try to assess ourselves accurately, we are really poking around in a fog. […]

The way we view ourselves is distorted, but we do not realize it. As a result, our self-image has surprisingly little to do with our actions. For example, we may be absolutely convinced that we are empathetic and generous but still walk right past a homeless person on a cold day.

The reason for this distorted view is quite simple, according to Pronin. Because we do not want to be stingy, arrogant or self-righteous, we assume that we are not any of those things. As evidence, she points to our divergent views of ourselves and others. We have no trouble recognizing how prejudiced or unfair our office colleague acts toward another person. But we do not consider that we could behave in much the same way: because we intend to be morally good, it never occurs to us that we, too, might be prejudiced.

This is another way to describe psychological projection, a cognitive affliction to which liberals are famously susceptible. We not only conceive ourselves in unearned glowing terms, we too easily see in others the faults and vices that we ourselves possess.

Leftoids are known to be less charitable than conservatives, but more sanctimonious about their self-perceived charitable impulses than are conservatives. In the undrained swamp that is the shitlib mind, status accrues through moral preening (virtue signaling), so shitlibs, objectively less charitable, generous, and tolerant than conservatives, are nonetheless — because of their trade in virtue and lifestyle status rather than financial or achievement status — MORE interested in propping up a righteous self-image which results in a BIGGER DISCONNECT between the misanthropic liberal action and the inflated liberal ego than would be evident in the typical conservative.

This action-ego disconnect is also known by the term COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, and it’s why gated community liberals, limousine liberals, trust fund hipster liberals, 1%er liberals, credentialist suckup liberals, SJW liberals, and striver SWPL liberals (aka GoodWhites) have a pathological compulsion to slander conservatives and flyover bumpkins (aka BadWhites) with the vices and bad traits that liberals themselves copiously evince.

It also harmoniously explains why Challahwood — the world’s leading cesspit of depravity and narcissistic malevolence — has spent decades pumping out bilge that subverts normal Gentile values and lifestyles. Bravely “exposing” and undermining the bucolic normie way of life allows these agitprop scumbags to project their own degeneracy onto those whose simple good-hearted existence is a reminder that the merchants of malice aren’t the paragons of saintliness they imagine themselves.


Is Game A Zero Sum Activity?

Heritage Blogger A to the E has a good post up about the sexlessness of Millennials (a paradox in an age of overt sexual degeneracy and proud slut walks), in which he pulls the polls (heh) to uncover data on women’s idea of what constitutes sexual harassment.

The following graph is sourced from a Reuters-Ipsos poll asking women if they consider unwanted compliments about appearance to be sexual harassment. The results, by age (“don’t know” responses are excluded, N = 1,958:

You can go there at the link to view the graphs. Basically, the percentage of women who think unwanted compliments about appearance are sexual harassment drops linearly and precipitously with age, confirming the age-old Chateau wisdom that the hungry dog loves table scraps while the well-fed dog turns his nose up at a buffet.

What is deemed “unwanted [compliments]” is entirely up to the subjective judgment of the woman in question. It’s tough for men to gauge whether or not the compliment is wanted or unwanted until after it is made.

This makes apprehension manifesting as approach anxiety relevant again for men. Exploding Muhammads excepted, today it’s relevant not because the woman’s brother or father might put a shiv in your ribs for approaching, as was the case earlier in human history. It’s relevant instead because the woman who is approached may decide not only is the one who approached her beneath her attention, but he should suffer for thinking she’d have anything to do with him.

American beta and omega males (the latter group housing your typical incel) have it tougher today than they have in a long long while. Not only are American women fatter and more obnoxious, and older when they do decide to grace a beta male with a pre-Wall impact relationship, but the discount bints are more cruelly sadistic against the bottom 80% of American men who impertinently hit on them.

For alphas, this isn’t that big of a deal, though it carries risks even for them. For lesser betas and omegas, however, it’s ruinous.

Incel hate is punching down. I wonder if libs understand that? (they do, they don’t care, they’re unprincipled). I mock pretentious losers. I help honest losers trying to better themselves. My blog is a guidebook to lift incels out of celibacy, to lift omegas to betas, to lift betas to alphas, and to remind them all that what alphas possess isn’t unknowable or unlearnable. Never have the beta male masses needed Game wisdom more than now, when women have been let loose to wreak havoc on the sexual market and in turn on civilization.

The following graph shows the percentages of women, by race and presidential vote, who consider unwanted compliments about appearance to be sexual harassment. Sample sizes for blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are too small to break out separately so they are combined and presented here as “non-white”:

No surprises in that graph. Female Trump voters are far less offended by “unwanted compliments about their appearance” than are female thecunt voters. This skew applies almost as notably to White Trump and thecunt voters.

Why? Well, shitlib women are snowflakes with fragile egos. Shitlib women are also, on average, uglier than Trump women. Ugly women tend to get unwanted compliments from soyboys, noodle-armed male feminists, fat depraved challahwood producers, and swarthy quasimodos, so they get real bitter real fast about the whole male-female courtship dynamic, and sublimate their frustrations in the PoundMeToo movement.

Also unsurprising to anyone who’s lived a day in his life, White women are considerably less likely than nonWhite women to say unwanted compliments about appearance constitute sexual harassment. This is because nonWhite women receive most of those compliments in the form of cat-calling from their nonWhite men.

As AE mentioned, some of this skew is due to older women supporting Trump and younger single women supporting thecunt, but not all of the skew. Differences in female attractiveness and the (relatively) lower attractiveness of nonWhite men account for some of the bias. Call it the Chad Effect.

Commenters IHTG and Chris Lutz bring up another salient reason for the readily aggrieved spitefulness of the careerist shrike:

Familiarity breeds contempt?

Familiarity breeds verklempft, for those who work in entertainment, media, or finance.

IHTG, I was thinking the same thing. I think there are a host of reasons.

1. Your point. You deal with women all day. You want to deal with them later in more social situations?

2. Prevalence of porn.

3. The loose sexual mores have created a situation where it’s the Alphas getting the girls and the rest are stuck on the sidelines.

4. Toxic feminism which makes interacting with women in social situations legally dangerous.

Sexualizing everything has killed sex.

Too much asexual time around women, as would be the case in a sterile office environment, corrupts the frisson between the sexes that is necessary for romance. Men and women need each other to be a little mysterious to the opposite sex to fully charge the libido.

AE’s post aside, my attention was caught by sid’s comment, recapitulating a common refrain I hear from Game skeptics.

In a number of blue cities in North America, especially those in tech, talking up women is honestly more trouble than it’s worth. I could repeat what everyone has said here, but why bother? You all know what I’m talking about.

For a lot of guys, the best that happens is that they get laid more frequently. To do so, you need to scour your ego with an acid bath, talking with girls who honestly have few positive qualities but a lot of entitlement, snarkiness, and just plain rude behavior.

At worst, you can be accused of sexual harassment and rape, the definitions of which become blurier every month.

I’ve found that if you’re a charming mofo, girls are unlikely to wake up in the morning thinking about lodging a false rape accusation against you.

After a certain point, spending your free time playing video games and watching pornography is a whole lot less painful and not all that much more shallow of a way to while away your hours.

If you have a high libido and a silver tongue, porn and vidja won’t sufficiently scratch your hedonistic itch.

I think pornography is corrosive to the male mind, and while the occasional video game isn’t bad, you’re definitely not living up to your potential if you’re playing 100 hour long fetch quests. Even so, I can’t call either activity all that much better or worse than talking with a feminist woman in hopes of getting a date.

Porn and vid are dangerous because they co-opt the dopamine channels in male brains, squatting there by spoofing the rewards of sexual conquest and status acquisition.

What is to be done? I frequent manosphere and PUA forums and blogs far, far less frequently than I used to, but I don’t think I’ve heard a solid answer.

Game and self-improvement only go so far. Both are essentially zero-sum endeavors on the dating market, though I guess the average guy being able to talk to a girl competently MIGHT make the dating market more egalitarian. I don’t know.

Game isn’t a zero sum activity. Think on this analogy: Imagine the cosmic overlord snapped his fingers and every American woman became an HB10. The sum total of happy arousal in men would increase beyond the environment’s carrying capacity. Boners would pop far and wide, jizz would flow like the Nile. (gross but needfully vivid) There would be an increase in the sum total of male joy.

Likewise for Game. More charismatic men means an increase in the sum total of female joy.

If you want to nerd out and summon your Inner Darwin, sure, after many generations there would be sexual selection effects that re-establish a natural SMV hierarchy. Today’s HB10s would become the distant future’s plain janes. Over time, picky alpha males would choose to wife up and impregnate HB10++s, while regular HB10s sob tears of feminist butthurt, and the contours of a female SMV belle curve would reappear. Same for the charismatic men; today’s charming jerkboys would evolve to tomorrow’s hypnotizing jerkboys.

After all, there were hot cavewomen millennia ago who turned all the cavemen’s eyes, but today that poor cavewoman transposed into our modren sexual market would be alone and unloved, barely an SMV notch above Amanjaw Marcuntte.

But none of that really matters much to the man living now, in this gineline. He learns Game, he gets more and better quality attention from women. A fat woman loses weight, she gets more and better quality attention from men.

Speaking of zero sum activity, here’s Scott Adams on the desperate sophistry of a cornered Deep State:

Four things to understand about SPYGATE: 1) There was no spy in the Trump campaign. 2) The spying that did NOT happen was totally justified. 3) It would be bad for national security to identify the spy who doesn’t exist. 4) His name is Stefan. #SPYGATE

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 23, 2018


The Unaccomplished Millennial

Jim Christian writes about his life, contrasting the seeming generational decline between his time and the time of Millennials in accumulated life experiences and accomplishments,

I don’t owe young men anything, but I’ll offer in this informal setting, my experiences and impressions of the day. If rooting for the end of the world, they better think twice. They take a lot for granted, including their own experience and capacity to fight back and do murder themselves. For a morsel of food. Because that’s what the end looks like. Doods bad-ass enough to cope in THAT end-game situation ain’t sitting here raving about Baby Boomers. Millennials are creeping up on thirty or thirty five now? Time to finally grow up kids. Jesus, I’d done 10 years sports, cutting grass and working at McDonalds as a kid, then 51/2 years aboard flight decks, 200,000 miles on motorcycles, a marriage, two houses, a kid, a divorce, and two or three or four careers and dozens and dozens and dozens of chicks by 35. And that was just getting started. Most of us have similar lists of “accomplishments’ by such an age.

But then, we didn’t have ‘smart phones’, liberal-based CATV and 16 years of SJW training, K-12 and 4 at college like a Millennial. Maybe that’s where they’re hamstrung and THAT I can’t help them with other than to say to throw off the yoke, don’t get married and get a motorcycle. That would at least be a start.

Millennials are both the most narcissistic American generation in recent history, and the generation with the least accomplishments and real world life experiences that don’t require viewing through a screen.

What happens when you combine pathological narcissism with an absence of the experiences and accomplishments that would justify the narcissism?

No worries. This is all about to change with the blitzkrieg of Generation Zyklon.

Via PA, a Millennial millennializes,

A good comment by a Millennial few months back:

I’d say that Millennials are the generation of escapism. Stockholm Syndrome is just a subset of that. Our generation was presented with a world that was entirely a lie (and was apparent to us as such), but with no alternative leading to the truth. So as a generation we avoided reality. Many did this by embracing the lie, such as the Stockholm Syndrome group you mentioned. Others escaped into video gaming. Others obsessed over their childhood such as Harry Potter, and many live with their parents.

The strength of conviction of the Millennial progs is not because they truly believe, but is born of their desperate fear of reality. For Millennials, reality is too terrible to face.

If you don’t acknowledge reality, reality automatically works against you. Escapism is a short term alleviation that will create a more painful long-term reckoning. Some Millennials have it in them to fight against their own generation’s current, but it’ll be Gen Zyklon which has to deal with the reckoning and it will mold their character and make them stronger than they now know.


CH Maxim: The Vicarious Woman

everybodylovesscott leaves a comment that allows me to segue to a new CH Maxim:

throw off the yoke, don’t get married and get a motorcycle. That would at least be a start.

Getting a motorcycle and hitting the gym can increase your SMV by 2 points in less than 6 months. Bike game is EASY. Chicks dig them. Don’t get a Harley; they’re for fat middle aged men (unless you are a fat middle aged man).

“But EBHS, Bikes are dangerous”

That’s what makes them attractive numbskull. Chicks dig guys willing to risk death for a bit of adrenaline.

CH Maxim #102: Nothing interesting would happen in a woman’s life if she didn’t have a man making it happen.

Make a woman’s life interesting, and she will reward you with the one interesting aspect of her that she has to offer………..





her love.


Leftoids love identity politics — less euphemistically, race and sex politics — because to date they’ve been able to exploit nonWhite and feminist shrike tribalism (aka identity) to advance their political goals, which is basically the destruction of European Christendom.

Inciting chauvinist and tribal feelings in women and minorities against White men has worked out well for the Left, because Whites are the least tribal race on earth and therefore the most susceptible to accusations of privilege and oppression and to pleas for warped notions of fairness that handicap Whites to the benefit of the anti-Whites.

But I’ve noticed something simmering in the last few years, as realtalk about race and sex has seeped into the neural crevices of the Chaimstream Media hivemind. That old anti-identity politics Boomer meme is finding new purchase in the rhetoric of the goyennes of acceptable discourse. You’re gonna hear in the coming months and years a lot more calls to “abandon identity politics” from the Left and the CuckRight (but I repeat myself), and the reason is simple: they’re afraid. Afraid that White men are embracing identity politics with the same eagerness that nonWhites and women have embraced it. The Left wielded a double-edged identity politics sword and now that blade is swinging back at them.

And that’s gonna kill the Left’s identity politics cash cow for good, because White men (as distinguished from (((fellow white men)))) organizing politically and culturally for their own benefit means White men resisting their psychological and economic fleecing and disrupting for good the host-parasite relationship that has been the primary feature of the Anglosphere since WWI.

I thought of this post and wrote it before I was informed by commenter redone that Chris Langan, the American with supposedly the highest tested IQ in the world, recently wrote the following about identity politics, mirroring what I wrote above,

My view on identity politics is that it can be justified only if everyone of any ethnicity is entitled to participate, in which case it is necessary for all (because failing to assert it, as when White people of European ancestry fail to assert it lest they be branded as “racists”, means leaving oneself and one’s group defenseless against competition for resources and opportunity). Alternatively, lest any group be denied its identity while others assert their own, group identity must be equitably denied to everyone.

Human identity is stratified, and thus has both individual and group levels. Accordingly, we can (and sometimes must) reason in terms of group identity. But when group self-identification is officially granted to some groups yet denied to others against which they compete, this can only result in imbalance and injustice. For example, when some overpopulating groups which have overtaxed their own resources by reproductive incontinence and homegrown oligarchy are allowed to migrate into the sovereign territories of worldwide ethnic minorities – e.g., people of European descent – and enjoy special “oppressed” status whereby they reap special benefits such as free food, free housing, free education, free healthcare, affirmative action, reproductive subsidies, and special treatment under the law, and are even credited with moral superiority due to their alleged “oppression”, this can result in the destruction of the national, cultural, and ethnic identity of the hosts, leading ultimately to their extinction. Incoming groups which assert their own collective identities while denying their hosts any reciprocal right of political group cohesion thus amount to noxious, invasive, and ultimately lethal socioeconomic parasites. Obviously, any governmental authority which enforces or encourages such asymmetry – e.g., the European Union – is illegitimate.

Bear in mind that once we cease to treat individuals as individuals per se, thus allowing members of their respective groups to assert their ethnic, cultural, or religious (etc.) identities against their “oppressors”, their group properties and statistics are automatically opened to scrutiny and comparative analysis. For example, if after several generations of special treatment in the educational sphere (compulsory school integration, special programs, modifications of educational procedure, racially defined college admission preferences, etc.), a particular “oppressed” group fails as a whole to outgrow these measures, its members are no longer entitled to exemption from objective characterization in terms of associated group statistics; if one wants to enjoy the social benefits attending ethically loaded group-defined properties like “belonging to an oppressed group”, one must submit to rational policies formed on the basis of not just individual assessment, but empirically confirmed group-defined properties such as “belonging to a group exhibiting a relatively low mean IQ and a tendency to violently disrupt the educational environment”. Continuing to pursue racially parameterized measures of human worth and achievement can only lead to personal injustice, social degradation, and biological degeneration (because such measures inevitably supplant any rational form of social, economic, and reproductive selection).

In short, identity politics should either be shut down immediately, or the majority populations of Europe and North America should be encouraged to assert their own ethnic and cultural identities and group interests with full force. Any governmental, academic, religious, or media authority which tries to prevent it is clearly unworthy of respect and obedience.

Or: Diversity + Proximity = War.

White men built up a huge store of seed corn in America, so we’ve had the luxury of putting our virtue signaling preening into policy without knee-capping ourselves in the competition for resources and opportunity, but that’s changing with the swiftness of the demographic change in America to minority White and with the boldness of nonWhites to demand ever more concessions and obeisance from Whites.

When identity politics battlespace dominance is achieved, and this time is coming sooner than most would like to think, we will see a rapid reorientation of American society and politics that will make the present age seem like a three day acid trip from historical reality. A political and societal asymmetry is inherently unstable, and will resolve in short order with one or more sides capitulating in abject submission to the dominant group, or all groups vying unabashedly for power and fighting for their own group-defined interests.

Now personally, I don’t relish a society structured solely around identity politics. It’s gauche, claustrophobic, miserably stressful, and a mockery of the transcendent. But damned if I’m gonna idly sit by as every other group looks out for themselves at my group’s expense. That’s a suicide pact. But the only way out of this inevitability is to restore Whites to demographic primacy in their homelands, from which perch Whites can safely and confidently eschew identity politics without risk of parasitic infection.

My idea of a great country to live in:

One that’s so explicitly homogeneous that these implicit identity conundrums never need addressing.

The Danes seem to understand better than most NW Europeans the value of what I say. Denmark recently passed an immigration law that sets “an annual limit of 1,000 persons on new citizenships, whereby there will be a premise that people from Western cultures are given a higher ranking”. (code word for the White race)

The Danes have decided to stop paying the Danegeld and have gone full 1924 Immigration Act.

We can hope America follows Denmark’s lead in returning to her own roots in that civilization affirming 1924 Immigration Act which has so conveniently been flushed down the memory hole by those who would rather see America drowned under a deluge of alien invaders constitutionally incompatible with and derisive of the historical American ideals and habits.


Shiv Of The Week

Brutality! The Shiv Mart called…

…and they have run out of shivs!


A great comment from R.G. Camara,

There are really only two ways to defeat SJWs once they take over an organization:

1. Let the institution die a slow, painful death while you build another one and keep SJWs out.

2. A massive, one time, blitzkreig strategic/tactical attack where you and some very trusted allies remove all SJWs in one fell swoop—a purge of immense magnitude and blinding speed to prevent any form of defense.

For the blue print on the latter, see how the NRA took the organization back from the SJWs in 1977, in what is now termed “The Cincinnati Revolution“.

If Trump is playing the latter game….expect it to happen in a flash. He knows if he leaves any significant number of SJWs around, they will redouble and use every means necessary—including unleashing black mobs, calling for UN intervention, and releasing gas and biological attacks—to fight the purge.

Either way, the SJWs will desperately try to paint it as a “Night of the Long Knives.”

For a real-time example of a once-admired American institution utterly surrendering to the Veil of SJW Darkness, see the Boy Skirts (née Boy Scouts), which has allowed homosexual scout leaders and girls into the fold, and now requires the availability of condoms to all participants at its global gathering.

The Soy Scouts is lost to us. There’s no salvation that doesn’t involve a mass cleansing of the filth that has infiltrated the organization. Evoking Camara’s point number one, White men and their sons will have to create parallel male-bonding institutions free of the freakqualist poz, and then make sure not even one bitter beauty-destroying leftoid is allowed into the ranks.

Point number two is of course a lot faster and a lot more fun, if inflicting mass casualties on shitlib psyches is your thing (and why wouldn’t it be?).

I hoped that Trump would execute his version of the Cincinnati Revolution the day he took office, but he either felt it was necessary to wait and lull his enemies into the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE zone, or he really didn’t know what he was up against until enough betrayals of trust and basic Constitutional guarantees had accumulated and cleared his mind of the nature of his enemy. Whatever his motivation, I hope that he is about to unleash Hell now that the Dirty Deep State has finally revealed its scaly underbelly.

A third way — one that is slow, laborious, but ultimately long-lasting and preserving of the traditions and organizations that leftoids have corrupted — is an equal and opposite march through the institutions by a Standing Shitlord Army. This is the bloodless way, but truthfully I think we’ve run out of time for it; the counter-MTTI needed to happen at least a couple decades ago. Now it’s too late. Leftoid Equalism has dug in too deep, has closed off too many avenues for redress, and painfully slow substitutions of leftoids for sane people won’t come quick enough to pre-empt Civil War II.

My bet is that the future of America will be a combination of #1 and #2 — parallel reactionary institutions flowering and multiplying, while a few SJW captured organizations fall to a Night of Long Gibes — followed by cultural and then political regionalism that essentially heralds the end of America as a united nation.


It Happened

I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 20, 2018

From Electric Pence,

He has his cabinet, the courts are filled to the gills with right-wing judges, the FBI/CIA’s public reputation is in ashes, thousands of indictments are ready against the Swamp. Everything the Deep State does from here on out will be the death throes of the most corrupt secret bureaucracy in history.

Trump is ready for war.

As are we, his standing army of American citizens fed up with Globohomo sedition.

PS Because I am proud of the warriors I send out into the world, a short mention here that Chuck Ross — former commenter at the Chateau — is delivering some great reporting on the breaking story of the Dirty Deep State’s coup attempt against President Trump.

Note that the Degenerate Freak Mafia tried to take Chuck out for his past realtalk on his personal blog and here on this blog, but they have failed. Chuck is now instrumental in helping to bring down the Clinton-Bush-Obama-Deep State nexus.

When CH sends its soldiers to do battle, we only send the best.

PPS Bonus shiv:

PPPS greginaurora writes,

Unless I misjudge the man, calling for action means he’s already assured of success. That’s why I love his tweets so much; in battlefield terms, he doesn’t deploy his battlelines until he’s already guaranteed their win against the enemy.


Move slowly, carefully — and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 20, 2013

PPPPS How do I love thee God Emperor? Let me count the ways…starting with this (authentic) headline posted at the whitehouse.gov website:

PPPPPS More happening:

Greg Eliot, do you have another Turd Pill to share with us at this moment?


A very interesting paper examines power relations in humans, and in so doing illuminates classic dichotomies between the behaviors of alpha males and beta males. Link.

This article examines how power influences behavior. Elevated power is associated with increased rewards and freedom and thereby activates approach-related tendencies. Reduced power is associated with increased threat, punishment, and social constraint and thereby activates inhibition-related tendencies. The authors derive predictions from recent theorizing about approach and inhibition and review relevant evidence. Specifically, power is associated with (a) positive affect, (b) attention to rewards, (c) automatic information processing, and (d) disinhibited behavior. In contrast, reduced power is associated with (a) negative affect; (b) attention to threat, punishment, others’ interests, and those features of the self that are relevant to others’ goals; (c) controlled information processing; and (d) inhibited social behavior. The potential moderators and consequences of these power-related behavioral patterns are discussed.

If you want to get over Approach Anxiety, feel more powerful. (Likewise, by the transitive property of the behavior-cognition-emotion feedback loops, if you want to feel more powerful, start approaching more girls.) Easier said than done? This is one of those studies where most of the useful gems of knowledge are tucked deep in the paper and only alluded to in the abstract.

Power influences human behavior. When you have it, you act differently, in accordance with the goals of someone who expects deference, gratitude, and reward. When you don’t have it, the world is a frightening place. You act like a trembling field mouse waiting for a hawk to swoop from the air and carry you off.

First, a relevant quote:

The fundamental concept in social science is Power, in the same sense that Energy is the fundamental concept in physics . . . The laws of social dynamics are laws which can only be stated in terms of power. (Russell, 1938, p. 10)

All human interaction can be stripped down to battles for power, on macro and micro levels. Power in this usage means the ability to influence our social environment to our personal advantage. The study authors define power as…

…an individual’s relative capacity to modify others’ states by providing or withholding resources or administering punishments. This capacity is the product of the actual resources and punishments the individual can deliver to others.

Resources and punishments can be material (food, money, economic opportunity, physical harm, or job termination) and social (knowledge, affection, friendship, decision-making opportunities, verbal abuse, or ostracism). The value of resources or punishments reflects other individuals’ dependence on those resources.

The perceived freedom with which individuals can deliver resources and punishments to others also influences the individual’s level of power. Beliefs about the exercise of power figure prominently in cultural values and morals…as well as attitudes within personal relationships. Beliefs about the freedom to exercise power can come into conflict with the actual resources and punishments the individual can deliver to others—a tension that we elaborate on later.

Emphasis mine. Game largely resides in the domain of social resources and punishments, ie mindfucking.

If social status is power, what is status?

Our definition also distinguishes power from related constructs. Status is the outcome of an evaluation of attributes that produces differences in respect and prominence. Status in part determines the allocation of resources within groups and, by implication, each individual’s power. However, it is possible to have power without status (e.g., the corrupt politician) and status without relative power (e.g., a readily identified religious leader in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles). Authority is power that derives from institutionalized roles or arrangements, but power can exist in the absence of formal roles (e.g., within informal groups). Dominance is behavior that has the acquisition of power as its end, yet power can be attained without performing acts of dominance (e.g., leaders who attain their positions through their cooperative and fair-minded style). Thus status, authority, and dominance are all potential determinants of power as we define it.

In seduction, a man’s status, authority, and dominance are each alone highly arousing to women, but together they create the archetypal powerful alpha male which few women can resist. See: our President.

Let’s dig into the relevant meat of the paper that addresses, if obliquely, the power dynamics between alpha and beta males as pertains to pickup and approaching women.

Of the many objects of social attention, we will focus on three: rewards or punishments, other individuals, and the self. We propose that high-power individuals, who are disposed to approach, will attend to potential rewards rather than to threats and as a consequence will construe others through a lens of self-interest. In contrast, low-power individuals will be more sensitive to threats than rewards and will therefore construe themselves vis-a`-vis others’ interests.

Alphas don’t see women as a threat and expect good reactions (rewards) from approaching women, so they feel less inhibited. They are embodiments of male privilege, feeling entitled to rewards from women and seeing them as avenues to fulfill their self-interest. Naturally, women reward these entitled privileged men because women are attracted to confident men.

Betas see every interaction with women as a potential mine field of shame and humiliation and rejection, so they’re more cautious and fearful of approaching women. Betas are also overly empathic and concerned with women’s feelings; they are the opposite of entitled, always assessing their own actions for how they may impact others’ feelings. This is why PUAs say betas “live in their heads” which gets in the way of their romantic success.

A related prediction is that elevated power will increase the tendency to perceive rewards and opportunities in ambiguous acts and interactions (Hypothesis 6). One suggestive line of studies finds that men, who might be assumed to occupy positions of elevated power, perceive sexual interest in women’s ambiguous behavior.

Self-entitled men do better with women because they’re more likely to bust a move, perceiving sexual interest from women where there might not be any. This is an advantageous self-deception because 1. it motivates approaching women which increases his romantic opportunities and 2. it projects supreme self-confidence which is attractive to women.

A complementary prediction is that low-power individuals will perceive themselves as a means to the ends of high-power individuals, or as the instrument of others’ goals and desires. […]

We have posited that high-power individuals selectively attend to rewards and how others satisfy self-interests, whereas low-power individuals attend to punishment and threat and construe the self through a lens of others’ interests.

Alphas are a means to their own ends.
Betas are a means to others’ ends.

This has sexual market implications.

Betas need to be more selfish to succeed at attracting women.
Alphas can become too selfish and sabotage their relationships (platonic and romantic). Often, alphas could benefit from being more selfless.

The approach system modulates processes related to eating, offensive aggression, and sexual behavior. Power should therefore increase the performance of approach related behaviors in these and other domains. Power should prompt the performance of simple approach behaviors (Hypothesis 18), such as entering the social space of others and initiating physical contact. Indeed, high levels of touching behavior correlate with being male, being older, and having higher SES. Studies of adults and children indicate that high-status, powerful individuals are more likely to approach subordinates at interpersonal distances that indicate intimacy.

Game concept vindicated: kino escalation. Get physical sooner rather than later if you want to improve your meet-to-lay ratio with women.

…high-power individuals should be more likely to engage in aggressive acts (Hypothesis 24). Several research literatures lend support to this prediction. Across contexts (e.g., school playgrounds, hospital settings, and summer camps), high-status individuals are more likely to tease (rather than avoid the potentially offensive teasing in the first place), and when they tease, they do so in more hostile ways. In one study of heterosexual and homosexual relationships, the partner who was less committed to the relationship, and therefore more powerful, was more likely to bully the partner.

Bullying is a cue for power. This helps explain why women are attracted to, and stay with, assholes: assholery is a proxy for power, which in a man is a highly attractive trait.

We have not portrayed power in a flattering light. High-power individuals tend to act in ways that disregard conventions, morals, and the effects on others. Yet approach-related behavior can be of a more prosocial nature, and our analysis and the supportive findings of Chen and colleagues (2001) do suggest that high-power individuals will engage in behaviors that violate social norms in prosocial ways. Some of these behaviors include intervening in emergencies or helping others in distress, mediating conflicts, and expressing approval and affection.

I can think of one other, very topical, prosocial way that powerful men violate social norms: speaking ugly truth to globohomo power.

High-need-for-power individuals engaged in profligate gambling, drinking, and sexual licentiousness less often when two kinds of life events enhanced their accountability: having younger siblings and becoming a parent. In fact, the social responsibilities tied to having a younger sibling or being a parent led high-power individuals to engage in more prosocial, approach-related behaviors, such as involvement in voluntary organizations. More generally, we would predict that accountability would lead to less approach-related emotion, more attention to others, and more careful cognition in high-power individuals.

Unsurprisingly to anyone who isn’t a liberal, accountability regulates the expression of power. Relaxing accountability leads to more abuses of power (see for example, the modren American woman).

Accountability is enhanced by younger siblings and parenthood. This should send up a red flag. In European Christendom, White family sizes are shrinking and parenthood is delayed. The consequence will be powerful people expressing their power in less prosocial ways and with more self-gratifying impulsivity.

High-power individuals may be more likely to stereotype others or perceive homogeneity in their social worlds because those with less power inhibit the expression of their actual attitudes.

Weak, spineless soyboys and low value skanky pussyhatters cling to kumbaya universalism because they don’t have the balls nor the smv to express their true feelings.

When do the powerful fall? When their disinhibition becomes pathological:

The very individuals who might keep in check this pattern of [high-power individuals’] behaviors, those with less power, are constrained in thought, word, and action.

This analysis just as readily reveals the conditions for social change: The excesses of powerful leaders—their propensity for disinhibited behavior and stereotypic, error-prone social perceptions—

Virtue signaling leftoid equalists.

are certain to feed into the processes that lead to changes in leadership.

Hello, Deep State!

These speculations make contact with social psychology’s longstanding interest in authority and group dynamics, as seen in Lewin, Lippitt, and White’s (1939) early investigation of authoritarian and egalitarian playgroups; Sherif, Harvey, White, Hood, and Sherif’s (1961) Robbers Cave experiment; Janis’s (1972) discussion of groupthink; and Emerson’s (1962) lasting observation that low-power individuals constrain the actions of high-power individuals by affording them respect and status and thus controlling their public reputation.

Rescinding the respect and status that low-power people accord high-power people will render the latter less powerful. Or, to put it in Heartistian terms, The Mocking Shiv will Save the West.


Will Old Photos Save America?

No manjaws, no tats, no blue hair, BMIs under 23 and glowing with feminine energy. These photos of Olde America are painful to look at, knowing how much we have lost since then.

Idle thought: how much influence does photography have on cultural continuity? Will photographs save America from the fates of other empires? When Rome was declining, Romans didn’t have photos of Olde Rome to remind them of what they were losing. They had myths, fading generational memories, and sculpture, but if they had photos would they have evaded their collapse?

If we had no mid-century photos, would we have forgotten by now what American women, and America, used to be? Would we be able to fondly, vividly, and instantly recall that America was once a shining titty on a hill?

Because we have photos and can look back at a better America, will it be the secret ingredient so many others before us were missing, that steels our hearts to save a dying nation? I wonder.


A reader writes,

Roman homes were full of busts and death masks of forebears which were worn at festivals and funerals. These and all sculptures painted to look lifelike. Oral family tradition strong. Household gods worshipped for a thousand years before Rome. The collapse took a long, long time.

But those were death masks. Ancestors captured in plaster and marble, stiff and quasi-monstrous in their facsimile. Today, we have photos, qualitatively different. We can see bygone America alive and happy and flush with confidence. The hit right to the feels is more visceral.


Another reader,

The question is how well does it compete with the shitlib infested media and education monstrosities that attack the culture.

I like to think a faded photo of one smiling, height-weight proportionate 1950s woman can sweep away the lies of a million hate Whitey opinion pieces by our enemies.


Another reader,

the marble statues and architecture gave them a false sense of permanence

Yes, ironically those statues might have had the opposite effect on Romans than what was intended: made them complacent instead of feeling the urgency of the loss.


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