Feed on

This is Kristy Swanson, actress who starred in 1992’s cult film Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a right wing MILF who spends her free time nowadays trolling snowflakes on Twatter and mocking the PoundMeToo movement:


I’m with her

This is Christine Blasey-Ford, false sexual assault accuser and Hillary voter:


WOMP WOMP (I’m not with her )

Swanson is only three years younger than Ballsy-Fraud.

Would Still Bang Vs “Box Wine Hobgoblin”

Hot women gravitate to Trump and to men who support Trump.

Ugly women make up sex stories that help them feel like a hot woman inside, and then sell their load of psychosis to other ugly women.

Unlike Ballsy-Fraud’s testimony, impossible to refute.



Mark Meadows: ‘Strong Suggestion’ That Undercover FBI Sources Taped Trump Campaign

MAGAptation: the state of mind when what would have been considered a crazy conspiracy theory crosses the threshold to unremarkable believability.


“What did she have to gain by coming forward to make a false sex assault accusation under oath?”

This is a weak sauce rhetorical gambit that shitlibs have clung to in their effort to buttress Ballsy-Fraud’s credibility and delude themselves that this crank isn’t a total liar.

What did she have to gain?

How about a cool $900K.

Once again, we see Soros’s Satanic fingerprints all over another act of sedition against Heritage America. How is this decrepit monster still freely subverting White nations?……….I mean he is a very old man.

Anyhow, I’m heartened to learn that this HoFundMe scam is being exposed, and that contributors can be prosecuted for making illegal payments to a witness testifying before a Congressional committee.

It would be sweet justice if we were to see pelicangullet in cuffs on her way to prison for making a heinous false sexual assault accusation, and all her shitlib and [very special people] enablers brought before the docket to answer for their crimes aiding and abetting a false witness.

Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet…..and still waiting.


Very interesting analysis by sundance over at CTH connecting a number of threads in the Christine Ballsy-Fraud scandal that implicate former and current FBI officials in (yet another) seditious plot to take down President Trump.

In a letter released last night from a former boyfriend of Christine Blasey-Ford, there was a name curiously not redacted. The name of Monica L McLean was revealed as a life-long friend who Ms. Ford helped with polygraph preparation.

The media has begun to focus on the letter as outlining a lie told by Ms. Ford during recent congressional testimony… But the backstory to Ms. Monica Lee McLean is an even bigger story. […]

In addition to boyfriend noting Ms. Monica L McLean in the current letter, Ms. Monica Lee McLean was also one of the signatories of another letter from the Holton-Arms class of 1984 bolstering the credibility of Ms. Blasey-Ford. […]

In a 2000 Los Angeles FBI declaration Ms. McLean describes herself as a Special Agent of the FBI, Associate Division Counsel, in the Los Angeles Division Legal Unit: […]

Sometime between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean transferred to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), FBI New York Field Office; where she shows up on various reports, including media reports, as a spokesperson for the FBI. […]

So we have Dr. Blasey-Ford in Rehoboth Beach, DE, on 26th July 2018. We’ve got her life-long BFF, Monica L McLean, who worked as attorney and POI in the DOJ/FBI in Rehoboth Beach, DE…. Apparently at same time she wrote letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Ms. Blasey-Ford and Ms. McLean, the BFF she coached on lie detector testing, together for the four days leading up to the actual writing of the letter.  July 26th to July 30th.

It would appear that Ms. Blasey-Ford was with Ms. Monica L McLean, the retired FBI agent and former New York field office spokesperson, at the time she wrote the letter to Senator Feinstein.

That would certainly begin to explain quite a bit about who exactly was handling Ms. Ford; and how there would be an intentional effort, from a subject matter expert, on how to best position the attack against Brett Kavanaugh.

Who better to help scrub the internet history, and know what processes and people to enlist in such preparatory work, than a retired lawyer who worked deeply inside the FBI?

Not only did Ms. McLean possesses a particular set of skills to assist Ms. Ford, but Ms. McLean would also have a network of DOJ and FBI resources to assist in the endeavor.  A former friendly FBI agent to do the polygraph; a network of politically motivated allies?

Does the appearance of FBI insider and Deputy FBI Director to Andrew McCabe, Michael Bromwich, begin to make more sense?

Do the loud and overwhelming requests by political allies for FBI intervention, take on a different meaning or make more sense, now?

Standing back and taking a look at the bigger, BIG PICTURE….. could it be that Mrs. McLean and her team of ideological compatriots within the DOJ and FBI, who have massive axes to grind against the current Trump administration, are behind this entire endeavor?

Considering all of the embattled, angry, institutional officials (former and current); and considering the recently fired DOJ and FBI officials; and considering the officials currently under investigation; and considering the declassification requests which will likely lead to the exposure of even more corruption….  Could it be that these elements wanted to do something, anything to get back at the executive branch; and possibly change the tide?

If so, and I think the likelihood is pretty good, doesn’t everything known just easily reconcile if you think of Ms. Blasey-Ford as a tool for those ideologues?

I’ve read enough to convince me of the strong possibility this Ballsy-Fraud stunt is either an FBI operation or a CIA operation, or both. There are simply too many deep state connections and coincidences to have wave away to think otherwise.

Arrests for sedition when?


For those who don’t know, Roosh’s books were banned from Jeff Bezos’ Amazon. Roosh had been selling pickup books for years through the Amazon portal, and one day recently Bezos and the purimaniacal SJWs who infest that place decided a good old-fashioned book-burnin’ was in order, so they disappeared all of Roosh’s books and unpersoned him.

(and the leftoid sneered stupidly, “he deserved it. private corporation, man! free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.”)

This is scary, I’ll admit it. Every day brings news of another dissident thinker exiled from the sphere of public influence. The crackdown and repression of thought criminals is accelerating, with no end in sight, and no one with the power to do anything stepping in to challenge the witch hunters and book burners. HELLO, President Trump? AG Sessions? Have you thought about anti-trust suits against Big Skypey Tech? Nationalization? Any kind of oversight at all?


yeah, how’s that working out for us bleeding edge heretics? The information and monetary gateways and channels are controlled with an iron fist by a few tech monopolies which are run and staffed by the most virulent degenerate leftoids that you ever saw belched up from a Twatter blue check cesspit.

When a few globohomo corporations control nearly any means of communicating with the outside world and getting remunerated for your efforts, then we have, for all practical purposes, the equivalent of the State censoring speech. 1A is violated in spirit if not in technicality.

I know some readers of this blog aren’t fans of Roosh. (hi MPC!) But be warned: you can’t afford to dismiss natural allies over petty indignation at Roosh’s lifestyle. He’s one of you, even if you don’t know it or accept it yet. There’s a much larger totalitarian conflagration threatening to destroy America down to her roots; this is no time to tut-tut Roosh about his caddish ways or hot Persian blood.

We fight The Fuggernaut together to victory, or we fail individually. Laugh at Roosh’s misfortune today; tomorrow it’s your heretic head on the chopping block.

williamk has a great comment about this pressing topic,

Been thinking of the Roosh ban a bit. The left understands their actions are alienating White men and so it is important to them now to cut off entry points to the crime think bonanza. People may like or dislike Roosh but he’s as good of an entry point as there is. In contrast, guys over at Unz Review or others like it have little to fear because they are too intellectual and long-winded to reach your 105 IQ guy, whereas Roosh is logical yet easily digestible. Thats who the banhammer comes for.

Also, its not really an attack on game. They don’t care, promiscuity is part of the globohomo plan. They gave Mystery a reality show. They want men focused on sports, boobs and beer. The connection between game and cultural sickness is their problem. Guys who give tinder tips and stop at that will never be targeted, but anything that gets men thinking beyond the tip of their dick will be on a watchlist.

That’s the crux of it; step outside of your authorized scope of dialogue to draw connections between leftoidism, the sexual market, and American decline, and you will be targeted for removal.

This is a good time for me to praise WordPress for sticking by this blog and letting it live and breathe and fill the world with Beauty and Truth. I’m sure WordPress execs have to battle a daily deluge of shit-tier complaints from hysterical catladies, bluehairs, femcunts, soyboys, and [the special people] to SHUT CH DOWN, and so it’s to their credit that they, nearly alone among the Big Tech communication platforms, has stood by their stated principle to provide a domain where free speech can flourish.

Now that I’ve said that, they’ll shoah it tomorrow.

For all the stürm und drang, the central motivation is put as plainly as possible by commenter guest,

We’re moving into open war on any white male resistance.

It’s total war, too. Globohomo rightly fears the combined might of masculine White men on a mission of vengeance, and that’s where its focusing all of its firepower. Globohomo knows only White men armed with righteousness and brass balls can take it down.

PS Putting a positive spin on it, the Big Tech banhammer has become proof of authenticity. If you haven’t been unpersoned by at least one Big Y1d Tech platform, you’re a sellout. WAYSA?

PPS the past two months has seen a much higher quality comment section. Men like williamk, Angry Gamer, Ironsides (among many others) have shown what a quality commenter should be; astute, insightful, coherent, admirably restrained when someone kicks up the dust, and uninterested in the petty bickering that so often makes comment threads unreadable to neutral parties. I don’t know what changed here to elevate the comment board discourse, but I welcome it. They make me a better poaster.


White Female Privilege

Our sick society has been diseased by constant exposure to the Lies pumped out every day for decades by the Globohomo Ministry of Propaganda. One of those Lies is the assertion that there exists “White male privilege” which victimizes and oppresses all other classes of people.

The realty is the polar opposite: White female privilege is typically the operating norm, and White men are often victimized by it.

The photo above illustrates this reality: a White woman is surrounded by helpers and accomplices, while the White man is left alone to defend himself against the world, no help given but what he can do to help himself.

White men are particularly good at helping themselves, so women and nonWhites, from myopia, envy or sheer malice, confuse this for privilege, because that’s what they enjoy when they need help.


Macron’s Bucks

Can anyone explain the context of this photo? And why Macron looks so…submissively overjoyed…to be there in the company of these two fine Frenchmen?

I almost can’t believe it’s a real photo. Was it ‘shopped?


The Catlady Apocalypse

This is the thing, stationed in Maxine Waters’ (D-75IQ) office, which doxxed Republican Senators following the Kavanaugh show trial:

The staffer from Maxine Waters’ office, Kathleen Sengstock, who doxxed the Senetors.

Just look at that ssri stare pic.twitter.com/fX58zMtUDq

— chef (@yourboychef) September 30, 2018

Man, woman, mustache? Who can tell.

Is it the SSRI stare or the Thousand Clit Stare? It looks like a face manifesting symptoms of the final stages of acute toxoplasma gondii infection.

We are ruled by J___, f___, and catladies, and sometimes all three in one package.

PS This creature has the rare “double Sanpaku eyes”, which is when the whites of both the upper and lower eye show. A double sanpaku indicates an addictive personality coupled with sociopathic tendencies. Say, an SSRI abuser who wants you, your family, and your nation dead and she’ll laugh about it with her 72 cats.


Commenter Tipsy forwarded some useful information regarding sociopaths:

Martha Stout, author of “The Sociopath Next Door” estimates that the rate of sociopathy in the general population is about 4%. That’s 1 out of 25. Here’s a quote:

“After listening for almost twenty-five years to the stories my patients tell me about sociopaths who have invaded and injured their lives, when I am asked, “How can I tell whom not to trust?” the answer I give usually surprises people. The natural expectation is that I will describe some sinister-sounding detail of behavior or snippet of body language or threatening use of language that is the subtle giveaway. Instead, I take people aback by assuring them that the tip-off is none of these things, for none of these things is reliably present. Rather, the best clue is, of all things, the pity play. The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.”

The pity play. Fits Christine Ballsy-Fraud perfectly.

And guess who falls hardest for pity plays?

Dumb people
Betaboy White knights, if it’s a pity playette

According to Martha Stout, the author of “The Sociopath Next Door”, the most reliable sign of a sociopath is their appeal to a normal’s person sympathy, despite their abusive, destructive, manipulative, and mendacious behavior.

“If, instead, you find yourself often pitying someone who consistently hurts you or other people, and who actively campaigns for your sympathy, the chances are close to 100 percent that you are dealing with a sociopath.”

The BPD headcase femme fatale cries out in pain as she makes your life a living hell.


LOL if the French have any shame left, they’ll exile this cuck Maricon to his beloved primitive outposts, where he can take care of “all the Republic’s children”. Grandma can join Trump’s “adulation harem” where she will be happy to gaze longingly at his magnificence.


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