Feed on

Le 100% Stereotype Face

The future is overfed.

This is a pic of fat gross boxwine catladies mourning Claire McCaskill’s (D-Pussyhat) loss. If you push the middle one over, she ain’t getting up.

Talk about a boner-killing, America-killing line-up of rough mugs in the Ballsy-Ford tradition. Is there a factory that assembles these haggard banshees by the millions? They seem to be everywhere nowadays. Big ol manjaws, leathery skin, ****

bzzzt ORANGE MAN BAD beep boop

**** blubbery fupas, yenta glasses, perpetual scowls, and of course the requisite femcunt slogans. “The future is female” “Woman 2018” “Believe Women” etc. Is this ritualistic vapid sloganeering supposed to help them forget about their desiccated wombs and romantic worthlessness to any man with half a choice?

(The male version of these broads is sitting behind them in the gray jacket, rocking a T level that is half theirs.)

From End Cultural Marxism,

Do a Twitter search for “white women” (in quote marks). All the dindus, mestizos and muzzies are hating on white women big time because of election.

I wonder what the thoughts are of normie white women reading this hatred…

There needs to be accountability and an honest reckoning. There’s a lot of work to do, white women. A lot of learning. A lot of growing.

We want to do it with you.
Stay tuned. https://t.co/nN0cFqqmy5— Women’s March (@womensmarch) November 7, 2018

Yes, White women did not sufficiently support the aspirational Dem cult leader candidates Gillum, Abrams, and Beta O’Rourke. 41% for Beta is well short of the 95% of black women who voted for him, and DAS RACISS. (“But wait, CH, by that logic isn’t it racist for blacks to give only single digit support to White Republican candidates?” Shhhh, go to sleep now.)

I’m a big fan of this recent coalition of the fringes crack-up. Maybe it’ll wonderfully focus White woman minds. It’s a two-pronged attack on virtue signaling White women. They get it from shitlords calling them catladies, and they get it from nonWhites calling them racists (and in a most revoltingly paternalistic manner).

I approve of this pincer move, because FULL SPECTRUM SHAMING is the only thing that will jolt White women out of their anti-White mass hysteria.


The Prowling Mob

Pantifa losers have stepped up their warfare tactics and are now targeting well-known anti-Left TV pundits for harassment. Today, the mewling little pencilneck freak parade surrounded Tucker Carlson’s home and threatened him.

BREAKING. Activists ring doorbell, hold protest at the Washington DC area home of @TuckerCarlson, racist, sexist, bigoted FOX News personality. So far no one has opened the door.

“Tucker Carlson, we will fight!
We know where you sleep at night!”#KnockKnockTucker pic.twitter.com/A3S3c6croi

— Smash Racism DC (@SmashRacismDC) November 7, 2018


“No borders! No walls! No USA at all!”

This is what we think of your racist rhetoric and fearmongering toward immigrants, @TuckerCarlson.#KnockKnockTucker pic.twitter.com/2KHHPzQGkx

— Smash Racism DC (@SmashRacismDC) November 8, 2018


Smash Racism DC also posted a picture of a sign on Carlson’s door with his address written on it — which was removed by Twitter after inquiries from journalists. The account remains active however, despite all the threats made on their feed.

The group dispersed a couple minutes after the police arrived. No arrests were made.

No arrests were made. Why? This seems like a clear case of stalking and harassment. Why are these obnoxious pantifa shits permitted to get away with this? Would you like it if your kids were huddled in their bedrooms hearing a mewling mob outside the front door menacingly shouting “we know where you sleep at night”?

If the cops won’t do anything about these left-wing domestic terrorists, then eventually their victims will do something. So here’s a suggestion to our new acting attorney shitlord. Make an example of the “Smash Racism” miscreants. Perp walks, jail time, and public ridicule.

Here’s another suggestion, for American patriots: dox this Smash Racism gutter filth and do to them what they love doing to us. Show up at their basement apartment hovels and shout at them all night, until the cops show up. I bet more than a few of these limpwrists would piss their panties and take a break from the radical anti-White protestor life.

PS The vid is down, but the ringleader shouting into the megaphone is a giraffe-necked freak named Mike Isaacson.

Smash RacismDC went beserk @TuckerCarlson‘s home
threatening him & his family

“We know where you sleep”

A year ago Smash Founder M. Isaacson was interviewed by Tucker

The violence Tucker experienced tonight is foretold in this creepy telltale interview.https://t.co/so6RlZEvx6— Penelope Maynard (@penelope7usa) November 8, 2018

I wish the video was still available, because you’d hear Isaacson’s voice cranked up to Rage Mode, and let’s just say that he sounds EVEN MORE EFFETE than he does in that Tucker interview. A lisping, uptalking, gayvoice.

The shitlib NPC never fails to confirm stereotypes.

PPS The rise of housestalking by pantifags is a serious escalation in aggression. What you’re seeing are the first volleys of Civil War 2. I wish I was kidding.


Captain Obvious leaves a comment that reminds us of the forgotten White Americans who are the core constituency of the Trump Era. Trump campaigned as a champion of the downtrodden like the people from the dying towns vividly recollected by CO:

PA: “you still see Art Deco theatres along main street”

Last year, I went to get some furniture off of Craigslist, I had to drive way out into the countryside, to an old mill town, along some train tracks, in the middle of nowhere.

It’s largely a ghost town now [which is why the dude could afford to rent an entire industrial building to store his junque], but right there at the corner of the main intersection was the collapsing remnant of an old Art Deco theater.

And the site of that theater made a very strong impression on me.

Circa the late 1980s, this still would have been a thriving furniture town [it’s in furniture country], but after NAFTA & MFN for China, the local economy simply collapsed & vanished – pretty much over night.

The remaining White folks [in one of these towns] will either be on welfare [& opioids], or else they’ll be driving 25 to 50 miles every day, to one of the “Modren Economy” cities, for an humiliating purposeless job as a peon bowing dutifully before some politically-correct conglomeration of Bluetopia shekel-mongering parasites.

All of the old mill towns are like that now: Furniture, Textiles, even Logging [to a certain extent].

Once-gorgeous old towns. Once-grand old boulevards. Once-thriving local commerce.

Today they’re all dilapidated & falling apart, with just a handful of pensioners trying desperately to hold things together.

And when the pensioners die off, these will all become ghost towns.

Open Borders and Cheap Labor Trade did a lot to gut these heartland towns and immiserate the Americans living there. So did greedy elite malfeasance and outright (((hostility))) to Heritage America. Steve Bannon has said that the seeds of the Trump Revolution were planted during the housing market crash of 2008, when the BushObama Uniparty bailed out wealthy bankers and financiers. Heritage Americans from these dying towns rapidly infested by border hopping moochers and the detritus of forced integration policies looked at that dereliction of government duty to act as a check on Globohomo predations and rightly asked themselves, “Is this my country anymore? Who will look out for me and mine?”, and then rightly answered their own question by electing Trump.

Many good comments on this all-important topic. From bigjohn33,

I’m all for America getting a divorce. Trying to live in a diverse society is intolerable. I’m in the process of white-flighting a mid-sized American city. It sucks. I really like my house and property. I built a business here and have good friends and neighbors. My commute to work is about 5 minutes. Everything is convenient. And there is really cool stuff in the city. Theres a historic district with many blocks of houses from the 1800s that are big and beautiful and well kept. There’s a downtown with bars and restaurants and music.


The city is dying. The population decreases every year and it is rapidly becoming a black and brown shithole. I think white people will be a minority when the 2020 census comes out.
And it is 100% from “diversity”. It isn’t jobs. Jobs go where people are not vice versa. It’s black and brown people. Nobody (including them) wants to live around them. So they metastasize like a cancer throughout the city. Hundreds of blocks around the downtown are in ruins. Burned out blighted slums and urban prairies where there used to be blue-collar neighborhoods and schools. It is ugly. And it is eventually going to consume the whole city. The only way to stop it would bringing back race-based zoning restrictions, the repeal of which in the late 1960s started the process. It’s about a 20 year pattern (it’s accelerating) from working class white to working class mixed race to black and hispanic crime-infested ghettos.

My neighborhood is where the slums were demographically 20 years ago. So I’m bailing. And I don’t like it. It shouldn’t be like this. I want a nation where my kids can raise kids in the same neighborhood they grew up in. I hate this nomadic bullshit. I want a homeland.

Do you know which group loves that nomadic bullshit? Hint: It’s in their blood.

From PA,

Distant second, decentralize wealth.

When you go to those shuttered little towns in the middle of nowhere you still see Art Deco theatres along main street, indicating a past that had a rich and youthful local life.

There is literally no such thing as good immigration. Immigration’s flip side, emigration, ruins towns and countries too.

“Decentralizing wealth” is a catchy term. I’ve called it “de-urbanization“, and the idea is the same: to disperse the concentrated power of shitlibs from the big blue coastal megalopolises and spin off economic activity to towns and smaller-scaled cities. The knock off benefits are limitless: more social trust, more locally sourced governance, less State surveillance, less social and sexual dysfunction, more cultural continuity, and on and on.

Related by way of a confluence of corruption, commenter Dallas Control reminds us that the media is an enemy of the people, and the only solution is culling the media ranks of the leftoid automatons* who occupy them.

I’m surprised, or maybe (((not surprised))), that there isn’t more coverage of and outrage over Fox’s refusal to run the ad; by outlets like Breitbart.

Fox’s refusal needs to be highlighted and unforgotten.

Neocon cutouts are a large part of our problem, and Fox is their primary gatekeeping tool.

Fox needs to lose its credibility with conservative-normies in-total as fast as possible, leading to a crisis in media representation for half of the nation that can then be solved with something more legitimate.

If the entirety of the media is rightly viewed as being in the bag for only half of the nation, then even liberals will have to tacitly concede a degree of media corruption.

Currently, Fox’s paper-thin conservative veneer enables liberals a measure of plausible deniability in regard to the total communist corruption of our institutions. They can’t be allowed that luxury.

Fox has to go in the general manner that Glen Beck did. Through a massive, widespread, and unrelenting ridicule effort and a resultant steep decline in viewership.

We have to kill the one media bastion of talmud-conservatism to save the country for a real nationalist conservative media. Sorry, Tucker. You will be welcomed into the new revolutionary media.



From J.R., a comment which segues into the meat of this post:

one reason ppl watch TV and Movies is to feel connected to pop culture

for better or worse, most ppl enjoy knowing about the Hit New Show and the Super Popular Movie and hate feeling out of touch

so here’s one really simple way to keep up with Movies – just read spoilers

The Movie Spoiler

Pop culture has become a touchstone because Americans have so little in common anymore that they must reach for quips and scenes from pozzed TV shows to manufacture fellow-feeling. Here’s another suggestion: disperse the concentrated wealth and power of the shitlib coastal megacities. Revitalize towns and smaller-scaled cities. The result is people who are more connected socially to their own communities and thus have less need to search for social connection through deracinated globalized pop culture.


She wants the haters to kiss her ass. Luckily for her, she has an ass that can accommodate all her haters.

Unluckily for her, no one wants to kiss her ass acreage. Even black men would balk before surrendering to da divination rod of dey dik. A reader puts it best,

hate would be a reward. but she’s invisible. she’s CRYING OUT for hate but sadly most people just pity and ignore her. or laugh at her. but hate is not a luxury she gets to exploit and that eats away at her the most.

For women, indifference, not hate, is the opposite of love. Women, especially middling and low smv women, project their commingling of hate and desire for undependable jerkboys onto others, mistaking hate directed against themselves for repressed desire. It’s the ol’ “you secretly want to fuck the fatty you hate” hogistry.

Nope, no one wants to fuck the fatty, they just want to stay away from the fatty’s disease and ugliness, and mock the fatty when it gets uppity and tries to fill the heads of pretty slim thangs with their blubbery mind poison.

In the bigger (heh) picture, this Cosmo rag is one tiny tributary feeding into a vast delta of cultural poison that turns White women against both their Whiteness and their men. Innumerable sources peddling the foulest pozpaganda are the regular gruel for tens of millions of American women, who must be balefully influenced by the multidirectional assault on their self-conception, their perception, and their sanity. I fear even the strongest-willed White women eventually succumb to the twisted funhouse mirror indoctrination of the anti-White, anti-Truth, anti-Beauty hate machine. Everything that is anathema to Goodness — equalism, n*grolatry, feminism, fat glorification, freak pride, the normalizing of mental illness and the pathologizing of normalcy — saturates the airwaves, pumping an endless shitstream of soul-smothering dreck into catatonic White women.

Men can withstand this onslaught of bilge water better than can women, so of course Globohomo targets women with a ferocity that defies hope in a peaceful settling of scores. The Ministry of Dupe knows it is a fact that women are the more gullible sex. So they focus their firepower on the weakest link — conformist, status conscious women — and in fifty years America has gone from 90% White to 63% White, an ahistorical racial displacement in size and scale.

PS Yes that is a Miss Piggy tat on her arm hock. I’d say it’s fitting, but just barely.


Revenge Of The Misfits

We are at a fortunate time in history to witness the enemies of nationhood, in their hubristic zeal, reveal their designs on America.

Counter-Semitism is basically taking any position that benefits White Gentiles. This is how [the special people] increasingly define themselves: in opposition to an ancient foe. You are a White person who doesn’t want your homeland flooded with refusees from shitholes? ANTISEMITE! You are a White person who prefers living among people who share your values, tastes, temperament, and worldview? ANTISEMITE!

It’s a transparently self-serving rhetorical device that would be a hoot if it wasn’t dangerously and effectively leveraged to the literal and openly stated goal of population displacement. I wish we could afford the luxury of laughing off inane self-contradicting rhetoric like this:

But we can’t, because too many gullible Americans are hypnotized, or cowed, by it. (Btw, this meme really captures both the letter and the spirit of leftoid lunacy.)

Of course, it isn’t just [the special people] agitating for dissolution of nationhood. Plenty of puritan retreads among the ranks of post-christian whites are in on the assault. It’s just that the former 1. punch well above their weight class and 2. are unmatched in their vitriol for Heritage America.

Message to Trump voters: Vote Democrat, because as soon as this election is over, no one will give a shit about the caravan. But you’ll still have diabetes.

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) November 5, 2018

That sounds like anti-White hate speech to me. Where’s the ADL? (cheering it on)

Delegitimizing Gentile-silencing hate groups like the ADL and SPLC is Job One for nationalists.

Ultimately, this comes down to spiteful minorities and misfits abusing the power they have managed to acquire to stick it to the well-adjusted, likable, and physiognomically appealing majority. Call it the Revenge of the Misfits. The archipelago of misfit oys has gathered its forces and stormed Goytown, casting out all the fun, gender-based toys. Their rule is cruel and merciless, a leprous, thumb-tucked fist cloaked in a drag queen’s opera glove.

What’s that saying? There’s no cruelty quite like the cruelty of the weak given power. Amend that to “the weak, vindictive, tribalistic, and paranoiac given power”, and you have described Post-America 2018.

The first thing to go into the Fuggernaut mulcher is an organically emergent set of standards, which The Fuggernaut can never meet, so they must destroy them. Then social ostracism for those who continue to abide the old ways of freely calling the beautiful “beautiful” and the handsome “handsome”, which implies that those who don’t get called those things are ugly. And Misfit America is schlock full of uglies. The end game is the destruction of Truth and Beauty and the Glorification of Lies and Ugliness. Not just a standard-less world; a world with new artificial standards, ugly standards, that supplant the natural standards.

From smart reader J.R., who notices that Rubin’s tweet is a window into her ?id.

Rubin reveals a lot about the [special person] mindset here and why most of them support Open Borders and nation-wrecking Mass Immigration

they feel excluded in normal healthy societies, they feel like an Alien
so they support Open Borders … so that everyone feels like an Alien

when you go to Walmart or the DMV and find yourself surrounded by alien hordes who worship alien gods and speak in alien tongues and feel outnumbered and alienated … [special people] like Rubin think that’s great

you finally get to feel what it’s like to be a [special person]

but [special people] evolved to thrive in those conditions – we didn’t

Returning to the topmost screenshot from a member of the Twatter bluecheck tribe, I have a helpful clarification and a suggestion for Mz Rubin. One, aliens don’t need to be “cast” that way. They come prefigured as aliens. Every group on earth knows an outsider when they see one, no extra effort needed to make them outsiders. Which means you can’t force people to accept aliens as kin; what is easily perceived is not easily suppressed, (not even tyrannical thought policing can long suppress the mind’s eye).

Two, separate nations exist for a reason. If you are an outsider, it makes sense to live where you would be an insider, instead of terraforming a host nation with the demographic churn of hundreds and thousands of outsider tribes to help your tribe live as a less-conspicuous outsider and feel better about yourselves.

This is the plot line of Revenge of the Misfits. Since misfits can’t take on the normal healthy majority directly, they recruit misfit allies to play a game of dilution called “If I’m a misfit, then I’ll make sure you’re a misfit too”.

Or: “If I can’t win, then no one wins.”

It’s scorched nation policy. It’s also despicably petty.

I won’t mince words. Deliberate demographic terraforming that immiserates the majority of the host nation to satisfy the desires of your outsider tribe is evil. Living in a nation of, by, and for your tribe, where you experience the benefits of nationhood as a member of the privileged majority is good. No amount of skypistry will change this fact of humanity.

If it bothers the Rubins of the world SO MUCH to have to live yoked to a happy, healthy, self confident White Gentile majority, then by all means…..MOVE TO WHERE YOU’D BE HAPPIER. There’s a country just for you. Put that dual passport to use.

And this goes for any migrant who plops on American shores hating us from the get-go. No one forced you to leave your idyllic homeland. You may return there to escape Oppressive Whiteness.

I’ll punctuate this post with what is possibly the vilest example of anti-White Christian bigotry I have come across. There’s plenty of anti-White hostility pervading the airwaves, but the example below written by Peter Beinart stands out as especially egregious. From the Jewish Daily Forward:

The Special Kind Of Hate That Drove Pittsburgh Shooter — And Trump

Appeasement will not work. For Jews, the lesson of yesterday’s massacre is very simple and very old: Protecting the strangers among us is not charity. It is self-defense. Every time Jews defend the right of American Muslims to follow sharia, we protect our right to follow halacha. Every time Jews reject politicians who demonize Latinos we make it less likely that those politicians will demonize us. “Hate them, not us” is a losing strategy because once empowered, bigots widen their targets. For people who define America as a white Christian nation, Jews will never be white enough.

Robert Bowers accused Jews of “bringing” Muslims and refugees to the United States. To him and all the other white nationalists Trump has emboldened, our answer should be: Damn right. We will demand a humane policy for people seeking refuge in the United States and defend those immigrants — no matter their race or faith — who are already here.

Will do so not only because we were once strangers … Rather than seeking a separate peace with Trumpism, we will look for allies among the despised and abused. And in that way, we will defend not only Jewish ethics, but Jewish lives.

Peter Beinart is a senior columnist at The Forward.

“The Special Kind Of Hate”…that drives Peter Beinart.

Revenge of the Spiteful Scumbags. Instead of thanking America for giving Beinart a place where he can be Beinart-y, this vicious ingrate wants to burden America with more spiteful ingrates from all corners of the world (except White Europe) so that White Gentile Americans will be too preoccupied dodging Diversity™ to notice Beinart’s demonization of them.

Here’s an inconvenient tikkun olam, Petey. Be comfortable with your outsider status. Don’t hate yourself so much that you psychologically need White Christian America to stop noticing your [specialness]. And if you weren’t busy flooding America with sullen third worlders, White Christian Americans would not have a problem with you. Far from your paranoiac fantasies of victimhood and martyrdom, the reality is that a majority White Gentile America has historically allowed your band of merry misfits to live freely here, and would continue that tradition without the added burden of 100 million plus nonWhites and nonChristians. There is no straight line from “opposing mass third world immigration” to “demonize [the special people]”.

But for some whackjob reason that only a clever silly could concoct, you believe that bringing more alien groups into America and allying with them against the interests of White Gentile America, then ruining the lives of White Gentiles who dare to object, is the winning strategy that will somehow magically decrease the sum total of demonization instead of do the exact opposite.

PS If Kevin MacDonald’s thesis is so wrong, why do the subjects of his thesis loudly affirm it so often?

From Pale Rider, a Wolfe quote that draws a connection between misfits and whorenalists,

Tom Wolfe said it best:

“If you ask me, newspaper reporters are created at age six when they first go to school. In the schoolyard boys immediately divide into two types. Immediately! There are those who have the will to be daring and dominate, and those who don’t have it. Those who don’t, like John Smith here, spend half their early years trying to work out a modus vivendi with those who do… and anything short of subservience will be okay.”

“But there are boys from the weaker side of the divide who grow up with the same dreams as the stronger… and I’m as sure about this as anything in the world: The boy standing before me, John Smith, is one of them. They, too, dream of power, money, fame, and beautiful lovers. Boys like this kid grow up instinctively realizing that language is an artifact, like a sword or a gun. Used skillfully, it has the power to… well, not so much achieve things as to tear things down—including people… including the boys who came out on the strong side of that sheerly dividing line.”

Sailer said that Revenge of the Nerds marked a cultural shift that was one of the most important in the last century. We are seeing a course correction, back to the natural order of things.

Our sophistic misfits who deign to rule over us are sociopathic dweebs; high school dorkwads and gaywads who never got over their atomic wedgies and vowed eternal revenge against the cool kids. Now they are getting their revenge, in the form of dissolving Chad America and replacing it with NOWAG America.

But like Pale Rider wrote, we are living through a much-needed and horribly delayed course correction, back to the rule of masculine men and their doting feminine women. Don’t expect the wadiopaths to give up without a hell of a shriek.


Election Eve Open Thread

Is my prediction of a +2 gain for Rs in the Senate and a House too close to call but leaning toward a bare D majority verified?

What does it mean for Trump and the MAGA agenda? Biggest loser: 19th Amendment?


Courtesy of Days of Broken Arrows, a very funny opener that requires a steady tongue and exquisite timing to reliably execute,

Walk up to her and say “Can I ask you something?” Leave an awkward pause after she says “OK.” Then ask to borrow a quarter for the vending machine. If she laughs, you’re in.

This opener gambit can be fitted to any context.

“Can I ask you something?”



“Where’s the nearest pet store?”*

The pregnant pause followed by mundane request is dynamite on a woman’s pride because it raises her expectation of a flirty come-on….builds the tension….and then deflates her billowing ego with a prick of banality.

There she is, feeling her Solipsism Market Value rise with every heave of her blushing breasts, her ego growing three sizes in proportion to the exploding girth of her head hamster, smug and sure that what is to follow will fluff her id-clit beyond the bounds of modesty….when it all comes crashing down as our cunning casanova politely asks her for the time.

Mission accomplished: She was huffing her flume fumes, and then withdrawal came hard and fast. Now, despite being stricken by indignation and unable to think clearly through a flare-up of self-doubt and butthurtery, she can’t help but be a little curious about the man who would not instantly swoon under the bat of her eyelashes. The gall of this twatteaser! (i must have him)

Related, an opening gambit I love to do is a version of Pregnant Pause Game. I’ll approach, intro myself DoBA-style — “Hey, can I ask you something?” or a variation thereof — and then act conspicuously awkward and shy, as if I’m desperate to tell her my feelings for her and I’m struggling to say the words. I’ll dig the toe of my shoe into the floor, grab my hair, look downward, then upward, run my hands over the pained expression on my face, sigh heavily, audibly mutter “uuuuughhh….ok ok ok ok….i got this….come ooooooon i can do this”, take a few yogic deep breaths, and then finally…

— and by now the girl is clenching her teeth, looking very nervous and perhaps glancing at the door —

…I loudly announce “HERE GOES”, and, waiting just one more exquisite beat, deadpan, “where’s the bathroom?” Then I garnish the payload with a mischievous smirk after I have gauged her reaction as sufficiently smitten.

I have yet to do this to a girl and get anything but a smile and laughter through exhaled breath, and it’s a perfect springboard to more traditional flirting, because by now the chick knows that you know she was expecting the usual dweebie entreaty and you decided to play a different game. A renegade among the mediocre masses of beta males, your greet theater sets you apart, stokes her interest, and subtly informs her that she might not possess the pulchritude power level to rattle your self-possession. She’s gonna have to watch her manners with you if she wants to see Act 2.

*roosh reference


CNN refused to run this ad… I guess they only run fake news and won’t talk about real threats that don’t suit their agenda. Enjoy. Remember this on Tuesday. #vote #voterepublican pic.twitter.com/VyMm7GhPLX

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 3, 2018

Last I checked, one day before Election Day, CNN, Fox, NBC, and Faceborg have pulled the ad. Seems like a clear-cut case of election interference. Time to rescind broadcast licenses and arrest media commissars.

Faceborg is indisputably defining itself as a publisher, not a platform, which means BRING ON THE ANTI-TRUST, LIBEL, AND IP SUITS.

Shitlibs, naturally, are spitting mad that Trump dares to pull back the curtain on their despotic plans to end the rightful reign of White America and replace it with a Dirt World dystopia. They hate that Trump’s “hate speech” calls them out for acting as accomplices to border hopping murderous degenerates.

Facebook says Trump campaign’s anti-caravan ad featuring convicted cop killed Luis Brocamontes violates policy against paid ads “dehumanizing or denigrating entire groups of people and using frightening and exaggerated rumors of danger.”

I watched the ad. Where is the lie?

TRUTH: 1st generation and later Amerindians in America commit violent crimes at a rate twice that of White Americans. It is probably more skewed than that, given the predilection of law enforcement authorities to wrongly classify hispanics as White.

TRUTH: an unknown but nontrivial number of violent criminals will be among the millions of illegal border hoppers.

TRUTH: Democrats are almost to a person on record supporting the abolishment of any border controls, opposing the construction of a border wall, and fanatically advocating EVEN MORE illegal and legal immigration into America. This will undoubtedly have the effect of allowing into America more scum of the earth like Luis Brocamontes.

Shitlibs mewl that Brocamontes illegally entered the country during Bush’s tenure, so the ad is “””false””” on a disingenuous technicality. This is typical shitlib obfuscation by irrelevancy. Trump is not claiming GOPe cucks don’t exist; he’s saying that as a party, Democrats are universally supportive of open borders and the implied overrun of the USA by the Brocamonteses of the Bleak World. It is with absolute certainty that there will be more vile filth like Brocamontes in America if the Democortez Party’s open border wishes become national policy in perpetuity.

The ad is stone cold truth, and that is why it chafes shitlib hides. It reveals what shitlibs don’t want revealed so openly about themselves: that they not just welcome, but desire and actively work toward the abolition of a White majority America, and will accept the resettling of violent third world thugs into America as a small price to pay to realize their dream of a nonWhite Post-America.

PS Here’s old video of Bill Clinton, once hero of the shitlib left, saying the EXACT same things Trump is saying today:

I guess Bill Clinton is retroactively Hitler now.


A great comment by Another Dad, on the tendency of leftoids to psychologically project their own neuroses and animuses onto their perceived enemies,

The American civil war didn’t end. And Trump is a Confederate president


It’s easy to mock this sort of leftist lunacy, now in “Confederate!” form.

But of course the GOP is the party of–and Trump appeals to–married white gentiles. The closer you are demographically to being a (private sector employed) married white gentile, the more likely you are to be a Trump voter.

Rather the big lie here is that the “who whom” is precisely the reverse of what she claims.

His supporters hark back to an 1860s fantasy of white male dominance. But the Confederacy won’t win in the long run.

In the 158th year of the American civil war, also known as 2018, the Confederacy continues its recent resurgence. Its victims include black people, of course, but also immigrants, Jews, Muslims, Latinos, trans people, gay people and women who want to exercise jurisdiction over their bodies.

The desire–demand!–for dominance here is not white men wanting to dominate “black people” and “immigrants, Jews, Muslims, Latinos, trans people, gay people and women”, but the reverse!

“Black people” and “immigrants, Jews, Muslims, Latinos, trans people, gay people and women” are demanding the right to dominate white guys–make white guys work for them and give them their white guy stuff.

They–the “coalition of the fringes” are the “slave power”, trying to enslave white men. Trump’s appeal to us evil white guys is essentially that we can be left alone, live our lives as free men and not be looted and abused by the fringes.

The way you can prove this is who is demanding what from whom? Or who is willing to separate from whom?

This is the acid test that i was attempting to flush out in the previous Zero Amendment comment thread:


And the distinction between the whines of “oppression” from the fringes and actually slavery in the earlier comment:



This “who-whom” dependency issue is why i think raising the “separate nations” question is quite powerful and needs to be done by Trump and nationalists repeatedly.

Given the open treason and hatred (for white gentiles) that is now routine on the pages of the NYT, i’d be more than happy to split America right now. (We aren’t one nation, when “elites” openly spew out their desire to see the nation’s actual core population dispossessed.)

Let’s have all the Hillary voters group up in their areas–i’ll happily move if that’s necessary. They can have their rainbow hued, open-borders, “nation of immigrants”, hands-up-don’t-shoot, gender fluid utopia. I’m actually not dependent on them and don’t need them whatsoever.

We Trump voters can then have our regular old American nation. We’ll farm our fields, build our houses, tractors, trucks, cars, airplanes, drill for oil and gas (and do solar and nukes) and live our lives and get along just fine … in fact better! without being looted by the fringes.

Mention “separate nations” and the resulting screams of anguish will tell you who is actually intent on looting whom.

Who dominates whom? Same as it ever was.

My preference is for a homeland that privileges me and mine and reduces the friction of having to squander those privileges on antagonistic outgroups by keeping the latter’s numbers low and manageable, or, as per Another Dad’s eminently sensible suggestion, keeping their numbers nonexistent by dividing America into separate nations so that I and like-minded Americans can live as we wish to live. After all, if the invaders don’t like it, they can stay in their own homelands. And if SWPL leftoids don’t like it, they can continue marinating in the hoppy soyness of their shitlibopolis one bedroom hives.


The Worst Of Both Worlds

America has become a hyper-sexualized yet aggressively anti-sex nation. A worse combination I couldn’t imagine.

A healthy nation would be the opposite of the above configuration: retaining taboos on slutty displays of sexuality, sexualizing children, and poz indoctrination in the schools, while accepting and welcoming the erotic frisson that naturally emerges between vigorously dimorphic sexes.

A patriarchy, in other words.


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